Public Member Functions |
| __construct (ilObjTest $a_object) |
| isContextWithinTestPass () |
| setContextWithinTestPass ($contextWithinTestPass) |
| ilTestServiceGUI (ilObjTest $a_object) |
| The constructor takes the test object reference as parameter.
| setParticipantData ($participantData) |
| getParticipantData () |
| getCommand ($cmd) |
| Retrieves the ilCtrl command.
| getPassOverview ($active_id, $targetclass="", $targetcommand="", $short=FALSE, $hide_details=FALSE, $adminMode=false) |
| Returns the pass overview for a given active ID.
| getPassListOfAnswers (&$result_array, $active_id, $pass, $show_solutions=FALSE, $only_answered_questions=FALSE, $show_question_only=FALSE, $show_reached_points=FALSE, $anchorNav=false) |
| Returns the list of answers of a users test pass.
| getPassListOfAnswersWithScoring (&$result_array, $active_id, $pass, $show_solutions=FALSE) |
| Returns the list of answers of a users test pass and offers a scoring option.
| getResultsSignature () |
| Returns HTML code for a signature field.
| getResultsUserdata ($testSession, $active_id, $overwrite_anonymity=FALSE) |
| Returns the user data for a test results output.
| getCorrectSolutionOutput ($question_id, $active_id, $pass) |
| Returns an output of the solution to an answer compared to the correct solution.
| getResultsOfUserOutput ($testSession, $active_id, $pass, $targetGUI, $show_pass_details=TRUE, $show_answers=TRUE, $show_question_only=FALSE, $show_reached_points=FALSE) |
| Output of the pass overview for a test called by a test participant.
| getResultsHeadUserAndPass ($active_id, $pass) |
| Returns the user and pass data for a test results output.
| getQuestionResultForTestUsers ($question_id, $test_id) |
| Creates a HTML representation for the results of a given question in a test.
| ilTestScoringGUI (ilObjTest $a_object) |
| ilTestScoringGUI constructor
& | executeCommand () |
| execute command