
4 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id INT 10 null
name VARCHAR 64 null
only_inst_user TINYINT 3 null
default_read_level INT 10 null
default_write_level INT 10 null
bereiche TINYINT 3 null
module TINYINT 3 null
show_browse TINYINT 3 null
write_access_nobody TINYINT 3 null
topic_create_autor TINYINT 3 null
visible TINYINT 3 null
course_creation_forbidden TINYINT 3 null
overview VARCHAR 64 null
forum VARCHAR 64 null
admin VARCHAR 64 null
documents VARCHAR 64 null
schedule VARCHAR 64 null
participants VARCHAR 64 null
literature VARCHAR 64 null
scm VARCHAR 64 null
wiki VARCHAR 64 null
resources VARCHAR 64 null
calendar VARCHAR 64 null
elearning_interface VARCHAR 64 null
modules TEXT 65535 null
description TEXT 65535 null
create_description TEXT 65535 null
studygroup_mode TINYINT 3 null
admission_prelim_default TINYINT 3 0
admission_type_default TINYINT 3 0
title_dozent VARCHAR 64 null
title_dozent_plural VARCHAR 64 null
title_tutor VARCHAR 64 null
title_tutor_plural VARCHAR 64 null
title_autor VARCHAR 64 null
title_autor_plural VARCHAR 64 null
show_raumzeit TINYINT 3 1
is_group BIT 1 0
mkdate BIGINT 19 null
chdate BIGINT 19 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
name Must be unique Asc name

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