
0 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
ost_id INT 10 null
ost_osr_id_ref INT 10 null
ost_usa_id_ref INT 10 null
ost_token VARCHAR 64 null
ost_token_secret VARCHAR 64 null
ost_token_type enum('request', 'access') 7 null
ost_authorized BIT 1 0
ost_referrer_host VARCHAR 128
ost_token_ttl DATETIME 19 9999-12-31 00:00:00
ost_timestamp TIMESTAMP 19 current_timestamp()
ost_verifier CHAR 10 null
ost_callback_url VARCHAR 512 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc ost_id
ost_osr_id_ref Performance Asc ost_osr_id_ref
ost_token Must be unique Asc ost_token
ost_token_ttl Performance Asc ost_token_ttl

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