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ilRbacAdmin Class Reference

Class ilRbacAdmin Core functions for role based access control. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for ilRbacAdmin:

Public Member Functions

 ilRbacAdmin ()
 Constructor public.
 removeUser ($a_usr_id)
 deletes a user from rbac_ua all user <-> role relations are deleted public
 deleteRole ($a_rol_id, $a_ref_id)
 Deletes a role and deletes entries in object_data, rbac_pa, rbac_templates, rbac_ua, rbac_fa public.
 deleteTemplate ($a_obj_id)
 Deletes a template from role folder and deletes all entries in rbac_templates, rbac_fa public.
 deleteLocalRole ($a_rol_id, $a_ref_id=0)
 Deletes a local role and entries in rbac_fa and rbac_templates public.
 assignUser ($a_rol_id, $a_usr_id, $a_default=false)
 Assigns an user to a role.
 deassignUser ($a_rol_id, $a_usr_id)
 Deassigns a user from a role.
 grantPermission ($a_rol_id, $a_ops, $a_ref_id)
 Grants a permission to an object and a specific role.
 revokePermission ($a_ref_id, $a_rol_id=0, $a_keep_protected=true)
 Revokes permissions of an object of one role.
 revokePermissionList ($a_ref_ids, $a_rol_id)
 Revokes permissions of a LIST of objects of ONE role.
 copyRolePermissions ($a_source_id, $a_source_parent, $a_dest_parent, $a_dest_id, $a_consider_protected=true)
 Copies template permissions and permission of one role to another.
 copyRoleTemplatePermissions ($a_source_id, $a_source_parent, $a_dest_parent, $a_dest_id, $a_consider_protected=true)
 Copies template permissions of one role to another.
 copyRolePermissionIntersection ($a_source1_id, $a_source1_parent, $a_source2_id, $a_source2_parent, $a_dest_parent, $a_dest_id)
 Copies the intersection of the template permissions of two roles to a third role.
 deleteRolePermission ($a_rol_id, $a_ref_id, $a_type=false)
 Deletes all entries of a template.
 setRolePermission ($a_rol_id, $a_type, $a_ops, $a_ref_id)
 Inserts template permissions in rbac_templates for an specific object type.
 assignRoleToFolder ($a_rol_id, $a_parent, $a_assign="y")
 Assigns a role to an role folder A role folder is an object to store roles.
 assignOperationToObject ($a_type_id, $a_ops_id)
 Assign an existing operation to an object Update of rbac_ta.
 deassignOperationFromObject ($a_type_id, $a_ops_id)
 Deassign an existing operation from an object Update of rbac_ta public.
 setProtected ($a_ref_id, $a_role_id, $a_value)
 isProtected ($a_role_id)
 Check if role is protected.
 copyLocalRoles ($a_source_id, $a_target_id)
 Copy local roles This method creates a copy of all local role.
 adjustMovedObjectPermissions ($a_ref_id, $a_old_parent)
 Adjust permissions of moved objects.

Detailed Description

Class ilRbacAdmin Core functions for role based access control.

Creation and maintenance of Relations. The main relations of Rbac are user <-> role (UR) assignment relation and the permission <-> role (PR) assignment relation. This class contains methods to 'create' and 'delete' instances of the (UR) relation e.g.: assignUser(), deassignUser() Required methods for the PR relation are grantPermission(), revokePermission()

Stefan Meyer
class.ilRbacAdmin.php 22509 2009-12-09 12:11:54Z smeyer

Definition at line 38 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

Member Function Documentation

ilRbacAdmin::adjustMovedObjectPermissions (   $a_ref_id,

Adjust permissions of moved objects.

  • Delete permissions of parent roles that do not exist in new context
  • Delete role templates of parent roles that do not exist in new context
  • Add permissions for parent roles that did not exist in old context


intref id of moved object
intref_id of old parent

Definition at line 930 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $ilLog, deleteLocalRole(), grantPermission(), and revokePermission().

global $rbacreview,$tree,$ilLog;
$new_parent = $tree->getParentId($a_ref_id);
$old_context_roles = $rbacreview->getParentRoleIds($a_old_parent,false);
$new_context_roles = $rbacreview->getParentRoleIds($new_parent,false);
$for_addition = $for_deletion = array();
foreach($new_context_roles as $new_role_id => $new_role)
$for_addition[$new_role_id] = $new_role;
elseif($new_role['parent'] != $old_context_roles[$new_role_id]['parent'])
// handle stopped inheritance
$for_deletion[$new_role_id] = $new_role;
$for_addition[$new_role_id] = $new_role;
foreach($old_context_roles as $old_role_id => $old_role)
$for_deletion[$old_role_id] = $old_role;
if(!count($for_deletion) and !count($for_addition))
return true;
foreach($nodes = $tree->getSubTree($node_data = $tree->getNodeData($a_ref_id),true) as $node_data)
$node_id = $node_data['child'];
// If $node_data['type'] is not set, this means there is a tree entry without
// object_reference and/or object_data entry
// Continue in this case
$ilLog->write(__METHOD__.': No type give. Choosing next tree entry.');
$ilLog->write(__METHOD__.': Missing subtree node_id');
foreach($for_deletion as $role_id => $role_data)
if($rolf_id = $rbacreview->getRoleFolderIdOfObject($node_id))
foreach($for_addition as $role_id => $role_data)
$ops = $rbacreview->getOperationsOfRole($role_id,$node_data['type'],$role_data['parent']),

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::assignOperationToObject (   $a_type_id,

Assign an existing operation to an object Update of rbac_ta.


integerobject type

Definition at line 772 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_type_id) or !isset($a_ops_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::assignOperationToObject(): Missing parameter!".
"type_id: ".$a_type_id.
"ops_id: ".$a_ops_id;
$q = "INSERT INTO rbac_ta ".
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::assignRoleToFolder (   $a_rol_id,
  $a_assign = "y" 

Assigns a role to an role folder A role folder is an object to store roles.

Every role is assigned to minimum one role folder If the inheritance of a role is stopped, a new role template will created, and the role is assigned to minimum two role folders. All roles with stopped inheritance need the flag '$a_assign = false'


integerobject id of role
integerref_id of role folder
stringassignable('y','n'); default: 'y'

Definition at line 732 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

Referenced by copyLocalRoles().

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_parent))
$message = get_class($this)."::assignRoleToFolder(): Missing Parameter!".
" role_id: ".$a_rol_id.
" parent_id: ".$a_parent.
" assign: ".$a_assign;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
// if a wrong value is passed, always set assign to "n"
if ($a_assign != "y")
$a_assign = "n";
$q = "INSERT INTO rbac_fa (rol_id,parent,assign) ".
"VALUES (".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id).",".$ilDB->quote($a_parent).",".$ilDB->quote($a_assign).")";
return true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::assignUser (   $a_rol_id,
  $a_default = false 

Assigns an user to a role.

Update of table rbac_ua TODO: remove deprecated 3rd parameter sometime public

integerobject_id of role
integerobject_id of user
booleantrue means default role (optional

Definition at line 211 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $res, ilLDAPRoleGroupMapping\_getInstance(), and ilObjectFactory\getInstanceByObjId().

global $ilDB,$rbacreview;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_usr_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::assignUser(): Missing parameter! role_id: ".$a_rol_id." usr_id: ".$a_usr_id;
// check if already assigned user id and role_id
$alreadyAssigned = $rbacreview->isAssigned($a_usr_id,$a_rol_id);
// enhanced: only if we haven't had this role for this user
if (!$alreadyAssigned)
$q = "REPLACE INTO rbac_ua ".
"VALUES (".$ilDB->quote($a_usr_id).",".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id).")";
// Finally assign desktop items assigned to this role
$res = $this->ilDB->query($q);
include_once './classes/class.ilRoleDesktopItem.php';
$role_desk_item_obj =& new ilRoleDesktopItem($a_rol_id);
if(is_object($tmp_user = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByObjId($a_usr_id,false)))
foreach($role_desk_item_obj->getAll() as $item_data)
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::copyLocalRoles (   $a_source_id,

Copy local roles This method creates a copy of all local role.

Note: auto generated roles are excluded


intsource id of object (not role folder)
inttarget id of object

Definition at line 861 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $ilLog, $title, assignRoleToFolder(), copyRolePermissions(), and ilObjectFactory\getInstanceByRefId().

global $rbacreview,$ilLog,$ilObjDataCache;
$source_rolf = $rbacreview->getRoleFolderIdOfObject($a_source_id);
$target_rolf = $rbacreview->getRoleFolderIdOfObject($a_target_id);
// Nothing to do
return true;
$real_local = array();
foreach($rbacreview->getRolesOfRoleFolder($source_rolf,false) as $role_data)
$title = $ilObjDataCache->lookupTitle($role_data);
if(substr($title,0,3) == 'il_')
$real_local[] = $role_data;
return true;
// Create role folder
$tmp_obj = ilObjectFactory::getInstanceByRefId($a_target_id,false);
return false;
$rolf = $tmp_obj->createRoleFolder();
$target_rolf = $rolf->getRefId();
$ilLog->write(__METHOD__.': Created new role folder with id '.$rolf->getRefId());
foreach($real_local as $role)
include_once ("./Services/AccessControl/classes/class.ilObjRole.php");
$orig = new ilObjRole($role);
$ilLog->write(__METHOD__.': Start copying of role '.$orig->getTitle());
$roleObj = new ilObjRole();
$ilLog->write(__METHOD__.': Added new local role, id '.$roleObj->getId());

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::copyRolePermissionIntersection (   $a_source1_id,

Copies the intersection of the template permissions of two roles to a third role.


integer$a_source1_idrole_id source
integer$a_source1_parentparent_id source
integer$a_source2_idrole_id source
integer$a_source2_parentparent_id source
integer$a_dest_idrole_id destination
integer$a_dest_parentparent_id destination

Definition at line 577 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.


global $rbacreview,$ilDB;
if (!isset($a_source1_id) or !isset($a_source1_parent)
or !isset($a_source2_id) or !isset($a_source2_parent)
or !isset($a_dest_id) or !isset($a_dest_parent))
$message = get_class($this)."::copyRolePermissionIntersection(): Missing parameter! source1_id: ".$a_source1_id.
" source1_parent: ".$a_source1_parent.
" source2_id: ".$a_source2_id.
" source2_parent: ".$a_source2_parent.
" dest_id: ".$a_dest_id.
" dest_parent_id: ".$a_dest_parent;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_dest_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
if ($rbacreview->isProtected($a_source2_parent,$a_source2_id))
return true;
$q = "SELECT s1.type, s1.ops_id ".
"FROM rbac_templates AS s1, rbac_templates AS s2 ".
"WHERE s1.rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_source1_id)." ".
"AND s1.parent = ".$ilDB->quote($a_source1_parent)." ".
"AND s2.rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_source2_id)." ".
"AND s2.parent = ".$ilDB->quote($a_source2_parent)." ".
"AND s1.type = s2.type ".
"AND s1.ops_id = s2.ops_id";
$r = $this->ilDB->query($q);
while ($row = $r->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT))
$q = "INSERT INTO rbac_templates ".
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::copyRolePermissions (   $a_source_id,
  $a_consider_protected = true 

Copies template permissions and permission of one role to another.


integer$a_source_idrole_id source
integer$a_source_parentparent_id source
integer$a_dest_parentparent_id destination
integer$a_dest_idrole_id destination

Definition at line 490 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References copyRoleTemplatePermissions(), grantPermission(), and revokePermission().

Referenced by copyLocalRoles().

global $tree,$rbacreview;
// Copy template permissions
$source_obj = $tree->getParentId($a_source_parent);
$target_obj = $tree->getParentId($a_dest_parent);
$ops = $rbacreview->getRoleOperationsOnObject($a_source_id,$source_obj);
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::copyRoleTemplatePermissions (   $a_source_id,
  $a_consider_protected = true 

Copies template permissions of one role to another.

It's also possible to copy template permissions from/to RoleTemplateObject public

integer$a_source_idrole_id source
integer$a_source_parentparent_id source
integer$a_dest_parentparent_id destination
integer$a_dest_idrole_id destination

Definition at line 516 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT, and setProtected().

Referenced by copyRolePermissions().

global $rbacreview,$ilDB;
if (!isset($a_source_id) or !isset($a_source_parent) or !isset($a_dest_id) or !isset($a_dest_parent))
$message = __METHOD__.": Missing parameter! source_id: ".$a_source_id.
" source_parent_id: ".$a_source_parent.
" dest_id : ".$a_dest_id.
" dest_parent_id: ".$a_dest_parent;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_dest_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
$query = "DELETE FROM rbac_templates WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_dest_id)." ".
"AND parent = ".$ilDB->quote($a_dest_parent);
$q = "SELECT * FROM rbac_templates ".
"WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_source_id)." ".
"AND parent = ".$ilDB->quote($a_source_parent)." ";
$r = $this->ilDB->query($q);
while ($row = $r->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT))
$q = "INSERT INTO rbac_templates ".
// copy also protection status if applicable
if ($a_consider_protected == true)
if ($rbacreview->isProtected($a_source_parent,$a_source_id))
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::deassignOperationFromObject (   $a_type_id,

Deassign an existing operation from an object Update of rbac_ta public.

integerobject type

Definition at line 799 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_type_id) or !isset($a_ops_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::deassignPermissionFromObject(): Missing parameter!".
"type_id: ".$a_type_id.
"ops_id: ".$a_ops_id;
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_ta ".
"WHERE typ_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_type_id)." ".
"AND ops_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ops_id)." ";
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::deassignUser (   $a_rol_id,

Deassigns a user from a role.

Update of table rbac_ua public

integerobject id of role
integerobject id of user
boolean true on success

Definition at line 264 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References ilLDAPRoleGroupMapping\_getInstance().

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_usr_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::deassignUser(): Missing parameter! role_id: ".$a_rol_id." usr_id: ".$a_usr_id;
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_ua ".
"WHERE usr_id= ".$ilDB->quote($a_usr_id)." ".
"AND rol_id=".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id)." ";
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::deleteLocalRole (   $a_rol_id,
  $a_ref_id = 0 

Deletes a local role and entries in rbac_fa and rbac_templates public.

integerobject_id of role
integerref_id of role folder (optional)
boolean true on success

Definition at line 166 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

Referenced by adjustMovedObjectPermissions(), and deleteRole().

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_rol_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::deleteLocalRole(): Missing parameter! role_id: '".$a_rol_id."'";
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
if ($a_ref_id != 0)
$clause = "AND parent = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id)." ";
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_fa ".
"WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id)." ".
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_templates ".
"WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id)." ".
return true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::deleteRole (   $a_rol_id,

Deletes a role and deletes entries in object_data, rbac_pa, rbac_templates, rbac_ua, rbac_fa public.

integerobj_id of role (role_id)
integerref_id of role folder (ref_id)
boolean true on success

Definition at line 92 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $lng, ilLDAPRoleGroupMapping\_getInstance(), and deleteLocalRole().

global $lng,$ilDB;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_ref_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::deleteRole(): Missing parameter! role_id: ".$a_rol_id." ref_id of role folder: ".$a_ref_id;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
// TODO: check assigned users before deletion
// This is done in ilObjRole. Should be better moved to this place?
// delete user assignements
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_ua ".
"WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id) ." ";
// delete permission assignments
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_pa ".
"WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id)." ";
//delete rbac_templates and rbac_fa
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::deleteRolePermission (   $a_rol_id,
  $a_type = false 

Deletes all entries of a template.

If an object type is given for third parameter only the entries for that object type are deleted Update of table rbac_templates. public

integerobject id of role
integerref_id of role folder
stringobject type (optional)

Definition at line 636 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_ref_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::deleteRolePermission(): Missing parameter! role_id: ".$a_rol_id." ref_id: ".$a_ref_id;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
if ($a_type !== false)
$and_type = " AND type=".$ilDB->quote($a_type)." ";
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_templates ".
"WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id)." ".
"AND parent = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id)." ".
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::deleteTemplate (   $a_obj_id)

Deletes a template from role folder and deletes all entries in rbac_templates, rbac_fa public.

integerobject_id of role template

Definition at line 138 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_obj_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::deleteTemplate(): No obj_id given!";
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_templates ".
"WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) ." ";
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_fa ".
"WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_obj_id) ." ";
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::grantPermission (   $a_rol_id,

Grants a permission to an object and a specific role.

Update of table rbac_pa public

integerobject id of role
arrayarray of operation ids
integerreference id of that object which is granted the permissions

Definition at line 294 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

Referenced by adjustMovedObjectPermissions(), and copyRolePermissions().

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_ops) or !isset($a_ref_id))
$this->ilErr->raiseError(get_class($this)."::grantPermission(): Missing parameter! ".
"role_id: ".$a_rol_id." ref_id: ".$a_ref_id." operations: ",$this->ilErr->WARNING);
if (!is_array($a_ops))
$this->ilErr->raiseError(get_class($this)."::grantPermission(): Wrong datatype for operations!",
if (count($a_ops) == 0)
return false;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
// convert all values to integer
foreach ($a_ops as $key => $operation)
$a_ops[$key] = (int) $operation;
// Serialization des ops_id Arrays
$ops_ids = addslashes(serialize($a_ops));
$q = "REPLACE INTO rbac_pa (rol_id,ops_id,ref_id) ".
return true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::ilRbacAdmin ( )

Constructor public.

Definition at line 44 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $ilErr, and if.

global $ilDB,$ilErr,$ilias;
// set db & error handler
(isset($ilDB)) ? $this->ilDB =& $ilDB : $this->ilDB =& $ilias->db;
if (!isset($ilErr))
$ilErr = new ilErrorHandling();
$this->ilErr =& $ilErr;
ilRbacAdmin::isProtected (   $a_role_id)

Check if role is protected.


Definition at line 838 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $res, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.

Referenced by revokePermission().

global $ilDB;
$query = "SELECT * FROM rbac_fa WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_role_id);
$res = $ilDB->query($query);
while($row = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT))
return $row->protected == 'y' ? true : false;
return false;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::removeUser (   $a_usr_id)

deletes a user from rbac_ua all user <-> role relations are deleted public

boolean true on success

Definition at line 69 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_usr_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::removeUser(): No usr_id given!";
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_ua WHERE usr_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_usr_id)." ";
return true;
ilRbacAdmin::revokePermission (   $a_ref_id,
  $a_rol_id = 0,
  $a_keep_protected = true 

Revokes permissions of an object of one role.

Update of table rbac_pa. Revokes all permission for all roles for that object (with this reference). When a role_id is given this applies only to that role public

integerreference id of object where permissions should be revoked
integerrole_id (optional: if you want to revoke permissions of object only for a specific role)

Definition at line 347 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References $log, isProtected(), and ilUtil\quoteArray().

Referenced by adjustMovedObjectPermissions(), and copyRolePermissions().

global $rbacreview,$log,$ilDB;
if (!isset($a_ref_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::revokePermission(): Missing parameter! ref_id: ".$a_ref_id;
#$log->write("ilRBACadmin::revokePermission(), 0");
// bypass protected status of roles
if ($a_keep_protected != true)
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
if ($a_rol_id)
$and1 = " AND rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id)." ";
$and1 = "";
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_pa ".
"WHERE ref_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id)." ".
return true;
// consider protected status of roles
// in any case, get all roles in scope first
if (!$a_rol_id)
#$log->write("ilRBACadmin::revokePermission(), 1");
$roles_in_scope = $rbacreview->getParentRoleIds($a_ref_id);
$role_ids = array();
foreach ($roles_in_scope as $role)
if ($role['protected'] == true)
$role_ids[] = $role['obj_id'];
// return if no role in array
if (!$role_ids)
return true;
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_pa ".
"WHERE rol_id IN (".implode(',',ilUtil::quoteArray($role_ids)).") ".
"AND ref_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id)." ";
#$log->write("ilRBACadmin::revokePermission(), 2");
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
return true;
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_pa ".
"WHERE ref_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_ref_id)." ".
"AND rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id)." ";
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::revokePermissionList (   $a_ref_ids,

Revokes permissions of a LIST of objects of ONE role.

Update of table rbac_pa. public

arraylist of reference_ids to revoke permissions

Definition at line 447 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

References ilUtil\quoteArray().

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_ref_ids) or !is_array($a_ref_ids))
$message = get_class($this)."::revokePermissionList(): Missing parameter or parameter is not an array! reference_list: ".var_dump($a_ref_ids);
if (!isset($a_rol_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::revokePermissionList(): Missing parameter! rol_id: ".$a_rol_id;
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
$ref_ids = implode(",",ilUtil::quoteArray($a_ref_ids));
// TODO: rename db_field from obj_id to ref_id and remove db-field set_id
$q = "DELETE FROM rbac_pa ".
"WHERE ref_id IN (".$ref_ids.") ".
"AND rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_rol_id);
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::setProtected (   $a_ref_id,

Definition at line 819 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

Referenced by copyRoleTemplatePermissions().

global $ilDB;
// ref_id not used yet. protected permission acts 'global' for each role, regardless of any broken inheritance before
$q = "UPDATE rbac_fa ".
"SET protected = ".$ilDB->quote($a_value)." ".
//"WHERE parent = '".$a_ref_id."' ".
"WHERE rol_id = ".$ilDB->quote($a_role_id)." ";
return true;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilRbacAdmin::setRolePermission (   $a_rol_id,

Inserts template permissions in rbac_templates for an specific object type.

Update of table rbac_templates public

stringobject type
integerref_id of role folder object

Definition at line 676 of file class.ilRbacAdmin.php.

global $ilDB;
if (!isset($a_rol_id) or !isset($a_type) or !isset($a_ops) or !isset($a_ref_id))
$message = get_class($this)."::setRolePermission(): Missing parameter!".
" role_id: ".$a_rol_id.
" type: ".$a_type.
" operations: ".$a_ops.
" ref_id: ".$a_ref_id;
if (!is_string($a_type) or empty($a_type))
$message = get_class($this)."::setRolePermission(): a_type is no string or empty!";
if (!is_array($a_ops) or empty($a_ops))
$message = get_class($this)."::setRolePermission(): a_ops is no array or empty!";
// exclude system role from rbac
if ($a_rol_id == SYSTEM_ROLE_ID)
return true;
foreach ($a_ops as $op)
$q = "INSERT INTO rbac_templates ".
return true;

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