Release_4_1_x_branch Revision 61804
Public Member Functions | |
ilObjTest ($a_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
create ($a_upload=false) | |
create test object | |
update () | |
update object data | |
createReference () | |
Creates a database reference id for the object (saves the object to the database and creates a reference id in the database) | |
read ($a_force_db=false) | |
read object data from db into object | |
delete () | |
delete object and all related data | |
deleteTest () | |
Deletes the test and all related objects, files and database entries. | |
initDefaultRoles () | |
init default roles settings | |
notify ($a_event, $a_ref_id, $a_parent_non_rbac_id, $a_node_id, $a_params=0) | |
notifys an object about an event occured Based on the event happend, each object may decide how it reacts. | |
createExportDirectory () | |
creates data directory for export files (data_dir/tst_data/tst_<id>/export, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini) | |
getExportDirectory () | |
Get the location of the export directory for the test. | |
getExportFiles ($dir) | |
Get a list of the already exported files in the export directory. | |
_createImportDirectory () | |
creates data directory for import files (data_dir/tst_data/tst_<id>/import, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini) | |
_getImportDirectory () | |
Get the import directory location of the test. | |
createImportDirectory () | |
creates data directory for import files (data_dir/tst_data/tst_<id>/import, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini) | |
getImportDirectory () | |
Get the import directory location of the test. | |
setImportDirectory ($a_import_dir) | |
Set import directory. | |
hasSingleChoiceQuestions () | |
Returns TRUE if the test contains single choice results. | |
isSingleChoiceTest () | |
Returns TRUE if the test contains single choice results only. | |
isSingleChoiceTestWithoutShuffle () | |
Returns TRUE if the test contains single choice results and no shuffle only. | |
isComplete () | |
Returns 1 (true), if a test is complete for use. | |
_isComplete ($obj_id) | |
Returns true, if a test is complete for use. | |
saveECTSStatus ($ects_output=0, $fx_support="", $ects_a=90, $ects_b=65, $ects_c=35, $ects_d=10, $ects_e=0) | |
Saves the ECTS status (output of ECTS grades in a test) to the database. | |
saveCompleteStatus () | |
Checks if the test is complete and saves the status in the database. | |
getAllRTEContent () | |
Returns the content of all RTE enabled text areas in the test. | |
cleanupMediaobjectUsage () | |
Cleans up the media objects for all text fields in a test which are using an RTE field. | |
saveToDb ($properties_only=FALSE) | |
Saves a ilObjTest object to a database. | |
saveQuestionsToDb () | |
Saves the test questions to the database. | |
saveRandomQuestion ($active_id, $question_id, $pass=NULL, $maxcount) | |
Saves a random question to the database. | |
getRandomQuestionDuplicate ($question_id, $active_id) | |
Returns the question id of the duplicate of a question which is already in use in a random test. | |
getNrOfResultsForPass ($active_id, $pass) | |
Calculates the number of user results for a specific test pass. | |
hasRandomQuestionsForPass ($active_id, $pass) | |
Checkes wheather a random test has already created questions for a given pass or not. | |
generateRandomQuestions ($active_id, $pass=NULL) | |
Generates new random questions for the active user. | |
saveRandomQuestionCount ($total_questions=NULL) | |
Saves the total amount of a tests random questions to the database. | |
& | getRandomQuestionpools () |
Returns an array containing the random questionpools saved to the database. | |
saveRandomQuestionpools () | |
Saves the question pools used for a random test. | |
getUsedRandomQuestionpools () | |
Creates an array with title and question count of used random questionpools. | |
addRandomQuestionpoolData ($count=0, $qpl=0, $position) | |
removeRandomQuestionpoolData ($position) | |
setRandomQuestionpoolData ($a_data) | |
& | getRandomQuestionpoolData () |
Returns an array containing ilRandomTestData objects containing the random test selection. | |
loadFromDb () | |
Loads a ilObjTest object from a database. | |
loadQuestions ($active_id="", $pass=NULL) | |
Load the test question id's from the database. | |
setIntroduction ($introduction="") | |
Sets the introduction text of the ilObjTest object. | |
setFinalStatement ($a_statement="") | |
Sets the final statement text of the ilObjTest object. | |
setShowInfo ($a_info=1) | |
Set whether the complete information page is shown or the required data only. | |
setForceJS ($a_js=1) | |
Set whether JavaScript should be forced for tests. | |
setCustomStyle ($a_customStyle=NULL) | |
Set the custom style. | |
getCustomStyle () | |
Get the custom style. | |
getCustomStyles () | |
Return the available custom styles. | |
getTestStyleLocation ($mode="output") | |
get full style sheet file name (path inclusive) of current user | |
setShowFinalStatement ($show=0) | |
Sets whether the final statement should be shown or not. | |
isRandomTest () | |
Gets the status of the $random_test attribute. | |
getRandomQuestionCount () | |
Gets the number of random questions used for a random test. | |
getIntroduction () | |
Gets the introduction text of the ilObjTest object. | |
getFinalStatement () | |
Gets the final statement. | |
getShowInfo () | |
Gets whether the complete information page is shown or the required data only. | |
getForceJS () | |
Gets whether JavaScript should be forced for tests. | |
getShowFinalStatement () | |
Returns whether the final statement should be shown or not. | |
getTestId () | |
Gets the database id of the additional test data. | |
getECTSOutput () | |
Indicates if ECTS grades output is presented in this test. | |
setECTSOutput ($a_ects_output) | |
Enables/Disables ECTS grades output for this test. | |
getECTSFX () | |
Returns the ECTS FX grade. | |
setECTSFX ($a_ects_fx) | |
Sets the ECTS FX grade. | |
& | getECTSGrades () |
Returns the ECTS grades. | |
setECTSGrades ($a_ects_grades) | |
Sets the ECTS grades. | |
setSequenceSettings ($sequence_settings=0) | |
Sets the sequence settings of the ilObjTest object. | |
setScoreReporting ($score_reporting=0) | |
Sets the score reporting of the ilObjTest object. | |
setInstantFeedbackSolution ($instant_feedback=0) | |
Sets the instant feedback for the solution. | |
setAnswerFeedback ($answer_feedback=0) | |
Sets the answer specific feedback for the test. | |
setAnswerFeedbackPoints ($answer_feedback_points=0) | |
Sets the answer specific feedback of reached points for the test. | |
setRandomTest ($a_random_test=0) | |
Sets the random test indicator. | |
setRandomQuestionCount ($a_random_question_count="") | |
Sets the random question count. | |
setReportingDate ($reporting_date) | |
Sets the reporting date of the ilObjTest object. | |
getSequenceSettings () | |
Gets the sequence settings of the ilObjTest object. | |
getScoreReporting () | |
Gets the score reporting of the ilObjTest object. | |
getInstantFeedbackSolution () | |
Returns 1 if the correct solution will be shown after answering a question. | |
getAnswerFeedback () | |
Returns 1 if answer specific feedback is activated. | |
getAnswerFeedbackPoints () | |
Returns 1 if answer specific feedback as reached points is activated. | |
getCountSystem () | |
Gets the count system for the calculation of points. | |
_getCountSystem ($active_id) | |
Gets the count system for the calculation of points. | |
getMCScoring () | |
Gets the scoring type for multiple choice questions. | |
getScoreCutting () | |
Determines if the score of a question should be cut at 0 points or the score of the whole test. | |
getPassword () | |
Returns the password for test access. | |
getPassScoring () | |
Gets the pass scoring type. | |
_getPassScoring ($active_id) | |
Gets the pass scoring type. | |
_getMCScoring ($active_id) | |
Gets the scoring type for multiple choice questions. | |
_getScoreCutting ($active_id) | |
Determines if the score of a question should be cut at 0 points or the score of the whole test. | |
getReportingDate () | |
Gets the reporting date of the ilObjTest object. | |
getNrOfTries () | |
Returns the nr of tries for the test. | |
getKiosk () | |
Returns the kiosk mode. | |
setKiosk ($kiosk=0) | |
Sets the kiosk mode for the test. | |
getKioskMode () | |
Returns the kiosk mode. | |
setKioskMode ($a_kiosk=FALSE) | |
Sets the kiosk mode for the test. | |
getShowKioskModeTitle () | |
Returns the status of the kiosk mode title. | |
setShowKioskModeTitle ($a_title=FALSE) | |
Set to true, if the full test title should be shown in kiosk mode. | |
getShowKioskModeParticipant () | |
Returns the status of the kiosk mode participant. | |
setShowKioskModeParticipant ($a_participant=FALSE) | |
Set to true, if the participant's name should be shown in kiosk mode. | |
getUsePreviousAnswers () | |
Returns if the previous answers should be shown for a learner. | |
getTitleOutput () | |
Returns the value of the title_output status. | |
_getTitleOutput ($active_id) | |
Returns the value of the title_output status. | |
_getUsePreviousAnswers ($active_id, $user_active_user_setting=false) | |
Returns if the previous results should be hidden for a learner. | |
getProcessingTime () | |
Returns the processing time for the test. | |
getProcessingTimeAsArray () | |
Returns the processing time for the test. | |
getProcessingTimeInSeconds () | |
Returns the processing time for the test in seconds. | |
getSecondsUntilEndingTime () | |
Returns the seconds left from the actual time until the ending time. | |
getEnableProcessingTime () | |
Returns the state of the processing time (enabled/disabled) | |
getResetProcessingTime () | |
Returns wheather the processing time should be reset or not. | |
getStartingTime () | |
Returns the starting time of the test. | |
getEndingTime () | |
Returns the ending time of the test. | |
setNrOfTries ($nr_of_tries=0) | |
Sets the nr of tries for the test. | |
setUsePreviousAnswers ($use_previous_answers=1) | |
Sets the status of the visibility of previous learner answers. | |
setTitleOutput ($title_output=0) | |
Sets the status of the title output. | |
setProcessingTime ($processing_time="00:00:00") | |
Sets the processing time for the test. | |
setEnableProcessingTime ($enable=0) | |
Sets the processing time enabled or disabled. | |
setResetProcessingTime ($reset=0) | |
Sets wheather the processing time should be reset or not. | |
setStartingTime ($starting_time=NULL) | |
Sets the starting time in database timestamp format for the test. | |
setEndingTime ($ending_time=NULL) | |
Sets the ending time in database timestamp format for the test. | |
setCountSystem ($a_count_system=COUNT_PARTIAL_SOLUTIONS) | |
Sets the count system for the calculation of points. | |
setPassword ($a_password=NULL) | |
Sets the password for test access. | |
setScoreCutting ($a_score_cutting=SCORE_CUT_QUESTION) | |
Sets the type of score cutting. | |
setMCScoring ($a_mc_scoring=SCORE_ZERO_POINTS_WHEN_UNANSWERED) | |
Sets the multiple choice scoring. | |
setPassScoring ($a_pass_scoring=SCORE_LAST_PASS) | |
Sets the pass scoring. | |
removeQuestion ($question_id) | |
Removes a question from the test object. | |
removeAllTestEditings ($question_id="") | |
Removes all references to the question in executed tests in case the question has been changed. | |
removeSelectedTestResults ($active_ids) | |
removeTestResultsForUser ($user_id) | |
questionMoveUp ($question_id) | |
Moves a question up in order. | |
questionMoveDown ($question_id) | |
Moves a question down in order. | |
duplicateQuestionForTest ($question_id) | |
Takes a question and creates a copy of the question for use in the test. | |
insertQuestion ($question_id) | |
Insert a question in the list of questions. | |
& | getQuestionTitles () |
Returns the titles of the test questions in question sequence. | |
& | getQuestionTitlesAndIndexes () |
Returns the titles of the test questions in question sequence. | |
getQuestionTitle ($title) | |
Returns the title of a test question and checks if the title output is allowed. | |
getQuestionDataset ($question_id) | |
Returns the dataset for a given question id. | |
& | getExistingQuestions ($pass=NULL) |
Get the id's of the questions which are already part of the test. | |
getQuestionType ($question_id) | |
Returns the question type of a question with a given id. | |
startWorkingTime ($active_id, $pass) | |
Write the initial entry for the tests working time to the database. | |
updateWorkingTime ($times_id) | |
Update the working time of a test when a question is answered. | |
& | getWorkedQuestions ($active_id, $pass=NULL) |
Gets the id's of all questions a user already worked through. | |
isTestFinishedToViewResults ($active_id, $currentpass) | |
Returns true if an active user completed a test pass and did not start a new pass. | |
& | getAllQuestions ($pass=NULL) |
Returns all questions of a test in test order. | |
getActiveIdOfUser ($user_id="", $anonymous_id="") | |
Gets the active id of a given user. | |
_getActiveIdOfUser ($user_id="", $test_id="") | |
Gets the active id of the tst_active table for the active user. | |
pcArrayShuffle ($array) | |
Shuffles the values of a given array. | |
& | getTestResult ($active_id, $pass=NULL, $ordered_sequence=FALSE) |
Calculates the results of a test for a given user and returns an array with all test results. | |
evalTotalPersons () | |
Returns the number of persons who started the test. | |
getCompleteWorkingTime ($user_id) | |
Returns the complete working time in seconds a user worked on the test. | |
& | getCompleteWorkingTimeOfParticipants () |
Returns the complete working time in seconds for all test participants. | |
& | _getCompleteWorkingTimeOfParticipants ($test_id) |
Returns the complete working time in seconds for all test participants. | |
getCompleteWorkingTimeOfParticipant ($active_id) | |
Returns the complete working time in seconds for a test participant. | |
_getWorkingTimeOfParticipantForPass ($active_id, $pass) | |
Returns the complete working time in seconds for a test participant. | |
getVisitTimeOfParticipant ($active_id) | |
Returns the first and last visit of a participant. | |
_getVisitTimeOfParticipant ($test_id, $active_id) | |
Returns the first and last visit of a participant. | |
& | evalStatistical ($active_id) |
Returns the statistical evaluation of the test for a specified user. | |
& | getTotalPointsPassedArray () |
Returns an array with the total points of all users who passed the test This array could be used for statistics. | |
& | getParticipants () |
Returns all persons who started the test. | |
& | evalTotalPersonsArray ($name_sort_order="asc") |
Returns all persons who started the test. | |
& | evalTotalParticipantsArray ($name_sort_order="asc") |
Returns all participants who started the test. | |
evalTotalFinished () | |
Returns the number of total finished tests. | |
& | getQuestionsOfTest ($active_id) |
Retrieves all the assigned questions for all test passes of a test participant. | |
& | getQuestionsOfPass ($active_id, $pass) |
Retrieves all the assigned questions for a test participant in a given test pass. | |
getUnfilteredEvaluationData () | |
_getQuestionCountAndPointsForPassOfParticipant ($active_id, $pass) | |
& | getCompleteEvaluationData ($withStatistics=TRUE, $filterby="", $filtertext="") |
& | evalResultsOverview () |
Creates an associated array with the results of all participants of a test. | |
& | _evalResultsOverview ($test_id) |
Creates an associated array with the results of all participants of a test. | |
& | evalResultsOverviewOfParticipant ($active_id) |
Creates an associated array with the results for a given participant of a test. | |
buildName ($user_id, $firstname, $lastname, $title) | |
Builds a user name for the output depending on test type and existence of the user. | |
_buildName ($is_anonymous, $user_id, $firstname, $lastname, $title) | |
Builds a user name for the output depending on test type and existence of the user. | |
evalTotalStartedAverageTime () | |
Returns the average processing time for all started tests. | |
& | getAvailableQuestionpools ($use_object_id=false, $equal_points=false, $could_be_offline=false, $show_path=FALSE, $with_questioncount=FALSE, $permission="read") |
Returns the available question pools for the active user. | |
getEstimatedWorkingTime () | |
Returns the estimated working time for the test calculated from the working time of the contained questions. | |
generateRandomPass ($nr, $qpls, $pass=NULL) | |
Generates a random test pass for a random test. | |
randomSelectQuestions ($nr_of_questions, $questionpool, $use_obj_id=0, $qpls="", $pass=NULL) | |
Returns a random selection of questions. | |
getImagePath () | |
Returns the image path for web accessable images of a test The image path is under the CLIENT_WEB_DIR in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_TEST/images. | |
getImagePathWeb () | |
Returns the web image path for web accessable images of a test The image path is under the web accessable data dir in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_TEST/images. | |
& | createQuestionGUI ($question_type, $question_id=-1) |
Creates a question GUI instance of a given question type. | |
& | _instanciateQuestion ($question_id) |
Creates an instance of a question with a given question id. | |
moveQuestions ($move_questions, $target_index, $insert_mode) | |
Move questions to another position. | |
startingTimeReached () | |
Returns true if the starting time of a test is reached A starting time is not available for self assessment tests. | |
endingTimeReached () | |
Returns true if the ending time of a test is reached An ending time is not available for self assessment tests. | |
getAvailableQuestions ($arrFilter, $completeonly=0) | |
Calculates the available questions for a test. | |
& | getQuestionTypeTranslations () |
fromXML (&$assessment) | |
Receives parameters from a QTI parser and creates a valid ILIAS test object. | |
toXML () | |
Returns a QTI xml representation of the test. | |
exportPagesXML (&$a_xml_writer, $a_inst, $a_target_dir, &$expLog) | |
export pages of test to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) | |
exportXMLMetaData (&$a_xml_writer) | |
export content objects meta data to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) | |
modifyExportIdentifier ($a_tag, $a_param, $a_value) | |
Returns the installation id for a given identifier. | |
exportXMLPageObjects (&$a_xml_writer, $a_inst, &$expLog) | |
export page objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) | |
exportXMLMediaObjects (&$a_xml_writer, $a_inst, $a_target_dir, &$expLog) | |
export media objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd) | |
exportFileItems ($a_target_dir, &$expLog) | |
export files of file itmes | |
getImportMapping () | |
get array of (two) new created questions for import id | |
getECTSGrade ($passed_array, $reached_points, $max_points) | |
Returns the ECTS grade for a number of reached points. | |
_getECTSGrade ($points_passed, $reached_points, $max_points, $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $fx) | |
Returns the ECTS grade for a number of reached points. | |
checkMarks () | |
getMarkSchema () | |
setAuthor ($author="") | |
Sets the authors name of the ilObjTest object. | |
saveAuthorToMetadata ($a_author="") | |
Saves an authors name into the lifecycle metadata if no lifecycle metadata exists This will only be called for conversion of "old" tests where the author hasn't been stored in the lifecycle metadata. | |
createMetaData () | |
Create meta data entry. | |
getAuthor () | |
Gets the authors name of the ilObjTest object. | |
_lookupAuthor ($obj_id) | |
Gets the authors name of the ilObjTest object. | |
& | _getAvailableTests ($use_object_id=FALSE) |
Returns the available tests for the active user. | |
cloneRandomQuestions ($new_id) | |
Duplicates the source random questionpools for another test. | |
cloneObject ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id=0) | |
Clone object. | |
getQuestionCount () | |
Returns the number of questions in the test. | |
_getQuestionCount ($test_id) | |
Returns the number of questions in the test for a given user. | |
removeNonRandomTestData () | |
Removes all test data of a non random test when a test was set to random test. | |
removeRandomTestData () | |
Removes all test data of a random test when a test was set to non random test. | |
logAction ($logtext="", $question_id="") | |
Logs an action into the Test&Assessment log. | |
_getObjectIDFromTestID ($test_id) | |
Returns the ILIAS test object id for a given test id. | |
_getObjectIDFromActiveID ($active_id) | |
Returns the ILIAS test object id for a given active id. | |
_getTestIDFromObjectID ($object_id) | |
Returns the ILIAS test id for a given object id. | |
getTextAnswer ($active_id, $question_id, $pass=NULL) | |
Returns the text answer of a given user for a given question. | |
getQuestiontext ($question_id) | |
Returns the question text for a given question. | |
& | getInvitedUsers ($user_id="", $order="login, lastname, firstname") |
Returns a list of all invited users in a test. | |
& | getTestParticipants () |
Returns a list of all participants in a test. | |
getTestParticipantsForManualScoring ($filter=NULL) | |
& | getUserData ($ids) |
Returns a data of all users specified by id list. | |
& | getGroupData ($ids) |
& | getRoleData ($ids) |
inviteGroup ($group_id) | |
Invites all users of a group to a test. | |
inviteRole ($role_id) | |
Invites all users of a role to a test. | |
disinviteUser ($user_id) | |
Disinvites a user from a test. | |
inviteUser ($user_id, $client_ip="") | |
Invites a user to a test. | |
setClientIP ($user_id, $client_ip) | |
_getSolvedQuestions ($active_id, $question_fi=null) | |
get solved questions | |
setQuestionSetSolved ($value, $question_id, $user_id) | |
sets question solved state to value for given user_id | |
setActiveTestSubmitted ($user_id) | |
submits active test for user user_id | |
isTestFinished ($active_id) | |
returns if the active for user_id has been submitted | |
isActiveTestSubmitted ($user_id=null) | |
returns if the active for user_id has been submitted | |
hasNrOfTriesRestriction () | |
returns if the numbers of tries have to be checked | |
isNrOfTriesReached ($tries) | |
returns if number of tries are reached | |
getAllTestResults ($participants, $prepareForCSV=true) | |
returns all test results for all participants | |
& | processCSVRow ($row, $quoteAll=FALSE, $separator=";") |
Processes an array as a CSV row and converts the array values to correct CSV values. | |
_getPass ($active_id) | |
Retrieves the actual pass of a given user for a given test. | |
_getMaxPass ($active_id) | |
Retrieves the maximum pass of a given user for a given test in which the user answered at least one question. | |
_getBestPass ($active_id) | |
Retrieves the best pass of a given user for a given test. | |
_getResultPass ($active_id) | |
Retrieves the pass number that should be counted for a given user. | |
getAnsweredQuestionCount ($active_id, $pass=NULL) | |
Retrieves the number of answered questions for a given user in a given test. | |
getPassFinishDate ($active_id, $pass) | |
Retrieves the number of answered questions for a given user in a given test. | |
isExecutable ($user_id, $allowPassIncrease=FALSE) | |
Checks if the test is executable by the given user. | |
canViewResults () | |
Returns true, if the test results can be viewed. | |
canShowTestResults ($user_id) | |
canEditMarks () | |
getStartingTimeOfUser ($active_id) | |
Returns the unix timestamp of the time a user started a test. | |
isMaxProcessingTimeReached ($starting_time) | |
Returns whether the maximum processing time for a test is reached or not. | |
& | getTestQuestions () |
getShuffleQuestions () | |
Returns the status of the shuffle_questions variable. | |
setShuffleQuestions ($a_shuffle) | |
Sets the status of the shuffle_questions variable. | |
getListOfQuestionsSettings () | |
Returns the settings for the list of questions options in the test properties This could contain one of the following values: 0 = No list of questions offered 1 = A list of questions is offered 3 = A list of questions is offered and the list of questions is shown as first page of the test 5 = A list of questions is offered and the list of questions is shown as last page of the test 7 = A list of questions is offered and the list of questions is shown as first and last page of the test. | |
setListOfQuestionsSettings ($a_value=0) | |
Sets the settings for the list of questions options in the test properties This could contain one of the following values: 0 = No list of questions offered 1 = A list of questions is offered 3 = A list of questions is offered and the list of questions is shown as first page of the test 5 = A list of questions is offered and the list of questions is shown as last page of the test 7 = A list of questions is offered and the list of questions is shown as first and last page of the test. | |
getListOfQuestions () | |
Returns if the list of questions should be presented to the user or not. | |
setListOfQuestions ($a_value=TRUE) | |
Sets if the the list of questions should be presented to the user or not. | |
getListOfQuestionsStart () | |
Returns if the list of questions should be presented as the first page of the test. | |
setListOfQuestionsStart ($a_value=TRUE) | |
Sets if the the list of questions as the start page of the test. | |
getListOfQuestionsEnd () | |
Returns if the list of questions should be presented as the last page of the test. | |
setListOfQuestionsEnd ($a_value=TRUE) | |
Sets if the the list of questions as the end page of the test. | |
getListOfQuestionsDescription () | |
Returns TRUE if the list of questions should be presented with the question descriptions. | |
setListOfQuestionsDescription ($a_value=TRUE) | |
Sets the show_summary attribute to TRUE if the list of questions should be presented with the question descriptions. | |
getResultsPresentation () | |
Returns the combined results presentation value. | |
getShowPassDetails () | |
Returns if the pass details should be shown when a test is not finished. | |
getShowSolutionDetails () | |
Returns if the solution details should be presented to the user or not. | |
getShowSolutionPrintview () | |
Returns if the solution printview should be presented to the user or not. | |
getShowSolutionFeedback () | |
Returns if the feedback should be presented to the solution or not. | |
getShowSolutionAnswersOnly () | |
Returns if the full solution (including ILIAS content) should be presented to the solution or not. | |
getShowSolutionSignature () | |
Returns if the signature field should be shown in the test results. | |
getShowSolutionSuggested () | |
setResultsPresentation ($a_results_presentation=3) | |
Sets the combined results presentation value. | |
setShowPassDetails ($a_details=1) | |
Sets if the pass details should be shown when a test is not finished. | |
setShowSolutionDetails ($a_details=1) | |
Sets if the the solution details should be presented to the user or not. | |
canShowSolutionPrintview ($user_id=NULL) | |
Calculates if a user may see the solution printview of his/her test results. | |
setShowSolutionPrintview ($a_printview=1) | |
Sets if the the solution printview should be presented to the user or not. | |
setShowSolutionFeedback ($a_feedback=TRUE) | |
Sets if the the feedback should be presented to the user in the solution or not. | |
setShowSolutionAnswersOnly ($a_full=TRUE) | |
Set to true, if the full solution (including the ILIAS content pages) should be shown in the solution output. | |
setShowSolutionSignature ($a_signature=FALSE) | |
Set to TRUE, if the signature field should be shown in the solution. | |
setShowSolutionSuggested ($a_solution=FALSE) | |
Set to TRUE, if the suggested solution should be shown in the solution. | |
createNewAccessCode () | |
Returns a new, unused test access code. | |
isAccessCodeUsed ($code) | |
getAccessCodeSession () | |
setAccessCodeSession ($access_code) | |
unsetAccessCodeSession () | |
getAllowedUsers () | |
setAllowedUsers ($a_allowed_users) | |
getAllowedUsersTimeGap () | |
setAllowedUsersTimeGap ($a_allowed_users_time_gap) | |
checkMaximumAllowedUsers () | |
_getLastAccess ($active_id) | |
isHTML ($a_text) | |
Checks if a given string contains HTML or not. | |
QTIMaterialToString ($a_material) | |
Reads an QTI material tag an creates a text string. | |
addQTIMaterial (&$a_xml_writer, $a_material) | |
Creates a QTI material tag from a plain text or xhtml text. | |
prepareTextareaOutput ($txt_output, $prepare_for_latex_output=FALSE) | |
Prepares a string for a text area output in tests. | |
saveCertificateVisibility ($a_value) | |
Saves the visibility settings of the certificate. | |
getCertificateVisibility () | |
Returns the visibility settings of the certificate. | |
setCertificateVisibility ($a_value) | |
Sets the visibility settings of the certificate. | |
getAnonymity () | |
Returns the anonymity status of the test. | |
setAnonymity ($a_value=0) | |
Sets the anonymity status of the test. | |
getShowCancel () | |
Returns wheather the cancel test button is shown or not. | |
setShowCancel ($a_value=1) | |
Sets the cancel test button status. | |
getShowMarker () | |
Returns wheather the marker button is shown or not. | |
setShowMarker ($a_value=1) | |
Sets the marker button status. | |
getFixedParticipants () | |
Returns the fixed participants status. | |
setFixedParticipants ($a_value=1) | |
Sets the fixed participants status. | |
_lookupAnonymity ($a_obj_id) | |
Returns the anonymity status of a test with a given object id. | |
_lookupRandomTestFromActiveId ($active_id) | |
Returns the random status of a test with a given object id. | |
userLookupFullName ($user_id, $overwrite_anonymity=FALSE, $sorted_order=FALSE, $suffix="") | |
Returns the full name of a test user according to the anonymity status. | |
getStartTestLabel ($active_id) | |
Returns the "Start the Test" label for the Info page. | |
& | getAvailableDefaults ($sortby="name", $sortorder="asc") |
Returns the available test defaults for the active user. | |
& | getTestDefaults ($test_defaults_id) |
Returns the test defaults for a given id. | |
deleteDefaults ($test_default_id) | |
Deletes the defaults for a test. | |
addDefaults ($a_name) | |
Adds the defaults of this test to the test defaults. | |
applyDefaults ($test_defaults_id) | |
Applies given test defaults to this test. | |
processPrintoutput2FO ($print_output) | |
Convert a print output to XSL-FO. | |
deliverPDFfromHTML ($content, $title=NULL) | |
Delivers a PDF file from XHTML. | |
deliverPDFfromFO ($fo, $title=null) | |
Delivers a PDF file from a XSL-FO string. | |
saveManualFeedback ($active_id, $question_id, $pass, $feedback) | |
Saves the manual feedback for a question in a test. | |
getJavaScriptOutput () | |
Returns if Javascript should be chosen for drag & drop actions for the active user. | |
& | createTestSession () |
Creates the test session data for the active user. | |
setTestId ($a_id) | |
Sets the test ID. | |
& | setTestSession ($active_id="") |
Sets the test session data for the active user. | |
& | getTestSession ($active_id="") |
Returns the test session data for the active user. | |
& | createTestSequence ($active_id, $pass, $shuffle) |
& | getTestSequence ($active_id="", $pass="") |
hideCorrectAnsweredQuestions () | |
getDetailedTestResults ($participants) | |
returns all test results for all participants | |
_lookupTestObjIdForQuestionId ($a_q_id) | |
Get test Object ID for question ID. | |
isPluginActive ($a_pname) | |
Checks wheather or not a question plugin with a given name is active. | |
canShowCertificate ($user_id, $active_id) | |
Checks whether the certificate button could be shown on the info page or not. | |
getParticipantsForTestAndQuestion ($test_id, $question_id) | |
Creates an associated array with all active id's for a given test and original question id. | |
hasPDFProcessing () | |
Returns true if PDF processing is enabled, false otherwise. | |
getAggregatedResultsData () | |
Returns the aggregated test results. | |
getXMLZip () | |
Get zipped xml file for test. | |
getMailNotification () | |
Get mail notification settings. | |
setMailNotification ($a_notification) | |
Set mail notification settings. | |
sendSimpleNotification ($active_id) | |
getEvaluationAdditionalFields () | |
Gets additional user fields that should be shown in the user evaluation. | |
sendAdvancedNotification ($active_id) | |
createRandomSolutions ($number) | |
getResultsForActiveId ($active_id) | |
getMailNotificationType () | |
setMailNotificationType ($a_type) | |
getExportSettings () | |
setExportSettings ($a_settings) | |
getExportSettingsSingleChoiceShort () | |
setExportSettingsSingleChoiceShort ($a_settings) | |
getQuestions () | |
![]() | |
ilObject ($a_id=0, $a_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
withReferences () | |
determines wehter objects are referenced or not (got ref ids or not) | |
getId () | |
get object id public | |
setId ($a_id) | |
set object id public | |
setRefId ($a_id) | |
set reference id public | |
getRefId () | |
get reference id public | |
getType () | |
get object type public | |
setType ($a_type) | |
set object type public | |
getPresentationTitle () | |
get presentation title Normally same as title Overwritten for sessions | |
getTitle () | |
get object title public | |
getUntranslatedTitle () | |
get untranslated object title public | |
setTitle ($a_title) | |
set object title | |
getDescription () | |
get object description | |
setDescription ($a_desc) | |
set object description | |
getLongDescription () | |
get object long description (stored in object_description) | |
getImportId () | |
get import id | |
setImportId ($a_import_id) | |
set import id | |
_lookupObjIdByImportId ($a_import_id) | |
getOwner () | |
get object owner | |
getOwnerName () | |
_lookupOwnerName ($a_owner_id) | |
lookup owner name for owner id | |
setOwner ($a_owner) | |
set object owner | |
getCreateDate () | |
get create date public | |
getLastUpdateDate () | |
get last update date public | |
getDiskUsage () | |
Gets the disk usage of the object in bytes. | |
setObjDataRecord ($a_record) | |
set object_data record (note: this method should only be called from the ilObjectFactory class) | |
create () | |
create | |
MDUpdateListener ($a_element) | |
Meta data update listener. | |
updateMetaData () | |
update meta data entry | |
deleteMetaData () | |
delete meta data entry | |
updateOwner () | |
update owner of object in db | |
_getIdForImportId ($a_import_id) | |
get current object id for import id (static) | |
_lookupOwner ($a_id) | |
lookup object owner | |
_lookupDescription ($a_id) | |
lookup object description | |
_lookupLastUpdate ($a_id, $a_as_string=false) | |
lookup last update | |
_getLastUpdateOfObjects ($a_objs) | |
Get last update for a set of media objects. | |
_setDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilTree::saveSubTree | |
_resetDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilObjectGUI::insertSavedNodes | |
_lookupDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilObjectGUI::insertSavedNodes | |
_writeTitle ($a_obj_id, $a_title) | |
write title to db (static) | |
_writeDescription ($a_obj_id, $a_desc) | |
write description to db (static) | |
_writeImportId ($a_obj_id, $a_import_id) | |
write import id to db (static) | |
_isInTrash ($a_ref_id) | |
checks wether object is in trash | |
_hasUntrashedReference ($a_obj_id) | |
checks wether an object has at least one reference that is not in trash | |
_lookupObjectId ($a_ref_id) | |
lookup object id | |
_getObjectsDataForType ($a_type, $a_omit_trash=false) | |
get all objects of a certain type | |
putInTree ($a_parent_ref) | |
maybe this method should be in tree object!? | |
setPermissions ($a_parent_ref) | |
set permissions of object | |
countReferences () | |
count references of object | |
createRoleFolder () | |
creates a local role folder | |
setRegisterMode ($a_bool) | |
isUserRegistered ($a_user_id=0) | |
requireRegistration () | |
getHTMLDirectory () | |
appendCopyInfo ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Prepend Copy info if object with same name exists in that container. | |
cloneDependencies ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Clone object dependencies. | |
cloneMetaData ($target_obj) | |
Copy meta data. |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | _lookupRandomTest ($a_obj_id) |
Lookup random test. | |
static | _getUserIdFromActiveId ($active_id) |
static | getManualFeedback ($active_id, $question_id, $pass) |
Retrieves the manual feedback for a question in a test. | |
![]() | |
static | _getAllReferences ($a_id) |
get all reference ids of object | |
static | _lookupTitle ($a_id) |
lookup object title | |
static | _getIdsForTitle ($title, $type= '', $partialmatch=false) |
static | _lookupObjId ($a_id) |
static | _lookupType ($a_id, $a_reference=false) |
lookup object type | |
_exists ($a_id, $a_reference=false) | |
checks if an object exists in object_data | |
static | _getObjectsByType ($a_obj_type="", $a_owner="") |
Get objects by type. | |
static | _prepareCloneSelection ($a_ref_ids, $new_type) |
Prepare copy wizard object selection. | |
static | _getIcon ($a_obj_id="", $a_size="big", $a_type="", $a_offline=false) |
Get icon for repository item. | |
static | collectDeletionDependencies (&$deps, $a_ref_id, $a_obj_id, $a_type, $a_depth=0) |
Collect deletion dependencies. | |
static | getDeletionDependencies ($a_obj_id) |
Get deletion dependencies. |
Protected Member Functions | |
isNewRandomTest () | |
Checks wheather the test is a new random test (using tst_rnd_cpy) or an old one. | |
removeDuplicatedQuestionpools () | |
Remove all duplicated questions from a random test. | |
duplicateQuestionpoolForTest ($questionpool_id) | |
Duplicates all valid questions of a questionpool for use in a random test. | |
getPassed ($active_id) |
Protected Attributes | |
$_kiosk | |
$mailnotification | |
$mailnottype | |
$random_questionpool_data | |
$exportsettings |
Private Attributes | |
$_showfinalstatement | |
$_finalstatement | |
$_showinfo | |
$_forcejs | |
$_customStyle | |
$import_dir |
Definition at line 17 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::_buildName | ( | $is_anonymous, | |
$user_id, | |||
$firstname, | |||
$lastname, | |||
$title | |||
) |
Builds a user name for the output depending on test type and existence of the user.
boolean | $is_anonymous | Indicates if it is an anonymized test or not |
int | $user_id | The database ID of the user |
string | $firstname | The first name of the user |
string | $lastname | The last name of the user |
string | $title | The title of the user |
Definition at line 5174 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\$lng, and ilObject\$title.
ilObjTest::_createImportDirectory | ( | ) |
creates data directory for import files (data_dir/tst_data/tst_<id>/import, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini)
Definition at line 850 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\$ilias, ilUtil\getDataDir(), and ilUtil\makeDir().
Referenced by ilObjTestGUI\uploadTstObject().
& ilObjTest::_evalResultsOverview | ( | $test_id | ) |
Creates an associated array with the results of all participants of a test.
Definition at line 5035 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and $test_id.
Referenced by evalResultsOverview().
ilObjTest::_getActiveIdOfUser | ( | $user_id = "" , |
$test_id = "" |
) |
Gets the active id of the tst_active table for the active user.
integer | $user_id | The database id of the user |
integer | $test_id | The database id of the test |
Definition at line 4138 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and $test_id.
& ilObjTest::_getAvailableTests | ( | $use_object_id = FALSE | ) |
Returns the available tests for the active user.
Definition at line 6704 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, ilObject\$ref_id, $tests, ilUtil\_getObjectsByOperations(), ilObject\_lookupObjId(), and ilObject\_prepareCloneSelection().
Referenced by ilObjAssessmentFolderGUI\exportLogObject(), ilObjAssessmentFolderGUI\logAdminObject(), and ilObjAssessmentFolderGUI\logsObject().
ilObjTest::_getBestPass | ( | $active_id | ) |
Retrieves the best pass of a given user for a given test.
integer | $user_id | The user id |
integer | $test_id | The test id |
Definition at line 7802 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by _getResultPass().
& ilObjTest::_getCompleteWorkingTimeOfParticipants | ( | $test_id | ) |
Returns the complete working time in seconds for all test participants.
integer | $test_id | The database ID of the test |
Definition at line 4353 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and $test_id.
Referenced by getCompleteWorkingTimeOfParticipants().
ilObjTest::_getCountSystem | ( | $active_id | ) |
Gets the count system for the calculation of points.
Definition at line 2703 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by assQuestion\calculateReachedPoints().
ilObjTest::_getECTSGrade | ( | $points_passed, | |
$reached_points, | |||
$max_points, | |||
$a, | |||
$b, | |||
$c, | |||
$d, | |||
$e, | |||
$fx | |||
) |
Returns the ECTS grade for a number of reached points.
double | $reached_points | The points reached in the test |
double | $max_points | The maximum number of points for the test |
Definition at line 6507 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $d.
Referenced by getECTSGrade().
ilObjTest::_getImportDirectory | ( | ) |
Get the import directory location of the test.
Definition at line 879 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $import_dir, and ilUtil\getDataDir().
Referenced by assErrorTextImport\fromXML(), assFileUploadImport\fromXML(), assFlashQuestionImport\fromXML(), assSingleChoiceImport\fromXML(), assOrderingQuestionImport\fromXML(), assJavaAppletImport\fromXML(), assNumericImport\fromXML(), assMultipleChoiceImport\fromXML(), assTextSubsetImport\fromXML(), assClozeTestImport\fromXML(), assImagemapQuestionImport\fromXML(), assOrderingHorizontalImport\fromXML(), assTextQuestionImport\fromXML(), assMatchingQuestionImport\fromXML(), ilObjTestGUI\importVerifiedFileObject(), and ilObjTestGUI\uploadTstObject().
ilObjTest::_getLastAccess | ( | $active_id | ) |
Definition at line 8797 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::_getMaxPass | ( | $active_id | ) |
Retrieves the maximum pass of a given user for a given test in which the user answered at least one question.
integer | $user_id | The user id |
integer | $test_id | The test id |
Definition at line 7775 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by _getResultPass().
ilObjTest::_getMCScoring | ( | $active_id | ) |
Gets the scoring type for multiple choice questions.
Definition at line 2795 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by assMultipleChoice\calculateReachedPoints().
ilObjTest::_getObjectIDFromActiveID | ( | $active_id | ) |
Returns the ILIAS test object id for a given active id.
integer | $active_id | The active id |
Definition at line 7068 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by assQuestion\_logAction(), and assQuestion\logAction().
ilObjTest::_getObjectIDFromTestID | ( | $test_id | ) |
Returns the ILIAS test object id for a given test id.
integer | $test_id | The test id |
Definition at line 7045 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and $test_id.
Referenced by assJavaAppletGUI\getSolutionOutput(), assJavaAppletGUI\getTestOutput(), and ASS_MarkSchema\logAction().
ilObjTest::_getPass | ( | $active_id | ) |
Retrieves the actual pass of a given user for a given test.
integer | $user_id | The user id |
integer | $test_id | The test id |
Definition at line 7748 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by assQuestion\calculateResultsFromSolution(), getAllQuestions(), assFileUploadGUI\getSolutionOutput(), assFlashQuestionGUI\getSolutionOutput(), assJavaAppletGUI\getSolutionOutput(), assImagemapQuestionGUI\getSolutionOutput(), getStartingTimeOfUser(), getStartTestLabel(), assErrorTextGUI\getTestOutput(), assOrderingHorizontalGUI\getTestOutput(), assNumericGUI\getTestOutput(), assFileUploadGUI\getTestOutput(), assTextQuestionGUI\getTestOutput(), assTextSubsetGUI\getTestOutput(), assFlashQuestionGUI\getTestOutput(), assSingleChoiceGUI\getTestOutput(), assJavaAppletGUI\getTestOutput(), assMultipleChoiceGUI\getTestOutput(), assImagemapQuestionGUI\getTestOutput(), assClozeTestGUI\getTestOutput(), assOrderingQuestionGUI\getTestOutput(), assMatchingQuestionGUI\getTestOutput(), assMatchingQuestionGUI\getTestOutputJS(), isExecutable(), loadQuestions(), assOrderingHorizontal\moveRight(), assImagemapQuestionGUI\outQuestionForTest(), assOrderingHorizontal\saveWorkingData(), assErrorText\saveWorkingData(), assNumeric\saveWorkingData(), assTextQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assFileUpload\saveWorkingData(), assTextSubset\saveWorkingData(), assSingleChoice\saveWorkingData(), assMultipleChoice\saveWorkingData(), assImagemapQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assOrderingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assMatchingQuestion\saveWorkingData(), assClozeTest\saveWorkingData(), and assErrorText\toggleSelection().
ilObjTest::_getPassScoring | ( | $active_id | ) |
Gets the pass scoring type.
Definition at line 2773 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by _getResultPass().
ilObjTest::_getQuestionCount | ( | $test_id | ) |
Returns the number of questions in the test for a given user.
Definition at line 6907 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $result, $row, $test, and $test_id.
ilObjTest::_getQuestionCountAndPointsForPassOfParticipant | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass | |||
) |
Definition at line 4968 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $result, $row, and _lookupRandomTestFromActiveId().
Referenced by assQuestion\_updateTestPassResults(), and ilTestEvaluationData\generateOverview().
ilObjTest::_getResultPass | ( | $active_id | ) |
Retrieves the pass number that should be counted for a given user.
integer | $user_id | The user id |
integer | $test_id | The test id |
Definition at line 7847 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References _getBestPass(), _getMaxPass(), _getPassScoring(), and SCORE_BEST_PASS.
Referenced by assQuestion\_updateTestResultCache(), evalStatistical(), getPassed(), ilTestEvaluationGUI\outCertificate(), and ilTestEvaluationGUI\outParticipantsResultsOverview().
ilObjTest::_getScoreCutting | ( | $active_id | ) |
Determines if the score of a question should be cut at 0 points or the score of the whole test.
Definition at line 2817 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by assQuestion\calculateReachedPoints().
ilObjTest::_getSolvedQuestions | ( | $active_id, | |
$question_fi = null |
) |
get solved questions
Definition at line 7504 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by ilTestSequence\getSequenceSummary(), ilTestOutputGUI\outQuestionSummary(), and ilTestOutputGUI\outWorkingForm().
ilObjTest::_getTestIDFromObjectID | ( | $object_id | ) |
Returns the ILIAS test id for a given object id.
integer | $object_id | The object id |
Definition at line 7091 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::_getTitleOutput | ( | $active_id | ) |
Returns the value of the title_output status.
integer | $active_id | The active id of a user |
Definition at line 3034 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by assQuestionGUI\outQuestionPage().
ilObjTest::_getUsePreviousAnswers | ( | $active_id, | |
$user_active_user_setting = false |
) |
Returns if the previous results should be hidden for a learner.
integer | $test_id | The test id |
boolean | $use_active_user_setting | If true, the tst_use_previous_answers- of the active user should be used as well |
Definition at line 3059 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $res, $result, $row, and $use_previous_answers.
Referenced by assFileUploadGUI\getSolutionOutput(), assImagemapQuestionGUI\getSolutionOutput(), assErrorTextGUI\getTestOutput(), assOrderingHorizontalGUI\getTestOutput(), assNumericGUI\getTestOutput(), assFileUploadGUI\getTestOutput(), assTextQuestionGUI\getTestOutput(), assTextSubsetGUI\getTestOutput(), assSingleChoiceGUI\getTestOutput(), assJavaAppletGUI\getTestOutput(), assMultipleChoiceGUI\getTestOutput(), assImagemapQuestionGUI\getTestOutput(), assClozeTestGUI\getTestOutput(), assOrderingQuestionGUI\getTestOutput(), assMatchingQuestionGUI\getTestOutput(), assMatchingQuestionGUI\getTestOutputJS(), and assImagemapQuestionGUI\outQuestionForTest().
static |
Definition at line 8698 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by assQuestion\_setReachedPoints(), removeSelectedTestResults(), removeTestResultsForUser(), sendAdvancedNotification(), and sendSimpleNotification().
ilObjTest::_getVisitTimeOfParticipant | ( | $test_id, | |
$active_id | |||
) |
Returns the first and last visit of a participant.
integer | $test_id | The database ID of the test |
integer | $active_id | The active ID of the participant |
Definition at line 4450 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and $test_id.
Referenced by getVisitTimeOfParticipant().
ilObjTest::_getWorkingTimeOfParticipantForPass | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass | |||
) |
Returns the complete working time in seconds for a test participant.
Definition at line 4410 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $result, and $row.
Referenced by assQuestion\_updateTestPassResults().
& ilObjTest::_instanciateQuestion | ( | $question_id | ) |
Creates an instance of a question with a given question id.
integer | $question_id | The question id |
Definition at line 5481 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by ilCourseObjectiveQuestion\__read(), cloneObject(), createRandomSolutions(), ilObjQuestionPool\deleteQuestion(), duplicateQuestionForTest(), duplicateQuestionpoolForTest(), ilTestEvaluationGUI\exportFileUploadsForAllParticipants(), getAllTestResults(), getDetailedTestResults(), getEstimatedWorkingTime(), ilCourseObjectiveQuestion\getMaxPointsByObjective(), ilCourseObjectiveQuestion\getMaxPointsByTest(), ilTestSequence\getSequenceSummary(), ilCourseObjectiveQuestionAssignmentTableGUI\parse(), removeDuplicatedQuestionpools(), removeQuestion(), ilTestEvaluationGUI\singleResults(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::_isComplete | ( | $obj_id | ) |
Returns true, if a test is complete for use.
Definition at line 1075 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $test, and ilObjTest().
ilObjTest::_lookupAnonymity | ( | $a_obj_id | ) |
Returns the anonymity status of a test with a given object id.
int | $a_obj_id | The object id of the test object |
Definition at line 9085 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by ilLPListOfSettingsGUI\__checkItemAnonymized(), ilLPCollections\__read(), ilLPCollections\_getItems(), ilObjTestAccess\_getParticipantData(), ilTrObjectUsersPropsTableGUI\getSelectableColumns(), assJavaAppletGUI\getSolutionOutput(), assJavaAppletGUI\getTestOutput(), and ilLearningProgressBaseGUI\isObjectAnonymized().
ilObjTest::_lookupAuthor | ( | $obj_id | ) |
Gets the authors name of the ilObjTest object.
Definition at line 6672 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $author, and ilObject\$id.
Referenced by assQuestion\getInstances().
static |
Lookup random test.
int | $a_obj_id |
Definition at line 2325 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $query, $res, $row, and DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT.
Referenced by ilCourseObjectiveQuestionAssignmentTableGUI\parse().
ilObjTest::_lookupRandomTestFromActiveId | ( | $active_id | ) |
Returns the random status of a test with a given object id.
int | $a_obj_id | The object id of the test object |
Definition at line 9107 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by _getQuestionCountAndPointsForPassOfParticipant().
ilObjTest::_lookupTestObjIdForQuestionId | ( | $a_q_id | ) |
Get test Object ID for question ID.
Definition at line 9761 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, and $result.
Referenced by ilObjMediaObject\getParentObjectIdForUsage().
ilObjTest::addDefaults | ( | $a_name | ) |
Adds the defaults of this test to the test defaults.
string | $a_name | The name of the test defaults public |
Definition at line 9256 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, getAnonymity(), getAnswerFeedback(), getAnswerFeedbackPoints(), getCountSystem(), getCustomStyle(), getECTSFX(), getECTSGrades(), getECTSOutput(), getEnableProcessingTime(), getEndingTime(), getExportSettings(), getFinalStatement(), getForceJS(), getInstantFeedbackSolution(), getIntroduction(), getKiosk(), getListOfQuestionsSettings(), getMailNotification(), getMailNotificationType(), getMCScoring(), getNrOfTries(), getPassScoring(), getProcessingTime(), getRandomQuestionCount(), getReportingDate(), getResetProcessingTime(), getResultsPresentation(), getScoreReporting(), getSequenceSettings(), getShowCancel(), getShowFinalStatement(), getShowInfo(), getShowMarker(), getShuffleQuestions(), getStartingTime(), getTitleOutput(), getUsePreviousAnswers(), and isRandomTest().
ilObjTest::addQTIMaterial | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_material | |||
) |
Creates a QTI material tag from a plain text or xhtml text.
object | $a_xml_writer | Reference to the ILIAS XML writer |
string | $a_material | plain text or html text containing the material |
Definition at line 8873 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $mobs, ilObjMediaObject\_exists(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilObject\getId(), and isHTML().
Referenced by toXML().
ilObjTest::addRandomQuestionpoolData | ( | $count = 0 , |
$qpl = 0 , |
$position | |||
) |
Definition at line 1960 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::applyDefaults | ( | $test_defaults_id | ) |
Applies given test defaults to this test.
integer | $test_defaults_id | The database id of the test defaults |
Definition at line 9314 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $result, $total, evalTotalPersons(), getQuestionCount(), getTestDefaults(), saveToDb(), setAnonymity(), setAnswerFeedback(), setAnswerFeedbackPoints(), setCountSystem(), setCustomStyle(), setECTSFX(), setECTSGrades(), setECTSOutput(), setEnableProcessingTime(), setEndingTime(), setExportSettings(), setFinalStatement(), setForceJS(), setInstantFeedbackSolution(), setIntroduction(), setKiosk(), setListOfQuestionsSettings(), setMailNotification(), setMailNotificationType(), setMCScoring(), setNrOfTries(), setPassScoring(), setProcessingTime(), setRandomQuestionCount(), setRandomTest(), setReportingDate(), setResetProcessingTime(), setResultsPresentation(), setScoreReporting(), setSequenceSettings(), setShowCancel(), setShowFinalStatement(), setShowInfo(), setShowMarker(), setShuffleQuestions(), setStartingTime(), setTitleOutput(), and setUsePreviousAnswers().
ilObjTest::buildName | ( | $user_id, | |
$firstname, | |||
$lastname, | |||
$title | |||
) |
Builds a user name for the output depending on test type and existence of the user.
int | $user_id | The database ID of the user |
string | $firstname | The first name of the user |
string | $lastname | The last name of the user |
string | $title | The title of the user |
Definition at line 5137 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\$title, and getAnonymity().
ilObjTest::canEditMarks | ( | ) |
Definition at line 8044 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $total, evalTotalPersons(), and getReportingDate().
ilObjTest::canShowCertificate | ( | $user_id, | |
$active_id | |||
) |
Checks whether the certificate button could be shown on the info page or not.
Definition at line 9818 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References canShowTestResults(), getCertificateVisibility(), and getPassed().
ilObjTest::canShowSolutionPrintview | ( | $user_id = NULL | ) |
Calculates if a user may see the solution printview of his/her test results.
Definition at line 8553 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getShowSolutionPrintview().
ilObjTest::canShowTestResults | ( | $user_id | ) |
Definition at line 8019 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $result, $starting_time, canViewResults(), endingTimeReached(), getActiveIdOfUser(), getScoreReporting(), getStartingTimeOfUser(), getTestSession(), isMaxProcessingTimeReached(), isTestFinishedToViewResults(), and REPORT_AFTER_TEST.
Referenced by canShowCertificate().
ilObjTest::canViewResults | ( | ) |
Returns true, if the test results can be viewed.
Definition at line 8000 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $result, getReportingDate(), and getScoreReporting().
Referenced by canShowTestResults().
ilObjTest::checkMarks | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6567 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::checkMaximumAllowedUsers | ( | ) |
Definition at line 8765 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), getAllowedUsers(), getAllowedUsersTimeGap(), getTestId(), and logAction().
ilObjTest::cleanupMediaobjectUsage | ( | ) |
Cleans up the media objects for all text fields in a test which are using an RTE field.
Definition at line 1151 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilRTE\_cleanupMediaObjectUsage(), getAllRTEContent(), ilObject\getId(), and ilObject\getType().
Referenced by saveToDb().
ilObjTest::cloneObject | ( | $a_target_id, | |
$a_copy_id = 0 |
) |
Clone object.
int | ref id of parent container |
int | copy id |
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 6769 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $ilLog, $mark_schema, ilCopyWizardOptions\_getInstance(), assQuestion\_getOriginalId(), _instanciateQuestion(), ilObject\cloneMetaData(), cloneRandomQuestions(), getAnonymity(), getAnswerFeedback(), getAnswerFeedbackPoints(), getAuthor(), getCertificateVisibility(), getCountSystem(), getCustomStyle(), getECTSFX(), getECTSGrades(), getECTSOutput(), getEnableProcessingTime(), getEndingTime(), getFinalStatement(), getFixedParticipants(), getForceJS(), getInstantFeedbackSolution(), getIntroduction(), getKiosk(), getListOfQuestionsSettings(), getMailNotification(), getMailNotificationType(), getMCScoring(), getNrOfTries(), getPassScoring(), getPassword(), getProcessingTime(), getRandomQuestionCount(), ilObject\getRefId(), getReportingDate(), getResetProcessingTime(), getResultsPresentation(), getScoreCutting(), getScoreReporting(), getSequenceSettings(), getShowCancel(), getShowFinalStatement(), getShowInfo(), getShowMarker(), getShuffleQuestions(), getStartingTime(), getTitleOutput(), getUsePreviousAnswers(), isRandomTest(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::cloneRandomQuestions | ( | $new_id | ) |
Duplicates the source random questionpools for another test.
integer | $new_id | Test id of the new test which should take the random questionpools public |
Definition at line 6736 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getTestId().
Referenced by cloneObject().
ilObjTest::create | ( | $a_upload = false | ) |
create test object
Definition at line 484 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\create(), and createMetaData().
ilObjTest::createExportDirectory | ( | ) |
creates data directory for export files (data_dir/tst_data/tst_<id>/export, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini)
Definition at line 762 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilUtil\getDataDir(), ilObject\getId(), and ilUtil\makeDir().
ilObjTest::createImportDirectory | ( | ) |
creates data directory for import files (data_dir/tst_data/tst_<id>/import, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini)
Definition at line 898 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\$ilias, ilUtil\getDataDir(), and ilUtil\makeDir().
ilObjTest::createMetaData | ( | ) |
Create meta data entry.
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 6626 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References saveAuthorToMetadata().
Referenced by create().
ilObjTest::createNewAccessCode | ( | ) |
Returns a new, unused test access code.
Definition at line 8668 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References isAccessCodeUsed().
& ilObjTest::createQuestionGUI | ( | $question_type, | |
$question_id = -1 |
) |
Creates a question GUI instance of a given question type.
integer | $question_type | The question type of the question |
integer | $question_id | The question id of the question, if available |
Definition at line 5456 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References assQuestion\_includeClass(), and getQuestionType().
ilObjTest::createRandomSolutions | ( | $number | ) |
Definition at line 10101 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $pass, $query, $result, $testSequence, $testSession, _instanciateQuestion(), getNrOfTries(), getQuestionCount(), ilObject\getRefId(), getTestId(), isRandomTest(), and setActiveTestSubmitted().
ilObjTest::createReference | ( | ) |
Creates a database reference id for the object (saves the object to the database and creates a reference id in the database)
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 520 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $result, and saveToDb().
& ilObjTest::createTestSequence | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass, | |||
$shuffle | |||
) |
Definition at line 9654 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $pass, getQuestionCount(), and isRandomTest().
& ilObjTest::createTestSession | ( | ) |
Creates the test session data for the active user.
Definition at line 9586 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $_SESSION, $testSession, ilObject\getRefId(), and getTestId().
ilObjTest::delete | ( | ) |
delete object and all related data
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 544 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\deleteMetaData(), and deleteTest().
ilObjTest::deleteDefaults | ( | $test_default_id | ) |
Deletes the defaults for a test.
integer | $test_default_id | The database ID of the test defaults public |
Definition at line 9241 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB.
ilObjTest::deleteTest | ( | ) |
Deletes the test and all related objects, files and database entries.
Definition at line 566 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $mobs, $result, $row, ilObjMediaObject\_exists(), ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_removeUsage(), ilUtil\delDir(), ilUtil\getDataDir(), ilObject\getId(), getTestId(), isRandomTest(), removeAllTestEditings(), removeDuplicatedQuestionpools(), and removeQuestion().
Referenced by delete().
ilObjTest::deliverPDFfromFO | ( | $fo, | |
$title = null |
) |
Delivers a PDF file from a XSL-FO string.
string | $fo | The XSL-FO string public |
Definition at line 9457 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $filename, $ilLog, ilObject\$title, ilUtil\deliverData(), ilRpcClientFactory\factory(), ilUtil\getASCIIFilename(), and ilObject\getTitle().
Referenced by deliverPDFfromHTML().
ilObjTest::deliverPDFfromHTML | ( | $content, | |
$title = NULL |
) |
Delivers a PDF file from XHTML.
string | $html | The XHTML string public |
Definition at line 9412 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $config, $tidy, ilObject\$title, deliverPDFfromFO(), ilUtil\getStyleSheetLocation(), getTestStyleLocation(), ilObject\getTitle(), ilUtil\prepareFormOutput(), and processPrintoutput2FO().
ilObjTest::disinviteUser | ( | $user_id | ) |
Disinvites a user from a test.
integer | $user_id | The database id of the disinvited user public |
Definition at line 7458 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, and getTestId().
ilObjTest::duplicateQuestionForTest | ( | $question_id | ) |
Takes a question and creates a copy of the question for use in the test.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
Definition at line 3753 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References _instanciateQuestion().
Referenced by insertQuestion(), and saveRandomQuestion().
protected |
Duplicates all valid questions of a questionpool for use in a random test.
Definition at line 1928 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, _instanciateQuestion(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), and getTestId().
Referenced by saveRandomQuestionpools().
ilObjTest::endingTimeReached | ( | ) |
Returns true if the ending time of a test is reached An ending time is not available for self assessment tests.
Definition at line 5569 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getEndingTime().
Referenced by canShowTestResults(), and isExecutable().
& ilObjTest::evalResultsOverview | ( | ) |
Creates an associated array with the results of all participants of a test.
Definition at line 5024 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References _evalResultsOverview(), and getTestId().
& ilObjTest::evalResultsOverviewOfParticipant | ( | $active_id | ) |
Creates an associated array with the results for a given participant of a test.
integer | $active_id | The active id of the participant |
Definition at line 5084 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getTestId().
& ilObjTest::evalStatistical | ( | $active_id | ) |
Returns the statistical evaluation of the test for a specified user.
Definition at line 4478 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $result, $row, _getResultPass(), and getTestResult().
ilObjTest::evalTotalFinished | ( | ) |
Returns the number of total finished tests.
Definition at line 4756 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getTestId().
Referenced by getAggregatedResultsData().
& ilObjTest::evalTotalParticipantsArray | ( | $name_sort_order = "asc" | ) |
Returns all participants who started the test.
Definition at line 4714 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, getAnonymity(), and getTestId().
Referenced by getTotalPointsPassedArray().
ilObjTest::evalTotalPersons | ( | ) |
Returns the number of persons who started the test.
Definition at line 4297 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getTestId().
Referenced by applyDefaults(), canEditMarks(), and saveToDb().
& ilObjTest::evalTotalPersonsArray | ( | $name_sort_order = "asc" | ) |
Returns all persons who started the test.
Definition at line 4672 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, getAnonymity(), and getTestId().
ilObjTest::evalTotalStartedAverageTime | ( | ) |
Returns the average processing time for all started tests.
Definition at line 5206 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getTestId().
Referenced by getAggregatedResultsData().
ilObjTest::exportFileItems | ( | $a_target_dir, | |
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export files of file itmes
Definition at line 6456 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by exportPagesXML().
ilObjTest::exportPagesXML | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_inst, | |||
$a_target_dir, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export pages of test to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 6296 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilBench, exportFileItems(), exportXMLMediaObjects(), exportXMLMetaData(), and exportXMLPageObjects().
ilObjTest::exportXMLMediaObjects | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_inst, | |||
$a_target_dir, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export media objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 6435 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObjMediaObject\_exists().
Referenced by exportPagesXML().
ilObjTest::exportXMLMetaData | ( | & | $a_xml_writer | ) |
export content objects meta data to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 6340 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\getId(), and ilObject\getType().
Referenced by exportPagesXML().
ilObjTest::exportXMLPageObjects | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_inst, | |||
& | $expLog | ||
) |
export page objects to xml (see ilias_co.dtd)
object | $a_xml_writer | ilXmlWriter object that receives the xml data |
Definition at line 6372 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilBench.
Referenced by exportPagesXML().
ilObjTest::fromXML | ( | & | $assessment | ) |
Receives parameters from a QTI parser and creates a valid ILIAS test object.
object | $assessment | The QTI assessment object public |
Definition at line 5712 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $_SESSION, $ilLog, $metadata, ilObject\$type, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilObjMediaObject\_saveTempFileAsMediaObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_saveUsage(), getFinalStatement(), ilObject\getId(), getImportDirectory(), getIntroduction(), QTIMaterialToString(), saveToDb(), setAllowedUsers(), setAllowedUsersTimeGap(), setAnonymity(), setAnswerFeedback(), setAnswerFeedbackPoints(), setAuthor(), setCountSystem(), setCustomStyle(), ilObject\setDescription(), setEndingTime(), setExportSettings(), setFinalStatement(), setFixedParticipants(), setForceJS(), setInstantFeedbackSolution(), setIntroduction(), setKiosk(), setListOfQuestionsSettings(), setMailNotification(), setMailNotificationType(), setMCScoring(), setNrOfTries(), setPassScoring(), setPassword(), setProcessingTime(), setRandomQuestionCount(), setRandomTest(), setReportingDate(), setResetProcessingTime(), setResultsPresentation(), setScoreCutting(), setScoreReporting(), setSequenceSettings(), setShowCancel(), setShowFinalStatement(), setShowInfo(), setShowMarker(), setShowSolutionPrintview(), setShuffleQuestions(), setStartingTime(), ilObject\setTitle(), setTitleOutput(), and setUsePreviousAnswers().
ilObjTest::generateRandomPass | ( | $nr, | |
$qpls, | |||
$pass = NULL |
) |
Generates a random test pass for a random test.
integer | $nr | Number of questions to return |
array | $qpls | Array of questionpools |
integer | $pass | Test pass |
Definition at line 5284 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $result, $row, getTestId(), and randomSelectQuestions().
Referenced by generateRandomQuestions().
ilObjTest::generateRandomQuestions | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass = NULL |
) |
Generates new random questions for the active user.
Definition at line 1649 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $ilErr, ilObject\$ilias, $pass, generateRandomPass(), getNrOfResultsForPass(), getRandomQuestionCount(), getRandomQuestionpools(), getShuffleQuestions(), getTestId(), hasRandomQuestionsForPass(), and saveRandomQuestion().
ilObjTest::getAccessCodeSession | ( | ) |
Definition at line 8716 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $_SESSION, ilObject\$id, and getTestId().
ilObjTest::getActiveIdOfUser | ( | $user_id = "" , |
$anonymous_id = "" |
) |
Gets the active id of a given user.
integer | $user_id | The database id of the user |
string | $anonymous_id | The anonymous id if the test is an anonymized test |
Definition at line 4088 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $_SESSION, $ilDB, $result, $row, and getTestId().
Referenced by canShowTestResults(), getAllQuestions(), getExistingQuestions(), isExecutable(), loadQuestions(), removeTestResultsForUser(), and setQuestionSetSolved().
ilObjTest::getAggregatedResultsData | ( | ) |
Returns the aggregated test results.
Definition at line 9913 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $results, evalTotalFinished(), evalTotalStartedAverageTime(), and getCompleteEvaluationData().
ilObjTest::getAllowedUsers | ( | ) |
Definition at line 8745 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by checkMaximumAllowedUsers(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getAllowedUsersTimeGap | ( | ) |
Definition at line 8755 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by checkMaximumAllowedUsers(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
& ilObjTest::getAllQuestions | ( | $pass = NULL | ) |
Returns all questions of a test in test order.
Definition at line 4048 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $result, $row, _getPass(), getActiveIdOfUser(), isRandomTest(), and loadQuestions().
ilObjTest::getAllRTEContent | ( | ) |
Returns the content of all RTE enabled text areas in the test.
Definition at line 1138 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $result, getFinalStatement(), and getIntroduction().
Referenced by cleanupMediaobjectUsage().
ilObjTest::getAllTestResults | ( | $participants, | |
$prepareForCSV = true |
) |
returns all test results for all participants
array | $partipants | array of user ids |
boolean | if true, the result will be prepared for csv output (see processCSVRow) |
Definition at line 7622 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $results, $row, _instanciateQuestion(), getAnonymity(), getECTSGrade(), getTotalPointsPassedArray(), and processCSVRow().
ilObjTest::getAnonymity | ( | ) |
Returns the anonymity status of the test.
Definition at line 8964 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), buildName(), cloneObject(), evalTotalParticipantsArray(), evalTotalPersonsArray(), getAllTestResults(), getDetailedTestResults(), getEvaluationAdditionalFields(), getInvitedUsers(), getParticipants(), getTestParticipants(), getUserData(), saveToDb(), toXML(), and userLookupFullName().
ilObjTest::getAnsweredQuestionCount | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass = NULL |
) |
Retrieves the number of answered questions for a given user in a given test.
integer | $user_id | The user id |
integer | $test_id | The test id |
integer | $pass | The pass of the test (optional) |
Definition at line 7870 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $pass, assQuestion\_isWorkedThrough(), isRandomTest(), and loadQuestions().
ilObjTest::getAnswerFeedback | ( | ) |
Returns 1 if answer specific feedback is activated.
Definition at line 2667 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getAnswerFeedbackPoints | ( | ) |
Returns 1 if answer specific feedback as reached points is activated.
Definition at line 2679 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getAuthor | ( | ) |
Gets the authors name of the ilObjTest object.
Definition at line 6639 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $author, ilObject\$id, ilObject\getId(), and ilObject\getType().
Referenced by cloneObject(), loadFromDb(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
& ilObjTest::getAvailableDefaults | ( | $sortby = "name" , |
$sortorder = "asc" |
) |
Returns the available test defaults for the active user.
string | $sortby | Sort field for the database query |
string | $sortorder | Sort order for the database query |
Definition at line 9192 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
& ilObjTest::getAvailableQuestionpools | ( | $use_object_id = false , |
$equal_points = false , |
$could_be_offline = false , |
$show_path = FALSE , |
$with_questioncount = FALSE , |
$permission = "read" |
) |
Returns the available question pools for the active user.
Definition at line 5247 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObjQuestionPool\_getAvailableQuestionpools().
ilObjTest::getAvailableQuestions | ( | $arrFilter, | |
$completeonly = 0 |
) |
Calculates the available questions for a test.
Definition at line 5592 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $row, ilObjQuestionPool\_getAvailableQuestionpools(), getExistingQuestions(), getQuestionTypeTranslations(), and isPluginActive().
ilObjTest::getCertificateVisibility | ( | ) |
Returns the visibility settings of the certificate.
Definition at line 8942 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by canShowCertificate(), cloneObject(), and saveToDb().
& ilObjTest::getCompleteEvaluationData | ( | $withStatistics = TRUE , |
$filterby = "" , |
$filtertext = "" |
) |
Definition at line 5004 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, and getUnfilteredEvaluationData().
Referenced by getAggregatedResultsData().
ilObjTest::getCompleteWorkingTime | ( | $user_id | ) |
Returns the complete working time in seconds a user worked on the test.
Definition at line 4315 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getTestId().
ilObjTest::getCompleteWorkingTimeOfParticipant | ( | $active_id | ) |
Returns the complete working time in seconds for a test participant.
Definition at line 4384 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getTestId().
& ilObjTest::getCompleteWorkingTimeOfParticipants | ( | ) |
Returns the complete working time in seconds for all test participants.
Definition at line 4341 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References _getCompleteWorkingTimeOfParticipants(), and getTestId().
ilObjTest::getCountSystem | ( | ) |
Gets the count system for the calculation of points.
Definition at line 2691 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getCustomStyle | ( | ) |
Get the custom style.
Definition at line 2228 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), getTestStyleLocation(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getCustomStyles | ( | ) |
Return the available custom styles.
Definition at line 2240 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $filename, $results, ilUtil\getStyleSheetLocation(), and ilFileUtils\recursive_dirscan().
ilObjTest::getDetailedTestResults | ( | $participants | ) |
returns all test results for all participants
array | $partipants | array of user ids |
boolean | if true, the result will be prepared for csv output (see processCSVRow) |
Definition at line 9708 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $results, $row, _instanciateQuestion(), and getAnonymity().
ilObjTest::getECTSFX | ( | ) |
Returns the ECTS FX grade.
Definition at line 2452 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), and saveToDb().
ilObjTest::getECTSGrade | ( | $passed_array, | |
$reached_points, | |||
$max_points | |||
) |
Returns the ECTS grade for a number of reached points.
array | $passed_array | An array with the points of all users who passed the test |
double | $reached_points | The points reached in the test |
double | $max_points | The maximum number of points for the test |
Definition at line 6494 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References _getECTSGrade().
Referenced by getAllTestResults(), and getUnfilteredEvaluationData().
& ilObjTest::getECTSGrades | ( | ) |
Returns the ECTS grades.
Definition at line 2476 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ects_grades.
Referenced by addDefaults(), and cloneObject().
ilObjTest::getECTSOutput | ( | ) |
Indicates if ECTS grades output is presented in this test.
Definition at line 2428 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), and saveToDb().
ilObjTest::getEnableProcessingTime | ( | ) |
Returns the state of the processing time (enabled/disabled)
Definition at line 3178 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), isExecutable(), isMaxProcessingTimeReached(), and saveToDb().
ilObjTest::getEndingTime | ( | ) |
Returns the ending time of the test.
Definition at line 3214 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), endingTimeReached(), getSecondsUntilEndingTime(), isExecutable(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getEstimatedWorkingTime | ( | ) |
Returns the estimated working time for the test calculated from the working time of the contained questions.
Definition at line 5259 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $result, and _instanciateQuestion().
Referenced by getProcessingTimeAsArray().
ilObjTest::getEvaluationAdditionalFields | ( | ) |
Gets additional user fields that should be shown in the user evaluation.
Definition at line 10054 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getAnonymity().
& ilObjTest::getExistingQuestions | ( | $pass = NULL | ) |
Get the id's of the questions which are already part of the test.
Definition at line 3905 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $pass, $result, getActiveIdOfUser(), getTestId(), and isRandomTest().
Referenced by getAvailableQuestions().
ilObjTest::getExportDirectory | ( | ) |
Get the location of the export directory for the test.
Definition at line 794 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilUtil\getDataDir().
ilObjTest::getExportFiles | ( | $dir | ) |
Get a list of the already exported files in the export directory.
Definition at line 807 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::getExportSettings | ( | ) |
Definition at line 10209 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $exportsettings.
Referenced by addDefaults(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getExportSettingsSingleChoiceShort | ( | ) |
Definition at line 10233 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setExportSettingsSingleChoiceShort().
ilObjTest::getFinalStatement | ( | ) |
Gets the final statement.
Definition at line 2368 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), fromXML(), getAllRTEContent(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getFixedParticipants | ( | ) |
Returns the fixed participants status.
Definition at line 9054 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getForceJS | ( | ) |
Gets whether JavaScript should be forced for tests.
Definition at line 2392 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), getJavaScriptOutput(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
& ilObjTest::getGroupData | ( | $ids | ) |
Definition at line 7391 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\$ref_id, $result, ilObject\_lookupDescription(), ilObject\_lookupObjId(), and ilObject\_lookupTitle().
ilObjTest::getImagePath | ( | ) |
Returns the image path for web accessable images of a test The image path is under the CLIENT_WEB_DIR in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_TEST/images.
Definition at line 5430 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\getId().
ilObjTest::getImagePathWeb | ( | ) |
Returns the web image path for web accessable images of a test The image path is under the web accessable data dir in assessment/REFERENCE_ID_OF_TEST/images.
Definition at line 5441 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\getId(), ILIAS_ABSOLUTE_PATH, and ilUtil\removeTrailingPathSeparators().
ilObjTest::getImportDirectory | ( | ) |
Get the import directory location of the test.
Definition at line 925 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $import_dir, and ilUtil\getDataDir().
Referenced by fromXML().
ilObjTest::getImportMapping | ( | ) |
get array of (two) new created questions for import id
Definition at line 6473 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::getInstantFeedbackSolution | ( | ) |
Returns 1 if the correct solution will be shown after answering a question.
Definition at line 2655 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getIntroduction | ( | ) |
Gets the introduction text of the ilObjTest object.
Definition at line 2357 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), fromXML(), getAllRTEContent(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
& ilObjTest::getInvitedUsers | ( | $user_id = "" , |
$order = "login, lastname, firstname" |
) |
Returns a list of all invited users in a test.
Definition at line 7173 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, getAnonymity(), and getTestId().
ilObjTest::getJavaScriptOutput | ( | ) |
Returns if Javascript should be chosen for drag & drop actions for the active user.
Definition at line 9571 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $_GET, and getForceJS().
ilObjTest::getKiosk | ( | ) |
Returns the kiosk mode.
Definition at line 2863 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getKioskMode | ( | ) |
Returns the kiosk mode.
Definition at line 2888 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setKioskMode().
ilObjTest::getListOfQuestions | ( | ) |
Returns if the list of questions should be presented to the user or not.
Definition at line 8210 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setListOfQuestionsDescription(), setListOfQuestionsEnd(), and setListOfQuestionsStart().
ilObjTest::getListOfQuestionsDescription | ( | ) |
Returns TRUE if the list of questions should be presented with the question descriptions.
Definition at line 8324 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setListOfQuestionsDescription().
ilObjTest::getListOfQuestionsEnd | ( | ) |
Returns if the list of questions should be presented as the last page of the test.
Definition at line 8285 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setListOfQuestionsEnd().
ilObjTest::getListOfQuestionsSettings | ( | ) |
Returns the settings for the list of questions options in the test properties This could contain one of the following values: 0 = No list of questions offered 1 = A list of questions is offered 3 = A list of questions is offered and the list of questions is shown as first page of the test 5 = A list of questions is offered and the list of questions is shown as last page of the test 7 = A list of questions is offered and the list of questions is shown as first and last page of the test.
Definition at line 8182 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getListOfQuestionsStart | ( | ) |
Returns if the list of questions should be presented as the first page of the test.
Definition at line 8246 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setListOfQuestionsStart().
ilObjTest::getMailNotification | ( | ) |
Get mail notification settings.
Definition at line 10007 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $mailnotification.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getMailNotificationType | ( | ) |
Definition at line 10185 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $mailnottype.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
static |
Retrieves the manual feedback for a question in a test.
integer | $active_id | Active ID of the user |
integer | $question_id | Question ID |
integer | $pass | Pass number |
Definition at line 9500 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $result, $row, and ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc().
Referenced by assQuestionGUI\getAnswerFeedbackOutput().
ilObjTest::getMarkSchema | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6572 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $mark_schema.
ilObjTest::getMCScoring | ( | ) |
Gets the scoring type for multiple choice questions.
Definition at line 2725 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getNrOfResultsForPass | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass | |||
) |
Calculates the number of user results for a specific test pass.
Definition at line 1614 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, and $result.
Referenced by generateRandomQuestions(), and getStartTestLabel().
ilObjTest::getNrOfTries | ( | ) |
Returns the nr of tries for the test.
Definition at line 2851 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), createRandomSolutions(), getStartTestLabel(), hasNrOfTriesRestriction(), isExecutable(), isNrOfTriesReached(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
& ilObjTest::getParticipants | ( | ) |
Returns all persons who started the test.
Definition at line 4621 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, getAnonymity(), and getTestId().
ilObjTest::getParticipantsForTestAndQuestion | ( | $test_id, | |
$question_id | |||
) |
Creates an associated array with all active id's for a given test and original question id.
Definition at line 9869 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and $test_id.
protected |
Definition at line 9792 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, _getResultPass(), and getTestResult().
Referenced by canShowCertificate().
ilObjTest::getPassFinishDate | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass | |||
) |
Retrieves the number of answered questions for a given user in a given test.
integer | $user_id | The user id |
integer | $test_id | The test id |
integer | $pass | The pass of the test |
Definition at line 7897 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $result, and $row.
Referenced by isTestFinishedToViewResults().
ilObjTest::getPassScoring | ( | ) |
Gets the pass scoring type.
Definition at line 2761 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getPassword | ( | ) |
Returns the password for test access.
Definition at line 2749 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getProcessingTime | ( | ) |
Returns the processing time for the test.
Definition at line 3097 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), getProcessingTimeInSeconds(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getProcessingTimeAsArray | ( | ) |
Returns the processing time for the test.
Definition at line 3108 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getEstimatedWorkingTime().
ilObjTest::getProcessingTimeInSeconds | ( | ) |
Returns the processing time for the test in seconds.
Definition at line 3138 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getProcessingTime().
Referenced by isMaxProcessingTimeReached().
ilObjTest::getQuestionCount | ( | ) |
Returns the number of questions in the test.
Definition at line 6867 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, getRandomQuestionCount(), getRandomQuestionpools(), and isRandomTest().
Referenced by applyDefaults(), createRandomSolutions(), createTestSequence(), getQuestionsOfPass(), getQuestionsOfTest(), and getUnfilteredEvaluationData().
ilObjTest::getQuestionDataset | ( | $question_id | ) |
Returns the dataset for a given question id.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
Definition at line 3887 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::getQuestions | ( | ) |
Definition at line 10260 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $questions.
& ilObjTest::getQuestionsOfPass | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass | |||
) |
Retrieves all the assigned questions for a test participant in a given test pass.
Definition at line 4817 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $result, $row, getQuestionCount(), and isRandomTest().
& ilObjTest::getQuestionsOfTest | ( | $active_id | ) |
Retrieves all the assigned questions for all test passes of a test participant.
Definition at line 4774 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, getQuestionCount(), and isRandomTest().
ilObjTest::getQuestiontext | ( | $question_id | ) |
Returns the question text for a given question.
integer | $question_id | The question id |
Definition at line 7147 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::getQuestionTitle | ( | $title | ) |
Returns the title of a test question and checks if the title output is allowed.
If not, the localized text "question" will be returned.
string | $title | The original title of the question |
Definition at line 3867 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\$title, and getTitleOutput().
& ilObjTest::getQuestionTitles | ( | ) |
Returns the titles of the test questions in question sequence.
Definition at line 3816 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, getTestId(), and isRandomTest().
& ilObjTest::getQuestionTitlesAndIndexes | ( | ) |
Returns the titles of the test questions in question sequence.
Definition at line 3841 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, getTestId(), and isRandomTest().
ilObjTest::getQuestionType | ( | $question_id | ) |
Returns the question type of a question with a given id.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
Definition at line 3941 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, and $result.
Referenced by createQuestionGUI().
& ilObjTest::getQuestionTypeTranslations | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5673 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $ilLog, ilObject\$lng, $result, $row, ilPlugin\getPluginObject(), and IL_COMP_MODULE.
Referenced by getAvailableQuestions().
ilObjTest::getRandomQuestionCount | ( | ) |
Gets the number of random questions used for a random test.
Definition at line 2346 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), generateRandomQuestions(), getQuestionCount(), isComplete(), saveRandomQuestionCount(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getRandomQuestionDuplicate | ( | $question_id, | |
$active_id | |||
) |
Returns the question id of the duplicate of a question which is already in use in a random test.
integer | $question_id | Question ID of the original question |
integer | $active_id | Active ID of the user |
Definition at line 1589 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by saveRandomQuestion().
& ilObjTest::getRandomQuestionpoolData | ( | ) |
Returns an array containing ilRandomTestData objects containing the random test selection.
Definition at line 2003 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $random_questionpool_data, $result, $row, and getTestId().
& ilObjTest::getRandomQuestionpools | ( | ) |
Returns an array containing the random questionpools saved to the database.
Definition at line 1769 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getTestId().
Referenced by generateRandomQuestions(), getQuestionCount(), and isComplete().
ilObjTest::getReportingDate | ( | ) |
Gets the reporting date of the ilObjTest object.
Definition at line 2839 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), canEditMarks(), canViewResults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getResetProcessingTime | ( | ) |
Returns wheather the processing time should be reset or not.
Definition at line 3190 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), getStartingTimeOfUser(), isExecutable(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getResultsForActiveId | ( | $active_id | ) |
Definition at line 10163 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and assQuestion\_updateTestResultCache().
Referenced by getTestResult().
ilObjTest::getResultsPresentation | ( | ) |
Returns the combined results presentation value.
Definition at line 8363 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
& ilObjTest::getRoleData | ( | $ids | ) |
Definition at line 7403 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $result, ilObject\_lookupDescription(), and ilObject\_lookupTitle().
ilObjTest::getScoreCutting | ( | ) |
Determines if the score of a question should be cut at 0 points or the score of the whole test.
Definition at line 2737 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), getTestResult(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getScoreReporting | ( | ) |
Gets the score reporting of the ilObjTest object.
Definition at line 2643 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), canShowTestResults(), canViewResults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getSecondsUntilEndingTime | ( | ) |
Returns the seconds left from the actual time until the ending time.
Definition at line 3157 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getEndingTime().
ilObjTest::getSequenceSettings | ( | ) |
Gets the sequence settings of the ilObjTest object.
Definition at line 2631 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getShowCancel | ( | ) |
Returns wheather the cancel test button is shown or not.
Definition at line 8994 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getShowFinalStatement | ( | ) |
Returns whether the final statement should be shown or not.
Definition at line 2404 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getShowInfo | ( | ) |
Gets whether the complete information page is shown or the required data only.
Definition at line 2380 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getShowKioskModeParticipant | ( | ) |
Returns the status of the kiosk mode participant.
Definition at line 2969 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setShowKioskModeParticipant().
ilObjTest::getShowKioskModeTitle | ( | ) |
Returns the status of the kiosk mode title.
Definition at line 2929 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setShowKioskModeTitle().
ilObjTest::getShowMarker | ( | ) |
Returns wheather the marker button is shown or not.
Definition at line 9024 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getShowPassDetails | ( | ) |
Returns if the pass details should be shown when a test is not finished.
Definition at line 8374 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setShowPassDetails().
ilObjTest::getShowSolutionAnswersOnly | ( | ) |
Returns if the full solution (including ILIAS content) should be presented to the solution or not.
Definition at line 8446 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setShowSolutionAnswersOnly().
ilObjTest::getShowSolutionDetails | ( | ) |
Returns if the solution details should be presented to the user or not.
Definition at line 8392 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setShowSolutionDetails().
ilObjTest::getShowSolutionFeedback | ( | ) |
Returns if the feedback should be presented to the solution or not.
Definition at line 8428 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setShowSolutionFeedback().
ilObjTest::getShowSolutionPrintview | ( | ) |
Returns if the solution printview should be presented to the user or not.
Definition at line 8410 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by canShowSolutionPrintview(), and setShowSolutionPrintview().
ilObjTest::getShowSolutionSignature | ( | ) |
Returns if the signature field should be shown in the test results.
Definition at line 8464 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setShowSolutionSignature().
ilObjTest::getShowSolutionSuggested | ( | ) |
Definition at line 8480 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setShowSolutionSuggested().
ilObjTest::getShuffleQuestions | ( | ) |
Returns the status of the shuffle_questions variable.
Definition at line 8154 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), generateRandomQuestions(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getStartingTime | ( | ) |
Returns the starting time of the test.
Definition at line 3202 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), isExecutable(), saveToDb(), startingTimeReached(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::getStartingTimeOfUser | ( | $active_id | ) |
Returns the unix timestamp of the time a user started a test.
integer | $active_id | The active id of the user |
Definition at line 8076 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $result, $row, _getPass(), and getResetProcessingTime().
Referenced by canShowTestResults(), and isExecutable().
ilObjTest::getStartTestLabel | ( | $active_id | ) |
Returns the "Start the Test" label for the Info page.
int | $active_id | The active id of the current user |
Definition at line 9159 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $res, _getPass(), getNrOfResultsForPass(), and getNrOfTries().
& ilObjTest::getTestDefaults | ( | $test_defaults_id | ) |
Returns the test defaults for a given id.
integer | $test_defaults_id | The database id of a test defaults dataset |
Definition at line 9216 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by applyDefaults().
ilObjTest::getTestId | ( | ) |
Gets the database id of the additional test data.
Definition at line 2416 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $test_id.
Referenced by checkMaximumAllowedUsers(), cloneRandomQuestions(), createRandomSolutions(), createTestSession(), deleteTest(), disinviteUser(), duplicateQuestionpoolForTest(), evalResultsOverview(), evalResultsOverviewOfParticipant(), evalTotalFinished(), evalTotalParticipantsArray(), evalTotalPersons(), evalTotalPersonsArray(), evalTotalStartedAverageTime(), generateRandomPass(), generateRandomQuestions(), getAccessCodeSession(), getActiveIdOfUser(), getCompleteWorkingTime(), getCompleteWorkingTimeOfParticipant(), getCompleteWorkingTimeOfParticipants(), getExistingQuestions(), getInvitedUsers(), getParticipants(), getQuestionTitles(), getQuestionTitlesAndIndexes(), getRandomQuestionpoolData(), getRandomQuestionpools(), getTestParticipants(), getTestQuestions(), getUnfilteredEvaluationData(), getUsedRandomQuestionpools(), getVisitTimeOfParticipant(), hasSingleChoiceQuestions(), insertQuestion(), inviteUser(), isAccessCodeUsed(), isActiveTestSubmitted(), isNewRandomTest(), isSingleChoiceTest(), isSingleChoiceTestWithoutShuffle(), loadFromDb(), questionMoveDown(), questionMoveUp(), randomSelectQuestions(), removeAllTestEditings(), removeDuplicatedQuestionpools(), removeNonRandomTestData(), removeRandomTestData(), removeSelectedTestResults(), removeTestResultsForUser(), saveCertificateVisibility(), saveECTSStatus(), saveQuestionsToDb(), saveRandomQuestionCount(), saveRandomQuestionpools(), saveToDb(), setAccessCodeSession(), setActiveTestSubmitted(), setClientIP(), setTestSession(), and unsetAccessCodeSession().
& ilObjTest::getTestParticipants | ( | ) |
Returns a list of all participants in a test.
Definition at line 7243 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $result, $row, getAnonymity(), and getTestId().
Referenced by getTestParticipantsForManualScoring().
ilObjTest::getTestParticipantsForManualScoring | ( | $filter = NULL | ) |
Definition at line 7278 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getManualScoring(), and getTestParticipants().
& ilObjTest::getTestQuestions | ( | ) |
Definition at line 8133 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $row, and getTestId().
& ilObjTest::getTestResult | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass = NULL , |
$ordered_sequence = FALSE |
) |
Calculates the results of a test for a given user and returns an array with all test results.
Definition at line 4190 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $pass, $result, $results, $row, $testSequence, assQuestion\_getSuggestedSolutionOutput(), getResultsForActiveId(), getScoreCutting(), isRandomTest(), and ilUtil\prepareFormOutput().
Referenced by evalStatistical(), getPassed(), getTotalPointsPassedArray(), and hideCorrectAnsweredQuestions().
& ilObjTest::getTestSequence | ( | $active_id = "" , |
$pass = "" |
) |
Definition at line 9665 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $pass, $testSequence, getTestSession(), and isRandomTest().
Referenced by hideCorrectAnsweredQuestions().
& ilObjTest::getTestSession | ( | $active_id = "" | ) |
Returns the test session data for the active user.
Definition at line 9648 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $testSession, and setTestSession().
Referenced by canShowTestResults(), getTestSequence(), hideCorrectAnsweredQuestions(), and isExecutable().
ilObjTest::getTestStyleLocation | ( | $mode = "output" | ) |
get full style sheet file name (path inclusive) of current user
$mode | string Output mode of the style sheet ("output" or "filesystem"). !"filesystem" generates the ILIAS version number as attribute to force the reload of the style sheet in a different ILIAS version public |
Definition at line 2271 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getCustomStyle(), and ilUtil\getStyleSheetLocation().
Referenced by deliverPDFfromHTML().
ilObjTest::getTextAnswer | ( | $active_id, | |
$question_id, | |||
$pass = NULL |
) |
Returns the text answer of a given user for a given question.
integer | $user_id | The user id |
integer | $question_id | The question id |
Definition at line 7115 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $res, $result, $row, and assQuestion\_getSolutionMaxPass().
ilObjTest::getTitleOutput | ( | ) |
Returns the value of the title_output status.
Definition at line 3021 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), getQuestionTitle(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
& ilObjTest::getTotalPointsPassedArray | ( | ) |
Returns an array with the total points of all users who passed the test This array could be used for statistics.
Definition at line 4593 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $total, evalTotalParticipantsArray(), and getTestResult().
Referenced by getAllTestResults(), and getUnfilteredEvaluationData().
ilObjTest::getUnfilteredEvaluationData | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4855 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $pass, $result, $row, getECTSGrade(), getQuestionCount(), getTestId(), getTotalPointsPassedArray(), getVisitTimeOfParticipant(), and isRandomTest().
Referenced by getCompleteEvaluationData().
ilObjTest::getUsedRandomQuestionpools | ( | ) |
Creates an array with title and question count of used random questionpools.
Definition at line 1867 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, getTestId(), and isNewRandomTest().
ilObjTest::getUsePreviousAnswers | ( | ) |
Returns if the previous answers should be shown for a learner.
Definition at line 3009 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
& ilObjTest::getUserData | ( | $ids | ) |
Returns a data of all users specified by id list.
$usr_ids | kommaseparated list of ids |
Definition at line 7365 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getAnonymity().
ilObjTest::getVisitTimeOfParticipant | ( | $active_id | ) |
Returns the first and last visit of a participant.
integer | $active_id | The active ID of the participant |
Definition at line 4437 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References _getVisitTimeOfParticipant(), and getTestId().
Referenced by getUnfilteredEvaluationData().
& ilObjTest::getWorkedQuestions | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass = NULL |
) |
Gets the id's of all questions a user already worked through.
Definition at line 4001 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $result, and $row.
ilObjTest::getXMLZip | ( | ) |
Get zipped xml file for test.
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 9997 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::hasNrOfTriesRestriction | ( | ) |
returns if the numbers of tries have to be checked
Definition at line 7598 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getNrOfTries().
Referenced by isExecutable().
ilObjTest::hasPDFProcessing | ( | ) |
Returns true if PDF processing is enabled, false otherwise.
Definition at line 9893 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\$ilias, and ilRPCServerSettings\getInstance().
ilObjTest::hasRandomQuestionsForPass | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass | |||
) |
Checkes wheather a random test has already created questions for a given pass or not.
$active_id | Active id of the test |
$pass | Pass of the test |
Definition at line 1633 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, and $result.
Referenced by generateRandomQuestions().
ilObjTest::hasSingleChoiceQuestions | ( | ) |
Returns TRUE if the test contains single choice results.
Definition at line 961 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getTestId().
Referenced by isSingleChoiceTestWithoutShuffle().
ilObjTest::hideCorrectAnsweredQuestions | ( | ) |
Definition at line 9681 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $result, getTestResult(), getTestSequence(), and getTestSession().
ilObjTest::ilObjTest | ( | $a_id = 0 , |
$a_call_by_reference = true |
) |
Constructor public.
integer | reference_id or object_id |
boolean | treat the id as reference_id (true) or object_id (false) |
Definition at line 411 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\$lng, COUNT_PARTIAL_SOLUTIONS, ilObject\ilObject(), REPORT_AFTER_TEST, SCORE_CUT_QUESTION, SCORE_LAST_PASS, SCORE_ZERO_POINTS_WHEN_UNANSWERED, setShowPassDetails(), setShowSolutionAnswersOnly(), setShowSolutionDetails(), setShowSolutionSignature(), and TEST_FIXED_SEQUENCE.
Referenced by _isComplete().
ilObjTest::initDefaultRoles | ( | ) |
init default roles settings
If your module does not require any default roles, delete this method (For an example how this method is used, look at ilObjForum)
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 685 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::insertQuestion | ( | $question_id | ) |
Insert a question in the list of questions.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the inserted question public |
Definition at line 3768 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $result, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), duplicateQuestionForTest(), getTestId(), loadQuestions(), logAction(), and saveCompleteStatus().
ilObjTest::inviteGroup | ( | $group_id | ) |
Invites all users of a group to a test.
integer | $group_id | The database id of the invited group public |
Definition at line 7421 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObjUser\_lookupClientIP(), and inviteUser().
ilObjTest::inviteRole | ( | $role_id | ) |
Invites all users of a role to a test.
integer | $group_id | The database id of the invited group public |
Definition at line 7439 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObjUser\_lookupClientIP(), and inviteUser().
ilObjTest::inviteUser | ( | $user_id, | |
$client_ip = "" |
) |
Invites a user to a test.
integer | $user_id | The database id of the invited user public |
Definition at line 7474 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, and getTestId().
Referenced by inviteGroup(), and inviteRole().
ilObjTest::isAccessCodeUsed | ( | $code | ) |
Definition at line 8687 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and getTestId().
Referenced by createNewAccessCode().
ilObjTest::isActiveTestSubmitted | ( | $user_id = null | ) |
returns if the active for user_id has been submitted
Definition at line 7580 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and getTestId().
ilObjTest::isComplete | ( | ) |
Returns 1 (true), if a test is complete for use.
Definition at line 1039 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getRandomQuestionCount(), getRandomQuestionpools(), and isRandomTest().
Referenced by saveCompleteStatus(), and saveToDb().
ilObjTest::isExecutable | ( | $user_id, | |
$allowPassIncrease = FALSE |
) |
Checks if the test is executable by the given user.
integer | $user_id | The user id |
Definition at line 7923 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $result, $starting_time, _getPass(), endingTimeReached(), ilFormat\ftimestamp2datetimeDB(), getActiveIdOfUser(), getEnableProcessingTime(), getEndingTime(), getNrOfTries(), getResetProcessingTime(), getStartingTime(), getStartingTimeOfUser(), getTestSession(), hasNrOfTriesRestriction(), isMaxProcessingTimeReached(), isNrOfTriesReached(), and startingTimeReached().
ilObjTest::isHTML | ( | $a_text | ) |
Checks if a given string contains HTML or not.
string | $a_text | Text which should be checked |
Definition at line 8820 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addQTIMaterial().
ilObjTest::isMaxProcessingTimeReached | ( | $starting_time | ) |
Returns whether the maximum processing time for a test is reached or not.
long | $starting_time | The unix timestamp of the starting time of the test |
Definition at line 8112 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $processing_time, $starting_time, getEnableProcessingTime(), and getProcessingTimeInSeconds().
Referenced by canShowTestResults(), and isExecutable().
protected |
Checks wheather the test is a new random test (using tst_rnd_cpy) or an old one.
Definition at line 1535 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and getTestId().
Referenced by getUsedRandomQuestionpools(), and saveRandomQuestion().
ilObjTest::isNrOfTriesReached | ( | $tries | ) |
returns if number of tries are reached
Definition at line 7608 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getNrOfTries().
Referenced by isExecutable().
ilObjTest::isPluginActive | ( | $a_pname | ) |
Checks wheather or not a question plugin with a given name is active.
string | $a_pname | The plugin name public |
Definition at line 9779 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References IL_COMP_MODULE.
Referenced by getAvailableQuestions().
ilObjTest::isRandomTest | ( | ) |
Gets the status of the $random_test attribute.
Definition at line 2314 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by addDefaults(), cloneObject(), createRandomSolutions(), createTestSequence(), deleteTest(), getAllQuestions(), getAnsweredQuestionCount(), getExistingQuestions(), getQuestionCount(), getQuestionsOfPass(), getQuestionsOfTest(), getQuestionTitles(), getQuestionTitlesAndIndexes(), getTestResult(), getTestSequence(), getUnfilteredEvaluationData(), isComplete(), loadQuestions(), removeAllTestEditings(), removeSelectedTestResults(), removeTestResultsForUser(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjTest::isSingleChoiceTest | ( | ) |
Returns TRUE if the test contains single choice results only.
Definition at line 986 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getTestId().
ilObjTest::isSingleChoiceTestWithoutShuffle | ( | ) |
Returns TRUE if the test contains single choice results and no shuffle only.
Definition at line 1015 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, getTestId(), and hasSingleChoiceQuestions().
ilObjTest::isTestFinished | ( | $active_id | ) |
returns if the active for user_id has been submitted
Definition at line 7566 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, and $result.
Referenced by isTestFinishedToViewResults().
ilObjTest::isTestFinishedToViewResults | ( | $active_id, | |
$currentpass | |||
) |
Returns true if an active user completed a test pass and did not start a new pass.
integer | $active_id | The active id of the user |
integer | $currentpass | The current test pass of the user |
Definition at line 4036 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getPassFinishDate(), and isTestFinished().
Referenced by canShowTestResults().
ilObjTest::loadFromDb | ( | ) |
Loads a ilObjTest object from a database.
object | $db | A pear DB object |
integer | $test_id | A unique key which defines the test in the database public |
Definition at line 2033 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $result, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), getAuthor(), ilObject\getId(), getTestId(), loadQuestions(), saveAuthorToMetadata(), setAllowedUsers(), setAllowedUsersTimeGap(), setAnonymity(), setAnswerFeedback(), setAnswerFeedbackPoints(), setAuthor(), setCertificateVisibility(), setCountSystem(), setCustomStyle(), setECTSFX(), setECTSGrades(), setECTSOutput(), setEnableProcessingTime(), setEndingTime(), setExportSettings(), setFinalStatement(), setFixedParticipants(), setForceJS(), setInstantFeedbackSolution(), setIntroduction(), setKiosk(), setListOfQuestionsSettings(), setMailNotification(), setMailNotificationType(), setMCScoring(), setNrOfTries(), setPassScoring(), setPassword(), setProcessingTime(), setRandomQuestionCount(), setRandomTest(), setReportingDate(), setResetProcessingTime(), setResultsPresentation(), setScoreCutting(), setScoreReporting(), setSequenceSettings(), setShowCancel(), setShowFinalStatement(), setShowInfo(), setShowMarker(), setShuffleQuestions(), setStartingTime(), setTestId(), setTitleOutput(), and setUsePreviousAnswers().
Referenced by cloneObject(), and read().
ilObjTest::loadQuestions | ( | $active_id = "" , |
$pass = NULL |
) |
Load the test question id's from the database.
integer | $user_id | The user id of the test user (necessary for random tests) public |
Definition at line 2115 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $pass, $result, _getPass(), getActiveIdOfUser(), and isRandomTest().
Referenced by getAllQuestions(), getAnsweredQuestionCount(), insertQuestion(), loadFromDb(), questionMoveDown(), questionMoveUp(), and removeQuestion().
ilObjTest::logAction | ( | $logtext = "" , |
$question_id = "" |
) |
Logs an action into the Test&Assessment log.
string | $logtext | The log text |
integer | $question_id | If given, saves the question id to the database public |
Definition at line 7024 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObjAssessmentFolder\_addLog(), assQuestion\_getOriginalId(), ilObject\getId(), and ilObject\getRefId().
Referenced by checkMaximumAllowedUsers(), insertQuestion(), questionMoveDown(), questionMoveUp(), removeAllTestEditings(), removeQuestion(), removeSelectedTestResults(), removeTestResultsForUser(), saveManualFeedback(), saveQuestionsToDb(), saveRandomQuestionCount(), saveRandomQuestionpools(), and saveToDb().
ilObjTest::modifyExportIdentifier | ( | $a_tag, | |
$a_param, | |||
$a_value | |||
) |
Returns the installation id for a given identifier.
Definition at line 6354 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilUtil\insertInstIntoID().
ilObjTest::moveQuestions | ( | $move_questions, | |
$target_index, | |||
$insert_mode | |||
) |
Move questions to another position.
array | $move_questions | An array with the question id's of the questions to move |
integer | $target_index | The question id of the target position |
integer | $insert_mode | 0, if insert before the target position, 1 if insert after the target position public |
Definition at line 5498 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References saveQuestionsToDb().
ilObjTest::notify | ( | $a_event, | |
$a_ref_id, | |||
$a_parent_non_rbac_id, | |||
$a_node_id, | |||
$a_params = 0 |
) |
notifys an object about an event occured Based on the event happend, each object may decide how it reacts.
If you are not required to handle any events related to your module, just delete this method. (For an example how this method is used, look at ilObjGroup)
string | event |
integer | reference id of object where the event occured |
array | passes optional parameters if required |
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 704 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $_GET, and ilObject\getType().
ilObjTest::pcArrayShuffle | ( | $array | ) |
Shuffles the values of a given array.
array | $array | An array which should be shuffled public |
Definition at line 4171 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $result.
ilObjTest::prepareTextareaOutput | ( | $txt_output, | |
$prepare_for_latex_output = FALSE |
) |
Prepares a string for a text area output in tests.
string | $txt_output | String which should be prepared for output public |
Definition at line 8914 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
& ilObjTest::processCSVRow | ( | $row, | |
$quoteAll = FALSE , |
$separator = ";" |
) |
Processes an array as a CSV row and converts the array values to correct CSV values.
The "converted" array is returned
array | $row | The array containing the values for a CSV row |
string | $quoteAll | Indicates to quote every value (=TRUE) or only values containing quotes and separators (=FALSE, default) |
string | $separator | The value separator in the CSV row (used for quoting) (; = default) |
Definition at line 7707 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $row, and $separator.
Referenced by getAllTestResults().
ilObjTest::processPrintoutput2FO | ( | $print_output | ) |
Convert a print output to XSL-FO.
string | $print_output | The print output |
Definition at line 9376 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $config, $tidy, xslt_create(), xslt_error(), xslt_free(), and xslt_process().
Referenced by deliverPDFfromHTML().
ilObjTest::QTIMaterialToString | ( | $a_material | ) |
Reads an QTI material tag an creates a text string.
string | $a_material | QTI material tag |
Definition at line 8839 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $_SESSION, $ilLog, and $result.
Referenced by fromXML().
ilObjTest::questionMoveDown | ( | $question_id | ) |
Moves a question down in order.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question to be moved down public |
Definition at line 3709 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $result, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), getTestId(), loadQuestions(), and logAction().
ilObjTest::questionMoveUp | ( | $question_id | ) |
Moves a question up in order.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question to be moved up public |
Definition at line 3665 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $result, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), getTestId(), loadQuestions(), and logAction().
ilObjTest::randomSelectQuestions | ( | $nr_of_questions, | |
$questionpool, | |||
$use_obj_id = 0 , |
$qpls = "" , |
$pass = NULL |
) |
Returns a random selection of questions.
integer | $nr_of_questions | Number of questions to return |
integer | $questionpool | ID of questionpool to choose the questions from (0 = all available questionpools) |
boolean | $user_obj_id | Use the object id instead of the reference id when set to true |
array | $qpls | An array of questionpool id's if the random questions should only be chose from the contained questionpools |
Definition at line 5331 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, ilObjQuestionPool\_getAvailableQuestionpools(), ilObject\_lookupObjId(), ilObject\_lookupOwner(), ilObject\getId(), and getTestId().
Referenced by generateRandomPass().
ilObjTest::read | ( | $a_force_db = false | ) |
read object data from db into object
boolean | public |
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 531 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::removeAllTestEditings | ( | $question_id = "" | ) |
Removes all references to the question in executed tests in case the question has been changed.
If a question was changed it cannot be guaranteed that the content and the meaning of the question is the same as before. So we have to delete all already started or completed tests using that question. Therefore we have to delete all references to that question in tst_solutions and the tst_active entries which were created for the user and test in the tst_solutions entry.
Definition at line 3440 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), ilUtil\delDir(), getTestId(), isRandomTest(), and logAction().
Referenced by deleteTest(), removeNonRandomTestData(), removeQuestion(), and removeRandomTestData().
protected |
Remove all duplicated questions from a random test.
Definition at line 1839 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, _instanciateQuestion(), and getTestId().
Referenced by deleteTest(), saveRandomQuestionpools(), and saveToDb().
ilObjTest::removeNonRandomTestData | ( | ) |
Removes all test data of a non random test when a test was set to random test.
Definition at line 6985 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, getTestId(), removeAllTestEditings(), and saveCompleteStatus().
ilObjTest::removeQuestion | ( | $question_id | ) |
Removes a question from the test object.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question to be removed public |
Definition at line 3419 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), _instanciateQuestion(), loadQuestions(), logAction(), removeAllTestEditings(), and saveQuestionsToDb().
Referenced by deleteTest().
ilObjTest::removeRandomQuestionpoolData | ( | $position | ) |
Definition at line 1983 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::removeRandomTestData | ( | ) |
Removes all test data of a random test when a test was set to non random test.
Definition at line 7004 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, getTestId(), removeAllTestEditings(), and saveCompleteStatus().
ilObjTest::removeSelectedTestResults | ( | $active_ids | ) |
Definition at line 3520 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $usr_id, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), _getUserIdFromActiveId(), ilUtil\delDir(), getTestId(), isRandomTest(), logAction(), and userLookupFullName().
ilObjTest::removeTestResultsForUser | ( | $user_id | ) |
Definition at line 3592 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), _getUserIdFromActiveId(), ilUtil\delDir(), getActiveIdOfUser(), getTestId(), isRandomTest(), logAction(), and userLookupFullName().
ilObjTest::saveAuthorToMetadata | ( | $a_author = "" | ) |
Saves an authors name into the lifecycle metadata if no lifecycle metadata exists This will only be called for conversion of "old" tests where the author hasn't been stored in the lifecycle metadata.
string | $a_author | A string containing the name of the test author private |
Definition at line 6598 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObject\getId(), and ilObject\getType().
Referenced by createMetaData(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::saveCertificateVisibility | ( | $a_value | ) |
Saves the visibility settings of the certificate.
integer | $a_value | The value for the visibility settings (0 = always, 1 = only passed, 2 = never) private |
Definition at line 8926 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, and getTestId().
ilObjTest::saveCompleteStatus | ( | ) |
Checks if the test is complete and saves the status in the database.
Definition at line 1115 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, and isComplete().
Referenced by insertQuestion(), removeNonRandomTestData(), and removeRandomTestData().
ilObjTest::saveECTSStatus | ( | $ects_output = 0 , |
$fx_support = "" , |
$ects_a = 90 , |
$ects_b = 65 , |
$ects_c = 35 , |
$ects_d = 10 , |
$ects_e = 0 |
) |
Saves the ECTS status (output of ECTS grades in a test) to the database.
Definition at line 1087 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ects_output, $ilDB, and getTestId().
ilObjTest::saveManualFeedback | ( | $active_id, | |
$question_id, | |||
$pass, | |||
$feedback | |||
) |
Saves the manual feedback for a question in a test.
integer | $active_id | Active ID of the user |
integer | $question_id | Question ID |
integer | $pass | Pass number |
string | $feedback | The feedback text |
Definition at line 9527 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, ilObject\$ilias, ilObject\$lng, $pass, $result, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), ilObjTestAccess\_getParticipantData(), assQuestion\_getQuestionTitle(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), PEAR\isError(), and logAction().
ilObjTest::saveQuestionsToDb | ( | ) |
Saves the test questions to the database.
Definition at line 1457 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), getTestId(), and logAction().
Referenced by moveQuestions(), removeQuestion(), and saveToDb().
ilObjTest::saveRandomQuestion | ( | $active_id, | |
$question_id, | |||
$pass = NULL , |
$maxcount | |||
) |
Saves a random question to the database.
Definition at line 1551 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, $result, duplicateQuestionForTest(), getRandomQuestionDuplicate(), and isNewRandomTest().
Referenced by generateRandomQuestions().
ilObjTest::saveRandomQuestionCount | ( | $total_questions = NULL | ) |
Saves the total amount of a tests random questions to the database.
integer | $total_questions | The amount of random questions public |
Definition at line 1743 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), getRandomQuestionCount(), getTestId(), logAction(), and setRandomQuestionCount().
ilObjTest::saveRandomQuestionpools | ( | ) |
Saves the question pools used for a random test.
Definition at line 1798 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $data, $ilDB, $result, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), duplicateQuestionpoolForTest(), getTestId(), logAction(), and removeDuplicatedQuestionpools().
ilObjTest::saveToDb | ( | $properties_only = FALSE | ) |
Saves a ilObjTest object to a database.
object | $db | A pear DB object public |
Definition at line 1169 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, ilObject\$ilias, $ilLog, $result, $row, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), cleanupMediaobjectUsage(), evalTotalPersons(), getAllowedUsers(), getAllowedUsersTimeGap(), getAnonymity(), getAnswerFeedback(), getAnswerFeedbackPoints(), getAuthor(), getCertificateVisibility(), getCountSystem(), getCustomStyle(), getECTSFX(), getECTSOutput(), getEnableProcessingTime(), getEndingTime(), getExportSettings(), getFinalStatement(), getFixedParticipants(), getForceJS(), ilObject\getId(), getInstantFeedbackSolution(), getIntroduction(), getKiosk(), getListOfQuestionsSettings(), getMailNotification(), getMailNotificationType(), getMCScoring(), getNrOfTries(), getPassScoring(), getPassword(), getProcessingTime(), getRandomQuestionCount(), getReportingDate(), getResetProcessingTime(), getResultsPresentation(), getScoreCutting(), getScoreReporting(), getSequenceSettings(), getShowCancel(), getShowFinalStatement(), getShowInfo(), getShowMarker(), getShuffleQuestions(), getStartingTime(), getTestId(), getTitleOutput(), getUsePreviousAnswers(), isComplete(), PEAR\isError(), isRandomTest(), logAction(), removeDuplicatedQuestionpools(), and saveQuestionsToDb().
Referenced by applyDefaults(), createReference(), and fromXML().
ilObjTest::sendAdvancedNotification | ( | $active_id | ) |
Definition at line 10062 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $file, $result, _getUserIdFromActiveId(), ilObjUser\_lookupLogin(), ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), ilObject\getOwner(), ilObject\getTitle(), IL_CAL_UNIX, ilDatePresentation\setUseRelativeDates(), and userLookupFullName().
ilObjTest::sendSimpleNotification | ( | $active_id | ) |
Definition at line 10022 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilLog, $res, _getUserIdFromActiveId(), ilObjUser\_lookupLogin(), ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), ilObject\getOwner(), ilObject\getTitle(), IL_CAL_UNIX, ilDatePresentation\setUseRelativeDates(), and userLookupFullName().
ilObjTest::setAccessCodeSession | ( | $access_code | ) |
Definition at line 8729 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $_SESSION, ilObject\$id, and getTestId().
ilObjTest::setActiveTestSubmitted | ( | $user_id | ) |
submits active test for user user_id
Definition at line 7552 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, $ilLog, and getTestId().
Referenced by createRandomSolutions().
ilObjTest::setAllowedUsers | ( | $a_allowed_users | ) |
Definition at line 8750 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setAllowedUsersTimeGap | ( | $a_allowed_users_time_gap | ) |
Definition at line 8760 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setAnonymity | ( | $a_value = 0 | ) |
Sets the anonymity status of the test.
integer | $a_value | The value for the anonymity status (0 = personalized, 1 = anonymized) public |
Definition at line 8975 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setAnswerFeedback | ( | $answer_feedback = 0 | ) |
Sets the answer specific feedback for the test.
integer | $answer_feedback | If 1, answer specific feedback will be shown after answering a question public |
Definition at line 2547 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $answer_feedback.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setAnswerFeedbackPoints | ( | $answer_feedback_points = 0 | ) |
Sets the answer specific feedback of reached points for the test.
integer | $answer_feedback_points | If 1, answer specific feedback will show the reached points after answering a question public |
Definition at line 2567 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $answer_feedback_points.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setAuthor | ( | $author = "" | ) |
Sets the authors name of the ilObjTest object.
string | $author | A string containing the name of the test author public |
Definition at line 6584 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $author.
Referenced by fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setCertificateVisibility | ( | $a_value | ) |
Sets the visibility settings of the certificate.
integer | $a_value | The value for the visibility settings (0 = always, 1 = only passed, 2 = never) public |
Definition at line 8953 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setClientIP | ( | $user_id, | |
$client_ip | |||
) |
Definition at line 7489 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, and getTestId().
ilObjTest::setCountSystem | ( | $a_count_system = COUNT_PARTIAL_SOLUTIONS | ) |
Sets the count system for the calculation of points.
integer | $a_count_system | The count system for the calculation of points. public |
Definition at line 3351 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setCustomStyle | ( | $a_customStyle = NULL | ) |
Set the custom style.
string | $a_customStyle | The custom style public |
Definition at line 2216 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setECTSFX | ( | $a_ects_fx | ) |
Sets the ECTS FX grade.
string | $a_ects_fx | The ECTS FX grade public |
Definition at line 2464 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setECTSGrades | ( | $a_ects_grades | ) |
Sets the ECTS grades.
array | $a_ects_grades | The ECTS grades public |
Definition at line 2488 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setECTSOutput | ( | $a_ects_output | ) |
Enables/Disables ECTS grades output for this test.
integer | $a_ects_output | 0 if ECTS grades output should be deactivated, 1 otherwise public |
Definition at line 2440 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setEnableProcessingTime | ( | $enable = 0 | ) |
Sets the processing time enabled or disabled.
integer | $enable | 0 to disable the processing time, 1 to enable the processing time public |
Definition at line 3292 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setEndingTime | ( | $ending_time = NULL | ) |
Sets the ending time in database timestamp format for the test.
string | $ending_time | The ending time for the test. Empty string for no ending time. public |
Definition at line 3339 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ending_time.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setExportSettings | ( | $a_settings | ) |
Definition at line 10221 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setExportSettingsSingleChoiceShort | ( | $a_settings | ) |
Definition at line 10245 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getExportSettingsSingleChoiceShort().
ilObjTest::setFinalStatement | ( | $a_statement = "" | ) |
Sets the final statement text of the ilObjTest object.
string | $a_statement | A final statement public |
Definition at line 2180 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setFixedParticipants | ( | $a_value = 1 | ) |
Sets the fixed participants status.
integer | $a_value | The value for the fixed participants status (0 = don't allow, 1 = allow) public |
Definition at line 9065 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setForceJS | ( | $a_js = 1 | ) |
Set whether JavaScript should be forced for tests.
integer | $a_js | 1 to force JavaScript, 0 otherwise public |
Definition at line 2204 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setImportDirectory | ( | $a_import_dir | ) |
Set import directory.
string | $a_import_dir |
Definition at line 949 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::setInstantFeedbackSolution | ( | $instant_feedback = 0 | ) |
Sets the instant feedback for the solution.
integer | $instant_feedback | If 1, the solution will be shown after answering a question public |
Definition at line 2527 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setIntroduction | ( | $introduction = "" | ) |
Sets the introduction text of the ilObjTest object.
string | $introduction | An introduction string for the test public |
Definition at line 2168 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $introduction.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setKiosk | ( | $kiosk = 0 | ) |
Sets the kiosk mode for the test.
integer | $kiosk | The value for the kiosk mode. public |
Definition at line 2876 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setKioskMode | ( | $a_kiosk = FALSE | ) |
Sets the kiosk mode for the test.
boolean | $kiosk | The value for the kiosk mode public |
Definition at line 2907 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getKioskMode().
ilObjTest::setListOfQuestions | ( | $a_value = TRUE | ) |
Sets if the the list of questions should be presented to the user or not.
boolean | $a_value | TRUE if the list of questions should be presented, FALSE otherwise public |
Definition at line 8228 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::setListOfQuestionsDescription | ( | $a_value = TRUE | ) |
Sets the show_summary attribute to TRUE if the list of questions should be presented with the question descriptions.
boolean | $a_value | TRUE if the list of questions should be shown with question descriptions, FALSE otherwise public |
Definition at line 8342 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getListOfQuestions(), and getListOfQuestionsDescription().
ilObjTest::setListOfQuestionsEnd | ( | $a_value = TRUE | ) |
Sets if the the list of questions as the end page of the test.
boolean | $a_value | TRUE if the list of questions should be the end page, FALSE otherwise public |
Definition at line 8303 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getListOfQuestions(), and getListOfQuestionsEnd().
ilObjTest::setListOfQuestionsSettings | ( | $a_value = 0 | ) |
Sets the settings for the list of questions options in the test properties This could contain one of the following values: 0 = No list of questions offered 1 = A list of questions is offered 3 = A list of questions is offered and the list of questions is shown as first page of the test 5 = A list of questions is offered and the list of questions is shown as last page of the test 7 = A list of questions is offered and the list of questions is shown as first and last page of the test.
integer | $a_value | 0, 1, 3, 5 or 7 public |
Definition at line 8199 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setListOfQuestionsStart | ( | $a_value = TRUE | ) |
Sets if the the list of questions as the start page of the test.
boolean | $a_value | TRUE if the list of questions should be the start page, FALSE otherwise public |
Definition at line 8264 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getListOfQuestions(), and getListOfQuestionsStart().
ilObjTest::setMailNotification | ( | $a_notification | ) |
Set mail notification settings.
$a_notification | Mail notification setting |
Definition at line 10017 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setMailNotificationType | ( | $a_type | ) |
Definition at line 10197 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setMCScoring | ( | $a_mc_scoring = SCORE_ZERO_POINTS_WHEN_UNANSWERED | ) |
Sets the multiple choice scoring.
integer | $a_mc_scoring | The scoring for multiple choice questions public |
Definition at line 3387 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setNrOfTries | ( | $nr_of_tries = 0 | ) |
Sets the nr of tries for the test.
integer | $nr_of_tries | The maximum number of tries for the test. 0 for infinite tries. public |
Definition at line 3226 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $nr_of_tries.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setPassScoring | ( | $a_pass_scoring = SCORE_LAST_PASS | ) |
Sets the pass scoring.
integer | $a_pass_scoring | The pass scoring type public |
Definition at line 3399 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setPassword | ( | $a_password = NULL | ) |
Sets the password for test access.
string | $a_password | The password for test access public |
Definition at line 3363 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setProcessingTime | ( | $processing_time = "00:00:00" | ) |
Sets the processing time for the test.
string | $processing_time | The maximum processing time for the test given in hh:mm:ss public |
Definition at line 3280 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $processing_time.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setQuestionSetSolved | ( | $value, | |
$question_id, | |||
$user_id | |||
) |
sets question solved state to value for given user_id
Definition at line 7533 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB, and getActiveIdOfUser().
ilObjTest::setRandomQuestionCount | ( | $a_random_question_count = "" | ) |
Sets the random question count.
integer | $a_random_question_count | The random question count public |
Definition at line 2599 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), loadFromDb(), and saveRandomQuestionCount().
ilObjTest::setRandomQuestionpoolData | ( | $a_data | ) |
Definition at line 1991 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::setRandomTest | ( | $a_random_test = 0 | ) |
Sets the random test indicator.
integer | $a_random_test | The random test indicator (0 = no random test, 1 = random test) public |
Definition at line 2587 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setReportingDate | ( | $reporting_date | ) |
Sets the reporting date of the ilObjTest object.
timestamp | $reporting_date | The date and time the score reporting is available public |
Definition at line 2611 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $reporting_date.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setResetProcessingTime | ( | $reset = 0 | ) |
Sets wheather the processing time should be reset or not.
integer | $reset | 1 to reset the processing time, 0 otherwise public |
Definition at line 3308 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setResultsPresentation | ( | $a_results_presentation = 3 | ) |
Sets the combined results presentation value.
integer | $a_results_presentation | The combined results presentation value public |
Definition at line 8498 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setScoreCutting | ( | $a_score_cutting = SCORE_CUT_QUESTION | ) |
Sets the type of score cutting.
integer | $a_score_cutting | The type of score cutting. 0 for cut questions, 1 for cut tests public |
Definition at line 3375 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setScoreReporting | ( | $score_reporting = 0 | ) |
Sets the score reporting of the ilObjTest object.
integer | $score_reporting | The score reporting public |
Definition at line 2515 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $score_reporting.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setSequenceSettings | ( | $sequence_settings = 0 | ) |
Sets the sequence settings of the ilObjTest object.
integer | $sequence_settings | The sequence settings public |
Definition at line 2503 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $sequence_settings.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setShowCancel | ( | $a_value = 1 | ) |
Sets the cancel test button status.
integer | $a_value | The value for the cancel test status (0 = don't show, 1 = show) public |
Definition at line 9005 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setShowFinalStatement | ( | $show = 0 | ) |
Sets whether the final statement should be shown or not.
integer | $show | 1 if TRUE or 0 if FALSE public |
Definition at line 2301 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setShowInfo | ( | $a_info = 1 | ) |
Set whether the complete information page is shown or the required data only.
integer | $a_info | 1 for the complete information, 0 otherwise public |
Definition at line 2192 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setShowKioskModeParticipant | ( | $a_participant = FALSE | ) |
Set to true, if the participant's name should be shown in kiosk mode.
boolean | $a_title | TRUE if the participant's name should be shown in kiosk mode, FALSE otherwise public |
Definition at line 2987 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getShowKioskModeParticipant().
ilObjTest::setShowKioskModeTitle | ( | $a_title = FALSE | ) |
Set to true, if the full test title should be shown in kiosk mode.
boolean | $a_title | TRUE if the test title should be shown in kiosk mode, FALSE otherwise public |
Definition at line 2947 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getShowKioskModeTitle().
ilObjTest::setShowMarker | ( | $a_value = 1 | ) |
Sets the marker button status.
integer | $a_value | The value for the marker status (0 = don't show, 1 = show) public |
Definition at line 9035 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setShowPassDetails | ( | $a_details = 1 | ) |
Sets if the pass details should be shown when a test is not finished.
Sets if the pass details should be shown when a test is not finished
boolean | $a_details | TRUE if the pass details should be shown, FALSE otherwise public |
Definition at line 8511 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getShowPassDetails().
Referenced by ilObjTest().
ilObjTest::setShowSolutionAnswersOnly | ( | $a_full = TRUE | ) |
Set to true, if the full solution (including the ILIAS content pages) should be shown in the solution output.
boolean | $a_full | TRUE if the full solution should be shown in the solution output, FALSE otherwise public |
Definition at line 8606 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getShowSolutionAnswersOnly().
Referenced by ilObjTest().
ilObjTest::setShowSolutionDetails | ( | $a_details = 1 | ) |
Sets if the the solution details should be presented to the user or not.
integer | $a_details | 1 if the solution details should be presented, 0 otherwise public |
Definition at line 8532 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getShowSolutionDetails().
Referenced by ilObjTest().
ilObjTest::setShowSolutionFeedback | ( | $a_feedback = TRUE | ) |
Sets if the the feedback should be presented to the user in the solution or not.
boolean | $a_feedback | TRUE if the feedback should be presented in the solution, FALSE otherwise public |
Definition at line 8585 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getShowSolutionFeedback().
ilObjTest::setShowSolutionPrintview | ( | $a_printview = 1 | ) |
Sets if the the solution printview should be presented to the user or not.
boolean | $a_details | TRUE if the solution printview should be presented, FALSE otherwise public |
Definition at line 8564 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getShowSolutionPrintview().
Referenced by fromXML().
ilObjTest::setShowSolutionSignature | ( | $a_signature = FALSE | ) |
Set to TRUE, if the signature field should be shown in the solution.
boolean | $a_signature | TRUE if the signature field should be shown, FALSE otherwise public |
Definition at line 8627 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getShowSolutionSignature().
Referenced by ilObjTest().
ilObjTest::setShowSolutionSuggested | ( | $a_solution = FALSE | ) |
Set to TRUE, if the suggested solution should be shown in the solution.
boolean | $a_solution | TRUE if the suggested solution should be shown, FALSE otherwise public |
Definition at line 8648 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getShowSolutionSuggested().
ilObjTest::setShuffleQuestions | ( | $a_shuffle | ) |
Sets the status of the shuffle_questions variable.
boolean | $a_shuffle | 0 if the test questions are not shuffled, 1 if the test questions are shuffled public |
Definition at line 8165 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setStartingTime | ( | $starting_time = NULL | ) |
Sets the starting time in database timestamp format for the test.
string | $starting_time | The starting time for the test. Empty string for no starting time. public |
Definition at line 3327 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $starting_time.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setTestId | ( | $a_id | ) |
Sets the test ID.
integer | $a_id | Test ID |
Definition at line 9607 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
& ilObjTest::setTestSession | ( | $active_id = "" | ) |
Sets the test session data for the active user.
integer | $active_id | The active id of the active user |
Definition at line 9619 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $_SESSION, $testSession, ilObject\getRefId(), and getTestId().
Referenced by getTestSession().
ilObjTest::setTitleOutput | ( | $title_output = 0 | ) |
Sets the status of the title output.
integer | $title_output | 0 for full title, 1 for title without points, 2 for no title public |
Definition at line 3257 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $title_output.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::setUsePreviousAnswers | ( | $use_previous_answers = 1 | ) |
Sets the status of the visibility of previous learner answers.
integer | $use_previous_answers | 1 if the previous answers should be shown public |
Definition at line 3238 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $use_previous_answers.
Referenced by applyDefaults(), fromXML(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjTest::startingTimeReached | ( | ) |
Returns true if the starting time of a test is reached A starting time is not available for self assessment tests.
Definition at line 5544 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References getStartingTime().
Referenced by isExecutable().
ilObjTest::startWorkingTime | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass | |||
) |
Write the initial entry for the tests working time to the database.
integer | $user_id | The database id of the user working with the test public |
Definition at line 3967 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::toXML | ( | ) |
Returns a QTI xml representation of the test.
Definition at line 5957 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References _instanciateQuestion(), addQTIMaterial(), getAllowedUsers(), getAllowedUsersTimeGap(), getAnonymity(), getAnswerFeedback(), getAnswerFeedbackPoints(), getAuthor(), getCountSystem(), getCustomStyle(), ilObject\getDescription(), getEndingTime(), getExportSettings(), getFinalStatement(), getFixedParticipants(), getForceJS(), getInstantFeedbackSolution(), getIntroduction(), getKiosk(), getListOfQuestionsSettings(), getMailNotification(), getMailNotificationType(), getMCScoring(), getNrOfTries(), getPassScoring(), getPassword(), getProcessingTime(), getRandomQuestionCount(), getReportingDate(), getResetProcessingTime(), getResultsPresentation(), getScoreCutting(), getScoreReporting(), getSequenceSettings(), getShowCancel(), getShowFinalStatement(), getShowInfo(), getShowMarker(), getShuffleQuestions(), getStartingTime(), ilObject\getTitle(), getTitleOutput(), getUsePreviousAnswers(), isRandomTest(), and ilXmlWriter\xmlHeader().
ilObjTest::unsetAccessCodeSession | ( | ) |
Definition at line 8739 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $_SESSION, ilObject\$id, and getTestId().
ilObjTest::update | ( | ) |
update object data
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 502 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::updateWorkingTime | ( | $times_id | ) |
Update the working time of a test when a question is answered.
integer | $times_id | The database id of a working time entry public |
Definition at line 3985 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References $ilDB.
ilObjTest::userLookupFullName | ( | $user_id, | |
$overwrite_anonymity = FALSE , |
$sorted_order = FALSE , |
$suffix = "" |
) |
Returns the full name of a test user according to the anonymity status.
int | $user_id | The database ID of the user |
boolean | $overwrite_anonymity | Indicates if the anonymity status should be ignored |
Definition at line 9130 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
References ilObjUser\_lookupName(), and getAnonymity().
Referenced by removeSelectedTestResults(), removeTestResultsForUser(), sendAdvancedNotification(), and sendSimpleNotification().
private |
Definition at line 392 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
private |
Definition at line 371 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
private |
Definition at line 385 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
protected |
Definition at line 26 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
private |
Definition at line 364 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
private |
Definition at line 378 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$allowedUsers |
Definition at line 294 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$allowedUsersTimeGap |
Definition at line 301 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$anonymity |
Definition at line 315 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$answer_feedback |
Definition at line 343 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setAnswerFeedback().
ilObjTest::$answer_feedback_points |
Definition at line 114 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setAnswerFeedbackPoints().
ilObjTest::$author |
Definition at line 49 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by _lookupAuthor(), getAuthor(), and setAuthor().
ilObjTest::$certificate_visibility |
Definition at line 308 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$count_system |
Definition at line 237 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$ects_fx |
Definition at line 206 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$ects_grades |
Definition at line 213 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by getECTSGrades().
ilObjTest::$ects_output |
Definition at line 199 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by saveECTSStatus().
ilObjTest::$enable_processing_time |
Definition at line 171 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$ending_time |
Definition at line 192 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setEndingTime().
ilObjTest::$evaluation_data |
Definition at line 131 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
protected |
Definition at line 397 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by getExportSettings().
ilObjTest::$fixed_participants |
Definition at line 336 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
private |
Definition at line 403 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by _getImportDirectory(), and getImportDirectory().
ilObjTest::$instant_verification |
Definition at line 107 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$introduction |
Definition at line 71 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setIntroduction().
ilObjTest::$invitation = INVITATION_OFF |
Definition at line 40 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
protected |
Definition at line 394 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by getMailNotification().
protected |
Definition at line 395 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by getMailNotificationType().
ilObjTest::$mark_schema |
Definition at line 78 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), and getMarkSchema().
ilObjTest::$mc_scoring |
Definition at line 244 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$metadata |
Definition at line 56 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by fromXML().
ilObjTest::$nr_of_tries |
Definition at line 139 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setNrOfTries().
ilObjTest::$pass_scoring |
Definition at line 251 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$password |
Definition at line 287 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$processing_time |
Definition at line 164 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by isMaxProcessingTimeReached(), and setProcessingTime().
ilObjTest::$questions |
Definition at line 63 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by getQuestions().
ilObjTest::$random_question_count |
Definition at line 229 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
protected |
Definition at line 396 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by getRandomQuestionpoolData().
ilObjTest::$random_test |
Definition at line 222 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$reporting_date |
Definition at line 124 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setReportingDate().
ilObjTest::$reset_processing_time |
Definition at line 178 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$results_presentation |
Definition at line 266 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$score_cutting |
Definition at line 280 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$score_reporting |
Definition at line 98 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setScoreReporting().
ilObjTest::$sequence_settings |
Definition at line 87 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setSequenceSettings().
ilObjTest::$show_cancel |
Definition at line 322 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$show_marker |
Definition at line 329 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$show_summary |
Definition at line 273 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$shuffle_questions |
Definition at line 259 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
ilObjTest::$starting_time |
Definition at line 185 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by canShowTestResults(), isExecutable(), isMaxProcessingTimeReached(), and setStartingTime().
ilObjTest::$test_id |
Definition at line 33 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by _evalResultsOverview(), _getActiveIdOfUser(), _getCompleteWorkingTimeOfParticipants(), _getObjectIDFromTestID(), _getQuestionCount(), _getTestIDFromObjectID(), _getVisitTimeOfParticipant(), getParticipantsForTestAndQuestion(), and getTestId().
ilObjTest::$testSequence |
Definition at line 357 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by createRandomSolutions(), getTestResult(), and getTestSequence().
ilObjTest::$testSession |
Definition at line 350 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by createRandomSolutions(), createTestSession(), getTestSession(), and setTestSession().
ilObjTest::$title_output |
Definition at line 157 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by setTitleOutput().
ilObjTest::$use_previous_answers |
Definition at line 147 of file class.ilObjTest.php.
Referenced by _getUsePreviousAnswers(), and setUsePreviousAnswers().