Release_4_0_x_branch Revision 61816
Class ilObjContentObject. More...
Public Member Functions | |
ilObjContentObject ($a_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
create ($a_upload=false) | |
create content object | |
initDefaultRoles () | |
init default roles settings OBSOLETE. | |
read () | |
read data of content object | |
getTitle () | |
get title of content object | |
setTitle ($a_title) | |
set title of content object | |
getDescription () | |
get description of content object | |
setDescription ($a_description) | |
set description of content object | |
getImportId () | |
get import id | |
setImportId ($a_id) | |
set import id | |
setLayoutPerPage ($a_val) | |
Set layout per page. | |
getLayoutPerPage () | |
Get layout per page. | |
& | getTree () |
update () | |
update complete object (meta data and properties) | |
import () | |
if implemented, this function should be called from an Out/GUI-Object | |
putInTree ($a_parent) | |
put content object in main tree | |
createLMTree () | |
create content object tree (that stores structure object hierarchie) | |
& | getLMTree () |
get content object tree | |
createImportDirectory () | |
creates data directory for import files (data_dir/lm_data/lm_<id>/import, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini) | |
getDataDirectory () | |
get data directory | |
getImportDirectory () | |
get import directory of lm | |
createExportDirectory ($a_type="xml") | |
creates data directory for export files (data_dir/lm_data/lm_<id>/export, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini) | |
getExportDirectory ($a_type="xml") | |
get export directory of lm | |
delete () | |
delete learning module and all related data | |
getLayout () | |
get default page layout of content object (see directory layouts/) | |
setLayout ($a_layout) | |
set default page layout | |
getStyleSheetId () | |
get ID of assigned style sheet object | |
setStyleSheetId ($a_style_id) | |
set ID of assigned style sheet object | |
writeStyleSheetId ($a_style_id) | |
write ID of assigned style sheet object to db | |
_moveLMStyles ($a_from_style, $a_to_style) | |
move learning modules from one style to another | |
_lookupStyleSheetId ($a_cont_obj_id) | |
lookup style sheet ID | |
_lookupContObjIdByStyleId ($a_style_id) | |
lookup style sheet ID | |
_getNrOfAssignedLMs ($a_style_id) | |
gets the number of learning modules assigned to a content style | |
_getNrLMsIndividualStyles () | |
get number of learning modules with individual styles | |
_getNrLMsNoStyle () | |
get number of learning modules assigned no style | |
_deleteStyleAssignments ($a_style_id) | |
delete all style references to style | |
getPageHeader () | |
get page header mode (IL_CHAPTER_TITLE | IL_PAGE_TITLE | IL_NO_HEADER) | |
setPageHeader ($a_pg_header=IL_CHAPTER_TITLE) | |
set page header mode | |
getTOCMode () | |
get toc mode ("chapters" | "pages") | |
getPublicAccessMode () | |
get public access mode ("complete" | "selected") | |
setTOCMode ($a_toc_mode="chapters") | |
set toc mode | |
setOnline ($a_online) | |
getOnline () | |
setActiveLMMenu ($a_act_lm_menu) | |
isActiveLMMenu () | |
setActiveTOC ($a_toc) | |
isActiveTOC () | |
setActiveNumbering ($a_num) | |
isActiveNumbering () | |
setActivePrintView ($a_print) | |
isActivePrintView () | |
setActivePreventGlossaryAppendix ($a_print) | |
isActivePreventGlossaryAppendix () | |
setActiveDownloads ($a_down) | |
isActiveDownloads () | |
setActiveDownloadsPublic ($a_down) | |
isActiveDownloadsPublic () | |
setPublicNotes ($a_pub_notes) | |
publicNotes () | |
setCleanFrames ($a_clean) | |
cleanFrames () | |
setHistoryUserComments ($a_comm) | |
setPublicAccessMode ($a_mode) | |
isActiveHistoryUserComments () | |
setHeaderPage ($a_pg) | |
getHeaderPage () | |
setFooterPage ($a_pg) | |
getFooterPage () | |
readProperties () | |
read content object properties | |
updateProperties () | |
Update content object properties. | |
createProperties () | |
create new properties record | |
_lookupOnline ($a_id) | |
check wether content object is online | |
getAvailableLayouts () | |
get all available lm layouts | |
_checkPreconditionsOfPage ($cont_ref_id, $cont_obj_id, $page_id) | |
checks wether the preconditions of a page are fulfilled or not | |
_getMissingPreconditionsOfPage ($cont_ref_id, $cont_obj_id, $page_id) | |
gets all missing preconditions of page | |
_getMissingPreconditionsTopChapter ($cont_obj_ref_id, $cont_obj_id, $page_id) | |
get top chapter of page for that any precondition is missing | |
notify ($a_event, $a_ref_id, $a_parent_non_rbac_id, $a_node_id, $a_params=0) | |
notifys an object about an event occured Based on the event happend, each object may decide how it reacts. | |
hasSuccessorPage ($a_cont_obj_id, $a_page_id) | |
checks if page has a successor page | |
checkTree () | |
fixTree () | |
fix tree | |
exportXML (&$a_xml_writer, $a_inst, $a_target_dir, &$expLog) | |
export object to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) | |
exportXMLMetaData (&$a_xml_writer) | |
export content objects meta data to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) | |
exportXMLStructureObjects (&$a_xml_writer, $a_inst, &$expLog) | |
export structure objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) | |
exportXMLPageObjects (&$a_xml_writer, $a_inst, &$expLog) | |
export page objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) | |
exportXMLMediaObjects (&$a_xml_writer, $a_inst, $a_target_dir, &$expLog) | |
export media objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) | |
exportFileItems ($a_target_dir, &$expLog) | |
export files of file itmes | |
exportXMLProperties ($a_xml_writer, &$expLog) | |
export properties of content object | |
getExportFiles () | |
get export files | |
setPublicExportFile ($a_type, $a_file) | |
specify public export file for type | |
getPublicExportFile ($a_type) | |
get public export file | |
getOfflineFiles ($dir) | |
get offline files | |
exportSCORM ($a_target_dir, $log) | |
export scorm package | |
exportHTML ($a_target_dir, $log, $a_zip_file=true, $a_export_format="html") | |
export html package | |
exportHTMLFile ($a_target_dir, $a_file_id) | |
export file object | |
exportHTMLMOB ($a_target_dir, &$a_lm_gui, $a_mob_id, $a_frame, &$a_linked_mobs) | |
export media object to html | |
exportHTMLGlossaryTerms (&$a_lm_gui, $a_target_dir) | |
export glossary terms | |
exportHTMLPages (&$a_lm_gui, $a_target_dir) | |
export all pages of learning module to html file | |
exportPageHTML (&$a_lm_gui, $a_target_dir, $a_lm_page_id, $a_frame="") | |
export page html | |
exportFO (&$a_xml_writer, $a_target_dir) | |
export object to fo | |
exportFOStructureObjects (&$a_xml_writer) | |
export structure objects to fo | |
getXMLZip () | |
executeDragDrop ($source_id, $target_id, $first_child, $as_subitem=false, $movecopy="move") | |
Execute Drag Drop Action. | |
validatePages () | |
Validate all pages. | |
![]() | |
ilObject ($a_id=0, $a_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
withReferences () | |
determines wehter objects are referenced or not (got ref ids or not) | |
read ($a_force_db=false) | |
read object data from db into object | |
getId () | |
get object id public | |
setId ($a_id) | |
set object id public | |
setRefId ($a_id) | |
set reference id public | |
getRefId () | |
get reference id public | |
getType () | |
get object type public | |
setType ($a_type) | |
set object type public | |
getPresentationTitle () | |
get presentation title Normally same as title Overwritten for sessions | |
getUntranslatedTitle () | |
get untranslated object title public | |
getLongDescription () | |
get object long description (stored in object_description) | |
_lookupObjIdByImportId ($a_import_id) | |
getOwner () | |
get object owner | |
getOwnerName () | |
_lookupOwnerName ($a_owner_id) | |
lookup owner name for owner id | |
setOwner ($a_owner) | |
set object owner | |
getCreateDate () | |
get create date public | |
getLastUpdateDate () | |
get last update date public | |
getDiskUsage () | |
Gets the disk usage of the object in bytes. | |
setObjDataRecord ($a_record) | |
set object_data record (note: this method should only be called from the ilObjectFactory class) | |
create () | |
create | |
MDUpdateListener ($a_element) | |
Meta data update listener. | |
createMetaData () | |
create meta data entry | |
updateMetaData () | |
update meta data entry | |
deleteMetaData () | |
delete meta data entry | |
updateOwner () | |
update owner of object in db | |
_getIdForImportId ($a_import_id) | |
get current object id for import id (static) | |
_getAllReferences ($a_id) | |
get all reference ids of object | |
_lookupOwner ($a_id) | |
lookup object owner | |
_lookupDescription ($a_id) | |
lookup object description | |
_lookupLastUpdate ($a_id, $a_as_string=false) | |
lookup last update | |
_getLastUpdateOfObjects ($a_objs) | |
Get last update for a set of media objects. | |
_setDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilTree::saveSubTree | |
_resetDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilObjectGUI::insertSavedNodes | |
_lookupDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilObjectGUI::insertSavedNodes | |
_writeTitle ($a_obj_id, $a_title) | |
write title to db (static) | |
_writeDescription ($a_obj_id, $a_desc) | |
write description to db (static) | |
_writeImportId ($a_obj_id, $a_import_id) | |
write import id to db (static) | |
_isInTrash ($a_ref_id) | |
checks wether object is in trash | |
_hasUntrashedReference ($a_obj_id) | |
checks wether an object has at least one reference that is not in trash | |
_lookupObjectId ($a_ref_id) | |
lookup object id | |
_getObjectsDataForType ($a_type, $a_omit_trash=false) | |
get all objects of a certain type | |
setPermissions ($a_parent_ref) | |
set permissions of object | |
createReference () | |
creates reference for object | |
countReferences () | |
count references of object | |
createRoleFolder () | |
creates a local role folder | |
setRegisterMode ($a_bool) | |
isUserRegistered ($a_user_id=0) | |
requireRegistration () | |
getHTMLDirectory () | |
cloneObject ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id=0) | |
Clone object permissions, put in tree ... | |
appendCopyInfo ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Prepend Copy info if object with same name exists in that container. | |
cloneDependencies ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Clone object dependencies. | |
cloneMetaData ($target_obj) | |
Copy meta data. |
Data Fields | |
$lm_tree | |
$meta_data | |
$layout | |
$style_id | |
$pg_header | |
$online | |
![]() | |
$ilias | |
$lng | |
$id | |
$ref_id | |
$type | |
$title | |
$untranslatedTitle | |
$desc | |
$long_desc | |
$owner | |
$create_date | |
$last_update | |
$import_id | |
$register = false | |
$referenced | |
$objectList | |
$max_title | |
$max_desc | |
$add_dots | |
$obj_data_record | |
object_data record |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | _lookupTitle ($a_id) |
lookup object title | |
static | _getIdsForTitle ($title, $type= '', $partialmatch=false) |
static | _lookupObjId ($a_id) |
static | _lookupType ($a_id, $a_reference=false) |
lookup object type | |
_exists ($a_id, $a_reference=false) | |
checks if an object exists in object_data | |
static | _getObjectsByType ($a_obj_type="", $a_owner="") |
Get objects by type. | |
static | _prepareCloneSelection ($a_ref_ids, $new_type) |
Prepare copy wizard object selection. | |
static | _getIcon ($a_obj_id="", $a_size="big", $a_type="", $a_offline=false) |
Get icon for repository item. |
Class ilObjContentObject.
Definition at line 21 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::_checkPreconditionsOfPage | ( | $cont_ref_id, | |
$cont_obj_id, | |||
$page_id | |||
) |
checks wether the preconditions of a page are fulfilled or not
Definition at line 935 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilErr, $lm_tree, and ilConditionHandler\_checkAllConditionsOfTarget().
Referenced by ilTableOfContentsExplorer\buildTitle(), ilLMPresentationGUI\ilPage(), ilLMPresentationGUI\showPrintView(), and ilLMPresentationGUI\showPrintViewSelection().
ilObjContentObject::_deleteStyleAssignments | ( | $a_style_id | ) |
delete all style references to style
int | $a_style_id | style_id |
Definition at line 614 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilDB, $q, and ilObject\getId().
Referenced by ilObjStyleSheet\delete().
ilObjContentObject::_getMissingPreconditionsOfPage | ( | $cont_ref_id, | |
$cont_obj_id, | |||
$page_id | |||
) |
gets all missing preconditions of page
Definition at line 964 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $lm_tree, ilConditionHandler\_checkCondition(), and ilConditionHandler\_getConditionsOfTarget().
Referenced by ilLMPresentationGUI\showPreconditionsOfPage().
ilObjContentObject::_getMissingPreconditionsTopChapter | ( | $cont_obj_ref_id, | |
$cont_obj_id, | |||
$page_id | |||
) |
get top chapter of page for that any precondition is missing
Definition at line 999 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $lm_tree, ilConditionHandler\_checkCondition(), and ilConditionHandler\_getConditionsOfTarget().
Referenced by ilLMPresentationGUI\showPreconditionsOfPage().
ilObjContentObject::_getNrLMsIndividualStyles | ( | ) |
get number of learning modules with individual styles
Definition at line 580 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilObjStyleSettingsGUI\editContentStylesObject().
ilObjContentObject::_getNrLMsNoStyle | ( | ) |
get number of learning modules assigned no style
Definition at line 597 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilObjStyleSettingsGUI\editContentStylesObject().
ilObjContentObject::_getNrOfAssignedLMs | ( | $a_style_id | ) |
gets the number of learning modules assigned to a content style
int | $a_style_id | style id |
Definition at line 564 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilObjStyleSettingsGUI\editContentStylesObject().
ilObjContentObject::_lookupContObjIdByStyleId | ( | $a_style_id | ) |
lookup style sheet ID
Definition at line 544 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilDB, $q, and $res.
Referenced by ilObjStyleSheet\_getClonableContentStyles().
ilObjContentObject::_lookupOnline | ( | $a_id | ) |
check wether content object is online
Definition at line 892 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilDB, $q, and ilUtil\yn2tf().
ilObjContentObject::_lookupStyleSheetId | ( | $a_cont_obj_id | ) |
lookup style sheet ID
Definition at line 529 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilDB, $q, and $res.
Referenced by ilPCParagraphGUI\setStyle().
ilObjContentObject::_moveLMStyles | ( | $a_from_style, | |
$a_to_style | |||
) |
move learning modules from one style to another
Definition at line 493 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilDB, ilObject\$ilias, and $q.
Referenced by ilObjStyleSettingsGUI\moveIndividualStylesObject(), and ilObjStyleSettingsGUI\moveLMStylesObject().
ilObjContentObject::checkTree | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1115 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\getId().
Referenced by executeDragDrop().
ilObjContentObject::cleanFrames | ( | ) |
Definition at line 764 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::create | ( | $a_upload = false | ) |
create content object
Definition at line 48 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\create(), ilObject\createMetaData(), and createProperties().
ilObjContentObject::createExportDirectory | ( | $a_type = "xml" | ) |
creates data directory for export files (data_dir/lm_data/lm_<id>/export, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini)
Definition at line 321 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilUtil\getDataDir(), ilObject\getId(), and ilUtil\makeDir().
Referenced by ilObjDlBook\export().
ilObjContentObject::createImportDirectory | ( | ) |
creates data directory for import files (data_dir/lm_data/lm_<id>/import, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini)
Definition at line 263 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilUtil\getDataDir(), ilObject\getId(), and ilUtil\makeDir().
ilObjContentObject::createLMTree | ( | ) |
create content object tree (that stores structure object hierarchie)
todo: rename LM to ConOb
Definition at line 240 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjContentObject::createProperties | ( | ) |
create new properties record
Definition at line 880 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilDB, $q, ilObject\getId(), and readProperties().
Referenced by create().
ilObjContentObject::delete | ( | ) |
delete learning module and all related data
this method has been tested on may 9th 2004 meta data, content object data, data directory, bib items learning module tree and pages have been deleted correctly as desired
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 394 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilBench, $ilDB, $q, ilLMObject\_deleteAllObjectData(), ilUtil\delDir(), ilObject\deleteMetaData(), getDataDirectory(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjContentObject::executeDragDrop | ( | $source_id, | |
$target_id, | |||
$first_child, | |||
$as_subitem = false , |
$movecopy = "move" |
) |
Execute Drag Drop Action.
string | $source_id | Source element ID |
string | $target_id | Target element ID |
string | $first_child | Insert as first child of target |
string | $movecopy | Position ("move" | "copy") |
Definition at line 2271 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $target_id, ilHistory\_createEntry(), ilLMObject\_lookupTitle(), checkTree(), ilObject\getId(), ilLMObjectFactory\getInstance(), ilObject\getType(), and IL_FIRST_NODE.
ilObjContentObject::exportFileItems | ( | $a_target_dir, | |
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export files of file itmes
Definition at line 1384 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportXML().
ilObjContentObject::exportFO | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_target_dir | |||
) |
export object to fo
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 2157 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilBench, and exportFOStructureObjects().
ilObjContentObject::exportFOStructureObjects | ( | & | $a_xml_writer | ) |
export structure objects to fo
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 2237 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportFO().
ilObjContentObject::exportHTML | ( | $a_target_dir, | |
$log, | |||
$a_zip_file = true , |
$a_export_format = "html" |
) |
export html package
Definition at line 1634 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $_GET, $file, $files, $GLOBALS, $ilBench, $tpl, ilObject\_exists(), ilObject\_lookupType(), ilUtil\delDir(), exportHTMLFile(), exportHTMLGlossaryTerms(), exportHTMLMOB(), exportHTMLPages(), getExportDirectory(), ilObject\getId(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), ilYuiUtil\getLocalPath(), getStyleSheetId(), ilUtil\getStyleSheetLocation(), ilObjStyleSheet\getSyntaxStylePath(), ilObject\getType(), isActiveTOC(), ilUtil\makeDir(), and ilUtil\zip().
Referenced by exportSCORM().
ilObjContentObject::exportHTMLFile | ( | $a_target_dir, | |
$a_file_id | |||
) |
export file object
Definition at line 1865 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilUtil\makeDir().
Referenced by exportHTML().
ilObjContentObject::exportHTMLGlossaryTerms | ( | & | $a_lm_gui, |
$a_target_dir | |||
) |
export glossary terms
Definition at line 1948 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $_GET, $file, $tpl, ilObjFile\_getFilesOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), and ilGlossaryDefinition\getDefinitionList().
Referenced by exportHTML().
ilObjContentObject::exportHTMLMOB | ( | $a_target_dir, | |
& | $a_lm_gui, | ||
$a_mob_id, | |||
$a_frame, | |||
& | $a_linked_mobs | ||
) |
export media object to html
Definition at line 1885 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $_GET, $file, $tpl, ilUtil\getWebspaceDir(), ilUtil\makeDir(), and ilUtil\rCopy().
Referenced by exportHTML().
ilObjContentObject::exportHTMLPages | ( | & | $a_lm_gui, |
$a_target_dir | |||
) |
export all pages of learning module to html file
Definition at line 1999 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilBench, $lm_tree, $mobs, $tpl, ilPageObject\_exists(), ilObjFile\_getFilesOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilInternalLink\_getTargetsOfSource(), exportPageHTML(), ilObject\getId(), getLMTree(), ilLMPageObject\getPageList(), ilObject\getType(), and ilPageContentUsage\getUsagesOfPage().
Referenced by exportHTML().
ilObjContentObject::exportPageHTML | ( | & | $a_lm_gui, |
$a_target_dir, | |||
$a_lm_page_id, | |||
$a_frame = "" |
) |
export page html
Definition at line 2071 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $_GET, $file, $ilBench, $tpl, and ilLMObject\_lookupNID().
Referenced by exportHTMLPages().
ilObjContentObject::exportSCORM | ( | $a_target_dir, | |
$log | |||
) |
export scorm package
Definition at line 1588 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $log, ilUtil\delDir(), exportHTML(), getExportDirectory(), ilObject\getId(), ilObject\getType(), ilUtil\makeDir(), and ilUtil\zip().
ilObjContentObject::exportXML | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_inst, | |||
$a_target_dir, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export object to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 1176 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilBench, exportFileItems(), exportXMLMediaObjects(), exportXMLMetaData(), exportXMLPageObjects(), exportXMLProperties(), exportXMLStructureObjects(), and ilObject\getType().
ilObjContentObject::exportXMLMediaObjects | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_inst, | |||
$a_target_dir, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export media objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 1342 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\_lookupType().
Referenced by exportXML().
ilObjContentObject::exportXMLMetaData | ( | & | $a_xml_writer | ) |
export content objects meta data to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 1249 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\getId(), and ilObject\getType().
Referenced by exportXML().
ilObjContentObject::exportXMLPageObjects | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_inst, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export page objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 1289 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilBench, ilPageObject\_exists(), ilObject\getId(), ilLMPageObject\getPageList(), and ilObject\getType().
Referenced by exportXML().
ilObjContentObject::exportXMLProperties | ( | $a_xml_writer, | |
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export properties of content object
Definition at line 1401 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References cleanFrames(), getFooterPage(), getHeaderPage(), getLayout(), getPageHeader(), getTOCMode(), isActiveHistoryUserComments(), isActiveLMMenu(), isActiveNumbering(), isActivePrintView(), isActiveTOC(), publicNotes(), and ilUtil\tf2yn().
Referenced by exportXML().
ilObjContentObject::exportXMLStructureObjects | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_inst, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export structure objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 1264 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportXML().
ilObjContentObject::fixTree | ( | ) |
fix tree
Definition at line 1128 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilDB, $q, and getLMTree().
ilObjContentObject::getAvailableLayouts | ( | ) |
get all available lm layouts
Definition at line 910 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilLMPageObjectGUI\initEditLayoutForm(), and ilObjContentObjectGUI\initPropertiesForm().
ilObjContentObject::getDataDirectory | ( | ) |
get data directory
Definition at line 292 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilUtil\getDataDir().
Referenced by delete().
ilObjContentObject::getDescription | ( | ) |
get description of content object
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 148 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::getExportDirectory | ( | $a_type = "xml" | ) |
get export directory of lm
Definition at line 364 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilUtil\getDataDir().
Referenced by ilObjDlBook\export(), exportHTML(), exportSCORM(), and getExportFiles().
ilObjContentObject::getExportFiles | ( | ) |
get export files
Definition at line 1478 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $dir, $file, ilObject\$type, and getExportDirectory().
ilObjContentObject::getFooterPage | ( | ) |
Definition at line 799 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getHeaderPage | ( | ) |
Definition at line 789 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getImportDirectory | ( | ) |
get import directory of lm
Definition at line 301 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilUtil\getDataDir().
ilObjContentObject::getImportId | ( | ) |
get import id
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 163 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\$import_id.
ilObjContentObject::getLayout | ( | ) |
get default page layout of content object (see directory layouts/)
Definition at line 444 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $layout.
Referenced by exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getLayoutPerPage | ( | ) |
Get layout per page.
Definition at line 188 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by updateProperties().
& ilObjContentObject::getLMTree | ( | ) |
get content object tree
Definition at line 252 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $lm_tree.
Referenced by exportHTMLPages(), and fixTree().
ilObjContentObject::getOfflineFiles | ( | $dir | ) |
get offline files
Definition at line 1548 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::getOnline | ( | ) |
Definition at line 674 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $online.
Referenced by updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getPageHeader | ( | ) |
get page header mode (IL_CHAPTER_TITLE | IL_PAGE_TITLE | IL_NO_HEADER)
Definition at line 628 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $pg_header.
Referenced by exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getPublicAccessMode | ( | ) |
get public access mode ("complete" | "selected")
Definition at line 654 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getPublicExportFile | ( | $a_type | ) |
get public export file
string | $a_type | type ("xml" / "html") |
Definition at line 1540 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getStyleSheetId | ( | ) |
get ID of assigned style sheet object
Definition at line 462 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $style_id.
Referenced by exportHTML(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::getTitle | ( | ) |
get title of content object
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 129 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilMediaPoolPageUsagesTableGUI\fillRow(), and ilMediaObjectUsagesTableGUI\fillRow().
ilObjContentObject::getTOCMode | ( | ) |
get toc mode ("chapters" | "pages")
Definition at line 646 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
& ilObjContentObject::getTree | ( | ) |
Definition at line 193 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $lm_tree.
ilObjContentObject::getXMLZip | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Reimplemented in ilObjDlBook.
Definition at line 2253 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::hasSuccessorPage | ( | $a_cont_obj_id, | |
$a_page_id | |||
) |
checks if page has a successor page
Definition at line 1098 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by ilPageObjectGUI\showPage().
ilObjContentObject::ilObjContentObject | ( | $a_id = 0 , |
$a_call_by_reference = true |
) |
Constructor public.
integer | reference_id or object_id |
boolean | treat the id as reference_id (true) or object_id (false) |
Definition at line 36 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\ilObject().
Referenced by ilObjDlBook\ilObjDlBook(), and ilObjLearningModule\ilObjLearningModule().
ilObjContentObject::import | ( | ) |
if implemented, this function should be called from an Out/GUI-Object
Definition at line 212 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::initDefaultRoles | ( | ) |
init default roles settings OBSOLETE.
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 77 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\createRoleFolder(), and ilObject\getId().
ilObjContentObject::isActiveDownloads | ( | ) |
Definition at line 734 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActiveDownloadsPublic | ( | ) |
Definition at line 744 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActiveHistoryUserComments | ( | ) |
Definition at line 779 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActiveLMMenu | ( | ) |
Definition at line 684 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActiveNumbering | ( | ) |
Definition at line 704 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActivePreventGlossaryAppendix | ( | ) |
Definition at line 724 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActivePrintView | ( | ) |
Definition at line 714 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::isActiveTOC | ( | ) |
Definition at line 694 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportHTML(), exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::notify | ( | $a_event, | |
$a_ref_id, | |||
$a_parent_non_rbac_id, | |||
$a_node_id, | |||
$a_params = 0 |
) |
notifys an object about an event occured Based on the event happend, each object may decide how it reacts.
string | event |
integer | reference id of object where the event occured |
array | passes optional paramters if required |
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 1041 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $_GET, and ilObject\getType().
ilObjContentObject::publicNotes | ( | ) |
Definition at line 754 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by exportXMLProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::putInTree | ( | $a_parent | ) |
put content object in main tree
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 223 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::read | ( | ) |
read data of content object
Definition at line 111 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\getId(), and readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::readProperties | ( | ) |
read content object properties
Definition at line 807 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilDB, $q, ilObject\getId(), setActiveDownloads(), setActiveDownloadsPublic(), setActiveLMMenu(), setActiveNumbering(), setActivePreventGlossaryAppendix(), setActivePrintView(), setActiveTOC(), setCleanFrames(), setFooterPage(), setHeaderPage(), setHistoryUserComments(), setLayout(), setLayoutPerPage(), setOnline(), setPageHeader(), setPublicAccessMode(), setPublicExportFile(), setPublicNotes(), setStyleSheetId(), setTOCMode(), and ilUtil\yn2tf().
Referenced by createProperties(), and read().
ilObjContentObject::setActiveDownloads | ( | $a_down | ) |
Definition at line 729 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setActiveDownloadsPublic | ( | $a_down | ) |
Definition at line 739 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setActiveLMMenu | ( | $a_act_lm_menu | ) |
Definition at line 679 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setActiveNumbering | ( | $a_num | ) |
Definition at line 699 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setActivePreventGlossaryAppendix | ( | $a_print | ) |
Definition at line 719 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setActivePrintView | ( | $a_print | ) |
Definition at line 709 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setActiveTOC | ( | $a_toc | ) |
Definition at line 689 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setCleanFrames | ( | $a_clean | ) |
Definition at line 759 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setDescription | ( | $a_description | ) |
set description of content object
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 156 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::setFooterPage | ( | $a_pg | ) |
Definition at line 794 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setHeaderPage | ( | $a_pg | ) |
Definition at line 784 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setHistoryUserComments | ( | $a_comm | ) |
Definition at line 769 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setImportId | ( | $a_import_id | ) |
set import id
string | $a_import_id | import id |
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 168 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::setLayout | ( | $a_layout | ) |
set default page layout
string | $a_layout | default page layout |
Definition at line 454 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setLayoutPerPage | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set layout per page.
boolean | layout per page |
Definition at line 178 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setOnline | ( | $a_online | ) |
Definition at line 669 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setPageHeader | ( | $a_pg_header = IL_CHAPTER_TITLE | ) |
set page header mode
string | $a_pg_header | IL_CHAPTER_TITLE | IL_PAGE_TITLE | IL_NO_HEADER |
Definition at line 638 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setPublicAccessMode | ( | $a_mode | ) |
Definition at line 774 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setPublicExportFile | ( | $a_type, | |
$a_file | |||
) |
specify public export file for type
string | $a_type | type ("xml" / "html") |
string | $a_file | file name |
Definition at line 1528 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setPublicNotes | ( | $a_pub_notes | ) |
Definition at line 749 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setStyleSheetId | ( | $a_style_id | ) |
set ID of assigned style sheet object
Definition at line 470 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::setTitle | ( | $a_title | ) |
set title of content object
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 137 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::setTOCMode | ( | $a_toc_mode = "chapters" | ) |
set toc mode
string | $a_toc_mode | "chapters" | "pages" |
Definition at line 664 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by readProperties().
ilObjContentObject::update | ( | ) |
update complete object (meta data and properties)
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 201 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References ilObject\updateMetaData(), and updateProperties().
ilObjContentObject::updateProperties | ( | ) |
Update content object properties.
Definition at line 841 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilDB, $q, cleanFrames(), getFooterPage(), getHeaderPage(), ilObject\getId(), getLayout(), getLayoutPerPage(), getOnline(), getPageHeader(), getPublicAccessMode(), getPublicExportFile(), getStyleSheetId(), getTOCMode(), isActiveDownloads(), isActiveDownloadsPublic(), isActiveHistoryUserComments(), isActiveLMMenu(), isActiveNumbering(), isActivePreventGlossaryAppendix(), isActivePrintView(), isActiveTOC(), publicNotes(), setCleanFrames(), and ilUtil\tf2yn().
Referenced by update().
ilObjContentObject::validatePages | ( | ) |
Validate all pages.
Definition at line 2461 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $error, ilObject\$title, ilPageObject\_exists(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), ilObject\getId(), ilLMPageObject\getPageList(), ilObject\getType(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjContentObject::writeStyleSheetId | ( | $a_style_id | ) |
write ID of assigned style sheet object to db
Definition at line 478 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
References $ilDB, $q, and ilObject\getId().
ilObjContentObject::$layout |
Definition at line 25 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by getLayout().
ilObjContentObject::$lm_tree |
Definition at line 23 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by _checkPreconditionsOfPage(), _getMissingPreconditionsOfPage(), _getMissingPreconditionsTopChapter(), exportHTMLPages(), getLMTree(), and getTree().
ilObjContentObject::$meta_data |
Definition at line 24 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
ilObjContentObject::$online |
Definition at line 28 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by getOnline().
ilObjContentObject::$pg_header |
Definition at line 27 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by getPageHeader().
ilObjContentObject::$style_id |
Definition at line 26 of file class.ilObjContentObject.php.
Referenced by getStyleSheetId().