Release_4_3_x_branch Revision 61807
AccessControl | Class ilObjLanguageAccess |
application | Class format functions for converting date, time & money output to country specific formats |
assessment | QTI assessment class |
Auth |
Auth_HTTP | PEAR::Auth_HTTP |
Auth_RADIUS | Client implementation of RADIUS |
Console_Getopt | |
core | Class ilPaymentBookings |
HTML_Template_IT | Integrated Template - IT |
HTTP_Request | |
HTTP_WebDAV_Server | Virtual base class for implementing WebDAV servers |
ilias | Object statistics garbage collection |
Log | $Header$ |
Internal PHP-mail() implementation of the PEAR Mail:: interface | |
Mail_smtpmx | |
MDB2 | Several methods to convert the MDB2 native timestamp format (ISO based) to and from data structures that are convenient to worth with in side of php |
MediaWiki | |
Modules | Builds the language variable identifier corresponding to the given passed status considering the given obligations answered status and the fact wether obligations are enabled or not in general |
ModulesBlog | Class ilObjBlogAdministration |
nameParser | |
OLE | |
OpenID | This module contains code for dealing with associations between consumers and servers |
PEAR | |
Securimage | Project: Securimage: A PHP class for creating and managing form CAPTCHA images File: securimage.php |
Services | This cron deletes user accounts by INACTIVATION period |
Services_JSON | |
ServicesDidacticTemplate | Class ilObjObjectTemplateAdministration |
ServicesPayment | Class ilPaymentAdminGUI |
ServicesPortfolio | Class ilObjPortfolioAdministration |
ServicesSearch | Class ilObjectSearchFactory |
ServicesTracking | LP handler class for plugins |
Slim | Slim - a micro PHP 5 framework |
SOAP | Common base class of all SOAP classes |
Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer | |
System | |
Text_Diff | Text_Diff |
UtfNormal | Unicode normalization routines for working with UTF-8 strings |
WebDAV | Class ilObjDiskQuotaSettings |
webdav | Class ilDAVLocks |
XML_RPC2 | XML_RPC array value class |
XML_Util |