66//array("id"=>"table_id", "title" => "Table id", "description" => "The internal ID of the table", "datatype_id" => ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_NUMBER, "required" => true),
67 array("id"=>"create_date", "title" => "Creation Date", "description" => "The date this record was created", "datatype_id" => ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_DATETIME, "required" => true),
68 array("id"=>"last_update", "title" => "Last Update", "description" => "The last time this record was updated", "datatype_id" => ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_DATETIME, "required" => true),
69 array("id"=>"owner", "title" => "Owner", "description" => "The owner of this record", "datatype_id" => ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_TEXT, "required" => true),
70 array("id"=>"last_edit_by", "title" => "Last edited by", "description" => "The user who did the last edit on this record", "datatype_id" => ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_TEXT, "required" => true)