ILIAS  Release_3_10_x_branch Revision 61812
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HFile_html Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_html:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_html:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_html ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 5 of file HFile_html.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_html::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 389 of file HFile_html.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_html::HFile_html ( )

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_html.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array();
$this->unindent = array();
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array("\"", "'");
$this->delimiters = array("~", "@", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommenton = array("<!--");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("-->");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"<A>" => "1",
"</A>" => "1",
"<ABBR>" => "1",
"</ABBR>" => "1",
"<ABOVE>" => "1",
"<ACRONYM>" => "1",
"</ACRONYM>" => "1",
"<ADDRESS>" => "1",
"</ADDRESS>" => "1",
"<APPLET>" => "1",
"</APPLET>" => "1",
"<AREA>" => "1",
"<ARRAY>" => "1",
"<B>" => "1",
"</B>" => "1",
"<BASE>" => "1",
"<BASEFONT>" => "1",
"<BDO>" => "1",
"</BDO>" => "1",
"<BGSOUND>" => "1",
"<BIG>" => "1",
"</BIG>" => "1",
"<BLINK>" => "1",
"</BLINK>" => "1",
"<BLOCKQUOTE>" => "1",
"</BLOCKQUOTE>" => "1",
"<BODY>" => "1",
"</BODY>" => "1",
"<BOX>" => "1",
"<BR>" => "1",
"<BUTTON>" => "1",
"</BUTTON>" => "1",
"<CAPTION>" => "1",
"</CAPTION>" => "1",
"<CENTER>" => "1",
"</CENTER>" => "1",
"<CITE>" => "1",
"</CITE>" => "1",
"<CODE>" => "1",
"</CODE>" => "1",
"<COL>" => "1",
"<COLGROUP>" => "1",
"</COLGROUP>" => "1",
"<COMMENT>" => "1",
"</COMMENT>" => "1",
"<DD>" => "1",
"</DD>" => "1",
"<DEL>" => "1",
"</DEL>" => "1",
"<DFN>" => "1",
"</DFN>" => "1",
"<DIR>" => "1",
"</DIR>" => "1",
"<DIV>" => "1",
"</DIV>" => "1",
"<DL>" => "1",
"</DL>" => "1",
"<DT>" => "1",
"</DT>" => "1",
"<EM>" => "1",
"</EM>" => "1",
"<EMBED>" => "1",
"<FIELDSET>" => "1",
"</FIELDSET>" => "1",
"<FIG>" => "1",
"<FONT>" => "1",
"</FONT>" => "1",
"<FORM>" => "1",
"</FORM>" => "1",
"<FRAME>" => "1",
"<FRAMESET>" => "1",
"</FRAMESET>" => "1",
"<H1>" => "1",
"</H1>" => "1",
"<H2>" => "1",
"</H2>" => "1",
"<H3>" => "1",
"</H3>" => "1",
"<H4>" => "1",
"</H4>" => "1",
"<H5>" => "1",
"</H5>" => "1",
"<H6>" => "1",
"</H6>" => "1",
"<HEAD>" => "1",
"</HEAD>" => "1",
"<HR>" => "1",
"<HTML>" => "1",
"</HTML>" => "1",
"<I>" => "1",
"</I>" => "1",
"<IFRAME>" => "1",
"</IFRAME>" => "1",
"<ILAYER>" => "1",
"</ILAYER>" => "1",
"<IMG>" => "1",
"<INPUT>" => "1",
"<INS>" => "1",
"</INS>" => "1",
"<ISINDEX>" => "1",
"<KBD>" => "1",
"</KBD>" => "1",
"<LABEL>" => "1",
"</LABEL>" => "1",
"<LAYER>" => "1",
"<LEGEND>" => "1",
"</LEGEND>" => "1",
"<LI>" => "1",
"</LI>" => "1",
"<LINK>" => "1",
"<LISTING>" => "1",
"</LISTING>" => "1",
"<MAP>" => "1",
"</MAP>" => "1",
"<MARQUEE>" => "1",
"</MARQUEE>" => "1",
"<MENU>" => "1",
"</MENU>" => "1",
"<META>" => "1",
"<MULTICOL>" => "1",
"</MULTICOL>" => "1",
"<NEXTID>" => "1",
"<NOFRAMES>" => "1",
"</NOFRAMES>" => "1",
"<NOLAYER>" => "1",
"</NOLAYER>" => "1",
"<NOSCRIPT>" => "1",
"</NOSCRIPT>" => "1",
"<NOTE>" => "1",
"</NOTE>" => "1",
"<OBJECT>" => "1",
"</OBJECT>" => "1",
"<OL>" => "1",
"</OL>" => "1",
"<OPTGROUP>" => "1",
"</OPTGROUP>" => "1",
"<OPTION>" => "1",
"<P>" => "1",
"</P>" => "1",
"<PARAM>" => "1",
"<PRE>" => "1",
"</PRE>" => "1",
"<Q>" => "1",
"</Q>" => "1",
"<QUOTE>" => "1",
"<RANGE>" => "1",
"<ROOT>" => "1",
"<S>" => "1",
"</S>" => "1",
"<SAMP>" => "1",
"</SAMP>" => "1",
"<SCRIPT>" => "1",
"</SCRIPT>" => "1",
"<SELECT>" => "1",
"</SELECT>" => "1",
"<SMALL>" => "1",
"</SMALL>" => "1",
"<SOUND>" => "1",
"<SPACER>" => "1",
"<SPAN>" => "1",
"</SPAN>" => "1",
"<SQRT>" => "1",
"<STRIKE>" => "1",
"</STRIKE>" => "1",
"<STRONG>" => "1",
"</STRONG>" => "1",
"<STYLE>" => "1",
"<STYLE>" => "1",
"</STYLE>" => "1",
"<SUB>" => "1",
"</SUB>" => "1",
"<SUP>" => "1",
"</SUP>" => "1",
"<TABLE>" => "1",
"</TABLE>" => "1",
"<TBODY>" => "1",
"</TBODY>" => "1",
"<TD>" => "1",
"</TD>" => "1",
"<TEXT>" => "1",
"<TEXTAREA>" => "1",
"</TEXTAREA>" => "1",
"<TFOOT>" => "1",
"</TFOOT>" => "1",
"<TH>" => "1",
"</TH>" => "1",
"<THEAD>" => "1",
"</THEAD>" => "1",
"<TITLE>" => "1",
"</TITLE>" => "1",
"<TR>" => "1",
"</TR>" => "1",
"<TT>" => "1",
"</TT>" => "1",
"<TT>" => "1",
"<U>" => "1",
"</U>" => "1",
"<UL>" => "1",
"</UL>" => "1",
"<VAR>" => "1",
"</VAR>" => "1",
"<WBR>" => "1",
"<XMP>" => "1",
"</XMP>" => "1",
"<ABBR>" => "2",
"<ACCEPT-CHARSET>" => "2",
"<ACCEPT>" => "2",
"<ACCESSKEY>" => "2",
"<ACTION>" => "2",
"<ALIGN>" => "2",
"<ALINK>" => "2",
"<ALT>" => "2",
"<ARCHIVE>" => "2",
"<AXIS>" => "2",
"<BACKGROUND>" => "2",
"<BEHAVIOR>" => "2",
"<BELOW>" => "2",
"<BGCOLOR>" => "2",
"<BORDER>" => "2",
"<CELLPADDING>" => "2",
"<CELLSPACING>" => "2",
"<CHAR>" => "2",
"<CHAROFF>" => "2",
"<CHARSET>" => "2",
"<CHECKED>" => "2",
"<CITE>" => "2",
"<CLASS>" => "2",
"<CLASSID>" => "2",
"<CLEAR>" => "2",
"<CODE>" => "2",
"<CODEBASE>" => "2",
"<CODETYPE>" => "2",
"<COLOR>" => "2",
"<COLS>" => "2",
"<COLSPAN>" => "2",
"<COMPACT>" => "2",
"<CONTENT>" => "2",
"<COORDS>" => "2",
"<DATA>" => "2",
"<DATETIME>" => "2",
"<DECLARE>" => "2",
"<DEFER>" => "2",
"<DIR>" => "2",
"<DISABLED>" => "2",
"<ENCTYPE>" => "2",
"<FACE>" => "2",
"<FOR>" => "2",
"<FRAME>" => "2",
"<FRAMEBORDER>" => "2",
"<FRAMESPACING>" => "2",
"<HEADERS>" => "2",
"<HEIGHT>" => "2",
"<HIDDEN>" => "2",
"<HREF>" => "2",
"<HREFLANG>" => "2",
"<HSPACE>" => "2",
"<HTTP-EQUIV>" => "2",
"<ID>" => "2",
"<ISMAP>" => "2",
"<LABEL>" => "2",
"<LANG>" => "2",
"<LANGUAGE>" => "2",
"<LINK>" => "2",
"<LOOP>" => "2",
"<LONGDESC>" => "2",
"<MAILTO>" => "2",
"<MARGINHEIGHT>" => "2",
"<MARGINWIDTH>" => "2",
"<MAXLENGTH>" => "2",
"<MEDIA>" => "2",
"<METHOD>" => "2",
"<MULTIPLE>" => "2",
"<NAME>" => "2",
"<NOHREF>" => "2",
"<NORESIZE>" => "2",
"<NOSHADE>" => "2",
"<OBJECT>" => "2",
"<ONBLUR>" => "2",
"<ONCHANGE>" => "2",
"<ONFOCUS>" => "2",
"<ONKEYDOWN>" => "2",
"<ONKEYPRESS>" => "2",
"<ONKEYUP>" => "2",
"<ONLOAD>" => "2",
"<ONRESET>" => "2",
"<ONSELECT>" => "2",
"<ONSUBMIT>" => "2",
"<ONUNLOAD>" => "2",
"<ONCLICK>" => "2",
"<ONDBLCLICK>" => "2",
"<ONMOUSEDOWN>" => "2",
"<ONMOUSEMOVE>" => "2",
"<ONMOUSEOUT>" => "2",
"<ONMOUSEOVER>" => "2",
"<ONMOUSEUP>" => "2",
"<PROFILE>" => "2",
"<PROMPT>" => "2",
"<READONLY>" => "2",
"<REL>" => "2",
"<REV>" => "2",
"<ROWS>" => "2",
"<ROWSPAN>" => "2",
"<RULES>" => "2",
"<SCHEME>" => "2",
"<SCOPE>" => "2",
"<SCROLLING>" => "2",
"<SELECTED>" => "2",
"<SHAPE>" => "2",
"<SIZE>" => "2",
"<SPAN>" => "2",
"<SRC>" => "2",
"<STANDBY>" => "2",
"<START>" => "2",
"<STYLE>" => "2",
"<SUMMARY>" => "2",
"<TABINDEX>" => "2",
"<TARGET>" => "2",
"<TEXT>" => "2",
"<TITLE>" => "2",
"<TOPMARGIN>" => "2",
"<TYPE>" => "2",
"<URL>" => "2",
"<USEMAP>" => "2",
"<VALIGN>" => "2",
"<VALUE>" => "2",
"<VALUETYPE>" => "2",
"<VERSION>" => "2",
"<VLINK>" => "2",
"<VSPACE>" => "2",
"<WIDTH>" => "2");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1>" => "donothing",
"2>" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: