ILIAS  Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
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1 <?php
2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(".")."/Services/COPage/syntax_highlight/php";
3 if (!isset ($BEAUT_PATH)) return;
4 require_once("$BEAUT_PATH/Beautifier/HFile.php");
5  class HFile_mudmaster extends HFile{
6  function HFile_mudmaster(){
7  $this->HFile();
8 /*************************************/
9 // Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
10 // Mud Master Script
11 /*************************************/
12 // Flags
14 $this->nocase = "0";
15 $this->notrim = "0";
16 $this->perl = "0";
18 // Colours
20 $this->colours = array("blue", "brown", "gray");
21 $this->quotecolour = "blue";
22 $this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
23 $this->linecommentcolour = "green";
25 // Indent Strings
27 $this->indent = array();
28 $this->unindent = array();
30 // String characters and delimiters
32 $this->stringchars = array();
33 $this->delimiters = array("#", "$", "%", "&", "+", ",", "-", ".", " ", "/", "(", ")", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "[", "\\", "]", "^", "_", "|", "~", "`", "@");
34 $this->escchar = "";
36 // Comment settings
38 $this->linecommenton = array("");
39 $this->blockcommenton = array("");
40 $this->blockcommentoff = array("");
42 // Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
44 $this->keywords = array(
45  "action" => "1",
46  "alias" => "1",
47  "array" => "1",
48  "assign" => "1",
49  "autoaccept" => "1",
50  "barback" => "1",
51  "barfore" => "1",
52  "baritem" => "1",
53  "baritemback" => "1",
54  "baritemfore" => "1",
55  "barseparator" => "1",
56  "bell" => "1",
57  "CacheSize" => "1",
58  "call" => "1",
59  "calldll" => "1",
60  "changes" => "1",
61  "char" => "1",
62  "chat" => "1",
63  "chatall" => "1",
64  "chatback" => "1",
65  "chatcommands" => "1",
66  "chatfore" => "1",
67  "chatgroup" => "1",
68  "chatgroupremove" => "1",
69  "chatgroupset" => "1",
70  "chatignore" => "1",
71  "chatname" => "1",
72  "chatport" => "1",
73  "chatprivate" => "1",
74  "chatserve" => "1",
75  "chattransfers" => "1",
76  "chatversions" => "1",
77  "clearlist" => "1",
78  "cr" => "1",
79  "debugdepth" => "1",
80  "default" => "1",
81  "dir" => "1",
82  "disableaction" => "1",
83  "disablealias" => "1",
84  "disablebaritem" => "1",
85  "disableevent" => "1",
86  "disablegag" => "1",
87  "disablegroup" => "1",
88  "disablehighlight" => "1",
89  "disablemacro" => "1",
90  "disablesub" => "1",
91  "dll" => "1",
92  "dnd" => "1",
93  "doevents" => "1",
94  "downloadpath" => "1",
95  "echo" => "1",
96  "editaction" => "1",
97  "editalias" => "1",
98  "editbaritem" => "1",
99  "editevent" => "1",
100  "editgag" => "1",
101  "edithighlight" => "1",
102  "editmacro" => "1",
103  "editsub" => "1",
104  "edit" => "1",
105  "emote" => "1",
106  "emoteall" => "1",
107  "emotegroup" => "1",
108  "empty" => "1",
109  "enableaction" => "1",
110  "enablealias" => "1",
111  "enablebaritem" => "1",
112  "enableevent" => "1",
113  "enablegag" => "1",
114  "enablegroup" => "1",
115  "enablehighlight" => "1",
116  "enablemacro" => "1",
117  "enablesub" => "1",
118  "event" => "1",
119  "filecancel" => "1",
120  "filedelete" => "1",
121  "filestatus" => "1",
122  "fireevent" => "1",
123  "freelibrary" => "1",
124  "gag" => "1",
125  "grep" => "1",
126  "groupactions" => "1",
127  "groupaliases" => "1",
128  "grouparrays" => "1",
129  "groupbaritems" => "1",
130  "groupchat" => "1",
131  "groupemote" => "1",
132  "groupevents" => "1",
133  "grouplists" => "1",
134  "groupmacros" => "1",
135  "groupsubs" => "1",
136  "groputablist" => "1",
137  "groupvariables" => "1",
138  "help" => "1",
139  "highlight" => "1",
140  "if" => "1",
141  "ignore" => "1",
142  "ignorealiases" => "1",
143  "information" => "1",
144  "itemadd" => "1",
145  "itemdelete" => "1",
146  "killall" => "1",
147  "killgroup" => "1",
148  "listadd" => "1",
149  "listdelete" => "1",
150  "listitems" => "1",
151  "lists" => "1",
152  "loadlibrary" => "1",
153  "logpath" => "1",
154  "logstatus" => "1",
155  "loop" => "1",
156  "macro" => "1",
157  "math" => "1",
158  "message" => "1",
159  "msp" => "1",
160  "nodefault" => "1",
161  "openport" => "1",
162  "pace" => "1",
163  "pause" => "1",
164  "peekconnections" => "1",
165  "ping" => "1",
166  "playmidi" => "1",
167  "playwav" => "1",
168  "presubstitute" => "1",
169  "promptoverwrite" => "1",
170  "read" => "1",
171  "remark" => "1",
172  "requestconnects" => "1",
173  "resetevent" => "1",
174  "savescrollback" => "1",
175  "scriptpath" => "1",
176  "sendaction" => "1",
177  "sendalias" => "1",
178  "sendarray" => "1",
179  "sendbaritem" => "1",
180  "sendevent" => "1",
181  "sendfile" => "1",
182  "sendgag" => "1",
183  "sendgroup" => "1",
184  "sendhighlight" => "1",
185  "sendlist" => "1",
186  "sendmacro" => "1",
187  "sendsub" => "1",
188  "sendvariable" => "1",
189  "session" => "1",
190  "sessionaddress" => "1",
191  "sessionname" => "1",
192  "sessionpath" => "1",
193  "sessionport" => "1",
194  "setbackcolor" => "1",
195  "setCWD" => "1",
196  "seteventtime" => "1",
197  "setforecolor" => "1",
198  "setIP" => "1",
199  "setInternalIP" => "1",
200  "setExternalIP" => "1",
201  "showme" => "1",
202  "showmismatcherrors" => "1",
203  "snoop" => "1",
204  "soundpath" => "1",
205  "speedwalk" => "1",
206  "startchatserver" => "1",
207  "suball" => "1",
208  "substitute" => "1",
209  "subword" => "1",
210  "tabadd" => "1",
211  "tabdelete" => "1",
212  "tablist" => "1",
213  "textin" => "1",
214  "unaction" => "1",
215  "unalias" => "1",
216  "unarray" => "1",
217  "unbaritem" => "1",
218  "unchat" => "1",
219  "undo" => "1",
220  "unevent" => "1",
221  "ungag" => "1",
222  "unhighlight" => "1",
223  "unmacro" => "1",
224  "unsubstitute" => "1",
225  "unvariable" => "1",
226  "updatebaritem" => "1",
227  "updatestatusbar" => "1",
228  "uploadpath" => "1",
229  "variable" => "1",
230  "version" => "1",
231  "volumebits" => "1",
232  "volumedefault" => "1",
233  "volumemax" => "1",
234  "while" => "1",
235  "write" => "1",
236  "writegroup" => "1",
237  "zap" => "1",
238  "Abs" => "4",
239  "AnsiBold" => "4",
240  "AnsiReset" => "4",
241  "Asc" => "4",
242  "BackBlack" => "4",
243  "BackCyan" => "4",
244  "BackGreen" => "4",
245  "BackMagenta" => "4",
246  "BackRed" => "4",
247  "BackWhite" => "4",
248  "BackYellow" => "4",
249  "CharColor" => "4",
250  "Chr" => "4",
251  "CommandCount" => "4",
252  "CommandToList" => "4",
253  "ConCat" => "4",
254  "Connected" => "4",
255  "CWD" => "4",
256  "Day" => "4",
257  "EventTime" => "4",
258  "Exists" => "4",
259  "FileExists" => "4",
260  "ForeBlack" => "4",
261  "ForeCyan" => "4",
262  "ForeGreen" => "4",
263  "ForeMagenta" => "4",
264  "ForeRed" => "4",
265  "ForeWhite" => "4",
266  "ForeYellow" => "4",
267  "GetCount" => "4",
268  "GetArray" => "4",
269  "GetItem" => "4",
270  "Hour" => "4",
271  "InList" => "4",
272  "IP" => "4",
273  "IPP" => "4",
274  "IsEmpty" => "4",
275  "IsNumber" => "4",
276  "Left" => "4",
277  "Len" => "4",
278  "Lower" => "4",
279  "LTrim" => "4",
280  "Math" => "4",
281  "Mid" => "4",
282  "Minute" => "4",
283  "Month" => "4",
284  "NumActions" => "4",
285  "NumAliases" => "4",
286  "NumArrays" => "4",
287  "NumBars" => "4",
288  "NumEvents" => "4",
289  "NumGags" => "4",
290  "NumHighlights" => "4",
291  "NumLists" => "4",
292  "NumMacros" => "4",
293  "NumTabs" => "4",
294  "NumSubstitutes" => "4",
295  "NumVars" => "4",
296  "PadLeft" => "4",
297  "PadRight" => "4",
298  "PreTranslate" => "4",
299  "ProcedureCount" => "4",
300  "Random" => "4",
301  "ReadableTime" => "4",
302  "Right" => "4",
303  "RTrim" => "4",
304  "Second" => "4",
305  "StripAnsi" => "4",
306  "StrStr" => "4",
307  "TextColor" => "4",
308  "Time" => "4",
309  "TimeToDay" => "4",
310  "TimeToDayOfWeek" => "4",
311  "TimeToHour" => "4",
312  "TimeToMinute" => "4",
313  "TimeToMonth" => "4",
314  "TimeToSecond" => "4",
315  "TimeToYear" => "4",
316  "Upper" => "4",
317  "Val" => "4",
318  "Var" => "4",
319  "Version" => "4",
320  "Word" => "4",
321  "WordColor" => "4",
322  "WordCount" => "4",
323  "Year" => "4",
324  "@" => "4",
325  "-" => "3",
326  "+" => "3",
327  "=" => "3",
328  "$" => "3");
330 // Special extensions
332 // Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
333 // version of the keyword.
337 $this->linkscripts = array(
338  "1" => "donothing",
339  "4" => "donothing",
340  "3" => "donothing");
341 }
344 function donothing($keywordin)
345 {
346  return $keywordin;
347 }
349 }?>