Release_3_10_x_branch Revision 61812
Public Member Functions | |
ilObjUser ($a_user_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=false) | |
Constructor public. | |
read () | |
loads a record "user" from database private | |
assignData ($a_data) | |
loads a record "user" from array public | |
saveAsNew ($a_from_formular=true) | |
TODO: drop fields last_update & create_date. | |
update () | |
updates a record "user" and write it into database public | |
writeAccepted () | |
write accept date of user agreement to db | |
_lookupEmail ($a_user_id) | |
_lookupGender ($a_user_id) | |
_lookupClientIP ($a_user_id) | |
_lookupName ($a_user_id) | |
lookup user name | |
_lookupFields ($a_user_id) | |
lookup user name | |
_lookupLogin ($a_user_id) | |
lookup login | |
_lookupExternalAccount ($a_user_id) | |
lookup external account for login and authmethod | |
_lookupId ($a_user_str) | |
lookup id by login | |
_lookupLastLogin ($a_user_id) | |
lookup last login | |
refreshLogin () | |
updates the login data of a "user" // TODO set date with now() should be enough public | |
replacePassword ($new_md5) | |
replaces password with new md5 hash | |
updatePassword ($a_old, $a_new1, $a_new2) | |
updates password | |
resetPassword ($a_new1, $a_new2) | |
reset password | |
_makeIlias2Password ($a_passwd) | |
get encrypted Ilias 2 password (needed for imported ilias 2 users) | |
_lookupHasIlias2Password ($a_user_login) | |
check if user has ilias 2 password (imported user) | |
_switchToIlias3Password ($a_user, $a_pw) | |
updateLogin ($a_login) | |
update login name | |
writePref ($a_keyword, $a_value) | |
write userpref to user table private | |
deletePref ($a_keyword) | |
Deletes a userpref value of the user from the database public. | |
_writePref ($a_usr_id, $a_keyword, $a_value) | |
writePrefs () | |
write all userprefs private | |
getTimeZone () | |
get timezone of user | |
getTimeFormat () | |
get time format | |
setPref ($a_keyword, $a_value) | |
set a user preference | |
getPref ($a_keyword) | |
get a user preference | |
_lookupPref ($a_usr_id, $a_keyword) | |
readPrefs () | |
get all user preferences private | |
delete () | |
deletes a user public | |
setFullname ($a_title="", $a_firstname="", $a_lastname="") | |
builds a string with title + firstname + lastname method is used to build fullname in member variable $this->fullname. | |
getFullname ($a_max_strlen=0) | |
get fullname public | |
getLastVisitedLessons () | |
get read lessons, ordered by timestamp public | |
getLessons () | |
get all lessons, unordered public | |
hasAcceptedUserAgreement () | |
check wether user has accepted user agreement | |
setLogin ($a_str) | |
set login / username public | |
getLogin () | |
get login / username public | |
setPasswd ($a_str, $a_type=IL_PASSWD_PLAIN) | |
set password public | |
getPasswd () | |
get password | |
getPasswdType () | |
get password type | |
setGender ($a_str) | |
set gender public | |
getGender () | |
get gender public | |
setUTitle ($a_str) | |
set user title (note: don't mix up this method with setTitle() that is derived from ilObject and sets the user object's title) public | |
getUTitle () | |
get user title (note: don't mix up this method with getTitle() that is derived from ilObject and gets the user object's title) public | |
setFirstname ($a_str) | |
set firstname public | |
getFirstname () | |
get firstname public | |
setLastname ($a_str) | |
set lastame public | |
getLastname () | |
get lastname public | |
setInstitution ($a_str) | |
set institution public | |
getInstitution () | |
get institution public | |
setDepartment ($a_str) | |
set department public | |
getDepartment () | |
get department public | |
setStreet ($a_str) | |
set street public | |
getStreet () | |
get street public | |
setCity ($a_str) | |
set city public | |
getCity () | |
get city public | |
setZipcode ($a_str) | |
set zipcode public | |
getZipcode () | |
get zipcode public | |
setCountry ($a_str) | |
set country public | |
getCountry () | |
get country public | |
setPhoneOffice ($a_str) | |
set office phone public | |
getPhoneOffice () | |
get office phone public | |
setPhoneHome ($a_str) | |
set home phone public | |
getPhoneHome () | |
get home phone public | |
setPhoneMobile ($a_str) | |
set mobile phone public | |
getPhoneMobile () | |
get mobile phone public | |
setFax ($a_str) | |
set fax public | |
getFax () | |
get fax public | |
setClientIP ($a_str) | |
set client ip number public | |
getClientIP () | |
get client ip number public | |
setMatriculation ($a_str) | |
set matriculation number public | |
getMatriculation () | |
get matriculation number public | |
setEmail ($a_str) | |
set email public | |
getEmail () | |
get email address public | |
setHobby ($a_str) | |
set hobby public | |
getHobby () | |
get hobby public | |
setLanguage ($a_str) | |
set user language public | |
getLanguage () | |
returns a 2char-language-string public | |
setLastPasswordChangeTS ($a_last_password_change_ts) | |
getLastPasswordChangeTS () | |
_lookupLanguage ($a_usr_id) | |
_checkPassword ($a_usr_id, $a_pw) | |
_writeExternalAccount ($a_usr_id, $a_ext_id) | |
_writeAuthMode ($a_usr_id, $a_auth_mode) | |
getCurrentLanguage () | |
returns the current language (may differ from user's pref setting!) | |
setLastLogin ($a_str) | |
set user's last login public | |
getLastLogin () | |
returns last login date public | |
setLastUpdate ($a_str) | |
set last update of user data set public | |
getLastUpdate () | |
setComment ($a_str) | |
set referral comment public | |
getComment () | |
get referral comment public | |
setApproveDate ($a_str) | |
set date the user account was activated 0000-00-00 00:00:00 indicates that the user has not yet been activated public | |
getApproveDate () | |
get the date when the user account was approved public | |
getAgreeDate () | |
get the date when the user accepted the user agreement public | |
setAgreeDate ($a_str) | |
set date the user account was accepted by the user 0000-00-00 00:00:00 indicates that the user has not accepted his account public | |
setActive ($a_active, $a_owner=6) | |
set user active state and updates system fields appropriately public | |
getActive () | |
get user active state public | |
syncActive () | |
synchronizes current and stored user active values for the owner value to be set correctly, this function should only be called when an admin is approving a user account public | |
getStoredActive ($a_id) | |
get user active state | |
setSkin ($a_str) | |
set user skin (template set) public | |
setTimeLimitOwner ($a_owner) | |
getTimeLimitOwner () | |
setTimeLimitFrom ($a_from) | |
getTimeLimitFrom () | |
setTimeLimitUntil ($a_until) | |
getTimeLimitUntil () | |
setTimeLimitUnlimited ($a_unlimited) | |
getTimeLimitUnlimited () | |
setTimeLimitMessage ($a_time_limit_message) | |
getTimeLimitMessage () | |
setLoginAttempts ($a_login_attempts) | |
getLoginAttempts () | |
checkTimeLimit () | |
setProfileIncomplete ($a_prof_inc) | |
getProfileIncomplete () | |
isPasswordChangeDemanded () | |
isPasswordExpired () | |
getPasswordAge () | |
setLastPasswordChangeToNow () | |
resetLastPasswordChange () | |
setLatitude ($a_latitude) | |
Set Latitude. | |
getLatitude () | |
Get Latitude. | |
setLongitude ($a_longitude) | |
Set Longitude. | |
getLongitude () | |
Get Longitude. | |
setLocationZoom ($a_locationzoom) | |
Set Location Zoom. | |
getLocationZoom () | |
Get Location Zoom. | |
& | getAppliedUsers () |
isChild ($a_usr_id) | |
__readAppliedUsers ($a_parent_id) | |
checkUserId () | |
isCurrentUserActive () | |
getUserIdByLogin ($a_login) | |
getLoginByUserId ($a_userid) | |
getGroupMemberships ($a_user_id="") | |
getCourseMemberships ($a_user_id="") | |
_getNumberOfUsersForStyle ($a_skin, $a_style) | |
skins and styles | |
_getAllUserAssignedStyles () | |
skins and styles | |
_moveUsersToStyle ($a_from_skin, $a_from_style, $a_to_skin, $a_to_style) | |
skins and styles | |
addDesktopItem ($a_item_id, $a_type, $a_par="") | |
add an item to user's personal desktop | |
setDesktopItemParameters ($a_item_id, $a_type, $a_par) | |
set parameters of a desktop item entry | |
dropDesktopItem ($a_item_id, $a_type) | |
drop an item from user's personal desktop | |
isDesktopItem ($a_item_id, $a_type) | |
check wether an item is on the users desktop or not | |
getDesktopItems ($a_types="") | |
addObjectToClipboard ($a_item_id, $a_type, $a_title, $a_parent=0, $a_time=0, $a_order_nr=0) | |
add an item to user's personal clipboard | |
clipboardHasObjectsOfType ($a_type) | |
Check whether clipboard has objects of a certain type. | |
clipboardDeleteObjectsOfType ($a_type) | |
Delete objects of type for user. | |
getClipboardObjects ($a_type="", $a_top_nodes_only=false) | |
get all clipboard objects of user and specified type | |
getClipboardChilds ($a_parent, $a_insert_time) | |
Get childs of an item. | |
_getUsersForClipboadObject ($a_type, $a_id) | |
get all users, that have a certain object within their clipboard | |
removeObjectFromClipboard ($a_item_id, $a_type) | |
remove object from user's personal clipboard | |
_getImportedUserId ($i2_id) | |
setAuthMode ($a_str) | |
set auth mode public | |
getAuthMode ($a_auth_key=false) | |
get auth mode public | |
setExternalAccount ($a_str) | |
set external account | |
getExternalAccount () | |
get external account | |
_getNumberOfUsersPerAuthMode () | |
get number of users per auth mode | |
_getLocalAccountsForEmail ($a_email) | |
check whether external account and authentication method matches with a user | |
_uploadPersonalPicture ($tmp_file, $obj_id) | |
Create a personal picture image file from a temporary image file. | |
getPersonalPicturePath ($a_size="small", $a_force_pic=false) | |
get path to personal picture | |
_getPersonalPicturePath ($a_usr_id, $a_size="small", $a_force_pic=false, $a_prevent_no_photo_image=false) | |
get path to personal picture | |
removeUserPicture () | |
Remove user picture. | |
setUserDefinedData ($a_data) | |
getUserDefinedData () | |
updateUserDefinedFields () | |
readUserDefinedFields () | |
addUserDefinedFieldEntry () | |
deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries () | |
getProfileAsString (&$a_language) | |
Get formatted mail body text of user profile data. | |
setInstantMessengerId ($a_im_type, $a_im_id) | |
getInstantMessengerId ($a_im_type) | |
setDelicious ($a_delicious) | |
getDelicious () | |
_lookupFeedHash ($a_user_id, $a_create=false) | |
Lookup news feed hash for user. | |
_getFeedPass ($a_user_id) | |
Lookup news feed password for user. | |
_setFeedPass ($a_user_id, $a_password) | |
Set news feed password for user. | |
hasPublicProfile () | |
returns true if public is profile, false otherwise | |
getPublicName () | |
returns firstname lastname and login if profile is public, login otherwise | |
Public Member Functions inherited from ilObject | |
ilObject ($a_id=0, $a_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
withReferences () | |
determines wehter objects are referenced or not (got ref ids or not) | |
read ($a_force_db=false) | |
read object data from db into object | |
getId () | |
get object id public | |
setId ($a_id) | |
set object id public | |
setRefId ($a_id) | |
set reference id public | |
getRefId () | |
get reference id public | |
getType () | |
get object type public | |
setType ($a_type) | |
set object type public | |
getPresentationTitle () | |
get presentation title Normally same as title Overwritten for sessions | |
getTitle () | |
get object title public | |
getUntranslatedTitle () | |
get untranslated object title public | |
setTitle ($a_title) | |
set object title | |
getDescription () | |
get object description | |
setDescription ($a_desc) | |
set object description | |
getLongDescription () | |
get object long description (stored in object_description) | |
getImportId () | |
get import id | |
setImportId ($a_import_id) | |
set import id | |
_lookupObjIdByImportId ($a_import_id) | |
getOwner () | |
get object owner | |
getOwnerName () | |
_lookupOwnerName ($a_owner_id) | |
lookup owner name for owner id | |
setOwner ($a_owner) | |
set object owner | |
getCreateDate () | |
get create date public | |
getLastUpdateDate () | |
get last update date public | |
setObjDataRecord ($a_record) | |
set object_data record (note: this method should only be called from the ilObjectFactory class) | |
create () | |
create | |
MDUpdateListener ($a_element) | |
Meta data update listener. | |
createMetaData () | |
create meta data entry | |
updateMetaData () | |
update meta data entry | |
deleteMetaData () | |
delete meta data entry | |
updateOwner () | |
update owner of object in db | |
_getIdForImportId ($a_import_id) | |
get current object id for import id (static) | |
_getAllReferences ($a_id) | |
get all reference ids of object | |
_lookupTitle ($a_id) | |
lookup object title | |
_lookupDescription ($a_id) | |
lookup object description | |
_lookupLastUpdate ($a_id, $a_as_string=false) | |
lookup last update | |
_getLastUpdateOfObjects ($a_objs) | |
Get last update for a set of media objects. | |
_lookupObjId ($a_id) | |
_setDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilTree::saveSubTree | |
_resetDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilObjectGUI::insertSavedNodes | |
_writeTitle ($a_obj_id, $a_title) | |
write title to db (static) | |
_writeDescription ($a_obj_id, $a_desc) | |
write description to db (static) | |
_writeImportId ($a_obj_id, $a_import_id) | |
write import id to db (static) | |
_lookupType ($a_id, $a_reference=false) | |
lookup object type | |
_isInTrash ($a_ref_id) | |
checks wether object is in trash | |
_hasUntrashedReference ($a_obj_id) | |
checks wether an object has at least one reference that is not in trash | |
_lookupObjectId ($a_ref_id) | |
lookup object id | |
_getObjectsDataForType ($a_type, $a_omit_trash=false) | |
get all objects of a certain type | |
putInTree ($a_parent_ref) | |
maybe this method should be in tree object!? | |
setPermissions ($a_parent_ref) | |
set permissions of object | |
createReference () | |
creates reference for object | |
countReferences () | |
count references of object | |
initDefaultRoles () | |
init default roles settings Purpose of this function is to create a local role folder and local roles, that are needed depending on the object type If you want to setup default local roles you MUST overwrite this method in derived object classes (see ilObjForum for an example) public | |
createRoleFolder () | |
creates a local role folder | |
notify ($a_event, $a_ref_id, $a_parent_non_rbac_id, $a_node_id, $a_params=0) | |
notifys an object about an event occured Based on the event passed, each object may decide how it reacts. | |
setRegisterMode ($a_bool) | |
isUserRegistered ($a_user_id=0) | |
requireRegistration () | |
getXMLZip () | |
getHTMLDirectory () | |
cloneObject ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id=0) | |
Clone object permissions, put in tree ... | |
appendCopyInfo ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Prepend Copy info if object with same name exists in that container. | |
cloneDependencies ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Clone object dependencies. | |
cloneMetaData ($target_obj) | |
Copy meta data. |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | _hasAcceptedAgreement ($a_username) |
Check if user has accepted the agreement. | |
static | lookupMatriculation ($a_usr_id) |
Lookup matriculation. | |
_getUserIdsByEmail ($a_email) | |
STATIC METHOD get all user_ids of an email address. | |
getUserIdByEmail ($a_email) | |
STATIC METHOD get the user_id of an email address. | |
searchUsers ($a_search_str, $active=1, $a_return_ids_only=false, $filter_settings=FALSE) | |
STATIC METHOD get the user_ids which correspond a search string. | |
_search (&$a_search_obj, $active=1) | |
STATIC METHOD search for user data. | |
_getAllUserLogins (&$ilias) | |
STATIC METHOD get all user logins. | |
static | _readUsersProfileData ($a_user_ids) |
STATIC METHOD get user data of selected users. | |
_getAllUserData ($a_fields=NULL, $active=-1) | |
STATIC METHOD get all user data. | |
static | _addDesktopItem ($a_usr_id, $a_item_id, $a_type, $a_par="") |
add an item to user's personal desktop | |
static | _dropDesktopItem ($a_usr_id, $a_item_id, $a_type) |
drop an item from user's personal desktop | |
static | _isDesktopItem ($a_usr_id, $a_item_id, $a_type) |
check wether an item is on the users desktop or not | |
static | _lookupDesktopItems ($user_id, $a_types="") |
get all desktop items of user and specified type | |
static | _getExternalAccountsByAuthMode ($a_auth_mode, $a_read_auth_default=false) |
Get list of external account by authentication method Note: If login == ext_account for two user with auth_mode 'default' and auth_mode 'ldap' The ldap auth mode chosen. | |
static | _toggleActiveStatusOfUsers ($a_usr_ids, $a_status) |
Toggle active status of users. | |
static | _lookupAuthMode ($a_usr_id) |
lookup auth mode | |
static | _checkExternalAuthAccount ($a_auth, $a_account) |
check whether external account and authentication method matches with a user | |
static | _loginExists ($a_login, $a_user_id=0) |
check if a login name already exists You may exclude a user from the check by giving his user id as 2nd paramter public static | |
static | _externalAccountExists ($a_external_account, $a_auth_mode) |
Check if an external account name already exists. | |
static | _getUsersForRole ($role_id, $active=-1) |
return array of complete users which belong to a specific role | |
static | _getUsersForFolder ($ref_id, $active) |
get users for a category or from system folder | |
static | _getUsersForGroup ($a_mem_ids, $active=-1) |
return user data for group members | |
static | _getUsersForIds ($a_mem_ids, $active=-1, $timelimitowner=-1) |
return user data for given user id | |
static | _getUserData ($a_internalids) |
return user data for given user ids | |
static | _getPreferences ($user_id) |
get preferences for user | |
static | _resetLoginAttempts ($a_usr_id) |
static | _getLoginAttempts ($a_usr_id) |
static | _incrementLoginAttempts ($a_usr_id) |
static | _setUserInactive ($a_usr_id) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from ilObject | |
static | _getIdsForTitle ($title, $type= '') |
_exists ($a_id, $a_reference=false) | |
checks if an object exists in object_data | |
static | _getObjectsByType ($a_obj_type="") |
Get objects by type. | |
static | _prepareCloneSelection ($a_ref_ids, $new_type) |
Prepare copy wizard object selection. | |
static | _getIcon ($a_obj_id="", $a_size="big", $a_type="", $a_offline=false) |
Data Fields | |
$login | |
all user related data in single vars public | |
$passwd | |
$passwd_type | |
$gender | |
$utitle | |
$firstname | |
$lastname | |
$fullname | |
$institution | |
$department | |
$street | |
$city | |
$zipcode | |
$country | |
$phone_office | |
$phone_home | |
$phone_mobile | |
$fax | |
$hobby | |
$matriculation | |
$referral_comment | |
$approve_date | |
$active | |
$client_ip | |
$auth_mode | |
$im_icq | |
$im_yahoo | |
$im_msn | |
$im_aim | |
$im_skype | |
$delicious | |
$latitude | |
$longitude | |
$loc_zoom | |
$last_password_change_ts | |
$login_attempts | |
$user_defined_data = array() | |
$prefs | |
$skin | |
$default_role | |
$ilias | |
Data Fields inherited from ilObject | |
$ilias | |
$lng | |
$id | |
$ref_id | |
$type | |
$title | |
$untranslatedTitle | |
$desc | |
$long_desc | |
$owner | |
$create_date | |
$last_update | |
$import_id | |
$register = false | |
$referenced | |
$objectList | |
$max_title | |
$max_desc | |
$add_dots | |
$obj_data_record | |
object_data record |
Static Private Member Functions | |
static | getLoginFromAuth () |
Gets the username from $ilAuth, and converts it into an ILIAS login name. |
Definition at line 43 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::__readAppliedUsers | ( | $a_parent_id | ) |
Definition at line 2397 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $res, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by getAppliedUsers(), and isChild().
static |
add an item to user's personal desktop
int | $a_usr_id | id of user object |
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3070 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $d.
Referenced by ilParticipants\addDesktopItem(), addDesktopItem(), and ilUserImportParser\assignToRole().
static |
check whether external account and authentication method matches with a user
Definition at line 3679 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilSetting, $res, ilAuthUtils\_getAuthModeName(), and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.
Referenced by ilSoapAuthentication\__checkAgreement(), ilSoapAuthenticationCAS\authenticate(), ilAuthLDAP\extractUserName(), ilAuthContainerLDAP\extractUserName(), ShibAuth\generateLogin(), ilUserImportParser\importEndTag(), ilCASAuth\login(), ilAuthRadius\loginObserver(), ilAuthLDAP\loginObserver(), ilAuthContainerLDAP\loginObserver(), ilLDAPQuery\readUserData(), ilObjUserGUI\updateObjectOld(), ilAuthLDAP\updateRequired(), ilAuthContainerLDAP\updateRequired(), ilSOAPAuth\validateSOAPUser(), and ilUserImportParser\verifyEndTag().
ilObjUser::_checkPassword | ( | $a_usr_id, | |
$a_pw | |||
) |
Definition at line 1937 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilSOAPAuth\login().
static |
drop an item from user's personal desktop
int | $a_usr_id | id of user object |
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3151 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilParticipants\dropDesktopItem(), and dropDesktopItem().
static |
Check if an external account name already exists.
string | external account |
string | auth mode |
Definition at line 4296 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $res.
ilObjUser::_getAllUserAssignedStyles | ( | ) |
skins and styles
Definition at line 3018 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilObjStyleSettingsGUI\editSystemStylesObject(), and ilObjStyleSettingsGUI\saveStyleSettingsObject().
static |
STATIC METHOD get all user data.
array | desired columns |
Definition at line 2890 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $_SESSION, $active, ilObject\$ref_id, and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.
Referenced by ilObjUserFolderGUI\_addLearningProgressWorksheet(), ilLocalUser\_getUserData(), ilObjUserFolderGUI\learningProgressObject(), and ilObjUserFolderGUI\viewObject().
static |
STATIC METHOD get all user logins.
ilias | object |
Definition at line 2848 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilias, $res, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilMail\__checkSystemRecipients().
static |
Get list of external account by authentication method Note: If login == ext_account for two user with auth_mode 'default' and auth_mode 'ldap' The ldap auth mode chosen.
string | auth_mode |
bool | also get users with authentication method 'default' |
Definition at line 3595 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilSetting, $res, ilAuthUtils\_getAuthModeName(), AUTH_LOCAL, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilLDAPCronSynchronization\deactivateUsers(), and ilLDAPRoleGroupMapping\initServers().
ilObjUser::_getFeedPass | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
Lookup news feed password for user.
integer | user_id |
Definition at line 4210 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilPDNewsBlockGUI\editSettings().
ilObjUser::_getImportedUserId | ( | $i2_id | ) |
Definition at line 3503 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\$id, $res, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilGroupXMLParser\__parseId(), ilCourseXMLParser\__parseId(), ilForumImportParser\handlerBeginTag(), and ilMailImportParser\handlerBeginTag().
ilObjUser::_getLocalAccountsForEmail | ( | $a_email | ) |
check whether external account and authentication method matches with a user
Definition at line 3754 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilSetting, and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.
Referenced by ilSOAPAuth\login(), and ilStartUpGUI\showUserMappingSelection().
static |
Definition at line 4512 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $login_attempts, and $result.
Referenced by ilInitialisation\initILIAS().
ilObjUser::_getNumberOfUsersForStyle | ( | $a_skin, | |
$a_style | |||
) |
skins and styles
Definition at line 2999 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilObjStyleSettingsGUI\editSystemStylesObject(), and ilObjStyleSettingsGUI\saveStyleSettingsObject().
ilObjUser::_getNumberOfUsersPerAuthMode | ( | ) |
get number of users per auth mode
Definition at line 3734 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilObjAuthSettingsGUI\authSettingsObject().
ilObjUser::_getPersonalPicturePath | ( | $a_usr_id, | |
$a_size = "small" , |
$a_force_pic = false , |
$a_prevent_no_photo_image = false |
) |
get path to personal picture
string | size "small", "xsmall" or "xxsmall" STATIC |
Definition at line 3830 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $file, $res, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC, and ilUtil\getImagePath().
Referenced by ilLPListOfObjectsGUI\__showEditUser(), ilWikiRecentChangesTableGUI\fillRow(), ilPageHistoryTableGUI\fillRow(), ilWikiContributorsTableGUI\fillRow(), ilWikiPagesTableGUI\fillRow(), ilNoteGUI\getNoteListHTML(), getPersonalPicturePath(), ilObjUserGUI\initForm(), and ilLPUserItemListGUI\renderTypeImage().
static |
get preferences for user
int | $user_id |
Definition at line 4482 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $prefs, and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.
Referenced by ilUserXMLWriter\__handleUser(), and readPrefs().
static |
return user data for given user ids
array | of internal ids or numerics $a_internalids |
Definition at line 4435 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $data, ilUtil\__extractId(), and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\getUserXML().
static |
STATIC METHOD get all user_ids of an email address.
string | email of user |
Definition at line 2513 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilias, $res, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilPasswordAssistanceGUI\submitUsernameAssistanceForm().
ilObjUser::_getUsersForClipboadObject | ( | $a_type, | |
$a_id | |||
) |
get all users, that have a certain object within their clipboard
string | $a_type | object type |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3469 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilObjMediaObject\lookupUsages().
static |
get users for a category or from system folder
$ref_id | ref id of object |
$active | can be -1 (ignore), 1 = active, 0 = not active user |
Definition at line 4352 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $active, $data, ilObject\$ref_id, $result, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC, and USER_FOLDER_ID.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\getUsersForContainer().
static |
return user data for group members
int | array of member ids |
int | active can be -1 (ignore), 1 = active, 0 = not active user |
Definition at line 4383 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $active, and _getUsersForIds().
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\getUsersForContainer().
static |
return user data for given user id
int | array of member ids |
int | active can be -1 (ignore), 1 = active, 0 = not active user |
Definition at line 4394 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $active, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC, and USER_FOLDER_ID.
Referenced by _getUsersForGroup(), and ilSoapUserAdministration\getUsersForContainer().
static |
return array of complete users which belong to a specific role
int | role id | |
int | $active | if -1, all users will be delivered, 0 only non active, 1 only active users |
Definition at line 4314 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $active, $data, and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.
Referenced by ilSoapUserAdministration\getUserForRole().
static |
Check if user has accepted the agreement.
Definition at line 1445 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $res.
Referenced by ilSoapAuthentication\__checkAgreement().
static |
Definition at line 4525 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilInitialisation\initILIAS().
static |
check wether an item is on the users desktop or not
int | $a_usr_id | id of user object |
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3191 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $d.
Referenced by ilParticipants\addDesktopItem(), ilParticipants\dropDesktopItem(), and isDesktopItem().
static |
check if a login name already exists You may exclude a user from the check by giving his user id as 2nd paramter public static
string | login name |
integer | user id of user to exclude (optional) |
Definition at line 4262 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilMail\__substituteRecipients(), ilSoapUserAdministration\__validateUserData(), ilUserLoginInputGUI\checkInput(), ilRegistrationGUI\saveForm(), and ilObjUserGUI\updateObjectOld().
static |
lookup auth mode
int | usr_id |
Definition at line 3659 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $res, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilECSAppEventListener\handleEvent().
ilObjUser::_lookupClientIP | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
Definition at line 687 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $res, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilObjTest\inviteGroup(), and ilObjTest\inviteRole().
static |
get all desktop items of user and specified type
note: the implementation of this method is not good style (directly reading tables object_data and object_reference), must be revised someday...
Definition at line 3250 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\$desc, ilObject\$title, ilObject\_lookupDescription(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.
Referenced by ilNewsItem\_getNewsItemsOfUser(), getDesktopItems(), and ilCalendarCategories\readSelectedItemCalendars().
ilObjUser::_lookupEmail | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
Definition at line 658 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $res, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilMailSearchGroupsGUI\adoptMembers(), ilMailSearchCoursesGUI\adoptMembers(), ilMail\distributeMail(), ilMailOptions\getOptions(), ilCronMailNotification\sendNotifications(), ilPersonalProfileGUI\showMailOptions(), ilMailOptionsGUI\showOptions(), and ilMailSearchGUI\showResults().
ilObjUser::_lookupExternalAccount | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
lookup external account for login and authmethod
Definition at line 751 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilUserImportParser\importEndTag(), and ilUserImportParser\verifyEndTag().
ilObjUser::_lookupFeedHash | ( | $a_user_id, | |
$a_create = false |
) |
Lookup news feed hash for user.
If hash does not exist, create one.
Definition at line 4175 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilUserFeedWriter\ilUserFeedWriter().
ilObjUser::_lookupFields | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
lookup user name
Definition at line 723 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilTestExport\exportToCSV(), ilTestExport\exportToExcel(), ilSpecialUsersTableGUI\fillRow(), ilTestCertificate\outCertificate(), and ilTestEvaluationGUI\outEvaluation().
ilObjUser::_lookupGender | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
Definition at line 672 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $res, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
ilObjUser::_lookupHasIlias2Password | ( | $a_user_login | ) |
check if user has ilias 2 password (imported user)
Definition at line 948 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilias, and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.
Referenced by ilInitialisation\initILIAS().
ilObjUser::_lookupId | ( | $a_user_str | ) |
lookup id by login
Definition at line 765 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilSoapObjectAdministration\addObject(), ilPermissionGUI\changeOwner(), ilMailAddressbookGUI\checkInput(), ilMail\formatNamesForOutput(), ilObjectStatusGUI\ilObjectStatusGUI(), ilInitialisation\initILIAS(), ilStartUpGUI\migrateAccount(), ilSoapRBACAdministration\parseUserID(), ilRegistrationSettings\setApproveRecipientLogins(), ilMailSearchGUI\showResults(), ilLDAPAttributeToUser\usersToXML(), ilRegistrationSettings\validate(), and ilUserImportParser\verifyEndTag().
ilObjUser::_lookupLanguage | ( | $a_usr_id | ) |
Definition at line 1921 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilRegistrationGUI\__distributeMails(), and ilForum\_getLanguageInstanceByUsrId().
ilObjUser::_lookupLastLogin | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
lookup last login
Definition at line 779 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilLPItemListGUI\renderObjectInfoXML().
ilObjUser::_lookupLogin | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
lookup login
Definition at line 737 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilRegistrationGUI\__distributeMails(), ilCourseXMLParser\__parseId(), ilRegistrationSettings\__read(), ilGroupRegistrationGUI\add(), ilPaymentStatisticGUI\addStatisticWorksheet(), ilObjPaymentSettingsGUI\addStatisticWorksheet(), ilMailSearchGroupsGUI\adoptMembers(), ilMailSearchCoursesGUI\adoptMembers(), ilObjGroupGUI\assignSubscribersObject(), ilLMStatistics\calcStats(), ilObjTestGUI\deleteSingleUserResultsObject(), ilObjSurvey\disinviteUser(), ilFileDataExercise\downloadAllDeliveredFiles(), ilObjUserGUI\editOldObject(), ilObjSessionGUI\eventsListObject(), ilSessionOverviewGUI\exportCSV(), ilWikiRecentChangesTableGUI\fillRow(), ilPageHistoryTableGUI\fillRow(), ilWikiPagesTableGUI\fillRow(), ilHistoryGUI\getHistoryTable(), ilDAVServer\getLogin(), ilObjExercise\getMemberListData(), ilChatRecording\getModerator(), ilNoteGUI\getNoteListHTML(), ilObjForumListGUI\getProperties(), ilTestServiceGUI\getResultsHeadUserAndPass(), ilTestServiceGUI\getResultsUserdata(), ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule\getTrackedUsers(), ilObjSurvey\getUserDataFromActiveId(), ilObjUserGUI\getValues(), ilObjSurvey\inviteGroup(), ilObjChatGUI\invitePDObject(), ilObjSurvey\inviteRole(), ilObjSurvey\inviteUser(), ilSessionOverviewGUI\listSessions(), ilSOAPAuth\login(), ilMailSearchGroupsGUI\mailMembers(), ilMailSearchCoursesGUI\mailMembers(), ilObjSurveyGUI\outUserGroupTable(), ilPermissionGUI\owner(), ilCalendarSharedUserListTableGUI\parse(), ilSessionParticipantsTableGUI\parse(), ilObjSessionGUI\printAttendanceListObject(), ilObjSessionGUI\printViewMembersObject(), ilObjGroupGUI\readMemberData(), ilObjCourseGUI\readMemberData(), ilObjExerciseGUI\redirectFeedbackMailObject(), ilObjGroupGUI\refuseSubscribersObject(), ilLPItemListGUI\renderObjectInfoXML(), ilForum\sendForumNotifications(), ilCronForumNotification\sendMails(), ilObjCourseGUI\sendMailToSelectedUsersObject(), ilObjGroupGUI\sendMailToSelectedUsersObject(), ilForum\sendPostActivationNotification(), ilForum\sendThreadNotifications(), ilObjSurvey\setInvitation(), ilPaymentCouponGUI\showCoupons(), ilMailSearchCoursesGUI\showMembers(), ilPageObjectGUI\showPage(), ilMailSearchGUI\showResults(), ilPaymentStatisticGUI\showStatistics(), ilMailFolderGUI\showUser(), ilUsersOnlineBlockGUI\showUserProfile(), ilObjPaymentSettingsGUI\statisticObject(), and ilUserImportParser\verifyEndTag().
ilObjUser::_lookupName | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
lookup user name
Definition at line 706 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilPDFPresentation\__addMain(), ilGroupXMLParser\__parseId(), ilObjExerciseGUI\__saveStatus(), ilObjTestAccess\_getParticipantData(), ilMailSearchGroupsGUI\adoptMembers(), ilMailSearchCoursesGUI\adoptMembers(), ilObjTestGUI\deleteSingleUserResultsObject(), ilFileDataExercise\downloadAllDeliveredFiles(), ilExerciseMembers\downloadMultipleFiles(), ilObjSessionGUI\eventsListObject(), ilSessionOverviewGUI\exportCSV(), ilWikiRecentChangesTableGUI\fillRow(), ilPageHistoryTableGUI\fillRow(), ilCalendarInboxSharedTableGUI\fillRow(), ilWikiPagesTableGUI\fillRow(), ilObjUserTracking\getAccessPerUserDetail(), ilObjUserTracking\getAccessTotalPerUser(), ilHistoryGUI\getHistoryTable(), ilObjExercise\getMemberListData(), ilPageObject\getPageContributors(), ilPageObject\getParentObjectContributors(), ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule\getTrackedUsers(), ilHistoryGUI\getVersionsTable(), ilSessionOverviewGUI\listSessions(), ilObjAssessmentFolderGUI\logsObject(), ilCalendarSharedUserListTableGUI\parse(), ilCalendarSharedListTableGUI\parse(), ilSessionParticipantsTableGUI\parse(), ilObjSessionGUI\printAttendanceListObject(), ilObjSessionGUI\printViewMembersObject(), ilObjGroupGUI\readMemberData(), ilObjCourseGUI\readMemberData(), ilSubscriberTableGUI\readSubscriberData(), ilWaitingListTableGUI\readUserData(), ilMailSearchCoursesGUI\showMembers(), ilPageObjectGUI\showPage(), ilMailSearchGUI\showResults(), ilCourseContentGUI\showUserTimings(), and ilObjTest\userLookupFullName().
ilObjUser::_lookupPref | ( | $a_usr_id, | |
$a_keyword | |||
) |
Definition at line 1169 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $res, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilNewsItem\_getNewsItemsOfUser(), ilMailSearchGroupsGUI\adoptMembers(), ilMailSearchCoursesGUI\adoptMembers(), ilPDMailBlockGUI\fillRow(), ilMail\formatNamesForOutput(), ilUsersOnlineBlockGUI\getListRowData(), ilPDMailGUI\getPDMailHTML(), ilObjForumListGUI\getProperties(), ilForum\getUserData(), ilMailFolderGUI\showFolder(), ilMailFolderGUI\showMail(), ilMailSearchGroupsGUI\showMembers(), ilMailSearchCoursesGUI\showMembers(), and ilMailSearchGUI\showResults().
ilObjUser::_makeIlias2Password | ( | $a_passwd | ) |
get encrypted Ilias 2 password (needed for imported ilias 2 users)
Definition at line 940 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by _switchToIlias3Password(), and updatePassword().
ilObjUser::_moveUsersToStyle | ( | $a_from_skin, | |
$a_from_style, | |||
$a_to_skin, | |||
$a_to_style | |||
) |
skins and styles
Definition at line 3042 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _writePref(), and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.
Referenced by ilObjStyleSettingsGUI\saveStyleSettingsObject().
static |
STATIC METHOD get user data of selected users.
array | desired user ids |
Definition at line 2868 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $res, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC, and ilUtil\quoteArray().
Referenced by ilMemberExport\fetchUsers().
static |
Definition at line 4500 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilInitialisation\initILIAS(), and ilObjUserGUI\updateObject().
static |
STATIC METHOD search for user data.
This method is called from class.ilSearch
object | object of search class public |
Definition at line 2706 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $active, $ilBench, $in, $res, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilSearch\performSearch().
ilObjUser::_setFeedPass | ( | $a_user_id, | |
$a_password | |||
) |
Set news feed password for user.
integer | user_id |
string | new password |
Definition at line 4233 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $data.
static |
Definition at line 4537 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilInitialisation\initILIAS().
ilObjUser::_switchToIlias3Password | ( | $a_user, | |
$a_pw | |||
) |
Definition at line 967 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilias, _makeIlias2Password(), and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.
Referenced by ilInitialisation\initILIAS().
static |
Toggle active status of users.
Definition at line 3634 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilUtil\quoteArray().
Referenced by ilLDAPCronSynchronization\deactivateUsers().
ilObjUser::_uploadPersonalPicture | ( | $tmp_file, | |
$obj_id | |||
) |
Create a personal picture image file from a temporary image file.
string | $tmp_file | Complete path to the temporary image file |
int | $obj_id | The object id of the related user account |
Definition at line 3787 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _writePref(), ilUtil\getConvertCmd(), and ilUtil\getWebspaceDir().
Referenced by ilUserImportParser\importEndTag().
ilObjUser::_writeAuthMode | ( | $a_usr_id, | |
$a_auth_mode | |||
) |
Definition at line 1965 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilSOAPAuth\login().
ilObjUser::_writeExternalAccount | ( | $a_usr_id, | |
$a_ext_id | |||
) |
Definition at line 1955 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilSOAPAuth\login().
ilObjUser::_writePref | ( | $a_usr_id, | |
$a_keyword, | |||
$a_value | |||
) |
Definition at line 1050 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by _moveUsersToStyle(), _uploadPersonalPicture(), ilContainerObjectiveGUI\initDetails(), ilCourseObjectivePresentationGUI\reset(), and writePref().
ilObjUser::addDesktopItem | ( | $a_item_id, | |
$a_type, | |||
$a_par = "" |
) |
add an item to user's personal desktop
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3099 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _addDesktopItem(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::addObjectToClipboard | ( | $a_item_id, | |
$a_type, | |||
$a_title, | |||
$a_parent = 0 , |
$a_time = 0 , |
$a_order_nr = 0 |
) |
add an item to user's personal clipboard
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3331 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $d, and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::addUserDefinedFieldEntry | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3988 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\getId().
Referenced by saveAsNew().
ilObjUser::assignData | ( | $a_data | ) |
loads a record "user" from array public
array | userdata |
Definition at line 283 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilErr, setAuthMode(), setCity(), setClientIP(), setComment(), setCountry(), setDelicious(), setDepartment(), setEmail(), setExternalAccount(), setFax(), setFirstname(), setFullname(), setGender(), setHobby(), setInstantMessengerId(), setInstitution(), setLastLogin(), setLastname(), setLastUpdate(), setLatitude(), setLocationZoom(), setLogin(), setLongitude(), setMatriculation(), setPasswd(), setPhoneHome(), setPhoneMobile(), setPhoneOffice(), setProfileIncomplete(), setStreet(), setTimeLimitFrom(), setTimeLimitMessage(), setTimeLimitOwner(), setTimeLimitUnlimited(), setTimeLimitUntil(), setUTitle(), and setZipcode().
Referenced by read().
ilObjUser::checkTimeLimit | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2225 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References getTimeLimitFrom(), getTimeLimitUnlimited(), and getTimeLimitUntil().
ilObjUser::checkUserId | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2419 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $data, ilObject\$id, $ilAuth, $login, and getLoginFromAuth().
ilObjUser::clipboardDeleteObjectsOfType | ( | $a_type | ) |
Delete objects of type for user.
Definition at line 3389 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::clipboardHasObjectsOfType | ( | $a_type | ) |
Check whether clipboard has objects of a certain type.
Definition at line 3369 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::delete | ( | ) |
deletes a user public
integer | user_id |
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 1207 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilEventParticipants\_deleteByUser(), ilBlockSetting\_deleteSettingsOfUser(), ilLinkCheckNotify\_deleteUser(), ilObjForum\_deleteUser(), ilObjUserTracking\_deleteUser(), ilObjCourse\_deleteUser(), ilLDAPRoleGroupMapping\_getInstance(), deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::deletePref | ( | $a_keyword | ) |
Deletes a userpref value of the user from the database public.
string | keyword |
Definition at line 1039 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::deleteUserDefinedFieldEntries | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3999 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\getId().
Referenced by delete().
ilObjUser::dropDesktopItem | ( | $a_item_id, | |
$a_type | |||
) |
drop an item from user's personal desktop
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3169 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _dropDesktopItem(), and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by ilObjGroup\leaveGroup().
ilObjUser::getActive | ( | ) |
get user active state public
Definition at line 2111 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $active.
ilObjUser::getAgreeDate | ( | ) |
get the date when the user accepted the user agreement public
Definition at line 2064 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
& ilObjUser::getAppliedUsers | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2376 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References __readAppliedUsers(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::getApproveDate | ( | ) |
get the date when the user account was approved public
Definition at line 2053 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $approve_date.
ilObjUser::getAuthMode | ( | $a_auth_key = false | ) |
get auth mode public
Definition at line 3549 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $auth_mode, and ilAuthUtils\_getAuthMode().
Referenced by saveAsNew(), and update().
ilObjUser::getCity | ( | ) |
get city public
Definition at line 1677 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $city.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getClientIP | ( | ) |
get client ip number public
Definition at line 1810 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $client_ip.
ilObjUser::getClipboardChilds | ( | $a_parent, | |
$a_insert_time | |||
) |
Get childs of an item.
Definition at line 3438 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\_lookupTitle(), and DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC.
ilObjUser::getClipboardObjects | ( | $a_type = "" , |
$a_top_nodes_only = false |
) |
get all clipboard objects of user and specified type
Definition at line 3403 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\_lookupTitle(), DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC, and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::getComment | ( | ) |
get referral comment public
Definition at line 2032 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $referral_comment.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getCountry | ( | ) |
get country public
Definition at line 1715 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $country.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getCourseMemberships | ( | $a_user_id = "" | ) |
Definition at line 2797 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilCourseParticipants\_getInstanceByObjId(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::getCurrentLanguage | ( | ) |
returns the current language (may differ from user's pref setting!)
Definition at line 1979 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $_SESSION.
ilObjUser::getDelicious | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4167 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $delicious.
Referenced by update().
ilObjUser::getDepartment | ( | ) |
get department public
Definition at line 1639 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $department.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getDesktopItems | ( | $a_types = "" | ) |
Definition at line 3239 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _lookupDesktopItems(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::getEmail | ( | ) |
get email address public
Definition at line 1865 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $email.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getExternalAccount | ( | ) |
get external account
note: 3.7.0 uses this field only for cas and soap authentication.
Definition at line 3579 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by saveAsNew(), and update().
ilObjUser::getFax | ( | ) |
get fax public
Definition at line 1791 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $fax.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getFirstname | ( | ) |
get firstname public
Definition at line 1582 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $firstname.
Referenced by getProfileAsString(), and getPublicName().
ilObjUser::getFullname | ( | $a_max_strlen = 0 | ) |
get fullname public
integer | max. string length to return (optional) if string length of fullname is greater than given a_max_strlen the name is shortened in the following way:
Definition at line 1348 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilUtil\stripSlashes().
Referenced by ilChatInvitationGUI\getHTML().
ilObjUser::getGender | ( | ) |
get gender public
Definition at line 1540 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $gender.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getGroupMemberships | ( | $a_user_id = "" | ) |
Definition at line 2749 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::getHobby | ( | ) |
get hobby public
Definition at line 1884 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $hobby.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getInstantMessengerId | ( | $a_im_type | ) |
Definition at line 4156 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by update().
ilObjUser::getInstitution | ( | ) |
get institution public
Definition at line 1620 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $institution.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getLanguage | ( | ) |
returns a 2char-language-string public
Definition at line 1905 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::getLastLogin | ( | ) |
returns last login date public
Definition at line 1999 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::getLastname | ( | ) |
get lastname public
Definition at line 1601 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $lastname.
Referenced by getProfileAsString(), and getPublicName().
ilObjUser::getLastPasswordChangeTS | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1915 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $last_password_change_ts.
Referenced by getPasswordAge(), isPasswordChangeDemanded(), isPasswordExpired(), setLastPasswordChangeToNow(), and update().
ilObjUser::getLastUpdate | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2013 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\$last_update.
ilObjUser::getLastVisitedLessons | ( | ) |
get read lessons, ordered by timestamp public
Definition at line 1384 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $result, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
ilObjUser::getLatitude | ( | ) |
Get Latitude.
Definition at line 2331 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $latitude.
Referenced by update().
ilObjUser::getLessons | ( | ) |
get all lessons, unordered public
Definition at line 1414 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $result, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
ilObjUser::getLocationZoom | ( | ) |
Get Location Zoom.
Definition at line 2371 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $loc_zoom.
Referenced by update().
ilObjUser::getLogin | ( | ) |
get login / username public
Definition at line 1488 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $login.
Referenced by getProfileAsString(), and getPublicName().
ilObjUser::getLoginAttempts | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2219 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $login_attempts.
ilObjUser::getLoginByUserId | ( | $a_userid | ) |
Definition at line 2559 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilias, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilObjPaymentSettingsGUI\editVendor().
staticprivate |
Gets the username from $ilAuth, and converts it into an ILIAS login name.
Definition at line 2442 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilAuth, $login, ilDAVServer\_isActive(), and ilAuthContainerMDB2\toUsernameWithoutDomain().
Referenced by checkUserId(), isCurrentUserActive(), and syncActive().
ilObjUser::getLongitude | ( | ) |
Get Longitude.
Definition at line 2351 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $longitude.
Referenced by update().
ilObjUser::getMatriculation | ( | ) |
get matriculation number public
Definition at line 1829 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $matriculation.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getPasswd | ( | ) |
get password
Definition at line 1511 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $passwd.
ilObjUser::getPasswdType | ( | ) |
get password type
Definition at line 1521 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $passwd_type.
ilObjUser::getPasswordAge | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2286 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References getLastPasswordChangeTS().
ilObjUser::getPersonalPicturePath | ( | $a_size = "small" , |
$a_force_pic = false |
) |
get path to personal picture
string | size "small", "xsmall" or "xxsmall" |
Definition at line 3819 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _getPersonalPicturePath(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::getPhoneHome | ( | ) |
get home phone public
Definition at line 1753 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $phone_home.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getPhoneMobile | ( | ) |
get mobile phone public
Definition at line 1772 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $phone_mobile.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getPhoneOffice | ( | ) |
get office phone public
Definition at line 1734 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $phone_office.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getPref | ( | $a_keyword | ) |
get a user preference
string | name of parameter public |
Definition at line 1157 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getTimeFormat(), getTimeZone(), and hasPublicProfile().
ilObjUser::getProfileAsString | ( | & | $a_language | ) |
Get formatted mail body text of user profile data.
object | Language object (choose user language of recipient) or null to use language of current user |
Definition at line 4015 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $gender, ilObject\$lng, ilObject\_lookupTitle(), ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), ilDatePresentation\formatPeriod(), getCity(), getComment(), getCountry(), ilObject\getCreateDate(), getDepartment(), getEmail(), getFax(), getFirstname(), getGender(), getHobby(), getInstitution(), getLastname(), getLogin(), getMatriculation(), getPhoneHome(), getPhoneMobile(), getPhoneOffice(), getStreet(), getTimeLimitFrom(), getTimeLimitUnlimited(), getTimeLimitUntil(), getUTitle(), getZipcode(), IL_CAL_DATETIME, IL_CAL_UNIX, ilDatePresentation\resetToDefaults(), setLanguage(), and ilDatePresentation\setUseRelativeDates().
ilObjUser::getProfileIncomplete | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2241 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by saveAsNew(), and update().
ilObjUser::getPublicName | ( | ) |
returns firstname lastname and login if profile is public, login otherwise
Definition at line 4563 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References getFirstname(), getLastname(), getLogin(), and hasPublicProfile().
ilObjUser::getStoredActive | ( | $a_id | ) |
get user active state
integer | $a_id | user id public |
Definition at line 2150 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilias, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by syncActive().
ilObjUser::getStreet | ( | ) |
get street public
Definition at line 1658 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $street.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getTimeFormat | ( | ) |
get time format
Definition at line 1124 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilCalendarSettings\_getInstance(), and getPref().
ilObjUser::getTimeLimitFrom | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2185 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by checkTimeLimit(), getProfileAsString(), saveAsNew(), and update().
ilObjUser::getTimeLimitMessage | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2209 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by update().
ilObjUser::getTimeLimitOwner | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2177 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by saveAsNew(), and update().
ilObjUser::getTimeLimitUnlimited | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2201 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by checkTimeLimit(), getProfileAsString(), saveAsNew(), and update().
ilObjUser::getTimeLimitUntil | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2193 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by checkTimeLimit(), getProfileAsString(), saveAsNew(), and update().
ilObjUser::getTimeZone | ( | ) |
get timezone of user
Definition at line 1104 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilCalendarSettings\_getInstance(), and getPref().
ilObjUser::getUserDefinedData | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3946 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
static |
STATIC METHOD get the user_id of an email address.
string | email of user |
Definition at line 2540 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::getUserIdByLogin | ( | $a_login | ) |
Definition at line 2493 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilias, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilPaymentTrusteeGUI\addUser(), ilObjPaymentSettingsGUI\addVendorObject(), ilObjChatGUI\blockUserObject(), ilMail\checkRecipients(), ShibAuth\generateLogin(), ilMail\getEmailsOfRecipients(), ilMail\getUserIds(), ilUserImportParser\importEndTag(), ShibAuth\login(), ilSoapUserAdministration\lookupUser(), ilPasswordAssistanceGUI\submitAssistanceForm(), syncActive(), ilObjCourse\validateInfoSettings(), and ilUserImportParser\verifyEndTag().
ilObjUser::getUTitle | ( | ) |
get user title (note: don't mix up this method with getTitle() that is derived from ilObject and gets the user object's title) public
Definition at line 1563 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $utitle.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::getZipcode | ( | ) |
get zipcode public
Definition at line 1696 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $zipcode.
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::hasAcceptedUserAgreement | ( | ) |
check wether user has accepted user agreement
Definition at line 1465 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::hasPublicProfile | ( | ) |
returns true if public is profile, false otherwise
Definition at line 4554 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References getPref().
Referenced by getPublicName().
ilObjUser::ilObjUser | ( | $a_user_id = 0 , |
$a_call_by_reference = false |
) |
Constructor public.
integer | user_id |
Definition at line 149 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilias, $skin, IL_PASSWD_PLAIN, ilObject\ilObject(), read(), and ilObject\setId().
ilObjUser::isChild | ( | $a_usr_id | ) |
Definition at line 2384 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References __readAppliedUsers(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::isCurrentUserActive | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2465 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $data, $ilAuth, $login, and getLoginFromAuth().
ilObjUser::isDesktopItem | ( | $a_item_id, | |
$a_type | |||
) |
check wether an item is on the users desktop or not
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3218 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _isDesktopItem(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::isPasswordChangeDemanded | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2246 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilSecuritySettings\_getInstance(), and getLastPasswordChangeTS().
ilObjUser::isPasswordExpired | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2262 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilSecuritySettings\_getInstance(), ilSecuritySettings\ACCOUNT_SECURITY_MODE_CUSTOMIZED, and getLastPasswordChangeTS().
static |
Lookup matriculation.
int | $a_usr_id | public |
Definition at line 1840 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $res, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilObjCourseGrouping\_checkGroupingDependencies().
ilObjUser::read | ( | ) |
loads a record "user" from database private
Definition at line 195 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $data, $ilErr, assignData(), DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC, IL_PASSWD_CRYPT, IL_PASSWD_MD5, readPrefs(), readUserDefinedFields(), setLastPasswordChangeTS(), setLoginAttempts(), and ilStyleDefinition\skinExists().
Referenced by ilObjUser(), and update().
ilObjUser::readPrefs | ( | ) |
get all user preferences private
Definition at line 1189 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $prefs, and _getPreferences().
Referenced by read().
ilObjUser::readUserDefinedFields | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3973 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $res, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC, and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by read().
ilObjUser::refreshLogin | ( | ) |
updates the login data of a "user" // TODO set date with now() should be enough public
Definition at line 796 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::removeObjectFromClipboard | ( | $a_item_id, | |
$a_type | |||
) |
remove object from user's personal clipboard
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
Definition at line 3493 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::removeUserPicture | ( | ) |
Remove user picture.
Definition at line 3892 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $file, ilUtil\getWebspaceDir(), setPref(), and update().
ilObjUser::replacePassword | ( | $new_md5 | ) |
replaces password with new md5 hash
string | new password as md5 |
Definition at line 813 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References IL_PASSWD_MD5.
ilObjUser::resetLastPasswordChange | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2306 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::resetPassword | ( | $a_new1, | |
$a_new2 | |||
) |
reset password
string | new password1 as plaintext |
string | new password2 as plaintext |
Definition at line 906 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References IL_PASSWD_MD5.
ilObjUser::saveAsNew | ( | $a_from_formular = true | ) |
TODO: drop fields last_update & create_date.
redundant data in object_data! saves a new record "user" to database public
boolean | user data from formular (addSlashes) or not (prepareDBString) |
Definition at line 368 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilErr, $passwd, addUserDefinedFieldEntry(), getAuthMode(), getExternalAccount(), getProfileIncomplete(), getTimeLimitFrom(), getTimeLimitOwner(), getTimeLimitUnlimited(), getTimeLimitUntil(), IL_PASSWD_CRYPT, IL_PASSWD_MD5, IL_PASSWD_PLAIN, and updateUserDefinedFields().
static |
STATIC METHOD get the user_ids which correspond a search string.
string | search string | |
boolean | $active | Search only for active users |
boolean | $a_return_ids_only | Return only an array of user id's instead of id, login, name, active status |
mixed | $filter_settings | Filter settings of the user administration view public |
Definition at line 2581 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $_SESSION, $active, $ilias, $ilLog, ilObject\$ref_id, $res, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilAdminUserSearchGUI\performSearchSimple(), ilObjSurveyAdministrationGUI\searchObject(), and ilObjUserFolderGUI\searchUserObject().
ilObjUser::setActive | ( | $a_active, | |
$a_owner = 6 |
) |
set user active state and updates system fields appropriately public
string | $a_active | the active state of the user account |
string | $a_owner | the id of the person who approved the account, defaults to 6 (root) |
Definition at line 2086 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References setApproveDate(), and ilObject\setOwner().
Referenced by syncActive().
ilObjUser::setAgreeDate | ( | $a_str | ) |
set date the user account was accepted by the user 0000-00-00 00:00:00 indicates that the user has not accepted his account public
Definition at line 2074 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::setApproveDate | ( | $a_str | ) |
set date the user account was activated 0000-00-00 00:00:00 indicates that the user has not yet been activated public
Definition at line 2043 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by setActive().
ilObjUser::setAuthMode | ( | $a_str | ) |
set auth mode public
Definition at line 3540 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setCity | ( | $a_str | ) |
set city public
string | city |
Definition at line 1668 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setClientIP | ( | $a_str | ) |
set client ip number public
string | client ip |
Definition at line 1801 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setComment | ( | $a_str | ) |
set referral comment public
string | hobby |
Definition at line 2023 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setCountry | ( | $a_str | ) |
set country public
string | country |
Definition at line 1706 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setDelicious | ( | $a_delicious | ) |
Definition at line 4162 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setDepartment | ( | $a_str | ) |
set department public
string | department |
Definition at line 1630 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setDesktopItemParameters | ( | $a_item_id, | |
$a_type, | |||
$a_par | |||
) |
set parameters of a desktop item entry
int | $a_item_id | ref_id for objects, that are in the main tree (learning modules, forums) obj_id for others |
string | $a_type | object type |
string | $a_par | parameters |
Definition at line 3130 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::setEmail | ( | $a_str | ) |
set email public
string | email address |
Definition at line 1856 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setExternalAccount | ( | $a_str | ) |
set external account
note: 3.7.0 uses this field only for cas and soap authentication.
Definition at line 3567 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setFax | ( | $a_str | ) |
set fax public
string | fax |
Definition at line 1782 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setFirstname | ( | $a_str | ) |
set firstname public
string | firstname |
Definition at line 1573 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setFullname | ( | $a_title = "" , |
$a_firstname = "" , |
$a_lastname = "" |
) |
builds a string with title + firstname + lastname method is used to build fullname in member variable $this->fullname.
But you may use the function in static manner. static
string | title (opt.) |
string | firstname (opt.) |
string | lastname (opt.) |
Definition at line 1304 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $fullname, and $lastname.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setGender | ( | $a_str | ) |
set gender public
string | gender |
Definition at line 1531 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setHobby | ( | $a_str | ) |
set hobby public
string | hobby |
Definition at line 1875 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setInstantMessengerId | ( | $a_im_type, | |
$a_im_id | |||
) |
Definition at line 4150 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setInstitution | ( | $a_str | ) |
set institution public
string | institution |
Definition at line 1611 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setLanguage | ( | $a_str | ) |
set user language public
string | lang_key (i.e. de,en,fr,...) |
Definition at line 1894 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $_SESSION, and setPref().
Referenced by getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::setLastLogin | ( | $a_str | ) |
set user's last login public
string | login date |
Definition at line 1989 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setLastname | ( | $a_str | ) |
set lastame public
string | lastname |
Definition at line 1592 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setLastPasswordChangeToNow | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2294 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References getLastPasswordChangeTS(), and setLastPasswordChangeTS().
ilObjUser::setLastPasswordChangeTS | ( | $a_last_password_change_ts | ) |
Definition at line 1910 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by read(), and setLastPasswordChangeToNow().
ilObjUser::setLastUpdate | ( | $a_str | ) |
set last update of user data set public
string | date |
Definition at line 2009 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setLatitude | ( | $a_latitude | ) |
Set Latitude.
string | $a_latitude | Latitude |
Definition at line 2321 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setLocationZoom | ( | $a_locationzoom | ) |
Set Location Zoom.
int | $a_locationzoom | Location Zoom |
Definition at line 2361 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setLogin | ( | $a_str | ) |
set login / username public
string | username |
Definition at line 1479 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setLoginAttempts | ( | $a_login_attempts | ) |
Definition at line 2214 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by read().
ilObjUser::setLongitude | ( | $a_longitude | ) |
Set Longitude.
string | $a_longitude | Longitude |
Definition at line 2341 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setMatriculation | ( | $a_str | ) |
set matriculation number public
string | matriculation number |
Definition at line 1820 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setPasswd | ( | $a_str, | |
$a_type = IL_PASSWD_PLAIN |
) |
set password public
string | passwd |
Definition at line 1498 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setPhoneHome | ( | $a_str | ) |
set home phone public
string | home phone |
Definition at line 1744 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setPhoneMobile | ( | $a_str | ) |
set mobile phone public
string | mobile phone |
Definition at line 1763 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setPhoneOffice | ( | $a_str | ) |
set office phone public
string | office phone |
Definition at line 1725 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setPref | ( | $a_keyword, | |
$a_value | |||
) |
set a user preference
string | name of parameter |
string | value public |
Definition at line 1144 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by removeUserPicture(), setLanguage(), and writePref().
ilObjUser::setProfileIncomplete | ( | $a_prof_inc | ) |
Definition at line 2237 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setSkin | ( | $a_str | ) |
set user skin (template set) public
string | directory name of template set |
Definition at line 2167 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::setStreet | ( | $a_str | ) |
set street public
string | street |
Definition at line 1649 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setTimeLimitFrom | ( | $a_from | ) |
Definition at line 2181 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setTimeLimitMessage | ( | $a_time_limit_message | ) |
Definition at line 2205 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setTimeLimitOwner | ( | $a_owner | ) |
Definition at line 2173 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setTimeLimitUnlimited | ( | $a_unlimited | ) |
Definition at line 2197 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setTimeLimitUntil | ( | $a_until | ) |
Definition at line 2189 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setUserDefinedData | ( | $a_data | ) |
Definition at line 3929 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $data.
ilObjUser::setUTitle | ( | $a_str | ) |
set user title (note: don't mix up this method with setTitle() that is derived from ilObject and sets the user object's title) public
string | title |
Definition at line 1552 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::setZipcode | ( | $a_str | ) |
set zipcode public
string | zipcode |
Definition at line 1687 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by assignData().
ilObjUser::syncActive | ( | ) |
synchronizes current and stored user active values for the owner value to be set correctly, this function should only be called when an admin is approving a user account public
Definition at line 2121 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilAuth, getLoginFromAuth(), getStoredActive(), getUserIdByLogin(), and setActive().
Referenced by update().
ilObjUser::update | ( | ) |
updates a record "user" and write it into database public
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 540 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References $ilErr, getAuthMode(), getDelicious(), getExternalAccount(), getInstantMessengerId(), getLastPasswordChangeTS(), getLatitude(), getLocationZoom(), getLongitude(), getProfileIncomplete(), getTimeLimitFrom(), getTimeLimitMessage(), getTimeLimitOwner(), getTimeLimitUnlimited(), getTimeLimitUntil(), IL_PASSWD_CRYPT, IL_PASSWD_MD5, IL_PASSWD_PLAIN, read(), syncActive(), ilObject\updateOwner(), updateUserDefinedFields(), and writePrefs().
Referenced by removeUserPicture().
ilObjUser::updateLogin | ( | $a_login | ) |
update login name
string | new login |
Definition at line 996 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::updatePassword | ( | $a_old, | |
$a_new1, | |||
$a_new2 | |||
) |
updates password
string | old password as plaintext |
string | new password1 as plaintext |
string | new password2 as plaintext |
Definition at line 837 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _makeIlias2Password(), IL_PASSWD_CRYPT, IL_PASSWD_MD5, and IL_PASSWD_PLAIN.
ilObjUser::updateUserDefinedFields | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3951 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\getId().
Referenced by saveAsNew(), and update().
ilObjUser::writeAccepted | ( | ) |
write accept date of user agreement to db
Definition at line 648 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjUser::writePref | ( | $a_keyword, | |
$a_value | |||
) |
write userpref to user table private
string | keyword |
string | value |
Definition at line 1027 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
References _writePref(), and setPref().
ilObjUser::writePrefs | ( | ) |
write all userprefs private
Definition at line 1077 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by update().
ilObjUser::$active |
Definition at line 93 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by _getAllUserData(), _getUsersForFolder(), _getUsersForGroup(), _getUsersForIds(), _getUsersForRole(), _search(), getActive(), and searchUsers().
ilObjUser::$approve_date |
Definition at line 92 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getApproveDate().
ilObjUser::$auth_mode |
Definition at line 96 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getAuthMode().
ilObjUser::$city |
Definition at line 81 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getCity().
ilObjUser::$client_ip |
Definition at line 95 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getClientIP().
ilObjUser::$country |
Definition at line 83 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getCountry().
ilObjUser::$default_role |
Definition at line 134 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::$delicious |
Definition at line 104 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getDelicious().
ilObjUser::$department |
Definition at line 79 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getDepartment().
ilObjUser::$email |
Definition at line 88 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getEmail().
ilObjUser::$fax |
Definition at line 87 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getFax().
ilObjUser::$firstname |
Definition at line 73 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getFirstname().
ilObjUser::$fullname |
Definition at line 75 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by setFullname().
ilObjUser::$gender |
Definition at line 71 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getGender(), and getProfileAsString().
ilObjUser::$hobby |
Definition at line 89 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getHobby().
ilObjUser::$ilias |
Definition at line 141 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by _getAllUserLogins(), _getUserIdsByEmail(), _lookupHasIlias2Password(), _switchToIlias3Password(), getLoginByUserId(), getStoredActive(), getUserIdByLogin(), ilObjUser(), and searchUsers().
ilObjUser::$im_aim |
Definition at line 101 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::$im_icq |
Definition at line 98 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::$im_msn |
Definition at line 100 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::$im_skype |
Definition at line 102 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::$im_yahoo |
Definition at line 99 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::$institution |
Definition at line 78 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getInstitution().
ilObjUser::$last_password_change_ts |
Definition at line 109 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getLastPasswordChangeTS().
ilObjUser::$lastname |
Definition at line 74 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getLastname(), and setFullname().
ilObjUser::$latitude |
Definition at line 105 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getLatitude().
ilObjUser::$loc_zoom |
Definition at line 107 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getLocationZoom().
ilObjUser::$login |
all user related data in single vars public
Definition at line 51 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by checkUserId(), getLogin(), getLoginFromAuth(), and isCurrentUserActive().
ilObjUser::$login_attempts |
Definition at line 110 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by _getLoginAttempts(), and getLoginAttempts().
ilObjUser::$longitude |
Definition at line 106 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getLongitude().
ilObjUser::$matriculation |
Definition at line 90 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getMatriculation().
ilObjUser::$passwd |
Definition at line 53 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getPasswd(), and saveAsNew().
ilObjUser::$passwd_type |
Definition at line 54 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getPasswdType().
ilObjUser::$phone_home |
Definition at line 85 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getPhoneHome().
ilObjUser::$phone_mobile |
Definition at line 86 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getPhoneMobile().
ilObjUser::$phone_office |
Definition at line 84 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getPhoneOffice().
ilObjUser::$prefs |
Definition at line 119 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by _getPreferences(), and readPrefs().
ilObjUser::$referral_comment |
Definition at line 91 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getComment().
ilObjUser::$skin |
Definition at line 126 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by ilObjUser().
ilObjUser::$street |
Definition at line 80 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getStreet().
ilObjUser::$user_defined_data = array() |
Definition at line 112 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
ilObjUser::$utitle |
Definition at line 72 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getUTitle().
ilObjUser::$zipcode |
Definition at line 82 of file class.ilObjUser.php.
Referenced by getZipcode().