
2 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
usr_id INT 10 0
login VARCHAR 80 null
passwd VARCHAR 80 null
firstname VARCHAR 32 null
lastname VARCHAR 32 null
title VARCHAR 32 null
gender CHAR 1 m
email VARCHAR 80 null
institution VARCHAR 80 null
street VARCHAR 40 null
city VARCHAR 40 null
zipcode VARCHAR 10 null
country VARCHAR 40 null
phone_office VARCHAR 40 null
last_login DATETIME 19 null
last_update DATETIME 19 null
create_date DATETIME 19 null
hobby VARCHAR 4000 null
department VARCHAR 80 null
phone_home VARCHAR 40 null
phone_mobile VARCHAR 40 null
fax VARCHAR 40 null
time_limit_owner INT 10 0
time_limit_unlimited INT 10 0
time_limit_from INT 10 0
time_limit_until INT 10 0
time_limit_message INT 10 0
referral_comment VARCHAR 250 null
matriculation VARCHAR 40 null
active INT 10 0
approve_date DATETIME 19 null
agree_date DATETIME 19 null
client_ip VARCHAR 255 null
auth_mode CHAR 10 default
profile_incomplete INT 10 0
ext_account VARCHAR 250 null
feed_hash VARCHAR 32 null
latitude VARCHAR 30 null
longitude VARCHAR 30 null
loc_zoom INT 10 0
login_attempts TINYINT 3 0
last_password_change INT 10 0
reg_hash CHAR 32 null
birthday DATE 10 null
sel_country VARCHAR 2 null
last_visited LONGTEXT 2147483647 null
inactivation_date DATETIME 19 null
is_self_registered TINYINT 3 0
passwd_enc_type VARCHAR 10 null
passwd_salt VARCHAR 32 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc usr_id
i1_idx Performance Asc/Asc login + passwd
i2_idx Performance Asc/Asc ext_account + auth_mode
uc1_idx Must be unique Asc login

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