ILIAS  Release_3_10_x_branch Revision 61812
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HFile_zmud Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_zmud:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_zmud:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_zmud ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_zmud.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_zmud::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 352 of file HFile_zmud.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_zmud::HFile_zmud ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_zmud.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// zMUD Script
// Flags
$this->nocase = "0";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "brown", "gray");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array("#", "$", "%", "&", ",", ".", " ", "/", "(", ")", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "[", "\\", "]", "^", "_", "|", "~", "`", "@");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"ABORT" => "1",
"ACTION" => "1",
"ADD" => "1",
"ADDITEM" => "1",
"ADDKEY" => "1",
"ALARM" => "1",
"ALIAS" => "1",
"ALL" => "1",
"BACKUP" => "1",
"BEEP" => "1",
"BUTTON" => "1",
"C+" => "1",
"C-" => "1",
"CAPTURE" => "1",
"CASE" => "1",
"CHARACTER" => "1",
"CLASS" => "1",
"CLOSE" => "1",
"CLR" => "1",
"COLOR" => "1",
"CONFIGURE" => "1",
"CONNECT" => "1",
"CR" => "1",
"CW" => "1",
"DBCLOSE" => "1",
"DBFIRST" => "1",
"DBGET" => "1",
"DBLOAD" => "1",
"DBNEXT" => "1",
"DBOFFLINE" => "1",
"DBONLINE" => "1",
"DBPREV" => "1",
"DBPUT" => "1",
"DBRESET" => "1",
"DBSAVE" => "1",
"DDE" => "1",
"DEFAULT" => "1",
"DELCLASS" => "1",
"DELITEM" => "1",
"DELKEY" => "1",
"DELNITEM" => "1",
"DESCRIBE" => "1",
"DIR" => "1",
"DISCONNECT" => "1",
"DOOR" => "1",
"ECHO" => "1",
"ECHOPROMPT" => "1",
"ERASE" => "1",
"EVAL" => "1",
"EXEC" => "1",
"FILE" => "1",
"FIND" => "1",
"FORALL" => "1",
"FREEZE" => "1",
"FUNCTION" => "1",
"GAG" => "1",
"GAGBLOCK" => "1",
"GAGOFF" => "1",
"GAGON" => "1",
"H+" => "1",
"H-" => "1",
"HELP" => "1",
"HIGHLIGHT" => "1",
"HISTORY" => "1",
"HOST" => "1",
"IF" => "1",
"IGNORE" => "1",
"INPUT" => "1",
"KEY" => "1",
"KILLALL" => "1",
"LAUNCH" => "1",
"LMAP" => "1",
"LOAD" => "1",
"LOG" => "1",
"LOOK" => "1",
"LOOP" => "1",
"LOOPDB" => "1",
"LOOPVIEW" => "1",
"MAKEROOM" => "1",
"MAP" => "1",
"MARK" => "1",
"MATH" => "1",
"MEDIA" => "1",
"MENU" => "1",
"MERGE" => "1",
"MESSAGE" => "1",
"MOVE" => "1",
"NAME" => "1",
"NEW" => "1",
"NODEF" => "1",
"NODIR" => "1",
"NOMAP" => "1",
"NOOP" => "1",
"OK" => "1",
"PATH" => "1",
"PAUSE" => "1",
"PICK" => "1",
"PLAY" => "1",
"PLUGIN" => "1",
"PROMPT" => "1",
"PW" => "1",
"QUERY" => "1",
"READ" => "1",
"RECALL" => "1",
"RECORD" => "1",
"RENAME" => "1",
"RESET" => "1",
"RETRACE" => "1",
"SAVE" => "1",
"SAY" => "1",
"SAYPROMPT" => "1",
"SCROLL" => "1",
"SEND" => "1",
"SENDPROMPT" => "1",
"SESSION" => "1",
"SHOW" => "1",
"SHOWDB" => "1",
"SHOWPROMPT" => "1",
"SLOW" => "1",
"STATUS" => "1",
"STEP" => "1",
"STOP" => "1",
"STW" => "1",
"SUBSTITUTE" => "1",
"T+" => "1",
"T-" => "1",
"T?" => "1",
"TAB" => "1",
"TAG" => "1",
"TELEPORT" => "1",
"TEMP" => "1",
"TIMER" => "1",
"TRIGGER" => "1",
"TS" => "1",
"TYPE" => "1",
"TZ" => "1",
"UNALIAS" => "1",
"UNBUTTON" => "1",
"UNCLASS" => "1",
"UNDIR" => "1",
"UNGAG" => "1",
"UNKEY" => "1",
"UNMENU" => "1",
"UNTIL" => "1",
"UNTRIGGER" => "1",
"UNVAR" => "1",
"URL" => "1",
"VARIABLE" => "1",
"VERBATIM" => "1",
"VERSION" => "1",
"VIEW" => "1",
"WAIT" => "1",
"WALK" => "1",
"WHILE" => "1",
"WINDOW" => "1",
"WIZLIST" => "1",
"WRAP" => "1",
"WRITE" => "1",
"YESNO" => "1",
"#" => "1",
"abs" => "4",
"additem" => "4",
"addkey" => "4",
"alias" => "4",
"ansi" => "4",
"ascii" => "4",
"average" => "4",
"begins" => "4",
"bitand" => "4",
"bitnot" => "4",
"bitor" => "4",
"bitxor" => "4",
"btncol" => "4",
"btnimage" => "4",
"case" => "4",
"char" => "4",
"clip" => "4",
"color" => "4",
"concat" => "4",
"copy" => "4",
"count" => "4",
"countlist" => "4",
"db" => "4",
"dbget" => "4",
"dblist" => "4",
"dbmax" => "4",
"dbmin" => "4",
"dde" => "4",
"ddeclose" => "4",
"ddemacro" => "4",
"ddeopen" => "4",
"ddepoke" => "4",
"defined" => "4",
"delete" => "4",
"delitem" => "4",
"delkey" => "4",
"dice" => "4",
"diceavg" => "4",
"dicedev" => "4",
"dicemax" => "4",
"dicemin" => "4",
"dups" => "4",
"ends" => "4",
"eval" => "4",
"exec" => "4",
"expand" => "4",
"filesize" => "4",
"find" => "4",
"format" => "4",
"getglobal" => "4",
"grep" => "4",
"handle" => "4",
"if" => "4",
"insert" => "4",
"iskey" => "4",
"ismember" => "4",
"isnumber" => "4",
"item" => "4",
"lastdir" => "4",
"left" => "4",
"leftback" => "4",
"len" => "4",
"literal" => "4",
"look" => "4",
"lower" => "4",
"max" => "4",
"min" => "4",
"mod" => "4",
"null" => "4",
"number" => "4",
"numbuttons" => "4",
"numitems" => "4",
"numkeys" => "4",
"numparam" => "4",
"numrec" => "4",
"numrooms" => "4",
"numwords" => "4",
"numzones" => "4",
"param" => "4",
"pick" => "4",
"pos" => "4",
"prompt" => "4",
"proper" => "4",
"query" => "4",
"quote" => "4",
"random" => "4",
"read" => "4",
"remove" => "4",
"repeat" => "4",
"replace" => "4",
"right" => "4",
"rightback" => "4",
"roomcol" => "4",
"roomcom" => "4",
"roomcontents" => "4",
"roomcost" => "4",
"roomdesc" => "4",
"roomexit" => "4",
"roomflags" => "4",
"roomid" => "4",
"roomkind" => "4",
"roomlink" => "4",
"roomload" => "4",
"roomname" => "4",
"roomnote" => "4",
"roomnum" => "4",
"roomobj" => "4",
"roomportal" => "4",
"setglobal" => "4",
"sort" => "4",
"stdev" => "4",
"sum" => "4",
"time" => "4",
"trigger" => "4",
"trim" => "4",
"trimleft" => "4",
"trimright" => "4",
"upper" => "4",
"viewrec" => "4",
"walk" => "4",
"walkmode" => "4",
"window" => "4",
"word" => "4",
"write" => "4",
"yesno" => "4",
"zonename" => "4",
"zonenum" => "4",
"%" => "4",
"-" => "3",
"+" => "3",
"=" => "3",
"@" => "3");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: