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wsdl Class Reference

parses a WSDL file, allows access to it's data, other utility methods More...

+ Inheritance diagram for wsdl:
+ Collaboration diagram for wsdl:

Public Member Functions

 wsdl ($wsdl= '', $proxyhost=false, $proxyport=false, $proxyusername=false, $proxypassword=false, $timeout=0, $response_timeout=30)
 parseWSDL ($wsdl= '')
 parses the wsdl document
 start_element ($parser, $name, $attrs)
 start-element handler
 end_element ($parser, $name)
 end-element handler
 character_data ($parser, $data)
 element content handler
 getBindingData ($binding)
 getOperations ($bindingType= 'soap')
 returns an assoc array of operation names => operation data
 getOperationData ($operation, $bindingType= 'soap')
 returns an associative array of data necessary for calling an operation
 getTypeDef ($type, $ns)
 returns an array of information about a given type returns false if no type exists by the given name
 serialize ()
 serialize the parsed wsdl
 serializeRPCParameters ($operation, $direction, $parameters)
 serialize a PHP value according to a WSDL message definition
 serializeParameters ($operation, $direction, $parameters)
 serialize a PHP value according to a WSDL message definition
 serializeType ($name, $type, $value, $use='encoded', $encodingStyle=false)
 serializes a PHP value according a given type definition
 addComplexType ($name, $typeClass='complexType', $phpType='array', $compositor='', $restrictionBase='', $elements=array(), $attrs=array(), $arrayType='')
 adds an XML Schema complex type to the WSDL types
 addSimpleType ($name, $restrictionBase='', $typeClass='simpleType', $phpType='scalar')
 adds an XML Schema simple type to the WSDL types
 addOperation ($name, $in=false, $out=false, $namespace=false, $soapaction=false, $style= 'rpc', $use= 'encoded', $documentation= '')
 register a service with the server
 wsdl ($wsdl= '', $proxyhost=false, $proxyport=false, $proxyusername=false, $proxypassword=false, $timeout=0, $response_timeout=30)
 parseWSDL ($wsdl= '')
 parses the wsdl document
 start_element ($parser, $name, $attrs)
 start-element handler
 end_element ($parser, $name)
 end-element handler
 character_data ($parser, $data)
 element content handler
 getBindingData ($binding)
 getOperations ($bindingType= 'soap')
 returns an assoc array of operation names => operation data
 getOperationData ($operation, $bindingType= 'soap')
 returns an associative array of data necessary for calling an operation
 getOperationDataForSoapAction ($soapAction, $bindingType= 'soap')
 returns an associative array of data necessary for calling an operation
 getTypeDef ($type, $ns)
 returns an array of information about a given type returns false if no type exists by the given name
 webDescription ()
 prints html description of services
 serialize ($debug=0)
 serialize the parsed wsdl
 serializeRPCParameters ($operation, $direction, $parameters)
 serialize PHP values according to a WSDL message definition
 serializeParameters ($operation, $direction, $parameters)
 serialize a PHP value according to a WSDL message definition
 serializeType ($name, $type, $value, $use='encoded', $encodingStyle=false, $unqualified=false)
 serializes a PHP value according a given type definition
 serializeComplexTypeAttributes ($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType)
 serializes the attributes for a complexType
 serializeComplexTypeElements ($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType, $use='encoded', $encodingStyle=false)
 serializes the elements for a complexType
 addComplexType ($name, $typeClass='complexType', $phpType='array', $compositor='', $restrictionBase='', $elements=array(), $attrs=array(), $arrayType='')
 adds an XML Schema complex type to the WSDL types
 addSimpleType ($name, $restrictionBase='', $typeClass='simpleType', $phpType='scalar', $enumeration=array())
 adds an XML Schema simple type to the WSDL types
 addElement ($attrs)
 adds an element to the WSDL types
 addOperation ($name, $in=false, $out=false, $namespace=false, $soapaction=false, $style= 'rpc', $use= 'encoded', $documentation= '', $encodingStyle= '')
 register an operation with the server
 wsdl ($wsdl= '', $proxyhost=false, $proxyport=false, $proxyusername=false, $proxypassword=false, $timeout=0, $response_timeout=30)
 parseWSDL ($wsdl= '')
 parses the wsdl document
 start_element ($parser, $name, $attrs)
 start-element handler
 end_element ($parser, $name)
 end-element handler
 character_data ($parser, $data)
 element content handler
 getBindingData ($binding)
 getOperations ($bindingType= 'soap')
 returns an assoc array of operation names => operation data
 getOperationData ($operation, $bindingType= 'soap')
 returns an associative array of data necessary for calling an operation
 getOperationDataForSoapAction ($soapAction, $bindingType= 'soap')
 returns an associative array of data necessary for calling an operation
 getTypeDef ($type, $ns)
 returns an array of information about a given type returns false if no type exists by the given name
 webDescription ()
 prints html description of services
 serialize ($debug=0)
 serialize the parsed wsdl
 serializeRPCParameters ($operation, $direction, $parameters)
 serialize PHP values according to a WSDL message definition
 serializeParameters ($operation, $direction, $parameters)
 serialize a PHP value according to a WSDL message definition
 serializeType ($name, $type, $value, $use='encoded', $encodingStyle=false, $unqualified=false)
 serializes a PHP value according a given type definition
 serializeComplexTypeAttributes ($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType)
 serializes the attributes for a complexType
 serializeComplexTypeElements ($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType, $use='encoded', $encodingStyle=false)
 serializes the elements for a complexType
 addComplexType ($name, $typeClass='complexType', $phpType='array', $compositor='', $restrictionBase='', $elements=array(), $attrs=array(), $arrayType='')
 adds an XML Schema complex type to the WSDL types
 addSimpleType ($name, $restrictionBase='', $typeClass='simpleType', $phpType='scalar', $enumeration=array())
 adds an XML Schema simple type to the WSDL types
 addElement ($attrs)
 adds an element to the WSDL types
 addOperation ($name, $in=false, $out=false, $namespace=false, $soapaction=false, $style= 'rpc', $use= 'encoded', $documentation= '', $encodingStyle= '')
 register an operation with the server
- Public Member Functions inherited from nusoap_base
 debug ($string)
 adds debug data to the class level debug string
 expandEntities ($val)
 expands entities, e.g.
 getError ()
 returns error string if present
 setError ($str)
 sets error string
 isArraySimpleOrStruct ($val)
 detect if array is a simple array or a struct (associative array)
 serialize_val ($val, $name=false, $type=false, $name_ns=false, $type_ns=false, $attributes=false, $use='encoded')
 serializes PHP values in accordance w/ section 5.
 serializeEnvelope ($body, $headers=false, $namespaces=array(), $style='rpc', $use='encoded')
 serialize message
 formatDump ($str)
 contractQname ($qname)
 contracts a qualified name
 expandQname ($qname)
 expands a qualified name
 getLocalPart ($str)
 returns the local part of a prefixed string returns the original string, if not prefixed
 getPrefix ($str)
 returns the prefix part of a prefixed string returns false, if not prefixed
 getNamespaceFromPrefix ($prefix)
 pass it a prefix, it returns a namespace returns false if no namespace registered with the given prefix
 getPrefixFromNamespace ($ns)
 returns the prefix for a given namespace (or prefix) or false if no prefixes registered for the given namespace
 varDump ($data)
 nusoap_base ()
 getGlobalDebugLevel ()
 gets the global debug level, which applies to future instances
 setGlobalDebugLevel ($level)
 sets the global debug level, which applies to future instances
 getDebugLevel ()
 gets the debug level for this instance
 setDebugLevel ($level)
 sets the debug level for this instance
 debug ($string)
 adds debug data to the instance debug string with formatting
 appendDebug ($string)
 adds debug data to the instance debug string without formatting
 clearDebug ()
 clears the current debug data for this instance
getDebug ()
 gets the current debug data for this instance
getDebugAsXMLComment ()
 gets the current debug data for this instance as an XML comment this may change the contents of the debug data
 expandEntities ($val)
 expands entities, e.g.
 getError ()
 returns error string if present
 setError ($str)
 sets error string
 isArraySimpleOrStruct ($val)
 detect if array is a simple array or a struct (associative array)
 serialize_val ($val, $name=false, $type=false, $name_ns=false, $type_ns=false, $attributes=false, $use='encoded')
 serializes PHP values in accordance w/ section 5.
 serializeEnvelope ($body, $headers=false, $namespaces=array(), $style='rpc', $use='encoded', $encodingStyle='')
 serializes a message
 formatDump ($str)
 formats a string to be inserted into an HTML stream
 contractQname ($qname)
 contracts (changes namespace to prefix) a qualified name
 expandQname ($qname)
 expands (changes prefix to namespace) a qualified name
 getLocalPart ($str)
 returns the local part of a prefixed string returns the original string, if not prefixed
 getPrefix ($str)
 returns the prefix part of a prefixed string returns false, if not prefixed
 getNamespaceFromPrefix ($prefix)
 pass it a prefix, it returns a namespace
 getPrefixFromNamespace ($ns)
 returns the prefix for a given namespace (or prefix) or false if no prefixes registered for the given namespace
 getmicrotime ()
 returns the time in ODBC canonical form with microseconds
 varDump ($data)
 Returns a string with the output of var_dump.
 nusoap_base ()
 getGlobalDebugLevel ()
 gets the global debug level, which applies to future instances
 setGlobalDebugLevel ($level)
 sets the global debug level, which applies to future instances
 getDebugLevel ()
 gets the debug level for this instance
 setDebugLevel ($level)
 sets the debug level for this instance
 debug ($string)
 adds debug data to the instance debug string with formatting
 appendDebug ($string)
 adds debug data to the instance debug string without formatting
 clearDebug ()
 clears the current debug data for this instance
getDebug ()
 gets the current debug data for this instance
getDebugAsXMLComment ()
 gets the current debug data for this instance as an XML comment this may change the contents of the debug data
 expandEntities ($val)
 expands entities, e.g.
 getError ()
 returns error string if present
 setError ($str)
 sets error string
 isArraySimpleOrStruct ($val)
 detect if array is a simple array or a struct (associative array)
 serialize_val ($val, $name=false, $type=false, $name_ns=false, $type_ns=false, $attributes=false, $use='encoded')
 serializes PHP values in accordance w/ section 5.
 serializeEnvelope ($body, $headers=false, $namespaces=array(), $style='rpc', $use='encoded', $encodingStyle='')
 serializes a message
 formatDump ($str)
 formats a string to be inserted into an HTML stream
 contractQname ($qname)
 contracts (changes namespace to prefix) a qualified name
 expandQname ($qname)
 expands (changes prefix to namespace) a qualified name
 getLocalPart ($str)
 returns the local part of a prefixed string returns the original string, if not prefixed
 getPrefix ($str)
 returns the prefix part of a prefixed string returns false, if not prefixed
 getNamespaceFromPrefix ($prefix)
 pass it a prefix, it returns a namespace
 getPrefixFromNamespace ($ns)
 returns the prefix for a given namespace (or prefix) or false if no prefixes registered for the given namespace
 getmicrotime ()
 returns the time in ODBC canonical form with microseconds
 varDump ($data)
 Returns a string with the output of var_dump.

Data Fields

 $schemas = array()
 $message = array()
 $complexTypes = array()
 $messages = array()
 $portTypes = array()
 $bindings = array()
 $ports = array()
 $opData = array()
 $status = ''
 $documentation = false
 $endpoint = ''
 $import = array()
 $position = 0
 $depth = 0
 $depth_array = array()
 $proxyhost = ''
 $proxyport = ''
 $proxyusername = ''
 $proxypassword = ''
 $timeout = 0
 $response_timeout = 30
- Data Fields inherited from nusoap_base
 $title = 'NuSOAP'
 $version = '0.6.7'
 $revision = '$Revision: 11808 $'
 $error_str = false
 $debug_str = ''
 $charencoding = true
 $XMLSchemaVersion = ''
 $soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8'
 $usedNamespaces = array()

Detailed Description

parses a WSDL file, allows access to it's data, other utility methods

Dietrich Ayala public
Dietrich Ayala
class.wsdl.php 14918 2007-10-07 17:02:40Z rkuester


Dietrich Ayala
nusoap.php 16669 2008-05-20 18:28:36Z rkuester


Definition at line 3133 of file nusoap.php.

Member Function Documentation

wsdl::addComplexType (   $name,
  $typeClass = 'complexType',
  $phpType = 'array',
  $compositor = '',
  $restrictionBase = '',
  $elements = array(),
  $attrs = array(),
  $arrayType = '' 

adds an XML Schema complex type to the WSDL types

stringtypeClass (complexType|simpleType|attribute)
stringphpType: currently supported are array and struct (php assoc array)
stringcompositor (all|sequence|choice)
stringrestrictionBase namespace:name (
arrayelements = array ( name => array(name=>'',type=>'') )
arrayattrs = array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType'=>'xsd:string[]'))
stringarrayType: namespace:name (xsd:string)
See Also
xmlschema Public

Definition at line 1573 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $n, and nusoap_base\expandQname().

if (count($elements) > 0) {
foreach($elements as $n => $e){
// expand each element
foreach ($e as $k => $v) {
$k = strpos($k,':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
$v = strpos($v,':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
$ee[$k] = $v;
$eElements[$n] = $ee;
$elements = $eElements;
if (count($attrs) > 0) {
foreach($attrs as $n => $a){
// expand each attribute
foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
$k = strpos($k,':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
$v = strpos($v,':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
$aa[$k] = $v;
$eAttrs[$n] = $aa;
$attrs = $eAttrs;
$restrictionBase = strpos($restrictionBase,':') ? $this->expandQname($restrictionBase) : $restrictionBase;
$arrayType = strpos($arrayType,':') ? $this->expandQname($arrayType) : $arrayType;
$typens = isset($this->namespaces['types']) ? $this->namespaces['types'] : $this->namespaces['tns'];

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::addComplexType (   $name,
  $typeClass = 'complexType',
  $phpType = 'array',
  $compositor = '',
  $restrictionBase = '',
  $elements = array(),
  $attrs = array(),
  $arrayType = '' 

adds an XML Schema complex type to the WSDL types

phpType,:currently supported are array and struct (php assoc array)
restrictionBasenamespace:name (
elements= array ( name = array(name=>'',type=>'') )
attrs= array( array( 'ref' => "", "" => "string[]" ) )
arrayType,:namespace:name (
See Also

Definition at line 4298 of file nusoap.php.

References $n, and nusoap_base\expandQname().

Referenced by addOperation().

if (count($elements) > 0) {
foreach($elements as $n => $e){
// expand each element
foreach ($e as $k => $v) {
$k = strpos($k,':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
$v = strpos($v,':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
$ee[$k] = $v;
$eElements[$n] = $ee;
$elements = $eElements;
if (count($attrs) > 0) {
foreach($attrs as $n => $a){
// expand each attribute
foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
$k = strpos($k,':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
$v = strpos($v,':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
$aa[$k] = $v;
$eAttrs[$n] = $aa;
$attrs = $eAttrs;
$restrictionBase = strpos($restrictionBase,':') ? $this->expandQname($restrictionBase) : $restrictionBase;
$arrayType = strpos($arrayType,':') ? $this->expandQname($arrayType) : $arrayType;
$typens = isset($this->namespaces['types']) ? $this->namespaces['types'] : $this->namespaces['tns'];

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::addComplexType (   $name,
  $typeClass = 'complexType',
  $phpType = 'array',
  $compositor = '',
  $restrictionBase = '',
  $elements = array(),
  $attrs = array(),
  $arrayType = '' 

adds an XML Schema complex type to the WSDL types

stringtypeClass (complexType|simpleType|attribute)
stringphpType: currently supported are array and struct (php assoc array)
stringcompositor (all|sequence|choice)
stringrestrictionBase namespace:name (
arrayelements = array ( name => array(name=>'',type=>'') )
arrayattrs = array(array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType'=>'xsd:string[]'))
stringarrayType: namespace:name (xsd:string)
See Also
xmlschema Public

Definition at line 5646 of file nusoap.php.

References $n, and nusoap_base\expandQname().

if (count($elements) > 0) {
foreach($elements as $n => $e){
// expand each element
foreach ($e as $k => $v) {
$k = strpos($k,':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
$v = strpos($v,':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
$ee[$k] = $v;
$eElements[$n] = $ee;
$elements = $eElements;
if (count($attrs) > 0) {
foreach($attrs as $n => $a){
// expand each attribute
foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
$k = strpos($k,':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
$v = strpos($v,':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
$aa[$k] = $v;
$eAttrs[$n] = $aa;
$attrs = $eAttrs;
$restrictionBase = strpos($restrictionBase,':') ? $this->expandQname($restrictionBase) : $restrictionBase;
$arrayType = strpos($arrayType,':') ? $this->expandQname($arrayType) : $arrayType;
$typens = isset($this->namespaces['types']) ? $this->namespaces['types'] : $this->namespaces['tns'];

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::addElement (   $attrs)

adds an element to the WSDL types

array$attrsattributes that must include name and type
See Also
xmlschema Public

Definition at line 1632 of file class.wsdl.php.

Referenced by addOperation().

$typens = isset($this->namespaces['types']) ? $this->namespaces['types'] : $this->namespaces['tns'];

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::addElement (   $attrs)

adds an element to the WSDL types

array$attrsattributes that must include name and type
See Also
xmlschema Public

Definition at line 5705 of file nusoap.php.

$typens = isset($this->namespaces['types']) ? $this->namespaces['types'] : $this->namespaces['tns'];
wsdl::addOperation (   $name,
  $in = false,
  $out = false,
  $namespace = false,
  $soapaction = false,
  $style = 'rpc',
  $use = 'encoded',
  $documentation = '',
  $encodingStyle = '' 

register an operation with the server

string$nameoperation (method) name
array$inassoc array of input values: key = param name, value = param type
array$outassoc array of output values: key = param name, value = param type
string$namespaceoptional The namespace for the operation
string$soapactionoptional The soapaction for the operation
string$style(rpc|document) optional The style for the operation Note: when 'document' is specified, parameter and return wrappers are created for you automatically
string$use(encoded|literal) optional The use for the parameters (cannot mix right now)
string$documentationoptional The description to include in the WSDL
string$encodingStyleoptional (usually '' for encoded) public

Definition at line 1651 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $documentation, $in, $n, $namespace, $out, $t, addComplexType(), addElement(), nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), nusoap_base\getNamespaceFromPrefix(), and nusoap_base\getPrefix().

if ($use == 'encoded' && $encodingStyle == '') {
$encodingStyle = '';
if ($style == 'document') {
$elements = array();
foreach ($in as $n => $t) {
$elements[$n] = array('name' => $n, 'type' => $t);
$this->addComplexType($name . 'RequestType', 'complexType', 'struct', 'all', '', $elements);
$this->addElement(array('name' => $name, 'type' => $name . 'RequestType'));
$in = array('parameters' => 'tns:' . $name);
$elements = array();
foreach ($out as $n => $t) {
$elements[$n] = array('name' => $n, 'type' => $t);
$this->addComplexType($name . 'ResponseType', 'complexType', 'struct', 'all', '', $elements);
$this->addElement(array('name' => $name . 'Response', 'type' => $name . 'ResponseType'));
$out = array('parameters' => 'tns:' . $name . 'Response');
// get binding
$this->bindings[ $this->serviceName . 'Binding' ]['operations'][$name] =
'name' => $name,
'binding' => $this->serviceName . 'Binding',
'endpoint' => $this->endpoint,
'soapAction' => $soapaction,
'style' => $style,
'input' => array(
'use' => $use,
'namespace' => $namespace,
'encodingStyle' => $encodingStyle,
'message' => $name . 'Request',
'parts' => $in),
'output' => array(
'use' => $use,
'namespace' => $namespace,
'encodingStyle' => $encodingStyle,
'message' => $name . 'Response',
'parts' => $out),
'namespace' => $namespace,
'transport' => '',
'documentation' => $documentation);
// add portTypes
// add messages
foreach($in as $pName => $pType)
if(strpos($pType,':')) {
$pType = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($this->getPrefix($pType)).":".$this->getLocalPart($pType);
$this->messages[$name.'Request'][$pName] = $pType;
} else {
$this->messages[$name.'Request']= '0';
foreach($out as $pName => $pType)
if(strpos($pType,':')) {
$pType = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($this->getPrefix($pType)).":".$this->getLocalPart($pType);
$this->messages[$name.'Response'][$pName] = $pType;
} else {
$this->messages[$name.'Response']= '0';
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::addOperation (   $name,
  $in = false,
  $out = false,
  $namespace = false,
  $soapaction = false,
  $style = 'rpc',
  $use = 'encoded',
  $documentation = '' 

register a service with the server

string$inassoc array of input values: key = param name, value = param type
string$outassoc array of output values: key = param name, value = param type
string$namespaceoptional The namespace for the operation
string$soapactionoptional The soapaction for the operation
string$style(rpc|document) optional The style for the operation
string$use(encoded|literal) optional The use for the parameters (cannot mix right now)
string$documentationoptional The description to include in the WSDL public

Definition at line 4362 of file nusoap.php.

References $documentation, $in, $namespace, $out, nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), nusoap_base\getNamespaceFromPrefix(), and nusoap_base\getPrefix().

Referenced by soap_server\register().

if ($style == 'rpc' && $use == 'encoded') {
$encodingStyle = '';
} else {
$encodingStyle = '';
// get binding
$this->bindings[ $this->serviceName . 'Binding' ]['operations'][$name] =
'name' => $name,
'binding' => $this->serviceName . 'Binding',
'endpoint' => $this->endpoint,
'soapAction' => $soapaction,
'style' => $style,
'input' => array(
'use' => $use,
'namespace' => $namespace,
'encodingStyle' => $encodingStyle,
'message' => $name . 'Request',
'parts' => $in),
'output' => array(
'use' => $use,
'namespace' => $namespace,
'encodingStyle' => $encodingStyle,
'message' => $name . 'Response',
'parts' => $out),
'namespace' => $namespace,
'transport' => '',
'documentation' => $documentation);
// add portTypes
// add messages
foreach($in as $pName => $pType)
if(strpos($pType,':')) {
$pType = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($this->getPrefix($pType)).":".$this->getLocalPart($pType);
$this->messages[$name.'Request'][$pName] = $pType;
} else {
$this->messages[$name.'Request']= '0';
foreach($out as $pName => $pType)
if(strpos($pType,':')) {
$pType = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($this->getPrefix($pType)).":".$this->getLocalPart($pType);
$this->messages[$name.'Response'][$pName] = $pType;
} else {
$this->messages[$name.'Response']= '0';
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::addOperation (   $name,
  $in = false,
  $out = false,
  $namespace = false,
  $soapaction = false,
  $style = 'rpc',
  $use = 'encoded',
  $documentation = '',
  $encodingStyle = '' 

register an operation with the server

string$nameoperation (method) name
array$inassoc array of input values: key = param name, value = param type
array$outassoc array of output values: key = param name, value = param type
string$namespaceoptional The namespace for the operation
string$soapactionoptional The soapaction for the operation
string$style(rpc|document) optional The style for the operation Note: when 'document' is specified, parameter and return wrappers are created for you automatically
string$use(encoded|literal) optional The use for the parameters (cannot mix right now)
string$documentationoptional The description to include in the WSDL
string$encodingStyleoptional (usually '' for encoded) public

Definition at line 5724 of file nusoap.php.

References $documentation, $in, $n, $namespace, $out, $t, addComplexType(), addElement(), nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), nusoap_base\getNamespaceFromPrefix(), and nusoap_base\getPrefix().

if ($use == 'encoded' && $encodingStyle == '') {
$encodingStyle = '';
if ($style == 'document') {
$elements = array();
foreach ($in as $n => $t) {
$elements[$n] = array('name' => $n, 'type' => $t);
$this->addComplexType($name . 'RequestType', 'complexType', 'struct', 'all', '', $elements);
$this->addElement(array('name' => $name, 'type' => $name . 'RequestType'));
$in = array('parameters' => 'tns:' . $name);
$elements = array();
foreach ($out as $n => $t) {
$elements[$n] = array('name' => $n, 'type' => $t);
$this->addComplexType($name . 'ResponseType', 'complexType', 'struct', 'all', '', $elements);
$this->addElement(array('name' => $name . 'Response', 'type' => $name . 'ResponseType'));
$out = array('parameters' => 'tns:' . $name . 'Response');
// get binding
$this->bindings[ $this->serviceName . 'Binding' ]['operations'][$name] =
'name' => $name,
'binding' => $this->serviceName . 'Binding',
'endpoint' => $this->endpoint,
'soapAction' => $soapaction,
'style' => $style,
'input' => array(
'use' => $use,
'namespace' => $namespace,
'encodingStyle' => $encodingStyle,
'message' => $name . 'Request',
'parts' => $in),
'output' => array(
'use' => $use,
'namespace' => $namespace,
'encodingStyle' => $encodingStyle,
'message' => $name . 'Response',
'parts' => $out),
'namespace' => $namespace,
'transport' => '',
'documentation' => $documentation);
// add portTypes
// add messages
foreach($in as $pName => $pType)
if(strpos($pType,':')) {
$pType = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($this->getPrefix($pType)).":".$this->getLocalPart($pType);
$this->messages[$name.'Request'][$pName] = $pType;
} else {
$this->messages[$name.'Request']= '0';
foreach($out as $pName => $pType)
if(strpos($pType,':')) {
$pType = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($this->getPrefix($pType)).":".$this->getLocalPart($pType);
$this->messages[$name.'Response'][$pName] = $pType;
} else {
$this->messages[$name.'Response']= '0';
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::addSimpleType (   $name,
  $restrictionBase = '',
  $typeClass = 'simpleType',
  $phpType = 'scalar',
  $enumeration = array() 

adds an XML Schema simple type to the WSDL types

string$restrictionBasenamespace:name (
string$typeClass(should always be simpleType)
string$phpType(should always be scalar)
array$enumerationarray of values
See Also
xmlschema Public

Definition at line 1618 of file class.wsdl.php.

References nusoap_base\expandQname().

$restrictionBase = strpos($restrictionBase,':') ? $this->expandQname($restrictionBase) : $restrictionBase;
$typens = isset($this->namespaces['types']) ? $this->namespaces['types'] : $this->namespaces['tns'];
$this->schemas[$typens][0]->addSimpleType($name, $restrictionBase, $typeClass, $phpType, $enumeration);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::addSimpleType (   $name,
  $restrictionBase = '',
  $typeClass = 'simpleType',
  $phpType = 'scalar' 

adds an XML Schema simple type to the WSDL types

restrictionBasenamespace:name (
See Also

Definition at line 4342 of file nusoap.php.

References nusoap_base\expandQname().

$restrictionBase = strpos($restrictionBase,':') ? $this->expandQname($restrictionBase) : $restrictionBase;
$typens = isset($this->namespaces['types']) ? $this->namespaces['types'] : $this->namespaces['tns'];
$this->schemas[$typens][0]->addSimpleType($name, $restrictionBase, $typeClass, $phpType);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::addSimpleType (   $name,
  $restrictionBase = '',
  $typeClass = 'simpleType',
  $phpType = 'scalar',
  $enumeration = array() 

adds an XML Schema simple type to the WSDL types

string$restrictionBasenamespace:name (
string$typeClass(should always be simpleType)
string$phpType(should always be scalar)
array$enumerationarray of values
See Also
xmlschema Public

Definition at line 5691 of file nusoap.php.

References nusoap_base\expandQname().

$restrictionBase = strpos($restrictionBase,':') ? $this->expandQname($restrictionBase) : $restrictionBase;
$typens = isset($this->namespaces['types']) ? $this->namespaces['types'] : $this->namespaces['tns'];
$this->schemas[$typens][0]->addSimpleType($name, $restrictionBase, $typeClass, $phpType, $enumeration);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::character_data (   $parser,

element content handler

string$parserXML parser object
string$dataelement content private

Definition at line 514 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $data, and $depth.

$pos = isset($this->depth_array[$this->depth]) ? $this->depth_array[$this->depth] : 0;
if (isset($this->message[$pos]['cdata'])) {
$this->message[$pos]['cdata'] .= $data;
if ($this->documentation) {
$this->documentation .= $data;
wsdl::character_data (   $parser,

element content handler

string$parserXML parser object
string$dataelement content private

Definition at line 3624 of file nusoap.php.

References $data, and $depth.

$pos = isset($this->depth_array[$this->depth]) ? $this->depth_array[$this->depth] : 0;
if (isset($this->message[$pos]['cdata'])) {
$this->message[$pos]['cdata'] .= $data;
if ($this->documentation) {
$this->documentation .= $data;
wsdl::character_data (   $parser,

element content handler

string$parserXML parser object
string$dataelement content private

Definition at line 4587 of file nusoap.php.

References $data, and $depth.

$pos = isset($this->depth_array[$this->depth]) ? $this->depth_array[$this->depth] : 0;
if (isset($this->message[$pos]['cdata'])) {
$this->message[$pos]['cdata'] .= $data;
if ($this->documentation) {
$this->documentation .= $data;
wsdl::end_element (   $parser,

end-element handler

string$parserXML parser object
string$nameelement name private

Definition at line 484 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $currentSchema, $parser, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), and nusoap_base\debug().

// unset schema status
if (/*ereg('types$', $name) ||*/ ereg('schema$', $name)) {
$this->status = "";
$this->schemas[$this->currentSchema->schemaTargetNamespace][] = $this->currentSchema;
$this->debug('Parsing WSDL schema done');
if ($this->status == 'schema') {
$this->currentSchema->schemaEndElement($parser, $name);
} else {
// bring depth down a notch
// end documentation
if ($this->documentation) {
//TODO: track the node to which documentation should be assigned; it can be a part, message, etc.
//$this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$this->currentPortOperation]['documentation'] = $this->documentation;
$this->documentation = false;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::end_element (   $parser,

end-element handler

string$parserXML parser object
string$nameelement name private

Definition at line 3597 of file nusoap.php.

References $currentSchema, and $parser.

// unset schema status
if (/*ereg('types$', $name) ||*/ ereg('schema$', $name)) {
$this->status = "";
$this->schemas[$this->currentSchema->schemaTargetNamespace][] = $this->currentSchema;
if ($this->status == 'schema') {
$this->currentSchema->schemaEndElement($parser, $name);
} else {
// bring depth down a notch
// end documentation
if ($this->documentation) {
//TODO: track the node to which documentation should be assigned; it can be a part, message, etc.
//$this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$this->currentPortOperation]['documentation'] = $this->documentation;
$this->documentation = false;
wsdl::end_element (   $parser,

end-element handler

string$parserXML parser object
string$nameelement name private

Definition at line 4557 of file nusoap.php.

References $currentSchema, $parser, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), and nusoap_base\debug().

// unset schema status
if (/*ereg('types$', $name) ||*/ ereg('schema$', $name)) {
$this->status = "";
$this->schemas[$this->currentSchema->schemaTargetNamespace][] = $this->currentSchema;
$this->debug('Parsing WSDL schema done');
if ($this->status == 'schema') {
$this->currentSchema->schemaEndElement($parser, $name);
} else {
// bring depth down a notch
// end documentation
if ($this->documentation) {
//TODO: track the node to which documentation should be assigned; it can be a part, message, etc.
//$this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$this->currentPortOperation]['documentation'] = $this->documentation;
$this->documentation = false;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::getBindingData (   $binding)

Definition at line 525 of file class.wsdl.php.

if (is_array($this->bindings[$binding])) {
return $this->bindings[$binding];
wsdl::getBindingData (   $binding)

Definition at line 3635 of file nusoap.php.

if (is_array($this->bindings[$binding])) {
return $this->bindings[$binding];
wsdl::getBindingData (   $binding)

Definition at line 4598 of file nusoap.php.

if (is_array($this->bindings[$binding])) {
return $this->bindings[$binding];
wsdl::getOperationData (   $operation,
  $bindingType = 'soap' 

returns an associative array of data necessary for calling an operation

string$operation,nameof operation
string$bindingType,typeof binding eg: soap
array public

Definition at line 569 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $opData.

if ($bindingType == 'soap') {
$bindingType = '';
// loop thru ports
foreach($this->ports as $port => $portData) {
// binding type of port matches parameter
if ($portData['bindingType'] == $bindingType) {
// get binding
//foreach($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'] as $bOperation => $opData) {
foreach(array_keys($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations']) as $bOperation) {
// note that we could/should also check the namespace here
if ($operation == $bOperation) {
$opData = $this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'][$operation];
return $opData;
wsdl::getOperationData (   $operation,
  $bindingType = 'soap' 

returns an associative array of data necessary for calling an operation

string$operation,nameof operation
string$bindingType,typeof binding eg: soap
array public

Definition at line 3679 of file nusoap.php.

References $opData.

Referenced by soap_server\invoke_method(), serializeParameters(), serializeRPCParameters(), and soap_server\verify_method().

if ($bindingType == 'soap') {
$bindingType = '';
// loop thru ports
foreach($this->ports as $port => $portData) {
// binding type of port matches parameter
if ($portData['bindingType'] == $bindingType) {
// get binding
//foreach($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'] as $bOperation => $opData) {
foreach(array_keys($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations']) as $bOperation) {
if ($operation == $bOperation) {
$opData = $this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'][$operation];
return $opData;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::getOperationData (   $operation,
  $bindingType = 'soap' 

returns an associative array of data necessary for calling an operation

string$operation,nameof operation
string$bindingType,typeof binding eg: soap
array public

Definition at line 4642 of file nusoap.php.

References $opData.

if ($bindingType == 'soap') {
$bindingType = '';
// loop thru ports
foreach($this->ports as $port => $portData) {
// binding type of port matches parameter
if ($portData['bindingType'] == $bindingType) {
// get binding
//foreach($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'] as $bOperation => $opData) {
foreach(array_keys($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations']) as $bOperation) {
// note that we could/should also check the namespace here
if ($operation == $bOperation) {
$opData = $this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'][$operation];
return $opData;
wsdl::getOperationDataForSoapAction (   $soapAction,
  $bindingType = 'soap' 

returns an associative array of data necessary for calling an operation

string$soapActionsoapAction for operation
string$bindingTypetype of binding eg: soap
array public

Definition at line 599 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $opData.

Referenced by soap_server\invoke_method().

if ($bindingType == 'soap') {
$bindingType = '';
// loop thru ports
foreach($this->ports as $port => $portData) {
// binding type of port matches parameter
if ($portData['bindingType'] == $bindingType) {
// loop through operations for the binding
foreach ($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'] as $bOperation => $opData) {
if ($opData['soapAction'] == $soapAction) {
return $opData;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::getOperationDataForSoapAction (   $soapAction,
  $bindingType = 'soap' 

returns an associative array of data necessary for calling an operation

string$soapActionsoapAction for operation
string$bindingTypetype of binding eg: soap
array public

Definition at line 4672 of file nusoap.php.

References $opData.

if ($bindingType == 'soap') {
$bindingType = '';
// loop thru ports
foreach($this->ports as $port => $portData) {
// binding type of port matches parameter
if ($portData['bindingType'] == $bindingType) {
// loop through operations for the binding
foreach ($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'] as $bOperation => $opData) {
if ($opData['soapAction'] == $soapAction) {
return $opData;
wsdl::getOperations (   $bindingType = 'soap')

returns an assoc array of operation names => operation data

string$bindingTypeeg: soap, smtp, dime (only soap is currently supported)
array public

Definition at line 539 of file class.wsdl.php.

$ops = array();
if ($bindingType == 'soap') {
$bindingType = '';
// loop thru ports
foreach($this->ports as $port => $portData) {
// binding type of port matches parameter
if ($portData['bindingType'] == $bindingType) {
//$this->debug("getOperations for port $port");
//$this->debug("port data: " . $this->varDump($portData));
//$this->debug("bindings: " . $this->varDump($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]));
// merge bindings
if (isset($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'])) {
$ops = array_merge ($ops, $this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations']);
return $ops;
wsdl::getOperations (   $bindingType = 'soap')

returns an assoc array of operation names => operation data

string$bindingTypeeg: soap, smtp, dime (only soap is currently supported)
array public

Definition at line 3649 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by soap_client\soap_client(), soap_server\webDescription(), and webDescription().

$ops = array();
if ($bindingType == 'soap') {
$bindingType = '';
// loop thru ports
foreach($this->ports as $port => $portData) {
// binding type of port matches parameter
if ($portData['bindingType'] == $bindingType) {
//$this->debug("getOperations for port $port");
//$this->debug("port data: " . $this->varDump($portData));
//$this->debug("bindings: " . $this->varDump($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]));
// merge bindings
if (isset($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'])) {
$ops = array_merge ($ops, $this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations']);
return $ops;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::getOperations (   $bindingType = 'soap')

returns an assoc array of operation names => operation data

string$bindingTypeeg: soap, smtp, dime (only soap is currently supported)
array public

Definition at line 4612 of file nusoap.php.

$ops = array();
if ($bindingType == 'soap') {
$bindingType = '';
// loop thru ports
foreach($this->ports as $port => $portData) {
// binding type of port matches parameter
if ($portData['bindingType'] == $bindingType) {
//$this->debug("getOperations for port $port");
//$this->debug("port data: " . $this->varDump($portData));
//$this->debug("bindings: " . $this->varDump($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]));
// merge bindings
if (isset($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'])) {
$ops = array_merge ($ops, $this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations']);
return $ops;
wsdl::getTypeDef (   $type,

returns an array of information about a given type returns false if no type exists by the given name

     typeDef = array(
     'elements' => array(), // refs to elements array
    'restrictionBase' => '',
    'phpType' => '',
    'order' => '(sequence|all)',
    'attrs' => array() // refs to attributes array
$typestring the type
$nsstring namespace (not prefix) of the type
mixed public
See Also

Definition at line 635 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $t, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), getTypeDef(), and nusoap_base\varDump().

$this->debug("in getTypeDef: type=$type, ns=$ns");
if ((! $ns) && isset($this->namespaces['tns'])) {
$ns = $this->namespaces['tns'];
$this->debug("in getTypeDef: type namespace forced to $ns");
if (isset($this->schemas[$ns])) {
$this->debug("in getTypeDef: have schema for namespace $ns");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->schemas[$ns]); $i++) {
$xs = &$this->schemas[$ns][$i];
$t = $xs->getTypeDef($type);
if ($t) {
if (!isset($t['phpType'])) {
// get info for type to tack onto the element
$uqType = substr($t['type'], strrpos($t['type'], ':') + 1);
$ns = substr($t['type'], 0, strrpos($t['type'], ':'));
$etype = $this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns);
if ($etype) {
$this->debug("found type for [element] $type:");
if (isset($etype['phpType'])) {
$t['phpType'] = $etype['phpType'];
if (isset($etype['elements'])) {
$t['elements'] = $etype['elements'];
if (isset($etype['attrs'])) {
$t['attrs'] = $etype['attrs'];
return $t;
} else {
$this->debug("in getTypeDef: do not have schema for namespace $ns");
return false;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::getTypeDef (   $type,

returns an array of information about a given type returns false if no type exists by the given name

     typeDef = array(
     'elements' => array(), // refs to elements array
    'restrictionBase' => '',
    'phpType' => '',
    'order' => '(sequence|all)',
    'attrs' => array() // refs to attributes array
mixed public
See Also

Definition at line 3718 of file nusoap.php.

References $t.

Referenced by getTypeDef(), serialize(), serializeComplexTypeAttributes(), serializeComplexTypeElements(), and serializeType().

if ((! $ns) && isset($this->namespaces['tns'])) {
$ns = $this->namespaces['tns'];
if (isset($this->schemas[$ns])) {
foreach ($this->schemas[$ns] as $xs) {
$t = $xs->getTypeDef($type);
$this->debug_str .= $xs->debug_str;
$xs->debug_str = '';
if ($t) {
return $t;
return false;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::getTypeDef (   $type,

returns an array of information about a given type returns false if no type exists by the given name

     typeDef = array(
     'elements' => array(), // refs to elements array
    'restrictionBase' => '',
    'phpType' => '',
    'order' => '(sequence|all)',
    'attrs' => array() // refs to attributes array
$typestring the type
$nsstring namespace (not prefix) of the type
mixed public
See Also

Definition at line 4708 of file nusoap.php.

References $t, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), getTypeDef(), and nusoap_base\varDump().

$this->debug("in getTypeDef: type=$type, ns=$ns");
if ((! $ns) && isset($this->namespaces['tns'])) {
$ns = $this->namespaces['tns'];
$this->debug("in getTypeDef: type namespace forced to $ns");
if (isset($this->schemas[$ns])) {
$this->debug("in getTypeDef: have schema for namespace $ns");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->schemas[$ns]); $i++) {
$xs = &$this->schemas[$ns][$i];
$t = $xs->getTypeDef($type);
if ($t) {
if (!isset($t['phpType'])) {
// get info for type to tack onto the element
$uqType = substr($t['type'], strrpos($t['type'], ':') + 1);
$ns = substr($t['type'], 0, strrpos($t['type'], ':'));
$etype = $this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns);
if ($etype) {
$this->debug("found type for [element] $type:");
if (isset($etype['phpType'])) {
$t['phpType'] = $etype['phpType'];
if (isset($etype['elements'])) {
$t['elements'] = $etype['elements'];
if (isset($etype['attrs'])) {
$t['attrs'] = $etype['attrs'];
return $t;
} else {
$this->debug("in getTypeDef: do not have schema for namespace $ns");
return false;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::parseWSDL (   $wsdl = '')

parses the wsdl document

string$wsdlpath or URL private

Definition at line 171 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $data, $wsdl, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\getError(), and nusoap_base\setError().

if ($wsdl == '') {
$this->debug('no wsdl passed to parseWSDL()!!');
$this->setError('no wsdl passed to parseWSDL()!!');
return false;
// parse $wsdl for url format
$wsdl_props = parse_url($wsdl);
if (isset($wsdl_props['scheme']) && ($wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'http' || $wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'https')) {
$this->debug('getting WSDL http(s) URL ' . $wsdl);
// get wsdl
$tr->request_method = 'GET';
$tr->useSOAPAction = false;
if($this->proxyhost && $this->proxyport){
$tr->setEncoding('gzip, deflate');
$wsdl_string = $tr->send('', $this->timeout, $this->response_timeout);
//$this->debug("WSDL request\n" . $tr->outgoing_payload);
//$this->debug("WSDL response\n" . $tr->incoming_payload);
// catch errors
if($err = $tr->getError() ){
$errstr = 'HTTP ERROR: '.$err;
return false;
$this->debug("got WSDL URL");
} else {
// $wsdl is not http(s), so treat it as a file URL or plain file path
if (isset($wsdl_props['scheme']) && ($wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'file') && isset($wsdl_props['path'])) {
$path = isset($wsdl_props['host']) ? ($wsdl_props['host'] . ':' . $wsdl_props['path']) : $wsdl_props['path'];
} else {
$path = $wsdl;
$this->debug('getting WSDL file ' . $path);
if ($fp = @fopen($path, 'r')) {
$wsdl_string = '';
while ($data = fread($fp, 32768)) {
$wsdl_string .= $data;
} else {
$errstr = "Bad path to WSDL file $path";
return false;
$this->debug('Parse WSDL');
// end new code added
// Create an XML parser.
$this->parser = xml_parser_create();
// Set the options for parsing the XML data.
// xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
// Set the object for the parser.
xml_set_object($this->parser, $this);
// Set the element handlers for the parser.
xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'start_element', 'end_element');
xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, 'character_data');
// Parse the XML file.
if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $wsdl_string, true)) {
// Display an error message.
$errstr = sprintf(
'XML error parsing WSDL from %s on line %d: %s',
$this->debug("XML payload:\n" . $wsdl_string);
return false;
// free the parser
$this->debug('Parsing WSDL done');
// catch wsdl parse errors
return false;
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::parseWSDL (   $wsdl = '')

parses the wsdl document

string$wsdlpath or URL private

Definition at line 3290 of file nusoap.php.

References $data, $wsdl, nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\getError(), and nusoap_base\setError().

Referenced by wsdl().

if ($wsdl == '') {
$this->debug('no wsdl passed to parseWSDL()!!');
$this->setError('no wsdl passed to parseWSDL()!!');
return false;
// parse $wsdl for url format
$wsdl_props = parse_url($wsdl);
if (isset($wsdl_props['scheme']) && ($wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'http' || $wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'https')) {
$this->debug('getting WSDL http(s) URL ' . $wsdl);
// get wsdl
$tr->request_method = 'GET';
$tr->useSOAPAction = false;
if($this->proxyhost && $this->proxyport){
if (isset($wsdl_props['user'])) {
$wsdl_string = $tr->send('', $this->timeout, $this->response_timeout);
//$this->debug("WSDL request\n" . $tr->outgoing_payload);
//$this->debug("WSDL response\n" . $tr->incoming_payload);
$this->debug("transport debug data...\n" . $tr->debug_str);
// catch errors
if($err = $tr->getError() ){
$errstr = 'HTTP ERROR: '.$err;
return false;
} else {
// $wsdl is not http(s), so treat it as a file URL or plain file path
if (isset($wsdl_props['scheme']) && ($wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'file') && isset($wsdl_props['path'])) {
$path = isset($wsdl_props['host']) ? ($wsdl_props['host'] . ':' . $wsdl_props['path']) : $wsdl_props['path'];
} else {
$path = $wsdl;
$this->debug('getting WSDL file ' . $path);
if ($fp = @fopen($path, 'r')) {
$wsdl_string = '';
while ($data = fread($fp, 32768)) {
$wsdl_string .= $data;
} else {
$errstr = "Bad path to WSDL file $path";
return false;
// end new code added
// Create an XML parser.
$this->parser = xml_parser_create();
// Set the options for parsing the XML data.
// xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
// Set the object for the parser.
xml_set_object($this->parser, $this);
// Set the element handlers for the parser.
xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'start_element', 'end_element');
xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, 'character_data');
// Parse the XML file.
if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $wsdl_string, true)) {
// Display an error message.
$errstr = sprintf(
'XML error parsing WSDL from %s on line %d: %s',
$this->debug("XML payload:\n" . $wsdl_string);
return false;
// free the parser
// catch wsdl parse errors
return false;
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::parseWSDL (   $wsdl = '')

parses the wsdl document

string$wsdlpath or URL private

Definition at line 4244 of file nusoap.php.

References $data, $wsdl, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\getError(), and nusoap_base\setError().

if ($wsdl == '') {
$this->debug('no wsdl passed to parseWSDL()!!');
$this->setError('no wsdl passed to parseWSDL()!!');
return false;
// parse $wsdl for url format
$wsdl_props = parse_url($wsdl);
if (isset($wsdl_props['scheme']) && ($wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'http' || $wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'https')) {
$this->debug('getting WSDL http(s) URL ' . $wsdl);
// get wsdl
$tr->request_method = 'GET';
$tr->useSOAPAction = false;
if($this->proxyhost && $this->proxyport){
$tr->setEncoding('gzip, deflate');
$wsdl_string = $tr->send('', $this->timeout, $this->response_timeout);
//$this->debug("WSDL request\n" . $tr->outgoing_payload);
//$this->debug("WSDL response\n" . $tr->incoming_payload);
// catch errors
if($err = $tr->getError() ){
$errstr = 'HTTP ERROR: '.$err;
return false;
$this->debug("got WSDL URL");
} else {
// $wsdl is not http(s), so treat it as a file URL or plain file path
if (isset($wsdl_props['scheme']) && ($wsdl_props['scheme'] == 'file') && isset($wsdl_props['path'])) {
$path = isset($wsdl_props['host']) ? ($wsdl_props['host'] . ':' . $wsdl_props['path']) : $wsdl_props['path'];
} else {
$path = $wsdl;
$this->debug('getting WSDL file ' . $path);
if ($fp = @fopen($path, 'r')) {
$wsdl_string = '';
while ($data = fread($fp, 32768)) {
$wsdl_string .= $data;
} else {
$errstr = "Bad path to WSDL file $path";
return false;
$this->debug('Parse WSDL');
// end new code added
// Create an XML parser.
$this->parser = xml_parser_create();
// Set the options for parsing the XML data.
// xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
// Set the object for the parser.
xml_set_object($this->parser, $this);
// Set the element handlers for the parser.
xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'start_element', 'end_element');
xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, 'character_data');
// Parse the XML file.
if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $wsdl_string, true)) {
// Display an error message.
$errstr = sprintf(
'XML error parsing WSDL from %s on line %d: %s',
$this->debug("XML payload:\n" . $wsdl_string);
return false;
// free the parser
$this->debug('Parsing WSDL done');
// catch wsdl parse errors
return false;
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::serialize (   $debug = 0)

serialize the parsed wsdl

mixed$debugwhether to put debug=1 in endpoint URL
string serialization of WSDL public

Definition at line 815 of file class.wsdl.php.

References nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), nusoap_base\getNamespaceFromPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefixFromNamespace(), and getTypeDef().

$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';
$xml .= "\n<definitions";
foreach($this->namespaces as $k => $v) {
$xml .= " xmlns:$k=\"$v\"";
// 10.9.02 - add poulter fix for wsdl and tns declarations
if (isset($this->namespaces['wsdl'])) {
$xml .= " xmlns=\"" . $this->namespaces['wsdl'] . "\"";
if (isset($this->namespaces['tns'])) {
$xml .= " targetNamespace=\"" . $this->namespaces['tns'] . "\"";
$xml .= '>';
// imports
if (sizeof($this->import) > 0) {
foreach($this->import as $ns => $list) {
foreach ($list as $ii) {
if ($ii['location'] != '') {
$xml .= '<import location="' . $ii['location'] . '" namespace="' . $ns . '" />';
} else {
$xml .= '<import namespace="' . $ns . '" />';
// types
if (count($this->schemas)>=1) {
$xml .= "\n<types>";
foreach ($this->schemas as $ns => $list) {
foreach ($list as $xs) {
$xml .= $xs->serializeSchema();
$xml .= '</types>';
// messages
if (count($this->messages) >= 1) {
foreach($this->messages as $msgName => $msgParts) {
$xml .= "\n<message name=\"" . $msgName . '">';
foreach($msgParts as $partName => $partType) {
// print 'serializing '.$partType.', sv: '.$this->XMLSchemaVersion.'<br>';
if (strpos($partType, ':')) {
$typePrefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->getPrefix($partType));
} elseif (isset($this->typemap[$this->namespaces['xsd']][$partType])) {
// print 'checking typemap: '.$this->XMLSchemaVersion.'<br>';
$typePrefix = 'xsd';
} else {
foreach($this->typemap as $ns => $types) {
if (isset($types[$partType])) {
$typePrefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns);
if (!isset($typePrefix)) {
die("$partType has no namespace!");
$ns = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($typePrefix);
$typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($this->getLocalPart($partType), $ns);
if ($typeDef['typeClass'] == 'element') {
$elementortype = 'element';
} else {
$elementortype = 'type';
$xml .= '<part name="' . $partName . '" ' . $elementortype . '="' . $typePrefix . ':' . $this->getLocalPart($partType) . '" />';
$xml .= '</message>';
// bindings & porttypes
if (count($this->bindings) >= 1) {
$binding_xml = '';
$portType_xml = '';
foreach($this->bindings as $bindingName => $attrs) {
$binding_xml .= "\n<binding name=\"" . $bindingName . '" type="tns:' . $attrs['portType'] . '">';
$binding_xml .= '<soap:binding style="' . $attrs['style'] . '" transport="' . $attrs['transport'] . '"/>';
$portType_xml .= "\n<portType name=\"" . $attrs['portType'] . '">';
foreach($attrs['operations'] as $opName => $opParts) {
$binding_xml .= '<operation name="' . $opName . '">';
$binding_xml .= '<soap:operation soapAction="' . $opParts['soapAction'] . '" style="'. $opParts['style'] . '"/>';
if (isset($opParts['input']['encodingStyle']) && $opParts['input']['encodingStyle'] != '') {
$enc_style = ' encodingStyle="' . $opParts['input']['encodingStyle'] . '"';
} else {
$enc_style = '';
$binding_xml .= '<input><soap:body use="' . $opParts['input']['use'] . '" namespace="' . $opParts['input']['namespace'] . '"' . $enc_style . '/></input>';
if (isset($opParts['output']['encodingStyle']) && $opParts['output']['encodingStyle'] != '') {
$enc_style = ' encodingStyle="' . $opParts['output']['encodingStyle'] . '"';
} else {
$enc_style = '';
$binding_xml .= '<output><soap:body use="' . $opParts['output']['use'] . '" namespace="' . $opParts['output']['namespace'] . '"' . $enc_style . '/></output>';
$binding_xml .= '</operation>';
$portType_xml .= '<operation name="' . $opParts['name'] . '"';
if (isset($opParts['parameterOrder'])) {
$portType_xml .= ' parameterOrder="' . $opParts['parameterOrder'] . '"';
$portType_xml .= '>';
if(isset($opParts['documentation']) && $opParts['documentation'] != '') {
$portType_xml .= '<documentation>' . htmlspecialchars($opParts['documentation']) . '</documentation>';
$portType_xml .= '<input message="tns:' . $opParts['input']['message'] . '"/>';
$portType_xml .= '<output message="tns:' . $opParts['output']['message'] . '"/>';
$portType_xml .= '</operation>';
$portType_xml .= '</portType>';
$binding_xml .= '</binding>';
$xml .= $portType_xml . $binding_xml;
// services
$xml .= "\n<service name=\"" . $this->serviceName . '">';
if (count($this->ports) >= 1) {
foreach($this->ports as $pName => $attrs) {
$xml .= '<port name="' . $pName . '" binding="tns:' . $attrs['binding'] . '">';
$xml .= '<soap:address location="' . $attrs['location'] . ($debug ? '?debug=1' : '') . '"/>';
$xml .= '</port>';
$xml .= '</service>';
return $xml . "\n</definitions>";

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::serialize ( )

serialize the parsed wsdl

string , serialization of WSDL public

Definition at line 3741 of file nusoap.php.

References nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), nusoap_base\getPrefix(), and nusoap_base\getPrefixFromNamespace().

Referenced by soap_server\service().

$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><definitions';
foreach($this->namespaces as $k => $v) {
$xml .= " xmlns:$k=\"$v\"";
// 10.9.02 - add poulter fix for wsdl and tns declarations
if (isset($this->namespaces['wsdl'])) {
$xml .= " xmlns=\"" . $this->namespaces['wsdl'] . "\"";
if (isset($this->namespaces['tns'])) {
$xml .= " targetNamespace=\"" . $this->namespaces['tns'] . "\"";
$xml .= '>';
// imports
if (sizeof($this->import) > 0) {
foreach($this->import as $ns => $list) {
foreach ($list as $ii) {
if ($ii['location'] != '') {
$xml .= '<import location="' . $ii['location'] . '" namespace="' . $ns . '" />';
} else {
$xml .= '<import namespace="' . $ns . '" />';
// types
if (count($this->schemas)>=1) {
$xml .= '<types>';
foreach ($this->schemas as $ns => $list) {
foreach ($list as $xs) {
$xml .= $xs->serializeSchema();
$xml .= '</types>';
// messages
if (count($this->messages) >= 1) {
foreach($this->messages as $msgName => $msgParts) {
$xml .= '<message name="' . $msgName . '">';
foreach($msgParts as $partName => $partType) {
// print 'serializing '.$partType.', sv: '.$this->XMLSchemaVersion.'<br>';
if (strpos($partType, ':')) {
$typePrefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->getPrefix($partType));
} elseif (isset($this->typemap[$this->namespaces['xsd']][$partType])) {
// print 'checking typemap: '.$this->XMLSchemaVersion.'<br>';
$typePrefix = 'xsd';
} else {
foreach($this->typemap as $ns => $types) {
if (isset($types[$partType])) {
$typePrefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns);
if (!isset($typePrefix)) {
die("$partType has no namespace!");
$xml .= '<part name="' . $partName . '" type="' . $typePrefix . ':' . $this->getLocalPart($partType) . '" />';
$xml .= '</message>';
// bindings & porttypes
if (count($this->bindings) >= 1) {
$binding_xml = '';
$portType_xml = '';
foreach($this->bindings as $bindingName => $attrs) {
$binding_xml .= '<binding name="' . $bindingName . '" type="tns:' . $attrs['portType'] . '">';
$binding_xml .= '<soap:binding style="' . $attrs['style'] . '" transport="' . $attrs['transport'] . '"/>';
$portType_xml .= '<portType name="' . $attrs['portType'] . '">';
foreach($attrs['operations'] as $opName => $opParts) {
$binding_xml .= '<operation name="' . $opName . '">';
$binding_xml .= '<soap:operation soapAction="' . $opParts['soapAction'] . '" style="'. $attrs['style'] . '"/>';
if (isset($opParts['input']['encodingStyle']) && $opParts['input']['encodingStyle'] != '') {
$enc_style = ' encodingStyle="' . $opParts['input']['encodingStyle'] . '"';
} else {
$enc_style = '';
$binding_xml .= '<input><soap:body use="' . $opParts['input']['use'] . '" namespace="' . $opParts['input']['namespace'] . '"' . $enc_style . '/></input>';
if (isset($opParts['output']['encodingStyle']) && $opParts['output']['encodingStyle'] != '') {
$enc_style = ' encodingStyle="' . $opParts['output']['encodingStyle'] . '"';
} else {
$enc_style = '';
$binding_xml .= '<output><soap:body use="' . $opParts['output']['use'] . '" namespace="' . $opParts['output']['namespace'] . '"' . $enc_style . '/></output>';
$binding_xml .= '</operation>';
$portType_xml .= '<operation name="' . $opParts['name'] . '"';
if (isset($opParts['parameterOrder'])) {
$portType_xml .= ' parameterOrder="' . $opParts['parameterOrder'] . '"';
$portType_xml .= '>';
if(isset($opParts['documentation']) && $opParts['documentation'] != '') {
$portType_xml .= '<documentation>' . htmlspecialchars($opParts['documentation']) . '</documentation>';
$portType_xml .= '<input message="tns:' . $opParts['input']['message'] . '"/>';
$portType_xml .= '<output message="tns:' . $opParts['output']['message'] . '"/>';
$portType_xml .= '</operation>';
$portType_xml .= '</portType>';
$binding_xml .= '</binding>';
$xml .= $portType_xml . $binding_xml;
// services
$xml .= '<service name="' . $this->serviceName . '">';
if (count($this->ports) >= 1) {
foreach($this->ports as $pName => $attrs) {
$xml .= '<port name="' . $pName . '" binding="tns:' . $attrs['binding'] . '">';
$xml .= '<soap:address location="' . $attrs['location'] . '"/>';
$xml .= '</port>';
$xml .= '</service>';
return $xml . '</definitions>';

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::serialize (   $debug = 0)

serialize the parsed wsdl

mixed$debugwhether to put debug=1 in endpoint URL
string serialization of WSDL public

Definition at line 4888 of file nusoap.php.

References nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), nusoap_base\getNamespaceFromPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefixFromNamespace(), and getTypeDef().

$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';
$xml .= "\n<definitions";
foreach($this->namespaces as $k => $v) {
$xml .= " xmlns:$k=\"$v\"";
// 10.9.02 - add poulter fix for wsdl and tns declarations
if (isset($this->namespaces['wsdl'])) {
$xml .= " xmlns=\"" . $this->namespaces['wsdl'] . "\"";
if (isset($this->namespaces['tns'])) {
$xml .= " targetNamespace=\"" . $this->namespaces['tns'] . "\"";
$xml .= '>';
// imports
if (sizeof($this->import) > 0) {
foreach($this->import as $ns => $list) {
foreach ($list as $ii) {
if ($ii['location'] != '') {
$xml .= '<import location="' . $ii['location'] . '" namespace="' . $ns . '" />';
} else {
$xml .= '<import namespace="' . $ns . '" />';
// types
if (count($this->schemas)>=1) {
$xml .= "\n<types>";
foreach ($this->schemas as $ns => $list) {
foreach ($list as $xs) {
$xml .= $xs->serializeSchema();
$xml .= '</types>';
// messages
if (count($this->messages) >= 1) {
foreach($this->messages as $msgName => $msgParts) {
$xml .= "\n<message name=\"" . $msgName . '">';
foreach($msgParts as $partName => $partType) {
// print 'serializing '.$partType.', sv: '.$this->XMLSchemaVersion.'<br>';
if (strpos($partType, ':')) {
$typePrefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->getPrefix($partType));
} elseif (isset($this->typemap[$this->namespaces['xsd']][$partType])) {
// print 'checking typemap: '.$this->XMLSchemaVersion.'<br>';
$typePrefix = 'xsd';
} else {
foreach($this->typemap as $ns => $types) {
if (isset($types[$partType])) {
$typePrefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns);
if (!isset($typePrefix)) {
die("$partType has no namespace!");
$ns = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($typePrefix);
$typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($this->getLocalPart($partType), $ns);
if ($typeDef['typeClass'] == 'element') {
$elementortype = 'element';
} else {
$elementortype = 'type';
$xml .= '<part name="' . $partName . '" ' . $elementortype . '="' . $typePrefix . ':' . $this->getLocalPart($partType) . '" />';
$xml .= '</message>';
// bindings & porttypes
if (count($this->bindings) >= 1) {
$binding_xml = '';
$portType_xml = '';
foreach($this->bindings as $bindingName => $attrs) {
$binding_xml .= "\n<binding name=\"" . $bindingName . '" type="tns:' . $attrs['portType'] . '">';
$binding_xml .= '<soap:binding style="' . $attrs['style'] . '" transport="' . $attrs['transport'] . '"/>';
$portType_xml .= "\n<portType name=\"" . $attrs['portType'] . '">';
foreach($attrs['operations'] as $opName => $opParts) {
$binding_xml .= '<operation name="' . $opName . '">';
$binding_xml .= '<soap:operation soapAction="' . $opParts['soapAction'] . '" style="'. $opParts['style'] . '"/>';
if (isset($opParts['input']['encodingStyle']) && $opParts['input']['encodingStyle'] != '') {
$enc_style = ' encodingStyle="' . $opParts['input']['encodingStyle'] . '"';
} else {
$enc_style = '';
$binding_xml .= '<input><soap:body use="' . $opParts['input']['use'] . '" namespace="' . $opParts['input']['namespace'] . '"' . $enc_style . '/></input>';
if (isset($opParts['output']['encodingStyle']) && $opParts['output']['encodingStyle'] != '') {
$enc_style = ' encodingStyle="' . $opParts['output']['encodingStyle'] . '"';
} else {
$enc_style = '';
$binding_xml .= '<output><soap:body use="' . $opParts['output']['use'] . '" namespace="' . $opParts['output']['namespace'] . '"' . $enc_style . '/></output>';
$binding_xml .= '</operation>';
$portType_xml .= '<operation name="' . $opParts['name'] . '"';
if (isset($opParts['parameterOrder'])) {
$portType_xml .= ' parameterOrder="' . $opParts['parameterOrder'] . '"';
$portType_xml .= '>';
if(isset($opParts['documentation']) && $opParts['documentation'] != '') {
$portType_xml .= '<documentation>' . htmlspecialchars($opParts['documentation']) . '</documentation>';
$portType_xml .= '<input message="tns:' . $opParts['input']['message'] . '"/>';
$portType_xml .= '<output message="tns:' . $opParts['output']['message'] . '"/>';
$portType_xml .= '</operation>';
$portType_xml .= '</portType>';
$binding_xml .= '</binding>';
$xml .= $portType_xml . $binding_xml;
// services
$xml .= "\n<service name=\"" . $this->serviceName . '">';
if (count($this->ports) >= 1) {
foreach($this->ports as $pName => $attrs) {
$xml .= '<port name="' . $pName . '" binding="tns:' . $attrs['binding'] . '">';
$xml .= '<soap:address location="' . $attrs['location'] . ($debug ? '?debug=1' : '') . '"/>';
$xml .= '</port>';
$xml .= '</service>';
return $xml . "\n</definitions>";

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::serializeComplexTypeAttributes (   $typeDef,

serializes the attributes for a complexType

array$typeDefour internal representation of an XML schema type (or element)
mixed$valuea native PHP value (parameter value)
string$nsthe namespace of the type
string$uqTypethe local part of the type
string value serialized as an XML string private

Definition at line 1409 of file class.wsdl.php.

References nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\expandEntities(), nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), nusoap_base\getNamespaceFromPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefix(), and getTypeDef().

Referenced by serializeComplexTypeAttributes(), and serializeType().

$xml = '';
if (isset($typeDef['attrs']) && is_array($typeDef['attrs'])) {
$this->debug("serialize attributes for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
if (is_array($value)) {
$xvalue = $value;
} elseif (is_object($value)) {
$xvalue = get_object_vars($value);
} else {
$this->debug("value is neither an array nor an object for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
$xvalue = array();
foreach ($typeDef['attrs'] as $aName => $attrs) {
if (isset($xvalue['!' . $aName])) {
$xname = '!' . $aName;
$this->debug("value provided for attribute $aName with key $xname");
} elseif (isset($xvalue[$aName])) {
$xname = $aName;
$this->debug("value provided for attribute $aName with key $xname");
} elseif (isset($attrs['default'])) {
$xname = '!' . $aName;
$xvalue[$xname] = $attrs['default'];
$this->debug('use default value of ' . $xvalue[$aName] . ' for attribute ' . $aName);
} else {
$xname = '';
$this->debug("no value provided for attribute $aName");
if ($xname) {
$xml .= " $aName=\"" . $this->expandEntities($xvalue[$xname]) . "\"";
} else {
$this->debug("no attributes to serialize for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
if (isset($typeDef['extensionBase'])) {
$ns = $this->getPrefix($typeDef['extensionBase']);
$uqType = $this->getLocalPart($typeDef['extensionBase']);
if ($this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns)) {
$ns = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns);
if ($typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)) {
$this->debug("serialize attributes for extension base $ns:$uqType");
$xml .= $this->serializeComplexTypeAttributes($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType);
} else {
$this->debug("extension base $ns:$uqType is not a supported type");
return $xml;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::serializeComplexTypeAttributes (   $typeDef,

serializes the attributes for a complexType

array$typeDefour internal representation of an XML schema type (or element)
mixed$valuea native PHP value (parameter value)
string$nsthe namespace of the type
string$uqTypethe local part of the type
string value serialized as an XML string private

Definition at line 5482 of file nusoap.php.

References nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\expandEntities(), nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), nusoap_base\getNamespaceFromPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefix(), getTypeDef(), and serializeComplexTypeAttributes().

$xml = '';
if (isset($typeDef['attrs']) && is_array($typeDef['attrs'])) {
$this->debug("serialize attributes for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
if (is_array($value)) {
$xvalue = $value;
} elseif (is_object($value)) {
$xvalue = get_object_vars($value);
} else {
$this->debug("value is neither an array nor an object for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
$xvalue = array();
foreach ($typeDef['attrs'] as $aName => $attrs) {
if (isset($xvalue['!' . $aName])) {
$xname = '!' . $aName;
$this->debug("value provided for attribute $aName with key $xname");
} elseif (isset($xvalue[$aName])) {
$xname = $aName;
$this->debug("value provided for attribute $aName with key $xname");
} elseif (isset($attrs['default'])) {
$xname = '!' . $aName;
$xvalue[$xname] = $attrs['default'];
$this->debug('use default value of ' . $xvalue[$aName] . ' for attribute ' . $aName);
} else {
$xname = '';
$this->debug("no value provided for attribute $aName");
if ($xname) {
$xml .= " $aName=\"" . $this->expandEntities($xvalue[$xname]) . "\"";
} else {
$this->debug("no attributes to serialize for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
if (isset($typeDef['extensionBase'])) {
$ns = $this->getPrefix($typeDef['extensionBase']);
$uqType = $this->getLocalPart($typeDef['extensionBase']);
if ($this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns)) {
$ns = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns);
if ($typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)) {
$this->debug("serialize attributes for extension base $ns:$uqType");
$xml .= $this->serializeComplexTypeAttributes($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType);
} else {
$this->debug("extension base $ns:$uqType is not a supported type");
return $xml;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::serializeComplexTypeElements (   $typeDef,
  $use = 'encoded',
  $encodingStyle = false 

serializes the elements for a complexType

array$typeDefour internal representation of an XML schema type (or element)
mixed$valuea native PHP value (parameter value)
string$nsthe namespace of the type
string$uqTypethe local part of the type
string$useuse for part (encoded|literal)
string$encodingStyleSOAP encoding style for the value (if different than the enclosing style)
string value serialized as an XML string private

Definition at line 1471 of file class.wsdl.php.

References nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), nusoap_base\getNamespaceFromPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefix(), getTypeDef(), nusoap_base\isArraySimpleOrStruct(), nusoap_base\serialize_val(), and serializeType().

Referenced by serializeComplexTypeElements(), and serializeType().

$xml = '';
if (isset($typeDef['elements']) && is_array($typeDef['elements'])) {
$this->debug("in serializeComplexTypeElements, serialize elements for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
if (is_array($value)) {
$xvalue = $value;
} elseif (is_object($value)) {
$xvalue = get_object_vars($value);
} else {
$this->debug("value is neither an array nor an object for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
$xvalue = array();
// toggle whether all elements are present - ideally should validate against schema
if (count($typeDef['elements']) != count($xvalue)){
$optionals = true;
foreach ($typeDef['elements'] as $eName => $attrs) {
if (!isset($xvalue[$eName])) {
if (isset($attrs['default'])) {
$xvalue[$eName] = $attrs['default'];
$this->debug('use default value of ' . $xvalue[$eName] . ' for element ' . $eName);
// if user took advantage of a minOccurs=0, then only serialize named parameters
if (isset($optionals)
&& (!isset($xvalue[$eName]))
&& ( (!isset($attrs['nillable'])) || $attrs['nillable'] != 'true')
if (isset($attrs['minOccurs']) && $attrs['minOccurs'] <> '0') {
$this->debug("apparent error: no value provided for element $eName with minOccurs=" . $attrs['minOccurs']);
// do nothing
$this->debug("no value provided for complexType element $eName and element is not nillable, so serialize nothing");
} else {
// get value
if (isset($xvalue[$eName])) {
$v = $xvalue[$eName];
} else {
$v = null;
if (isset($attrs['form'])) {
$unqualified = ($attrs['form'] == 'unqualified');
} else {
$unqualified = false;
if (isset($attrs['maxOccurs']) && ($attrs['maxOccurs'] == 'unbounded' || $attrs['maxOccurs'] > 1) && isset($v) && is_array($v) && $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($v) == 'arraySimple') {
$vv = $v;
foreach ($vv as $k => $v) {
if (isset($attrs['type']) || isset($attrs['ref'])) {
// serialize schema-defined type
$xml .= $this->serializeType($eName, isset($attrs['type']) ? $attrs['type'] : $attrs['ref'], $v, $use, $encodingStyle, $unqualified);
} else {
// serialize generic type (can this ever really happen?)
$this->debug("calling serialize_val() for $v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use");
$xml .= $this->serialize_val($v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use);
} else {
if (isset($attrs['type']) || isset($attrs['ref'])) {
// serialize schema-defined type
$xml .= $this->serializeType($eName, isset($attrs['type']) ? $attrs['type'] : $attrs['ref'], $v, $use, $encodingStyle, $unqualified);
} else {
// serialize generic type (can this ever really happen?)
$this->debug("calling serialize_val() for $v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use");
$xml .= $this->serialize_val($v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use);
} else {
$this->debug("no elements to serialize for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
if (isset($typeDef['extensionBase'])) {
$ns = $this->getPrefix($typeDef['extensionBase']);
$uqType = $this->getLocalPart($typeDef['extensionBase']);
if ($this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns)) {
$ns = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns);
if ($typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)) {
$this->debug("serialize elements for extension base $ns:$uqType");
$xml .= $this->serializeComplexTypeElements($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType, $use, $encodingStyle);
} else {
$this->debug("extension base $ns:$uqType is not a supported type");
return $xml;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::serializeComplexTypeElements (   $typeDef,
  $use = 'encoded',
  $encodingStyle = false 

serializes the elements for a complexType

array$typeDefour internal representation of an XML schema type (or element)
mixed$valuea native PHP value (parameter value)
string$nsthe namespace of the type
string$uqTypethe local part of the type
string$useuse for part (encoded|literal)
string$encodingStyleSOAP encoding style for the value (if different than the enclosing style)
string value serialized as an XML string private

Definition at line 5544 of file nusoap.php.

References nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), nusoap_base\getNamespaceFromPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefix(), getTypeDef(), nusoap_base\isArraySimpleOrStruct(), nusoap_base\serialize_val(), serializeComplexTypeElements(), and serializeType().

$xml = '';
if (isset($typeDef['elements']) && is_array($typeDef['elements'])) {
$this->debug("in serializeComplexTypeElements, serialize elements for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
if (is_array($value)) {
$xvalue = $value;
} elseif (is_object($value)) {
$xvalue = get_object_vars($value);
} else {
$this->debug("value is neither an array nor an object for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
$xvalue = array();
// toggle whether all elements are present - ideally should validate against schema
if (count($typeDef['elements']) != count($xvalue)){
$optionals = true;
foreach ($typeDef['elements'] as $eName => $attrs) {
if (!isset($xvalue[$eName])) {
if (isset($attrs['default'])) {
$xvalue[$eName] = $attrs['default'];
$this->debug('use default value of ' . $xvalue[$eName] . ' for element ' . $eName);
// if user took advantage of a minOccurs=0, then only serialize named parameters
if (isset($optionals)
&& (!isset($xvalue[$eName]))
&& ( (!isset($attrs['nillable'])) || $attrs['nillable'] != 'true')
if (isset($attrs['minOccurs']) && $attrs['minOccurs'] <> '0') {
$this->debug("apparent error: no value provided for element $eName with minOccurs=" . $attrs['minOccurs']);
// do nothing
$this->debug("no value provided for complexType element $eName and element is not nillable, so serialize nothing");
} else {
// get value
if (isset($xvalue[$eName])) {
$v = $xvalue[$eName];
} else {
$v = null;
if (isset($attrs['form'])) {
$unqualified = ($attrs['form'] == 'unqualified');
} else {
$unqualified = false;
if (isset($attrs['maxOccurs']) && ($attrs['maxOccurs'] == 'unbounded' || $attrs['maxOccurs'] > 1) && isset($v) && is_array($v) && $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($v) == 'arraySimple') {
$vv = $v;
foreach ($vv as $k => $v) {
if (isset($attrs['type']) || isset($attrs['ref'])) {
// serialize schema-defined type
$xml .= $this->serializeType($eName, isset($attrs['type']) ? $attrs['type'] : $attrs['ref'], $v, $use, $encodingStyle, $unqualified);
} else {
// serialize generic type (can this ever really happen?)
$this->debug("calling serialize_val() for $v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use");
$xml .= $this->serialize_val($v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use);
} else {
if (isset($attrs['type']) || isset($attrs['ref'])) {
// serialize schema-defined type
$xml .= $this->serializeType($eName, isset($attrs['type']) ? $attrs['type'] : $attrs['ref'], $v, $use, $encodingStyle, $unqualified);
} else {
// serialize generic type (can this ever really happen?)
$this->debug("calling serialize_val() for $v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use");
$xml .= $this->serialize_val($v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use);
} else {
$this->debug("no elements to serialize for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
if (isset($typeDef['extensionBase'])) {
$ns = $this->getPrefix($typeDef['extensionBase']);
$uqType = $this->getLocalPart($typeDef['extensionBase']);
if ($this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns)) {
$ns = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns);
if ($typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)) {
$this->debug("serialize elements for extension base $ns:$uqType");
$xml .= $this->serializeComplexTypeElements($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType, $use, $encodingStyle);
} else {
$this->debug("extension base $ns:$uqType is not a supported type");
return $xml;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::serializeParameters (   $operation,

serialize a PHP value according to a WSDL message definition


  • multi-ref serialization
  • validate PHP values against type definitions, return errors if invalid
string$ type name
mixed$ param value
mixed new param or false if initial value didn't validate public

Definition at line 1033 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $opData, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), getOperationData(), nusoap_base\isArraySimpleOrStruct(), serializeType(), nusoap_base\setError(), and nusoap_base\varDump().

$this->debug("in serializeParameters: operation=$operation, direction=$direction, XMLSchemaVersion=$this->XMLSchemaVersion");
$this->appendDebug('parameters=' . $this->varDump($parameters));
if ($direction != 'input' && $direction != 'output') {
$this->debug('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
$this->setError('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
return false;
if (!$opData = $this->getOperationData($operation)) {
$this->debug('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
$this->setError('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
return false;
// Get encoding style for output and set to current
$encodingStyle = '';
if(($direction == 'input') && isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle']) && ($opData['output']['encodingStyle'] != $encodingStyle)) {
$encodingStyle = $opData['output']['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
// set input params
$xml = '';
if (isset($opData[$direction]['parts']) && sizeof($opData[$direction]['parts']) > 0) {
$use = $opData[$direction]['use'];
$this->debug('got ' . count($opData[$direction]['parts']) . ' part(s)');
if (is_array($parameters)) {
$parametersArrayType = $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($parameters);
$this->debug('have ' . $parametersArrayType . ' parameters');
foreach($opData[$direction]['parts'] as $name => $type) {
$this->debug('serializing part "'.$name.'" of type "'.$type.'"');
// Track encoding style
if(isset($opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) && $encodingStyle != $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) {
$encodingStyle = $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
} else {
$enc_style = false;
// NOTE: add error handling here
// if serializeType returns false, then catch global error and fault
if ($parametersArrayType == 'arraySimple') {
$p = array_shift($parameters);
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/indexed param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $p, $use, $enc_style);
} elseif (isset($parameters[$name])) {
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/named param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $parameters[$name], $use, $enc_style);
} else {
// TODO: only send nillable
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/null param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, null, $use, $enc_style);
} else {
$this->debug('no parameters passed.');
$this->debug("serializeParameters returning: $xml");
return $xml;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::serializeParameters (   $operation,

serialize a PHP value according to a WSDL message definition


  • multi-ref serialization
  • validate PHP values against type definitions, return errors if invalid
string$ type name
mixed$ param value
mixed new param or false if initial value didn't validate

Definition at line 3945 of file nusoap.php.

References $opData, nusoap_base\debug(), getOperationData(), nusoap_base\isArraySimpleOrStruct(), serializeType(), nusoap_base\setError(), and nusoap_base\varDump().

$this->debug('in serializeParameters with operation '.$operation.', direction '.$direction.' and '.count($parameters).' param(s), and xml schema version ' . $this->XMLSchemaVersion);
if ($direction != 'input' && $direction != 'output') {
$this->debug('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
$this->setError('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
return false;
if (!$opData = $this->getOperationData($operation)) {
$this->debug('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
$this->setError('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
return false;
// Get encoding style for output and set to current
$encodingStyle = '';
if(($direction == 'input') && isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle']) && ($opData['output']['encodingStyle'] != $encodingStyle)) {
$encodingStyle = $opData['output']['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
// set input params
$xml = '';
if (isset($opData[$direction]['parts']) && sizeof($opData[$direction]['parts']) > 0) {
$use = $opData[$direction]['use'];
$this->debug('got ' . count($opData[$direction]['parts']) . ' part(s)');
if (is_array($parameters)) {
$parametersArrayType = $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($parameters);
$this->debug('have ' . $parametersArrayType . ' parameters');
foreach($opData[$direction]['parts'] as $name => $type) {
$this->debug('serializing part "'.$name.'" of type "'.$type.'"');
// Track encoding style
if(isset($opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) && $encodingStyle != $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) {
$encodingStyle = $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
} else {
$enc_style = false;
// NOTE: add error handling here
// if serializeType returns false, then catch global error and fault
if ($parametersArrayType == 'arraySimple') {
$p = array_shift($parameters);
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/indexed param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $p, $use, $enc_style);
} elseif (isset($parameters[$name])) {
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/named param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $parameters[$name], $use, $enc_style);
} else {
// TODO: only send nillable
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/null param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, null, $use, $enc_style);
} else {
$this->debug('no parameters passed.');
return $xml;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::serializeParameters (   $operation,

serialize a PHP value according to a WSDL message definition


  • multi-ref serialization
  • validate PHP values against type definitions, return errors if invalid
string$ type name
mixed$ param value
mixed new param or false if initial value didn't validate public

Definition at line 5106 of file nusoap.php.

References $opData, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), getOperationData(), nusoap_base\isArraySimpleOrStruct(), serializeType(), nusoap_base\setError(), and nusoap_base\varDump().

$this->debug("in serializeParameters: operation=$operation, direction=$direction, XMLSchemaVersion=$this->XMLSchemaVersion");
$this->appendDebug('parameters=' . $this->varDump($parameters));
if ($direction != 'input' && $direction != 'output') {
$this->debug('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
$this->setError('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
return false;
if (!$opData = $this->getOperationData($operation)) {
$this->debug('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
$this->setError('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
return false;
// Get encoding style for output and set to current
$encodingStyle = '';
if(($direction == 'input') && isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle']) && ($opData['output']['encodingStyle'] != $encodingStyle)) {
$encodingStyle = $opData['output']['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
// set input params
$xml = '';
if (isset($opData[$direction]['parts']) && sizeof($opData[$direction]['parts']) > 0) {
$use = $opData[$direction]['use'];
$this->debug('got ' . count($opData[$direction]['parts']) . ' part(s)');
if (is_array($parameters)) {
$parametersArrayType = $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($parameters);
$this->debug('have ' . $parametersArrayType . ' parameters');
foreach($opData[$direction]['parts'] as $name => $type) {
$this->debug('serializing part "'.$name.'" of type "'.$type.'"');
// Track encoding style
if(isset($opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) && $encodingStyle != $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) {
$encodingStyle = $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
} else {
$enc_style = false;
// NOTE: add error handling here
// if serializeType returns false, then catch global error and fault
if ($parametersArrayType == 'arraySimple') {
$p = array_shift($parameters);
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/indexed param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $p, $use, $enc_style);
} elseif (isset($parameters[$name])) {
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/named param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $parameters[$name], $use, $enc_style);
} else {
// TODO: only send nillable
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/null param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, null, $use, $enc_style);
} else {
$this->debug('no parameters passed.');
$this->debug("serializeParameters returning: $xml");
return $xml;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::serializeRPCParameters (   $operation,

serialize PHP values according to a WSDL message definition


  • multi-ref serialization
  • validate PHP values against type definitions, return errors if invalid
string$operationoperation name
mixed$parametersparameter value(s)
mixed parameters serialized as XML or false on error (e.g. operation not found) public

Definition at line 954 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $opData, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), getOperationData(), nusoap_base\isArraySimpleOrStruct(), serializeType(), nusoap_base\setError(), and nusoap_base\varDump().

$this->debug("in serializeRPCParameters: operation=$operation, direction=$direction, XMLSchemaVersion=$this->XMLSchemaVersion");
$this->appendDebug('parameters=' . $this->varDump($parameters));
if ($direction != 'input' && $direction != 'output') {
$this->debug('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
$this->setError('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
return false;
if (!$opData = $this->getOperationData($operation)) {
$this->debug('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
$this->setError('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
return false;
// Get encoding style for output and set to current
$encodingStyle = '';
if(($direction == 'input') && isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle']) && ($opData['output']['encodingStyle'] != $encodingStyle)) {
$encodingStyle = $opData['output']['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
// set input params
$xml = '';
if (isset($opData[$direction]['parts']) && sizeof($opData[$direction]['parts']) > 0) {
$use = $opData[$direction]['use'];
$this->debug('have ' . count($opData[$direction]['parts']) . ' part(s) to serialize');
if (is_array($parameters)) {
$parametersArrayType = $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($parameters);
$this->debug('have ' . count($parameters) . ' parameter(s) provided as ' . $parametersArrayType . ' to serialize');
foreach($opData[$direction]['parts'] as $name => $type) {
$this->debug('serializing part "'.$name.'" of type "'.$type.'"');
// Track encoding style
if (isset($opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) && $encodingStyle != $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) {
$encodingStyle = $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
} else {
$enc_style = false;
// NOTE: add error handling here
// if serializeType returns false, then catch global error and fault
if ($parametersArrayType == 'arraySimple') {
$p = array_shift($parameters);
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/indexed param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $p, $use, $enc_style);
} elseif (isset($parameters[$name])) {
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/named param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $parameters[$name], $use, $enc_style);
} else {
// TODO: only send nillable
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/null param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, null, $use, $enc_style);
} else {
$this->debug('no parameters passed.');
$this->debug("serializeRPCParameters returning: $xml");
return $xml;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::serializeRPCParameters (   $operation,

serialize a PHP value according to a WSDL message definition


  • multi-ref serialization
  • validate PHP values against type definitions, return errors if invalid
string$ type name
mixed$ param value
mixed new param or false if initial value didn't validate

Definition at line 3870 of file nusoap.php.

References $opData, nusoap_base\debug(), getOperationData(), nusoap_base\isArraySimpleOrStruct(), serializeType(), nusoap_base\setError(), and nusoap_base\varDump().

Referenced by soap_client\call(), and soap_server\serialize_return().

$this->debug('in serializeRPCParameters with operation '.$operation.', direction '.$direction.' and '.count($parameters).' param(s), and xml schema version ' . $this->XMLSchemaVersion);
if ($direction != 'input' && $direction != 'output') {
$this->debug('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
$this->setError('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
return false;
if (!$opData = $this->getOperationData($operation)) {
$this->debug('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
$this->setError('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
return false;
// Get encoding style for output and set to current
$encodingStyle = '';
if(($direction == 'input') && isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle']) && ($opData['output']['encodingStyle'] != $encodingStyle)) {
$encodingStyle = $opData['output']['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
// set input params
$xml = '';
if (isset($opData[$direction]['parts']) && sizeof($opData[$direction]['parts']) > 0) {
$use = $opData[$direction]['use'];
$this->debug('got ' . count($opData[$direction]['parts']) . ' part(s)');
if (is_array($parameters)) {
$parametersArrayType = $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($parameters);
$this->debug('have ' . $parametersArrayType . ' parameters');
foreach($opData[$direction]['parts'] as $name => $type) {
$this->debug('serializing part "'.$name.'" of type "'.$type.'"');
// Track encoding style
if (isset($opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) && $encodingStyle != $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) {
$encodingStyle = $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
} else {
$enc_style = false;
// NOTE: add error handling here
// if serializeType returns false, then catch global error and fault
if ($parametersArrayType == 'arraySimple') {
$p = array_shift($parameters);
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/indexed param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $p, $use, $enc_style);
} elseif (isset($parameters[$name])) {
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/named param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $parameters[$name], $use, $enc_style);
} else {
// TODO: only send nillable
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/null param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, null, $use, $enc_style);
} else {
$this->debug('no parameters passed.');
return $xml;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::serializeRPCParameters (   $operation,

serialize PHP values according to a WSDL message definition


  • multi-ref serialization
  • validate PHP values against type definitions, return errors if invalid
string$operationoperation name
mixed$parametersparameter value(s)
mixed parameters serialized as XML or false on error (e.g. operation not found) public

Definition at line 5027 of file nusoap.php.

References $opData, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), getOperationData(), nusoap_base\isArraySimpleOrStruct(), serializeType(), nusoap_base\setError(), and nusoap_base\varDump().

$this->debug("in serializeRPCParameters: operation=$operation, direction=$direction, XMLSchemaVersion=$this->XMLSchemaVersion");
$this->appendDebug('parameters=' . $this->varDump($parameters));
if ($direction != 'input' && $direction != 'output') {
$this->debug('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
$this->setError('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
return false;
if (!$opData = $this->getOperationData($operation)) {
$this->debug('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
$this->setError('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
return false;
// Get encoding style for output and set to current
$encodingStyle = '';
if(($direction == 'input') && isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle']) && ($opData['output']['encodingStyle'] != $encodingStyle)) {
$encodingStyle = $opData['output']['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
// set input params
$xml = '';
if (isset($opData[$direction]['parts']) && sizeof($opData[$direction]['parts']) > 0) {
$use = $opData[$direction]['use'];
$this->debug('have ' . count($opData[$direction]['parts']) . ' part(s) to serialize');
if (is_array($parameters)) {
$parametersArrayType = $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($parameters);
$this->debug('have ' . count($parameters) . ' parameter(s) provided as ' . $parametersArrayType . ' to serialize');
foreach($opData[$direction]['parts'] as $name => $type) {
$this->debug('serializing part "'.$name.'" of type "'.$type.'"');
// Track encoding style
if (isset($opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) && $encodingStyle != $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) {
$encodingStyle = $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
} else {
$enc_style = false;
// NOTE: add error handling here
// if serializeType returns false, then catch global error and fault
if ($parametersArrayType == 'arraySimple') {
$p = array_shift($parameters);
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/indexed param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $p, $use, $enc_style);
} elseif (isset($parameters[$name])) {
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/named param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $parameters[$name], $use, $enc_style);
} else {
// TODO: only send nillable
$this->debug('calling serializeType w/null param');
$xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, null, $use, $enc_style);
} else {
$this->debug('no parameters passed.');
$this->debug("serializeRPCParameters returning: $xml");
return $xml;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::serializeType (   $name,
  $use = 'encoded',
  $encodingStyle = false,
  $unqualified = false 

serializes a PHP value according a given type definition

string$namename of value (part or element)
string$typeXML schema type of value (type or element)
mixed$valuea native PHP value (parameter value)
string$useuse for part (encoded|literal)
string$encodingStyleSOAP encoding style for the value (if different than the enclosing style)
boolean$unqualifieda kludge for what should be XML namespace form handling
string value serialized as an XML string private

Definition at line 1112 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $n, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\expandEntities(), nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), nusoap_base\getNamespaceFromPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefixFromNamespace(), getTypeDef(), nusoap_base\serialize_val(), serializeComplexTypeAttributes(), serializeComplexTypeElements(), serializeType(), nusoap_base\setError(), and nusoap_base\varDump().

$this->debug("in serializeType: name=$name, type=$type, use=$use, encodingStyle=$encodingStyle, unqualified=" . ($unqualified ? "unqualified" : "qualified"));
$this->appendDebug("value=" . $this->varDump($value));
if($use == 'encoded' && $encodingStyle) {
$encodingStyle = ' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="' . $encodingStyle . '"';
// if a soapval has been supplied, let its type override the WSDL
if (is_object($value) && get_class($value) == 'soapval') {
if ($value->type_ns) {
$type = $value->type_ns . ':' . $value->type;
$forceType = true;
$this->debug("in serializeType: soapval overrides type to $type");
} elseif ($value->type) {
$type = $value->type;
$forceType = true;
$this->debug("in serializeType: soapval overrides type to $type");
} else {
$forceType = false;
$this->debug("in serializeType: soapval does not override type");
$attrs = $value->attributes;
$value = $value->value;
$this->debug("in serializeType: soapval overrides value to $value");
if ($attrs) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
$value['!'] = $value;
foreach ($attrs as $n => $v) {
$value['!' . $n] = $v;
$this->debug("in serializeType: soapval provides attributes");
} else {
$forceType = false;
$xml = '';
if (strpos($type, ':')) {
$uqType = substr($type, strrpos($type, ':') + 1);
$ns = substr($type, 0, strrpos($type, ':'));
$this->debug("in serializeType: got a prefixed type: $uqType, $ns");
if ($this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns)) {
$ns = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns);
$this->debug("in serializeType: expanded prefixed type: $uqType, $ns");
if($ns == $this->XMLSchemaVersion || $ns == ''){
$this->debug('in serializeType: type namespace indicates XML Schema or SOAP Encoding type');
if ($unqualified && $use == 'literal') {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
} else {
$elementNS = '';
if (is_null($value)) {
if ($use == 'literal') {
// TODO: depends on minOccurs
$xml = "<$name$elementNS/>";
} else {
// TODO: depends on nillable, which should be checked before calling this method
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:nil=\"true\" xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"/>";
$this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
return $xml;
if ($uqType == 'boolean') {
if ((is_string($value) && $value == 'false') || (! $value)) {
$value = 'false';
} else {
$value = 'true';
if ($uqType == 'string' && gettype($value) == 'string') {
$value = $this->expandEntities($value);
if (($uqType == 'long' || $uqType == 'unsignedLong') && gettype($value) == 'double') {
$value = sprintf("%.0lf", $value);
// it's a scalar
// TODO: what about null/nil values?
// check type isn't a custom type extending xmlschema namespace
if (!$this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)) {
if ($use == 'literal') {
if ($forceType) {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\">$value</$name>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS>$value</$name>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$value</$name>";
$this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
return $xml;
$this->debug('custom type extends XML Schema or SOAP Encoding namespace (yuck)');
} else if ($ns == '') {
$this->debug('in serializeType: appears to be Apache SOAP type');
if ($uqType == 'Map') {
$tt_prefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace('');
if (! $tt_prefix) {
$this->debug('in serializeType: Add namespace for Apache SOAP type');
$tt_prefix = 'ns' . rand(1000, 9999);
$this->namespaces[$tt_prefix] = '';
// force this to be added to usedNamespaces
$tt_prefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace('');
$contents = '';
foreach($value as $k => $v) {
$this->debug("serializing map element: key $k, value $v");
$contents .= '<item>';
$contents .= $this->serialize_val($k,'key',false,false,false,false,$use);
$contents .= $this->serialize_val($v,'value',false,false,false,false,$use);
$contents .= '</item>';
if ($use == 'literal') {
if ($forceType) {
$xml = "<$name xsi:type=\"" . $tt_prefix . ":$uqType\">$contents</$name>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name>$contents</$name>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name xsi:type=\"" . $tt_prefix . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$contents</$name>";
$this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
return $xml;
$this->debug('in serializeType: Apache SOAP type, but only support Map');
} else {
// TODO: should the type be compared to types in XSD, and the namespace
// set to XSD if the type matches?
$this->debug("in serializeType: No namespace for type $type");
$ns = '';
$uqType = $type;
if(!$typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)){
$this->setError("$type ($uqType) is not a supported type.");
$this->debug("in serializeType: $type ($uqType) is not a supported type.");
return false;
} else {
$this->debug("in serializeType: found typeDef");
$this->appendDebug('typeDef=' . $this->varDump($typeDef));
$phpType = $typeDef['phpType'];
$this->debug("in serializeType: uqType: $uqType, ns: $ns, phptype: $phpType, arrayType: " . (isset($typeDef['arrayType']) ? $typeDef['arrayType'] : '') );
// if php type == struct, map value to the <all> element names
if ($phpType == 'struct') {
if (isset($typeDef['typeClass']) && $typeDef['typeClass'] == 'element') {
$elementName = $uqType;
if (isset($typeDef['form']) && ($typeDef['form'] == 'qualified')) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"$ns\"";
} else {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
} else {
$elementName = $name;
if ($unqualified) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
} else {
$elementNS = '';
if (is_null($value)) {
if ($use == 'literal') {
// TODO: depends on minOccurs
$xml = "<$elementName$elementNS/>";
} else {
$xml = "<$elementName$elementNS xsi:nil=\"true\" xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"/>";
$this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
return $xml;
if (is_object($value)) {
$value = get_object_vars($value);
if (is_array($value)) {
$elementAttrs = $this->serializeComplexTypeAttributes($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType);
if ($use == 'literal') {
if ($forceType) {
$xml = "<$elementName$elementNS$elementAttrs xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\">";
} else {
$xml = "<$elementName$elementNS$elementAttrs>";
} else {
$xml = "<$elementName$elementNS$elementAttrs xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>";
$xml .= $this->serializeComplexTypeElements($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType, $use, $encodingStyle);
$xml .= "</$elementName>";
} else {
$this->debug("in serializeType: phpType is struct, but value is not an array");
$this->setError("phpType is struct, but value is not an array: see debug output for details");
$xml = '';
} elseif ($phpType == 'array') {
if (isset($typeDef['form']) && ($typeDef['form'] == 'qualified')) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"$ns\"";
} else {
if ($unqualified) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
} else {
$elementNS = '';
if (is_null($value)) {
if ($use == 'literal') {
// TODO: depends on minOccurs
$xml = "<$name$elementNS/>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:nil=\"true\" xsi:type=\"" .
$this->getPrefixFromNamespace('') .
":Array\" " .
$this->getPrefixFromNamespace('') .
':arrayType="' .
$this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->getPrefix($typeDef['arrayType'])) .
':' .
$this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
return $xml;
if (isset($typeDef['multidimensional'])) {
$nv = array();
foreach($value as $v) {
$cols = ',' . sizeof($v);
$nv = array_merge($nv, $v);
$value = $nv;
} else {
$cols = '';
if (is_array($value) && sizeof($value) >= 1) {
$rows = sizeof($value);
$contents = '';
foreach($value as $k => $v) {
$this->debug("serializing array element: $k, $v of type: $typeDef[arrayType]");
//if (strpos($typeDef['arrayType'], ':') ) {
if (!in_array($typeDef['arrayType'],$this->typemap[''])) {
$contents .= $this->serializeType('item', $typeDef['arrayType'], $v, $use);
} else {
$contents .= $this->serialize_val($v, 'item', $typeDef['arrayType'], null, $this->XMLSchemaVersion, false, $use);
} else {
$rows = 0;
$contents = null;
// TODO: for now, an empty value will be serialized as a zero element
// array. Revisit this when coding the handling of null/nil values.
if ($use == 'literal') {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS>"
} else {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"".$this->getPrefixFromNamespace('').':Array" '.
} elseif ($phpType == 'scalar') {
if (isset($typeDef['form']) && ($typeDef['form'] == 'qualified')) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"$ns\"";
} else {
if ($unqualified) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
} else {
$elementNS = '';
if ($use == 'literal') {
if ($forceType) {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\">$value</$name>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS>$value</$name>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$value</$name>";
$this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
return $xml;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::serializeType (   $name,
  $use = 'encoded',
  $encodingStyle = false 

serializes a PHP value according a given type definition

string$name,nameof type (part)
string$type,typeof type, heh (type or element)
mixed$value,anative PHP value (parameter value)
string$use,usefor part (encoded|literal)
string$encodingStyle,useto add encoding changes to serialisation
string serialization public

Definition at line 4020 of file nusoap.php.

References nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\expandEntities(), nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), nusoap_base\getNamespaceFromPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefixFromNamespace(), getTypeDef(), nusoap_base\isArraySimpleOrStruct(), nusoap_base\serialize_val(), nusoap_base\setError(), and nusoap_base\varDump().

Referenced by serializeComplexTypeElements(), serializeParameters(), serializeRPCParameters(), and serializeType().

$this->debug("in serializeType: $name, $type, $value, $use, $encodingStyle");
if($use == 'encoded' && $encodingStyle) {
$encodingStyle = ' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="' . $encodingStyle . '"';
// if a soap_val has been supplied, let its type override the WSDL
if (is_object($value) && get_class($value) == 'soapval') {
// TODO: get attributes from soapval?
if ($value->type_ns) {
$type = $value->type_ns . ':' . $value->type;
} else {
$type = $value->type;
$value = $value->value;
$forceType = true;
$this->debug("in serializeType: soapval overrides type to $type, value to $value");
} else {
$forceType = false;
$xml = '';
if (strpos($type, ':')) {
$uqType = substr($type, strrpos($type, ':') + 1);
$ns = substr($type, 0, strrpos($type, ':'));
$this->debug("got a prefixed type: $uqType, $ns");
if ($this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns)) {
$ns = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns);
$this->debug("expanded prefixed type: $uqType, $ns");
if($ns == $this->XMLSchemaVersion){
if (is_null($value)) {
if ($use == 'literal') {
// TODO: depends on nillable
return "<$name/>";
} else {
return "<$name xsi:nil=\"true\"/>";
if ($uqType == 'boolean' && !$value) {
$value = 'false';
} elseif ($uqType == 'boolean') {
$value = 'true';
if ($uqType == 'string' && gettype($value) == 'string') {
$value = $this->expandEntities($value);
// it's a scalar
// TODO: what about null/nil values?
// check type isn't a custom type extending xmlschema namespace
if (!$this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)) {
if ($use == 'literal') {
if ($forceType) {
return "<$name xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->XMLSchemaVersion) . ":$uqType\">$value</$name>";
} else {
return "<$name>$value</$name>";
} else {
return "<$name xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->XMLSchemaVersion) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$value</$name>";
} else if ($ns == '') {
if ($uqType == 'Map') {
$contents = '';
foreach($value as $k => $v) {
$this->debug("serializing map element: key $k, value $v");
$contents .= '<item>';
$contents .= $this->serialize_val($k,'key',false,false,false,false,$use);
$contents .= $this->serialize_val($v,'value',false,false,false,false,$use);
$contents .= '</item>';
if ($use == 'literal') {
if ($forceType) {
return "<$name xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace('') . ":$uqType\">$contents</$name>";
} else {
return "<$name>$contents</$name>";
} else {
return "<$name xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace('') . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$contents</$name>";
} else {
$this->debug("No namespace for type $type");
$ns = '';
$uqType = $type;
if(!$typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)){
$this->setError("$type ($uqType) is not a supported type.");
$this->debug("$type ($uqType) is not a supported type.");
return false;
} else {
foreach($typeDef as $k => $v) {
$this->debug("typedef, $k: $v");
$phpType = $typeDef['phpType'];
$this->debug("serializeType: uqType: $uqType, ns: $ns, phptype: $phpType, arrayType: " . (isset($typeDef['arrayType']) ? $typeDef['arrayType'] : '') );
// if php type == struct, map value to the <all> element names
if ($phpType == 'struct') {
if (isset($typeDef['typeClass']) && $typeDef['typeClass'] == 'element') {
$elementName = $uqType;
if (isset($typeDef['form']) && ($typeDef['form'] == 'qualified')) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"$ns\"";
} else {
$elementName = $name;
$elementNS = '';
if (is_null($value)) {
if ($use == 'literal') {
// TODO: depends on nillable
return "<$elementName$elementNS/>";
} else {
return "<$elementName$elementNS xsi:nil=\"true\"/>";
if ($use == 'literal') {
if ($forceType) {
$xml = "<$elementName$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\">";
} else {
$xml = "<$elementName$elementNS>";
} else {
$xml = "<$elementName$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>";
if (isset($typeDef['elements']) && is_array($typeDef['elements'])) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$xvalue = $value;
} elseif (is_object($value)) {
$xvalue = get_object_vars($value);
} else {
$this->debug("value is neither an array nor an object for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
$xvalue = array();
// toggle whether all elements are present - ideally should validate against schema
if(count($typeDef['elements']) != count($xvalue)){
$optionals = true;
foreach($typeDef['elements'] as $eName => $attrs) {
// if user took advantage of a minOccurs=0, then only serialize named parameters
if(isset($optionals) && !isset($xvalue[$eName])){
// do nothing
} else {
// get value
if (isset($xvalue[$eName])) {
$v = $xvalue[$eName];
} else {
$v = null;
// TODO: if maxOccurs > 1 (not just unbounded), then allow serialization of an array
if (isset($attrs['maxOccurs']) && $attrs['maxOccurs'] == 'unbounded' && isset($v) && is_array($v) && $this->isArraySimpleOrStruct($v) == 'arraySimple') {
$vv = $v;
foreach ($vv as $k => $v) {
if (isset($attrs['type'])) {
// serialize schema-defined type
$xml .= $this->serializeType($eName, $attrs['type'], $v, $use, $encodingStyle);
} else {
// serialize generic type
$this->debug("calling serialize_val() for $v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use");
$xml .= $this->serialize_val($v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use);
} else {
if (isset($attrs['type'])) {
// serialize schema-defined type
$xml .= $this->serializeType($eName, $attrs['type'], $v, $use, $encodingStyle);
} else {
// serialize generic type
$this->debug("calling serialize_val() for $v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use");
$xml .= $this->serialize_val($v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use);
} else {
$this->debug("Expected elements for XML Schema type $ns:$uqType");
$xml .= "</$elementName>";
} elseif ($phpType == 'array') {
if (isset($typeDef['form']) && ($typeDef['form'] == 'qualified')) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"$ns\"";
} else {
$elementNS = '';
if (is_null($value)) {
if ($use == 'literal') {
// TODO: depends on nillable
return "<$name$elementNS/>";
} else {
return "<$name$elementNS xsi:nil=\"true\"/>";
if (isset($typeDef['multidimensional'])) {
$nv = array();
foreach($value as $v) {
$cols = ',' . sizeof($v);
$nv = array_merge($nv, $v);
$value = $nv;
} else {
$cols = '';
if (is_array($value) && sizeof($value) >= 1) {
$rows = sizeof($value);
$contents = '';
foreach($value as $k => $v) {
$this->debug("serializing array element: $k, $v of type: $typeDef[arrayType]");
//if (strpos($typeDef['arrayType'], ':') ) {
if (!in_array($typeDef['arrayType'],$this->typemap[''])) {
$contents .= $this->serializeType('item', $typeDef['arrayType'], $v, $use);
} else {
$contents .= $this->serialize_val($v, 'item', $typeDef['arrayType'], null, $this->XMLSchemaVersion, false, $use);
$this->debug('contents: '.$this->varDump($contents));
} else {
$rows = 0;
$contents = null;
// TODO: for now, an empty value will be serialized as a zero element
// array. Revisit this when coding the handling of null/nil values.
if ($use == 'literal') {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS>"
} else {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"".$this->getPrefixFromNamespace('').':Array" '.
} elseif ($phpType == 'scalar') {
if (isset($typeDef['form']) && ($typeDef['form'] == 'qualified')) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"$ns\"";
} else {
$elementNS = '';
if ($use == 'literal') {
if ($forceType) {
return "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\">$value</$name>";
} else {
return "<$name$elementNS>$value</$name>";
} else {
return "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$value</$name>";
$this->debug('returning: '.$this->varDump($xml));
return $xml;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::serializeType (   $name,
  $use = 'encoded',
  $encodingStyle = false,
  $unqualified = false 

serializes a PHP value according a given type definition

string$namename of value (part or element)
string$typeXML schema type of value (type or element)
mixed$valuea native PHP value (parameter value)
string$useuse for part (encoded|literal)
string$encodingStyleSOAP encoding style for the value (if different than the enclosing style)
boolean$unqualifieda kludge for what should be XML namespace form handling
string value serialized as an XML string private

Definition at line 5185 of file nusoap.php.

References $n, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\expandEntities(), nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), nusoap_base\getNamespaceFromPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefix(), nusoap_base\getPrefixFromNamespace(), getTypeDef(), nusoap_base\serialize_val(), serializeComplexTypeAttributes(), serializeComplexTypeElements(), serializeType(), nusoap_base\setError(), and nusoap_base\varDump().

$this->debug("in serializeType: name=$name, type=$type, use=$use, encodingStyle=$encodingStyle, unqualified=" . ($unqualified ? "unqualified" : "qualified"));
$this->appendDebug("value=" . $this->varDump($value));
if($use == 'encoded' && $encodingStyle) {
$encodingStyle = ' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="' . $encodingStyle . '"';
// if a soapval has been supplied, let its type override the WSDL
if (is_object($value) && get_class($value) == 'soapval') {
if ($value->type_ns) {
$type = $value->type_ns . ':' . $value->type;
$forceType = true;
$this->debug("in serializeType: soapval overrides type to $type");
} elseif ($value->type) {
$type = $value->type;
$forceType = true;
$this->debug("in serializeType: soapval overrides type to $type");
} else {
$forceType = false;
$this->debug("in serializeType: soapval does not override type");
$attrs = $value->attributes;
$value = $value->value;
$this->debug("in serializeType: soapval overrides value to $value");
if ($attrs) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
$value['!'] = $value;
foreach ($attrs as $n => $v) {
$value['!' . $n] = $v;
$this->debug("in serializeType: soapval provides attributes");
} else {
$forceType = false;
$xml = '';
if (strpos($type, ':')) {
$uqType = substr($type, strrpos($type, ':') + 1);
$ns = substr($type, 0, strrpos($type, ':'));
$this->debug("in serializeType: got a prefixed type: $uqType, $ns");
if ($this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns)) {
$ns = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns);
$this->debug("in serializeType: expanded prefixed type: $uqType, $ns");
if($ns == $this->XMLSchemaVersion || $ns == ''){
$this->debug('in serializeType: type namespace indicates XML Schema or SOAP Encoding type');
if ($unqualified && $use == 'literal') {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
} else {
$elementNS = '';
if (is_null($value)) {
if ($use == 'literal') {
// TODO: depends on minOccurs
$xml = "<$name$elementNS/>";
} else {
// TODO: depends on nillable, which should be checked before calling this method
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:nil=\"true\" xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"/>";
$this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
return $xml;
if ($uqType == 'boolean') {
if ((is_string($value) && $value == 'false') || (! $value)) {
$value = 'false';
} else {
$value = 'true';
if ($uqType == 'string' && gettype($value) == 'string') {
$value = $this->expandEntities($value);
if (($uqType == 'long' || $uqType == 'unsignedLong') && gettype($value) == 'double') {
$value = sprintf("%.0lf", $value);
// it's a scalar
// TODO: what about null/nil values?
// check type isn't a custom type extending xmlschema namespace
if (!$this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)) {
if ($use == 'literal') {
if ($forceType) {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\">$value</$name>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS>$value</$name>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$value</$name>";
$this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
return $xml;
$this->debug('custom type extends XML Schema or SOAP Encoding namespace (yuck)');
} else if ($ns == '') {
$this->debug('in serializeType: appears to be Apache SOAP type');
if ($uqType == 'Map') {
$tt_prefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace('');
if (! $tt_prefix) {
$this->debug('in serializeType: Add namespace for Apache SOAP type');
$tt_prefix = 'ns' . rand(1000, 9999);
$this->namespaces[$tt_prefix] = '';
// force this to be added to usedNamespaces
$tt_prefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace('');
$contents = '';
foreach($value as $k => $v) {
$this->debug("serializing map element: key $k, value $v");
$contents .= '<item>';
$contents .= $this->serialize_val($k,'key',false,false,false,false,$use);
$contents .= $this->serialize_val($v,'value',false,false,false,false,$use);
$contents .= '</item>';
if ($use == 'literal') {
if ($forceType) {
$xml = "<$name xsi:type=\"" . $tt_prefix . ":$uqType\">$contents</$name>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name>$contents</$name>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name xsi:type=\"" . $tt_prefix . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$contents</$name>";
$this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
return $xml;
$this->debug('in serializeType: Apache SOAP type, but only support Map');
} else {
// TODO: should the type be compared to types in XSD, and the namespace
// set to XSD if the type matches?
$this->debug("in serializeType: No namespace for type $type");
$ns = '';
$uqType = $type;
if(!$typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)){
$this->setError("$type ($uqType) is not a supported type.");
$this->debug("in serializeType: $type ($uqType) is not a supported type.");
return false;
} else {
$this->debug("in serializeType: found typeDef");
$this->appendDebug('typeDef=' . $this->varDump($typeDef));
$phpType = $typeDef['phpType'];
$this->debug("in serializeType: uqType: $uqType, ns: $ns, phptype: $phpType, arrayType: " . (isset($typeDef['arrayType']) ? $typeDef['arrayType'] : '') );
// if php type == struct, map value to the <all> element names
if ($phpType == 'struct') {
if (isset($typeDef['typeClass']) && $typeDef['typeClass'] == 'element') {
$elementName = $uqType;
if (isset($typeDef['form']) && ($typeDef['form'] == 'qualified')) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"$ns\"";
} else {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
} else {
$elementName = $name;
if ($unqualified) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
} else {
$elementNS = '';
if (is_null($value)) {
if ($use == 'literal') {
// TODO: depends on minOccurs
$xml = "<$elementName$elementNS/>";
} else {
$xml = "<$elementName$elementNS xsi:nil=\"true\" xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"/>";
$this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
return $xml;
if (is_object($value)) {
$value = get_object_vars($value);
if (is_array($value)) {
$elementAttrs = $this->serializeComplexTypeAttributes($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType);
if ($use == 'literal') {
if ($forceType) {
$xml = "<$elementName$elementNS$elementAttrs xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\">";
} else {
$xml = "<$elementName$elementNS$elementAttrs>";
} else {
$xml = "<$elementName$elementNS$elementAttrs xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>";
$xml .= $this->serializeComplexTypeElements($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType, $use, $encodingStyle);
$xml .= "</$elementName>";
} else {
$this->debug("in serializeType: phpType is struct, but value is not an array");
$this->setError("phpType is struct, but value is not an array: see debug output for details");
$xml = '';
} elseif ($phpType == 'array') {
if (isset($typeDef['form']) && ($typeDef['form'] == 'qualified')) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"$ns\"";
} else {
if ($unqualified) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
} else {
$elementNS = '';
if (is_null($value)) {
if ($use == 'literal') {
// TODO: depends on minOccurs
$xml = "<$name$elementNS/>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:nil=\"true\" xsi:type=\"" .
$this->getPrefixFromNamespace('') .
":Array\" " .
$this->getPrefixFromNamespace('') .
':arrayType="' .
$this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->getPrefix($typeDef['arrayType'])) .
':' .
$this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
return $xml;
if (isset($typeDef['multidimensional'])) {
$nv = array();
foreach($value as $v) {
$cols = ',' . sizeof($v);
$nv = array_merge($nv, $v);
$value = $nv;
} else {
$cols = '';
if (is_array($value) && sizeof($value) >= 1) {
$rows = sizeof($value);
$contents = '';
foreach($value as $k => $v) {
$this->debug("serializing array element: $k, $v of type: $typeDef[arrayType]");
//if (strpos($typeDef['arrayType'], ':') ) {
if (!in_array($typeDef['arrayType'],$this->typemap[''])) {
$contents .= $this->serializeType('item', $typeDef['arrayType'], $v, $use);
} else {
$contents .= $this->serialize_val($v, 'item', $typeDef['arrayType'], null, $this->XMLSchemaVersion, false, $use);
} else {
$rows = 0;
$contents = null;
// TODO: for now, an empty value will be serialized as a zero element
// array. Revisit this when coding the handling of null/nil values.
if ($use == 'literal') {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS>"
} else {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"".$this->getPrefixFromNamespace('').':Array" '.
} elseif ($phpType == 'scalar') {
if (isset($typeDef['form']) && ($typeDef['form'] == 'qualified')) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"$ns\"";
} else {
if ($unqualified) {
$elementNS = " xmlns=\"\"";
} else {
$elementNS = '';
if ($use == 'literal') {
if ($forceType) {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\">$value</$name>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS>$value</$name>";
} else {
$xml = "<$name$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$value</$name>";
$this->debug("in serializeType: returning: $xml");
return $xml;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::start_element (   $parser,

start-element handler

string$parserXML parser object
string$nameelement name
string$attrsassociative array of attributes private

Definition at line 271 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $currentBinding, $currentMessage, $currentOperation, $currentPort, $currentPortType, $depth, $namespace, $parser, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\expandQname(), nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), and nusoap_base\getPrefixFromNamespace().

if ($this->status == 'schema') {
$this->currentSchema->schemaStartElement($parser, $name, $attrs);
} elseif (ereg('schema$', $name)) {
$this->debug('Parsing WSDL schema');
// $this->debug("startElement for $name ($attrs[name]). status = $this->status (".$this->getLocalPart($name).")");
$this->status = 'schema';
$this->currentSchema = new xmlschema('', '', $this->namespaces);
$this->currentSchema->schemaStartElement($parser, $name, $attrs);
} else {
// position in the total number of elements, starting from 0
$pos = $this->position++;
$depth = $this->depth++;
// set self as current value for this depth
$this->depth_array[$depth] = $pos;
$this->message[$pos] = array('cdata' => '');
// process attributes
if (count($attrs) > 0) {
// register namespace declarations
foreach($attrs as $k => $v) {
if (ereg("^xmlns", $k)) {
if ($ns_prefix = substr(strrchr($k, ':'), 1)) {
$this->namespaces[$ns_prefix] = $v;
} else {
$this->namespaces['ns' . (count($this->namespaces) + 1)] = $v;
if ($v == '' || $v == '' || $v == '') {
$this->XMLSchemaVersion = $v;
$this->namespaces['xsi'] = $v . '-instance';
// expand each attribute prefix to its namespace
foreach($attrs as $k => $v) {
$k = strpos($k, ':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
if ($k != 'location' && $k != 'soapAction' && $k != 'namespace') {
$v = strpos($v, ':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
$eAttrs[$k] = $v;
$attrs = $eAttrs;
} else {
$attrs = array();
// get element prefix, namespace and name
if (ereg(':', $name)) {
// get ns prefix
$prefix = substr($name, 0, strpos($name, ':'));
// get ns
$namespace = isset($this->namespaces[$prefix]) ? $this->namespaces[$prefix] : '';
// get unqualified name
$name = substr(strstr($name, ':'), 1);
// process attributes, expanding any prefixes to namespaces
// find status, register data
switch ($this->status) {
case 'message':
if ($name == 'part') {
if (isset($attrs['type'])) {
$this->debug("msg " . $this->currentMessage . ": found part $attrs[name]: " . implode(',', $attrs));
$this->messages[$this->currentMessage][$attrs['name']] = $attrs['type'];
if (isset($attrs['element'])) {
$this->debug("msg " . $this->currentMessage . ": found part $attrs[name]: " . implode(',', $attrs));
$this->messages[$this->currentMessage][$attrs['name']] = $attrs['element'];
case 'portType':
switch ($name) {
case 'operation':
$this->currentPortOperation = $attrs['name'];
$this->debug("portType $this->currentPortType operation: $this->currentPortOperation");
if (isset($attrs['parameterOrder'])) {
$this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$attrs['name']]['parameterOrder'] = $attrs['parameterOrder'];
case 'documentation':
$this->documentation = true;
// merge input/output data
$m = isset($attrs['message']) ? $this->getLocalPart($attrs['message']) : '';
$this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$this->currentPortOperation][$name]['message'] = $m;
case 'binding':
switch ($name) {
case 'binding':
// get ns prefix
if (isset($attrs['style'])) {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['prefix'] = $prefix;
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding] = array_merge($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding], $attrs);
case 'header':
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus]['headers'][] = $attrs;
case 'operation':
if (isset($attrs['soapAction'])) {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['soapAction'] = $attrs['soapAction'];
if (isset($attrs['style'])) {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['style'] = $attrs['style'];
if (isset($attrs['name'])) {
$this->currentOperation = $attrs['name'];
$this->debug("current binding operation: $this->currentOperation");
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['name'] = $attrs['name'];
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['binding'] = $this->currentBinding;
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['endpoint'] = isset($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['endpoint']) ? $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['endpoint'] : '';
case 'input':
$this->opStatus = 'input';
case 'output':
$this->opStatus = 'output';
case 'body':
if (isset($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus])) {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus] = array_merge($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus], $attrs);
} else {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus] = $attrs;
case 'service':
switch ($name) {
case 'port':
$this->currentPort = $attrs['name'];
$this->debug('current port: ' . $this->currentPort);
$this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['binding']);
case 'address':
$this->ports[$this->currentPort]['location'] = $attrs['location'];
$this->ports[$this->currentPort]['bindingType'] = $namespace;
$this->bindings[ $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] ]['bindingType'] = $namespace;
$this->bindings[ $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] ]['endpoint'] = $attrs['location'];
// set status
switch ($name) {
case 'import':
if (isset($attrs['location'])) {
$this->import[$attrs['namespace']][] = array('location' => $attrs['location'], 'loaded' => false);
$this->debug('parsing import ' . $attrs['namespace']. ' - ' . $attrs['location'] . ' (' . count($this->import[$attrs['namespace']]).')');
} else {
$this->import[$attrs['namespace']][] = array('location' => '', 'loaded' => true);
if (! $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($attrs['namespace'])) {
$this->namespaces['ns'.(count($this->namespaces)+1)] = $attrs['namespace'];
$this->debug('parsing import ' . $attrs['namespace']. ' - [no location] (' . count($this->import[$attrs['namespace']]).')');
//wait for schema
//case 'types':
// $this->status = 'schema';
// break;
case 'message':
$this->status = 'message';
$this->messages[$attrs['name']] = array();
$this->currentMessage = $attrs['name'];
case 'portType':
$this->status = 'portType';
$this->portTypes[$attrs['name']] = array();
$this->currentPortType = $attrs['name'];
case "binding":
if (isset($attrs['name'])) {
// get binding name
if (strpos($attrs['name'], ':')) {
$this->currentBinding = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['name']);
} else {
$this->currentBinding = $attrs['name'];
$this->status = 'binding';
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['portType'] = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['type']);
$this->debug("current binding: $this->currentBinding of portType: " . $attrs['type']);
case 'service':
$this->serviceName = $attrs['name'];
$this->status = 'service';
$this->debug('current service: ' . $this->serviceName);
case 'definitions':
foreach ($attrs as $name => $value) {
$this->wsdl_info[$name] = $value;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::start_element (   $parser,

start-element handler

string$parserXML parser object
string$nameelement name
string$attrsassociative array of attributes private

Definition at line 3389 of file nusoap.php.

References $currentBinding, $currentMessage, $currentOperation, $currentPort, $currentPortType, $depth, $namespace, $parser, nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\expandQname(), nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), and nusoap_base\getPrefixFromNamespace().

if ($this->status == 'schema') {
$this->currentSchema->schemaStartElement($parser, $name, $attrs);
$this->debug_str .= $this->currentSchema->debug_str;
$this->currentSchema->debug_str = '';
} elseif (ereg('schema$', $name)) {
// $this->debug("startElement for $name ($attrs[name]). status = $this->status (".$this->getLocalPart($name).")");
$this->status = 'schema';
$this->currentSchema = new xmlschema('', '', $this->namespaces);
$this->currentSchema->schemaStartElement($parser, $name, $attrs);
$this->debug_str .= $this->currentSchema->debug_str;
$this->currentSchema->debug_str = '';
} else {
// position in the total number of elements, starting from 0
$pos = $this->position++;
$depth = $this->depth++;
// set self as current value for this depth
$this->depth_array[$depth] = $pos;
$this->message[$pos] = array('cdata' => '');
// get element prefix
if (ereg(':', $name)) {
// get ns prefix
$prefix = substr($name, 0, strpos($name, ':'));
// get ns
$namespace = isset($this->namespaces[$prefix]) ? $this->namespaces[$prefix] : '';
// get unqualified name
$name = substr(strstr($name, ':'), 1);
if (count($attrs) > 0) {
foreach($attrs as $k => $v) {
// if ns declarations, add to class level array of valid namespaces
if (ereg("^xmlns", $k)) {
if ($ns_prefix = substr(strrchr($k, ':'), 1)) {
$this->namespaces[$ns_prefix] = $v;
} else {
$this->namespaces['ns' . (count($this->namespaces) + 1)] = $v;
if ($v == '' || $v == '') {
$this->XMLSchemaVersion = $v;
$this->namespaces['xsi'] = $v . '-instance';
} //
// expand each attribute
$k = strpos($k, ':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
if ($k != 'location' && $k != 'soapAction' && $k != 'namespace') {
$v = strpos($v, ':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
$eAttrs[$k] = $v;
$attrs = $eAttrs;
} else {
$attrs = array();
// find status, register data
switch ($this->status) {
case 'message':
if ($name == 'part') {
if (isset($attrs['type'])) {
$this->debug("msg " . $this->currentMessage . ": found part $attrs[name]: " . implode(',', $attrs));
$this->messages[$this->currentMessage][$attrs['name']] = $attrs['type'];
if (isset($attrs['element'])) {
$this->messages[$this->currentMessage][$attrs['name']] = $attrs['element'];
case 'portType':
switch ($name) {
case 'operation':
$this->currentPortOperation = $attrs['name'];
$this->debug("portType $this->currentPortType operation: $this->currentPortOperation");
if (isset($attrs['parameterOrder'])) {
$this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$attrs['name']]['parameterOrder'] = $attrs['parameterOrder'];
case 'documentation':
$this->documentation = true;
// merge input/output data
$m = isset($attrs['message']) ? $this->getLocalPart($attrs['message']) : '';
$this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$this->currentPortOperation][$name]['message'] = $m;
case 'binding':
switch ($name) {
case 'binding':
// get ns prefix
if (isset($attrs['style'])) {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['prefix'] = $prefix;
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding] = array_merge($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding], $attrs);
case 'header':
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus]['headers'][] = $attrs;
case 'operation':
if (isset($attrs['soapAction'])) {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['soapAction'] = $attrs['soapAction'];
if (isset($attrs['style'])) {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['style'] = $attrs['style'];
if (isset($attrs['name'])) {
$this->currentOperation = $attrs['name'];
$this->debug("current binding operation: $this->currentOperation");
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['name'] = $attrs['name'];
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['binding'] = $this->currentBinding;
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['endpoint'] = isset($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['endpoint']) ? $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['endpoint'] : '';
case 'input':
$this->opStatus = 'input';
case 'output':
$this->opStatus = 'output';
case 'body':
if (isset($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus])) {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus] = array_merge($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus], $attrs);
} else {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus] = $attrs;
case 'service':
switch ($name) {
case 'port':
$this->currentPort = $attrs['name'];
$this->debug('current port: ' . $this->currentPort);
$this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['binding']);
case 'address':
$this->ports[$this->currentPort]['location'] = $attrs['location'];
$this->ports[$this->currentPort]['bindingType'] = $namespace;
$this->bindings[ $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] ]['bindingType'] = $namespace;
$this->bindings[ $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] ]['endpoint'] = $attrs['location'];
// set status
switch ($name) {
case 'import':
if (isset($attrs['location'])) {
$this->import[$attrs['namespace']][] = array('location' => $attrs['location'], 'loaded' => false);
$this->debug('parsing import ' . $attrs['namespace']. ' - ' . $attrs['location'] . ' (' . count($this->import[$attrs['namespace']]).')');
} else {
$this->import[$attrs['namespace']][] = array('location' => '', 'loaded' => true);
if (! $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($attrs['namespace'])) {
$this->namespaces['ns'.(count($this->namespaces)+1)] = $attrs['namespace'];
$this->debug('parsing import ' . $attrs['namespace']. ' - [no location] (' . count($this->import[$attrs['namespace']]).')');
//wait for schema
//case 'types':
// $this->status = 'schema';
// break;
case 'message':
$this->status = 'message';
$this->messages[$attrs['name']] = array();
$this->currentMessage = $attrs['name'];
case 'portType':
$this->status = 'portType';
$this->portTypes[$attrs['name']] = array();
$this->currentPortType = $attrs['name'];
case "binding":
if (isset($attrs['name'])) {
// get binding name
if (strpos($attrs['name'], ':')) {
$this->currentBinding = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['name']);
} else {
$this->currentBinding = $attrs['name'];
$this->status = 'binding';
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['portType'] = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['type']);
$this->debug("current binding: $this->currentBinding of portType: " . $attrs['type']);
case 'service':
$this->serviceName = $attrs['name'];
$this->status = 'service';
$this->debug('current service: ' . $this->serviceName);
case 'definitions':
foreach ($attrs as $name => $value) {
$this->wsdl_info[$name] = $value;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::start_element (   $parser,

start-element handler

string$parserXML parser object
string$nameelement name
string$attrsassociative array of attributes private

Definition at line 4344 of file nusoap.php.

References $currentBinding, $currentMessage, $currentOperation, $currentPort, $currentPortType, $depth, $namespace, $parser, nusoap_base\appendDebug(), nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\expandQname(), nusoap_base\getLocalPart(), and nusoap_base\getPrefixFromNamespace().

if ($this->status == 'schema') {
$this->currentSchema->schemaStartElement($parser, $name, $attrs);
} elseif (ereg('schema$', $name)) {
$this->debug('Parsing WSDL schema');
// $this->debug("startElement for $name ($attrs[name]). status = $this->status (".$this->getLocalPart($name).")");
$this->status = 'schema';
$this->currentSchema = new xmlschema('', '', $this->namespaces);
$this->currentSchema->schemaStartElement($parser, $name, $attrs);
} else {
// position in the total number of elements, starting from 0
$pos = $this->position++;
$depth = $this->depth++;
// set self as current value for this depth
$this->depth_array[$depth] = $pos;
$this->message[$pos] = array('cdata' => '');
// process attributes
if (count($attrs) > 0) {
// register namespace declarations
foreach($attrs as $k => $v) {
if (ereg("^xmlns", $k)) {
if ($ns_prefix = substr(strrchr($k, ':'), 1)) {
$this->namespaces[$ns_prefix] = $v;
} else {
$this->namespaces['ns' . (count($this->namespaces) + 1)] = $v;
if ($v == '' || $v == '' || $v == '') {
$this->XMLSchemaVersion = $v;
$this->namespaces['xsi'] = $v . '-instance';
// expand each attribute prefix to its namespace
foreach($attrs as $k => $v) {
$k = strpos($k, ':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
if ($k != 'location' && $k != 'soapAction' && $k != 'namespace') {
$v = strpos($v, ':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
$eAttrs[$k] = $v;
$attrs = $eAttrs;
} else {
$attrs = array();
// get element prefix, namespace and name
if (ereg(':', $name)) {
// get ns prefix
$prefix = substr($name, 0, strpos($name, ':'));
// get ns
$namespace = isset($this->namespaces[$prefix]) ? $this->namespaces[$prefix] : '';
// get unqualified name
$name = substr(strstr($name, ':'), 1);
// process attributes, expanding any prefixes to namespaces
// find status, register data
switch ($this->status) {
case 'message':
if ($name == 'part') {
if (isset($attrs['type'])) {
$this->debug("msg " . $this->currentMessage . ": found part $attrs[name]: " . implode(',', $attrs));
$this->messages[$this->currentMessage][$attrs['name']] = $attrs['type'];
if (isset($attrs['element'])) {
$this->debug("msg " . $this->currentMessage . ": found part $attrs[name]: " . implode(',', $attrs));
$this->messages[$this->currentMessage][$attrs['name']] = $attrs['element'];
case 'portType':
switch ($name) {
case 'operation':
$this->currentPortOperation = $attrs['name'];
$this->debug("portType $this->currentPortType operation: $this->currentPortOperation");
if (isset($attrs['parameterOrder'])) {
$this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$attrs['name']]['parameterOrder'] = $attrs['parameterOrder'];
case 'documentation':
$this->documentation = true;
// merge input/output data
$m = isset($attrs['message']) ? $this->getLocalPart($attrs['message']) : '';
$this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$this->currentPortOperation][$name]['message'] = $m;
case 'binding':
switch ($name) {
case 'binding':
// get ns prefix
if (isset($attrs['style'])) {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['prefix'] = $prefix;
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding] = array_merge($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding], $attrs);
case 'header':
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus]['headers'][] = $attrs;
case 'operation':
if (isset($attrs['soapAction'])) {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['soapAction'] = $attrs['soapAction'];
if (isset($attrs['style'])) {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['style'] = $attrs['style'];
if (isset($attrs['name'])) {
$this->currentOperation = $attrs['name'];
$this->debug("current binding operation: $this->currentOperation");
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['name'] = $attrs['name'];
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['binding'] = $this->currentBinding;
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['endpoint'] = isset($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['endpoint']) ? $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['endpoint'] : '';
case 'input':
$this->opStatus = 'input';
case 'output':
$this->opStatus = 'output';
case 'body':
if (isset($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus])) {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus] = array_merge($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus], $attrs);
} else {
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus] = $attrs;
case 'service':
switch ($name) {
case 'port':
$this->currentPort = $attrs['name'];
$this->debug('current port: ' . $this->currentPort);
$this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['binding']);
case 'address':
$this->ports[$this->currentPort]['location'] = $attrs['location'];
$this->ports[$this->currentPort]['bindingType'] = $namespace;
$this->bindings[ $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] ]['bindingType'] = $namespace;
$this->bindings[ $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] ]['endpoint'] = $attrs['location'];
// set status
switch ($name) {
case 'import':
if (isset($attrs['location'])) {
$this->import[$attrs['namespace']][] = array('location' => $attrs['location'], 'loaded' => false);
$this->debug('parsing import ' . $attrs['namespace']. ' - ' . $attrs['location'] . ' (' . count($this->import[$attrs['namespace']]).')');
} else {
$this->import[$attrs['namespace']][] = array('location' => '', 'loaded' => true);
if (! $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($attrs['namespace'])) {
$this->namespaces['ns'.(count($this->namespaces)+1)] = $attrs['namespace'];
$this->debug('parsing import ' . $attrs['namespace']. ' - [no location] (' . count($this->import[$attrs['namespace']]).')');
//wait for schema
//case 'types':
// $this->status = 'schema';
// break;
case 'message':
$this->status = 'message';
$this->messages[$attrs['name']] = array();
$this->currentMessage = $attrs['name'];
case 'portType':
$this->status = 'portType';
$this->portTypes[$attrs['name']] = array();
$this->currentPortType = $attrs['name'];
case "binding":
if (isset($attrs['name'])) {
// get binding name
if (strpos($attrs['name'], ':')) {
$this->currentBinding = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['name']);
} else {
$this->currentBinding = $attrs['name'];
$this->status = 'binding';
$this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['portType'] = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['type']);
$this->debug("current binding: $this->currentBinding of portType: " . $attrs['type']);
case 'service':
$this->serviceName = $attrs['name'];
$this->status = 'service';
$this->debug('current service: ' . $this->serviceName);
case 'definitions':
foreach ($attrs as $name => $value) {
$this->wsdl_info[$name] = $value;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::webDescription ( )

prints html description of services


Definition at line 682 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $data, getOperations(), and nusoap_base\setError().

Referenced by soap_server\service().

if (isset($_SERVER)) {
} elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) {
} else {
$this->setError("Neither _SERVER nor HTTP_SERVER_VARS is available");
$b = '
<html><head><title>NuSOAP: '.$this->serviceName.'</title>
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: arial; color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; }
p { font-family: arial; color: #000000; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 12px; }
pre { background-color: silver; padding: 5px; font-family: Courier New; font-size: x-small; color: #000000;}
ul { margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 20px; }
li { list-style-type: none; margin-top: 10px; color: #000000; }
margin-left: 0px; padding-bottom: 2em; }
.nav {
padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; font-size: .70em;
margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 0px; color: #000000;
background-color: #ccccff; width: 20%; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 20px; }
.title {
font-family: arial; font-size: 26px; color: #ffffff;
background-color: #999999; width: 105%; margin-left: 0px;
padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px;}
.hidden {
position: absolute; visibility: hidden; z-index: 200; left: 250px; top: 100px;
font-family: arial; overflow: hidden; width: 600;
padding: 20px; font-size: 10px; background-color: #999999;
layer-background-color:#FFFFFF; }
a,a:active { color: charcoal; font-weight: bold; }
a:visited { color: #666666; font-weight: bold; }
a:hover { color: cc3300; font-weight: bold; }
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function lib_bwcheck(){ //Browsercheck (needed)
this.opera5=this.agent.indexOf("Opera 5")>-1
this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;
this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;
this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;||this.ie5||this.ie6
this.ns6=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0;
this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0; || this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns6 || this.opera5)
return this
var bw = new lib_bwcheck()
//Makes crossbrowser object.
function makeObj(obj){
this.evnt=bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj):bw.ie4?document.all[obj]:bw.ns4?document.layers[obj]:0;
if(!this.evnt) return false
return this
// A unit of measure that will be added when setting the position of a layer.
//var px = bw.ns4||window.opera?"":"px";
function b_writeIt(text){
if (bw.ns4){this.wref.write(text);this.wref.close()}
else this.wref.innerHTML = text
//Shows the messages
var oDesc;
function popup(divid){
if(oDesc = new makeObj(divid)){
oDesc.css.visibility = "visible"
function popout(){ // Hides message
if(oDesc) oDesc.css.visibility = "hidden"
<div class=content>
<div class=title>'.$this->serviceName.'</div>
<div class=nav>
<p>View the <a href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?wsdl">WSDL</a> for the service.
Click on an operation name to view it&apos;s details.</p>
foreach($this->getOperations() as $op => $data){
$b .= "<li><a href='#' onclick=\"popout();popup('$op')\">$op</a></li>";
// create hidden div
$b .= "<div id='$op' class='hidden'>
<a href='#' onclick='popout()'><font color='#ffffff'>Close</font></a><br><br>";
foreach($data as $donnie => $marie){ // loop through opdata
if($donnie == 'input' || $donnie == 'output'){ // show input/output data
$b .= "<font color='white'>".ucfirst($donnie).':</font><br>';
foreach($marie as $captain => $tenille){ // loop through data
if($captain == 'parts'){ // loop thru parts
$b .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;$captain:<br>";
foreach($tenille as $joanie => $chachi){
$b .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$joanie: $chachi<br>";
} else {
$b .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;$captain: $tenille<br>";
} else {
$b .= "<font color='white'>".ucfirst($donnie).":</font> $marie<br>";
$b .= '</div>';
$b .= '
return $b;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::webDescription ( )

prints html description of services


Definition at line 4755 of file nusoap.php.

References $data, getOperations(), and nusoap_base\setError().

if (isset($_SERVER)) {
} elseif (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) {
} else {
$this->setError("Neither _SERVER nor HTTP_SERVER_VARS is available");
$b = '
<html><head><title>NuSOAP: '.$this->serviceName.'</title>
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: arial; color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; }
p { font-family: arial; color: #000000; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 12px; }
pre { background-color: silver; padding: 5px; font-family: Courier New; font-size: x-small; color: #000000;}
ul { margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 20px; }
li { list-style-type: none; margin-top: 10px; color: #000000; }
margin-left: 0px; padding-bottom: 2em; }
.nav {
padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; font-size: .70em;
margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 0px; color: #000000;
background-color: #ccccff; width: 20%; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 20px; }
.title {
font-family: arial; font-size: 26px; color: #ffffff;
background-color: #999999; width: 105%; margin-left: 0px;
padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px;}
.hidden {
position: absolute; visibility: hidden; z-index: 200; left: 250px; top: 100px;
font-family: arial; overflow: hidden; width: 600;
padding: 20px; font-size: 10px; background-color: #999999;
layer-background-color:#FFFFFF; }
a,a:active { color: charcoal; font-weight: bold; }
a:visited { color: #666666; font-weight: bold; }
a:hover { color: cc3300; font-weight: bold; }
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function lib_bwcheck(){ //Browsercheck (needed)
this.opera5=this.agent.indexOf("Opera 5")>-1
this.ie5=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 5")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;
this.ie6=(this.ver.indexOf("MSIE 6")>-1 && this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;
this.ie4=(document.all && !this.dom && !this.opera5)?1:0;||this.ie5||this.ie6
this.ns6=(this.dom && parseInt(this.ver) >= 5) ?1:0;
this.ns4=(document.layers && !this.dom)?1:0; || this.ie5 || this.ie4 || this.ns4 || this.ns6 || this.opera5)
return this
var bw = new lib_bwcheck()
//Makes crossbrowser object.
function makeObj(obj){
this.evnt=bw.dom? document.getElementById(obj):bw.ie4?document.all[obj]:bw.ns4?document.layers[obj]:0;
if(!this.evnt) return false
return this
// A unit of measure that will be added when setting the position of a layer.
//var px = bw.ns4||window.opera?"":"px";
function b_writeIt(text){
if (bw.ns4){this.wref.write(text);this.wref.close()}
else this.wref.innerHTML = text
//Shows the messages
var oDesc;
function popup(divid){
if(oDesc = new makeObj(divid)){
oDesc.css.visibility = "visible"
function popout(){ // Hides message
if(oDesc) oDesc.css.visibility = "hidden"
<div class=content>
<div class=title>'.$this->serviceName.'</div>
<div class=nav>
<p>View the <a href="'.$PHP_SELF.'?wsdl">WSDL</a> for the service.
Click on an operation name to view it&apos;s details.</p>
foreach($this->getOperations() as $op => $data){
$b .= "<li><a href='#' onclick=\"popout();popup('$op')\">$op</a></li>";
// create hidden div
$b .= "<div id='$op' class='hidden'>
<a href='#' onclick='popout()'><font color='#ffffff'>Close</font></a><br><br>";
foreach($data as $donnie => $marie){ // loop through opdata
if($donnie == 'input' || $donnie == 'output'){ // show input/output data
$b .= "<font color='white'>".ucfirst($donnie).':</font><br>';
foreach($marie as $captain => $tenille){ // loop through data
if($captain == 'parts'){ // loop thru parts
$b .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;$captain:<br>";
foreach($tenille as $joanie => $chachi){
$b .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$joanie: $chachi<br>";
} else {
$b .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;$captain: $tenille<br>";
} else {
$b .= "<font color='white'>".ucfirst($donnie).":</font> $marie<br>";
$b .= '</div>';
$b .= '
return $b;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::wsdl (   $wsdl = '',
  $proxyhost = false,
  $proxyport = false,
  $proxyusername = false,
  $proxypassword = false,
  $timeout = 0,
  $response_timeout = 30 


string$wsdlWSDL document URL
integer$timeoutset the connection timeout
integer$response_timeoutset the response timeout public

Definition at line 61 of file class.wsdl.php.

References $data, $proxyhost, $proxypassword, $proxyport, $proxyusername, $response_timeout, $timeout, $wsdl, nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\nusoap_base(), and parseWSDL().

$this->wsdl = $wsdl;
$this->proxyhost = $proxyhost;
$this->proxyport = $proxyport;
$this->proxyusername = $proxyusername;
$this->proxypassword = $proxypassword;
$this->timeout = $timeout;
$this->response_timeout = $response_timeout;
// parse wsdl file
if ($wsdl != "") {
$this->debug('initial wsdl URL: ' . $wsdl);
// imports
// TODO: handle imports more properly, grabbing them in-line and nesting them
$imported_urls = array();
$imported = 1;
while ($imported > 0) {
$imported = 0;
// Schema imports
foreach ($this->schemas as $ns => $list) {
foreach ($list as $xs) {
$wsdlparts = parse_url($this->wsdl); // this is bogusly simple!
foreach ($xs->imports as $ns2 => $list2) {
for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($list2); $ii++) {
if (! $list2[$ii]['loaded']) {
$this->schemas[$ns]->imports[$ns2][$ii]['loaded'] = true;
$url = $list2[$ii]['location'];
if ($url != '') {
$urlparts = parse_url($url);
if (!isset($urlparts['host'])) {
$url = $wsdlparts['scheme'] . '://' . $wsdlparts['host'] . (isset($wsdlparts['port']) ? ':' .$wsdlparts['port'] : '') .
substr($wsdlparts['path'],0,strrpos($wsdlparts['path'],'/') + 1) .$urlparts['path'];
if (! in_array($url, $imported_urls)) {
$imported_urls[] = $url;
} else {
$this->debug("Unexpected scenario: empty URL for unloaded import");
// WSDL imports
$wsdlparts = parse_url($this->wsdl); // this is bogusly simple!
foreach ($this->import as $ns => $list) {
for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($list); $ii++) {
if (! $list[$ii]['loaded']) {
$this->import[$ns][$ii]['loaded'] = true;
$url = $list[$ii]['location'];
if ($url != '') {
$urlparts = parse_url($url);
if (!isset($urlparts['host'])) {
$url = $wsdlparts['scheme'] . '://' . $wsdlparts['host'] . (isset($wsdlparts['port']) ? ':' . $wsdlparts['port'] : '') .
substr($wsdlparts['path'],0,strrpos($wsdlparts['path'],'/') + 1) .$urlparts['path'];
if (! in_array($url, $imported_urls)) {
$imported_urls[] = $url;
} else {
$this->debug("Unexpected scenario: empty URL for unloaded import");
// add new data to operation data
foreach($this->bindings as $binding => $bindingData) {
if (isset($bindingData['operations']) && is_array($bindingData['operations'])) {
foreach($bindingData['operations'] as $operation => $data) {
$this->debug('post-parse data gathering for ' . $operation);
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input'] =
isset($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']) ?
array_merge($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input'], $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['input']) :
$this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['input'];
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output'] =
isset($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']) ?
array_merge($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output'], $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['output']) :
$this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['output'];
if(isset($this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['message'] ])){
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['parts'] = $this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['message'] ];
if(isset($this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['message'] ])){
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['parts'] = $this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['message'] ];
if (isset($bindingData['style'])) {
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['style'] = $bindingData['style'];
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['transport'] = isset($bindingData['transport']) ? $bindingData['transport'] : '';
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['documentation'] = isset($this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['documentation']) ? $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['documentation'] : '';
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['endpoint'] = isset($bindingData['endpoint']) ? $bindingData['endpoint'] : '';

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

wsdl::wsdl (   $wsdl = '',
  $proxyhost = false,
  $proxyport = false,
  $proxyusername = false,
  $proxypassword = false,
  $timeout = 0,
  $response_timeout = 30 


string$wsdlWSDL document URL
integer$timeoutset the connection timeout
integer$response_timeoutset the response timeout public

Definition at line 3181 of file nusoap.php.

References $data, $proxyhost, $proxypassword, $proxyport, $proxyusername, $response_timeout, $timeout, $wsdl, nusoap_base\debug(), and parseWSDL().

Referenced by soap_client\soap_client(), and soap_server\soap_server().

$this->wsdl = $wsdl;
$this->proxyhost = $proxyhost;
$this->proxyport = $proxyport;
$this->proxyusername = $proxyusername;
$this->proxypassword = $proxypassword;
$this->timeout = $timeout;
$this->response_timeout = $response_timeout;
// parse wsdl file
if ($wsdl != "") {
$this->debug('initial wsdl URL: ' . $wsdl);
// imports
// TODO: handle imports more properly, grabbing them in-line and nesting them
$imported_urls = array();
$imported = 1;
while ($imported > 0) {
$imported = 0;
// Schema imports
foreach ($this->schemas as $ns => $list) {
foreach ($list as $xs) {
$wsdlparts = parse_url($this->wsdl); // this is bogusly simple!
foreach ($xs->imports as $ns2 => $list2) {
for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($list2); $ii++) {
if (! $list2[$ii]['loaded']) {
$this->schemas[$ns]->imports[$ns2][$ii]['loaded'] = true;
$url = $list2[$ii]['location'];
if ($url != '') {
$urlparts = parse_url($url);
if (!isset($urlparts['host'])) {
$url = $wsdlparts['scheme'] . '://' . $wsdlparts['host'] .
substr($wsdlparts['path'],0,strrpos($wsdlparts['path'],'/') + 1) .$urlparts['path'];
if (! in_array($url, $imported_urls)) {
$imported_urls[] = $url;
} else {
$this->debug("Unexpected scenario: empty URL for unloaded import");
// WSDL imports
$wsdlparts = parse_url($this->wsdl); // this is bogusly simple!
foreach ($this->import as $ns => $list) {
for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($list); $ii++) {
if (! $list[$ii]['loaded']) {
$this->import[$ns][$ii]['loaded'] = true;
$url = $list[$ii]['location'];
if ($url != '') {
$urlparts = parse_url($url);
if (!isset($urlparts['host'])) {
$url = $wsdlparts['scheme'] . '://' . $wsdlparts['host'] .
substr($wsdlparts['path'],0,strrpos($wsdlparts['path'],'/') + 1) .$urlparts['path'];
if (! in_array($url, $imported_urls)) {
$imported_urls[] = $url;
} else {
$this->debug("Unexpected scenario: empty URL for unloaded import");
// add new data to operation data
foreach($this->bindings as $binding => $bindingData) {
if (isset($bindingData['operations']) && is_array($bindingData['operations'])) {
foreach($bindingData['operations'] as $operation => $data) {
$this->debug('post-parse data gathering for ' . $operation);
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input'] =
isset($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']) ?
array_merge($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input'], $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['input']) :
$this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['input'];
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output'] =
isset($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']) ?
array_merge($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output'], $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['output']) :
$this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['output'];
if(isset($this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['message'] ])){
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['parts'] = $this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['message'] ];
if(isset($this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['message'] ])){
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['parts'] = $this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['message'] ];
if (isset($bindingData['style'])) {
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['style'] = $bindingData['style'];
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['transport'] = isset($bindingData['transport']) ? $bindingData['transport'] : '';
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['documentation'] = isset($this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['documentation']) ? $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['documentation'] : '';
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['endpoint'] = isset($bindingData['endpoint']) ? $bindingData['endpoint'] : '';

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

wsdl::wsdl (   $wsdl = '',
  $proxyhost = false,
  $proxyport = false,
  $proxyusername = false,
  $proxypassword = false,
  $timeout = 0,
  $response_timeout = 30 


string$wsdlWSDL document URL
integer$timeoutset the connection timeout
integer$response_timeoutset the response timeout public

Definition at line 4134 of file nusoap.php.

References $data, $proxyhost, $proxypassword, $proxyport, $proxyusername, $response_timeout, $timeout, $wsdl, nusoap_base\debug(), nusoap_base\nusoap_base(), and parseWSDL().

$this->wsdl = $wsdl;
$this->proxyhost = $proxyhost;
$this->proxyport = $proxyport;
$this->proxyusername = $proxyusername;
$this->proxypassword = $proxypassword;
$this->timeout = $timeout;
$this->response_timeout = $response_timeout;
// parse wsdl file
if ($wsdl != "") {
$this->debug('initial wsdl URL: ' . $wsdl);
// imports
// TODO: handle imports more properly, grabbing them in-line and nesting them
$imported_urls = array();
$imported = 1;
while ($imported > 0) {
$imported = 0;
// Schema imports
foreach ($this->schemas as $ns => $list) {
foreach ($list as $xs) {
$wsdlparts = parse_url($this->wsdl); // this is bogusly simple!
foreach ($xs->imports as $ns2 => $list2) {
for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($list2); $ii++) {
if (! $list2[$ii]['loaded']) {
$this->schemas[$ns]->imports[$ns2][$ii]['loaded'] = true;
$url = $list2[$ii]['location'];
if ($url != '') {
$urlparts = parse_url($url);
if (!isset($urlparts['host'])) {
$url = $wsdlparts['scheme'] . '://' . $wsdlparts['host'] . (isset($wsdlparts['port']) ? ':' .$wsdlparts['port'] : '') .
substr($wsdlparts['path'],0,strrpos($wsdlparts['path'],'/') + 1) .$urlparts['path'];
if (! in_array($url, $imported_urls)) {
$imported_urls[] = $url;
} else {
$this->debug("Unexpected scenario: empty URL for unloaded import");
// WSDL imports
$wsdlparts = parse_url($this->wsdl); // this is bogusly simple!
foreach ($this->import as $ns => $list) {
for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($list); $ii++) {
if (! $list[$ii]['loaded']) {
$this->import[$ns][$ii]['loaded'] = true;
$url = $list[$ii]['location'];
if ($url != '') {
$urlparts = parse_url($url);
if (!isset($urlparts['host'])) {
$url = $wsdlparts['scheme'] . '://' . $wsdlparts['host'] . (isset($wsdlparts['port']) ? ':' . $wsdlparts['port'] : '') .
substr($wsdlparts['path'],0,strrpos($wsdlparts['path'],'/') + 1) .$urlparts['path'];
if (! in_array($url, $imported_urls)) {
$imported_urls[] = $url;
} else {
$this->debug("Unexpected scenario: empty URL for unloaded import");
// add new data to operation data
foreach($this->bindings as $binding => $bindingData) {
if (isset($bindingData['operations']) && is_array($bindingData['operations'])) {
foreach($bindingData['operations'] as $operation => $data) {
$this->debug('post-parse data gathering for ' . $operation);
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input'] =
isset($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']) ?
array_merge($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input'], $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['input']) :
$this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['input'];
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output'] =
isset($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']) ?
array_merge($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output'], $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['output']) :
$this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['output'];
if(isset($this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['message'] ])){
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['parts'] = $this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['message'] ];
if(isset($this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['message'] ])){
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['parts'] = $this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['message'] ];
if (isset($bindingData['style'])) {
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['style'] = $bindingData['style'];
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['transport'] = isset($bindingData['transport']) ? $bindingData['transport'] : '';
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['documentation'] = isset($this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['documentation']) ? $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['documentation'] : '';
$this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['endpoint'] = isset($bindingData['endpoint']) ? $bindingData['endpoint'] : '';

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Field Documentation

wsdl::$bindings = array()

Definition at line 3146 of file nusoap.php.

wsdl::$complexTypes = array()

Definition at line 3140 of file nusoap.php.


Definition at line 3147 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by start_element().


Definition at line 3142 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by start_element().


Definition at line 3143 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by start_element().


Definition at line 3149 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by start_element().


Definition at line 3145 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by start_element().


Definition at line 3138 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by end_element().

wsdl::$depth = 0

Definition at line 3159 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by character_data(), and start_element().

wsdl::$depth_array = array()

Definition at line 3160 of file nusoap.php.

wsdl::$documentation = false

Definition at line 3152 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by addOperation().

wsdl::$endpoint = ''

Definition at line 3153 of file nusoap.php.

wsdl::$import = array()

Definition at line 3155 of file nusoap.php.

wsdl::$message = array()

Definition at line 3139 of file nusoap.php.

wsdl::$messages = array()

Definition at line 3141 of file nusoap.php.

wsdl::$opData = array()

Definition at line 3157 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by end_element(), and start_element().

wsdl::$ports = array()

Definition at line 3148 of file nusoap.php.

wsdl::$portTypes = array()

Definition at line 3144 of file nusoap.php.

wsdl::$position = 0

Definition at line 3158 of file nusoap.php.

wsdl::$proxyhost = ''

Definition at line 3162 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by wsdl().

wsdl::$proxypassword = ''

Definition at line 3165 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by wsdl().

wsdl::$proxyport = ''

Definition at line 3163 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by wsdl().

wsdl::$proxyusername = ''

Definition at line 3164 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by wsdl().

wsdl::$response_timeout = 30

Definition at line 3167 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by wsdl().

wsdl::$schemas = array()

Definition at line 3137 of file nusoap.php.

wsdl::$status = ''

Definition at line 3151 of file nusoap.php.

wsdl::$timeout = 0

Definition at line 3166 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by wsdl().


Definition at line 3135 of file nusoap.php.

Referenced by parseWSDL(), and wsdl().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: