Release_4_0_x_branch Revision 61816
Class ilObjTestGUI. More...
Public Member Functions | |
ilObjTestGUI () | |
Constructor public. | |
& | executeCommand () |
execute command | |
runObject () | |
outEvaluationObject () | |
importFileObject () | |
form for new test object import | |
saveObject () | |
save object public | |
backToRepositoryObject () | |
backToCourseObject () | |
exportObject () | |
createTestExportObject () | |
create test export file | |
createTestResultsExportObject () | |
create results export file | |
downloadExportFileObject () | |
download export file | |
confirmDeleteExportFileObject () | |
confirmation screen for export file deletion | |
cancelObject ($in_rep=false) | |
cancel action and go back to previous page public | |
cancelDeleteExportFileObject () | |
cancel deletion of export files | |
deleteExportFileObject () | |
delete export files | |
uploadTstObject () | |
imports test and question(s) | |
importVerifiedFileObject () | |
imports question(s) into the questionpool (after verification) | |
uploadObject ($redirect=true) | |
display status information or report errors messages in case of error | |
confirmChangeProperties ($direction=0) | |
Displays a save confirmation dialog for test properties. | |
saveScoringObject () | |
Save the form input of the scoring form. | |
scoringObject ($checkonly=FALSE) | |
Display and fill the scoring settings form of the test. | |
propertiesObject ($checkonly=FALSE) | |
Display and fill the properties form of the test. | |
savePropertiesObject () | |
Save the form input of the properties form. | |
downloadFileObject () | |
download file | |
fullscreenObject () | |
show fullscreen view | |
download_paragraphObject () | |
download source code paragraph | |
filterObject () | |
Sets the filter for the question browser. | |
resetFilterObject () | |
Resets the filter for the question browser. | |
backObject () | |
Called when the back button in the question browser was pressed. | |
createQuestionPool ($name="dummy") | |
Creates a new questionpool and returns the reference id. | |
randomselectObject () | |
Creates a form for random selection of questions. | |
cancelRandomSelectObject () | |
Cancels the form for random selection of questions. | |
createRandomSelectionObject () | |
Offers a random selection for insertion in the test. | |
insertRandomSelectionObject () | |
Inserts a random selection into the test. | |
addQuestionpoolObject () | |
writeRandomQuestionInput ($always=false) | |
Evaluates a posted random question form and saves the form data. | |
saveRandomQuestionsObject () | |
addsourceObject () | |
removesourceObject () | |
randomQuestionsObject () | |
saveQuestionSelectionModeObject () | |
browseForQuestionsObject () | |
executeCreateQuestionObject () | |
Called when a new question should be created from a test after confirmation. | |
cancelCreateQuestionObject () | |
Called when the creation of a new question is cancelled. | |
createQuestionObject () | |
Called when a new question should be created from a test. | |
confirmRemoveQuestionsObject () | |
Remove questions from the test after confirmation. | |
cancelRemoveQuestionsObject () | |
Cancels the removal of questions from the test. | |
removeQuestionsForm ($checked_questions) | |
Displays a form to confirm the removal of questions from the test. | |
removeQuestionsObject () | |
Called when a selection of questions should be removed from the test. | |
moveQuestionsObject () | |
Marks selected questions for moving. | |
insertQuestionsBeforeObject () | |
Insert checked questions before the actual selection. | |
insertQuestionsAfterObject () | |
Insert checked questions after the actual selection. | |
insertQuestionsObject () | |
Insert questions from the questionbrowser into the test. | |
filterAvailableQuestionsObject () | |
resetfilterAvailableQuestionsObject () | |
questionBrowser () | |
Creates a form to select questions from questionpools to insert the questions into the test. | |
questionsObject () | |
takenObject () | |
addMarkStepObject () | |
Add a new mark step to the tests marks. | |
saveMarkSchemaFormData () | |
Save the mark schema POST data when the form was submitted. | |
addSimpleMarkSchemaObject () | |
Add a simple mark schema to the tests marks. | |
deleteMarkStepsObject () | |
Delete selected mark steps. | |
cancelMarksObject () | |
Cancel the mark schema form and return to the properties form. | |
saveMarksObject () | |
Save the mark schema. | |
marksObject () | |
confirmDeleteAllUserResultsObject () | |
Deletes all user data for the test object. | |
confirmDeleteSelectedUserDataObject () | |
Deletes the selected user data for the test object. | |
cancelDeleteSelectedUserDataObject () | |
Cancels the deletion of all user data for the test object. | |
deleteAllUserDataObject () | |
Asks for a confirmation to delete all user data of the test object. | |
deleteAllUserResultsObject () | |
Asks for a confirmation to delete all user data of the test object. | |
deleteSingleUserResultsObject () | |
Asks for a confirmation to delete selected user data of the test object. | |
historyObject () | |
Creates the change history for a test. | |
createObject () | |
form for new content object creation | |
cancelFixedParticipantsStatusChangeObject () | |
Cancels the change of the fixed participants status when fixed participants already exist. | |
confirmFixedParticipantsStatusChangeObject () | |
Confirms the change of the fixed participants status when fixed participants already exist. | |
confirmFixedParticipantsStatusChange () | |
Shows a confirmation dialog to remove fixed participants from the text. | |
saveFixedParticipantsStatusObject () | |
Saves the status change of the fixed participants status. | |
inviteParticipantsObject () | |
Creates the output for user/group invitation to a test. | |
participantsActionObject () | |
Evaluates the actions on the participants page. | |
participantsObject () | |
Creates the output of the test participants. | |
showDetailedResultsObject () | |
Shows the pass overview and the answers of one ore more users for the scored pass. | |
showUserAnswersObject () | |
Shows the answers of one ore more users for the scored pass. | |
showPassOverviewObject () | |
Shows the pass overview of the scored pass for one ore more users. | |
showUserResults ($show_pass_details, $show_answers, $show_reached_points=FALSE) | |
Shows the pass overview of the scored pass for one ore more users. | |
removeParticipantObject () | |
saveClientIPObject () | |
printobject () | |
Print tab to create a print of all questions with points and solutions. | |
addParticipantsObject () | |
searchParticipantsObject () | |
defaultsObject () | |
Displays the settings page for test defaults. | |
deleteDefaultsObject () | |
Deletes selected test defaults. | |
applyDefaultsObject () | |
Applies the selected test defaults. | |
addDefaultsObject () | |
Adds the defaults of this test to the defaults. | |
infoScreenObject () | |
this one is called from the info button in the repository not very nice to set cmdClass/Cmd manually, if everything works through ilCtrl in the future this may be changed | |
redirectToInfoScreenObject () | |
infoScreen ($session_lock="") | |
show information screen | |
addLocatorItems () | |
should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded) | |
getBrowseForQuestionsTab (&$tabs_gui) | |
getRandomQuestionsTab (&$tabs_gui) | |
statisticsObject () | |
certificateObject () | |
Shows the certificate editor. | |
getQuestionsSubTabs () | |
getStatisticsSubTabs () | |
getSettingsSubTabs () | |
getTabs (&$tabs_gui) | |
adds tabs to tab gui object | |
_goto ($a_target) | |
Redirect script to call a test with the test reference id. | |
![]() | |
ilObjectGUI ($a_data, $a_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=true, $a_prepare_output=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
withReferences () | |
determines wether objects are referenced or not (got ref ids or not) | |
setCreationMode ($a_mode=true) | |
if true, a creation screen is displayed the current $_GET[ref_id] don't belong to the current class! the mode is determined in ilrepositorygui | |
getCreationMode () | |
get creation mode | |
getAdminTabs (&$tabs_gui) | |
administration tabs show only permissions and trash folder | |
getHTML () | |
undeleteObject () | |
Get objects back from trash. | |
confirmedDeleteObject () | |
confirmed deletion of object -> objects are moved to trash or deleted immediately, if trash is disabled | |
cancelDeleteObject () | |
cancel deletion of object | |
removeFromSystemObject () | |
remove objects from trash bin and all entries therefore every object needs a specific deleteObject() method | |
editObject () | |
edit object | |
updateObject () | |
updates object entry in object_data | |
getFormAction ($a_cmd, $a_formaction="") | |
get form action for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g. | |
isVisible ($a_ref_id, $a_type) | |
viewObject () | |
list childs of current object | |
deleteObject ($a_error=false) | |
Display deletion confirmation screen. | |
trashObject () | |
Show trash content of object. | |
getTemplateFile ($a_cmd, $a_type="") | |
get a template blockfile format: tpl. | |
cloneAllObject () | |
Clone single (not container object) Method is overwritten in ilContainerGUI. | |
copyWizardHasOptions ($a_mode) | |
Check if there is any modules specific option. |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
$ilias | |
$objDefinition | |
$tpl | |
$tree | |
$lng | |
$data | |
$object | |
$ref_id | |
$obj_id | |
$maxcount | |
$formaction | |
$return_location | |
$target_frame | |
$tab_target_script | |
$actions | |
$sub_objects | |
$omit_locator = false | |
![]() | |
assignObject () | |
prepareOutput () | |
prepare output | |
setTitleAndDescription () | |
called by prepare output | |
showUpperIcon () | |
setTabs () | |
set admin tabs public | |
setAdminTabs () | |
set admin tabs public | |
setLocator () | |
set Locator | |
omitLocator ($a_omit=true) | |
addAdminLocatorItems () | |
should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded) | |
displayEditForm ($fields) | |
display edit form (usually called by editObject) | |
afterUpdate () | |
setFormAction ($a_cmd, $a_formaction) | |
set specific form action for command | |
getReturnLocation ($a_cmd, $a_location="") | |
get return location for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g. | |
setReturnLocation ($a_cmd, $a_location) | |
set specific return location for command | |
getTargetFrame ($a_cmd, $a_target_frame="") | |
get target frame for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g. | |
setTargetFrame ($a_cmd, $a_target_frame) | |
set specific target frame for command | |
showPossibleSubObjects () | |
show possible subobjects (pulldown menu) | |
getTitlesByRefId ($a_ref_ids) | |
get Titles of objects this method is used for error messages in methods cut/copy/paste | |
__showButton ($a_cmd, $a_text, $a_target= '') | |
hitsperpageObject () | |
& | __initTableGUI () |
__setTableGUIBasicData (&$tbl, &$result_set, $a_from="") | |
standard implementation for tables use 'from' variable use different initial setting of table | |
__showClipboardTable ($a_result_set, $a_from="") | |
redirectToRefId ($a_ref_id, $a_cmd="") | |
redirects to (repository) view per ref id usually to a container and usually used at the end of a save/import method where the object gui type (of the new object) doesn't match with the type of the current $_GET["ref_id"] value | |
fillCloneTemplate ($a_tpl_varname, $a_type) | |
Fill object clone template This method can be called from any object GUI class that wants to offer object cloning. | |
fillCloneSearchTemplate ($a_tpl_varname, $a_type) | |
Add an object search in case the number of existing objects is too big to offer a selection list. | |
searchCloneSourceObject () | |
Search clone source by title. | |
buildCloneSelect ($existing_objs) | |
Build a select box for clonable objects (permission write) | |
getCenterColumnHTML () | |
Get center column. | |
getRightColumnHTML () | |
Display right column. | |
setColumnSettings ($column_gui) | |
May be overwritten in subclasses. | |
checkPermission ($a_perm, $a_cmd="") |
Class ilObjTestGUI.
ilObjTestGUI: ilObjCourseGUI, ilMDEditorGUI, ilTestOutputGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilTestEvaluationGUI, ilPermissionGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilInfoScreenGUI, ilLearningProgressGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilCertificateGUI ilObjTestGUI: ilTestScoringGUI, ilShopPurchaseGUI, ilObjectCopyGUI
Definition at line 44 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::_goto | ( | $a_target | ) |
Redirect script to call a test with the test reference id.
Redirect script to call a test with the test reference id
integer | $a_target | The reference id of the test public |
Definition at line 4360 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $ilErr, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObject\_lookupObjId(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), exit, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::addDefaultsObject | ( | ) |
Adds the defaults of this test to the defaults.
Definition at line 3616 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, defaultsObject(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::addLocatorItems | ( | ) |
should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded)
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 3909 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET.
ilObjTestGUI::addMarkStepObject | ( | ) |
Add a new mark step to the tests marks.
Add a new mark step to the tests marks
Definition at line 2265 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References marksObject(), and saveMarkSchemaFormData().
ilObjTestGUI::addParticipantsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3421 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::addQuestionpoolObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1635 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References randomQuestionsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::addSimpleMarkSchemaObject | ( | ) |
Add a simple mark schema to the tests marks.
Add a simple mark schema to the tests marks
Definition at line 2311 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References marksObject().
ilObjTestGUI::addsourceObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1682 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, randomQuestionsObject(), and writeRandomQuestionInput().
ilObjTestGUI::applyDefaultsObject | ( | ) |
Applies the selected test defaults.
Definition at line 3589 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $result, defaultsObject(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::backObject | ( | ) |
Called when the back button in the question browser was pressed.
Called when the back button in the question browser was pressed
Definition at line 1464 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::backToCourseObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 269 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, ilObjectGUI\getReturnLocation(), and ilUtil\redirect().
ilObjTestGUI::backToRepositoryObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 262 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\getReturnLocation(), and ilUtil\redirect().
Referenced by inviteParticipantsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::browseForQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1806 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References questionBrowser().
ilObjTestGUI::cancelCreateQuestionObject | ( | ) |
Called when the creation of a new question is cancelled.
Called when the creation of a new question is cancelled
Definition at line 1848 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::cancelDeleteExportFileObject | ( | ) |
cancel deletion of export files
Definition at line 425 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::cancelDeleteSelectedUserDataObject | ( | ) |
Cancels the deletion of all user data for the test object.
Cancels the deletion of all user data for the test object
Definition at line 2565 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::cancelFixedParticipantsStatusChangeObject | ( | ) |
Cancels the change of the fixed participants status when fixed participants already exist.
Definition at line 2808 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::cancelMarksObject | ( | ) |
Cancel the mark schema form and return to the properties form.
Cancel the mark schema form and return to the properties form
Definition at line 2348 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::cancelObject | ( | $in_rep = false | ) |
cancel action and go back to previous page public
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 417 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, and ilUtil\redirect().
ilObjTestGUI::cancelRandomSelectObject | ( | ) |
Cancels the form for random selection of questions.
Cancels the form for random selection of questions
Definition at line 1535 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::cancelRemoveQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Cancels the removal of questions from the test.
Cancels the removal of questions from the test
Definition at line 1932 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::certificateObject | ( | ) |
Shows the certificate editor.
Definition at line 3999 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::confirmChangeProperties | ( | $direction = 0 | ) |
Displays a save confirmation dialog for test properties.
Displays a save confirmation dialog for test properties when already defined questions or question pools get lost after saving
int | $direction | Direction of the change (0 = from random test to standard, anything else = from standard to random test) private |
Definition at line 665 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by savePropertiesObject().
ilObjTestGUI::confirmDeleteAllUserResultsObject | ( | ) |
Deletes all user data for the test object.
Deletes all user data for the test object
Definition at line 2525 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::confirmDeleteExportFileObject | ( | ) |
confirmation screen for export file deletion
Definition at line 379 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilObjectGUI\$data, IL_CAL_DATETIME, IL_CAL_UNIX, ilUtil\sendFailure(), and ilUtil\sendQuestion().
ilObjTestGUI::confirmDeleteSelectedUserDataObject | ( | ) |
Deletes the selected user data for the test object.
Deletes the selected user data for the test object
Definition at line 2539 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::confirmFixedParticipantsStatusChange | ( | ) |
Shows a confirmation dialog to remove fixed participants from the text.
Definition at line 2832 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $name, and ilUtil\sendQuestion().
Referenced by saveFixedParticipantsStatusObject().
ilObjTestGUI::confirmFixedParticipantsStatusChangeObject | ( | ) |
Confirms the change of the fixed participants status when fixed participants already exist.
Definition at line 2816 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::confirmRemoveQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Remove questions from the test after confirmation.
Remove questions from the test after confirmation
Definition at line 1909 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $key, and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::createObject | ( | ) |
form for new content object creation
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 2712 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, ilObjectGUI\$data, $key, $row, ilFrameTargetInfo\_getFrame(), ilObjectGUI\fillCloneTemplate(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), ilObjectGUI\getTemplateFile(), and ilUtil\prepareFormOutput().
Referenced by importFileObject(), and uploadTstObject().
ilObjTestGUI::createQuestionObject | ( | ) |
Called when a new question should be created from a test.
Called when a new question should be created from a test
Definition at line 1860 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $key, and getQuestionsSubTabs().
Referenced by executeCreateQuestionObject().
ilObjTestGUI::createQuestionPool | ( | $name = "dummy" | ) |
Creates a new questionpool and returns the reference id.
Creates a new questionpool and returns the reference id
Definition at line 1477 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $name, and ilObjectGUI\$tree.
Referenced by executeCreateQuestionObject().
ilObjTestGUI::createRandomSelectionObject | ( | ) |
Offers a random selection for insertion in the test.
Offers a random selection for insertion in the test
Definition at line 1547 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, assQuestion\_getQuestionTypeName(), and getQuestionsSubTabs().
ilObjTestGUI::createTestExportObject | ( | ) |
create test export file
Definition at line 315 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::createTestResultsExportObject | ( | ) |
create results export file
Definition at line 335 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::defaultsObject | ( | ) |
Displays the settings page for test defaults.
Displays the settings page for test defaults
Definition at line 3495 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $row, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by addDefaultsObject(), applyDefaultsObject(), and deleteDefaultsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::deleteAllUserDataObject | ( | ) |
Asks for a confirmation to delete all user data of the test object.
Asks for a confirmation to delete all user data of the test object
Definition at line 2577 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendQuestion().
ilObjTestGUI::deleteAllUserResultsObject | ( | ) |
Asks for a confirmation to delete all user data of the test object.
Definition at line 2595 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $name, and ilUtil\sendQuestion().
ilObjTestGUI::deleteDefaultsObject | ( | ) |
Deletes selected test defaults.
Definition at line 3574 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, and defaultsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::deleteExportFileObject | ( | ) |
delete export files
Definition at line 435 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $file, ilUtil\delDir(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::deleteMarkStepsObject | ( | ) |
Delete selected mark steps.
Delete selected mark steps
Definition at line 2324 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $key, marksObject(), saveMarkSchemaFormData(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::deleteSingleUserResultsObject | ( | ) |
Asks for a confirmation to delete selected user data of the test object.
Asks for a confirmation to delete selected user data of the test object
Definition at line 2620 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $key, $user, ilObjUser\_lookupLogin(), ilObjUser\_lookupName(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendQuestion().
ilObjTestGUI::download_paragraphObject | ( | ) |
download source code paragraph
Definition at line 1425 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::downloadExportFileObject | ( | ) |
download export file
Definition at line 356 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilUtil\deliverFile(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::downloadFileObject | ( | ) |
& ilObjTestGUI::executeCommand | ( | ) |
execute command
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 68 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $cmd, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$ilias, $ret, ilPaymentObject\_hasAccess(), ilPaymentObject\_isBuyable(), ilMDEditorGUI\addObserver(), exit, ilObjectGUI\getCreationMode(), infoScreen(), LP_MODE_REPOSITORY, ilObjectGUI\prepareOutput(), questionBrowser(), questionsObject(), and ilObjectGUI\setLocator().
ilObjTestGUI::executeCreateQuestionObject | ( | ) |
Called when a new question should be created from a test after confirmation.
Called when a new question should be created from a test after confirmation
Definition at line 1818 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, createQuestionObject(), createQuestionPool(), exit, ilUtil\redirect(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::exportObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 278 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$data, ilObjectGUI\$tree, IL_CAL_DATETIME, IL_CAL_UNIX, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::filterAvailableQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2117 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::filterObject | ( | ) |
Sets the filter for the question browser.
Sets the filter for the question browser
Definition at line 1440 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References questionBrowser().
ilObjTestGUI::fullscreenObject | ( | ) |
show fullscreen view
Definition at line 1413 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET.
ilObjTestGUI::getBrowseForQuestionsTab | ( | & | $tabs_gui | ) |
Definition at line 3962 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by getTabs().
ilObjTestGUI::getQuestionsSubTabs | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4007 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by createQuestionObject(), createRandomSelectionObject(), printobject(), questionsObject(), randomselectObject(), and removeQuestionsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::getRandomQuestionsTab | ( | & | $tabs_gui | ) |
Definition at line 3977 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::getSettingsSubTabs | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4064 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$ilias, and ilRPCServerSettings\getInstance().
Referenced by getTabs().
ilObjTestGUI::getStatisticsSubTabs | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4033 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by getTabs().
ilObjTestGUI::getTabs | ( | & | $tabs_gui | ) |
adds tabs to tab gui object
object | $tabs_gui | ilTabsGUI object |
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 4128 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getManualScoring(), ilLearningProgressAccess\checkAccess(), getBrowseForQuestionsTab(), getSettingsSubTabs(), and getStatisticsSubTabs().
ilObjTestGUI::historyObject | ( | ) |
Creates the change history for a test.
Creates the change history for a test
Definition at line 2698 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $log, and ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLog().
ilObjTestGUI::ilObjTestGUI | ( | ) |
Constructor public.
Definition at line 50 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, and ilObjectGUI\ilObjectGUI().
ilObjTestGUI::importFileObject | ( | ) |
form for new test object import
Definition at line 224 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References createObject(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and uploadTstObject().
ilObjTestGUI::importVerifiedFileObject | ( | ) |
imports question(s) into the questionpool (after verification)
Definition at line 599 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, $result, ilObjTest\_getImportDirectory(), ilUtil\delDir(), IL_MO_PARSE_QTI, ilUtil\redirect(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::infoScreen | ( | $session_lock = "" | ) |
show information screen
Definition at line 3651 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
Referenced by executeCommand(), infoScreenObject(), and redirectToInfoScreenObject().
ilObjTestGUI::infoScreenObject | ( | ) |
this one is called from the info button in the repository not very nice to set cmdClass/Cmd manually, if everything works through ilCtrl in the future this may be changed
Definition at line 3634 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References infoScreen().
ilObjTestGUI::insertQuestionsAfterObject | ( | ) |
Insert checked questions after the actual selection.
Definition at line 2057 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, ilUtil\sendFailure(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::insertQuestionsBeforeObject | ( | ) |
Insert checked questions before the actual selection.
Definition at line 2032 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, ilUtil\sendFailure(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::insertQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Insert questions from the questionbrowser into the test.
Definition at line 2083 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $key, assQuestion\_needsManualScoring(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::insertRandomSelectionObject | ( | ) |
Inserts a random selection into the test.
Inserts a random selection into the test
Definition at line 1605 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $key, $total, ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::inviteParticipantsObject | ( | ) |
Creates the output for user/group invitation to a test.
Definition at line 2879 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $total, $type, backToRepositoryObject(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by searchParticipantsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::marksObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2411 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $key, ilUtil\getImagePath(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by addMarkStepObject(), addSimpleMarkSchemaObject(), deleteMarkStepsObject(), and saveMarksObject().
ilObjTestGUI::moveQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Marks selected questions for moving.
Definition at line 2022 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::outEvaluationObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 216 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::participantsActionObject | ( | ) |
Evaluates the actions on the participants page.
Definition at line 3109 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::participantsObject | ( | ) |
Creates the output of the test participants.
Definition at line 3129 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$data, ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), IL_CAL_DATETIME, ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilTable2GUI\setData().
ilObjTestGUI::printobject | ( | ) |
Print tab to create a print of all questions with points and solutions.
Print tab to create a print of all questions with points and solutions
Definition at line 3346 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, ilObjectGUI\$ilias, ilUtil\getHtmlPath(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), ilRPCServerSettings\getInstance(), getQuestionsSubTabs(), ilUtil\getStyleSheetLocation(), ilUtil\prepareFormOutput(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::propertiesObject | ( | $checkonly = FALSE | ) |
Display and fill the properties form of the test.
Definition at line 928 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $errors, $password, $total, ilRadioGroupInputGUI\addOption(), ilCheckboxGroupInputGUI\addOption(), IL_CAL_TIMESTAMP, IL_CAL_UNIX, ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilCheckboxInputGUI\setOptionTitle(), ilTextInputGUI\setSize(), ilCheckboxInputGUI\setValue(), and ilTextAreaInputGUI\setValue().
Referenced by savePropertiesObject().
ilObjTestGUI::questionBrowser | ( | ) |
Creates a form to select questions from questionpools to insert the questions into the test.
Definition at line 2138 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$data.
Referenced by browseForQuestionsObject(), executeCommand(), filterObject(), and resetFilterObject().
ilObjTestGUI::questionsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2159 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_SESSION, ilObjectGUI\$data, $total, ilObjQuestionPool\_getQuestionTypes(), getQuestionsSubTabs(), randomQuestionsObject(), ilUtil\redirect(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by executeCommand().
ilObjTestGUI::randomQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1698 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $errors, $total, ilRandomTestInputGUI\setUseEqualPointsOnly(), ilCheckboxInputGUI\setValue(), ilNumberInputGUI\setValue(), and ilRandomTestROInputGUI\setValues().
Referenced by addQuestionpoolObject(), addsourceObject(), questionsObject(), removesourceObject(), saveQuestionSelectionModeObject(), and writeRandomQuestionInput().
ilObjTestGUI::randomselectObject | ( | ) |
Creates a form for random selection of questions.
Definition at line 1498 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $key, and getQuestionsSubTabs().
ilObjTestGUI::redirectToInfoScreenObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3641 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_SESSION, and infoScreen().
ilObjTestGUI::removeParticipantObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3307 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::removeQuestionsForm | ( | $checked_questions | ) |
Displays a form to confirm the removal of questions from the test.
Displays a form to confirm the removal of questions from the test
Definition at line 1944 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$data, assQuestion\_getQuestionTypeName(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by removeQuestionsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::removeQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Called when a selection of questions should be removed from the test.
Called when a selection of questions should be removed from the test
Definition at line 1993 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $total, elseif(), getQuestionsSubTabs(), removeQuestionsForm(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::removesourceObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1690 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, randomQuestionsObject(), and writeRandomQuestionInput().
ilObjTestGUI::resetfilterAvailableQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2125 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::resetFilterObject | ( | ) |
Resets the filter for the question browser.
Resets the filter for the question browser
Definition at line 1452 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References questionBrowser().
ilObjTestGUI::runObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 211 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::saveClientIPObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3323 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjTestGUI::saveFixedParticipantsStatusObject | ( | ) |
Saves the status change of the fixed participants status.
Definition at line 2853 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, and confirmFixedParticipantsStatusChange().
ilObjTestGUI::saveMarkSchemaFormData | ( | ) |
Save the mark schema POST data when the form was submitted.
Save the mark schema POST data when the form was submitted
Definition at line 2279 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $key, and ilUtil\stripSlashes().
Referenced by addMarkStepObject(), deleteMarkStepsObject(), and saveMarksObject().
ilObjTestGUI::saveMarksObject | ( | ) |
Save the mark schema.
Save the mark schema
Definition at line 2360 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, elseif(), marksObject(), saveMarkSchemaFormData(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and ilUtil\stripSlashes().
ilObjTestGUI::saveObject | ( | ) |
save object public
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 240 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, ilUtil\redirect(), ilUtil\sendFailure(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::savePropertiesObject | ( | ) |
Save the form input of the properties form.
Definition at line 1249 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $total, ilObjAdvancedEditing\_getUsedHTMLTagsAsString(), confirmChangeProperties(), ilFormat\dateDB2timestamp(), propertiesObject(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::saveQuestionSelectionModeObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1790 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, and randomQuestionsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::saveRandomQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1670 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and writeRandomQuestionInput().
ilObjTestGUI::saveScoringObject | ( | ) |
Save the form input of the scoring form.
Definition at line 719 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $total, REPORT_AFTER_DATE, scoringObject(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjTestGUI::scoringObject | ( | $checkonly = FALSE | ) |
Display and fill the scoring settings form of the test.
Definition at line 774 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_GET, $errors, $total, ilCheckboxGroupInputGUI\addOption(), ilRadioGroupInputGUI\addOption(), IL_CAL_TIMESTAMP, IL_CAL_UNIX, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by saveScoringObject().
ilObjTestGUI::searchParticipantsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3483 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References inviteParticipantsObject().
ilObjTestGUI::showDetailedResultsObject | ( | ) |
Shows the pass overview and the answers of one ore more users for the scored pass.
Definition at line 3219 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, and showUserResults().
ilObjTestGUI::showPassOverviewObject | ( | ) |
Shows the pass overview of the scored pass for one ore more users.
Definition at line 3247 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, and showUserResults().
ilObjTestGUI::showUserAnswersObject | ( | ) |
Shows the answers of one ore more users for the scored pass.
Definition at line 3233 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, and showUserResults().
ilObjTestGUI::showUserResults | ( | $show_pass_details, | |
$show_answers, | |||
$show_reached_points = FALSE |
) |
Shows the pass overview of the scored pass for one ore more users.
Definition at line 3261 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_SESSION, $key, $results, ilUtil\getStyleSheetLocation(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by showDetailedResultsObject(), showPassOverviewObject(), and showUserAnswersObject().
ilObjTestGUI::statisticsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3992 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::takenObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2255 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
ilObjTestGUI::uploadObject | ( | $redirect = true | ) |
display status information or report errors messages in case of error
Definition at line 651 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References uploadTstObject().
ilObjTestGUI::uploadTstObject | ( | ) |
imports test and question(s)
Definition at line 458 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, $file, $result, ilObjTest\_createImportDirectory(), ilObjTest\_getImportDirectory(), createObject(), ilUtil\delDir(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), IL_MO_VERIFY_QTI, ilUtil\moveUploadedFile(), QT_CLOZE, QT_IMAGEMAP, QT_JAVAAPPLET, QT_MATCHING, QT_MULTIPLE_CHOICE_MR, QT_MULTIPLE_CHOICE_SR, QT_NUMERIC, QT_ORDERING, QT_TEXT, QT_TEXTSUBSET, ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\unzip().
Referenced by importFileObject(), and uploadObject().
ilObjTestGUI::writeRandomQuestionInput | ( | $always = false | ) |
Evaluates a posted random question form and saves the form data.
Definition at line 1646 of file class.ilObjTestGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilObjectGUI\$data, and randomQuestionsObject().
Referenced by addsourceObject(), removesourceObject(), and saveRandomQuestionsObject().