Release_4_0_x_branch Revision 61816
Class ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule. More...
Public Member Functions | |
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule ($a_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
validate ($directory) | |
Validate all XML-Files in a SCOM-Directory. | |
readObject () | |
read manifest file public | |
fixReload () | |
convert_1_2_to_2004 ($manifest) | |
getTrackedUsers ($a_search) | |
get all tracked items of current user | |
deleteTrackingDataOfUsers ($a_users) | |
get all tracked items of current user | |
getTrackedItems () | |
get all tracked items of current user | |
getTrackingDataAgg ($a_sco_id) | |
getAttemptsForUser ($a_user_id) | |
get number of atttempts for a certain user and package | |
getModuleVersionForUser ($a_user_id) | |
get module version that tracking data for a user was recorded on | |
exportSelected ($a_exportall=0, $a_user=array()) | |
importSuccess ($a_file) | |
_ISODurationToCentisec ($str) | |
convert ISO 8601 Timeperiods to centiseconds ta | |
getCourseCompletionForUser ($a_user) | |
_getTrackingItems ($a_obj_id) | |
get all tracking items of scorm object | |
createScorm2004Tree () | |
Create Scorm 2004 Tree used by Editor. | |
getTree () | |
getSequencingSettings () | |
updateSequencingSettings () | |
executeDragDrop ($source_id, $target_id, $first_child, $as_subitem=false, $movecopy="move") | |
Execute Drag Drop Action. | |
getExportFiles () | |
exportScorm ($a_inst, $a_target_dir, $ver, &$expLog) | |
exportHTML4PDF ($a_inst, $a_target_dir, &$expLog) | |
exportHTML ($a_inst, $a_target_dir, &$expLog) | |
exportXMLMetaData (&$a_xml_writer) | |
export content objects meta data to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) | |
exportXMLStructureObjects (&$a_xml_writer, $a_inst, &$expLog) | |
export structure objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) | |
exportXMLScoObjects ($a_inst, $a_target_dir, $ver, &$expLog) | |
export page objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) | |
exportHTMLScoObjects ($a_inst, $a_target_dir, &$expLog) | |
getPublicExportFile ($a_type) | |
exportFileItems ($a_target_dir, &$expLog) | |
export files of file itmes | |
setPublicExportFile ($a_type, $a_file) | |
![]() | |
ilObjSCORMLearningModule ($a_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
getValidationSummary () | |
getTrackingItems () | |
getTrackingDataPerUser ($a_sco_id, $a_user_id) | |
getTrackingDataAggSco ($a_sco_id) | |
exportSelectedRaw ($a_exportall=0, $a_user=array()) | |
importTrackingData ($a_file) | |
get_user_id ($a_login) | |
getUserIdEmail ($a_mail) | |
assumes that only one account exists for a mailadress | |
sendExportFile ($a_header, $a_content) | |
send export file to browser | |
getAllScoIds () | |
getStatusForUser ($a_user, $a_allScoIds, $a_numerical=false) | |
![]() | |
ilObjSAHSLearningModule ($a_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
create () | |
create file based lm | |
read () | |
read object | |
_lookupOnline ($a_id) | |
check wether scorm module is online | |
_lookupSubType ($a_obj_id) | |
lookup subtype id (scorm, aicc, hacp) | |
setEditable ($a_editable) | |
Set Editable. | |
getEditable () | |
Get Editable. | |
setTries ($a_tries) | |
Set default tries for questions. | |
getTries () | |
Get Tries. | |
getDiskUsage () | |
Gets the disk usage of the object in bytes. | |
createDataDirectory () | |
creates data directory for package files ("./data/lm_data/lm_<id>") | |
getDataDirectory ($mode="filesystem") | |
get data directory of lm | |
getAPIAdapterName () | |
get api adapter name | |
setAPIAdapterName ($a_api) | |
set api adapter name | |
getAPIFunctionsPrefix () | |
get api functions prefix | |
setAPIFunctionsPrefix ($a_prefix) | |
set api functions prefix | |
getCreditMode () | |
get credit mode | |
setCreditMode ($a_credit_mode) | |
set credit mode | |
setDefaultLessonMode ($a_lesson_mode) | |
set default lesson mode | |
getDefaultLessonMode () | |
get default lesson mode | |
getStyleSheetId () | |
get ID of assigned style sheet object | |
setStyleSheetId ($a_style_id) | |
set ID of assigned style sheet object | |
setAutoReview ($a_auto_review) | |
get auto review | |
getAutoReview () | |
set auto review | |
getMaxAttempt () | |
get max attempt | |
setMaxAttempt ($a_max_attempt) | |
set max attempt | |
getModuleVersion () | |
get max attempt | |
getAssignedGlossary () | |
get assigned glossary | |
setAssignedGlossary ($a_assigned_glossary) | |
set assigned glossary | |
setModuleVersion ($a_module_version) | |
set max attempt | |
getSession () | |
get session setting | |
setSession ($a_session) | |
set session setting | |
getNoMenu () | |
disable menu | |
setNoMenu ($a_no_menu) | |
disable menu | |
getHideNavig () | |
hide navigation tree | |
setHideNavig ($a_hide_navig) | |
disable menu | |
getDebug () | |
debug | |
setDebug ($a_debug) | |
debug | |
getDebugPw () | |
debug pw | |
setDebugPw ($a_debug_pw) | |
debug pw | |
update () | |
update meta data only | |
setOnline ($a_online) | |
get online | |
getOnline () | |
set online | |
setSubType ($a_sub_type) | |
get sub type | |
getSubType () | |
set sub type | |
delete () | |
delete SCORM learning module and all related data | |
notify ($a_event, $a_ref_id, $a_parent_non_rbac_id, $a_node_id, $a_params=0) | |
notifys an object about an event occured Based on the event happend, each object may decide how it reacts. | |
getPointsInPercent () | |
Returns the points in percent for the learning module This is called by the certificate generator if [SCORM_POINTS] is inserted. | |
![]() | |
ilObject ($a_id=0, $a_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
withReferences () | |
determines wehter objects are referenced or not (got ref ids or not) | |
read ($a_force_db=false) | |
read object data from db into object | |
getId () | |
get object id public | |
setId ($a_id) | |
set object id public | |
setRefId ($a_id) | |
set reference id public | |
getRefId () | |
get reference id public | |
getType () | |
get object type public | |
setType ($a_type) | |
set object type public | |
getPresentationTitle () | |
get presentation title Normally same as title Overwritten for sessions | |
getTitle () | |
get object title public | |
getUntranslatedTitle () | |
get untranslated object title public | |
setTitle ($a_title) | |
set object title | |
getDescription () | |
get object description | |
setDescription ($a_desc) | |
set object description | |
getLongDescription () | |
get object long description (stored in object_description) | |
getImportId () | |
get import id | |
setImportId ($a_import_id) | |
set import id | |
_lookupObjIdByImportId ($a_import_id) | |
getOwner () | |
get object owner | |
getOwnerName () | |
_lookupOwnerName ($a_owner_id) | |
lookup owner name for owner id | |
setOwner ($a_owner) | |
set object owner | |
getCreateDate () | |
get create date public | |
getLastUpdateDate () | |
get last update date public | |
setObjDataRecord ($a_record) | |
set object_data record (note: this method should only be called from the ilObjectFactory class) | |
MDUpdateListener ($a_element) | |
Meta data update listener. | |
createMetaData () | |
create meta data entry | |
updateMetaData () | |
update meta data entry | |
deleteMetaData () | |
delete meta data entry | |
updateOwner () | |
update owner of object in db | |
_getIdForImportId ($a_import_id) | |
get current object id for import id (static) | |
_getAllReferences ($a_id) | |
get all reference ids of object | |
_lookupOwner ($a_id) | |
lookup object owner | |
_lookupDescription ($a_id) | |
lookup object description | |
_lookupLastUpdate ($a_id, $a_as_string=false) | |
lookup last update | |
_getLastUpdateOfObjects ($a_objs) | |
Get last update for a set of media objects. | |
_setDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilTree::saveSubTree | |
_resetDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilObjectGUI::insertSavedNodes | |
_lookupDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilObjectGUI::insertSavedNodes | |
_writeTitle ($a_obj_id, $a_title) | |
write title to db (static) | |
_writeDescription ($a_obj_id, $a_desc) | |
write description to db (static) | |
_writeImportId ($a_obj_id, $a_import_id) | |
write import id to db (static) | |
_isInTrash ($a_ref_id) | |
checks wether object is in trash | |
_hasUntrashedReference ($a_obj_id) | |
checks wether an object has at least one reference that is not in trash | |
_lookupObjectId ($a_ref_id) | |
lookup object id | |
_getObjectsDataForType ($a_type, $a_omit_trash=false) | |
get all objects of a certain type | |
putInTree ($a_parent_ref) | |
maybe this method should be in tree object!? | |
setPermissions ($a_parent_ref) | |
set permissions of object | |
createReference () | |
creates reference for object | |
countReferences () | |
count references of object | |
initDefaultRoles () | |
init default roles settings Purpose of this function is to create a local role folder and local roles, that are needed depending on the object type If you want to setup default local roles you MUST overwrite this method in derived object classes (see ilObjForum for an example) public | |
createRoleFolder () | |
creates a local role folder | |
setRegisterMode ($a_bool) | |
isUserRegistered ($a_user_id=0) | |
requireRegistration () | |
getXMLZip () | |
getHTMLDirectory () | |
cloneObject ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id=0) | |
Clone object permissions, put in tree ... | |
appendCopyInfo ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Prepend Copy info if object with same name exists in that container. | |
cloneDependencies ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Clone object dependencies. | |
cloneMetaData ($target_obj) | |
Copy meta data. |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | _lookupLastAccess ($a_obj_id, $a_usr_id) |
Return the last access timestamp for a given user. | |
static | _getCourseCompletionForUser ($a_id, $a_user) |
Get the completion of a SCORM module for a given user. | |
static | _getUniqueScaledScoreForUser ($a_id, $a_user) |
Get the Unique Scaled Score of a course Conditions: Only one SCO may set cmi.score.scaled. | |
static | _getStatus ($a_obj_id, $a_user_id) |
static | _getSatisfied ($a_obj_id, $a_user_id) |
static | _getMeasure ($a_obj_id, $a_user_id) |
static | _lookupItemTitle ($a_node_id) |
![]() | |
static | _getAllScoIds ($a_id) |
Get an array of id's for all Sco's in the module. | |
static | _getStatusForUser ($a_id, $a_user, $a_allScoIds, $a_numerical=false) |
Get the status of a SCORM module for a given user. | |
![]() | |
static | _getTries ($a_id) |
![]() | |
static | _lookupTitle ($a_id) |
lookup object title | |
static | _getIdsForTitle ($title, $type= '', $partialmatch=false) |
static | _lookupObjId ($a_id) |
static | _lookupType ($a_id, $a_reference=false) |
lookup object type | |
_exists ($a_id, $a_reference=false) | |
checks if an object exists in object_data | |
static | _getObjectsByType ($a_obj_type="", $a_owner="") |
Get objects by type. | |
static | _prepareCloneSelection ($a_ref_ids, $new_type) |
Prepare copy wizard object selection. | |
static | _getIcon ($a_obj_id="", $a_size="big", $a_type="", $a_offline=false) |
Get icon for repository item. |
Data Fields | |
$validator | |
const | CONVERT_XSL = './Modules/Scorm2004/templates/xsl/op/scorm12To2004.xsl' |
const | WRAPPER_HTML = './Modules/Scorm2004/scripts/converter/GenericRunTimeWrapper1.0_aadlc/GenericRunTimeWrapper.htm' |
const | WRAPPER_JS = './Modules/Scorm2004/scripts/converter/GenericRunTimeWrapper1.0_aadlc/SCOPlayerWrapper.js' |
![]() | |
$validator | |
![]() | |
$validator | |
![]() | |
$ilias | |
$lng | |
$id | |
$ref_id | |
$type | |
$title | |
$untranslatedTitle | |
$desc | |
$long_desc | |
$owner | |
$create_date | |
$last_update | |
$import_id | |
$register = false | |
$referenced | |
$objectList | |
$max_title | |
$max_desc | |
$add_dots | |
$obj_data_record | |
object_data record |
Class ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.
Definition at line 35 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
static |
Get the completion of a SCORM module for a given user.
int | $a_id | Object id |
int | $a_user | User id |
Reimplemented from ilObjSCORMLearningModule.
Definition at line 858 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
Referenced by ilObjSAHSLearningModuleAccess\_lookupUserCertificate().
static |
Definition at line 1042 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilDB.
static |
Definition at line 1020 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilDB.
static |
Definition at line 999 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilDB.
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::_getTrackingItems | ( | $a_obj_id | ) |
get all tracking items of scorm object
currently a for learning progress only
Reimplemented from ilObjSCORMLearningModule.
Definition at line 958 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
Referenced by ilLPCollections\_getPossibleSAHSItems().
static |
Get the Unique Scaled Score of a course Conditions: Only one SCO may set cmi.score.scaled.
int | $a_id | Object id |
int | $a_user | User id |
Definition at line 915 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilDB.
Referenced by ilObjSAHSLearningModule\getPointsInPercent().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::_ISODurationToCentisec | ( | $str | ) |
convert ISO 8601 Timeperiods to centiseconds ta
Definition at line 745 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
static |
Definition at line 1063 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilDB.
Referenced by ilLPStatusSCORM\_getStatusInfo(), getTrackedItems(), and getTrackingDataAgg().
static |
Return the last access timestamp for a given user.
int | $a_obj_id | object id |
int | $user_id | user id |
Reimplemented from ilObjSCORMLearningModule.
Definition at line 311 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by ilSCORMPresentationGUI\downloadCertificate().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::convert_1_2_to_2004 | ( | $manifest | ) |
Definition at line 238 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilDB, $ilLog, $ret, fixReload(), and ilObjSAHSLearningModule\getDataDirectory().
Referenced by readObject().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::createScorm2004Tree | ( | ) |
Create Scorm 2004 Tree used by Editor.
Definition at line 1084 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::deleteTrackingDataOfUsers | ( | $a_users | ) |
get all tracked items of current user
Definition at line 385 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilDB, $res, $user, and ilObject\getId().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::executeDragDrop | ( | $source_id, | |
$target_id, | |||
$first_child, | |||
$as_subitem = false , |
$movecopy = "move" |
) |
Execute Drag Drop Action.
string | $source_id | Source element ID |
string | $target_id | Target element ID |
string | $first_child | Insert as first child of target |
string | $movecopy | Position ("move" | "copy") |
Definition at line 1136 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $target_id, ilObject\getId(), ilSCORM2004NodeFactory\getInstance(), and IL_FIRST_NODE.
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::exportFileItems | ( | $a_target_dir, | |
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export files of file itmes
Definition at line 1665 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::exportHTML | ( | $a_inst, | |
$a_target_dir, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
Definition at line 1530 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilBench, exportHTMLScoObjects(), ilObject\getId(), ilXmlWriter\xmlSetDtdDef(), xslt_create(), xslt_free(), and xslt_process().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::exportHTML4PDF | ( | $a_inst, | |
$a_target_dir, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
Definition at line 1514 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilBench, ilObject\getId(), and ilUtil\makeDir().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::exportHTMLScoObjects | ( | $a_inst, | |
$a_target_dir, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
Definition at line 1635 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilBench, ilObject\getId(), and ilUtil\makeDir().
Referenced by exportHTML().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::exportScorm | ( | $a_inst, | |
$a_target_dir, | |||
$ver, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
Definition at line 1425 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilBench, $revision, exportXMLMetaData(), exportXMLScoObjects(), exportXMLStructureObjects(), ilObject\getId(), ilUtil\rCopy(), ilXmlWriter\xmlSetDtdDef(), xslt_create(), xslt_free(), and xslt_process().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::exportSelected | ( | $a_exportall = 0 , |
$a_user = array() |
) |
Reimplemented from ilObjSCORMLearningModule.
Definition at line 533 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $key, $login, $query, $res, $row, $user, ilObject\_exists(), ilObject\getId(), and ilObjSCORMLearningModule\sendExportFile().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::exportXMLMetaData | ( | & | $a_xml_writer | ) |
export content objects meta data to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 1574 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References ilObject\getId(), and ilObject\getType().
Referenced by exportScorm().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::exportXMLScoObjects | ( | $a_inst, | |
$a_target_dir, | |||
$ver, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export page objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 1614 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilBench, ilObject\getId(), and ilUtil\makeDir().
Referenced by exportScorm().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::exportXMLStructureObjects | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_inst, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export structure objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 1589 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References ilObject\getId().
Referenced by exportScorm().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::fixReload | ( | ) |
Definition at line 229 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $out.
Referenced by convert_1_2_to_2004().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::getAttemptsForUser | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
get number of atttempts for a certain user and package
Reimplemented from ilObjSCORMLearningModule.
Definition at line 485 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilDB, and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by getTrackedUsers().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::getCourseCompletionForUser | ( | $a_user | ) |
Reimplemented from ilObjSCORMLearningModule.
Definition at line 798 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilDB, $key, and ilObject\getId().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::getExportFiles | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1381 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $dir, $file, ilObject\$type, and ilObject\getType().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::getModuleVersionForUser | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
get module version that tracking data for a user was recorded on
Reimplemented from ilObjSCORMLearningModule.
Definition at line 510 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilDB, and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by getTrackedUsers().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::getPublicExportFile | ( | $a_type | ) |
Definition at line 1656 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::getSequencingSettings | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1105 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::getTrackedItems | ( | ) |
get all tracked items of current user
Reimplemented from ilObjSCORMLearningModule.
Definition at line 400 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilDB, _lookupItemTitle(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::getTrackedUsers | ( | $a_search | ) |
get all tracked items of current user
Reimplemented from ilObjSCORMLearningModule.
Definition at line 336 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $ilDB, $name, $user, ilObject\_exists(), ilObjUser\_lookupLogin(), ilObjUser\_lookupName(), ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), getAttemptsForUser(), ilObject\getId(), getModuleVersionForUser(), and IL_CAL_DATETIME.
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::getTrackingDataAgg | ( | $a_sco_id | ) |
Reimplemented from ilObjSCORMLearningModule.
Definition at line 426 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $_GET, $data, $ilDB, ilObject\$title, _lookupItemTitle(), ilFormat\_secondsToString(), ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), ilObject\getId(), and IL_CAL_UNIX.
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::getTree | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1097 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule | ( | $a_id = 0 , |
$a_call_by_reference = true |
) |
Constructor public.
integer | reference_id or object_id |
boolean | treat the id as reference_id (true) or object_id (false) |
Definition at line 50 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References ilObject\ilObject().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::importSuccess | ( | $a_file | ) |
Reimplemented from ilObjSCORMLearningModule.
Definition at line 666 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $res, ilObjSCORMLearningModule\get_user_id(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::readObject | ( | ) |
read manifest file public
Reimplemented from ilObjSCORMLearningModule.
Definition at line 75 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $_POST, $ilDB, ilObject\$ilias, ilObject\$lng, $n, $start, convert_1_2_to_2004(), ilObjSAHSLearningModule\getDataDirectory(), ilObject\getId(), ilObjSCORMLearningModule\getValidationSummary(), seems_not_utf8(), and validate().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::setPublicExportFile | ( | $a_type, | |
$a_file | |||
) |
Definition at line 1678 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::updateSequencingSettings | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1116 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
References $_POST, ilObject\getId(), and ilUtil\yn2tf().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::validate | ( | $directory | ) |
Validate all XML-Files in a SCOM-Directory.
Reimplemented from ilObjSCORMLearningModule.
Definition at line 63 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
Referenced by readObject().
ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::$validator |
Definition at line 37 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
const ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::CONVERT_XSL = './Modules/Scorm2004/templates/xsl/op/scorm12To2004.xsl' |
Definition at line 40 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
const ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::WRAPPER_HTML = './Modules/Scorm2004/scripts/converter/GenericRunTimeWrapper1.0_aadlc/GenericRunTimeWrapper.htm' |
Definition at line 41 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.
const ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule::WRAPPER_JS = './Modules/Scorm2004/scripts/converter/GenericRunTimeWrapper1.0_aadlc/SCOPlayerWrapper.js' |
Definition at line 42 of file class.ilObjSCORM2004LearningModule.php.