ILIAS  Release_3_10_x_branch Revision 61812
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PHPlot Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for PHPlot:
+ Collaboration diagram for PHPlot:

Public Member Functions

 PHPlot ($which_width=600, $which_height=400, $which_output_file=NULL, $which_input_file=NULL)
 GetImage ($image_filename, &$width, &$height)
 SetInputFile ($which_input_file)
 SetIndexColor ($which_color)
 SetIndexDarkColor ($which_color)
 SetDefaultStyles ()
 SetBackgroundColor ($which_color)
 SetPlotBgColor ($which_color)
 SetTitleColor ($which_color)
 SetTickColor ($which_color)
 SetLabelColor ($which_color)
 SetTextColor ($which_color)
 SetLightGridColor ($which_color)
 SetGridColor ($which_color)
 SetImageBorderColor ($which_color)
 SetTransparentColor ($which_color)
 SetRGBArray ($which_color_array)
 SetRGBColor ($color_asked)
 SetDataColors ($which_data=NULL, $which_border=NULL)
 SetDataBorderColors ($which_br=NULL)
 SetErrorBarColors ($which_err=NULL)
 SetDefaultDashedStyle ($which_style)
 SetDashedStyle ($which_ndxcol)
 SetLineWidths ($which_lw=NULL)
 SetLineStyles ($which_ls=NULL)
 SetLineSpacing ($which_spc)
 SetUseTTF ($which_ttf)
 SetTTFPath ($which_path)
 SetDefaultTTFont ($which_font)
 SetDefaultFonts ()
 SetFont ($which_elem, $which_font, $which_size=12)
 ProcessTextGD ($draw_it, $font_number, $font_width, $font_height, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $text, $h_factor, $v_factor)
 ProcessTextTTF ($draw_it, $font_file, $font_size, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $text, $h_factor, $v_factor)
 ProcessText ($draw_it, $font, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $text, $halign, $valign)
 DrawText ($which_font, $which_angle, $which_xpos, $which_ypos, $which_color, $which_text, $which_halign= 'left', $which_valign= 'bottom')
 SizeText ($which_font, $which_angle, $which_text)
 SetFileFormat ($format)
 SetBgImage ($input_file, $mode='centeredtile')
 SetPlotAreaBgImage ($input_file, $mode='tile')
 SetOutputFile ($which_output_file)
 SetIsInline ($which_ii)
 PrintImage ()
 PrintError ($error_message)
 DrawError ($error_message, $where_x=NULL, $where_y=NULL)
 SetXDataLabelPos ($which_xdlp)
 SetYDataLabelPos ($which_ydlp, $which_distance_from_point=0)
 SetXTickLabelPos ($which_xtlp)
 SetYTickLabelPos ($which_ytlp)
 SetXLabelType ($which_xlt)
 SetYLabelType ($which_ylt)
 SetXTimeFormat ($which_xtf)
 SetYTimeFormat ($which_ytf)
 SetNumberFormat ($decimal_point, $thousands_sep)
 SetXLabelAngle ($which_xla)
 SetYLabelAngle ($which_yla)
 CheckOption ($which_opt, $which_acc, $which_func)
 SetBrowserCache ($which_browser_cache)
 SetPrintImage ($which_pi)
 SetLegend ($which_leg)
 SetLegendPixels ($which_x, $which_y)
 SetLegendWorld ($which_x, $which_y)
 SetLegendStyle ($text_align, $colorbox_align= '', $style= '')
 SetPlotBorderType ($pbt)
 SetImageBorderType ($sibt)
 SetDrawPlotAreaBackground ($dpab)
 SetDrawYGrid ($dyg)
 SetDrawXGrid ($dxg)
 SetDrawDashedGrid ($ddg)
 SetDrawXDataLabelLines ($dxdl)
 SetDrawYDataLabelLines ($dydl)
 SetTitle ($which_title)
 SetXTitle ($which_xtitle, $which_xpos= 'plotdown')
 SetYTitle ($which_ytitle, $which_ypos= 'plotleft')
 SetShading ($which_s)
 SetPlotType ($which_pt)
 SetYAxisPosition ($pos)
 SetXAxisPosition ($pos)
 SetXScaleType ($which_xst)
 SetYScaleType ($which_yst)
 SetPrecisionX ($which_prec)
 SetPrecisionY ($which_prec)
 SetErrorBarLineWidth ($which_seblw)
 SetLabelScalePosition ($which_blp)
 SetErrorBarSize ($which_ebs)
 SetErrorBarShape ($which_ebs)
 SetPointShapes ($which_pt)
 SetPointSizes ($which_ps)
 SetDrawBrokenLines ($bl)
 SetDataType ($which_dt)
 SetDataValues (&$which_dv)
 PadArrays ()
 pad_array (&$arr, $size)
 number_format ($number, $decimals=0)
 SetCallback ($reason, $function, $arg=NULL)
 GetCallback ($reason)
 RemoveCallback ($reason)
 DoCallback ()#Note
 FindDataLimits ()
 CalcMargins ($maximize)
 CalcPlotAreaPixels ()
 SetMarginsPixels ($which_lm, $which_rm, $which_tm, $which_bm)
 SetPlotAreaPixels ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
 CalcPlotAreaWorld ()
 SetPlotAreaWorld ($xmin=NULL, $ymin=NULL, $xmax=NULL, $ymax=NULL)
 CalcBarWidths ()
 CalcAxisPositions ()
 CalcTranslation ()
 xtr ($x_world)
 ytr ($y_world)
 CalcTicks ($which)
 CalcMaxTickLabelSize ($which)
 CalcMaxDataLabelSize ()
 FormatLabel ($which_pos, $which_lab)
 SetXTickIncrement ($which_ti='')
 SetYTickIncrement ($which_ti='')
 SetNumXTicks ($which_nt)
 SetNumYTicks ($which_nt)
 SetYTickPos ($which_tp)
 SetXTickPos ($which_tp)
 SetSkipTopTick ($skip)
 SetSkipBottomTick ($skip)
 SetSkipLeftTick ($skip)
 SetSkipRightTick ($skip)
 SetXTickLength ($which_xln)
 SetYTickLength ($which_yln)
 SetXTickCrossing ($which_xc)
 SetYTickCrossing ($which_yc)
 DrawBackground ()
 DrawPlotAreaBackground ()
 tile_img ($file, $xorig, $yorig, $width, $height, $mode)
 DrawImageBorder ()
 DrawTitle ()
 DrawXTitle ()
 DrawYTitle ()
 DrawYAxis ()
 DrawXAxis ()
 DrawYTick ($which_ylab, $which_ypix)
 DrawYTicks ()
 DrawXTick ($which_xlab, $which_xpix)
 DrawXTicks ()
 DrawPlotBorder ()
 DrawDataLabel ($which_font, $which_angle, $x_world, $y_world, $which_color, $which_text, $which_halign= 'center', $which_valign= 'bottom', $x_adjustment=0, $y_adjustment=0)
 DrawXDataLabel ($xlab, $xpos, $row=FALSE)
 DrawXDataLine ($xpos, $row)
 DrawLegend ()
 DrawAxisLegend ()
 DrawPieChart ()
 DrawDotsError ()
 DrawDots ()
 DrawThinBarLines ()
 DrawYErrorBar ($x_world, $y_world, $error_height, $error_bar_type, $color)
 DrawDot ($x_world, $y_world, $record, $color)
 DrawArea ()
 DrawLines ()
 DrawLinesError ()
 DrawSquared ()
 DrawBars ()
 DrawStackedBars ()
 DrawGraph ()
 SetDrawVertTicks ($which_dvt)
 SetDrawHorizTicks ($which_dht)
 SetNumHorizTicks ($n)
 SetNumVertTicks ($n)
 SetHorizTickIncrement ($inc)
 SetVertTickIncrement ($inc)
 SetVertTickPosition ($which_tp)
 SetHorizTickPosition ($which_tp)
 SetTitleFontSize ($which_size)
 SetAxisFontSize ($which_size)
 SetSmallFontSize ($which_size)
 SetXLabelFontSize ($which_size)
 SetYLabelFontSize ($which_size)
 SetXLabel ($which_xlab)
 SetYLabel ($which_ylab)
 SetTickLength ($which_tl)
 SetYGridLabelType ($which_yglt)
 SetXGridLabelType ($which_xglt)
 SetYGridLabelPos ($which_yglp)
 SetXGridLabelPos ($which_xglp)
 SetXTitlePos ($xpos)
 SetYTitlePos ($xpos)
 SetXDataLabelAngle ($which_xdla)
 SetDrawXDataLabels ($which_dxdl)
 SetNewPlotAreaPixels ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
 SetColor ($which_color)
 SetLineWidth ($which_lw)
 SetPointShape ($which_pt)
 SetPointSize ($which_ps)

Data Fields

 $is_inline = FALSE
 $browser_cache = FALSE
 $safe_margin = 5
 $x_axis_position = ''
 $y_axis_position = ''
 $xscale_type = 'linear'
 $yscale_type = 'linear'
 $use_ttf = FALSE
 $ttf_path = '.'
 $default_ttfont = 'benjamingothic.ttf'
 $line_spacing = 4
 $x_label_angle = 0
 $y_label_angle = 0
 $file_format = 'png'
 $output_file = ''
 $data_type = 'text-data'
 $plot_type = 'linepoints'
 $label_scale_position = 0.5
 $group_frac_width = 0.7
 $bar_extra_space = 0.5
 $bar_width_adjust = 1
 $y_precision = 1
 $x_precision = 1
 $data_units_text = ''
 $title_txt = ''
 $x_title_txt = ''
 $x_title_pos = 'plotdown'
 $y_title_txt = ''
 $y_title_pos = 'plotleft'
 $x_tick_label_pos = 'plotdown'
 $y_tick_label_pos = 'plotleft'
 $x_data_label_pos = 'plotdown'
 $y_data_label_pos = 'plotleft'
 $draw_x_data_label_lines = FALSE
 $draw_y_data_label_lines = FALSE
 $x_label_type = ''
 $y_label_type = ''
 $x_time_format = '%H:%M:%S'
 $y_time_format = '%H:%M:%S'
 $legend = ''
 $x_tick_length = 5
 $y_tick_length = 5
 $x_tick_cross = 3
 $y_tick_cross = 3
 $x_tick_pos = 'plotdown'
 $y_tick_pos = 'plotleft'
 $num_x_ticks = ''
 $num_y_ticks = ''
 $x_tick_inc = ''
 $y_tick_inc = ''
 $skip_top_tick = FALSE
 $skip_bottom_tick = FALSE
 $skip_left_tick = FALSE
 $skip_right_tick = FALSE
 $draw_x_grid = FALSE
 $draw_y_grid = TRUE
 $dashed_grid = TRUE
 $grid_at_foreground = FALSE
 $color_array = 'small'
 $i_border = array(194, 194, 194)
 $plot_bg_color = 'white'
 $bg_color = 'white'
 $label_color = 'black'
 $text_color = 'black'
 $grid_color = 'black'
 $light_grid_color = 'gray'
 $tick_color = 'black'
 $title_color = 'black'
 $data_colors = array('SkyBlue', 'green', 'orange', 'blue', 'orange', 'red', 'violet', 'azure1')
 $error_bar_colors = array('SkyBlue', 'green', 'orange', 'blue', 'orange', 'red', 'violet', 'azure1')
 $data_border_colors = array('black')
 $line_widths = 1
 $line_styles = array('solid', 'solid', 'dashed')
 $dashed_style = '2-4'
 $point_sizes = array(5,5,3)
 $point_shapes = array('diamond')
 $error_bar_size = 5
 $error_bar_shape = 'tee'
 $error_bar_line_width = 1
 $plot_border_type = 'sides'
 $image_border_type = 'none'
 $shading = 5
 $draw_plot_area_background = FALSE
 $draw_broken_lines = FALSE

Detailed Description

Definition at line 23 of file phplot.php.

Member Function Documentation

PHPlot::CalcAxisPositions ( )

Definition at line 2832 of file phplot.php.

References DoCallback(), and GetCallback().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

// If no user-provided Y axis position, default to axis on left side.
// Otherwise, make sure user-provided position is inside the plot area.
if ($this->y_axis_position === '')
$this->y_axis_position = $this->plot_min_x;
$this->y_axis_position = min(max($this->plot_min_x, $this->y_axis_position), $this->plot_max_x);
// If no user-provided X axis position, default to axis at Y=0 (if in range), or min_y
// if the range does not include 0, or 1 for log plots.
// Otherwise, make sure user-provided position is inside the plot area.
if ($this->x_axis_position === '') {
if ($this->yscale_type == 'log')
$this->x_axis_position = 1;
elseif ($this->plot_min_y <= 0 && 0 <= $this->plot_max_y)
$this->x_axis_position = 0;
$this->x_axis_position = $this->plot_min_y;
} else
$this->x_axis_position = min(max($this->plot_min_y, $this->x_axis_position), $this->plot_max_y);
if ($this->GetCallback('debug_scale')) {
$this->DoCallback('debug_scale', __FUNCTION__, array(
'x_axis_position' => $this->x_axis_position,
'y_axis_position' => $this->y_axis_position));
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::CalcBarWidths ( )

For bar plots, which have equally spaced x variables.

Definition at line 2785 of file phplot.php.

References $bar_extra_space, and $bar_width_adjust.

Referenced by DrawGraph().

// group_width is the width of a group, including padding
$group_width = $this->plot_area_width / $this->num_data_rows;
// Actual number of bar spaces in the group. This includes the drawn bars, and
// 'bar_extra_space'-worth of extra bars.
// Note that 'records_per_group' includes the label, so subtract one to get
// the number of points in the group. 'stackedbars' have 1 bar space per group.
if ($this->plot_type == 'stackedbars') {
$num_spots = 1 + $this->bar_extra_space;
} else {
$num_spots = $this->records_per_group - 1 + $this->bar_extra_space;
// record_bar_width is the width of each bar's allocated area.
// If bar_width_adjust=1 this is the width of the bar, otherwise
// the bar is centered inside record_bar_width.
// The equation is:
// group_frac_width * group_width = record_bar_width * num_spots
$this->record_bar_width = $this->group_frac_width * $group_width / $num_spots;
// Note that the extra space due to group_frac_width and bar_extra_space will be
// evenly divided on each side of the group: the drawn bars are centered in the group.
// Within each bar's allocated space, if bar_width_adjust=1 the bar fills the
// space, otherwise it is centered.
// This is the actual drawn bar width:
$this->actual_bar_width = $this->record_bar_width * $this->bar_width_adjust;
// This is the gap on each side of the bar (0 if bar_width_adjust=1):
$this->bar_adjust_gap = ($this->record_bar_width - $this->actual_bar_width) / 2;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::CalcMargins (   $maximize)

Calculates image margins on the fly from title positions and sizes, and tick labels positions and sizes.

TODO: add x_tick_label_width and y_tick_label_height and use them to calculate max_x_labels and max_y_labels, to be used by drawing functions to avoid overlapping.

A picture of the locations of elements and spacing can be found in the PHPlot Reference Manual.

Calculates the following (class variables unless noted):

Plot area margins (see note below): y_top_margin y_bot_margin x_left_margin x_right_margin

Title sizes (these are now local, not class variables, since they are not used elsewhere): title_height : Height of main title x_title_height : Height of X axis title, 0 if no X title y_title_width : Width of Y axis title, 0 if no Y title

Tick/Data label offsets, relative to plot_area: x_label_top_offset, x_label_bot_offset, x_label_axis_offset y_label_left_offset, y_label_right_offset, y_label_axis_offset

Title offsets, relative to plot area: x_title_top_offset, x_title_bot_offset y_title_left_offset, y_title_left_offset

Note: The margins are calculated, but not stored, if margins or plot area were set by the user with SetPlotAreaPixels or SetMarginsPixels (as indicated by the plot_margins_set flag). The margin calculation is mixed in with the offset variables, so it doesn't see worth the trouble to separate them.

If the $maximize argument is true, we use the full image size, minus safe_margin and main title, for the plot. This is for pie charts which have no axes or X/Y titles.

Definition at line 2419 of file phplot.php.

References $safe_margin, $x_data_label_pos, $x_tick_label_pos, $x_tick_length, $x_tick_pos, $x_title_pos, $y_tick_label_pos, $y_tick_length, $y_tick_pos, $y_title_pos, CalcMaxDataLabelSize(), CalcMaxTickLabelSize(), DoCallback(), GetCallback(), and SizeText().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

// This is the line-to-line or line-to-text spacing:
// Minimum margin on each side. This reduces the chance that the
// right-most tick label (for example) will run off the image edge
// if there are no titles on that side.
$min_margin = 3 * $gap;
// Calculate the title sizes:
list($unused, $title_height) = $this->SizeText($this->title_font, 0, $this->title_txt);
list($unused, $x_title_height) = $this->SizeText($this->x_title_font, 0, $this->x_title_txt);
list($y_title_width, $unused) = $this->SizeText($this->y_title_font, 90, $this->y_title_txt);
// Special case for maximum area usage with no X/Y titles or labels, only main title:
if ($maximize) {
if (!$this->plot_margins_set) {
$this->x_left_margin = $gap;
$this->x_right_margin = $gap;
$this->y_top_margin = $gap;
$this->y_bot_margin = $gap;
if ($title_height > 0)
$this->y_top_margin += $title_height + $gap;
return TRUE;
// Make local variables for these. (They get used a lot and I'm tired of this, this, this.)
$x_tick_len = $this->x_tick_length;
$y_tick_len = $this->y_tick_length;
// Calculate maximum height of X tick or data labels, depending on which one is on.
// It is possible for both to be on, but this is only valid if all the data labels are empty.
if ($x_data_label_pos == 'none') {
$x_label_height = 0;
} else {
$x_label_height = $this->CalcMaxDataLabelSize();
if ($x_tick_label_pos != 'none' &&
($height = $this->CalcMaxTickLabelSize('x')) > $x_label_height) {
$x_label_height = $height;
// If Y tick labels are on, calculate the width of the widest tick label:
if ($y_tick_label_pos == 'none')
$y_label_width = 0;
$y_label_width = $this->CalcMaxTickLabelSize('y');
// For X/Y tick and label position of 'xaxis' or 'yaxis', determine if the axis happens to be
// on an edge of a plot. If it is, we need to account for the margins there.
if ($this->x_axis_position <= $this->plot_min_y)
$x_axis_pos = 'bottom';
elseif ($this->x_axis_position >= $this->plot_max_y)
$x_axis_pos = 'top';
$x_axis_pos = 'none';
if ($this->y_axis_position <= $this->plot_min_x)
$y_axis_pos = 'left';
elseif ($this->y_axis_position >= $this->plot_max_x)
$y_axis_pos = 'right';
$y_axis_pos = 'none';
// y_top_margin: Main title, Upper X title, X ticks and tick labels, and X data labels:
// y_bot_margin: Lower title, ticks and tick labels, and data labels:
$top_margin = $gap;
$bot_margin = $gap;
$this->x_title_top_offset = $gap;
$this->x_title_bot_offset = $gap;
if ($title_height > 0)
$top_margin += $title_height + $gap;
if ($x_title_height > 0) {
if ($pos == 'plotup' || $pos == 'both')
$top_margin += $x_title_height + $gap;
if ($pos == 'plotdown' || $pos == 'both')
$bot_margin += $x_title_height + $gap;
if ($x_tick_label_pos == 'plotup' || $x_tick_label_pos == 'both'
|| $x_data_label_pos == 'plotup' || $x_data_label_pos == 'both'
|| ($x_tick_label_pos == 'xaxis' && $x_axis_pos == 'top')) {
// X Tick or Data Labels above the plot:
$top_margin += $x_label_height + $gap;
$this->x_title_top_offset += $x_label_height + $gap;
if ($x_tick_label_pos == 'plotdown' || $x_tick_label_pos == 'both'
|| $x_data_label_pos == 'plotdown' || $x_data_label_pos == 'both'
|| ($x_tick_label_pos == 'xaxis' && $x_axis_pos == 'bottom')) {
// X Tick or Data Labels below the plot:
$bot_margin += $x_label_height + $gap;
$this->x_title_bot_offset += $x_label_height + $gap;
if ($x_tick_pos == 'plotup' || $x_tick_pos == 'both'
|| ($x_tick_pos == 'xaxis' && $x_axis_pos == 'top')) {
// X Ticks above the plot:
$top_margin += $x_tick_len;
$this->x_label_top_offset = $x_tick_len + $gap;
$this->x_title_top_offset += $x_tick_len;
} else {
// No X Ticks above the plot:
$this->x_label_top_offset = $gap;
if ($x_tick_pos == 'plotdown' || $x_tick_pos == 'both'
|| ($x_tick_pos == 'xaxis' && $x_axis_pos == 'bottom')) {
// X Ticks below the plot:
$bot_margin += $x_tick_len;
$this->x_label_bot_offset = $x_tick_len + $gap;
$this->x_title_bot_offset += $x_tick_len;
} else {
// No X Ticks below the plot:
$this->x_label_bot_offset = $gap;
// Label offsets for on-axis ticks:
if ($x_tick_pos == 'xaxis') {
$this->x_label_axis_offset = $x_tick_len + $gap;
} else {
$this->x_label_axis_offset = $gap;
// x_left_margin: Left Y title, Y ticks and tick labels:
// x_right_margin: Right Y title, Y ticks and tick labels:
$left_margin = $gap;
$right_margin = $gap;
$this->y_title_left_offset = $gap;
$this->y_title_right_offset = $gap;
if ($y_title_width > 0) {
if ($pos == 'plotleft' || $pos == 'both')
$left_margin += $y_title_width + $gap;
if ($pos == 'plotright' || $pos == 'both')
$right_margin += $y_title_width + $gap;
if ($y_tick_label_pos == 'plotleft' || $y_tick_label_pos == 'both'
|| ($y_tick_label_pos == 'yaxis' && $y_axis_pos == 'left')) {
// Y Tick Labels left of plot:
$left_margin += $y_label_width + $gap;
$this->y_title_left_offset += $y_label_width + $gap;
if ($y_tick_label_pos == 'plotright' || $y_tick_label_pos == 'both'
|| ($y_tick_label_pos == 'yaxis' && $y_axis_pos == 'right')) {
// Y Tick Labels right of plot:
$right_margin += $y_label_width + $gap;
$this->y_title_right_offset += $y_label_width + $gap;
if ($y_tick_pos == 'plotleft' || $y_tick_pos == 'both'
|| ($y_tick_pos == 'yaxis' && $y_axis_pos == 'left')) {
// Y Ticks left of plot:
$left_margin += $y_tick_len;
$this->y_label_left_offset = $y_tick_len + $gap;
$this->y_title_left_offset += $y_tick_len;
} else {
// No Y Ticks left of plot:
$this->y_label_left_offset = $gap;
if ($y_tick_pos == 'plotright' || $y_tick_pos == 'both'
|| ($y_tick_pos == 'yaxis' && $y_axis_pos == 'right')) {
// Y Ticks right of plot:
$right_margin += $y_tick_len;
$this->y_label_right_offset = $y_tick_len + $gap;
$this->y_title_right_offset += $y_tick_len;
} else {
// No Y Ticks right of plot:
$this->y_label_right_offset = $gap;
// Label offsets for on-axis ticks:
if ($x_tick_pos == 'yaxis') {
$this->y_label_axis_offset = $y_tick_len + $gap;
} else {
$this->y_label_axis_offset = $gap;
// Apply the minimum margins and store in the object.
// Do not set margins if they are user-defined (see note at top of function).
if (!$this->plot_margins_set) {
$this->y_top_margin = max($min_margin, $top_margin);
$this->y_bot_margin = max($min_margin, $bot_margin);
$this->x_left_margin = max($min_margin, $left_margin);
$this->x_right_margin = max($min_margin, $right_margin);
if ($this->GetCallback('debug_scale')) {
// (Too bad compact() doesn't work on class member variables...)
$this->DoCallback('debug_scale', __FUNCTION__, array(
'x_label_height' => $x_label_height,
'y_label_width' => $y_label_width,
'x_tick_len' => $x_tick_len,
'y_tick_len' => $y_tick_len,
'x_left_margin' => $this->x_left_margin,
'x_right_margin' => $this->x_right_margin,
'y_top_margin' => $this->y_top_margin,
'y_bot_margin' => $this->y_bot_margin,
'x_label_top_offset' => $this->x_label_top_offset,
'x_label_bot_offset' => $this->x_label_bot_offset,
'y_label_left_offset' => $this->y_label_left_offset,
'y_label_right_offset' => $this->y_label_right_offset,
'x_title_top_offset' => $this->x_title_top_offset,
'x_title_bot_offset' => $this->x_title_bot_offset,
'y_title_left_offset' => $this->y_title_left_offset,
'y_title_right_offset' => $this->y_title_right_offset));
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::CalcMaxDataLabelSize ( )

Definition at line 3049 of file phplot.php.

References $x_label_angle, DoCallback(), FormatLabel(), GetCallback(), and SizeText().

Referenced by CalcMargins().

$font = $this->x_label_font;
$max_width = 0;
$max_height = 0;
// Loop over all data labels and find the biggest:
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_data_rows; $i++) {
$label = $this->FormatLabel('x', $this->data[$i][0]);
list($width, $height) = $this->SizeText($font, $angle, $label);
if ($width > $max_width) $max_width = $width;
if ($height > $max_height) $max_height = $height;
if ($this->GetCallback('debug_scale')) {
$this->DoCallback('debug_scale', __FUNCTION__, array(
'height' => $max_height, 'width' => $max_width));
return $max_height;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::CalcMaxTickLabelSize (   $which)

Definition at line 3009 of file phplot.php.

References $x_label_angle, $y_label_angle, CalcTicks(), DoCallback(), FormatLabel(), GetCallback(), PrintError(), and SizeText().

Referenced by CalcMargins().

list($tick_val, $tick_end, $tick_step) = $this->CalcTicks($which);
if ($which == 'x') {
$font = $this->x_label_font;
} elseif ($which == 'y') {
$font = $this->y_label_font;
} else {
return $this->PrintError("CalcMaxTickLabelSize: Invalid usage ($which)");
$max_width = 0;
$max_height = 0;
// Loop over ticks, same as DrawXTicks and DrawYTicks:
while ($tick_val <= $tick_end) {
$tick_label = $this->FormatLabel($which, $tick_val);
list($width, $height) = $this->SizeText($font, $angle, $tick_label);
if ($width > $max_width) $max_width = $width;
if ($height > $max_height) $max_height = $height;
$tick_val += $tick_step;
if ($this->GetCallback('debug_scale')) {
$this->DoCallback('debug_scale', __FUNCTION__, array(
'which' => $which, 'height' => $max_height, 'width' => $max_width));
if ($which == 'x')
return $max_height;
return $max_width;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::CalcPlotAreaPixels ( )

Definition at line 2647 of file phplot.php.

References DoCallback().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

$this->plot_area = array($this->x_left_margin, $this->y_top_margin,
$this->image_width - $this->x_right_margin,
$this->image_height - $this->y_bot_margin);
$this->plot_area_width = $this->plot_area[2] - $this->plot_area[0];
$this->plot_area_height = $this->plot_area[3] - $this->plot_area[1];
$this->DoCallback('debug_scale', __FUNCTION__, $this->plot_area);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::CalcPlotAreaWorld ( )

Definition at line 2707 of file phplot.php.

References DoCallback(), GetCallback(), and PrintError().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

if (isset($this->plot_min_x) && $this->plot_min_x !== '')
$xmin = $this->plot_min_x;
elseif ($this->data_type == 'text-data') // Valid for data without X values only.
$xmin = 0;
$xmin = $this->min_x;
if (isset($this->plot_max_x) && $this->plot_max_x !== '')
$xmax = $this->plot_max_x;
elseif ($this->data_type == 'text-data') // Valid for data without X values only.
$xmax = $this->max_x + 1;
$xmax = $this->max_x;
// Leave room above and below the highest and lowest data points.
if (!isset($this->plot_min_y) || $this->plot_min_y === '')
$ymin = floor($this->min_y - abs($this->min_y) * 0.1);
$ymin = $this->plot_min_y;
if (!isset($this->plot_max_y) || $this->plot_max_y === '')
$ymax = ceil($this->max_y + abs($this->max_y) * 0.1);
$ymax = $this->plot_max_y;
// Error checking
if ($ymin == $ymax) // Minimum height
$ymax += 1;
if ($this->yscale_type == 'log') {
if ($ymin <= 0) {
$ymin = 1;
if ($ymax <= 0) {
// Note: Error messages reference the user function, not this function.
return $this->PrintError('SetPlotAreaWorld(): Log plots need data greater than 0');
if ($ymax <= $ymin) {
return $this->PrintError('SetPlotAreaWorld(): Error in data - max not greater than min');
$this->plot_min_x = $xmin;
$this->plot_max_x = $xmax;
$this->plot_min_y = $ymin;
$this->plot_max_y = $ymax;
if ($this->GetCallback('debug_scale')) {
$this->DoCallback('debug_scale', __FUNCTION__, array(
'plot_min_x' => $this->plot_min_x, 'plot_min_y' => $this->plot_min_y,
'plot_max_x' => $this->plot_max_x, 'plot_max_y' => $this->plot_max_y));
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::CalcTicks (   $which)

Definition at line 2957 of file phplot.php.

References $num_x_ticks, $num_y_ticks, $skip_bottom_tick, $skip_left_tick, $skip_right_tick, $skip_top_tick, $x_tick_inc, $y_tick_inc, and PrintError().

Referenced by CalcMaxTickLabelSize(), DrawXTicks(), and DrawYTicks().

if ($which == 'x') {
$num_ticks = $this->num_x_ticks;
$tick_inc = $this->x_tick_inc;
$data_max = $this->plot_max_x;
$data_min = $this->plot_min_x;
} elseif ($which == 'y') {
$num_ticks = $this->num_y_ticks;
$tick_inc = $this->y_tick_inc;
$data_max = $this->plot_max_y;
$data_min = $this->plot_min_y;
} else {
return $this->PrintError("CalcTicks: Invalid usage ($which)");
if (!empty($tick_inc)) {
$tick_step = $tick_inc;
} elseif (!empty($num_ticks)) {
$tick_step = ($data_max - $data_min) / $num_ticks;
} else {
$tick_step = ($data_max - $data_min) / 10;
// NOTE: When working with floats, because of approximations when adding $tick_step,
// the value may not quite reach the end, or may exceed it very slightly.
// So apply a "fudge" factor.
$tick_start = (double)$data_min;
$tick_end = (double)$data_max + ($data_max - $data_min) / 10000.0;
if ($skip_lo)
$tick_start += $tick_step;
if ($skip_hi)
$tick_end -= $tick_step;
return array($tick_start, $tick_end, $tick_step);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::CalcTranslation ( )

Calculates scaling stuff...

Definition at line 2866 of file phplot.php.

References DoCallback(), GetCallback(), xtr(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawGraph(), and SetNewPlotAreaPixels().

if ($this->plot_max_x - $this->plot_min_x == 0) { // Check for div by 0
$this->xscale = 0;
} else {
if ($this->xscale_type == 'log') {
$this->xscale = ($this->plot_area_width)/(log10($this->plot_max_x) - log10($this->plot_min_x));
} else {
$this->xscale = ($this->plot_area_width)/($this->plot_max_x - $this->plot_min_x);
if ($this->plot_max_y - $this->plot_min_y == 0) { // Check for div by 0
$this->yscale = 0;
} else {
if ($this->yscale_type == 'log') {
$this->yscale = ($this->plot_area_height)/(log10($this->plot_max_y) - log10($this->plot_min_y));
} else {
$this->yscale = ($this->plot_area_height)/($this->plot_max_y - $this->plot_min_y);
// GD defines x = 0 at left and y = 0 at TOP so -/+ respectively
if ($this->xscale_type == 'log') {
$this->plot_origin_x = $this->plot_area[0] - ($this->xscale * log10($this->plot_min_x) );
} else {
$this->plot_origin_x = $this->plot_area[0] - ($this->xscale * $this->plot_min_x);
if ($this->yscale_type == 'log') {
$this->plot_origin_y = $this->plot_area[3] + ($this->yscale * log10($this->plot_min_y));
} else {
$this->plot_origin_y = $this->plot_area[3] + ($this->yscale * $this->plot_min_y);
// Convert axis positions to device coordinates:
$this->y_axis_x_pixels = $this->xtr($this->y_axis_position);
$this->x_axis_y_pixels = $this->ytr($this->x_axis_position);
if ($this->GetCallback('debug_scale')) {
$this->DoCallback('debug_scale', __FUNCTION__, array(
'xscale' => $this->xscale, 'yscale' => $this->yscale,
'plot_origin_x' => $this->plot_origin_x, 'plot_origin_y' => $this->plot_origin_y,
'y_axis_x_pixels' => $this->y_axis_x_pixels,
'x_axis_y_pixels' => $this->x_axis_y_pixels));
return TRUE;
} // function CalcTranslation()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::CheckOption (   $which_opt,

Checks the valididy of an option. $which_opt String to check, such as the provided value of a function argument. $which_acc String of accepted choices. Must be lower-case, and separated by exactly ', ' (comma, space). $which_func Name of the calling function, for error messages. Returns the supplied option value, downcased and trimmed, if it is valid. Reports an error if the supplied option is not valid.

Definition at line 1683 of file phplot.php.

References PrintError().

Referenced by DrawDots(), DrawThinBarLines(), SetBgImage(), SetDataType(), SetErrorBarShape(), SetFileFormat(), SetImageBorderType(), SetLegendStyle(), SetPlotAreaBgImage(), SetPlotBorderType(), SetPlotType(), SetPointShapes(), SetXDataLabelPos(), SetXLabelType(), SetXScaleType(), SetXTickLabelPos(), SetXTickPos(), SetXTitle(), SetYDataLabelPos(), SetYLabelType(), SetYScaleType(), SetYTickLabelPos(), SetYTickPos(), and SetYTitle().

$asked = strtolower(trim($which_opt));
# Look for the supplied value in a comma/space separated list.
if (strpos(", $which_acc,", ", $asked,") !== False)
return $asked;
$this->PrintError("$which_func(): '$which_opt' not in available choices: '$which_acc'.");
return NULL;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DoCallback ( )

Definition at line 2241 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcAxisPositions(), CalcMargins(), CalcMaxDataLabelSize(), CalcMaxTickLabelSize(), CalcPlotAreaPixels(), CalcPlotAreaWorld(), CalcTranslation(), DrawGraph(), FindDataLimits(), ProcessTextGD(), and ProcessTextTTF().

: Variable arguments
$args = func_get_args();
$reason = $args[0];
if (!isset($this->callbacks[$reason]))
list($function, $args[0]) = $this->callbacks[$reason];
array_unshift($args, $this->img);
# Now args[] looks like: img, passthru, extra args...
call_user_func_array($function, $args);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawArea ( )

Draw an area plot. Supported data types: 'text-data' 'data-data' NOTE: This function used to add first and last data values even on incomplete sets. That is not the behaviour now. As for missing data in between, there are two posibilities: replace the point with one on the X axis (previous way), or forget about it and use the preceding and following ones to draw the polygon. There is the possibility to use both, we just need to add the method to set it. Something like SetMissingDataBehaviour(), for example.

Definition at line 4254 of file phplot.php.

References DrawXDataLabel(), xtr(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

$incomplete_data_defaults_to_x_axis = FALSE; // TODO: make this configurable
for ($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) {
$rec = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label)
if ($this->data_type == 'data-data') // Do we have a value for X?
$x_now = $this->data[$row][$rec++]; // Read it, advance record index
$x_now = 0.5 + $cnt++; // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc...
$x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now); // Absolute coordinates
if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw X Data labels?
$this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels);
// Proceed with Y values
// Create array of points for imagefilledpolygon()
for($idx = 0; $rec < $this->num_recs[$row]; $rec++, $idx++) {
if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$rec])) { // Allow for missing Y data
$y_now_pixels = $this->ytr($this->data[$row][$rec]);
$posarr[$idx][] = $x_now_pixels;
$posarr[$idx][] = $y_now_pixels;
$num_points[$idx] = isset($num_points[$idx]) ? $num_points[$idx]+1 : 1;
// If there's missing data...
else {
if (isset ($incomplete_data_defaults_to_x_axis)) {
$posarr[$idx][] = $x_now_pixels;
$posarr[$idx][] = $this->x_axis_y_pixels;
$num_points[$idx] = isset($num_points[$idx]) ? $num_points[$idx]+1 : 1;
} // end for
$end = count($posarr);
for ($i = 0; $i < $end; $i++) {
// Prepend initial points. X = first point's X, Y = x_axis_y_pixels
$x = $posarr[$i][0];
array_unshift($posarr[$i], $x, $this->x_axis_y_pixels);
// Append final points. X = last point's X, Y = x_axis_y_pixels
$x = $posarr[$i][count($posarr[$i])-2];
array_push($posarr[$i], $x, $this->x_axis_y_pixels);
$num_points[$i] += 2;
// Draw the poligon
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $posarr[$i], $num_points[$i], $this->ndx_data_colors[$i]);
return TRUE;
} // function DrawArea()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawAxisLegend ( )

TODO Draws a legend over (or below) an axis of the plot.

Definition at line 3886 of file phplot.php.

// Calculate available room
// Calculate length of all items (boxes included)
// Calculate number of lines and room it would take. FIXME: this should be known in CalcMargins()
// Draw.
PHPlot::DrawBackground ( )

Fills the background.

Definition at line 3241 of file phplot.php.

References tile_img().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

// Don't draw this twice if drawing two plots on one image
if (! $this->background_done) {
if (isset($this->bgimg)) { // If bgimg is defined, use it
$this->tile_img($this->bgimg, 0, 0, $this->image_width, $this->image_height, $this->bgmode);
} else { // Else use solid color
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, 0, 0, $this->image_width, $this->image_height,
$this->background_done = TRUE;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawBars ( )

Data comes in as array("title", x, y, y2, y3, ...)

Definition at line 4517 of file phplot.php.

References $shading, DrawDataLabel(), DrawXDataLabel(), PrintError(), xtr(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

if ($this->data_type != 'text-data') {
return $this->PrintError('DrawBars(): Bar plots must be text-data: use function SetDataType("text-data")');
// This is the X offset from the bar group's label center point to the left side of the first bar
// in the group. See also CalcBarWidths above.
$x_first_bar = (($this->records_per_group - 1) * $this->record_bar_width) / 2 - $this->bar_adjust_gap;
for ($row = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) {
$record = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label)
$x_now_pixels = $this->xtr(0.5 + $row); // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc...
if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw X Data labels?
$this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels);
// Lower left X of first bar in the group:
$x1 = $x_now_pixels - $x_first_bar;
// Draw the bars in the group:
for ($idx = 0; $record < $this->num_recs[$row]; $record++, $idx++) {
if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$record])) { // Allow for missing Y data
$x2 = $x1 + $this->actual_bar_width;
if ($this->data[$row][$record] < $this->x_axis_position) {
$y1 = $this->x_axis_y_pixels;
$y2 = $this->ytr($this->data[$row][$record]);
$upgoing_bar = False;
} else {
$y1 = $this->ytr($this->data[$row][$record]);
$y2 = $this->x_axis_y_pixels;
$upgoing_bar = True;
// Draw the bar
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]);
if ($this->shading) { // Draw the shade?
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, array($x1, $y1,
$x1 + $this->shading, $y1 - $this->shading,
$x2 + $this->shading, $y1 - $this->shading,
$x2 + $this->shading, $y2 - $this->shading,
$x2, $y2,
$x2, $y1),
6, $this->ndx_data_dark_colors[$idx]);
// Or draw a border?
else {
ImageRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2,$y2, $this->ndx_data_border_colors[$idx]);
// Draw optional data labels above the bars (or below, for negative values).
if ( $this->y_data_label_pos == 'plotin') {
if ($upgoing_bar) {
$v_align = 'bottom';
$y_offset = -5 - $this->shading;
} else {
$v_align = 'top';
$y_offset = 2;
$this->DrawDataLabel($this->y_label_font, NULL, $row+0.5, $this->data[$row][$record], '',
$this->data[$row][$record], 'center', $v_align,
($idx + 0.5) * $this->record_bar_width - $x_first_bar, $y_offset);
// Step to next bar in group:
$x1 += $this->record_bar_width;
} // end for
} // end for
return TRUE;
} //function DrawBars

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawDataLabel (   $which_font,
  $which_halign = 'center',
  $which_valign = 'bottom',
  $x_adjustment = 0,
  $y_adjustment = 0 

Draws the data label associated with a point in the plot at specified x/y world position. This is currently only used for Y data labels for bar charts.

Definition at line 3678 of file phplot.php.

References $x_label_angle, DrawText(), FormatLabel(), xtr(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawBars().

$data_label = $this->FormatLabel('y', $which_text);
//since DrawDataLabel is going to be called alot - perhaps for speed it is better to
//not use this if statement and just always assume which_font is x_label_font (ditto for color).
if ( empty($which_font) )
$which_font = $this->x_label_font;
$which_angle = empty($which_angle)?'0':$this->x_label_angle;
if ( empty($which_color) )
$which_color = $this->ndx_title_color;
$x_pixels = $this->xtr($x_world) + $x_adjustment;
$y_pixels = $this->ytr($y_world) + $y_adjustment;
$this->DrawText($which_font, $which_angle, $x_pixels, $y_pixels,
$which_color, $data_label, $which_halign, $which_valign);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawDot (   $x_world,

Draws a styled dot. Uses world coordinates. Supported types: 'halfline', 'line', 'plus', 'cross', 'rect', 'circle', 'dot', 'diamond', 'triangle', 'trianglemid'

Definition at line 4181 of file phplot.php.

References xtr(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawDots(), and DrawDotsError().

// TODO: optimize, avoid counting every time we are called.
$record = $record % count ($this->point_shapes);
$half_point = $this->point_sizes[$record] / 2;
$x_mid = $this->xtr($x_world);
$y_mid = $this->ytr($y_world);
$x1 = $x_mid - $half_point;
$x2 = $x_mid + $half_point;
$y1 = $y_mid - $half_point;
$y2 = $y_mid + $half_point;
switch ($this->point_shapes[$record]) {
case 'halfline':
ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y_mid, $x_mid, $y_mid, $color);
case 'line':
ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y_mid, $x2, $y_mid, $color);
case 'plus':
ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y_mid, $x2, $y_mid, $color);
ImageLine($this->img, $x_mid, $y1, $x_mid, $y2, $color);
case 'cross':
ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y2, $x2, $y1, $color);
case 'rect':
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
case 'circle':
ImageArc($this->img, $x_mid, $y_mid, $this->point_sizes[$record], $this->point_sizes[$record],
0, 360, $color);
case 'dot':
ImageFilledArc($this->img, $x_mid, $y_mid, $this->point_sizes[$record],
$this->point_sizes[$record], 0, 360, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
case 'diamond':
$arrpoints = array( $x1, $y_mid, $x_mid, $y1, $x2, $y_mid, $x_mid, $y2);
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 4, $color);
case 'triangle':
$arrpoints = array( $x1, $y_mid, $x2, $y_mid, $x_mid, $y2);
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 3, $color);
case 'trianglemid':
$arrpoints = array( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y1, $x_mid, $y_mid);
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 3, $color);
case 'none':
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawDots ( )

Definition at line 4068 of file phplot.php.

References CheckOption(), DrawDot(), DrawXDataLabel(), and xtr().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

if (!$this->CheckOption($this->data_type, 'text-data, data-data', __FUNCTION__))
return FALSE;
// Suppress duplicate X data labels in linepoints mode; let DrawLines() do them.
$do_labels = ($this->plot_type != 'linepoints');
for ($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) {
$rec = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label)
// Do we have a value for X?
if ($this->data_type == 'data-data')
$x_now = $this->data[$row][$rec++]; // Read it, advance record index
$x_now = 0.5 + $cnt++; // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc...
$x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now);
// Draw X Data labels?
if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none' && $do_labels)
$this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels, $row);
// Proceed with Y values
for($idx = 0;$rec < $this->num_recs[$row]; $rec++, $idx++) {
if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$rec])) { // Allow for missing Y data
$this->DrawDot($x_now, $this->data[$row][$rec],
$idx, $this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]);
return TRUE;
} //function DrawDots

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawDotsError ( )

Supported data formats: data-data-error, text-data-error (doesn't exist yet) ( data comes in as array("title", x, y, error+, error-, y2, error2+, error2-, ...) )

Definition at line 4023 of file phplot.php.

References DrawDot(), DrawXDataLabel(), DrawYErrorBar(), PrintError(), and xtr().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

if ($this->data_type != 'data-data-error') {
return $this->PrintError("DrawDotsError(): Data type '$this->data_type' not supported.");
// Suppress duplicate X data labels in linepoints mode; let DrawLinesError() do them.
$do_labels = ($this->plot_type != 'linepoints');
for($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) {
$record = 1; // Skip record #0 (title)
$x_now = $this->data[$row][$record++]; // Read it, advance record index
$x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now); // Absolute coordinates.
// Draw X Data labels?
if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none' && $do_labels)
$this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels, $row);
// Now go for Y, E+, E-
for ($idx = 0; $record < $this->num_recs[$row]; $idx++) {
// Y:
$y_now = $this->data[$row][$record++];
$this->DrawDot($x_now, $y_now, $idx, $this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]);
// Error +
$val = $this->data[$row][$record++];
$this->DrawYErrorBar($x_now, $y_now, $val, $this->error_bar_shape,
// Error -
$val = $this->data[$row][$record++];
$this->DrawYErrorBar($x_now, $y_now, -$val, $this->error_bar_shape,
return TRUE;
} // function DrawDotsError()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawError (   $error_message,
  $where_x = NULL,
  $where_y = NULL 

Display an error message and exit. This is provided for backward compatibility only. Use PrintError() instead. $error_message Text of the error message $where_x, $where_y Ignored, provided for compatibility.

Definition at line 1541 of file phplot.php.

References PrintError().

Referenced by PHPlot_Data\DoDivision(), PHPlot_Data\DoExponentialMovingAverage(), PHPlot_Data\DoMovingAverage(), PHPlot_Data\DoRemoveDataSet(), and PHPlot_Data\DoScaleData().

return $this->PrintError($error_message);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawGraph ( )

Definition at line 4653 of file phplot.php.

References CalcAxisPositions(), CalcBarWidths(), CalcMargins(), CalcPlotAreaPixels(), CalcPlotAreaWorld(), CalcTranslation(), DoCallback(), DrawArea(), DrawBackground(), DrawBars(), DrawDots(), DrawDotsError(), DrawImageBorder(), DrawLegend(), DrawLines(), DrawLinesError(), DrawPieChart(), DrawPlotAreaBackground(), DrawPlotBorder(), DrawSquared(), DrawStackedBars(), DrawThinBarLines(), DrawTitle(), DrawXAxis(), DrawXTitle(), DrawYAxis(), DrawYTitle(), FindDataLimits(), PadArrays(), PrintError(), and PrintImage().

// Test for missing image, missing data, empty data:
if (! $this->img) {
return $this->PrintError('DrawGraph(): No image resource allocated');
if (empty($this->data) || ! is_array($this->data)) {
return $this->PrintError("DrawGraph(): No data array");
if ($this->total_records == 0) {
return $this->PrintError('DrawGraph(): Empty data set');
// For pie charts: don't draw grid or border or axes, and maximize area usage.
// These controls can be split up in the future if needed.
$draw_axes = ($this->plot_type != 'pie');
// Get maxima and minima for scaling:
if (!$this->FindDataLimits())
return FALSE;
// Set plot area world values (plot_max_x, etc.):
if (!$this->CalcPlotAreaWorld())
return FALSE;
// Calculate X and Y axis positions in World Coordinates:
// Calculate the plot margins, if needed.
// For pie charts, set the $maximize argument to maximize space usage.
// Calculate the actual plot area in device coordinates:
// Calculate the mapping between world and device coordinates:
// Pad color and style arrays to fit records per group:
if ($draw_axes && ! $this->grid_at_foreground) { // Usually one wants grids to go back, but...
$this->DrawYAxis(); // Y axis must be drawn before X axis (see DrawYAxis())
switch ($this->plot_type) {
case 'thinbarline':
case 'area':
case 'squared':
case 'lines':
if ( $this->data_type == 'data-data-error') {
} else {
case 'linepoints':
if ( $this->data_type == 'data-data-error') {
} else {
case 'points';
if ( $this->data_type == 'data-data-error') {
} else {
case 'pie':
case 'stackedbars':
case 'bars':
$this->plot_type = 'bars'; // Set it if it wasn't already set. (necessary?)
} // end switch
if ($draw_axes && $this->grid_at_foreground) { // Usually one wants grids to go back, but...
$this->DrawYAxis(); // Y axis must be drawn before X axis (see DrawYAxis())
if ($draw_axes) {
if ($this->legend) {
if ($this->print_image && !$this->PrintImage())
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
} //function DrawGraph()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawImageBorder ( )

Draws a border around the final image.

Definition at line 3329 of file phplot.php.

References PrintError().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

switch ($this->image_border_type) {
case 'raised':
ImageLine($this->img, 0, 0, $this->image_width-1, 0, $this->ndx_i_border);
ImageLine($this->img, 1, 1, $this->image_width-2, 1, $this->ndx_i_border);
ImageLine($this->img, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_height-1, $this->ndx_i_border);
ImageLine($this->img, 1, 1, 1, $this->image_height-2, $this->ndx_i_border);
ImageLine($this->img, $this->image_width-1, 0, $this->image_width-1,
$this->image_height-1, $this->ndx_i_border_dark);
ImageLine($this->img, 0, $this->image_height-1, $this->image_width-1,
$this->image_height-1, $this->ndx_i_border_dark);
ImageLine($this->img, $this->image_width-2, 1, $this->image_width-2,
$this->image_height-2, $this->ndx_i_border_dark);
ImageLine($this->img, 1, $this->image_height-2, $this->image_width-2,
$this->image_height-2, $this->ndx_i_border_dark);
case 'plain':
ImageLine($this->img, 0, 0, $this->image_width-1, 0, $this->ndx_i_border_dark);
ImageLine($this->img, $this->image_width-1, 0, $this->image_width-1,
$this->image_height-1, $this->ndx_i_border_dark);
ImageLine($this->img, $this->image_width-1, $this->image_height-1, 0, $this->image_height-1,
ImageLine($this->img, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_height-1, $this->ndx_i_border_dark);
case 'none':
return $this->PrintError("DrawImageBorder(): unknown image_border_type: '$this->image_border_type'");
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawLegend ( )

Draws the graph legend

Base code submitted by Marlin Viss

Definition at line 3776 of file phplot.php.

References $line_spacing, $safe_margin, DrawText(), SizeText(), xtr(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

// Find maximum legend label line width.
$max_width = 0;
foreach ($this->legend as $line) {
list($width, $unused) = $this->SizeText($this->legend_font, 0, $line);
if ($width > $max_width) $max_width = $width;
// For the color box and line spacing, use a typical font character: 8.
list($char_w, $char_h) = $this->SizeText($this->legend_font, 0, '8');
// Normalize text alignment and colorbox alignment variables:
$text_align = isset($this->legend_text_align) ? $this->legend_text_align : 'right';
$colorbox_align = isset($this->legend_colorbox_align) ? $this->legend_colorbox_align : 'right';
// Sizing parameters:
$v_margin = $char_h/2; // Between vertical borders and labels
$dot_height = $char_h + $this->line_spacing; // Height of the small colored boxes
// Overall legend box width e.g.: | space colorbox space text space |
// where colorbox and each space are 1 char width.
if ($colorbox_align != 'none') {
$width = $max_width + 4 * $char_w;
$draw_colorbox = True;
} else {
$width = $max_width + 2 * $char_w;
$draw_colorbox = False;
// User-defined position specified?
if ( !isset($this->legend_x_pos) || !isset($this->legend_y_pos)) {
// No, use default
$box_start_x = $this->plot_area[2] - $width - $this->safe_margin;
$box_start_y = $this->plot_area[1] + $this->safe_margin;
} elseif (isset($this->legend_xy_world)) {
// User-defined position in world-coordinates (See SetLegendWorld).
$box_start_x = $this->xtr($this->legend_x_pos);
$box_start_y = $this->ytr($this->legend_y_pos);
} else {
// User-defined position in pixel coordinates.
$box_start_x = $this->legend_x_pos;
$box_start_y = $this->legend_y_pos;
// Lower right corner
$box_end_y = $box_start_y + $dot_height*(count($this->legend)) + 2*$v_margin;
$box_end_x = $box_start_x + $width;
// Draw outer box
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $box_start_x, $box_start_y, $box_end_x, $box_end_y, $this->ndx_bg_color);
ImageRectangle($this->img, $box_start_x, $box_start_y, $box_end_x, $box_end_y, $this->ndx_grid_color);
$color_index = 0;
$max_color_index = count($this->ndx_data_colors) - 1;
// Calculate color box and text horizontal positions.
if (!$draw_colorbox) {
if ($text_align == 'left')
$x_pos = $box_start_x + $char_w;
$x_pos = $box_end_x - $char_w;
} elseif ($colorbox_align == 'left') {
$dot_left_x = $box_start_x + $char_w;
$dot_right_x = $dot_left_x + $char_w;
if ($text_align == 'left')
$x_pos = $dot_left_x + 2 * $char_w;
$x_pos = $box_end_x - $char_w;
} else {
$dot_left_x = $box_end_x - 2 * $char_w;
$dot_right_x = $dot_left_x + $char_w;
if ($text_align == 'left')
$x_pos = $box_start_x + $char_w;
$x_pos = $dot_left_x - $char_w;
// Calculate starting position of first text line. The bottom of each color box
// lines up with the bottom (baseline) of its text line.
$y_pos = $box_start_y + $v_margin + $dot_height;
foreach ($this->legend as $leg) {
// Draw text with requested alignment:
$this->DrawText($this->legend_font, 0, $x_pos, $y_pos,
$this->ndx_text_color, $leg, $text_align, 'bottom');
if ($draw_colorbox) {
// Draw a box in the data color
$y1 = $y_pos - $dot_height + 1;
$y2 = $y_pos - 1;
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $dot_left_x, $y1, $dot_right_x, $y2,
// Draw a rectangle around the box
ImageRectangle($this->img, $dot_left_x, $y1, $dot_right_x, $y2,
$y_pos += $dot_height;
if ($color_index > $max_color_index)
$color_index = 0;
return TRUE;
} // Function DrawLegend()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawLines ( )

Draw Lines. Supported data-types: 'data-data', 'text-data' NOTE: Please see the note regarding incomplete data sets on DrawArea()

Definition at line 4319 of file phplot.php.

References DrawXDataLabel(), SetDashedStyle(), xtr(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

// This will tell us if lines have already begun to be drawn.
// It is an array to keep separate information for every line, with a single
// variable we would sometimes get "undefined offset" errors and no plot...
$start_lines = array_fill(0, $this->records_per_group, FALSE);
if ($this->data_type == 'text-data') {
$lastx[0] = $this->xtr(0);
$lasty[0] = $this->xtr(0);
for ($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) {
$record = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label)
if ($this->data_type == 'data-data') // Do we have a value for X?
$x_now = $this->data[$row][$record++]; // Read it, advance record index
$x_now = 0.5 + $cnt++; // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc...
$x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now); // Absolute coordinates
if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw X Data labels?
$this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels, $row);
for ($idx = 0; $record < $this->num_recs[$row]; $record++, $idx++) {
if (($line_style = $this->line_styles[$idx]) == 'none')
continue; //Allow suppressing entire line, useful with linepoints
if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$record])) { //Allow for missing Y data
$y_now_pixels = $this->ytr($this->data[$row][$record]);
if ($start_lines[$idx] == TRUE) {
// Set line width, revert it to normal at the end
ImageSetThickness($this->img, $this->line_widths[$idx]);
if ($line_style == 'dashed') {
ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $y_now_pixels, $lastx[$idx], $lasty[$idx],
} else {
ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $y_now_pixels, $lastx[$idx], $lasty[$idx],
$lasty[$idx] = $y_now_pixels;
$lastx[$idx] = $x_now_pixels;
$start_lines[$idx] = TRUE;
// Y data missing... should we leave a blank or not?
else if ($this->draw_broken_lines) {
$start_lines[$idx] = FALSE;
} // end for
} // end for
ImageSetThickness($this->img, 1); // Revert to original state for lines to be drawn later.
return TRUE;
} // function DrawLines()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawLinesError ( )

Draw lines with error bars - data comes in as array("label", x, y, error+, error-, y2, error2+, error2-, ...);

Definition at line 4384 of file phplot.php.

References DrawXDataLabel(), DrawYErrorBar(), PrintError(), SetDashedStyle(), xtr(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

if ($this->data_type != 'data-data-error') {
return $this->PrintError("DrawLinesError(): Data type '$this->data_type' not supported.");
$start_lines = array_fill(0, $this->records_per_group, FALSE);
for ($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) {
$record = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label)
$x_now = $this->data[$row][$record++]; // Read X value, advance record index
$x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now); // Absolute coordinates.
if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw X Data labels?
$this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels, $row);
// Now go for Y, E+, E-
for ($idx = 0; $record < $this->num_recs[$row]; $idx++) {
if (($line_style = $this->line_styles[$idx]) == 'none')
continue; //Allow suppressing entire line, useful with linepoints
// Y
$y_now = $this->data[$row][$record++];
$y_now_pixels = $this->ytr($y_now);
if ($start_lines[$idx] == TRUE) {
ImageSetThickness($this->img, $this->line_widths[$idx]);
if ($line_style == 'dashed') {
ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $y_now_pixels, $lastx[$idx], $lasty[$idx],
} else {
ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $y_now_pixels, $lastx[$idx], $lasty[$idx],
// Error+
$val = $this->data[$row][$record++];
$this->DrawYErrorBar($x_now, $y_now, $val, $this->error_bar_shape,
// Error-
$val = $this->data[$row][$record++];
$this->DrawYErrorBar($x_now, $y_now, -$val, $this->error_bar_shape,
// Update indexes:
$start_lines[$idx] = TRUE; // Tells us if we already drew the first column of points,
// thus having $lastx and $lasty ready for the next column.
$lastx[$idx] = $x_now_pixels;
$lasty[$idx] = $y_now_pixels;
} // end while
} // end for
ImageSetThickness($this->img, 1); // Revert to original state for lines to be drawn later.
return TRUE;
} // function DrawLinesError()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawPieChart ( )

Draws a pie chart. Data has to be 'text-data' type.

This can work in two ways: the classical, with a column for each sector (computes the column totals and draws the pie with that) OR Takes each row as a sector and uses it's first value. This has the added advantage of using the labels provided, which is not the case with the former method. This might prove useful for pie charts from GROUP BY sql queries

Definition at line 3909 of file phplot.php.

References $legend, $total, DrawText(), number_format(), and PrintError().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

$xpos = $this->plot_area[0] + $this->plot_area_width/2;
$ypos = $this->plot_area[1] + $this->plot_area_height/2;
$diameter = min($this->plot_area_width, $this->plot_area_height);
$radius = $diameter/2;
// Get sum of each column? One pie slice per column
if ($this->data_type === 'text-data') {
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_data_rows; $i++) {
for ($j = 1; $j < $this->num_recs[$i]; $j++) { // Label ($row[0]) unused in these pie charts
@ $sumarr[$j] += abs($this->data[$i][$j]); // NOTE! sum > 0 to make pie charts
// Or only one column per row, one pie slice per row?
else if ($this->data_type == 'text-data-single') {
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_data_rows; $i++) {
$legend[$i] = $this->data[$i][0]; // Set the legend to column labels
$sumarr[$i] = $this->data[$i][1];
else if ($this->data_type == 'data-data') {
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_data_rows; $i++) {
for ($j = 2; $j < $this->num_recs[$i]; $j++) {
@ $sumarr[$j] += abs($this->data[$i][$j]);
else {
return $this->PrintError("DrawPieChart(): Data type '$this->data_type' not supported.");
$total = array_sum($sumarr);
if ($total == 0) {
return $this->PrintError('DrawPieChart(): Empty data set');
if ($this->shading) {
$diam2 = $diameter / 2;
} else {
$diam2 = $diameter;
$max_data_colors = count ($this->data_colors);
for ($h = $this->shading; $h >= 0; $h--) {
$color_index = 0;
$start_angle = 0;
$end_angle = 0;
foreach ($sumarr as $val) {
// For shaded pies: the last one (at the top of the "stack") has a brighter color:
if ($h == 0)
$slicecol = $this->ndx_data_colors[$color_index];
$slicecol = $this->ndx_data_dark_colors[$color_index];
$label_txt = $this->number_format(($val / $total * 100), $this->y_precision) . '%';
$val = 360 * ($val / $total);
// NOTE that imagefilledarc measures angles CLOCKWISE (go figure why),
// so the pie chart would start clockwise from 3 o'clock, would it not be
// for the reversal of start and end angles in imagefilledarc()
// Also note ImageFilledArc only takes angles in integer degrees, and if the
// the start and end angles match then you get a full circle not a zero-width
// pie. This is bad. So skip any zero-size wedge. On the other hand, we cannot
// let cumulative error from rounding to integer result in missing wedges. So
// keep the running total as a float, and round the angles. It should not
// be necessary to check that the last wedge ends at 360 degrees.
$start_angle = $end_angle;
$end_angle += $val;
// This method of conversion to integer - truncate after reversing it - was
// chosen to match the implicit method of PHPlot<=5.0.4 to get the same slices.
$arc_start_angle = (int)(360 - $start_angle);
$arc_end_angle = (int)(360 - $end_angle);
if ($arc_start_angle > $arc_end_angle) {
$mid_angle = deg2rad($end_angle - ($val / 2));
// Draw the slice
ImageFilledArc($this->img, $xpos, $ypos+$h, $diameter, $diam2,
$arc_end_angle, $arc_start_angle,
$slicecol, IMG_ARC_PIE);
// Draw the labels only once
if ($h == 0) {
// Draw the outline
if (! $this->shading)
ImageFilledArc($this->img, $xpos, $ypos+$h, $diameter, $diam2,
$arc_end_angle, $arc_start_angle,
$this->ndx_grid_color, IMG_ARC_PIE | IMG_ARC_EDGED |IMG_ARC_NOFILL);
// The '* 1.2' trick is to get labels out of the pie chart so there are more
// chances they can be seen in small sectors.
$label_x = $xpos + ($diameter * 1.2 * cos($mid_angle)) * $this->label_scale_position;
$label_y = $ypos+$h - ($diam2 * 1.2 * sin($mid_angle)) * $this->label_scale_position;
$this->DrawText($this->generic_font, 0, $label_x, $label_y, $this->ndx_grid_color,
$label_txt, 'center', 'center');
if (++$color_index >= $max_data_colors)
$color_index = 0;
} // end for
} // end for
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawPlotAreaBackground ( )

Fills the plot area background.

Definition at line 3260 of file phplot.php.

References tile_img().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

if (isset($this->plotbgimg)) {
$this->tile_img($this->plotbgimg, $this->plot_area[0], $this->plot_area[1],
$this->plot_area_width, $this->plot_area_height, $this->plotbgmode);
else {
if ($this->draw_plot_area_background) {
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $this->plot_area[0], $this->plot_area[1],
$this->plot_area[2], $this->plot_area[3], $this->ndx_plot_bg_color);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawPlotBorder ( )

Definition at line 3641 of file phplot.php.

References ytr().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

switch ($this->plot_border_type) {
case 'left': // for past compatibility
case 'plotleft':
ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[0], $this->ytr($this->plot_min_y),
$this->plot_area[0], $this->ytr($this->plot_max_y), $this->ndx_grid_color);
case 'right':
case 'plotright':
ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[2], $this->ytr($this->plot_min_y),
$this->plot_area[2], $this->ytr($this->plot_max_y), $this->ndx_grid_color);
case 'both':
case 'sides':
ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[0], $this->ytr($this->plot_min_y),
$this->plot_area[0], $this->ytr($this->plot_max_y), $this->ndx_grid_color);
ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[2], $this->ytr($this->plot_min_y),
$this->plot_area[2], $this->ytr($this->plot_max_y), $this->ndx_grid_color);
case 'none':
//Draw No Border
case 'full':
ImageRectangle($this->img, $this->plot_area[0], $this->ytr($this->plot_min_y),
$this->plot_area[2], $this->ytr($this->plot_max_y), $this->ndx_grid_color);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawSquared ( )

This is a mere copy of DrawLines() with one more line drawn for each point

Definition at line 4451 of file phplot.php.

References DrawXDataLabel(), SetDashedStyle(), xtr(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

// This will tell us if lines have already begun to be drawn.
// It is an array to keep separate information for every line, for with a single
// variable we could sometimes get "undefined offset" errors and no plot...
$start_lines = array_fill(0, $this->records_per_group, FALSE);
if ($this->data_type == 'text-data') {
$lastx[0] = $this->xtr(0);
$lasty[0] = $this->xtr(0);
for ($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) {
$record = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label)
if ($this->data_type == 'data-data') // Do we have a value for X?
$x_now = $this->data[$row][$record++]; // Read it, advance record index
$x_now = 0.5 + $cnt++; // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc...
$x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now); // Absolute coordinates
if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw X Data labels?
$this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels); // notice there is no last param.
// Draw Lines
for ($idx = 0; $record < $this->num_recs[$row]; $record++, $idx++) {
if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$record])) { // Allow for missing Y data
$y_now_pixels = $this->ytr($this->data[$row][$record]);
if ($start_lines[$idx] == TRUE) {
// Set line width, revert it to normal at the end
ImageSetThickness($this->img, $this->line_widths[$idx]);
if ($this->line_styles[$idx] == 'dashed') {
ImageLine($this->img, $lastx[$idx], $lasty[$idx], $x_now_pixels, $lasty[$idx],
ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $lasty[$idx], $x_now_pixels, $y_now_pixels,
} else {
ImageLine($this->img, $lastx[$idx], $lasty[$idx], $x_now_pixels, $lasty[$idx],
ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $lasty[$idx], $x_now_pixels, $y_now_pixels,
$lastx[$idx] = $x_now_pixels;
$lasty[$idx] = $y_now_pixels;
$start_lines[$idx] = TRUE;
// Y data missing... should we leave a blank or not?
else if ($this->draw_broken_lines) {
$start_lines[$idx] = FALSE;
} // end while
ImageSetThickness($this->img, 1);
return TRUE;
} // function DrawSquared()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawStackedBars ( )

Data comes in as array("title", x, y, y2, y3, ...)

Original stacked bars idea by Laurent Kruk < lolok at >

Definition at line 4597 of file phplot.php.

References DrawXDataLabel(), PrintError(), xtr(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

if ($this->data_type != 'text-data') {
return $this->PrintError('DrawStackedBars(): Bar plots must be text-data: use SetDataType("text-data")');
// This is the X offset from the bar's label center point to the left side of the bar.
$x_first_bar = $this->record_bar_width / 2 - $this->bar_adjust_gap;
for ($row = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) {
$record = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label)
$x_now_pixels = $this->xtr(0.5 + $row); // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc...
if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw X Data labels?
$this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels);
// Lower left and lower right X of the bars in this group:
$x1 = $x_now_pixels - $x_first_bar;
$x2 = $x1 + $this->actual_bar_width;
// Draw the bars
$oldv = 0;
for ($idx = 0; $record < $this->num_recs[$row]; $record++, $idx++) {
if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$record])) { // Allow for missing Y data
$y1 = $this->ytr(abs($this->data[$row][$record]) + $oldv);
$y2 = $this->ytr($this->x_axis_position + $oldv);
$oldv += abs($this->data[$row][$record]);
// Draw the bar
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]);
if ($this->shading) { // Draw the shade?
ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, array($x1, $y1,
$x1 + $this->shading, $y1 - $this->shading,
$x2 + $this->shading, $y1 - $this->shading,
$x2 + $this->shading, $y2 - $this->shading,
$x2, $y2,
$x2, $y1),
6, $this->ndx_data_dark_colors[$idx]);
// Or draw a border?
else {
ImageRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2,$y2, $this->ndx_data_border_colors[$idx]);
} // end for
} // end for
return TRUE;
} //function DrawStackedBars

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawText (   $which_font,
  $which_halign = 'left',
  $which_valign = 'bottom' 

Definition at line 1314 of file phplot.php.

References ProcessText().

Referenced by DrawDataLabel(), DrawLegend(), DrawPieChart(), DrawTitle(), DrawXDataLabel(), DrawXTick(), DrawXTitle(), DrawYTick(), DrawYTitle(), and PrintError().

return $this->ProcessText(True,
$which_font, $which_angle, $which_xpos, $which_ypos,
$which_color, $which_text, $which_halign, $which_valign);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawThinBarLines ( )

A clean, fast routine for when you just want charts like stock volume charts

Definition at line 4106 of file phplot.php.

References CheckOption(), DrawXDataLabel(), xtr(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

if (!$this->CheckOption($this->data_type, 'text-data, data-data', __FUNCTION__))
return FALSE;
for ($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) {
$rec = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label)
// Do we have a value for X?
if ($this->data_type == 'data-data')
$x_now = $this->data[$row][$rec++]; // Read it, advance record index
$x_now = 0.5 + $cnt++; // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc...
$x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now);
// Draw X Data labels?
if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none')
$this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels);
// Proceed with Y values
for($idx = 0;$rec < $this->num_recs[$row]; $rec++, $idx++) {
if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$rec])) { // Allow for missing Y data
ImageSetThickness($this->img, $this->line_widths[$idx]);
// Draws a line from user defined x axis position up to ytr($val)
ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $this->x_axis_y_pixels, $x_now_pixels,
$this->ytr($this->data[$row][$rec]), $this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]);
ImageSetThickness($this->img, 1);
return TRUE;
} //function DrawThinBarLines

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawTitle ( )

Adds the title to the graph.

Definition at line 3366 of file phplot.php.

References $safe_margin, and DrawText().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

// Center of the plot area
//$xpos = ($this->plot_area[0] + $this->plot_area_width )/ 2;
// Center of the image:
$xpos = $this->image_width / 2;
// Place it at almost at the top
$this->DrawText($this->title_font, 0, $xpos, $ypos,
$this->ndx_title_color, $this->title_txt, 'center', 'top');
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawXAxis ( )

Definition at line 3455 of file phplot.php.

References DrawXTicks().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

// Draw ticks, labels and grid
/* This tick and label tend to overlap with regular Y Axis labels,
* as Mike Pullen pointed out.
//Draw Tick and Label for X axis
if (! $this->skip_bottom_tick) {
$ylab =$this->FormatLabel('y', $this->x_axis_position);
$this->DrawYTick($ylab, $this->x_axis_y_pixels);
//Draw X Axis at Y = x_axis_y_pixels
ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[0]+1, $this->x_axis_y_pixels,
$this->plot_area[2]-1, $this->x_axis_y_pixels, $this->ndx_grid_color);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawXDataLabel (   $xlab,
  $row = FALSE 

Draws the data label associated with a point in the plot. This is different from x_labels drawn by DrawXTicks() and care should be taken not to draw both, as they'd probably overlap. Calling of this function in DrawLines(), etc is decided after x_data_label_pos value. Leave the last parameter out, to avoid the drawing of vertical lines, no matter what the setting is (for plots that need it, like DrawSquared())

Definition at line 3709 of file phplot.php.

References DrawText(), DrawXDataLine(), and FormatLabel().

Referenced by DrawArea(), DrawBars(), DrawDots(), DrawDotsError(), DrawLines(), DrawLinesError(), DrawSquared(), DrawStackedBars(), and DrawThinBarLines().

// FIXME!! not working...
// if (($this->_x_label_cnt++ % $this->x_label_inc) != 0)
// return;
$xlab = $this->FormatLabel('x', $xlab);
// Labels below the plot area
if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'plotdown' || $this->x_data_label_pos == 'both')
$this->DrawText($this->x_label_font, $this->x_label_angle,
$xpos, $this->plot_area[3] + $this->x_label_bot_offset,
$this->ndx_text_color, $xlab, 'center', 'top');
// Labels above the plot area
if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'plotup' || $this->x_data_label_pos == 'both')
$this->DrawText($this->x_label_font, $this->x_label_angle,
$xpos, $this->plot_area[1] - $this->x_label_top_offset,
$this->ndx_text_color, $xlab, 'center', 'bottom');
// $row=0 means this is the first row. $row=FALSE means don't do any rows.
if ($row !== FALSE && $this->draw_x_data_label_lines)
$this->DrawXDataLine($xpos, $row);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawXDataLine (   $xpos,

Draws Vertical lines from data points up and down. Which lines are drawn depends on the value of x_data_label_pos, and whether this is at all done or not, on draw_x_data_label_lines

xposint position in pixels of the line.
rowint index of the data row being drawn.

Definition at line 3743 of file phplot.php.

References SetDashedStyle(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawXDataLabel().

// Sets the line style for IMG_COLOR_STYLED lines (grid)
if($this->dashed_grid) {
} else {
$style = $this->ndx_light_grid_color;
// Lines from the bottom up
if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'both') {
ImageLine($this->img, $xpos, $this->plot_area[3], $xpos, $this->plot_area[1], $style);
// Lines from the bottom of the plot up to the max Y value at this X:
else if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'plotdown') {
$ypos = $this->ytr($this->data_maxy[$row]);
ImageLine($this->img, $xpos, $ypos, $xpos, $this->plot_area[3], $style);
// Lines from the top of the plot down to the min Y value at this X:
else if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'plotup') {
$ypos = $this->ytr($this->data_miny[$row]);
ImageLine($this->img, $xpos, $this->plot_area[1], $xpos, $ypos, $style);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawXTick (   $which_xlab,

Draw one X tick mark and its tick label.

Definition at line 3559 of file phplot.php.

References DrawText().

Referenced by DrawXTicks().

// Ticks on X axis
if ($this->x_tick_pos == 'xaxis') {
ImageLine($this->img, $which_xpix, $this->x_axis_y_pixels - $this->x_tick_cross,
$which_xpix, $this->x_axis_y_pixels + $this->x_tick_length, $this->ndx_tick_color);
// Ticks on top of the Plot Area
if ($this->x_tick_pos == 'plotup' || $this->x_tick_pos == 'both') {
ImageLine($this->img, $which_xpix, $this->plot_area[1] - $this->x_tick_length,
$which_xpix, $this->plot_area[1] + $this->x_tick_cross, $this->ndx_tick_color);
// Ticks on bottom of Plot Area
if ($this->x_tick_pos == 'plotdown' || $this->x_tick_pos == 'both') {
ImageLine($this->img, $which_xpix, $this->plot_area[3] + $this->x_tick_length,
$which_xpix, $this->plot_area[3] - $this->x_tick_cross, $this->ndx_tick_color);
// Label on X axis
if ($this->x_tick_label_pos == 'xaxis') {
$this->DrawText($this->x_label_font, $this->x_label_angle,
$which_xpix, $this->x_axis_y_pixels + $this->x_label_axis_offset,
$this->ndx_text_color, $which_xlab, 'center', 'top');
// Label on top of the Plot Area
if ($this->x_tick_label_pos == 'plotup' || $this->x_tick_label_pos == 'both') {
$this->DrawText($this->x_label_font, $this->x_label_angle,
$which_xpix, $this->plot_area[1] - $this->x_label_top_offset,
$this->ndx_text_color, $which_xlab, 'center', 'bottom');
// Label on bottom of the Plot Area
if ($this->x_tick_label_pos == 'plotdown' || $this->x_tick_label_pos == 'both') {
$this->DrawText($this->x_label_font, $this->x_label_angle,
$which_xpix, $this->plot_area[3] + $this->x_label_bot_offset,
$this->ndx_text_color, $which_xlab, 'center', 'top');
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawXTicks ( )

Draws Grid, Ticks and Tick Labels along X-Axis Ticks and tick labels can be down of plot only, up of plot only, both on up and down of plot, or crossing a user defined X-axis

Original vertical code submitted by Marlin Viss

Definition at line 3609 of file phplot.php.

References CalcTicks(), DrawXTick(), FormatLabel(), SetDashedStyle(), and xtr().

Referenced by DrawXAxis().

// Sets the line style for IMG_COLOR_STYLED lines (grid)
if ($this->dashed_grid) {
} else {
$style = $this->ndx_light_grid_color;
// Calculate the tick start, end, and step:
list($x_tmp, $x_end, $delta_x) = $this->CalcTicks('x');
for (;$x_tmp <= $x_end; $x_tmp += $delta_x) {
$xlab = $this->FormatLabel('x', $x_tmp);
$x_pixels = $this->xtr($x_tmp);
// Vertical grid lines
if ($this->draw_x_grid) {
ImageLine($this->img, $x_pixels, $this->plot_area[1], $x_pixels, $this->plot_area[3], $style);
// Draw tick mark(s)
$this->DrawXTick($xlab, $x_pixels);
return TRUE;
} // function DrawXTicks

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawXTitle ( )

Draws the X-Axis Title

Definition at line 3388 of file phplot.php.

References DrawText().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

if ($this->x_title_pos == 'none')
return TRUE;
// Center of the plot
$xpos = ($this->plot_area[2] + $this->plot_area[0]) / 2;
// Upper title
if ($this->x_title_pos == 'plotup' || $this->x_title_pos == 'both') {
$ypos = $this->plot_area[1] - $this->x_title_top_offset;
$this->DrawText($this->x_title_font, 0, $xpos, $ypos, $this->ndx_title_color,
$this->x_title_txt, 'center', 'bottom');
// Lower title
if ($this->x_title_pos == 'plotdown' || $this->x_title_pos == 'both') {
$ypos = $this->plot_area[3] + $this->x_title_bot_offset;
$this->DrawText($this->x_title_font, 0, $xpos, $ypos, $this->ndx_title_color,
$this->x_title_txt, 'center', 'top');
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawYAxis ( )

Definition at line 3440 of file phplot.php.

References DrawYTicks().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

// Draw ticks, labels and grid, if any
// Draw Y axis at X = y_axis_x_pixels
ImageLine($this->img, $this->y_axis_x_pixels, $this->plot_area[1],
$this->y_axis_x_pixels, $this->plot_area[3], $this->ndx_grid_color);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawYErrorBar (   $x_world,

Definition at line 4144 of file phplot.php.

References xtr(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawDotsError(), and DrawLinesError().

// TODO: add a parameter to show datalabels next to error bars?
// something like this:
if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'plot')
$this->DrawText($this->error_font, 90, $x1, $y2,
$color, $label, 'center', 'bottom');
$x1 = $this->xtr($x_world);
$y1 = $this->ytr($y_world);
$y2 = $this->ytr($y_world+$error_height) ;
ImageSetThickness($this->img, $this->error_bar_line_width);
ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y1 , $x1, $y2, $color);
switch ($error_bar_type) {
case 'line':
case 'tee':
ImageLine($this->img, $x1-$this->error_bar_size, $y2, $x1+$this->error_bar_size, $y2, $color);
ImageLine($this->img, $x1-$this->error_bar_size, $y2, $x1+$this->error_bar_size, $y2, $color);
ImageSetThickness($this->img, 1);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawYTick (   $which_ylab,

Draw one Y tick mark and its tick label. Called from DrawYTicks() and DrawXAxis()

Definition at line 3479 of file phplot.php.

References DrawText().

Referenced by DrawYTicks().

// Ticks on Y axis
if ($this->y_tick_pos == 'yaxis') {
ImageLine($this->img, $this->y_axis_x_pixels - $this->y_tick_length, $which_ypix,
$this->y_axis_x_pixels + $this->y_tick_cross, $which_ypix, $this->ndx_tick_color);
// Ticks to the left of the Plot Area
if (($this->y_tick_pos == 'plotleft') || ($this->y_tick_pos == 'both') ) {
ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[0] - $this->y_tick_length, $which_ypix,
$this->plot_area[0] + $this->y_tick_cross, $which_ypix, $this->ndx_tick_color);
// Ticks to the right of the Plot Area
if (($this->y_tick_pos == 'plotright') || ($this->y_tick_pos == 'both') ) {
ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[2] + $this->y_tick_length, $which_ypix,
$this->plot_area[2] - $this->y_tick_cross, $which_ypix, $this->ndx_tick_color);
// Labels on Y axis
if ($this->y_tick_label_pos == 'yaxis') {
$this->DrawText($this->y_label_font, $this->y_label_angle,
$this->y_axis_x_pixels - $this->y_label_axis_offset, $which_ypix,
$this->ndx_text_color, $which_ylab, 'right', 'center');
// Labels to the left of the plot area
if ($this->y_tick_label_pos == 'plotleft' || $this->y_tick_label_pos == 'both') {
$this->DrawText($this->y_label_font, $this->y_label_angle,
$this->plot_area[0] - $this->y_label_left_offset, $which_ypix,
$this->ndx_text_color, $which_ylab, 'right', 'center');
// Labels to the right of the plot area
if ($this->y_tick_label_pos == 'plotright' || $this->y_tick_label_pos == 'both') {
$this->DrawText($this->y_label_font, $this->y_label_angle,
$this->plot_area[2] + $this->y_label_right_offset, $which_ypix,
$this->ndx_text_color, $which_ylab, 'left', 'center');
return TRUE;
} // Function DrawYTick()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawYTicks ( )

Draws Grid, Ticks and Tick Labels along Y-Axis Ticks and ticklabels can be left of plot only, right of plot only, both on the left and right of plot, or crossing a user defined Y-axis TODO: marks at whole numbers (-10, 10, 20, 30 ...) no matter where the plot begins (-3, 4.7, etc.)

Definition at line 3528 of file phplot.php.

References CalcTicks(), DrawYTick(), FormatLabel(), SetDashedStyle(), and ytr().

Referenced by DrawYAxis().

// Sets the line style for IMG_COLOR_STYLED lines (grid)
if ($this->dashed_grid) {
} else {
$style = $this->ndx_light_grid_color;
// Calculate the tick start, end, and step:
list($y_tmp, $y_end, $delta_y) = $this->CalcTicks('y');
for (;$y_tmp <= $y_end; $y_tmp += $delta_y) {
$ylab = $this->FormatLabel('y', $y_tmp);
$y_pixels = $this->ytr($y_tmp);
// Horizontal grid line
if ($this->draw_y_grid) {
ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[0]+1, $y_pixels, $this->plot_area[2]-1, $y_pixels, $style);
// Draw tick mark(s)
$this->DrawYTick($ylab, $y_pixels);
return TRUE;
} // function DrawYTicks

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::DrawYTitle ( )

Draws the Y-Axis Title

Definition at line 3414 of file phplot.php.

References DrawText().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

if ($this->y_title_pos == 'none')
return TRUE;
// Center the title vertically to the plot area
$ypos = ($this->plot_area[3] + $this->plot_area[1]) / 2;
if ($this->y_title_pos == 'plotleft' || $this->y_title_pos == 'both') {
$xpos = $this->plot_area[0] - $this->y_title_left_offset;
$this->DrawText($this->y_title_font, 90, $xpos, $ypos, $this->ndx_title_color,
$this->y_title_txt, 'right', 'center');
if ($this->y_title_pos == 'plotright' || $this->y_title_pos == 'both') {
$xpos = $this->plot_area[2] + $this->y_title_right_offset;
$this->DrawText($this->y_title_font, 90, $xpos, $ypos, $this->ndx_title_color,
$this->y_title_txt, 'left', 'center');
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::FindDataLimits ( )

Analizes data and sets up internal maxima and minima Needed by: CalcMargins(), ... Text-Data is different than data-data graphs. For them what we have, instead of X values, is # of records equally spaced on data. text-data is passed in as $data[] = (title, y1, y2, y3, y4, ...) data-data is passed in as $data[] = (title, x, y1, y2, y3, y4, ...)

Definition at line 2266 of file phplot.php.

References DoCallback(), GetCallback(), and PrintError().

Referenced by DrawGraph().

// Set some default min and max values before running through the data
switch ($this->data_type) {
case 'text-data':
case 'text-data-single':
$minx = 0;
$maxx = $this->num_data_rows - 1 ;
$miny = $this->data[0][1];
$maxy = $miny;
default: //Everything else: data-data, etc, take first value
$minx = $this->data[0][1];
$maxx = $minx;
$miny = $this->data[0][2];
$maxy = $miny;
$mine = 0; // Maximum value for the -error bar (assume error bars always > 0)
$maxe = 0; // Maximum value for the +error bar (assume error bars always > 0)
if ($this->plot_type == 'stackedbars') {
$maxmaxy = $minminy = 0;
} else {
$minminy = $miny;
$maxmaxy = $maxy;
// Process each row of data
for ($i=0; $i < $this->num_data_rows; $i++) {
$j = 1; // Skip over the data label for this row.
switch ($this->data_type) {
case 'text-data': // Data is passed in as (title, y1, y2, y3, ...)
case 'text-data-single': // This one is for some pie charts
// $numrecs = @ count($this->data[$i]);
$maxy = (double)$this->data[$i][$j++];
if ($this->plot_type == 'stackedbars') {
$miny = 0;
} else {
$miny = $maxy;
for (; $j < $this->num_recs[$i]; $j++) {
$val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j];
if ($this->plot_type == 'stackedbars') {
$maxy += abs($val); // only positive values for the moment
} else {
if ($val > $maxy) $maxy = $val;
if ($val < $miny) $miny = $val;
case 'data-data': // Data is passed in as (title, x, y, y2, y3, ...)
// X value:
$val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j++];
if ($val > $maxx) $maxx = $val;
if ($val < $minx) $minx = $val;
$miny = $maxy = (double)$this->data[$i][$j++];
// $numrecs = @ count($this->data[$i]);
for (; $j < $this->num_recs[$i]; $j++) {
$val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j];
if ($val > $maxy) $maxy = $val;
if ($val < $miny) $miny = $val;
case 'data-data-error': // Data is passed in as (title, x, y, err+, err-, y2, err2+, err2-,...)
// X value:
$val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j++];
if ($val > $maxx) $maxx = $val;
if ($val < $minx) $minx = $val;
$miny = $maxy = (double)$this->data[$i][$j];
// $numrecs = @ count($this->data[$i]);
for (; $j < $this->num_recs[$i];) {
// Y value:
$val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j++];
if ($val > $maxy) $maxy = $val;
if ($val < $miny) $miny = $val;
// Error +:
$val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j++];
if ($val > $maxe) $maxe = $val;
// Error -:
$val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j++];
if ($val > $mine) $mine = $val;
$maxy = $maxy + $maxe;
$miny = $miny - $mine; // assume error bars are always > 0
return $this->PrintError("FindDataLimits(): Unknown data type '$this->data_type'.");
// Remember this row's min and max Y values:
$this->data_miny[$i] = $miny;
$this->data_maxy[$i] = $maxy;
if ($miny < $minminy) $minminy = $miny; // global min
if ($maxy > $maxmaxy) $maxmaxy = $maxy; // global max
$this->min_x = $minx;
$this->max_x = $maxx;
$this->min_y = $minminy;
$this->max_y = $maxmaxy;
if ($this->GetCallback('debug_scale')) {
$this->DoCallback('debug_scale', __FUNCTION__, array(
'min_x' => $this->min_x, 'min_y' => $this->min_y,
'max_x' => $this->max_x, 'max_y' => $this->max_y));
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::FormatLabel (   $which_pos,

Formats a tick or data label. which_pos - 'x' or 'y', selects formatting controls. which_lab - String to format as a label.

Time formatting suggested by Marlin Viss

Definition at line 3077 of file phplot.php.

References number_format().

Referenced by CalcMaxDataLabelSize(), CalcMaxTickLabelSize(), DrawDataLabel(), DrawXDataLabel(), DrawXTicks(), and DrawYTicks().

$lab = $which_lab; // Default to no formatting.
if ($lab !== '') { // Don't format empty strings (especially as time or numbers)
if ($which_pos == 'x') {
switch ($this->x_label_type) {
case 'title': // Note: This is obsolete
$lab = @ $this->data[$which_lab][0];
case 'data':
$lab = $this->number_format($which_lab, $this->x_precision).$this->data_units_text;
case 'time':
$lab = strftime($this->x_time_format, $which_lab);
} elseif ($which_pos == 'y') {
switch ($this->y_label_type) {
case 'data':
$lab = $this->number_format($which_lab, $this->y_precision).$this->data_units_text;
case 'time':
$lab = strftime($this->y_time_format, $which_lab);
return $lab;
} //function FormatLabel

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::GetCallback (   $reason)

Definition at line 2211 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcAxisPositions(), CalcMargins(), CalcMaxDataLabelSize(), CalcMaxTickLabelSize(), CalcPlotAreaWorld(), CalcTranslation(), FindDataLimits(), ProcessTextGD(), and ProcessTextTTF().

if (isset($this->callbacks[$reason]))
return $this->callbacks[$reason][0];
return False;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::GetImage (   $image_filename,

Reads an image file. Stores width and height, and returns the image resource. On error, calls PrintError and returns False. This is used by the constructor via SetInputFile, and by tile_img().

Definition at line 249 of file phplot.php.

References $img, $size, and PrintError().

Referenced by SetInputFile(), and tile_img().

$error = '';
$size = getimagesize($image_filename);
if (!$size) {
$error = "Unable to query image file $image_filename";
} else {
$image_type = $size[2];
switch($image_type) {
$img = @ ImageCreateFromGIF ($image_filename);
$img = @ ImageCreateFromPNG ($image_filename);
$img = @ ImageCreateFromJPEG ($image_filename);
$error = "Unknown image type ($image_type) for image file $image_filename";
if (empty($error) && !$img) {
# getimagesize is OK, but GD won't read it. Maybe unsupported format.
$error = "Failed to read image file $image_filename";
if (!empty($error)) {
return $this->PrintError("GetImage(): $error");
$width = $size[0];
$height = $size[1];
return $img;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::number_format (   $number,
  $decimals = 0 

Definition at line 2165 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by DrawPieChart(), and FormatLabel().

if (!isset($this->decimal_point) || !isset($this->thousands_sep)) {
// Load locale-specific values from environment:
@setlocale(LC_ALL, '');
// Fetch locale settings:
$locale = @localeconv();
if (!empty($locale) && isset($locale['decimal_point']) &&
isset($locale['thousands_sep'])) {
$this->decimal_point = $locale['decimal_point'];
$this->thousands_sep = $locale['thousands_sep'];
} else {
// Locale information not available.
$this->decimal_point = '.';
$this->thousands_sep = ',';
return number_format($number, $decimals, $this->decimal_point, $this->thousands_sep);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::pad_array ( $arr,

Pads an array with itself. This only works on 0-based sequential integer indexed arrays.

arrarray Original array (reference), or scalar.
sizeint Minimum size of the resulting array. If $arr is a scalar, it will be converted first to a single element array. If $arr has at least $size elements, it is unchanged. Otherwise, append elements of $arr to itself until it reaches $size elements.

Definition at line 2150 of file phplot.php.

References $n, and $size.

Referenced by PadArrays(), SetPointShapes(), and SetPointSizes().

if (! is_array($arr)) {
$arr = array($arr);
$n = count($arr);
$base = 0;
while ($n < $size) $arr[$n++] = $arr[$base++];

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::PadArrays ( )

Pad styles arrays for later use by plot drawing functions: This removes the need for $max_data_colors, etc. and $color_index = $color_index % $max_data_colors in DrawBars(), DrawLines(), etc.

Definition at line 2126 of file phplot.php.

References pad_array(), SetDataBorderColors(), SetDataColors(), and SetErrorBarColors().

Referenced by PHPlot_Data\DoMovingAverage(), and DrawGraph().

$this->pad_array($this->line_widths, $this->records_per_group);
$this->pad_array($this->line_styles, $this->records_per_group);
$this->pad_array($this->data_colors, $this->records_per_group);
$this->pad_array($this->data_border_colors, $this->records_per_group);
$this->pad_array($this->error_bar_colors, $this->records_per_group);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::PHPlot (   $which_width = 600,
  $which_height = 400,
  $which_output_file = NULL,
  $which_input_file = NULL 

Constructor: Setup img resource, colors and size of the image, and font sizes.

which_widthint Image width in pixels.
which_heightint Image height in pixels.
which_output_filestring Filename for output.
which_input_fulestring Path to a file to be used as background.

Definition at line 212 of file phplot.php.

References PrintError(), SetDefaultFonts(), SetDefaultStyles(), SetInputFile(), SetOutputFile(), SetRGBArray(), SetTitle(), SetXTitle(), and SetYTitle().

Referenced by PHPlot_Data\PHPlot_Data().

$this->background_done = FALSE; // TRUE after background image is drawn once
$this->plot_margins_set = FALSE; // TRUE with user-set plot area or plot margins.
if ($which_output_file)
if ($which_input_file)
else {
$this->image_width = $which_width;
$this->image_height = $which_height;
$this->img = ImageCreate($this->image_width, $this->image_height);
if (! $this->img)
return $this->PrintError('PHPlot(): Could not create image resource.');
$this->print_image = TRUE; // Use for multiple plots per image (TODO: automatic)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::PrintError (   $error_message)

Error handling for 'fatal' errors: $error_message Text of the error message Standard output from PHPlot is expected to be an image file, such as when handling an tag browser request. So it is not permitted to output text to standard output. (You should have display_errors=off) Here is how PHPlot handles fatal errors:

  • Write the error message into an image, and output the image.
  • If no image can be output, write nothing and produce an HTTP error header.
  • Trigger a user-level error containing the error message. If no error handler was set up, the script will log the error and exit with non-zero status.

PrintError() and DrawError() are now equivalent. Both are provided for compatibility. (In earlier releases, PrintError sent the message to stdout only, and DrawError sent it in an image only.)

This function does not return, unless the calling script has set up an error handler which does not exit. In that case, PrintError will return False. But not all of PHPlot will handle this correctly, so it is probably a bad idea for an error handler to return.

Definition at line 1506 of file phplot.php.

References DrawText(), exit, PrintImage(), and SetUseTTF().

Referenced by CalcMaxTickLabelSize(), CalcPlotAreaWorld(), CalcTicks(), CheckOption(), DrawBars(), DrawDotsError(), DrawError(), DrawGraph(), DrawImageBorder(), DrawLinesError(), DrawPieChart(), DrawStackedBars(), FindDataLimits(), GetImage(), PHPlot(), PrintImage(), SetDefaultDashedStyle(), SetFileFormat(), SetFont(), SetLegend(), SetRGBColor(), SetTTFPath(), and tile_img().

// Be sure not to loop recursively, e.g. PrintError - PrintImage - PrintError.
if (isset($this->in_error)) return FALSE;
$this->in_error = TRUE;
// Output an image containing the error message:
if (!empty($this->img)) {
$ypos = $this->image_height/2;
$xpos = $this->image_width/2;
$bgcolor = ImageColorResolve($this->img, 255, 255, 255);
$fgcolor = ImageColorResolve($this->img, 0, 0, 0);
ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, 0, 0, $this->image_width, $this->image_height, $bgcolor);
// Switch to built-in fonts, in case of error with TrueType fonts:
$this->DrawText($this->generic_font, 0, $xpos, $ypos, $fgcolor,
wordwrap($error_message), 'center', 'center');
} elseif (! $this->is_inline) {
Header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error');
trigger_error($error_message, E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE; # In case error handler returns, rather than doing exit().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::PrintImage ( )

Performs the actual outputting of the generated graph.

Definition at line 1424 of file phplot.php.

References PrintError().

Referenced by DrawGraph(), and PrintError().

// Browser cache stuff submitted by Thiemo Nagel
if ( (! $this->browser_cache) && (! $this->is_inline)) {
header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . 'GMT');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
switch($this->file_format) {
case 'png':
if (! $this->is_inline) {
Header('Content-type: image/png');
if ($this->is_inline && $this->output_file != '') {
ImagePng($this->img, $this->output_file);
} else {
case 'jpg':
if (! $this->is_inline) {
Header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
if ($this->is_inline && $this->output_file != '') {
ImageJPEG($this->img, $this->output_file);
} else {
case 'gif':
if (! $this->is_inline) {
Header('Content-type: image/gif');
if ($this->is_inline && $this->output_file != '') {
ImageGIF($this->img, $this->output_file);
} else {
case 'wbmp': // wireless bitmap, 2 bit.
if (! $this->is_inline) {
Header('Content-type: image/wbmp');
if ($this->is_inline && $this->output_file != '') {
ImageWBMP($this->img, $this->output_file);
} else {
return $this->PrintError('PrintImage(): Please select an image type!');
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::ProcessText (   $draw_it,

Definition at line 1278 of file phplot.php.

References ProcessTextGD(), and ProcessTextTTF().

Referenced by DrawText(), and SizeText().

# Empty text case:
if ($text === '') {
if ($draw_it) return TRUE;
return array(0, 0);
# Calculate width and height offset factors using the alignment args:
if ($valign == 'top') $v_factor = 0;
elseif ($valign == 'center') $v_factor = 0.5;
else $v_factor = 1.0; # 'bottom'
if ($halign == 'left') $h_factor = 0;
elseif ($halign == 'center') $h_factor = 0.5;
else $h_factor = 1.0; # 'right'
if ($this->use_ttf) {
return $this->ProcessTextTTF($draw_it, $font['font'], $font['size'],
$angle, $x, $y, $color, $text, $h_factor, $v_factor);
return $this->ProcessTextGD($draw_it, $font['font'], $font['width'], $font['height'],
$angle, $x, $y, $color, $text, $h_factor, $v_factor);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::ProcessTextGD (   $draw_it,

Text drawing and sizing functions: ProcessText is meant for use only by DrawText and SizeText. ProcessText(True, ...) - Draw a block of text ProcessText(False, ...) - Just return ($width, $height) of the orthogonal bounding box containing the text. ProcessText is further split into separate functions for GD and TTF text, due to the size of the code.

Horizontal and vertical alignment are relative to the drawing. That is: vertical text (90 deg) gets centered along Y postition with v_align = 'center', and adjusted to the right of X position with h_align = 'right'. Another way to look at this is to say that text rotation happens first, then alignment.

Original multiple lines code submitted by Remi Ricard. Original vertical code submitted by Marlin Viss.

Text routines rewritten by ljb to fix alignment and position problems. Here is my explanation and notes. More information and pictures will be placed in the PHPlot Reference Manual.

  • Process TTF text one line at a time, not as a block. (See below)
  • Flipped top vs bottom vertical alignment. The usual interpretation is: bottom align means bottom of the text is at the specified Y coordinate. For some reason, PHPlot did left/right the correct way, but had top/bottom reversed. I fixed it, and left the default valign argument as bottom, but the meaning of the default value changed.

For GD font text, only single-line text is handled by GD, and the basepoint is the upper left corner of each text line. For TTF text, multi-line text could be handled by GD, with the text basepoint at the lower left corner of the first line of text. (Behavior of TTF drawing routines on multi-line text is not documented.) But you cannot do left/center/right alignment on each line that way, or proper line spacing. Therefore, for either text type, we have to break up the text into lines and position each line independently.

There are 9 alignment modes: Horizontal = left, center, or right, and Vertical = top, center, or bottom. Alignment is interpreted relative to the image, not as the text is read. This makes sense when you consider for example X axis labels. They need to be centered below the marks (center, top alignment) regardless of the text angle.

GD font text is supported (by libgd) at 0 degrees and 90 degrees only. Multi-line or single line text works with any of the 9 alignment modes.

TTF text can be at any angle. The 9 aligment modes work for all angles, but the results might not be what you expect for multi-line text. See the PHPlot Reference Manual for pictures and details. In short, alignment applies to the orthogonal (aligned with X and Y axes) bounding box that contains the text, and to each line in the multi-line text box. Since alignment is relative to the image, 45 degree multi-line text aligns differently from 46 degree text.

Note that PHPlot allows multi-line text for the 3 titles, and they are only drawn at 0 degrees (main and X titles) or 90 degrees (Y title). Data labels can also be multi-line, and they can be drawn at any angle. -ljb 2007-11-03

Definition at line 1003 of file phplot.php.

References $line_spacing, DoCallback(), and GetCallback().

Referenced by ProcessText().

# Break up the text into lines, trim whitespace, find longest line.
# Save the lines and length for drawing below.
$longest = 0;
foreach (explode("\n", $text) as $each_line) {
$lines[] = $line = trim($each_line);
$line_lens[] = $line_len = strlen($line);
if ($line_len > $longest) $longest = $line_len;
$n_lines = count($lines);
$spacing = $this->line_spacing * ($n_lines - 1); // Total inter-line spacing
# Width, height are based on font size and longest line, line count respectively.
# These are relative to the text angle.
$total_width = $longest * $font_width;
$total_height = $n_lines * $font_height + $spacing;
if (!$draw_it) {
if ($angle < 45) return array($total_width, $total_height);
return array($total_height, $total_width);
$interline_step = $font_height + $this->line_spacing; // Line-to-line step
if ($angle >= 45) {
// Vertical text (90 degrees):
// (Remember the alignment convention with vertical text)
// For 90 degree text, alignment factors change like this:
$temp = $v_factor;
$v_factor = $h_factor;
$h_factor = 1 - $temp;
$draw_func = 'ImageStringUp';
// Rotation matrix "R" for 90 degrees (with Y pointing down):
$r00 = 0; $r01 = 1;
$r10 = -1; $r11 = 0;
} else {
// Horizontal text (0 degrees):
$draw_func = 'ImageString';
// Rotation matrix "R" for 0 degrees:
$r00 = 1; $r01 = 0;
$r10 = 0; $r11 = 1;
// Adjust for vertical alignment (horizontal text) or horizontal aligment (vertical text):
$factor = (int)($total_height * $v_factor);
$xpos = $x - $r01 * $factor;
$ypos = $y - $r11 * $factor;
# Debug callback provides the bounding box:
if ($this->GetCallback('debug_textbox')) {
if ($angle >= 45) {
$bbox_width = $total_height;
$bbox_height = $total_width;
$px = $xpos;
$py = $ypos - (1 - $h_factor) * $total_width;
} else {
$bbox_width = $total_width;
$bbox_height = $total_height;
$px = $xpos - $h_factor * $total_width;
$py = $ypos;
$this->DoCallback('debug_textbox', $px, $py, $bbox_width, $bbox_height);
for ($i = 0; $i < $n_lines; $i++) {
$line = $lines[$i];
$line_len = $line_lens[$i];
// Adjust for alignment of this line within the text block:
$factor = (int)($line_len * $font_width * $h_factor);
$x = $xpos - $r00 * $factor;
$y = $ypos - $r10 * $factor;
// Call ImageString or ImageStringUp:
$draw_func($this->img, $font_number, $x, $y, $line, $color);
// Step to the next line of text. This is a rotation of (x=0, y=interline_spacing)
$xpos += $r01 * $interline_step;
$ypos += $r11 * $interline_step;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::ProcessTextTTF (   $draw_it,

Definition at line 1108 of file phplot.php.

References $line_widths, DoCallback(), and GetCallback().

Referenced by ProcessText().

# Break up the text into lines, trim whitespace.
# Calculate the total width and height of the text box at 0 degrees.
# This has to be done line-by-line so the interline-spacing is right.
# Save the trimmed line, and its 0-degree height and width for later
# when the text is drawn.
# Note: Total height = sum of each line height plus inter-line spacing
# (which is added after the loop). Total width = width of widest line.
$total_height = 0;
$total_width = 0;
foreach (explode("\n", $text) as $each_line) {
$lines[] = $line = trim($each_line);
$bbox = ImageTTFBBox($font_size, 0, $font_file, $line);
$height = $bbox[1] - $bbox[5];
$width = $bbox[2] - $bbox[0];
$total_height += $height;
if ($width > $total_width) $total_width = $width;
$line_widths[] = $width;
$line_heights[] = $height;
$n_lines = count($lines);
$total_height += ($n_lines - 1) * $this->line_spacing;
# Calculate the rotation matrix for the text's angle. Remember that GD points Y down,
# so the sin() terms change sign.
$theta = deg2rad($angle);
$cos_t = cos($theta);
$sin_t = sin($theta);
$r00 = $cos_t; $r01 = $sin_t;
$r10 = -$sin_t; $r11 = $cos_t;
# Make a bounding box of the right size, with upper left corner at (0,0).
# By convention, the point order is: LL, LR, UR, UL.
# Note this is still working with the text at 0 degrees.
$b[0] = 0; $b[1] = $total_height;
$b[2] = $total_width; $b[3] = $b[1];
$b[4] = $b[2]; $b[5] = 0;
$b[6] = $b[0]; $b[7] = $b[5];
# Rotate the bounding box, then offset to the reference point:
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i += 2) {
$x_b = $b[$i];
$y_b = $b[$i+1];
$c[$i] = $x + $r00 * $x_b + $r01 * $y_b;
$c[$i+1] = $y + $r10 * $x_b + $r11 * $y_b;
# Get an orthogonal (aligned with X and Y axes) bounding box around it, by
# finding the min and max X and Y:
$bbox_ref_x = $bbox_max_x = $c[0];
$bbox_ref_y = $bbox_max_y = $c[1];
for ($i = 2; $i < 8; $i += 2) {
$x_b = $c[$i];
if ($x_b < $bbox_ref_x) $bbox_ref_x = $x_b; elseif ($bbox_max_x < $x_b) $bbox_max_x = $x_b;
$y_b = $c[$i+1];
if ($y_b < $bbox_ref_y) $bbox_ref_y = $y_b; elseif ($bbox_max_y < $y_b) $bbox_max_y = $y_b;
$bbox_width = $bbox_max_x - $bbox_ref_x;
$bbox_height = $bbox_max_y - $bbox_ref_y;
if (!$draw_it) {
# Return the bounding box, rounded up (so it always contains the text):
return array((int)ceil($bbox_width), (int)ceil($bbox_height));
# Calculate the offsets from the supplied reference point to the
# required upper-left corner of the text.
# Start at the reference point at the upper left corner of the bounding
# box (bbox_ref_x, bbox_ref_y) then adjust it for the 9 point alignment.
# h,v_factor are 0,0 for top,left, .5,.5 for center,center, 1,1 for bottom,right.
# $off_x = $bbox_ref_x + $bbox_width * $h_factor - $x;
# $off_y = $bbox_ref_y + $bbox_height * $v_factor - $y;
# Then use that offset to calculate back to the supplied reference point x, y
# to get the text base point.
# $qx = $x - $off_x;
# $qy = $y - $off_y;
# Reduces to:
$qx = 2 * $x - $bbox_ref_x - $bbox_width * $h_factor;
$qy = 2 * $y - $bbox_ref_y - $bbox_height * $v_factor;
# Check for debug callback. Don't calculate bounding box unless it is wanted.
if ($this->GetCallback('debug_textbox')) {
# Calculate the orthogonal bounding box coordinates for debug testing.
# qx, qy is upper left corner relative to the text.
# Calculate px,py: upper left corner (absolute) of the bounding box.
# There are 4 equation sets for this, depending on the quadrant:
if ($sin_t > 0) {
if ($cos_t > 0) {
# Quadrant: 0d - 90d:
$px = $qx; $py = $qy - $total_width * $sin_t;
} else {
# Quadrant: 90d - 180d:
$px = $qx + $total_width * $cos_t; $py = $qy - $bbox_height;
} else {
if ($cos_t < 0) {
# Quadrant: 180d - 270d:
$px = $qx - $bbox_width; $py = $qy + $total_height * $cos_t;
} else {
# Quadrant: 270d - 360d:
$px = $qx + $total_height * $sin_t; $py = $qy;
$this->DoCallback('debug_textbox', $px, $py, $bbox_width, $bbox_height);
# Since alignment is applied after rotation, which parameter is used
# to control alignment of each line within the text box varies with
# the angle.
# Angle (degrees): Line alignment controlled by:
# -45 < angle <= 45 h_align
# 45 < angle <= 135 reversed v_align
# 135 < angle <= 225 reversed h_align
# 225 < angle <= 315 v_align
if ($cos_t >= $sin_t) {
if ($cos_t >= -$sin_t) $line_align_factor = $h_factor;
else $line_align_factor = $v_factor;
} else {
if ($cos_t >= -$sin_t) $line_align_factor = 1-$v_factor;
else $line_align_factor = 1-$h_factor;
# Now we have the start point, spacing and in-line alignment factor.
# We are finally ready to start drawing the text, line by line.
for ($i = 0; $i < $n_lines; $i++) {
$line = $lines[$i];
# These are height and width at 0 degrees, calculated above:
$height = $line_heights[$i];
$width = $line_widths[$i];
# For drawing TTF text, the lower left corner is the base point.
# The adjustment is inside the loop, since lines can have different
# heights. The following also adjusts for horizontal (relative to
# the text) alignment of the current line within the box.
# What is happening is rotation of this vector by the text angle:
# (x = (total_width - line_width) * factor, y = line_height)
$width_factor = ($total_width - $width) * $line_align_factor;
$rx = $qx + $r00 * $width_factor + $r01 * $height;
$ry = $qy + $r10 * $width_factor + $r11 * $height;
# Finally, draw the text:
ImageTTFText($this->img, $font_size, $angle, $rx, $ry, $color, $font_file, $line);
# Step to position of next line.
# This is a rotation of (x=0,y=text_height+line_height) by $angle:
$interline_step = $this->line_spacing + $height;
$qx += $r01 * $interline_step;
$qy += $r11 * $interline_step;
return True;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::RemoveCallback (   $reason)

Definition at line 2224 of file phplot.php.

if (!array_key_exists($reason, $this->callbacks))
return False;
$this->callbacks[$reason] = NULL;
return True;
PHPlot::SetAxisFontSize (   $which_size)
Use SetFont()

Definition at line 4868 of file phplot.php.

References SetFont().

$this->SetFont('x_label', $which_size);
$this->SetFont('y_label', $which_size);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetBackgroundColor (   $which_color)

Definition at line 383 of file phplot.php.

References SetIndexColor().

Referenced by SetDefaultStyles().

$this->bg_color= $which_color;
$this->ndx_bg_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->bg_color);
return isset($this->ndx_bg_color);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetBgImage (   $input_file,
  $mode = 'centeredtile' 

Selects an input file to be used as graph background and scales or tiles this image to fit the sizes.

input_filestring Path to the file to be used (jpeg, png and gif accepted)
modestring 'centeredtile', 'tile', 'scale' (the image to the graph's size)

Definition at line 1380 of file phplot.php.

References CheckOption().

$this->bgmode = $this->CheckOption($mode, 'tile, centeredtile, scale', __FUNCTION__);
$this->bgimg = $input_file;
return (boolean)$this->bgmode;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetBrowserCache (   $which_browser_cache)
Submitted by Thiemo Nagel

Definition at line 1699 of file phplot.php.

$this->browser_cache = $which_browser_cache;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetCallback (   $reason,
  $arg = NULL 

Definition at line 2194 of file phplot.php.

// Use array_key_exists because valid reason keys have NULL as value.
if (!array_key_exists($reason, $this->callbacks))
return False;
$this->callbacks[$reason] = array($function, $arg);
return True;
PHPlot::SetColor (   $which_color)
Use _SetRGBColor()

Definition at line 5015 of file phplot.php.

References SetRGBColor().

return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetDashedStyle (   $which_ndxcol)

Sets the style before drawing a dashed line. Defaults to $this->default_dashed_style

which_ndxcolColor index to be used.

Definition at line 695 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by DrawLines(), DrawLinesError(), DrawSquared(), DrawXDataLine(), DrawXTicks(), and DrawYTicks().

// See SetDefaultDashedStyle() to understand this.
eval ("\$style = $this->default_dashed_style;");
return imagesetstyle($this->img, $style);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetDataBorderColors (   $which_br = NULL)

Definition at line 608 of file phplot.php.

References SetIndexColor().

Referenced by PadArrays(), SetDataColors(), and SetDefaultStyles().

if (is_null($which_br) && is_array($this->data_border_colors)) {
// use already set data_border_colors
} else if (! is_array($which_br)) {
// Create new array with specified color
$this->data_border_colors = ($which_br) ? array($which_br) : array('black');
} else {
$this->data_border_colors = $which_br;
$i = 0;
foreach($this->data_border_colors as $col) {
$ndx = $this->SetIndexColor($col);
if (!isset($ndx))
return FALSE;
$this->ndx_data_border_colors[$i] = $ndx;
return TRUE;
} // function SetDataBorderColors()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetDataColors (   $which_data = NULL,
  $which_border = NULL 

Sets the colors for the data.

Definition at line 580 of file phplot.php.

References SetDataBorderColors(), SetIndexColor(), and SetIndexDarkColor().

Referenced by PadArrays(), and SetDefaultStyles().

if (is_null($which_data) && is_array($this->data_colors)) {
// use already set data_colors
} else if (! is_array($which_data)) {
$this->data_colors = ($which_data) ? array($which_data) : array('blue', 'red', 'green', 'orange');
} else {
$this->data_colors = $which_data;
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->data_colors as $col) {
$ndx = $this->SetIndexColor($col);
if (!isset($ndx))
return FALSE;
$this->ndx_data_colors[$i] = $ndx;
$this->ndx_data_dark_colors[$i] = $this->SetIndexDarkColor($col);
// For past compatibility:
return $this->SetDataBorderColors($which_border);
} // function SetDataColors()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetDataType (   $which_dt)

text-data: ('label', y1, y2, y3, ...) text-data-single: ('label', data), for some pie charts. data-data: ('label', x, y1, y2, y3, ...) data-data-error: ('label', x1, y1, e1+, e2-, y2, e2+, e2-, y3, e3+, e3-, ...)

Definition at line 2081 of file phplot.php.

References $data_type, and CheckOption().

//The next four lines are for past compatibility.
if ($which_dt == 'text-linear') { $which_dt = 'text-data'; }
elseif ($which_dt == 'linear-linear') { $which_dt = 'data-data'; }
elseif ($which_dt == 'linear-linear-error') { $which_dt = 'data-data-error'; }
elseif ($which_dt == 'text-data-pie') { $which_dt = 'text-data-single'; }
$this->data_type = $this->CheckOption($which_dt, 'text-data, text-data-single, '.
'data-data, data-data-error', __FUNCTION__);
return (boolean)$this->data_type;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetDataValues ( $which_dv)

Copy the array passed as data values. We convert to numerical indexes, for its use for (or while) loops, which sometimes are faster. Performance improvements vary from 28% in DrawLines() to 49% in DrawArea() for plot drawing functions.

Definition at line 2100 of file phplot.php.

$this->num_data_rows = count($which_dv);
$this->total_records = 0; // Perform some useful calculations.
$this->records_per_group = 1;
for ($i = 0, $recs = 0; $i < $this->num_data_rows; $i++) {
// Copy
$this->data[$i] = array_values($which_dv[$i]); // convert to numerical indices.
// Compute some values
$recs = count($this->data[$i]);
$this->total_records += $recs;
if ($recs > $this->records_per_group)
$this->records_per_group = $recs;
$this->num_recs[$i] = $recs;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetDefaultDashedStyle (   $which_style)

Sets the default dashed style.

which_styleA string specifying order of colored and transparent dots, i.e: '4-3' means 4 colored, 3 transparent; '2-3-1-2' means 2 colored, 3 transparent, 1 colored, 2 transparent.

Definition at line 662 of file phplot.php.

References $t, and PrintError().

Referenced by SetDefaultStyles().

// String: "numcol-numtrans-numcol-numtrans..."
$asked = explode('-', $which_style);
if (count($asked) < 2) {
return $this->PrintError("SetDefaultDashedStyle(): Wrong parameter '$which_style'.");
// Build the string to be eval()uated later by SetDashedStyle()
$this->default_dashed_style = 'array( ';
$t = 0;
foreach($asked as $s) {
if ($t % 2 == 0) {
$this->default_dashed_style .= str_repeat('$which_ndxcol,', $s);
} else {
$this->default_dashed_style .= str_repeat('IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT,', $s);
// Remove trailing comma and add closing parenthesis
$this->default_dashed_style = substr($this->default_dashed_style, 0, -1);
$this->default_dashed_style .= ')';
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetDefaultFonts ( )

Sets fonts to their defaults

Definition at line 792 of file phplot.php.

References SetFont().

Referenced by PHPlot(), and SetUseTTF().

// TTF:
if ($this->use_ttf) {
return $this->SetFont('generic', '', 8)
&& $this->SetFont('title', '', 14)
&& $this->SetFont('legend', '', 8)
&& $this->SetFont('x_label', '', 6)
&& $this->SetFont('y_label', '', 6)
&& $this->SetFont('x_title', '', 10)
&& $this->SetFont('y_title', '', 10);
// Fixed GD Fonts:
return $this->SetFont('generic', 2)
&& $this->SetFont('title', 5)
&& $this->SetFont('legend', 2)
&& $this->SetFont('x_label', 1)
&& $this->SetFont('y_label', 1)
&& $this->SetFont('x_title', 3)
&& $this->SetFont('y_title', 3);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetDefaultStyles ( )

Sets/reverts all colors and styles to their defaults. If session is set, then only updates indices, as they are lost with every script execution, else, sets the default colors by name or value and then updates indices too.

FIXME Isn't this too slow?

Definition at line 347 of file phplot.php.

References SetBackgroundColor(), SetDataBorderColors(), SetDataColors(), SetDefaultDashedStyle(), SetErrorBarColors(), SetGridColor(), SetImageBorderColor(), SetLabelColor(), SetLightGridColor(), SetLineStyles(), SetLineWidths(), SetPlotBgColor(), SetPointSizes(), SetTextColor(), SetTickColor(), and SetTitleColor().

Referenced by PHPlot().

/* Some of the Set*() functions use default values when they get no parameters. */
if (! isset($this->session_set)) {
// If sessions are enabled, this variable will be preserved, so upon future executions, we
// will have it set, as well as color names (though not color indices, that's why we
// need to rebuild them)
$this->session_set = TRUE;
// These only need to be set once
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetDefaultTTFont (   $which_font)

Sets the default TrueType font and updates all fonts to that. The default font might be a full path, or relative to the TTFPath, so let SetFont check that it exists. Side effect: enable use of TrueType fonts.

Definition at line 783 of file phplot.php.

References SetUseTTF().

$this->default_ttfont = $which_font;
return $this->SetUseTTF(TRUE);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetDrawBrokenLines (   $bl)

Tells not to draw lines for missing Y data. Only works with 'lines' and 'squared' plots.


Definition at line 2068 of file phplot.php.

$this->draw_broken_lines = (bool)$bl;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetDrawDashedGrid (   $ddg)

Definition at line 1828 of file phplot.php.

$this->dashed_grid = (bool)$ddg;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetDrawHorizTicks (   $which_dht)

Deprecated, use SetXTickPos()

Definition at line 4801 of file phplot.php.

References SetXTickPos().

if ($which_dht != 1)
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetDrawPlotAreaBackground (   $dpab)

Definition at line 1798 of file phplot.php.

$this->draw_plot_area_background = (bool)$dpab;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetDrawVertTicks (   $which_dvt)

Deprecated, use SetYTickPos()

Definition at line 4791 of file phplot.php.

References SetYTickPos().

if ($which_dvt != 1)
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetDrawXDataLabelLines (   $dxdl)

Definition at line 1838 of file phplot.php.

$this->draw_x_data_label_lines = (bool)$dxdl;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetDrawXDataLabels (   $which_dxdl)

Draw Labels (not grid labels) on X Axis, following data points. Default position is down of plot. Care must be taken not to draw these and x_tick_labels as they'd probably overlap.

Use SetXDataLabelPos()

Definition at line 4987 of file phplot.php.

References SetXDataLabelPos().

if ($which_dxdl == '1' )

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetDrawXGrid (   $dxg)

Definition at line 1818 of file phplot.php.

$this->draw_x_grid = (bool)$dxg;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetDrawYDataLabelLines (   $dydl)

TODO: draw_y_data_label_lines not implemented.


Definition at line 1849 of file phplot.php.

$this->draw_y_data_label_lines = $dydl;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetDrawYGrid (   $dyg)

Definition at line 1808 of file phplot.php.

$this->draw_y_grid = (bool)$dyg;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetErrorBarColors (   $which_err = NULL)

Sets the colors for the data error bars.

Definition at line 634 of file phplot.php.

References SetIndexColor().

Referenced by PadArrays(), and SetDefaultStyles().

if (is_null($which_err) && is_array($this->error_bar_colors)) {
// use already set error_bar_colors
} else if (! is_array($which_err)) {
$this->error_bar_colors = ($which_err) ? array($which_err) : array('black');
} else {
$this->error_bar_colors = $which_err;
$i = 0;
foreach($this->error_bar_colors as $col) {
$ndx = $this->SetIndexColor($col);
if (!isset($ndx))
return FALSE;
$this->ndx_error_bar_colors[$i] = $ndx;
return TRUE;
} // function SetErrorBarColors()

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetErrorBarLineWidth (   $which_seblw)

Definition at line 1959 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetLineWidth().

$this->error_bar_line_width = $which_seblw;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetErrorBarShape (   $which_ebs)

Can be one of: 'tee', 'line'

Definition at line 1982 of file phplot.php.

References $error_bar_shape, and CheckOption().

$this->error_bar_shape = $this->CheckOption($which_ebs, 'tee, line', __FUNCTION__);
return (boolean)$this->error_bar_shape;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetErrorBarSize (   $which_ebs)

Definition at line 1972 of file phplot.php.

//in pixels
$this->error_bar_size = $which_ebs;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetFileFormat (   $format)

Sets output file format.

Definition at line 1348 of file phplot.php.

References CheckOption(), and PrintError().

$asked = $this->CheckOption($format, 'jpg, png, gif, wbmp', __FUNCTION__);
if (!$asked) return False;
switch ($asked) {
case 'jpg':
$format_test = IMG_JPG;
case 'png':
$format_test = IMG_PNG;
case 'gif':
$format_test = IMG_GIF;
case 'wbmp':
$format_test = IMG_WBMP;
if (!(imagetypes() & $format_test)) {
return $this->PrintError("SetFileFormat(): File format '$format' not supported");
$this->file_format = $asked;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetFont (   $which_elem,
  $which_size = 12 

Sets Fixed/Truetype font parameters.

$which_elemIs the element whose font is to be changed. It can be one of 'title', 'legend', 'generic', 'x_label', 'y_label', x_title' or 'y_title'
$which_fontCan be a number (for fixed font sizes) or a string with the font pathname or filename when using TTFonts. For TTFonts, an empty string means use the default font.
$which_sizePoint size (TTF only) Calculates and updates internal height and width variables.

Definition at line 825 of file phplot.php.

References $default_ttfont, and PrintError().

Referenced by SetAxisFontSize(), SetDefaultFonts(), SetSmallFontSize(), SetTitleFontSize(), SetXLabelFontSize(), and SetYLabelFontSize().

// TTF:
if ($this->use_ttf) {
// Empty font name means use the default font.
if (empty($which_font))
$which_font = $this->default_ttfont;
$path = $which_font;
// First try the font name directly, if not then try with path.
if (!is_file($path) || !is_readable($path)) {
$path = $this->ttf_path . '/' . $which_font;
if (!is_file($path) || !is_readable($path)) {
return $this->PrintError("SetFont(): Can't find TrueType font $which_font");
switch ($which_elem) {
case 'generic':
$this->generic_font['font'] = $path;
$this->generic_font['size'] = $which_size;
case 'title':
$this->title_font['font'] = $path;
$this->title_font['size'] = $which_size;
case 'legend':
$this->legend_font['font'] = $path;
$this->legend_font['size'] = $which_size;
case 'x_label':
$this->x_label_font['font'] = $path;
$this->x_label_font['size'] = $which_size;
case 'y_label':
$this->y_label_font['font'] = $path;
$this->y_label_font['size'] = $which_size;
case 'x_title':
$this->x_title_font['font'] = $path;
$this->x_title_font['size'] = $which_size;
case 'y_title':
$this->y_title_font['font'] = $path;
$this->y_title_font['size'] = $which_size;
return $this->PrintError("SetFont(): Unknown element '$which_elem' specified.");
return TRUE;
// Fixed fonts:
if ($which_font > 5 || $which_font < 0) {
return $this->PrintError('SetFont(): Non-TTF font size must be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5');
switch ($which_elem) {
case 'generic':
$this->generic_font['font'] = $which_font;
$this->generic_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font);
$this->generic_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font);
case 'title':
$this->title_font['font'] = $which_font;
$this->title_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font);
$this->title_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font);
case 'legend':
$this->legend_font['font'] = $which_font;
$this->legend_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font);
$this->legend_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font);
case 'x_label':
$this->x_label_font['font'] = $which_font;
$this->x_label_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font);
$this->x_label_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font);
case 'y_label':
$this->y_label_font['font'] = $which_font;
$this->y_label_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font);
$this->y_label_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font);
case 'x_title':
$this->x_title_font['font'] = $which_font;
$this->x_title_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font);
$this->x_title_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font);
case 'y_title':
$this->y_title_font['font'] = $which_font;
$this->y_title_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font);
$this->y_title_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font);
return $this->PrintError("SetFont(): Unknown element '$which_elem' specified.");
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetGridColor (   $which_color)

Definition at line 457 of file phplot.php.

References SetIndexColor().

Referenced by SetDefaultStyles().

$this->grid_color = $which_color;
$this->ndx_grid_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->grid_color);
return isset($this->ndx_grid_color);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetHorizTickIncrement (   $inc)
Use SetXTickIncrement()

Definition at line 4827 of file phplot.php.

References SetXTickIncrement().

return $this->SetXTickIncrement($inc);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetHorizTickPosition (   $which_tp)
Use SetXTickPos()

Definition at line 4852 of file phplot.php.

References SetXTickPos().

return $this->SetXTickPos($which_tp);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetImageBorderColor (   $which_color)

Definition at line 468 of file phplot.php.

References SetIndexColor(), and SetIndexDarkColor().

Referenced by SetDefaultStyles().

$this->i_border = $which_color;
$this->ndx_i_border = $this->SetIndexColor($this->i_border);
$this->ndx_i_border_dark = $this->SetIndexDarkColor($this->i_border);
return isset($this->ndx_i_border);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetImageBorderType (   $sibt)

Accepted values are: raised, plain

Definition at line 1788 of file phplot.php.

References $image_border_type, and CheckOption().

$this->image_border_type = $this->CheckOption($sibt, 'raised, plain', __FUNCTION__);
return (boolean)$this->image_border_type;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetIndexColor (   $which_color)

Returns an index to a color passed in as anything (string, hex, rgb)

which_color* Color (can be '#AABBCC', 'Colorname', or array(r,g,b)) Returns a GD color index (integer >= 0), or NULL on error.

Definition at line 317 of file phplot.php.

References SetRGBColor().

Referenced by SetBackgroundColor(), SetDataBorderColors(), SetDataColors(), SetErrorBarColors(), SetGridColor(), SetImageBorderColor(), SetLabelColor(), SetLightGridColor(), SetPlotBgColor(), SetTextColor(), SetTickColor(), SetTitleColor(), and SetTransparentColor().

list ($r, $g, $b) = $this->SetRGBColor($which_color); //Translate to RGB
if (!isset($r)) return NULL;
return ImageColorResolve($this->img, $r, $g, $b);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetIndexDarkColor (   $which_color)

Returns an index to a slightly darker color than the one requested. Returns a GD color index (integer >= 0), or NULL on error.

Definition at line 329 of file phplot.php.

References SetRGBColor().

Referenced by PHPlot_Data\DoMovingAverage(), SetDataColors(), and SetImageBorderColor().

list ($r, $g, $b) = $this->SetRGBColor($which_color);
if (!isset($r)) return NULL;
$r = max(0, $r - 0x30);
$g = max(0, $g - 0x30);
$b = max(0, $b - 0x30);
return ImageColorResolve($this->img, $r, $g, $b);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetInputFile (   $which_input_file)

Selects an input file to be used as background for the whole graph. This resets the graph size to the image's size. Note: This is used by the constructor. It is deprecated for direct use.

Definition at line 289 of file phplot.php.

References GetImage().

Referenced by PHPlot().

$im = $this->GetImage($which_input_file, $this->image_width, $this->image_height);
if (!$im)
return FALSE; // GetImage already produced an error message.
// Deallocate any resources previously allocated
if (isset($this->img))
$this->img = $im;
// Do not overwrite the input file with the background color.
$this->background_done = TRUE;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetIsInline (   $which_ii)

Sets the output image as 'inline', that is: no Content-Type headers are sent to the browser. Needed if you want to embed the images.

Definition at line 1414 of file phplot.php.

$this->is_inline = (bool)$which_ii;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetLabelColor (   $which_color)

Definition at line 424 of file phplot.php.

References SetIndexColor().

Referenced by SetDefaultStyles().

$this->label_color = $which_color;
$this->ndx_title_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->label_color);
return isset($this->ndx_title_color);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetLabelScalePosition (   $which_blp)

Definition at line 1965 of file phplot.php.

//0 to 1
$this->label_scale_position = $which_blp;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetLegend (   $which_leg)

Sets the graph's legend. If argument is not an array, appends it to the legend.

Definition at line 1717 of file phplot.php.

References PrintError().

if (is_array($which_leg)) { // use array
$this->legend = $which_leg;
} elseif (! is_null($which_leg)) { // append string
$this->legend[] = $which_leg;
} else {
return $this->PrintError("SetLegend(): argument must not be null.");
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetLegendPixels (   $which_x,

Specifies the position of the legend's upper/leftmost corner, in pixel (device) coordinates.

Definition at line 1733 of file phplot.php.

$this->legend_x_pos = $which_x;
$this->legend_y_pos = $which_y;
// Make sure this is unset, meaning we have pixel coords:
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetLegendStyle (   $text_align,
  $colorbox_align = '',
  $style = '' 

Definition at line 1766 of file phplot.php.

References CheckOption().

$this->legend_text_align = $this->CheckOption($text_align, 'left, right', __FUNCTION__);
if (empty($colorbox_align))
$this->legend_colorbox_align = $this->legend_text_align;
$this->legend_colorbox_align = $this->CheckOption($colorbox_align, 'left, right, none', __FUNCTION__);
return ((boolean)$this->legend_text_align && (boolean)$this->legend_colorbox_align);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetLegendWorld (   $which_x,

Specifies the position of the legend's upper/leftmost corner, in world (data space) coordinates. Since the scale factor to convert world to pixel coordinates is probably not available, set a flag and defer conversion to later.

Definition at line 1750 of file phplot.php.

$this->legend_x_pos = $which_x;
$this->legend_y_pos = $which_y;
$this->legend_xy_world = True;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetLightGridColor (   $which_color)

Definition at line 446 of file phplot.php.

References SetIndexColor().

Referenced by SetDefaultStyles().

$this->light_grid_color= $which_color;
$this->ndx_light_grid_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->light_grid_color);
return isset($this->ndx_light_grid_color);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetLineSpacing (   $which_spc)

Sets number of pixels between lines of the same text.

Definition at line 744 of file phplot.php.

$this->line_spacing = $which_spc;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetLineStyles (   $which_ls = NULL)

Definition at line 722 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetDefaultStyles().

if (is_null($which_ls)) {
// Do nothing, use default value.
} else if ( is_array($which_ls)) {
// Did we get an array with line styles?
$this->line_styles = $which_ls;
} else {
$this->line_styles = ($which_ls) ? array($which_ls) : array('solid');
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetLineWidth (   $which_lw)

Definition at line 5024 of file phplot.php.

References SetErrorBarLineWidth(), and SetLineWidths().

if (!$this->error_bar_line_width) {
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetLineWidths (   $which_lw = NULL)

Sets line widths on a per-line basis.

Definition at line 706 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetDefaultStyles(), and SetLineWidth().

if (is_null($which_lw)) {
// Do nothing, use default value.
} else if (is_array($which_lw)) {
// Did we get an array with line widths?
$this->line_widths = $which_lw;
} else {
$this->line_widths = array($which_lw);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetMarginsPixels (   $which_lm,

Set the margins in pixels (left, right, top, bottom) This determines the plot area, equivalent to SetPlotAreaPixels(). Deferred calculations now occur in CalcPlotAreaPixels().

Definition at line 2665 of file phplot.php.

$this->x_left_margin = $which_lm;
$this->x_right_margin = $which_rm;
$this->y_top_margin = $which_tm;
$this->y_bot_margin = $which_bm;
$this->plot_margins_set = TRUE;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetNewPlotAreaPixels (   $x1,

Definition at line 4998 of file phplot.php.

References CalcTranslation().

//Like in GD 0, 0 is upper left set via pixel Coordinates
$this->plot_area = array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$this->plot_area_width = $this->plot_area[2] - $this->plot_area[0];
$this->plot_area_height = $this->plot_area[3] - $this->plot_area[1];
$this->y_top_margin = $this->plot_area[1];
if (isset($this->plot_max_x))
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetNumberFormat (   $decimal_point,

Definition at line 1650 of file phplot.php.

$this->decimal_point = $decimal_point;
$this->thousands_sep = $thousands_sep;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetNumHorizTicks (   $n)
Use SetNumXTicks()

Definition at line 4811 of file phplot.php.

References $n, and SetNumXTicks().

return $this->SetNumXTicks($n);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetNumVertTicks (   $n)
Use SetNumYTicks()

Definition at line 4819 of file phplot.php.

References $n, and SetNumYTicks().

return $this->SetNumYTicks($n);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetNumXTicks (   $which_nt)

Definition at line 3138 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetNumHorizTicks().

$this->num_x_ticks = $which_nt;
if (!empty($which_nt)) {
$this->x_tick_inc = ''; //either use num_x_ticks or x_tick_inc, not both
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetNumYTicks (   $which_nt)

Definition at line 3147 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetNumVertTicks().

$this->num_y_ticks = $which_nt;
if (!empty($which_nt)) {
$this->y_tick_inc = ''; //either use num_y_ticks or y_tick_inc, not both
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetOutputFile (   $which_output_file)

Sets the name of the file to be used as output file.

Definition at line 1404 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by PHPlot().

$this->output_file = $which_output_file;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetPlotAreaBgImage (   $input_file,
  $mode = 'tile' 

Selects an input file to be used as plot area background and scales or tiles this image to fit the sizes.

input_filestring Path to the file to be used (jpeg, png and gif accepted)
modestring 'centeredtile', 'tile', 'scale' (the image to the graph's size)

Definition at line 1393 of file phplot.php.

References CheckOption().

$this->plotbgmode = $this->CheckOption($mode, 'tile, centeredtile, scale', __FUNCTION__);
$this->plotbgimg = $input_file;
return (boolean)$this->plotbgmode;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetPlotAreaPixels (   $x1,

Sets the limits for the plot area. This stores the margins, not the area. That may seem odd, but the idea is to make SetPlotAreaPixels and SetMarginsPixels two ways to accomplish the same thing, and the deferred calculations in CalcMargins and CalcPlotAreaPixels don't need to know which was used. (x1, y1) - Upper left corner of the plot area (x2, y2) - Lower right corner of the plot area

Definition at line 2687 of file phplot.php.

$this->x_left_margin = $x1;
$this->x_right_margin = $this->image_width - $x2;
$this->y_top_margin = $y1;
$this->y_bot_margin = $this->image_height - $y2;
$this->plot_margins_set = TRUE;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetPlotAreaWorld (   $xmin = NULL,
  $ymin = NULL,
  $xmax = NULL,
  $ymax = NULL 

Stores the desired World Coordinate range of the plot. The user calls this to force one or more of the range limits to specific values. Anything not set will be calculated in CalcPlotAreaWorld().

Definition at line 2772 of file phplot.php.

$this->plot_min_x = $xmin;
$this->plot_max_x = $xmax;
$this->plot_min_y = $ymin;
$this->plot_max_y = $ymax;
return TRUE;
} //function SetPlotAreaWorld
PHPlot::SetPlotBgColor (   $which_color)

Definition at line 393 of file phplot.php.

References SetIndexColor().

Referenced by SetDefaultStyles().

$this->plot_bg_color= $which_color;
$this->ndx_plot_bg_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->plot_bg_color);
return isset($this->ndx_plot_bg_color);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetPlotBorderType (   $pbt)

Accepted values are: left, sides, none, full

Definition at line 1779 of file phplot.php.

References $plot_border_type, and CheckOption().

$this->plot_border_type = $this->CheckOption($pbt, 'left, sides, none, full', __FUNCTION__);
return (boolean)$this->plot_border_type;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetPlotType (   $which_pt)

Definition at line 1904 of file phplot.php.

References $plot_type, and CheckOption().

$this->plot_type = $this->CheckOption($which_pt,
'bars, stackedbars, lines, linepoints, area, points, pie, thinbarline, squared',
return (boolean)$this->plot_type;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetPointShape (   $which_pt)

Definition at line 5038 of file phplot.php.

References SetPointShapes().

return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetPointShapes (   $which_pt)

Sets point shape for each data set via an array. Shape can be one of: 'halfline', 'line', 'plus', 'cross', 'rect', 'circle', 'dot', 'diamond', 'triangle', 'trianglemid', or 'none'.

Definition at line 1993 of file phplot.php.

References CheckOption(), and pad_array().

Referenced by SetPointShape().

if (is_null($which_pt)) {
// Do nothing, use default value.
} else if (is_array($which_pt)) {
// Did we get an array with point shapes?
$this->point_shapes = $which_pt;
} else {
// Single value into array
$this->point_shapes = array($which_pt);
foreach ($this->point_shapes as $shape)
if (!$this->CheckOption($shape,
'halfline, line, plus, cross, rect, circle, dot, diamond, triangle, trianglemid, none',
return FALSE;
// Make both point_shapes and point_sizes same size.
$ps = count($this->point_sizes);
$pt = count($this->point_shapes);
if ($ps < $pt) {
$this->pad_array($this->point_sizes, $pt);
} else if ($pt > $ps) {
$this->pad_array($this->point_shapes, $ps);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetPointSize (   $which_ps)

Definition at line 5047 of file phplot.php.

References SetPointSizes().

return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetPointSizes (   $which_ps)

Sets the point size for point plots.

psint Size in pixels.
Test this more extensively

Definition at line 2030 of file phplot.php.

References pad_array().

Referenced by SetDefaultStyles(), and SetPointSize().

if (is_null($which_ps)) {
// Do nothing, use default value.
} else if (is_array($which_ps)) {
// Did we get an array with point sizes?
$this->point_sizes = $which_ps;
} else {
// Single value into array
$this->point_sizes = array($which_ps);
// Make both point_shapes and point_sizes same size.
$ps = count($this->point_sizes);
$pt = count($this->point_shapes);
if ($ps < $pt) {
$this->pad_array($this->point_sizes, $pt);
} else if ($pt > $ps) {
$this->pad_array($this->point_shapes, $ps);
// Fix odd point sizes for point shapes which need it
for ($i = 0; $i < $pt; $i++) {
if ($this->point_shapes[$i] == 'diamond' or $this->point_shapes[$i] == 'triangle') {
if ($this->point_sizes[$i] % 2 != 0) {
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetPrecisionX (   $which_prec)

Definition at line 1945 of file phplot.php.

References SetXLabelType().

$this->x_precision = $which_prec;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetPrecisionY (   $which_prec)

Definition at line 1952 of file phplot.php.

References SetYLabelType().

$this->y_precision = $which_prec;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetPrintImage (   $which_pi)

Whether to show the final image or not

Definition at line 1708 of file phplot.php.

$this->print_image = $which_pi;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetRGBArray (   $which_color_array)

Sets the array of colors to be used. It can be user defined, a small predefined one or a large one included from ''.

which_color_arrayIf an array, the used as color array. If a string can be one of 'small' or 'large'.

Definition at line 497 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by PHPlot().

if ( is_array($which_color_array) ) { // User defined array
$this->rgb_array = $which_color_array;
return TRUE;
} elseif ($which_color_array == 'small') { // Small predefined color array
$this->rgb_array = array(
'white' => array(255, 255, 255),
'snow' => array(255, 250, 250),
'PeachPuff' => array(255, 218, 185),
'ivory' => array(255, 255, 240),
'lavender' => array(230, 230, 250),
'black' => array( 0, 0, 0),
'DimGrey' => array(105, 105, 105),
'gray' => array(190, 190, 190),
'grey' => array(190, 190, 190),
'navy' => array( 0, 0, 128),
'SlateBlue' => array(106, 90, 205),
'blue' => array( 0, 0, 255),
'SkyBlue' => array(135, 206, 235),
'cyan' => array( 0, 255, 255),
'DarkGreen' => array( 0, 100, 0),
'green' => array( 0, 255, 0),
'YellowGreen' => array(154, 205, 50),
'yellow' => array(255, 255, 0),
'orange' => array(255, 165, 0),
'gold' => array(255, 215, 0),
'peru' => array(205, 133, 63),
'beige' => array(245, 245, 220),
'wheat' => array(245, 222, 179),
'tan' => array(210, 180, 140),
'brown' => array(165, 42, 42),
'salmon' => array(250, 128, 114),
'red' => array(255, 0, 0),
'pink' => array(255, 192, 203),
'maroon' => array(176, 48, 96),
'magenta' => array(255, 0, 255),
'violet' => array(238, 130, 238),
'plum' => array(221, 160, 221),
'orchid' => array(218, 112, 214),
'purple' => array(160, 32, 240),
'azure1' => array(240, 255, 255),
'aquamarine1' => array(127, 255, 212)
return TRUE;
} elseif ($which_color_array === 'large') { // Large color array
$this->rgb_array = $RGBArray;
} else { // Default to black and white only.
$this->rgb_array = array('white' => array(255, 255, 255), 'black' => array(0, 0, 0));
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetRGBColor (   $color_asked)

Returns an array in R, G, B format 0-255

color_askedarray(R,G,B) or string (named color or '#AABBCC')

Definition at line 557 of file phplot.php.

References PrintError().

Referenced by SetColor(), SetIndexColor(), and SetIndexDarkColor().

if (empty($color_asked)) {
$ret_val = array(0, 0, 0);
} elseif (count($color_asked) == 3 ) { // already array of 3 rgb
$ret_val = $color_asked;
} elseif ($color_asked[0] == '#') { // Hex RGB notation #RRGGBB
$ret_val = array(hexdec(substr($color_asked, 1, 2)),
hexdec(substr($color_asked, 3, 2)),
hexdec(substr($color_asked, 5, 2)));
} elseif (isset($this->rgb_array[$color_asked])) { // Color by name
$ret_val = $this->rgb_array[$color_asked];
} else {
return $this->PrintError("SetRGBColor(): Color '$color_asked' is not valid.");
return $ret_val;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetShading (   $which_s)

Sets the size of the drop shadow for bar and pie charts.

which_sint Size in pixels.

Definition at line 1898 of file phplot.php.

$this->shading = (int)$which_s;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetSkipBottomTick (   $skip)

Definition at line 3185 of file phplot.php.

References $skip.

$this->skip_bottom_tick = (bool)$skip;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetSkipLeftTick (   $skip)

Definition at line 3194 of file phplot.php.

References $skip.

$this->skip_left_tick = (bool)$skip;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetSkipRightTick (   $skip)

Definition at line 3203 of file phplot.php.

References $skip.

$this->skip_right_tick = (bool)$skip;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetSkipTopTick (   $skip)

Definition at line 3176 of file phplot.php.

References $skip.

$this->skip_top_tick = (bool)$skip;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetSmallFontSize (   $which_size)
Use SetFont()

Definition at line 4877 of file phplot.php.

References SetFont().

return $this->SetFont('generic', $which_size);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetTextColor (   $which_color)

Definition at line 435 of file phplot.php.

References SetIndexColor().

Referenced by SetDefaultStyles().

$this->text_color= $which_color;
$this->ndx_text_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->text_color);
return isset($this->ndx_text_color);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetTickColor (   $which_color)

Definition at line 413 of file phplot.php.

References SetIndexColor().

Referenced by SetDefaultStyles().

$this->tick_color= $which_color;
$this->ndx_tick_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->tick_color);
return isset($this->ndx_tick_color);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetTickLength (   $which_tl)
Use SetXTickLength() and SetYTickLength() instead.

Definition at line 4917 of file phplot.php.

References SetXTickLength(), and SetYTickLength().

return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetTitle (   $which_title)

Sets the graph's title. TODO: add parameter to choose title placement: left, right, centered=

Definition at line 1859 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by PHPlot().

$this->title_txt = $which_title;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetTitleColor (   $which_color)

Definition at line 403 of file phplot.php.

References SetIndexColor().

Referenced by SetDefaultStyles().

$this->title_color= $which_color;
$this->ndx_title_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->title_color);
return isset($this->ndx_title_color);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetTitleFontSize (   $which_size)
Use SetFont()

Definition at line 4860 of file phplot.php.

References SetFont().

return $this->SetFont('title', $which_size);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetTransparentColor (   $which_color)

Definition at line 480 of file phplot.php.

References SetIndexColor().

$ndx = $this->SetIndexColor($which_color);
if (!isset($ndx))
return FALSE;
ImageColorTransparent($this->img, $ndx);
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetTTFPath (   $which_path)

Sets the directory name to look into for TrueType fonts.

Definition at line 765 of file phplot.php.

References PrintError().

// Maybe someone needs really dynamic config. He'll need this:
// clearstatcache();
if (is_dir($which_path) && is_readable($which_path)) {
$this->ttf_path = $which_path;
return TRUE;
return $this->PrintError("SetTTFPath(): $which_path is not a valid path.");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetUseTTF (   $which_ttf)

Enables use of TrueType fonts in the graph. Font initialisation methods depend on this setting, so when called, SetUseTTF() resets the font settings

Definition at line 756 of file phplot.php.

References SetDefaultFonts().

Referenced by PrintError(), and SetDefaultTTFont().

$this->use_ttf = $which_ttf;
return $this->SetDefaultFonts();

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetVertTickIncrement (   $inc)
Use SetYTickIncrement()

Definition at line 4836 of file phplot.php.

References SetYTickIncrement().

return $this->SetYTickIncrement($inc);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetVertTickPosition (   $which_tp)
Use SetYTickPos()

Definition at line 4844 of file phplot.php.

References SetYTickPos().

return $this->SetYTickPos($which_tp);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXAxisPosition (   $pos)

Sets the position of X axis.

posint Position in world coordinates.

Definition at line 1926 of file phplot.php.

$this->x_axis_position = (int)$pos;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetXDataLabelAngle (   $which_xdla)
Use SetXLabelAngle()

Definition at line 4976 of file phplot.php.

References SetXLabelAngle().

return $this->SetXLabelAngle($which_xdla);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXDataLabelPos (   $which_xdlp)

Sets position for X labels following data points.

Definition at line 1554 of file phplot.php.

References CheckOption().

Referenced by SetDrawXDataLabels().

$which_xdlp = $this->CheckOption($which_xdlp, 'plotdown, plotup, both, xaxis, all, none',
if (!$which_xdlp) return FALSE;
$this->x_data_label_pos = $which_xdlp;
if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none')
$this->x_tick_label_pos = 'none';
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXGridLabelPos (   $which_xglp)
Use SetXTickLabelPos()

Definition at line 4949 of file phplot.php.

References SetXTickLabelPos().

return $this->SetXTickLabelPos($which_xglp);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXGridLabelType (   $which_xglt)
Use SetXLabelType()

Definition at line 4935 of file phplot.php.

References SetXLabelType().

return $this->SetXLabelType($which_xglt);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXLabel (   $which_xlab)
Use SetXTitle()

Definition at line 4901 of file phplot.php.

References SetXTitle().

return $this->SetXTitle($which_xlab);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXLabelAngle (   $which_xla)

Definition at line 1658 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetXDataLabelAngle().

$this->x_label_angle = $which_xla;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXLabelFontSize (   $which_size)
Use SetFont()

Definition at line 4885 of file phplot.php.

References SetFont().

return $this->SetFont('x_title', $which_size);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXLabelType (   $which_xlt)

Sets type for tick and data labels on X axis.

'title' type left for backwards compatibility.

Definition at line 1623 of file phplot.php.

References $x_label_type, and CheckOption().

Referenced by SetPrecisionX(), and SetXGridLabelType().

$this->x_label_type = $this->CheckOption($which_xlt, 'data, time, title', __FUNCTION__);
return (boolean)$this->x_label_type;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXScaleType (   $which_xst)

Definition at line 1933 of file phplot.php.

References $xscale_type, and CheckOption().

$this->xscale_type = $this->CheckOption($which_xst, 'linear, log', __FUNCTION__);
return (boolean)$this->xscale_type;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXTickCrossing (   $which_xc)

Definition at line 3221 of file phplot.php.

$this->x_tick_cross = $which_xc;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetXTickIncrement (   $which_ti = '')

Use either this or SetNumXTicks() to set where to place x tick marks

Definition at line 3116 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetHorizTickIncrement().

$this->x_tick_inc = $which_ti;
if (!empty($which_ti)) {
$this->num_x_ticks = ''; //either use num_x_ticks or x_tick_inc, not both
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXTickLabelPos (   $which_xtlp)

Sets position for X labels following ticks (hence grid lines)

Definition at line 1597 of file phplot.php.

References CheckOption().

Referenced by SetXGridLabelPos().

$which_xtlp = $this->CheckOption($which_xtlp, 'plotdown, plotup, both, xaxis, all, none',
if (!$which_xtlp) return FALSE;
$this->x_tick_label_pos = $which_xtlp;
if ($which_xtlp != 'none')
$this->x_data_label_pos = 'none';
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXTickLength (   $which_xln)

Definition at line 3209 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetTickLength().

$this->x_tick_length = $which_xln;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXTickPos (   $which_tp)

Definition at line 3167 of file phplot.php.

References $x_tick_pos, and CheckOption().

Referenced by SetDrawHorizTicks(), and SetHorizTickPosition().

$this->x_tick_pos = $this->CheckOption($which_tp, 'plotdown, plotup, both, xaxis, none', __FUNCTION__);
return (boolean)$this->x_tick_pos;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXTimeFormat (   $which_xtf)

Definition at line 1638 of file phplot.php.

$this->x_time_format = $which_xtf;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetXTitle (   $which_xtitle,
  $which_xpos = 'plotdown' 

Sets the X axis title and position.

Definition at line 1868 of file phplot.php.

References CheckOption().

Referenced by PHPlot(), and SetXLabel().

if ($which_xtitle == '')
$which_xpos = 'none';
$this->x_title_pos = $this->CheckOption($which_xpos, 'plotdown, plotup, both, none', __FUNCTION__);
if (!$this->x_title_pos) return FALSE;
$this->x_title_txt = $which_xtitle;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetXTitlePos (   $xpos)
Use SetXtitle()

Definition at line 4958 of file phplot.php.

$this->x_title_pos = $xpos;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetYAxisPosition (   $pos)

Sets the position of Y axis.

posint Position in world coordinates.

Definition at line 1916 of file phplot.php.

$this->y_axis_position = (int)$pos;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetYDataLabelPos (   $which_ydlp,
  $which_distance_from_point = 0 

Sets position for Y labels near data points. For past compatability we accept plotleft, ...but pass it to SetTickLabelPos eventually to specify how far up/down or left/right of the data point

Definition at line 1571 of file phplot.php.

References CheckOption(), and SetYTickLabelPos().

$which_ydlp = $this->CheckOption($which_ydlp, 'plotleft, plotright, both, yaxis, all, plotin, none',
if (!$which_ydlp) return FALSE;
$this->y_data_label_pos = $which_ydlp;
//This bit in SetYDataLabelPos about plotleft is for those who were
//using this function to set SetYTickLabelPos.
if ( ($which_ydlp == 'plotleft') || ($which_ydlp == 'plotright') ||
($which_ydlp == 'both') || ($which_ydlp == 'yaxis') ) {
//Call sety_TICK_labelpos instead of sety_DATA_labelpos
} elseif ($which_ydlp != 'none') {
//right now its plotin or none
$this->y_data_label_pos = 'plotin';
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetYGridLabelPos (   $which_yglp)
Use SetYTickLabelPos()

Definition at line 4942 of file phplot.php.

References SetYTickLabelPos().

return $this->SetYTickLabelPos($which_yglp);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetYGridLabelType (   $which_yglt)
Use SetYLabelType()

Definition at line 4927 of file phplot.php.

References SetYLabelType().

return $this->SetYLabelType($which_yglt);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetYLabel (   $which_ylab)
Use SetYTitle()

Definition at line 4909 of file phplot.php.

References SetYTitle().

return $this->SetYTitle($which_ylab);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetYLabelAngle (   $which_yla)

Definition at line 1664 of file phplot.php.

$this->y_label_angle = $which_yla;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetYLabelFontSize (   $which_size)
Use SetFont()

Definition at line 4893 of file phplot.php.

References SetFont().

return $this->SetFont('y_title', $which_size);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetYLabelType (   $which_ylt)

Sets type for tick and data labels on Y axis.

Definition at line 1632 of file phplot.php.

References $y_label_type, and CheckOption().

Referenced by SetPrecisionY(), and SetYGridLabelType().

$this->y_label_type = $this->CheckOption($which_ylt, 'data, time', __FUNCTION__);
return (boolean)$this->y_label_type;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetYScaleType (   $which_yst)

Definition at line 1939 of file phplot.php.

References $yscale_type, and CheckOption().

$this->yscale_type = $this->CheckOption($which_yst, 'linear, log', __FUNCTION__);
return (boolean)$this->yscale_type;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetYTickCrossing (   $which_yc)

Definition at line 3227 of file phplot.php.

$this->y_tick_cross = $which_yc;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetYTickIncrement (   $which_ti = '')

Use either this or SetNumYTicks() to set where to place y tick marks

Definition at line 3128 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by PHPlot_Data\DoScaleData(), and SetVertTickIncrement().

$this->y_tick_inc = $which_ti;
if (!empty($which_ti)) {
$this->num_y_ticks = ''; //either use num_y_ticks or y_tick_inc, not both
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetYTickLabelPos (   $which_ytlp)

Sets position for Y labels following ticks (hence grid lines)

Definition at line 1612 of file phplot.php.

References $y_tick_label_pos, and CheckOption().

Referenced by SetYDataLabelPos(), and SetYGridLabelPos().

$this->y_tick_label_pos = $this->CheckOption($which_ytlp, 'plotleft, plotright, both, yaxis, all, none',
return (boolean)$this->y_tick_label_pos;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetYTickLength (   $which_yln)

Definition at line 3215 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetTickLength().

$this->y_tick_length = $which_yln;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetYTickPos (   $which_tp)

Definition at line 3159 of file phplot.php.

References $y_tick_pos, and CheckOption().

Referenced by SetDrawVertTicks(), and SetVertTickPosition().

$this->y_tick_pos = $this->CheckOption($which_tp, 'plotleft, plotright, both, yaxis, none', __FUNCTION__);
return (boolean)$this->y_tick_pos;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetYTimeFormat (   $which_ytf)

Definition at line 1644 of file phplot.php.

$this->y_time_format = $which_ytf;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SetYTitle (   $which_ytitle,
  $which_ypos = 'plotleft' 

Sets the Y axis title and position.

Definition at line 1883 of file phplot.php.

References CheckOption().

Referenced by PHPlot(), and SetYLabel().

if ($which_ytitle == '')
$which_ypos = 'none';
$this->y_title_pos = $this->CheckOption($which_ypos, 'plotleft, plotright, both, none', __FUNCTION__);
if (!$this->y_title_pos) return FALSE;
$this->y_title_txt = $which_ytitle;
return TRUE;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::SetYTitlePos (   $xpos)
Use SetYTitle()

Definition at line 4967 of file phplot.php.

$this->y_title_pos = $xpos;
return TRUE;
PHPlot::SizeText (   $which_font,

Definition at line 1333 of file phplot.php.

References ProcessText().

Referenced by CalcMargins(), CalcMaxDataLabelSize(), CalcMaxTickLabelSize(), and DrawLegend().

// Color, position, and alignment are not used when calculating the size.
return $this->ProcessText(False,
$which_font, $which_angle, 0, 0, 1, $which_text, '', '');

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::tile_img (   $file,

Tiles an image at some given coordinates.

$filestring Filename of the picture to be used as tile.
$xorigint X coordinate of the plot where the tile is to begin.
$yorigint Y coordinate of the plot where the tile is to begin.
$widthint Width of the area to be tiled.
$heightint Height of the area to be tiled.
$modestring One of 'centeredtile', 'tile', 'scale'.

Definition at line 3287 of file phplot.php.

References $file, GetImage(), and PrintError().

Referenced by DrawBackground(), and DrawPlotAreaBackground().

$im = $this->GetImage($file, $tile_width, $tile_height);
if (!$im)
return FALSE; // GetImage already produced an error message.
if ($mode == 'scale') {
imagecopyresized($this->img, $im, $xorig, $yorig, 0, 0, $width, $height, $tile_width, $tile_height);
return TRUE;
} else if ($mode == 'centeredtile') {
$x0 = - floor($tile_width/2); // Make the tile look better
$y0 = - floor($tile_height/2);
} else if ($mode = 'tile') {
$x0 = 0;
$y0 = 0;
// Actually draw the tile
// But first on a temporal image.
$tmp = ImageCreate($width, $height);
if (! $tmp)
return $this->PrintError('tile_img(): Could not create image resource.');
for ($x = $x0; $x < $width; $x += $tile_width)
for ($y = $y0; $y < $height; $y += $tile_height)
imagecopy($tmp, $im, $x, $y, 0, 0, $tile_width, $tile_height);
// Copy the temporal image onto the final one.
imagecopy($this->img, $tmp, $xorig, $yorig, 0,0, $width, $height);
// Free resources
return TRUE;
} // function tile_img

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::xtr (   $x_world)

Translate X world coordinate into pixel coordinate See CalcTranslation() for calculation of xscale.

Definition at line 2919 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcTranslation(), DrawArea(), DrawBars(), DrawDataLabel(), DrawDot(), DrawDots(), DrawDotsError(), DrawLegend(), DrawLines(), DrawLinesError(), DrawSquared(), DrawStackedBars(), DrawThinBarLines(), DrawXTicks(), and DrawYErrorBar().

if ($this->xscale_type == 'log') {
$x_pixels = $this->plot_origin_x + log10($x_world) * $this->xscale ;
} else {
$x_pixels = $this->plot_origin_x + $x_world * $this->xscale ;
return round($x_pixels);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

PHPlot::ytr (   $y_world)

Translate Y world coordinate into pixel coordinate. See CalcTranslation() for calculation of yscale.

Definition at line 2934 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcTranslation(), DrawArea(), DrawBars(), DrawDataLabel(), DrawDot(), DrawLegend(), DrawLines(), DrawLinesError(), DrawPlotBorder(), DrawSquared(), DrawStackedBars(), DrawThinBarLines(), DrawXDataLine(), DrawYErrorBar(), and DrawYTicks().

if ($this->yscale_type == 'log') {
//minus because GD defines y = 0 at top. doh!
$y_pixels = $this->plot_origin_y - log10($y_world) * $this->yscale ;
} else {
$y_pixels = $this->plot_origin_y - $y_world * $this->yscale ;
return round($y_pixels);

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

PHPlot::$bar_extra_space = 0.5

Definition at line 65 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcBarWidths().

PHPlot::$bar_width_adjust = 1

Definition at line 66 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcBarWidths().

PHPlot::$bg_color = 'white'

Definition at line 155 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$browser_cache = FALSE

Definition at line 34 of file phplot.php.

Initial value:
'draw_setup' => NULL,
'draw_image_background' => NULL,
'draw_plotarea_background' => NULL,
'draw_titles' => NULL,
'draw_axes' => NULL,
'draw_graph' => NULL,
'draw_border' => NULL,
'draw_legend' => NULL,
'debug_textbox' => NULL,
'debug_scale' => NULL,

Definition at line 186 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$color_array = 'small'

Definition at line 151 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$dashed_grid = TRUE

Definition at line 147 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$dashed_style = '2-4'

Definition at line 168 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$data_border_colors = array('black')

Definition at line 164 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$data_colors = array('SkyBlue', 'green', 'orange', 'blue', 'orange', 'red', 'violet', 'azure1')

Definition at line 162 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$data_type = 'text-data'

Definition at line 60 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetDataType().

PHPlot::$data_units_text = ''

Definition at line 71 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$default_ttfont = 'benjamingothic.ttf'

Definition at line 48 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetFont().

PHPlot::$draw_broken_lines = FALSE

Definition at line 183 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$draw_plot_area_background = FALSE

Definition at line 182 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$draw_x_data_label_lines = FALSE

Definition at line 99 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$draw_x_grid = FALSE

Definition at line 144 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$draw_y_data_label_lines = FALSE

Definition at line 100 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$draw_y_grid = TRUE

Definition at line 145 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$error_bar_colors = array('SkyBlue', 'green', 'orange', 'blue', 'orange', 'red', 'violet', 'azure1')

Definition at line 163 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$error_bar_line_width = 1

Definition at line 175 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$error_bar_shape = 'tee'

Definition at line 174 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetErrorBarShape().

PHPlot::$error_bar_size = 5

Definition at line 173 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$file_format = 'png'

Definition at line 56 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$grid_at_foreground = FALSE

Definition at line 148 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$grid_color = 'black'

Definition at line 158 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$group_frac_width = 0.7

Definition at line 64 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$i_border = array(194, 194, 194)

Definition at line 153 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$image_border_type = 'none'

Definition at line 178 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetImageBorderType().

PHPlot::$is_inline = FALSE

Definition at line 33 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$label_color = 'black'

Definition at line 156 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$label_scale_position = 0.5

Definition at line 63 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$legend = ''

Definition at line 114 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by DrawPieChart().

PHPlot::$light_grid_color = 'gray'

Definition at line 159 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$line_spacing = 4

Definition at line 49 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by DrawLegend(), and ProcessTextGD().

PHPlot::$line_styles = array('solid', 'solid', 'dashed')

Definition at line 167 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$line_widths = 1

Definition at line 166 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by ProcessTextTTF().

PHPlot::$num_x_ticks = ''

Definition at line 132 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcTicks().

PHPlot::$num_y_ticks = ''

Definition at line 133 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcTicks().

PHPlot::$output_file = ''

Definition at line 57 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$plot_bg_color = 'white'

Definition at line 154 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$plot_border_type = 'sides'

Definition at line 177 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetPlotBorderType().

PHPlot::$plot_type = 'linepoints'

Definition at line 61 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetPlotType().

PHPlot::$point_shapes = array('diamond')

Definition at line 171 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$point_sizes = array(5,5,3)

Definition at line 170 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$safe_margin = 5

Definition at line 37 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcMargins(), DrawLegend(), and DrawTitle().

PHPlot::$shading = 5

Definition at line 180 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by DrawBars().

PHPlot::$skip_bottom_tick = FALSE

Definition at line 139 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcTicks().

PHPlot::$skip_left_tick = FALSE

Definition at line 140 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcTicks().

PHPlot::$skip_right_tick = FALSE

Definition at line 141 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcTicks().

PHPlot::$skip_top_tick = FALSE

Definition at line 138 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcTicks().

PHPlot::$text_color = 'black'

Definition at line 157 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$tick_color = 'black'

Definition at line 160 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$title_color = 'black'

Definition at line 161 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$title_txt = ''

Definition at line 74 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$ttf_path = '.'

Definition at line 47 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$use_ttf = FALSE

Definition at line 46 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$x_axis_position = ''

Definition at line 39 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$x_data_label_pos = 'plotdown'

Definition at line 96 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcMargins().

PHPlot::$x_label_angle = 0

Definition at line 52 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcMaxDataLabelSize(), CalcMaxTickLabelSize(), and DrawDataLabel().

PHPlot::$x_label_type = ''

Definition at line 103 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetXLabelType().

PHPlot::$x_precision = 1

Definition at line 69 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$x_tick_cross = 3

Definition at line 126 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$x_tick_inc = ''

Definition at line 135 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcTicks().

PHPlot::$x_tick_label_pos = 'plotdown'

Definition at line 92 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcMargins().

PHPlot::$x_tick_length = 5

Definition at line 123 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcMargins().

PHPlot::$x_tick_pos = 'plotdown'

Definition at line 129 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcMargins(), and SetXTickPos().

PHPlot::$x_time_format = '%H:%M:%S'

Definition at line 105 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$x_title_pos = 'plotdown'

Definition at line 77 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcMargins().

PHPlot::$x_title_txt = ''

Definition at line 76 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$xscale_type = 'linear'

Definition at line 42 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetXScaleType().

PHPlot::$y_axis_position = ''

Definition at line 40 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$y_data_label_pos = 'plotleft'

Definition at line 97 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$y_label_angle = 0

Definition at line 53 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcMaxTickLabelSize().

PHPlot::$y_label_type = ''

Definition at line 104 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetYLabelType().

PHPlot::$y_precision = 1

Definition at line 68 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$y_tick_cross = 3

Definition at line 127 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$y_tick_inc = ''

Definition at line 136 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcTicks().

PHPlot::$y_tick_label_pos = 'plotleft'

Definition at line 93 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcMargins(), and SetYTickLabelPos().

PHPlot::$y_tick_length = 5

Definition at line 124 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcMargins().

PHPlot::$y_tick_pos = 'plotleft'

Definition at line 130 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcMargins(), and SetYTickPos().

PHPlot::$y_time_format = '%H:%M:%S'

Definition at line 106 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$y_title_pos = 'plotleft'

Definition at line 80 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by CalcMargins().

PHPlot::$y_title_txt = ''

Definition at line 79 of file phplot.php.

PHPlot::$yscale_type = 'linear'

Definition at line 43 of file phplot.php.

Referenced by SetYScaleType().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: