ILIAS  Release_3_10_x_branch Revision 61812
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ilObjMediaCastGUI Class Reference

Class ilObjMediaCastGUI. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for ilObjMediaCastGUI:
+ Collaboration diagram for ilObjMediaCastGUI:

Public Member Functions

 ilObjMediaCastGUI ($a_data, $a_id, $a_call_by_reference, $a_prepare_output=true)
 Constructor public.
executeCommand ()
 execute command
 saveObject ()
 save object public
 listItemsObject ()
 List items of media cast.
 addCastItemObject ()
 Add media cast item.
 editCastItemObject ()
 Edit media cast item.
 initAddCastItemForm ($a_mode="create")
 Init add cast item form.
 getCastItemValues ()
 Get cast item values into form.
 saveCastItemObject ()
 Save new cast item.
 updateCastItemObject ()
 Update cast item.
 confirmDeletionItemsObject ()
 Confirmation Screen.
 deleteItemsObject ()
 Delete news items.
 downloadItemObject ()
 Delete news items.
 determinePlaytimeObject ()
 Delete news items.
 infoScreenObject ()
 this one is called from the info button in the repository not very nice to set cmdClass/Cmd manually, if everything works through ilCtrl in the future this may be changed
 infoScreen ()
 show information screen
 getTabs (&$tabs_gui)
 get tabs public
 editSettingsObject ()
 Edit settings.
 initSettingsForm ()
 Init Settings Form.
 saveSettingsObject ()
 Save Settings.
 addLocatorItems ()
 should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded)
 _goto ($a_target)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ilObjectGUI
 ilObjectGUI ($a_data, $a_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=true, $a_prepare_output=true)
 Constructor public.
 withReferences ()
 determines wether objects are referenced or not (got ref ids or not)
 setCreationMode ($a_mode=true)
 if true, a creation screen is displayed the current $_GET[ref_id] don't belong to the current class! the mode is determined in ilrepositorygui
 getCreationMode ()
 get creation mode
 assignObject ()
 prepareOutput ()
 prepare output
 setTitleAndDescription ()
 called by prepare output
 showUpperIcon ()
 showMountWebfolderIcon ()
 setTabs ()
 set admin tabs public
 setAdminTabs ()
 set admin tabs public
 getAdminTabs (&$tabs_gui)
 administration tabs show only permissions and trash folder
 getHTML ()
 setActions ($a_actions="")
 set possible actions for objects in list.
 setSubObjects ($a_sub_objects="")
 set possible subobjects for this object.
 setLocator ()
 set Locator
 omitLocator ($a_omit=true)
 addAdminLocatorItems ()
 should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded)
 undeleteObject ()
 get object back from trash
 insertSavedNodes ($a_source_id, $a_dest_id, $a_tree_id, &$a_affected_ids)
 recursive method to insert all saved nodes of the clipboard (maybe this function could be moved to a rbac class ?)
 confirmedDeleteObject ()
 confirmed deletion if object -> objects are moved to trash
 cancelDeleteObject ()
 cancel deletion of object
 removeFromSystemObject ()
 remove objects from trash bin and all entries therefore every object needs a specific deleteObject() method
 removeDeletedNodes ($a_node_id, $a_checked, $a_delete_objects, &$a_affected_ids)
 remove already deleted objects within the objects in trash recursive function
 createObject ()
 create new object form
 cancelObject ($in_rep=false)
 cancel action and go back to previous page public
 importObject ()
 import new object form
 editObject ()
 edit object
 displayEditForm ($fields)
 display edit form (usually called by editObject)
 updateObject ()
 updates object entry in object_data
 afterUpdate ()
 permObject ()
 show permissions of current node
 getFormAction ($a_cmd, $a_formaction="")
 get form action for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g.
 setFormAction ($a_cmd, $a_formaction)
 set specific form action for command
 getReturnLocation ($a_cmd, $a_location="")
 get return location for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g.
 setReturnLocation ($a_cmd, $a_location)
 set specific return location for command
 getTargetFrame ($a_cmd, $a_target_frame="")
 get target frame for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g.
 setTargetFrame ($a_cmd, $a_target_frame)
 set specific target frame for command
 permSaveObject ()
 save permissions
 isVisible ($a_ref_id, $a_type)
 displayList ()
 display object list
 viewObject ()
 list childs of current object
 deleteObject ($a_error=false)
 display deletion confirmation screen only for referenced objects.
 trashObject ()
 show trash content of object
 addRoleObject ()
 adds a local role This method is only called when choose the option 'you may add local roles'.
 showActions ($with_subobjects=false)
 show possible action (form buttons)
 getActions ()
 Get Actions.
 showPossibleSubObjects ()
 show possible subobjects (pulldown menu)
 getTemplateFile ($a_cmd, $a_type="")
 get a template blockfile format: tpl.
 getTitlesByRefId ($a_ref_ids)
 get Titles of objects this method is used for error messages in methods cut/copy/paste
 __showButton ($a_cmd, $a_text, $a_target= '')
 hitsperpageObject ()
__initTableGUI ()
 __setTableGUIBasicData (&$tbl, &$result_set, $a_from="")
 standard implementation for tables use 'from' variable use different initial setting of table
 __showClipboardTable ($a_result_set, $a_from="")
 infoObject ()
 __buildRoleFilterSelect ()
 __filterRoles ($a_roles, $a_filter)
 ownerObject ()
 changeOwnerObject ()
 redirectToRefId ($a_ref_id, $a_cmd="")
 redirects to (repository) view per ref id usually to a container and usually used at the end of a save/import method where the object gui type (of the new object) doesn't match with the type of the current $_GET["ref_id"] value
 fillCloneTemplate ($a_tpl_varname, $a_type)
 Fill object clone template This method can be called from any object GUI class that wants to offer object cloning.
 fillCloneSearchTemplate ($a_tpl_varname, $a_type)
 Add an object search in case the number of existing objects is too big to offer a selection list.
 cloneAllObject ()
 Clone single (not container object) Method is overwritten in ilContainerGUI.
 copyWizardHasOptions ($a_mode)
 Check if there is any modules specific option.
 getCenterColumnHTML ()
 Get center column.
 getRightColumnHTML ()
 Display right column.
 setColumnSettings ($column_gui)
 May be overwritten in subclasses.
 checkPermission ($a_perm, $a_cmd="")

Protected Member Functions

 getMediaItem ($id)
 get MediaItem for id and updates local variable mcst_item
 getMediaItems ($id)
 get MediaItems for id and updates local variable mcst_item
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ilObjectGUI
 searchCloneSourceObject ()
 Search clone source by title.
 buildCloneSelect ($existing_objs)
 Build a select box for clonable objects (permission write)

Static Protected Member Functions

static isAudio ($extension)
 detect audio mimetype

Private Member Functions

 getDuration ($file)
 get duration from form or from file analyzer
 createMediaItemForPurpose ($mob, $purpose)
 handle media item for given purpose
 updateMediaItem ($mob, &$mediaItem)
 update media item from form
 populateFormFromPost ()

Private Attributes

 $additionalPurposes = array ("VideoPortable", "AudioPortable")
 $purposeSuffixes = array ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Data Fields inherited from ilObjectGUI
 $omit_locator = false

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

ilObjMediaCastGUI::_goto (   $a_target)

Definition at line 1013 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $_GET, $ilErr, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObject\_lookupObjId(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), exit, and ilUtil\sendInfo().

global $ilAccess, $ilErr, $lng;
if ($ilAccess->checkAccess("read", "", $a_target))
$_GET["cmd"] = "listItems";
$_GET["ref_id"] = $a_target;
$_GET["baseClass"] = "ilmediacasthandlergui";
$_GET["cmdClass"] = "ilobjmediacastgui";
else if ($ilAccess->checkAccess("visible", "", $a_target))
$_GET["cmd"] = "infoScreen";
$_GET["ref_id"] = $a_target;
else if ($ilAccess->checkAccess("read", "", ROOT_FOLDER_ID))
$_GET["cmd"] = "frameset";
$_GET["target"] = "";
$_GET["ref_id"] = ROOT_FOLDER_ID;
$ilErr->raiseError($lng->txt("msg_no_perm_read"), $ilErr->FATAL);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::addCastItemObject ( )

Add media cast item.

Definition at line 218 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjectGUI\checkPermission(), and initAddCastItemForm().

global $tpl;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::addLocatorItems ( )

should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded)

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 1003 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $_GET.

global $ilLocator;
if (is_object($this->object))
$ilLocator->addItem($this->object->getTitle(), $this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "listItems"), "", $_GET["ref_id"]);
ilObjMediaCastGUI::confirmDeletionItemsObject ( )

Confirmation Screen.

Definition at line 657 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjectGUI\checkPermission(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), and listItemsObject().

global $ilCtrl, $lng, $tpl;
if (!is_array($_POST["item_id"]))
$c_gui = new ilConfirmationGUI();
// set confirm/cancel commands
$c_gui->setFormAction($ilCtrl->getFormAction($this, "deleteItems"));
$c_gui->setCancel($lng->txt("cancel"), "listItems");
$c_gui->setConfirm($lng->txt("confirm"), "deleteItems");
// add items to delete
foreach($_POST["item_id"] as $item_id)
$item = new ilNewsItem($item_id);
$c_gui->addItem("item_id[]", $item_id, $item->getTitle(),

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::createMediaItemForPurpose (   $mob,

handle media item for given purpose


Definition at line 493 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References updateMediaItem().

Referenced by saveCastItemObject(), and updateCastItemObject().

$mediaItem = new ilMediaItem();
return $this->updateMediaItem($mob, $mediaItem);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::deleteItemsObject ( )

Delete news items.

Definition at line 693 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, and ilObjectGUI\checkPermission().

global $ilCtrl;
// delete all selected news items
foreach($_POST["item_id"] as $item_id)
$mc_item = new ilNewsItem($item_id);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listItems");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::determinePlaytimeObject ( )

Delete news items.

Definition at line 746 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $_GET, $file, $ilCtrl, ilObjMediaObject\_getDirectory(), and getDuration().

global $ilCtrl;
$mc_item = new ilNewsItem($_GET["item_id"]);
$mob = $mc_item->getMobId();
$mob = new ilObjMediaObject($mob);
$mob_dir = ilObjMediaObject::_getDirectory($mob->getId());
$m_item = $mob->getMediaItem("Standard");
$file = $mob_dir."/".$m_item->getLocation();
$duration = $this->getDuration($file);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listItems");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::downloadItemObject ( )

Delete news items.

Definition at line 712 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $_GET, $file, $ilCtrl, ilObjMediaObject\_getDirectory(), ilObjectGUI\checkPermission(), ilUtil\deliverFile(), exit, ilUtil\redirect(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().

global $ilCtrl;
$mc_item = new ilNewsItem($_GET["item_id"]);
$mob = $mc_item->getMobId();
$mob = new ilObjMediaObject($mob);
$mob_dir = ilObjMediaObject::_getDirectory($mob->getId());
$purpose = $_GET["purpose"];
$m_item = $mob->getMediaItem($purpose);
if ($m_item->getLocationType() != "Reference")
$file = $mob_dir."/".$m_item->getLocation();
if (file_exists($file) && is_file($file))
ilUtil::deliverFile($file, $m_item->getLocation());
else {
ilUtil::sendInfo("File not found!",true);
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listItems");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::editCastItemObject ( )

Edit media cast item.

Definition at line 231 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjectGUI\checkPermission(), getCastItemValues(), and initAddCastItemForm().

global $tpl;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::editSettingsObject ( )

Edit settings.

Definition at line 877 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjectGUI\checkPermission(), and initSettingsForm().

global $tpl;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

& ilObjMediaCastGUI::executeCommand ( )

execute command

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 61 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $cmd, $ret, ilObjectGUI\checkPermission(), infoScreen(), and ilObjectGUI\prepareOutput().

global $ilUser;
$next_class = $this->ctrl->getNextClass($this);
$cmd = $this->ctrl->getCmd();
case "ilinfoscreengui":
$this->infoScreen(); // forwards command
case 'ilpermissiongui':
$perm_gui =& new ilPermissionGUI($this);
$ret =& $this->ctrl->forwardCommand($perm_gui);
$cmd = "infoScreen";
$cmd .= "Object";
if ($cmd != "infoScreenObject")
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::getCastItemValues ( )

Get cast item values into form.

Definition at line 341 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $_GET, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjMediaCast\$purposes, and getMediaItems().

Referenced by editCastItemObject().

global $lng;
$values = array();
$mediaItems = $this->getMediaItems($_GET["item_id"]);
if (count ($mediaItems) > 0)
foreach ($mediaItems as $med)
if (!isset ($values["title"]))
// first item, so set title, description, ...
$values["title"] = $this->mcst_item->getTitle();
$values["description"] = $this->mcst_item->getContent();
$values["visibility"] = $this->mcst_item->getVisibility();
$length = explode(":", $this->mcst_item->getPlaytime());
$values["duration"] = array("hh" => $length[0], "mm" => $length[1], "ss" => $length[2]);
$values["value_".$med->getPurpose()] = (strlen($med->getLocation())> 100) ? "...".substr($med->getLocation(), strlen($med->getLocation()) - 100) : $med->getLocation();
$values["label_value_".$med->getPurpose()] = (strlen($med->getLocation())> 100) ? "...".substr($med->getLocation(), strlen($med->getLocation()) - 100) : $med->getLocation();
foreach (ilObjMediaCast::$purposes as $purpose) {
if (!isset ($values["value_".$purpose]))
$values["label_value_".$purpose] = $lng->txt("none");
$values["value_".$purpose] = $lng->txt("none");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::getDuration (   $file)

get duration from form or from file analyzer


Definition at line 467 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $file.

Referenced by determinePlaytimeObject(), saveCastItemObject(), and updateCastItemObject().

$duration = isset($this->form_gui) ? $this->form_gui->getInput("duration") : "";
if ($duration["hh"] == 0 && $duration["mm"] == 0 && $duration["ss"] == 0 && is_file($file))
$ana = new ilMediaAnalyzer();
$dur = $ana->getPlaytimeString();
$dur = explode(":", $dur);
$duration["mm"] = $dur[0];
$duration["ss"] = $dur[1];
$duration = str_pad($duration["hh"], 2 , "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).":".
str_pad($duration["mm"], 2 , "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).":".
str_pad($duration["ss"], 2 , "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
return $duration;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::getMediaItem (   $id)

get MediaItem for id and updates local variable mcst_item


Definition at line 1064 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References ilObjMediaObject\getMediaItem().

$this->mcst_item = new ilNewsItem($id);
// create dummy object in db (we need an id)
$mob = new ilObjMediaObject($this->mcst_item->getMobId());
return $mob->getMediaItem("Standard");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::getMediaItems (   $id)

get MediaItems for id and updates local variable mcst_item

array of ilMediaItem

Definition at line 1079 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References ilObjMediaObject\getMediaItems().

Referenced by getCastItemValues().

$this->mcst_item = new ilNewsItem($id);
// create dummy object in db (we need an id)
$mob = new ilObjMediaObject($this->mcst_item->getMobId());
return $mob->getMediaItems();

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::getTabs ( $tabs_gui)

get tabs public

objecttabs gui object

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 832 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $_GET, and $ilCtrl.

global $ilCtrl, $ilAccess;
// list items
if ($ilAccess->checkAccess('read', "", $this->object->getRefId()))
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "listItems"), array("", "listItems"),
array(strtolower(get_class($this)), ""));
// info screen
if ($ilAccess->checkAccess('visible', "", $this->object->getRefId()))
$force_active = ($ilCtrl->getNextClass() == "ilinfoscreengui"
|| $_GET["cmd"] == "infoScreen")
? true
: false;
"ilinfoscreengui", "showSummary"),
"", "", $force_active);
// settings
if ($ilAccess->checkAccess('write', "", $this->object->getRefId()))
$this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "editSettings"), array("editSettings"),
array(strtolower(get_class($this)), ""));
// edit permissions
if ($ilAccess->checkAccess('edit_permission', "", $this->object->getRefId()))
$this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass("ilpermissiongui", "perm"), array("perm","info","owner"), 'ilpermissiongui');
ilObjMediaCastGUI::ilObjMediaCastGUI (   $a_data,
  $a_prepare_output = true 

Constructor public.

Definition at line 45 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilMediaCastSettings\_getInstance(), and ilObjectGUI\ilObjectGUI().

global $ilCtrl, $lng;
$this->type = "mcst";
$ilCtrl->saveParameter($this, "item_id");
include_once ("./Modules/MediaCast/classes/class.ilMediaCastSettings.php");
$this->purposeSuffixes = $settings->getPurposeSuffixes();

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::infoScreen ( )

show information screen

Definition at line 781 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), and IL_CAL_DATETIME.

Referenced by executeCommand(), and infoScreenObject().

global $ilAccess, $ilUser;
if (!$ilAccess->checkAccess("visible", "", $this->object->getRefId()))
$info = new ilInfoScreenGUI($this);
if ($ilAccess->checkAccess("write", "", $_GET["ref_id"]))
$info->setBlockProperty("news", "settings", true);
// general information
$med_items = $this->object->getItemsArray();
(int) count($med_items));
if (count($med_items) > 0)
$cur = current($med_items);
$last = ilDatePresentation::formatDate(new ilDateTime($cur["creation_date"], IL_CAL_DATETIME));
$last = "-";
$info->addProperty($this->lng->txt("mcst_last_submission"), $last);
// forward the command

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::infoScreenObject ( )

this one is called from the info button in the repository not very nice to set cmdClass/Cmd manually, if everything works through ilCtrl in the future this may be changed

Definition at line 770 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References ilObjectGUI\checkPermission(), and infoScreen().


+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::initAddCastItemForm (   $a_mode = "create")

Init add cast item form.

Definition at line 243 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $file, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjMediaCast\$purposes, $section, ilObjectGUI\checkPermission(), ilRadioOption\setInfo(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setInfo(), ilTextInputGUI\setMaxLength(), ilRegExpInputGUI\setPattern(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setPostVar(), and ilFormPropertyGUI\setRequired().

Referenced by addCastItemObject(), editCastItemObject(), saveCastItemObject(), and updateCastItemObject().

global $lng, $ilCtrl;
$news_set = new ilSetting("news");
$enable_internal_rss = $news_set->get("enable_rss_for_internal");
$this->form_gui = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
// Property Title
$text_input = new ilTextInputGUI($lng->txt("title"), "title");
// Property Content
$text_area = new ilTextAreaInputGUI($lng->txt("description"), "description");
// Property Visibility
if ($enable_internal_rss)
$radio_group = new ilRadioGroupInputGUI($lng->txt("access_scope"), "visibility");
$radio_option = new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("access_users"), "users");
$radio_option = new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("access_public"), "public");
$radio_group->setValue($this->object->getDefaultAccess() == 0 ? "users" : "public");
// Duration
$dur = new ilDurationInputGUI($lng->txt("mcst_duration"), "duration");
foreach (ilObjMediaCast::$purposes as $purpose)
if ($a_mode != "create")
$value = new ilHiddenInputGUI("value_".$purpose);
$label = new ilNonEditableValueGUI($lng->txt("value"));
$file = new ilFileInputGUI($lng->txt("file"), "file_".$purpose);
$text_input = new ilRegExpInputGUI($lng->txt("url"), "url_".$purpose);
if ($purpose != "Standard")
$clearCheckBox = new ilCheckboxInputGUI();
// save/cancel button
if ($a_mode == "create")
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("saveCastItem", $lng->txt("save"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("updateCastItem", $lng->txt("save"));
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("listItems", $lng->txt("cancel"));
$this->form_gui->setFormAction($ilCtrl->getFormAction($this, "saveCastItem"));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::initSettingsForm ( )

Init Settings Form.

Definition at line 890 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilBlockSetting\_lookup(), ilCheckboxInputGUI\setChecked(), ilRadioOption\setInfo(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setInfo(), ilTextInputGUI\setValue(), and ilTextAreaInputGUI\setValue().

Referenced by editSettingsObject(), and saveSettingsObject().

global $tpl, $lng, $ilCtrl;
$this->form_gui = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
// Title
$tit = new ilTextInputGUI($lng->txt("title"), "title");
// description
$des = new ilTextAreaInputGUI($lng->txt("description"), "description");
// Online
$online = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("online"), "online");
// Downloadable
$downloadable = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("mcst_downloadable"), "downloadable");
$news_set = new ilSetting("news");
$enable_internal_rss = $news_set->get("enable_rss_for_internal");
//Default Visibility
$radio_group = new ilRadioGroupInputGUI($lng->txt("news_default_visibility"), "defaultaccess");
$radio_option = new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("news_visibility_users"), "0");
$radio_option = new ilRadioOption($lng->txt("news_visibility_public"), "1");
//Extra Feed
$public_feed = ilBlockSetting::_lookup("news", "public_feed", 0, $this->object->getId());
$ch = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("news_public_feed"), "extra_feed");
// Include Files in Pubic Items
$incl_files = new ilCheckboxInputGUI($lng->txt("mcst_incl_files_in_rss"), "public_files");
// Form action and save button
$this->form_gui->addCommandButton("saveSettings", $lng->txt("save"));
$this->form_gui->setFormAction($ilCtrl->getFormAction($this, "saveSettings"));

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilObjMediaCastGUI::isAudio (   $extension)

detect audio mimetype

true, if extension contains string "audio"

Definition at line 1054 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

return strpos($extension,"audio") !== false;
ilObjMediaCastGUI::listItemsObject ( )

List items of media cast.

Definition at line 133 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $_GET, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjMediaCast\$purposes, $title, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilBlockSetting\_lookup(), ilObjectGUI\checkPermission(), and ilUtil\getImagePath().

Referenced by confirmDeletionItemsObject().

global $tpl, $lng, $ilAccess;
$med_items = $this->object->getItemsArray();
$table_gui = new ilMediaCastTableGUI($this, "listItems");
if ($ilAccess->checkAccess("write", "", $_GET["ref_id"]))
$table_gui->addCommandButton("addCastItem", $lng->txt("add"));
$table_gui->addMultiCommand("confirmDeletionItems", $lng->txt("delete"));
$public_feed = ilBlockSetting::_lookup("news", "public_feed",
0, $this->object->getId());
// rss icon/link
if ($public_feed)
$news_set = new ilSetting("news");
$enable_internal_rss = $news_set->get("enable_rss_for_internal");
if ($enable_internal_rss)
// create dummy object in db (we need an id)
$items = $this->object->getItemsArray();
$html = "";
foreach (ilObjMediaCast::$purposes as $purpose)
foreach ($items as $id => $item)
$mob = new ilObjMediaObject($item["mob_id"]);
if ($mob->hasPurposeItem($purpose))
if ($html == "") {
$html = "<TABLE cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0'><TR>";
$url = ILIAS_HTTP_PATH."/feed.php?client_id=".rawurlencode(CLIENT_ID)."&"."ref_id=".$_GET["ref_id"]."&purpose=$purpose";
$title = $lng->txt("news_feed_url");
$icon = ilUtil::getImagePath("rss_icon_".strtolower($purpose).".gif");
$target = "_blank";
$row1 .= "<TD><A href='$url' target='$target'><img src='$icon' alt='$title'/></A></TD>";
if ($this->object->getPublicFiles())
$url = preg_replace("/https?/i","itpc",$url);
$title = $lng->txt("news_feed_url");
$icon = ilUtil::getImagePath("itunes_icon.gif");
$row2 .= "<TD><A href='$url' target='$target'><img src='$icon' alt='$title'/></A></TD>";
if ($html != "") {
$html .= $row1."</TR>";
if ($row2 != "")
$html .= "<TR>".$row2."</TR>";
$html .= "</TABLE>";

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::populateFormFromPost ( )

Definition at line 1088 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References ilObjMediaCast\$purposes, and ilObjectGUI\$tpl.

Referenced by saveCastItemObject(), and updateCastItemObject().

global $tpl;
//issue: we have to display the current settings
// problem: POST does not contain values of disabled textfields
// solution: use hidden field and label to display-> here we need to synchronize the labels
// with the values from the hidden fields.
foreach (ilObjMediaCast::$purposes as $purpose)
if ($_POST["value_".$purpose])
$_POST["label_value_".$purpose] = $_POST["value_".$purpose];

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::saveCastItemObject ( )

Save new cast item.

Definition at line 377 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $file, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, $title, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjectGUI\checkPermission(), createMediaItemForPurpose(), getDuration(), initAddCastItemForm(), NEWS_AUDIO, populateFormFromPost(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().

global $tpl, $ilCtrl, $ilUser, $lng;
if ($_POST["url_Standard"] == "" && !$_FILES['file_Standard']['tmp_name']) {
} else if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
// create dummy object in db (we need an id)
$mob = new ilObjMediaObject();
//handle standard purpose
$file = $this->createMediaItemForPurpose($mob, "Standard");
// set title and description
// set title to basename of file if left empty
$title = $this->form_gui->getInput("title") != "" ? $this->form_gui->getInput("title") : basename($file);
$description = $this->form_gui->getInput("description");
// determine duration for standard purpose
$duration = $this->getDuration($file);
// handle other purposes
foreach ($this->additionalPurposes as $purpose)
// check if some purpose has been uploaded
$file_gui = $this->form_gui->getInput("file_".$purpose);
$url_gui = $this->form_gui->getInput("url_".$purpose);
if ($url_gui || $file_gui["size"] > 0)
$this->createMediaItemForPurpose ($mob, $purpose);
// @todo: save usage
$news_set = new ilSetting("news");
$enable_internal_rss = $news_set->get("enable_rss_for_internal");
// create new media cast item
$mc_item = new ilNewsItem();
if ($enable_internal_rss)
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listItems");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::saveObject ( )

save object public

Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.

Definition at line 108 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References ilUtil\redirect(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().

global $rbacadmin;
// create and insert forum in objecttree
$newObj = parent::saveObject();
// setup rolefolder & default local roles
//$roles = $newObj->initDefaultRoles();
// ...finally assign role to creator of object
//$rbacadmin->assignUser($roles[0], $newObj->getOwner(), "y");
// put here object specific stuff
// always send a message

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::saveSettingsObject ( )

Save Settings.

Definition at line 960 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $ilCtrl, ilBlockSetting\_write(), ilObjectGUI\checkPermission(), initSettingsForm(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().

global $ilCtrl;
if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
$news_set = new ilSetting("news");
$enable_internal_rss = $news_set->get("enable_rss_for_internal");
if ($enable_internal_rss)
if ($enable_internal_rss)
ilBlockSetting::_write("news", "public_feed",
0, $this->object->getId());
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "editSettings");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::updateCastItemObject ( )

Update cast item.

Definition at line 565 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $_GET, $file, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, $log, ilObjMediaCast\$purposes, $title, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjectGUI\checkPermission(), createMediaItemForPurpose(), getDuration(), initAddCastItemForm(), populateFormFromPost(), and updateMediaItem().

global $tpl, $lng, $ilCtrl, $ilUser, $log;
if ($this->form_gui->checkInput())
// create new media cast item
$mc_item = new ilNewsItem($_GET["item_id"]);
$mob_id = $mc_item->getMobId();
// create dummy object in db (we need an id)
$mob = new ilObjMediaObject($mob_id);
foreach (ilObjMediaCast::$purposes as $purpose)
if ($this->form_gui->getInput("delete_".$purpose))
$log->write ("Mcst: deleting purpose $purpose");
$media_item = $mob->getMediaItem($purpose);
$url_gui = $this->form_gui->getInput("url_".$purpose);
$file_gui = $this->form_gui->getInput("file_".$purpose);
if ($media_item == null)
if ($purpose != "Standard" &&
($url_gui || $file_gui["size"]>0))
// check if we added an additional purpose when updating
// either by url or by file
$file = $this->createMediaItemForPurpose($mob, $purpose);
} else
$file = $this->updateMediaItem($mob, $media_item);
if ($purpose == "Standard")
$duration = $this->getDuration($file);
$title = $this->form_gui->getInput("title") != "" ? $this->form_gui->getInput("title") : basename($file);
$description = $this->form_gui->getInput("description");
// set real meta and object data
// @todo: save usage
$news_set = new ilSetting("news");
$enable_internal_rss = $news_set->get("enable_rss_for_internal");
if (isset($duration))
if ($enable_internal_rss)
$ilCtrl->redirect($this, "listItems");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilObjMediaCastGUI::updateMediaItem (   $mob,

update media item from form

string file

Definition at line 508 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

References $file, $file_name, $location, $title, ilObjMediaObject\_getDirectory(), ilUtil\getASCIIFilename(), ilObjMediaObject\getMimeType(), ilUtil\moveUploadedFile(), and ilUtil\renameExecutables().

Referenced by createMediaItemForPurpose(), and updateCastItemObject().

$purpose = $mediaItem->getPurpose();
$url_gui = $this->form_gui->getInput ("url_".$purpose);
$file_gui = $this->form_gui->getInput ("file_".$purpose);
if ($url_gui)
// http
$file = $this->form_gui->getInput ("url_".$purpose);
$title = basename ($file);
$location = $this->form_gui->getInput ("url_".$purpose);
$locationType = "Reference";
} elseif ($file_gui["size"] > 0){
// lokal
// determine and create mob directory, move uploaded file to directory
$mob_dir = ilObjMediaObject::_getDirectory($mob->getId());
if (!is_dir($mob_dir))
$file_name = ilUtil::getASCIIFilename($_FILES['file_'.$purpose]['name']);
$file_name = str_replace(" ", "_", $file_name);
$file = $mob_dir."/".$file_name;
$locationType = "LocalFile";
ilUtil::moveUploadedFile($_FILES['file_'.$purpose]['tmp_name'], $file_name, $file);
if (isset($file))
// get mime type
// set real meta and object data
if ($purpose == "Standard")
if (isset($title))
$mob->setTitle ($title);
if (isset($format))
return $file;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

ilObjMediaCastGUI::$additionalPurposes = array ("VideoPortable", "AudioPortable")

Definition at line 38 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

ilObjMediaCastGUI::$purposeSuffixes = array ()

Definition at line 39 of file class.ilObjMediaCastGUI.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: