Release_4_4_x_branch Revision 61816
Page for user portfolio. More...
Public Member Functions | |
getParentType () | |
Get parent type. | |
setPortfolioId ($a_val) | |
Set portfolio id. | |
getPortfolioId () | |
Get portfolio id. | |
setType ($a_val) | |
Set type. | |
getType () | |
Get type. | |
setTitle ($a_title) | |
Set Title. | |
getTitle () | |
Get Title. | |
setOrderNr ($a_val) | |
Set order nr. | |
getOrderNr () | |
Get order nr. | |
create ($a_import=false) | |
Create new portfolio page. | |
update ($a_validate=true, $a_no_history=false) | |
Update page. | |
read () | |
Read page data. | |
delete () | |
delete portfolio page and all related data | |
![]() | |
ilPageObject ($a_id=0, $a_old_nr=0, $a_lang="-") | |
Constructor public. | |
afterConstructor () | |
After constructor. | |
initPageConfig () | |
Init page config. | |
setLanguage ($a_val) | |
Set language. | |
getLanguage () | |
Get language. | |
setPageConfig ($a_val) | |
Set page config object. | |
getPageConfig () | |
Get page config object. | |
setRenderMd5 ($a_rendermd5) | |
Set Render MD5. | |
getRenderMd5 () | |
Get Render MD5. | |
setRenderedContent ($a_renderedcontent) | |
Set Rendered Content. | |
getRenderedContent () | |
Get Rendered Content. | |
setRenderedTime ($a_renderedtime) | |
Set Rendered Time. | |
getRenderedTime () | |
Get Rendered Time. | |
setLastChange ($a_lastchange) | |
Set Last Change. | |
getLastChange () | |
Get Last Change. | |
setLastChangeUser ($a_val) | |
Set last change user. | |
getLastChangeUser () | |
Get last change user. | |
setShowActivationInfo ($a_val) | |
Set show page activation info. | |
getShowActivationInfo () | |
Get show page activation info. | |
buildDom ($a_force=false) | |
freeDom () | |
getDom () | |
Deprecated php4DomDocument. | |
getDomDoc () | |
Get dom doc (php5 dom document) | |
setId ($a_id) | |
set id | |
getId () | |
setParentId ($a_id) | |
getParentId () | |
addUpdateListener (&$a_object, $a_method, $a_parameters="") | |
callUpdateListeners () | |
setActive ($a_active) | |
set activation | |
getActive ($a_check_scheduled_activation=false) | |
get activation | |
_writeActive ($a_id, $a_parent_type, $a_active, $a_reset_scheduled_activation=true, $a_lang="-") | |
write activation status | |
_lookupActivationData ($a_id, $a_parent_type, $a_lang="-") | |
Lookup activation data. | |
_writeParentId ($a_parent_type, $a_pg_id, $a_par_id) | |
Write parent id. | |
setActivationStart ($a_activationstart) | |
Set Activation Start. | |
getActivationStart () | |
Get Activation Start. | |
setActivationEnd ($a_activationend) | |
Set Activation End. | |
getActivationEnd () | |
Get Activation End. | |
getContentObject ($a_hier_id, $a_pc_id="") | |
Get a content object of the page. | |
& | getContentNode ($a_hier_id, $a_pc_id="") |
Get content node from dom. | |
checkForTag ($a_content_tag, $a_hier_id, $a_pc_id="") | |
Get content node from dom. | |
lookforhier ($a_hier_id) | |
& | getNode () |
setXMLContent ($a_xml, $a_encoding="UTF-8") | |
set xml content of page, start with <PageObject...>, end with </PageObject>, comply with ILIAS DTD, omit MetaData, use utf-8! | |
appendXMLContent ($a_xml) | |
append xml content to page setXMLContent must be called before and the same encoding must be used | |
getXMLContent ($a_incl_head=false) | |
get xml content of page | |
copyXmlContent ($a_clone_mobs=false) | |
Copy content of page; replace page components with copies where necessary (e.g. | |
handleCopiedContent ($a_dom, $a_self_ass=true, $a_clone_mobs=false) | |
Handle copied content. | |
newIIMCopies ($temp_dom) | |
Replaces media objects in interactive images with copies of the interactive images. | |
newMobCopies ($temp_dom) | |
Replaces media objects with copies. | |
newQuestionCopies (&$temp_dom) | |
Replaces existing question content elements with new copies. | |
removeQuestions (&$temp_dom) | |
Remove questions from document. | |
countPageContents () | |
Remove questions from document. | |
getXMLFromDom ($a_incl_head=false, $a_append_mobs=false, $a_append_bib=false, $a_append_str="", $a_omit_pageobject_tag=false) | |
get xml content of page from dom (use this, if any changes are made to the document) | |
getLanguageVariablesXML () | |
Get language variables as XML. | |
appendLangVarXML (&$xml, $var) | |
getFirstParagraphText () | |
setParagraphContent ($a_hier_id, $a_content) | |
Set content of paragraph. | |
setContainsIntLink ($a_contains_link) | |
lm parser set this flag to true, if the page contains intern links (this method should only be called by the import parser) | |
containsIntLink () | |
returns true, if page was marked as containing an intern link (via setContainsIntLink) (this method should only be called by the import parser) | |
needsImportParsing ($a_parse="") | |
setContainsQuestion ($a_val) | |
Set contains question. | |
getContainsQuestion () | |
Get contains question. | |
collectMediaObjects ($a_inline_only=true) | |
get all media objects, that are referenced and used within the page | |
getInternalLinks ($a_cnt_multiple=false) | |
get all internal links that are used within the page | |
getMultimediaXML () | |
get a xml string that contains all media object elements, that are referenced by any media alias in the page | |
getMediaAliasElement ($a_mob_id, $a_nr=1) | |
get complete media object (alias) element | |
validateDom () | |
Validate the page content agains page DTD. | |
addHierIDs () | |
Add hierarchical ID (e.g. | |
getHierIds () | |
get all hierarchical ids | |
getFirstRowIds () | |
get ids of all first table rows | |
getFirstColumnIds () | |
get ids of all first table columns | |
getListItemIds () | |
get ids of all list items | |
getFileItemIds () | |
get ids of all file items | |
stripHierIDs () | |
strip all hierarchical id attributes out of the dom tree | |
getHierIdsForPCIds ($a_pc_ids) | |
Get hier ids for a set of pc ids. | |
addFileSizes () | |
add file sizes | |
resolveIntLinks () | |
Resolves all internal link targets of the page, if targets are available (after import) | |
resolveMediaAliases ($a_mapping) | |
Resolve media aliases (after import) | |
resolveIIMMediaAliases ($a_mapping) | |
Resolve iim media aliases (in ilContObjParse) | |
resolveFileItems ($a_mapping) | |
Resolve file items (after import) | |
resolveQuestionReferences ($a_mapping) | |
Resolve all quesion references (after import) | |
moveIntLinks ($a_from_to) | |
Move internal links from one destination to another. | |
handleImportRepositoryLink ($a_rep_import_id, $a_rep_type, $a_rep_ref_id) | |
createFromXML () | |
Create new page object with current xml content. | |
updateFromXML () | |
Updates page object with current xml content. | |
afterUpdate () | |
After update. | |
saveStyleUsage ($a_domdoc, $a_old_nr=0) | |
Save all style class/template usages. | |
deleteStyleUsages ($a_old_nr=0) | |
Delete style usages. | |
getLastUpdateOfIncludedElements () | |
Get last update of included elements (media objects and files). | |
deleteInternalLinks () | |
Delete internal links. | |
saveInternalLinks ($a_domdoc) | |
save internal links of page | |
create () | |
create new page (with current xml data) | |
deleteContent ($a_hid, $a_update=true, $a_pcid="") | |
delete content object with hierarchical id $a_hid | |
deleteContents ($a_hids, $a_update=true, $a_self_ass=false) | |
Delete multiple content objects. | |
cutContents ($a_hids) | |
Copy contents to clipboard and cut them from the page. | |
copyContents ($a_hids) | |
Copy contents to clipboard. | |
pasteContents ($a_hier_id, $a_self_ass=false) | |
Paste contents from pc clipboard. | |
switchEnableMultiple ($a_hids, $a_update=true, $a_self_ass=false) | |
(De-)activate elements | |
deleteContentFromHierId ($a_hid, $a_update=true) | |
delete content object with hierarchical id >= $a_hid | |
deleteContentBeforeHierId ($a_hid, $a_update=true) | |
delete content object with hierarchical id < $a_hid | |
_moveContentAfterHierId (&$a_source_page, &$a_target_page, $a_hid) | |
move content of hierarchical id >= $a_hid to other page | |
insertContent (&$a_cont_obj, $a_pos, $a_mode=IL_INSERT_AFTER, $a_pcid="") | |
insert a content node before/after a sibling or as first child of a parent | |
insertContentNode (&$a_cont_node, $a_pos, $a_mode=IL_INSERT_AFTER, $a_pcid="") | |
insert a content node before/after a sibling or as first child of a parent | |
moveContentBefore ($a_source, $a_target, $a_spcid="", $a_tpcid="") | |
move content object from position $a_source before position $a_target (both hierarchical content ids) | |
moveContentAfter ($a_source, $a_target, $a_spcid="", $a_tpcid="") | |
move content object from position $a_source before position $a_target (both hierarchical content ids) | |
bbCode2XML (&$a_content) | |
transforms bbCode to corresponding xml | |
insertInstIntoIDs ($a_inst, $a_res_ref_to_obj_id=true) | |
inserts installation id into ids (e.g. | |
highlightText ($a_text, $proglang, $autoindent) | |
Highligths Text with given ProgLang. | |
hasHighlighter ($hfile_ext) | |
insertSourceCodeParagraphs ($a_output, $outputmode="presentation") | |
depending on the SubCharacteristic and ShowLineNumbers attribute the line numbers and html tags for the syntax highlighting will be inserted using the dom xml functions | |
checkPCIds () | |
Check, whether (all) page content hashes are set. | |
getAllPCIds () | |
Get all pc ids. | |
existsPCId ($a_pc_id) | |
existsPCId | |
generatePcId ($a_pc_ids=false) | |
Generate new pc id. | |
insertPCIds () | |
Insert Page Content IDs. | |
getPageContentsHashes () | |
Get page contents hashes. | |
getQuestionIds () | |
Get question ids. | |
send_paragraph ($par_id, $filename) | |
getFO () | |
get fo page content | |
registerOfflineHandler ($handler) | |
containsDeactivatedElements ($a_content) | |
Check whether content contains deactivated elements. | |
getHistoryEntries () | |
Get History Entries. | |
getHistoryEntry ($a_old_nr) | |
Get History Entry. | |
getHistoryInfo ($a_nr) | |
Get information about a history entry, its predecessor and its successor. | |
addChangeDivClasses ($a_hashes) | |
compareVersion ($a_left, $a_right) | |
Compares to revisions of the page. | |
increaseViewCnt () | |
Increase view cnt. | |
writeRenderedContent ($a_content, $a_md5) | |
Write rendered content. | |
containsIntLinks ($a_content) | |
Check whether content contains internal links. | |
performAutomaticModifications () | |
Perform automatic modifications (may be overwritten by sub classes) | |
saveInitialOpenedContent ($a_type, $a_id, $a_target) | |
Save initial opened content. | |
getInitialOpenedContent () | |
Get initial opened content. | |
beforePageContentUpdate ($a_page_content) | |
Before page content update. | |
copy ($a_id, $a_parent_type="", $a_parent_id=0, $a_clone_mobs=false) | |
Copy page. | |
copyPageToTranslation ($a_target_lang) | |
Copy page to translation. | |
getEditLock () | |
Get page lock. | |
releasePageLock () | |
Release page lock. | |
getEditLockInfo () | |
Get edit lock info. |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | lookupMaxOrderNr ($a_portfolio_id) |
Lookup max order nr for portfolio. | |
static | lookupTitle ($a_page_id) |
Lookup title. | |
static | getAllPages ($a_portfolio_id) |
Get pages of portfolio. | |
static | fixOrdering ($a_portfolio_id) |
Fix ordering. | |
static | findPortfolioForPage ($a_page_id) |
Get portfolio id of page id. | |
![]() | |
static | _exists ($a_parent_type, $a_id, $a_lang="") |
Checks whether page exists. | |
static | _existsAndNotEmpty ($a_parent_type, $a_id, $a_lang="-") |
Checks whether page exists and is not empty (may return true on some empty pages) | |
static | preloadActivationDataByParentId ($a_parent_id) |
Preload activation data by Parent Id. | |
static | _lookupActive ($a_id, $a_parent_type, $a_check_scheduled_activation=false, $a_lang="-") |
lookup activation status | |
static | _isScheduledActivation ($a_id, $a_parent_type, $a_lang="-") |
Check whether page is activated by time schedule. | |
static | lookupParentId ($a_id, $a_type) |
Lookup parent id. | |
static | _handleImportRepositoryLinks ($a_rep_import_id, $a_rep_type, $a_rep_ref_id) |
Change targest of repository links. | |
static | _lookupContainsDeactivatedElements ($a_id, $a_parent_type, $a_lang="-") |
lookup whether page contains deactivated elements | |
static | getRecentChanges ($a_parent_type, $a_parent_id, $a_period=30, $a_lang="") |
Get recent pages changes for parent object. | |
static | getAllPages ($a_parent_type, $a_parent_id, $a_lang="-") |
Get all pages for parent object. | |
static | getNewPages ($a_parent_type, $a_parent_id, $a_lang="-") |
Get new pages. | |
static | getParentObjectContributors ($a_parent_type, $a_parent_id, $a_lang="-") |
Get all contributors for parent object. | |
static | getPageContributors ($a_parent_type, $a_page_id, $a_lang="-") |
Get all contributors for parent object. | |
static | getPagesWithLinks ($a_parent_type, $a_parent_id, $a_lang="-") |
Get all pages for parent object that contain internal links. | |
static | lookupTranslations ($a_parent_type, $a_id) |
Lookup translations. |
Data Fields | |
const | TYPE_PAGE = 1 |
const | TYPE_BLOG = 2 |
![]() | |
$id | |
$ilias | |
$dom | |
$xml | |
$encoding | |
$node | |
$cur_dtd = "ilias_pg_4_4.dtd" | |
$contains_int_link | |
$needs_parsing | |
$parent_type | |
$parent_id | |
$update_listeners | |
$update_listener_cnt | |
$offline_handler | |
$dom_builded | |
$history_saved | |
$language = "-" |
Protected Member Functions | |
getPropertiesForDB () | |
Get properties for insert/update statements. | |
![]() | |
__afterUpdate ($a_domdoc, $a_xml, $a_creation=false, $a_empty=false) | |
After update event handler (internal). | |
__beforeDelete () | |
Before deletion handler (internal). | |
__afterHistoryEntry ($a_old_domdoc, $a_old_content, $a_old_nr) | |
Before deletion handler (internal). |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static | lookupProperty ($a_id, $a_prop) |
Lookup portfolio page property. |
Protected Attributes | |
$portfolio_id | |
$type = 1 | |
$title | |
$order_nr |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | $exists = array() |
![]() | |
static | $activation_data = array() |
ilPortfolioPage::create | ( | $a_import = false | ) |
Create new portfolio page.
Definition at line 157 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
References ilPageObject\$id, ilPageObject\create(), getPropertiesForDB(), ilPageObject\setId(), and setOrderNr().
ilPortfolioPage::delete | ( | ) |
delete portfolio page and all related data
Reimplemented from ilPageObject.
Definition at line 227 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
References ilPageObject\$id, $query, ilInternalLink\_deleteAllLinksToTarget(), and ilPageObject\getId().
static |
Get portfolio id of page id.
int | $a_page_id |
Definition at line 330 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
References lookupProperty().
Referenced by ilPortfolioImporter\finalProcessing(), and ilObjMediaObject\getParentObjectIdForUsage().
static |
Fix ordering.
int | $a_portfolio_id |
Definition at line 308 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
References getAllPages().
Referenced by ilObjPortfolioBaseGUI\savePortfolioPagesOrdering().
static |
Get pages of portfolio.
int | $a_portfolio_id |
Definition at line 282 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
References $lng.
Referenced by ilObjPortfolioBase\clonePagesAndSettings(), ilObjPortfolioGUI\createPortfolioFromTemplateProcess(), ilObjPortfolioTemplate\deleteAllPages(), ilObjPortfolio\deleteAllPages(), ilObjPortfolioTemplate\doCloneObject(), ilPortfolioHTMLExport\exportHTMLPages(), fixOrdering(), ilPortfolioPageTableGUI\getItems(), ilPortfolioExporter\getXmlExportTailDependencies(), ilObjPortfolioGUI\initCreatePortfolioFromTemplateForm(), and ilObjPortfolioBaseGUI\preview().
ilPortfolioPage::getOrderNr | ( | ) |
Get order nr.
Definition at line 118 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
References $order_nr.
Referenced by getPropertiesForDB().
ilPortfolioPage::getParentType | ( | ) |
Get parent type.
Reimplemented from ilPageObject.
Reimplemented in ilPortfolioTemplatePage.
Definition at line 30 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
ilPortfolioPage::getPortfolioId | ( | ) |
Get portfolio id.
Definition at line 50 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
References $portfolio_id.
protected |
Get properties for insert/update statements.
Definition at line 144 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
References getOrderNr(), getTitle(), and getType().
Referenced by create(), and update().
ilPortfolioPage::getTitle | ( | ) |
Get Title.
Definition at line 90 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
Referenced by getPropertiesForDB().
ilPortfolioPage::getType | ( | ) |
Get type.
Definition at line 70 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
References $type.
Referenced by ilObjTestVerificationGUI\downloadFromPortfolioPage(), ilObjExerciseVerificationGUI\downloadFromPortfolioPage(), ilObjCourseVerificationGUI\downloadFromPortfolioPage(), ilObjSCORMVerificationGUI\downloadFromPortfolioPage(), and getPropertiesForDB().
static |
Lookup max order nr for portfolio.
int | $a_portfolio_id |
Definition at line 129 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
staticprotected |
Lookup portfolio page property.
int | $a_id | |
string | $a_prop |
Definition at line 255 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
Referenced by findPortfolioForPage(), and lookupTitle().
static |
Lookup title.
int | $a_page_id |
Definition at line 271 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
References lookupProperty().
ilPortfolioPage::read | ( | ) |
Read page data.
Reimplemented from ilPageObject.
Definition at line 206 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
References $query, ilPageObject\getId(), setOrderNr(), setPortfolioId(), setTitle(), and setType().
ilPortfolioPage::setOrderNr | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set order nr.
int | order nr |
Definition at line 108 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
Referenced by create(), and read().
ilPortfolioPage::setPortfolioId | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set portfolio id.
int | $a_val | portfolio id |
Definition at line 40 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
Referenced by read().
ilPortfolioPage::setTitle | ( | $a_title | ) |
Set Title.
string | $a_title | Title |
Definition at line 80 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
Referenced by read().
ilPortfolioPage::setType | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set type.
int | type |
Definition at line 60 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
Referenced by read().
ilPortfolioPage::update | ( | $a_validate = true , |
$a_no_history = false |
) |
Update page.
Reimplemented from ilPageObject.
Definition at line 186 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
References ilPageObject\$id, ilPageObject\getId(), and getPropertiesForDB().
protected |
Definition at line 20 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
Referenced by getOrderNr().
protected |
Definition at line 17 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
Referenced by getPortfolioId().
protected |
Definition at line 19 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
Referenced by getTitle().
protected |
Definition at line 18 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
Referenced by getType().
const ilPortfolioPage::TYPE_BLOG = 2 |
Definition at line 23 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
Referenced by ilObjPortfolioBaseGUI\addLocatorItems(), ilObjPortfolioGUI\afterSave(), ilObjPortfolioBase\clonePagesAndSettings(), ilObjPortfolioBaseGUI\confirmPortfolioPageDeletion(), ilPortfolioHTMLExport\exportHTMLPages(), ilPortfolioPageTableGUI\fillRow(), ilObjPortfolioBaseGUI\preview(), ilObjPortfolioGUI\saveBlog(), and ilPortfolioPageGUI\showPage().
const ilPortfolioPage::TYPE_PAGE = 1 |
Definition at line 22 of file class.ilPortfolioPage.php.
Referenced by ilObjPortfolioGUI\afterSave(), ilObjPortfolioBase\clonePagesAndSettings(), ilPortfolioPageTableGUI\fillRow(), ilObjPortfolioGUI\initCreatePortfolioFromTemplateForm(), and ilObjPortfolioBaseGUI\savePage().