ILIAS  Release_4_1_x_branch Revision 61804
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1 <?php
2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(".")."/Services/COPage/syntax_highlight/php";
3 if (!isset ($BEAUT_PATH)) return;
4 require_once("$BEAUT_PATH/Beautifier/HFile.php");
5  class HFile_winbatch extends HFile{
6  function HFile_winbatch(){
7  $this->HFile();
8 /*************************************/
9 // Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
10 // WinBatch
11 /*************************************/
12 // Flags
14 $this->nocase = "1";
15 $this->notrim = "0";
16 $this->perl = "0";
18 // Colours
20 $this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown");
21 $this->quotecolour = "blue";
22 $this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
23 $this->linecommentcolour = "green";
25 // Indent Strings
27 $this->indent = array();
28 $this->unindent = array();
30 // String characters and delimiters
32 $this->stringchars = array();
33 $this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", " ", ",", ".", "?", "/");
34 $this->escchar = "";
36 // Comment settings
38 $this->linecommenton = array(";");
39 $this->blockcommenton = array("");
40 $this->blockcommentoff = array("");
42 // Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
44 $this->keywords = array(
45  "break" => "1",
46  "by" => "1",
47  "call" => "1",
48  "callext" => "1",
49  "case" => "1",
50  "continue" => "1",
51  "debug" => "1",
52  "drop" => "1",
53  "else" => "1",
54  "end" => "1",
55  "endfor" => "1",
56  "endif" => "1",
57  "endselect" => "1",
58  "endswitch" => "1",
59  "endwhile" => "1",
60  "errormode" => "1",
61  "execute" => "1",
62  "exit" => "1",
63  "for" => "1",
64  "gosub" => "1",
65  "goto" => "1",
66  "if" => "1",
67  "intcontrol" => "1",
68  "next" => "1",
69  "return" => "1",
70  "select" => "1",
71  "switch" => "1",
72  "then" => "1",
73  "to" => "1",
74  "while" => "1",
75  "about" => "2",
76  "abs" => "2",
77  "acos" => "2",
78  "addextender" => "2",
79  "appexist" => "2",
80  "appwaitclose" => "2",
81  "asin" => "2",
82  "askdirectory" => "2",
83  "askfilename" => "2",
84  "askfiletext" => "2",
85  "askitemlist" => "2",
86  "askline" => "2",
87  "askpassword" => "2",
88  "askyesno" => "2",
89  "atan" => "2",
90  "average" => "2",
91  "beep" => "2",
92  "binaryalloc" => "2",
93  "binaryand" => "2",
94  "binaryclipget" => "2",
95  "binaryclipput" => "2",
96  "binarycompare" => "2",
97  "binaryconvert" => "2",
98  "binarycopy" => "2",
99  "binaryeodget" => "2",
100  "binaryeodset" => "2",
101  "binaryfree" => "2",
102  "binaryhashrec" => "2",
103  "binaryincr" => "2",
104  "binaryincr2" => "2",
105  "binaryincr4" => "2",
106  "binaryincrflt" => "2",
107  "binaryindex" => "2",
108  "binaryindexex" => "2",
109  "binaryindexnc" => "2",
110  "binaryoletype" => "2",
111  "binaryor" => "2",
112  "binarypeek" => "2",
113  "binarypeek2" => "2",
114  "binarypeek4" => "2",
115  "binarypeekflt" => "2",
116  "binarypeekstr" => "2",
117  "binarypoke" => "2",
118  "binarypoke2" => "2",
119  "binarypoke4" => "2",
120  "binarypokeflt" => "2",
121  "binarypokestr" => "2",
122  "binaryread" => "2",
123  "binaryreadex" => "2",
124  "binarysort" => "2",
125  "binarystrcnt" => "2",
126  "binarytagextr" => "2",
127  "binarytagfind" => "2",
128  "binarytaginit" => "2",
129  "binarytagrepl" => "2",
130  "binarywrite" => "2",
131  "binarywriteex" => "2",
132  "binaryxor" => "2",
133  "boxbuttondraw" => "2",
134  "boxbuttonkill" => "2",
135  "boxbuttonstat" => "2",
136  "boxbuttonwait" => "2",
137  "boxcaption" => "2",
138  "boxcolor" => "2",
139  "boxdataclear" => "2",
140  "boxdatatag" => "2",
141  "boxdestroy" => "2",
142  "boxdrawcircle" => "2",
143  "boxdrawline" => "2",
144  "boxdrawrect" => "2",
145  "boxdrawtext" => "2",
146  "boxesup" => "2",
147  "boxmapmode" => "2",
148  "boxnew" => "2",
149  "boxopen" => "2",
150  "boxpen" => "2",
151  "boxshut" => "2",
152  "boxtext" => "2",
153  "boxtextcolor" => "2",
154  "boxtextfont" => "2",
155  "boxtitle" => "2",
156  "boxupdates" => "2",
157  "buttonnames" => "2",
158  "ceiling" => "2",
159  "char2num" => "2",
160  "clipappend" => "2",
161  "clipget" => "2",
162  "clipgetex" => "2",
163  "clipput" => "2",
164  "cos" => "2",
165  "cosh" => "2",
166  "datetime" => "2",
167  "ddeexecute" => "2",
168  "ddeinitiate" => "2",
169  "ddepoke" => "2",
170  "dderequest" => "2",
171  "ddeterminate" => "2",
172  "ddetimeout" => "2",
173  "debugdata" => "2",
174  "decimals" => "2",
175  "delay" => "2",
176  "dialog" => "2",
177  "dialogbox" => "2",
178  "dirattrget" => "2",
179  "dirattrset" => "2",
180  "dirchange" => "2",
181  "direxist" => "2",
182  "dirget" => "2",
183  "dirhome" => "2",
184  "diritemize" => "2",
185  "dirmake" => "2",
186  "dirremove" => "2",
187  "dirrename" => "2",
188  "dirsize" => "2",
189  "dirwindows" => "2",
190  "diskexist" => "2",
191  "diskfree" => "2",
192  "diskinfo" => "2",
193  "diskscan" => "2",
194  "disksize" => "2",
195  "diskvolinfo" => "2",
196  "display" => "2",
197  "dllcall" => "2",
198  "dllfree" => "2",
199  "dllhinst" => "2",
200  "dllhwnd" => "2",
201  "dllload" => "2",
202  "dosversion" => "2",
203  "endsession" => "2",
204  "environment" => "2",
205  "environset" => "2",
206  "envitemize" => "2",
207  "exclusive" => "2",
208  "exetypeinfo" => "2",
209  "exp" => "2",
210  "fabs" => "2",
211  "fileappend" => "2",
212  "fileattrget" => "2",
213  "fileattrset" => "2",
214  "fileclose" => "2",
215  "filecompare" => "2",
216  "filecopy" => "2",
217  "filedelete" => "2",
218  "fileexist" => "2",
219  "fileextension" => "2",
220  "filefullname" => "2",
221  "fileitemize" => "2",
222  "filelocate" => "2",
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225  "filenameeval1" => "2",
226  "filenameeval2" => "2",
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228  "filenameshort" => "2",
229  "fileopen" => "2",
230  "filepath" => "2",
231  "fileread" => "2",
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233  "fileroot" => "2",
234  "filesize" => "2",
235  "filetimecode" => "2",
236  "filetimeget" => "2",
237  "filetimegetex" => "2",
238  "filetimeset" => "2",
239  "filetimesetex" => "2",
240  "filetimetouch" => "2",
241  "fileverinfo" => "2",
242  "filewrite" => "2",
243  "fileymdhms" => "2",
244  "findwindow" => "2",
245  "floor" => "2",
246  "getexacttime" => "2",
247  "gettickcount" => "2",
248  "iconarrange" => "2",
249  "iconreplace" => "2",
250  "ignoreinput" => "2",
251  "inidelete" => "2",
252  "inideletepvt" => "2",
253  "iniitemize" => "2",
254  "iniitemizepvt" => "2",
255  "iniread" => "2",
256  "inireadpvt" => "2",
257  "iniwrite" => "2",
258  "iniwritepvt" => "2",
259  "installfile" => "2",
260  "int" => "2",
261  "isdefined" => "2",
262  "isfloat" => "2",
263  "isint" => "2",
264  "iskeydown" => "2",
265  "islicensed" => "2",
266  "isnumber" => "2",
267  "itemcount" => "2",
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274  "itemsortnc" => "2",
275  "keytoggleget" => "2",
276  "keytoggleset" => "2",
277  "lasterror" => "2",
278  "log10" => "2",
279  "logdisk" => "2",
280  "loge" => "2",
281  "max" => "2",
282  "message" => "2",
283  "min" => "2",
284  "mod" => "2",
285  "mouseclick" => "2",
286  "mouseclickbtn" => "2",
287  "mousedrag" => "2",
288  "mouseinfo" => "2",
289  "mousemove" => "2",
290  "msgtextget" => "2",
291  "netinfo" => "2",
292  "num2char" => "2",
293  "objectaccess" => "2",
294  "objectclose" => "2",
295  "objectopen" => "2",
296  "parsedata" => "2",
297  "pause" => "2",
298  "playmedia" => "2",
299  "playmidi" => "2",
300  "playwaveform" => "2",
301  "print" => "2",
302  "random" => "2",
303  "regapp" => "2",
304  "regclosekey" => "2",
305  "regconnect" => "2",
306  "regcreatekey" => "2",
307  "regdeletekey" => "2",
308  "regdelvalue" => "2",
309  "regentrytype" => "2",
310  "regexistkey" => "2",
311  "regexistvalue" => "2",
312  "regloadhive" => "2",
313  "regopenkey" => "2",
314  "regquerybin" => "2",
315  "regquerydword" => "2",
316  "regqueryex" => "2",
317  "regqueryexpsz" => "2",
318  "regqueryitem" => "2",
319  "regquerykey" => "2",
320  "regquerykeys" => "2",
321  "regquerymulsz" => "2",
322  "regqueryvalue" => "2",
323  "regsetbin" => "2",
324  "regsetdword" => "2",
325  "regsetex" => "2",
326  "regsetexpsz" => "2",
327  "regsetmulsz" => "2",
328  "regsetvalue" => "2",
329  "regunloadhive" => "2",
330  "reload" => "2",
331  "rtstatus" => "2",
332  "run" => "2",
333  "runenviron" => "2",
334  "runexit" => "2",
335  "runhide" => "2",
336  "runhidewait" => "2",
337  "runicon" => "2",
338  "runiconwait" => "2",
339  "runshell" => "2",
340  "runwait" => "2",
341  "runzoom" => "2",
342  "runzoomwait" => "2",
343  "sendkey" => "2",
344  "sendkeyschild" => "2",
345  "sendkeysto" => "2",
346  "sendmenusto" => "2",
347  "sendmenustoex" => "2",
348  "shellexecute" => "2",
349  "shortcutdir" => "2",
350  "shortcutedit" => "2",
351  "shortcutextra" => "2",
352  "shortcutinfo" => "2",
353  "shortcutmake" => "2",
354  "sin" => "2",
355  "sinh" => "2",
356  "snaHFileot" => "2",
357  "sounds" => "2",
358  "sqrt" => "2",
359  "strcat" => "2",
360  "strcharcount" => "2",
361  "strcmp" => "2",
362  "strfill" => "2",
363  "strfix" => "2",
364  "strfixchars" => "2",
365  "strfixcharsl" => "2",
366  "strfixleft" => "2",
367  "stricmp" => "2",
368  "strindex" => "2",
369  "strindexnc" => "2",
370  "strindexwild" => "2",
371  "strlen" => "2",
372  "strlenwild" => "2",
373  "strlower" => "2",
374  "strreplace" => "2",
375  "strscan" => "2",
376  "strsub" => "2",
377  "strsubwild" => "2",
378  "strtrim" => "2",
379  "strupper" => "2",
380  "tan" => "2",
381  "tanh" => "2",
382  "terminate" => "2",
383  "textbox" => "2",
384  "textboxsort" => "2",
385  "textselect" => "2",
386  "timeadd" => "2",
387  "timedate" => "2",
388  "timedelay" => "2",
389  "timediff" => "2",
390  "timediffdays" => "2",
391  "timediffsecs" => "2",
392  "timejulianday" => "2",
393  "timejultoymd" => "2",
394  "timesubtract" => "2",
395  "timewait" => "2",
396  "timeymdhms" => "2",
397  "version" => "2",
398  "versiondll" => "2",
399  "waitforkey" => "2",
400  "wallpaper" => "2",
401  "webbaseconv" => "2",
402  "webcloselog" => "2",
403  "webcmddata" => "2",
404  "webconbuff" => "2",
405  "webcondata" => "2",
406  "webconsize" => "2",
407  "webcounter" => "2",
408  "webdatdata" => "2",
409  "webdumperror" => "2",
410  "webhashcode" => "2",
411  "webislocal" => "2",
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420  "webverifycard" => "2",
421  "winactivate" => "2",
422  "winactivchild" => "2",
423  "winarrange" => "2",
424  "winclose" => "2",
425  "winclosenot" => "2",
426  "winconfig" => "2",
427  "winexename" => "2",
428  "winexist" => "2",
429  "winexistchild" => "2",
430  "wingetactive" => "2",
431  "winhelp" => "2",
432  "winhide" => "2",
433  "winiconize" => "2",
434  "winidget" => "2",
435  "winisdos" => "2",
436  "winitemchild" => "2",
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440  "winitemprocid" => "2",
441  "winmetrics" => "2",
442  "winname" => "2",
443  "winparmget" => "2",
444  "winparmset" => "2",
445  "winplace" => "2",
446  "winplaceget" => "2",
447  "winplaceset" => "2",
448  "winposition" => "2",
449  "winresources" => "2",
450  "winshow" => "2",
451  "winstate" => "2",
452  "winsysinfo" => "2",
453  "wintitle" => "2",
454  "winversion" => "2",
455  "winwaitchild" => "2",
456  "winwaitclose" => "2",
457  "winwaitexist" => "2",
458  "winzoom" => "2",
459  "yield" => "2",
460  "yields" => "2",
461  "@aboveicons" => "3",
462  "@acc_attrib" => "3",
463  "@acc_chng_nt" => "3",
464  "@acc_control" => "3",
465  "@acc_create" => "3",
466  "@acc_delete" => "3",
467  "@acc_full_95" => "3",
468  "@acc_full_nt" => "3",
469  "@acc_list" => "3",
470  "@acc_pfull_nt" => "3",
471  "@acc_pmang_nt" => "3",
472  "@acc_print_nt" => "3",
473  "@acc_read" => "3",
474  "@acc_read_95" => "3",
475  "@acc_read_nt" => "3",
476  "@acc_write" => "3",
477  "@amc" => "3",
478  "@arrange" => "3",
479  "@ascending" => "3",
480  "@attr_a" => "3",
481  "@attr_ci" => "3",
482  "@attr_dc" => "3",
483  "@attr_di" => "3",
484  "@attr_dm" => "3",
485  "@attr_h" => "3",
486  "@attr_ic" => "3",
487  "@attr_p" => "3",
488  "@attr_ri" => "3",
489  "@attr_ro" => "3",
490  "@attr_sh" => "3",
491  "@attr_sy" => "3",
492  "@attr_t" => "3",
493  "@attr_x" => "3",
494  "@avogadro" => "3",
495  "@backscan" => "3",
496  "@boltzmann" => "3",
497  "@cancel" => "3",
498  "@capslock" => "3",
499  "@check" => "3",
500  "@columns" => "3",
501  "@commonformat" => "3",
502  "@cr" => "3",
503  "@crlf" => "3",
504  "@ctrl" => "3",
505  "@default" => "3",
506  "@deg2rad" => "3",
507  "@descending" => "3",
508  "@disable" => "3",
509  "@drive" => "3",
510  "@electric" => "3",
511  "@enable" => "3",
512  "@eulers" => "3",
513  "@false" => "3",
514  "@faraday" => "3",
515  "@float8" => "3",
516  "@fwdscan" => "3",
517  "@getprocid" => "3",
518  "@gftsec" => "3",
519  "@globalgroup" => "3",
520  "@gmtsec" => "3",
521  "@goldenratio" => "3",
522  "@gravitation" => "3",
523  "@hidden" => "3",
524  "@icon" => "3",
525  "@lbutton" => "3",
526  "@lclick" => "3",
527  "@ldblclick" => "3",
528  "@lf" => "3",
529  "@lightmps" => "3",
530  "@lightmtps" => "3",
531  "@localgroup" => "3",
532  "@magfield" => "3",
533  "@major" => "3",
534  "@mbokcancel" => "3",
535  "@mbutton" => "3",
536  "@mbyesno" => "3",
537  "@mclick" => "3",
538  "@mdblclick" => "3",
539  "@minor" => "3",
540  "@msformat" => "3",
541  "@multiple" => "3",
542  "@ncsaformat" => "3",
543  "@no" => "3",
544  "@none" => "3",
545  "@noresize" => "3",
546  "@normal" => "3",
547  "@notify" => "3",
548  "@nowait" => "3",
549  "@numlock" => "3",
550  "@off" => "3",
551  "@on" => "3",
552  "@open" => "3",
553  "@parsec" => "3",
554  "@parseonly" => "3",
555  "@pi" => "3",
556  "@planckergs" => "3",
557  "@planckjoules" => "3",
558  "@printer" => "3",
559  "@rad2deg" => "3",
560  "@rbutton" => "3",
561  "@rclick" => "3",
562  "@rdblclick" => "3",
563  "@regclasses" => "3",
564  "@regcurrent" => "3",
565  "@regmachine" => "3",
566  "@regroot" => "3",
567  "@regusers" => "3",
568  "@rows" => "3",
569  "@save" => "3",
570  "@scrolllock" => "3",
571  "@server" => "3",
572  "@shift" => "3",
573  "@single" => "3",
574  "@sorted" => "3",
575  "@stack" => "3",
576  "@string" => "3",
577  "@tab" => "3",
578  "@tile" => "3",
579  "@true" => "3",
580  "@uncheck" => "3",
581  "@unsorted" => "3",
582  "@wait" => "3",
583  "@wholesection" => "3",
584  "@word1" => "3",
585  "@word2" => "3",
586  "@@word4" => "3",
587  "@yes" => "3",
588  "@zoomed" => "3",
589  "cCheckBox" => "4",
590  "cClickButton" => "4",
591  "cEnableState" => "4",
592  "cGetCBText" => "4",
593  "cGetEditText" => "4",
594  "cGetInfo" => "4",
595  "cGetLBText" => "4",
596  "cPostButton" => "4",
597  "cPostMessage" => "4",
598  "cRadioButton" => "4",
599  "cSendMessage" => "4",
600  "cSetCBItem" => "4",
601  "cSetEditText" => "4",
602  "cSetLBItem" => "4",
603  "cSetTABItem" => "4",
604  "cWndByClass" => "4",
605  "cWndByID" => "4",
606  "cWndByName" => "4",
607  "cWndBySeq" => "4",
608  "cWndInfo" => "4",
609  "dosboxcursorx" => "4",
610  "dosboxcursory" => "4",
611  "dosboxgetall" => "4",
612  "dosboxgetdata" => "4",
613  "dosboxheight" => "4",
614  "dosboxscrmode" => "4",
615  "dosboxversion" => "4",
616  "dosboxwidth" => "4",
617  "dunConnect" => "4",
618  "dunConnectEx" => "4",
619  "dunDisconnect" => "4",
620  "dunItemize" => "4",
621  "edosgetinfo" => "4",
622  "edosgetvar" => "4",
623  "edoslistvars" => "4",
624  "edospathadd" => "4",
625  "edospathchk" => "4",
626  "edospathdel" => "4",
627  "edossetvar" => "4",
628  "envgetinfo" => "4",
629  "envgetvar" => "4",
630  "envlistvars" => "4",
631  "envpathadd" => "4",
632  "envpathchk" => "4",
633  "envpathdel" => "4",
634  "envsetvar" => "4",
635  "ftpChDir" => "4",
636  "ftpClose" => "4",
637  "ftpDelete" => "4",
638  "ftpFirewall" => "4",
639  "ftpGet" => "4",
640  "ftpList" => "4",
641  "ftpOpen" => "4",
642  "ftpPut" => "4",
643  "ftpQuote" => "4",
644  "ftpRename" => "4",
645  "hBrowse" => "4",
646  "hCompatible" => "4",
647  "hGetVarNames" => "4",
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991  "wxGetErrDesc" => "4",
992  "wxGetInfo" => "4",
993  "wxGetLastErr" => "4",
994  "wxHost2Addr" => "4",
995  "wxMsgGetBody" => "4",
996  "wxMsgGetHdr" => "4",
997  "wxParmGet" => "4",
998  "wxParmSet" => "4",
999  "wxPing" => "4",
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1011  "xsendmessage" => "4",
1012  "xverifyccard" => "4");
1014 // Special extensions
1016 // Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
1017 // version of the keyword.
1021 $this->linkscripts = array(
1022  "1" => "donothing",
1023  "2" => "donothing",
1024  "3" => "donothing",
1025  "4" => "donothing");
1026 }
1029 function donothing($keywordin)
1030 {
1031  return $keywordin;
1032 }
1034 }?>