ILIAS  Release_4_1_x_branch Revision 61804
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HFile_conv.php File Reference

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 HFile_print_php_file ($tofile=1)
 get_categories ()
 dump_linkscripts ($cats)
 dump_colours ($cats)
 dump_var ($variable, $name)
 dump_array ($array, $name)
 dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 convert ($file)


 $BEAUT_PATH = "/Services/COPage/syntax_highlight/php"

Function Documentation

convert (   $file)

Definition at line 137 of file HFile_conv.php.

References $file, $out, and HFile_print_php_file().

Referenced by ilWysiwygUtil\startElement().

$file = str_replace("./", "", $file);
global $LANGNAME;
$LANGNAME = $file;
$LANGNAME = str_replace(".txt", "", $LANGNAME);
$fileout = '../object/'.$LANGNAME . '.php';
print "Writing $file to $fileout\n";
$out = ob_get_contents();
if (isset($fileout))
$fd = fopen($fileout, "w");
fputs($fd, $out);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

dump_array (   $array,

Definition at line 112 of file HFile_conv.php.

Referenced by dump_colours(), and HFile_print_php_file().

$first = 1;
print $name." = array(";
foreach($array as $a)
if (!$first) print ", "; else $first = 0;
print "\"".addslashes($a)."\"";
print ");\n";

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

dump_colours (   $cats)

Definition at line 95 of file HFile_conv.php.

References dump_array().

Referenced by HFile_print_php_file().

global $colours;
$usedcols = array();
foreach($cats as $c)
array_push($usedcols, $colours[$c-1]);
dump_array($usedcols, "\$this->colours ");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

dump_hash (   $hash,

Definition at line 124 of file HFile_conv.php.

Referenced by dump_linkscripts(), and HFile_print_php_file().

$first = 1;
print $name." = array(";
foreach(array_keys($hash) as $k)
if (!$first) print ", "; else $first = 0;
print "\n \"".addslashes($k)."\"";
print " => \"".addslashes($hash[$k])."\"";
print ");\n";

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

dump_linkscripts (   $cats)

Definition at line 75 of file HFile_conv.php.

References dump_hash().

Referenced by HFile_print_php_file().

print "
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
# This link is then placed in a <a href=\"...\">foo</a>; structure around keyword 'foo' - which is
$linkhash = array();
foreach($cats as $c)
$linkhash{$c} = "donothing";
dump_hash($linkhash, "\$this->linkscripts ");
print "}\n# DoNothing link function\n\n";
print "function donothing(\$keywordin)\n{\n return \$keywordin;\n}\n";

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

dump_var (   $variable,

Definition at line 107 of file HFile_conv.php.

Referenced by HFile_print_php_file().

print $name." = \"".addslashes($variable)."\";\n";

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

get_categories ( )

Definition at line 62 of file HFile_conv.php.

Referenced by HFile_print_php_file().

global $keywords;
$usedcats = array();
foreach(array_keys($keywords) as $k)
$cat = $keywords[$k];
if (!in_array($cat, $usedcats)) array_push($usedcats, $cat);
return $usedcats;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

HFile_print_php_file (   $tofile = 1)

Definition at line 14 of file HFile_conv.php.

References $config, dump_array(), dump_colours(), dump_hash(), dump_linkscripts(), dump_var(), and get_categories().

Referenced by convert().

global $LANGNAME;
global $indent, $unindent, $stringchars, $config, $keywords, $delimiters, $lang_name;
global $linecommenton, $blockcommenton, $blockcommentoff;
global $perl, $nocase, $notrim;
if ($tofile) print "<?php\n"; else print "&lt;?\n";
print 'require_once(\'HFile.php\');'."\n";
print ' class HFile_'.$LANGNAME.' extends HFile{'."\n";
print ' function HFile_'.$LANGNAME.'(){'."\n";
print ' $this->HFile(); '."\n";
print "######################################\n";
print "# Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File \n";
print "# $lang_name\n";
print "######################################\n";
print "# Flags\n\n";
dump_var($nocase, "\$this->nocase ");
dump_var($notrim, "\$this->notrim ");
dump_var($perl, "\$this->perl ");
print "\n# Colours\n\n";
$used_categories = get_categories();
dump_var("blue", "\$this->quotecolour ");
dump_var("green", "\$this->blockcommentcolour");
dump_var("green", "\$this->linecommentcolour ");
print "\n# Indent Strings\n\n";
dump_array($indent, "\$this->indent ");
dump_array($unindent, "\$this->unindent ");
print "\n# String characters and delimiters\n\n";
dump_array($stringchars, "\$this->stringchars ");
dump_array($delimiters, "\$this->delimiters ");
dump_var ($escchar, "\$this->escchar ");
print "\n# Comment settings\n\n";
dump_var ($linecommenton, "\$this->linecommenton ");
dump_var ($blockcommenton, "\$this->blockcommenton ");
dump_var ($blockcommentoff, "\$this->blockcommentoff ");
print "\n# Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)\n\n";
dump_hash ($keywords, "\$this->keywords ");
print "\n# Special extensions\n";
if ($tofile) print "\n}?>"; else print "}\n?&gt;";

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

$BEAUT_PATH = "/Services/COPage/syntax_highlight/php"

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_conv.php.