ILIAS  Release_5_0_x_branch Revision 61816
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1 <?php
2 /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4: */
26 require_once 'PEAR.php';
85  var $data;
92  var $content;
150  function Structures_BibTex($options = array()) {
151  $this->_delimiters = array(
152  '"' => '"',
153  '{' => '}'
154  );
155  $this->data = array();
156  $this->content = '';
157  //$this->_stripDelimiter = $stripDel;
158  //$this->_validate = $val;
159  $this->warnings = array();
160  $this->_options = array(
161  'stripDelimiter' => true,
162  'validate' => true,
163  'unwrap' => false,
164  'wordWrapWidth' => false,
165  'wordWrapBreak' => "\n",
166  'wordWrapCut' => 0,
167  'removeCurlyBraces' => false,
168  'extractAuthors' => true,
169  );
170  foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
171  $test = $this->setOption($option, $value);
172  if (PEAR::isError($test)) {
173  //Currently nothing is done here, but it could for example raise an warning
174  }
175  }
176  $this->rtfstring = 'AUTHORS, "{\b TITLE}", {\i JOURNAL}, YEAR';
177  $this->htmlstring = 'AUTHORS, "<strong>TITLE</strong>", <em>JOURNAL</em>, YEAR<br />';
178  $this->allowedEntryTypes = array(
179  'article',
180  'book',
181  'booklet',
182  'confernce',
183  'inbook',
184  'incollection',
185  'inproceedings',
186  'manual',
187  'mastersthesis',
188  'misc',
189  'phdthesis',
190  'proceedings',
191  'techreport',
192  'unpublished'
193  );
194  $this->authorstring = 'VON LAST, JR, FIRST';
195  }
208  function setOption($option, $value) {
209  $ret = true;
210  if (array_key_exists($option, $this->_options)) {
211  $this->_options[$option] = $value;
212  } else {
213  $ret = PEAR::raiseError('Unknown option ' . $option);
214  }
216  return $ret;
217  }
229  function loadFile($filename) {
230  if (file_exists($filename)) {
231  if (($this->content = @file_get_contents($filename)) === false) {
232  return PEAR::raiseError('Could not open file ' . $filename);
233  } else {
234  $this->_pos = 0;
235  $this->_oldpos = 0;
237  return true;
238  }
239  } else {
240  return PEAR::raiseError('Could not find file ' . $filename);
241  }
242  }
251  function parse() {
252  //The amount of opening braces is compared to the amount of closing braces
253  //Braces inside comments are ignored
254  $this->warnings = array();
255  $this->data = array();
256  $valid = true;
257  $open = 0;
258  $entry = false;
259  $char = '';
260  $lastchar = '';
261  $buffer = '';
262  for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($this->content); $i ++) {
263  $char = substr($this->content, $i, 1);
264  if ((0 != $open) && ('@' == $char)) {
265  if (! $this->_checkAt($buffer)) {
266  $this->_generateWarning('WARNING_MISSING_END_BRACE', '', $buffer);
267  //To correct the data we need to insert a closing brace
268  $char = '}';
269  $i --;
270  }
271  }
272  if ((0 == $open) && ('@' == $char)) { //The beginning of an entry
273  $entry = true;
274  } elseif ($entry && ('{' == $char)
275  && ('\\' != $lastchar)
276  ) { //Inside an entry and non quoted brace is opening
277  $open ++;
278  } elseif ($entry && ('}' == $char)
279  && ('\\' != $lastchar)
280  ) { //Inside an entry and non quoted brace is closing
281  $open --;
282  if ($open < 0) { //More are closed than opened
283  $valid = false;
284  }
285  if (0 == $open) { //End of entry
286  $entry = false;
287  $entrydata = $this->_parseEntry($buffer);
288  if (! $entrydata) {
295  } else {
296  $this->data[] = $entrydata;
297  }
298  $buffer = '';
299  }
300  }
301  if ($entry) { //Inside entry
302  $buffer .= $char;
303  }
304  $lastchar = $char;
305  }
306  //If open is one it may be possible that the last ending brace is missing
307  if (1 == $open) {
308  $entrydata = $this->_parseEntry($buffer);
309  if (! $entrydata) {
310  $valid = false;
311  } else {
312  $this->data[] = $entrydata;
313  $buffer = '';
314  $open = 0;
315  }
316  }
317  //At this point the open should be zero
318  if (0 != $open) {
319  $valid = false;
320  }
321  //Are there Multiple entries with the same cite?
322  if ($this->_options['validate']) {
323  $cites = array();
324  foreach ($this->data as $entry) {
325  $cites[] = $entry['cite'];
326  }
327  $unique = array_unique($cites);
328  if (sizeof($cites) != sizeof($unique)) { //Some values have not been unique!
329  $notuniques = array();
330  for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($cites); $i ++) {
331  if ('' == $unique[$i]) {
332  $notuniques[] = $cites[$i];
333  }
334  }
335  $this->_generateWarning('WARNING_MULTIPLE_ENTRIES', implode(',', $notuniques));
336  }
337  }
338  if ($valid) {
339  $this->content = '';
341  return true;
342  } else {
343  return PEAR::raiseError('Unbalanced parenthesis');
344  }
345  }
370  function _parseEntry($entry) {
371  $entrycopy = '';
372  if ($this->_options['validate']) {
373  $entrycopy = $entry; //We need a copy for printing the warnings
374  }
375  $ret = array();
376  if ('@string' == strtolower(substr($entry, 0, 7))) {
377  //String are not yet supported!
378  if ($this->_options['validate']) {
379  $this->_generateWarning('STRING_ENTRY_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED', '', $entry . '}');
380  }
381  } elseif ('@preamble' == strtolower(substr($entry, 0, 9))) {
382  //Preamble not yet supported!
383  if ($this->_options['validate']) {
384  $this->_generateWarning('PREAMBLE_ENTRY_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED', '', $entry . '}');
385  }
386  } else {
387  //Parsing all fields
388  while (strrpos($entry, '=') !== false) {
389  $position = strrpos($entry, '=');
390  //Checking that the equal sign is not quoted or is not inside a equation (For example in an abstract)
391  $proceed = true;
392  if (substr($entry, $position - 1, 1) == '\\') {
393  $proceed = false;
394  }
395  if ($proceed) {
396  $proceed = $this->_checkEqualSign($entry, $position);
397  }
398  while (! $proceed) {
399  $substring = substr($entry, 0, $position);
400  $position = strrpos($substring, '=');
401  $proceed = true;
402  if (substr($entry, $position - 1, 1) == '\\') {
403  $proceed = false;
404  }
405  if ($proceed) {
406  $proceed = $this->_checkEqualSign($entry, $position);
407  }
408  }
409  $value = trim(substr($entry, $position + 1));
410  $entry = substr($entry, 0, $position);
411  if (',' == substr($value, strlen($value) - 1, 1)) {
412  $value = substr($value, 0, - 1);
413  }
414  if ($this->_options['validate']) {
415  $this->_validateValue($value, $entrycopy);
416  }
417  if ($this->_options['stripDelimiter']) {
418  $value = $this->_stripDelimiter($value);
419  }
420  if ($this->_options['unwrap']) {
421  $value = $this->_unwrap($value);
422  }
423  if ($this->_options['removeCurlyBraces']) {
424  $value = $this->_removeCurlyBraces($value);
425  }
426  $position = strrpos($entry, ',');
427  $field = strtolower(trim(substr($entry, $position + 1)));
428  $ret[$field] = $value;
429  $entry = substr($entry, 0, $position);
430  }
431  //Parsing cite and entry type
432  $arr = explode('{', $entry);
433  $ret['cite'] = trim($arr[1]);
434  $ret['entryType'] = strtolower(trim($arr[0]));
435  if ('@' == $ret['entryType']{0}) {
436  $ret['entryType'] = substr($ret['entryType'], 1);
437  }
438  if ($this->_options['validate']) {
439  if (! $this->_checkAllowedEntryType($ret['entryType'])) {
440  $this->_generateWarning('WARNING_NOT_ALLOWED_ENTRY_TYPE', $ret['entryType'], $entry . '}');
441  }
442  }
443  //Handling the authors
444  if (in_array('author', array_keys($ret)) && $this->_options['extractAuthors']) {
445  $ret['author'] = $this->_extractAuthors($ret['author']);
446  }
447  }
449  return $ret;
450  }
467  function _checkEqualSign($entry, $position) {
468  $ret = true;
469  //This is getting tricky
470  //We check the string backwards until the position and count the closing an opening braces
471  //If we reach the position the amount of opening and closing braces should be equal
472  $length = strlen($entry);
473  $open = 0;
474  for ($i = $length - 1; $i >= $position; $i --) {
475  $precedingchar = substr($entry, $i - 1, 1);
476  $char = substr($entry, $i, 1);
477  if (('{' == $char) && ('\\' != $precedingchar)) {
478  $open ++;
479  }
480  if (('}' == $char) && ('\\' != $precedingchar)) {
481  $open --;
482  }
483  }
484  if (0 != $open) {
485  $ret = false;
486  }
487  //There is still the posibility that the entry is delimited by double quotes.
488  //Then it is possible that the braces are equal even if the '=' is in an equation.
489  if ($ret) {
490  $entrycopy = trim($entry);
491  $lastchar = $entrycopy{strlen($entrycopy) - 1};
492  if (',' == $lastchar) {
493  $lastchar = $entrycopy{strlen($entrycopy) - 2};
494  }
495  if ('"' == $lastchar) {
496  //The return value is set to false
497  //If we find the closing " before the '=' it is set to true again.
498  //Remember we begin to search the entry backwards so the " has to show up twice - ending and beginning delimiter
499  $ret = false;
500  $found = 0;
501  for ($i = $length; $i >= $position; $i --) {
502  $precedingchar = substr($entry, $i - 1, 1);
503  $char = substr($entry, $i, 1);
504  if (('"' == $char) && ('\\' != $precedingchar)) {
505  $found ++;
506  }
507  if (2 == $found) {
508  $ret = true;
509  break;
510  }
511  }
512  }
513  }
515  return $ret;
516  }
528  function _checkAllowedEntryType($entry) {
529  return in_array($entry, $this->allowedEntryTypes);
530  }
546  function _checkAt($entry) {
547  $ret = false;
548  $opening = array_keys($this->_delimiters);
549  $closing = array_values($this->_delimiters);
550  //Getting the value (at is only allowd in values)
551  if (strrpos($entry, '=') !== false) {
552  $position = strrpos($entry, '=');
553  $proceed = true;
554  if (substr($entry, $position - 1, 1) == '\\') {
555  $proceed = false;
556  }
557  while (! $proceed) {
558  $substring = substr($entry, 0, $position);
559  $position = strrpos($substring, '=');
560  $proceed = true;
561  if (substr($entry, $position - 1, 1) == '\\') {
562  $proceed = false;
563  }
564  }
565  $value = trim(substr($entry, $position + 1));
566  $open = 0;
567  $char = '';
568  $lastchar = '';
569  for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($value); $i ++) {
570  $char = substr($this->content, $i, 1);
571  if (in_array($char, $opening) && ('\\' != $lastchar)) {
572  $open ++;
573  } elseif (in_array($char, $closing) && ('\\' != $lastchar)) {
574  $open --;
575  }
576  $lastchar = $char;
577  }
578  //if open is grater zero were are inside an entry
579  if ($open > 0) {
580  $ret = true;
581  }
582  }
584  return $ret;
585  }
597  function _stripDelimiter($entry) {
598  $beginningdels = array_keys($this->_delimiters);
599  $length = strlen($entry);
600  $firstchar = substr($entry, 0, 1);
601  $lastchar = substr($entry, - 1, 1);
602  while (in_array($firstchar, $beginningdels)) { //The first character is an opening delimiter
603  if ($lastchar == $this->_delimiters[$firstchar]) { //Matches to closing Delimiter
604  $entry = substr($entry, 1, - 1);
605  } else {
606  break;
607  }
608  $firstchar = substr($entry, 0, 1);
609  $lastchar = substr($entry, - 1, 1);
610  }
612  return $entry;
613  }
625  function _unwrap($entry) {
626  $entry = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $entry);
628  return trim($entry);
629  }
641  function _wordwrap($entry) {
642  if (('' != $entry) && (is_string($entry))) {
643  $entry = wordwrap($entry, $this->_options['wordWrapWidth'], $this->_options['wordWrapBreak'], $this->_options['wordWrapCut']);
644  }
646  return $entry;
647  }
659  function _extractAuthors($entry) {
660  $entry = $this->_unwrap($entry);
661  $authorarray = array();
662  $authorarray = explode(' and ', $entry);
663  for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($authorarray); $i ++) {
664  $author = trim($authorarray[$i]);
665  /*The first version of how an author could be written (First von Last)
666  has no commas in it*/
667  $first = '';
668  $von = '';
669  $last = '';
670  $jr = '';
671  if (strpos($author, ',') === false) {
672  $tmparray = array();
673  //$tmparray = explode(' ', $author);
674  $tmparray = explode(' |~', $author);
675  $size = sizeof($tmparray);
676  if (1 == $size) { //There is only a last
677  $last = $tmparray[0];
678  } elseif (2 == $size) { //There is a first and a last
679  $first = $tmparray[0];
680  $last = $tmparray[1];
681  } else {
682  $invon = false;
683  $inlast = false;
684  for ($j = 0; $j < ($size - 1); $j ++) {
685  if ($inlast) {
686  $last .= ' ' . $tmparray[$j];
687  } elseif ($invon) {
688  $case = $this->_determineCase($tmparray[$j]);
689  if (PEAR::isError($case)) {
690  // IGNORE?
691  } elseif ((0 == $case) || (- 1 == $case)) { //Change from von to last
692  //You only change when there is no more lower case there
693  $islast = true;
694  for ($k = ($j + 1); $k < ($size - 1); $k ++) {
695  $futurecase = $this->_determineCase($tmparray[$k]);
696  if (PEAR::isError($case)) {
697  // IGNORE?
698  } elseif (0 == $futurecase) {
699  $islast = false;
700  }
701  }
702  if ($islast) {
703  $inlast = true;
704  if (- 1 == $case) { //Caseless belongs to the last
705  $last .= ' ' . $tmparray[$j];
706  } else {
707  $von .= ' ' . $tmparray[$j];
708  }
709  } else {
710  $von .= ' ' . $tmparray[$j];
711  }
712  } else {
713  $von .= ' ' . $tmparray[$j];
714  }
715  } else {
716  $case = $this->_determineCase($tmparray[$j]);
717  if (PEAR::isError($case)) {
718  // IGNORE?
719  } elseif (0 == $case) { //Change from first to von
720  $invon = true;
721  $von .= ' ' . $tmparray[$j];
722  } else {
723  $first .= ' ' . $tmparray[$j];
724  }
725  }
726  }
727  //The last entry is always the last!
728  $last .= ' ' . $tmparray[$size - 1];
729  }
730  } else { //Version 2 and 3
731  $tmparray = array();
732  $tmparray = explode(',', $author);
733  //The first entry must contain von and last
734  $vonlastarray = array();
735  $vonlastarray = explode(' ', $tmparray[0]);
736  $size = sizeof($vonlastarray);
737  if (1 == $size) { //Only one entry->got to be the last
738  $last = $vonlastarray[0];
739  } else {
740  $inlast = false;
741  for ($j = 0; $j < ($size - 1); $j ++) {
742  if ($inlast) {
743  $last .= ' ' . $vonlastarray[$j];
744  } else {
745  if (0 != ($this->_determineCase($vonlastarray[$j]))) { //Change from von to last
746  $islast = true;
747  for ($k = ($j + 1); $k < ($size - 1); $k ++) {
748  $this->_determineCase($vonlastarray[$k]);
749  $case = $this->_determineCase($vonlastarray[$k]);
750  if (PEAR::isError($case)) {
751  // IGNORE?
752  } elseif (0 == $case) {
753  $islast = false;
754  }
755  }
756  if ($islast) {
757  $inlast = true;
758  $last .= ' ' . $vonlastarray[$j];
759  } else {
760  $von .= ' ' . $vonlastarray[$j];
761  }
762  } else {
763  $von .= ' ' . $vonlastarray[$j];
764  }
765  }
766  }
767  $last .= ' ' . $vonlastarray[$size - 1];
768  }
769  //Now we check if it is version three (three entries in the array (two commas)
770  if (3 == sizeof($tmparray)) {
771  $jr = $tmparray[1];
772  }
773  //Everything in the last entry is first
774  $first = $tmparray[sizeof($tmparray) - 1];
775  }
776  $authorarray[$i] = array(
777  'first' => trim($first),
778  'von' => trim($von),
779  'last' => trim($last),
780  'jr' => trim($jr)
781  );
782  }
784  return $authorarray;
785  }
803  function _determineCase($word) {
804  $ret = - 1;
805  $trimmedword = trim($word);
806  /*We need this variable. Without the next of would not work
807  (trim changes the variable automatically to a string!)*/
808  if (is_string($word) && (strlen($trimmedword) > 0)) {
809  $i = 0;
810  $found = false;
811  $openbrace = 0;
812  while (! $found && ($i <= strlen($word))) {
813  $letter = substr($trimmedword, $i, 1);
814  $ord = ord($letter);
815  if ($ord == 123) { //Open brace
816  $openbrace ++;
817  }
818  if ($ord == 125) { //Closing brace
819  $openbrace --;
820  }
821  if (($ord >= 65) && ($ord <= 90) && (0 == $openbrace)) { //The first character is uppercase
822  $ret = 1;
823  $found = true;
824  } elseif (($ord >= 97) && ($ord <= 122) && (0 == $openbrace)) { //The first character is lowercase
825  $ret = 0;
826  $found = true;
827  } else { //Not yet found
828  $i ++;
829  }
830  }
831  } else {
832  $ret = PEAR::raiseError('Could not determine case on word: ' . (string)$word);
833  }
835  return $ret;
836  }
853  function _validateValue($entry, $wholeentry) {
854  //There is no @ allowed if the entry is enclosed by braces
855  if (preg_match('/^{.*@.*}$/', $entry)) {
856  $this->_generateWarning('WARNING_AT_IN_BRACES', $entry, $wholeentry);
857  }
858  //No escaped " allowed if the entry is enclosed by double quotes
859  if (preg_match('/^\".*\\".*\"$/', $entry)) {
860  $this->_generateWarning('WARNING_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE_INSIDE_DOUBLE_QUOTES', $entry, $wholeentry);
861  }
862  //Amount of Braces is not correct
863  $open = 0;
864  $lastchar = '';
865  $char = '';
866  for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($entry); $i ++) {
867  $char = substr($entry, $i, 1);
868  if (('{' == $char) && ('\\' != $lastchar)) {
869  $open ++;
870  }
871  if (('}' == $char) && ('\\' != $lastchar)) {
872  $open --;
873  }
874  $lastchar = $char;
875  }
876  if (0 != $open) {
877  $this->_generateWarning('WARNING_UNBALANCED_AMOUNT_OF_BRACES', $entry, $wholeentry);
878  }
879  }
890  function _removeCurlyBraces($value) {
891  //First we save the delimiters
892  $beginningdels = array_keys($this->_delimiters);
893  $firstchar = substr($entry, 0, 1);
894  $lastchar = substr($entry, - 1, 1);
895  $begin = '';
896  $end = '';
897  while (in_array($firstchar, $beginningdels)) { //The first character is an opening delimiter
898  if ($lastchar == $this->_delimiters[$firstchar]) { //Matches to closing Delimiter
899  $begin .= $firstchar;
900  $end .= $lastchar;
901  $value = substr($value, 1, - 1);
902  } else {
903  break;
904  }
905  $firstchar = substr($value, 0, 1);
906  $lastchar = substr($value, - 1, 1);
907  }
908  //Now we get rid of the curly braces
909  $pattern = '/([^\\\\])\{(.*?[^\\\\])\}/';
910  $replacement = '$1$2';
911  $value = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $value);
912  //Reattach delimiters
913  $value = $begin . $value . $end;
915  return $value;
916  }
928  function _generateWarning($type, $entry, $wholeentry = '') {
929  $warning['warning'] = $type;
930  $warning['entry'] = $entry;
931  $warning['wholeentry'] = $wholeentry;
932  $this->warnings[] = $warning;
933  }
941  function clearWarnings() {
942  $this->warnings = array();
943  }
952  function hasWarning() {
953  if (sizeof($this->warnings) > 0) {
954  return true;
955  } else {
956  return false;
957  }
958  }
967  function amount() {
968  return sizeof($this->data);
969  }
983  function _formatAuthor($array) {
984  if (! array_key_exists('von', $array)) {
985  $array['von'] = '';
986  } else {
987  $array['von'] = trim($array['von']);
988  }
989  if (! array_key_exists('last', $array)) {
990  $array['last'] = '';
991  } else {
992  $array['last'] = trim($array['last']);
993  }
994  if (! array_key_exists('jr', $array)) {
995  $array['jr'] = '';
996  } else {
997  $array['jr'] = trim($array['jr']);
998  }
999  if (! array_key_exists('first', $array)) {
1000  $array['first'] = '';
1001  } else {
1002  $array['first'] = trim($array['first']);
1003  }
1005  $ret = str_replace("VON", $array['von'], $ret);
1006  $ret = str_replace("LAST", $array['last'], $ret);
1007  $ret = str_replace("JR", $array['jr'], $ret);
1008  $ret = str_replace("FIRST", $array['first'], $ret);
1010  return trim($ret);
1011  }
1022  function bibTex() {
1023  $bibtex = '';
1024  foreach ($this->data as $entry) {
1025  //Intro
1026  $bibtex .= '@' . strtolower($entry['entryType']) . ' { ' . $entry['cite'] . ",\n";
1027  //Other fields except author
1028  foreach ($entry as $key => $val) {
1029  if ($this->_options['wordWrapWidth'] > 0) {
1030  $val = $this->_wordWrap($val);
1031  }
1032  if (! in_array($key, array( 'cite', 'entryType', 'author' ))) {
1033  $bibtex .= "\t" . $key . ' = {' . $val . "},\n";
1034  }
1035  }
1036  //Author
1037  if (array_key_exists('author', $entry)) {
1038  if ($this->_options['extractAuthors']) {
1039  $tmparray = array(); //In this array the authors are saved and the joind with an and
1040  foreach ($entry['author'] as $authorentry) {
1041  $tmparray[] = $this->_formatAuthor($authorentry);
1042  }
1043  $author = join(' and ', $tmparray);
1044  } else {
1045  $author = $entry['author'];
1046  }
1047  } else {
1048  $author = '';
1049  }
1050  $bibtex .= "\tauthor = {" . $author . "}\n";
1051  $bibtex .= "}\n\n";
1052  }
1054  return $bibtex;
1055  }
1067  function addEntry($newentry) {
1068  $this->data[] = $newentry;
1069  }
1081  function getStatistic() {
1082  $ret = array();
1083  foreach ($this->data as $entry) {
1084  if (array_key_exists($entry['entryType'], $ret)) {
1085  $ret[$entry['entryType']] ++;
1086  } else {
1087  $ret[$entry['entryType']] = 1;
1088  }
1089  }
1091  return $ret;
1092  }
1109  function rtf() {
1110  $ret = "{\\rtf\n";
1111  foreach ($this->data as $entry) {
1112  $line = $this->rtfstring;
1113  $title = '';
1114  $journal = '';
1115  $year = '';
1116  $authors = '';
1117  if (array_key_exists('title', $entry)) {
1118  $title = $this->_unwrap($entry['title']);
1119  }
1120  if (array_key_exists('journal', $entry)) {
1121  $journal = $this->_unwrap($entry['journal']);
1122  }
1123  if (array_key_exists('year', $entry)) {
1124  $year = $this->_unwrap($entry['year']);
1125  }
1126  if (array_key_exists('author', $entry)) {
1127  if ($this->_options['extractAuthors']) {
1128  $tmparray = array(); //In this array the authors are saved and the joind with an and
1129  foreach ($entry['author'] as $authorentry) {
1130  $tmparray[] = $this->_formatAuthor($authorentry);
1131  }
1132  $authors = join(', ', $tmparray);
1133  } else {
1134  $authors = $entry['author'];
1135  }
1136  }
1137  if (('' != $title) || ('' != $journal) || ('' != $year) || ('' != $authors)) {
1138  $line = str_replace("TITLE", $title, $line);
1139  $line = str_replace("JOURNAL", $journal, $line);
1140  $line = str_replace("YEAR", $year, $line);
1141  $line = str_replace("AUTHORS", $authors, $line);
1142  $line .= "\n\\par\n";
1143  $ret .= $line;
1144  } else {
1145  $this->_generateWarning('WARNING_LINE_WAS_NOT_CONVERTED', '', print_r($entry, 1));
1146  }
1147  }
1148  $ret .= '}';
1150  return $ret;
1151  }
1167  function html() {
1168  $ret = "<p>\n";
1169  foreach ($this->data as $entry) {
1170  $line = $this->htmlstring;
1171  $title = '';
1172  $journal = '';
1173  $year = '';
1174  $authors = '';
1175  if (array_key_exists('title', $entry)) {
1176  $title = $this->_unwrap($entry['title']);
1177  }
1178  if (array_key_exists('journal', $entry)) {
1179  $journal = $this->_unwrap($entry['journal']);
1180  }
1181  if (array_key_exists('year', $entry)) {
1182  $year = $this->_unwrap($entry['year']);
1183  }
1184  if (array_key_exists('author', $entry)) {
1185  if ($this->_options['extractAuthors']) {
1186  $tmparray = array(); //In this array the authors are saved and the joind with an and
1187  foreach ($entry['author'] as $authorentry) {
1188  $tmparray[] = $this->_formatAuthor($authorentry);
1189  }
1190  $authors = join(', ', $tmparray);
1191  } else {
1192  $authors = $entry['author'];
1193  }
1194  }
1195  if (('' != $title) || ('' != $journal) || ('' != $year) || ('' != $authors)) {
1196  $line = str_replace("TITLE", $title, $line);
1197  $line = str_replace("JOURNAL", $journal, $line);
1198  $line = str_replace("YEAR", $year, $line);
1199  $line = str_replace("AUTHORS", $authors, $line);
1200  $line .= "\n";
1201  $ret .= $line;
1202  } else {
1203  $this->_generateWarning('WARNING_LINE_WAS_NOT_CONVERTED', '', print_r($entry, 1));
1204  }
1205  }
1206  $ret .= "</p>\n";
1208  return $ret;
1209  }
1210 }
1212 ?>