Release_5_0_x_branch Revision 61816
Public Member Functions | |
ilObjSurvey ($a_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
create ($a_upload=false) | |
create survey object | |
createMetaData () | |
Create meta data entry. | |
update () | |
update object data | |
createReference () | |
creates reference for object | |
read ($a_force_db=false) | |
read object data from db into object | |
addQuestion ($question_id) | |
Adds a question to the survey. | |
delete () | |
delete object and all related data | |
deleteSurveyRecord () | |
Deletes the survey from the database. | |
deleteAllUserData () | |
Deletes all user data of a survey. | |
removeSelectedSurveyResults ($finished_ids) | |
Deletes the user data of a given array of survey participants. | |
& | getSurveyParticipants ($finished_ids=null) |
notify ($a_event, $a_ref_id, $a_parent_non_rbac_id, $a_node_id, $a_params=0) | |
notifys an object about an event occured Based on the event happend, each object may decide how it reacts. | |
isComplete () | |
Returns 1, if a survey is complete for use. | |
_isComplete ($obj_id) | |
Returns 1, if a survey is complete for use. | |
& | _getGlobalSurveyData ($obj_id) |
Returns an array with data needed in the repository, personal desktop or courses. | |
saveCompletionStatus () | |
Saves the completion status of the survey. | |
duplicateQuestionForSurvey ($question_id, $a_force=false) | |
Takes a question and creates a copy of the question for use in the survey. | |
insertQuestion ($question_id) | |
Inserts a question in the survey and saves the relation to the database. | |
insertQuestionblock ($questionblock_id) | |
Inserts a questionblock in the survey and saves the relation to the database. | |
getAllRTEContent () | |
Returns the content of all RTE enabled text areas in the test. | |
cleanupMediaobjectUsage () | |
Cleans up the media objects for all text fields in a test which are using an RTE field. | |
saveUserSettings ($usr_id, $key, $title, $value) | |
deleteUserSettings ($id) | |
getUserSettings ($usr_id, $key) | |
saveToDb () | |
Saves a survey object to a database. | |
saveQuestionsToDb () | |
Saves the survey questions to the database. | |
getAnonymousId ($id) | |
Checks for an anomyous survey id in the database an returns the id. | |
getQuestionGUI ($questiontype, $question_id) | |
Returns a question gui object to a given questiontype and question id. | |
getQuestionType ($question_id) | |
Returns the question type of a question with a given id. | |
getSurveyId () | |
Returns the survey database id. | |
setAnonymize ($a_anonymize) | |
set anonymize status | |
getAnonymize () | |
get anonymize status | |
isAccessibleWithoutCode () | |
Checks if the survey is accessable without a survey code. | |
hasAnonymizedResults () | |
Checks if the survey results are to be anonymized. | |
loadFromDb () | |
Loads a survey object from a database. | |
loadQuestionsFromDb () | |
Loads the survey questions from the database. | |
setAuthor ($author="") | |
Sets the authors name of the ilObjSurvey object. | |
saveAuthorToMetadata ($a_author="") | |
Saves an authors name into the lifecycle metadata if no lifecycle metadata exists This will only be called for conversion of "old" tests where the author hasn't been stored in the lifecycle metadata. | |
getAuthor () | |
Gets the authors name of the ilObjSurvey object. | |
getShowQuestionTitles () | |
Gets the status of the display_question_titles attribute. | |
setShowQuestionTitles ($a_show) | |
Sets the status of the display_question_titles attribute. | |
showQuestionTitles () | |
Sets the question titles visible during the query. | |
hideQuestionTitles () | |
Sets the question titles hidden during the query. | |
setInvitation ($invitation=0) | |
Sets the invitation status. | |
setInvitationMode ($invitation_mode=0) | |
Sets the invitation mode. | |
setInvitationAndMode ($invitation=0, $invitation_mode=0) | |
Sets the invitation status and mode (a more performant solution if you change both) | |
setIntroduction ($introduction="") | |
Sets the introduction text. | |
setOutro ($outro="") | |
Sets the outro text. | |
getInvitation () | |
Gets the invitation status. | |
getInvitationMode () | |
Gets the invitation mode. | |
getStatus () | |
Gets the survey status. | |
isOnline () | |
Gets the survey status. | |
isOffline () | |
Gets the survey status. | |
setStatus ($status=self::STATUS_OFFLINE) | |
Sets the survey status. | |
getStartDate () | |
Gets the start date of the survey. | |
canStartSurvey ($anonymous_id=NULL, $a_no_rbac=false) | |
Checks if the survey can be started. | |
setStartDate ($start_date="") | |
Sets the start date of the survey. | |
setStartDateAndTime ($start_date="", $start_time) | |
Sets the start date of the survey. | |
getEndDate () | |
Gets the end date of the survey. | |
setEndDate ($end_date="") | |
Sets the end date of the survey. | |
setEndDateAndTime ($end_date="", $end_time) | |
Sets the end date of the survey. | |
getEvaluationAccess () | |
Gets the learners evaluation access. | |
setEvaluationAccess ($evaluation_access=self::EVALUATION_ACCESS_OFF) | |
Sets the learners evaluation access. | |
setActivationVisibility ($a_value) | |
getActivationVisibility () | |
isActivationLimited () | |
setActivationLimited ($a_value) | |
getIntroduction () | |
Gets the introduction text. | |
getOutro () | |
Gets the outro text. | |
& | getExistingQuestions () |
Gets the question id's of the questions which are already in the survey. | |
& | getQuestionpoolTitles ($could_be_offline=FALSE, $showPath=FALSE) |
Get the titles of all available survey question pools. | |
moveUpQuestion ($question_id) | |
Moves a question up in the list of survey questions. | |
moveDownQuestion ($question_id) | |
Moves a question down in the list of survey questions. | |
moveUpQuestionblock ($questionblock_id) | |
Moves a questionblock up in the list of survey questions. | |
moveDownQuestionblock ($questionblock_id) | |
Moves a questionblock down in the list of survey questions. | |
moveQuestions ($move_questions, $target_index, $insert_mode) | |
Move questions and/or questionblocks to another position. | |
removeQuestion ($question_id) | |
Remove a question from the survey. | |
removeConstraintsConcerningQuestion ($question_id) | |
Remove constraints concerning a question with a given question_id. | |
removeQuestions ($remove_questions, $remove_questionblocks) | |
Remove questions from the survey. | |
unfoldQuestionblocks ($questionblocks) | |
Unfolds question blocks of a question pool. | |
removeQuestionFromBlock ($question_id, $questionblock_id) | |
addQuestionToBlock ($question_id, $questionblock_id) | |
& | getQuestionblockQuestions ($questionblock_id) |
Returns the question titles of all questions of a question block. | |
& | getQuestionblockQuestionIds ($questionblock_id) |
Returns the question id's of all questions of a question block. | |
getQuestionblock ($questionblock_id) | |
Returns the database row for a given question block. | |
_getQuestionblock ($questionblock_id) | |
Returns the database row for a given question block. | |
_addQuestionblock ($title="", $owner=0, $show_questiontext=true, $show_blocktitle=false) | |
Adds a questionblock to the database. | |
createQuestionblock ($title, $show_questiontext, $show_blocktitle, $questions) | |
Creates a question block for the survey. | |
modifyQuestionblock ($questionblock_id, $title, $show_questiontext, $show_blocktitle) | |
Modifies a question block. | |
deleteConstraints ($question_id) | |
Deletes the constraints for a question. | |
deleteConstraint ($constraint_id) | |
Deletes a constraint of a question. | |
& | getSurveyQuestions ($with_answers=false) |
Returns the survey questions and questionblocks in an array. | |
setObligatoryStates ($obligatory_questions) | |
Sets the obligatory states for questions in a survey from the questions form. | |
& | getObligatoryStates () |
Gets specific obligatory states of the survey. | |
& | getSurveyPages () |
Returns the survey pages in an array (a page contains one or more questions) | |
getNextPage ($active_page_question_id, $direction) | |
Returns the next "page" of a running test. | |
& | getAvailableQuestionpools ($use_obj_id=false, $could_be_offline=false, $showPath=FALSE, $permission="read") |
Returns the available question pools for the active user. | |
getPrecondition ($id) | |
Returns a precondition with a given id. | |
getConstraints ($question_id) | |
Returns the constraints to a given question or questionblock. | |
_getConstraints ($survey_id) | |
Returns the constraints to a given question or questionblock. | |
& | getVariables ($question_id) |
Returns all variables of a question. | |
addConstraint ($if_question_id, $relation, $value, $conjunction) | |
Adds a constraint. | |
addConstraintToQuestion ($to_question_id, $constraint_id) | |
Adds a constraint to a question. | |
updateConstraint ($precondition_id, $if_question_id, $relation, $value, $conjunction) | |
Updates a precondition. | |
updateConjunctionForQuestions ($questions, $conjunction) | |
getAllRelations ($short_as_key=false) | |
Returns all available relations. | |
disinviteAllUsers () | |
Disinvite all users. | |
disinviteUser ($user_id) | |
Disinvites a user from a survey. | |
inviteUser ($user_id) | |
Invites a user to a survey. | |
inviteGroup ($group_id) | |
Invites a group to a survey. | |
inviteRole ($role_id) | |
Invites a role to a survey. | |
& | getInvitedUsers () |
Returns a list of all invited users in a survey. | |
deleteWorkingData ($question_id, $active_id) | |
Deletes the working data of a question in the database. | |
loadWorkingData ($question_id, $active_id) | |
Gets the working data of question from the database. | |
fillSurveyForUser ($user_id=ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) | |
Fills a survey randomly with data for a given user. | |
startSurvey ($user_id, $anonymous_id, $appraisee_id) | |
Starts the survey creating an entry in the database. | |
finishSurvey ($finished_id) | |
Finishes the survey creating an entry in the database. | |
setPage ($finished_id, $page_id) | |
Sets the number of the active survey page. | |
sendNotificationMail ($user_id, $anonymize_id, $appr_id) | |
getDetailedParticipantResultsAsText () | |
isAllowedToTakeMultipleSurveys ($userid="") | |
Checks if a user is allowed to take multiple survey. | |
isSurveyStarted ($user_id, $anonymize_id, $appr_id=0) | |
Checks if a user already started a survey. | |
getActiveID ($user_id, $anonymize_id, $appr_id) | |
Checks if a user already started a survey. | |
getLastActivePage ($active_id) | |
Returns the question id of the last active page a user visited in a survey. | |
checkConstraint ($constraint_data, $working_data) | |
Checks if a constraint is valid. | |
_hasDatasets ($survey_id) | |
& | getSurveyFinishedIds () |
Get the finished id's of all survey participants. | |
& | getUserSpecificResults ($finished_ids) |
Calculates the evaluation data for the user specific results. | |
getUserDataFromActiveId ($active_id) | |
Returns the user information from an active_id (survey_finished.finished_id) | |
& | getEvaluationByUser ($questions, $active_id) |
Calculates the evaluation data for a given user or anonymous id. | |
getCumulatedResults (&$question, $finished_ids) | |
Calculates the evaluation data for a question. | |
_getNrOfParticipants ($survey_id) | |
Returns the number of participants for a survey. | |
& | getQuestions ($question_ids) |
getQuestionsTable ($arrFilter) | |
Calculates the data for the output of the question browser. | |
getQuestionblocksTable ($arrFilter) | |
Calculates the data for the output of the questionblock browser. | |
toXML () | |
Returns a QTI xml representation of the survey. | |
& | _instanciateQuestion ($question_id) |
Creates an instance of a question with a given question id. | |
locateImportFiles ($a_dir) | |
Locates the import directory and the xml file in a directory with an unzipped import file. | |
importObject ($file_info, $svy_qpl_id) | |
Imports a survey from XML into the ILIAS database. | |
cloneObject ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id=0) | |
Clone object. | |
getTextblock ($question_id) | |
cloneTextblocks ($mapping) | |
Clones the textblocks of survey questions. | |
createExportDirectory () | |
creates data directory for export files (data_dir/svy_data/svy_<id>/export, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini) | |
getExportDirectory () | |
get export directory of survey | |
getExportFiles ($dir) | |
get export files | |
createImportDirectory () | |
creates data directory for import files (data_dir/svy_data/svy_<id>/import, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini) | |
getImportDirectory () | |
get import directory of survey | |
saveHeading ($heading="", $insertbefore) | |
isAnonymousKey ($key) | |
getUserSurveyCode ($user_id) | |
bindSurveyCodeToUser ($user_id, $code) | |
isAnonymizedParticipant ($key) | |
checkSurveyCode ($code) | |
getSurveyCodesCount () | |
Returns the number of generated survey codes for the survey. | |
getSurveyCodesForExport (array $a_codes=null, array $a_ids=null) | |
Returns a list of survey codes for file export. | |
getSurveyCodesTableData (array $ids=null, $lang=null) | |
Fetches the data for the survey codes table. | |
isSurveyCodeUsed ($code) | |
isSurveyCodeUnique ($code) | |
createSurveyCodes ($nrOfCodes) | |
importSurveyCode ($a_anonymize_key, $a_created, $a_data) | |
createSurveyCodesForExternalData ($data) | |
sendCodes ($not_sent, $subject, $message, $lang) | |
getExternalCodeRecipients ($a_check_finished=false) | |
deleteSurveyCode ($survey_code) | |
Deletes a given survey access code. | |
getUserAccessCode ($user_id) | |
Returns a survey access code that was saved for a registered user. | |
saveUserAccessCode ($user_id, $access_code) | |
Saves a survey access code for a registered user to the database. | |
createNewAccessCode () | |
Returns a new, unused survey access code. | |
& | processCSVRow ($row, $quoteAll=FALSE, $separator=";") |
Processes an array as a CSV row and converts the array values to correct CSV values. | |
_getLastAccess ($finished_id) | |
prepareTextareaOutput ($txt_output) | |
Prepares a string for a text area output in surveys. | |
isHTML ($a_text) | |
Checks if a given string contains HTML or not. | |
addMaterialTag (&$a_xml_writer, $a_material, $close_material_tag=TRUE, $add_mobs=TRUE, $attribs=NULL) | |
Creates an XML material tag from a plain text or xhtml text. | |
canExportSurveyCode () | |
Checks if the survey code can be exported with the survey evaluation. | |
processPrintoutput2FO ($print_output) | |
Convert a print output to XSL-FO. | |
deliverPDFfromFO ($fo) | |
Delivers a PDF file from a XSL-FO string. | |
isPluginActive ($a_pname) | |
Checks whether or not a question plugin with a given name is active. | |
setSurveyId ($survey_id) | |
Sets the survey id. | |
& | getUserData ($ids) |
Returns a data of all users specified by id list. | |
& | getGroupData ($ids) |
& | getRoleData ($ids) |
getMailNotification () | |
setMailNotification ($a_notification) | |
getMailAddresses () | |
setMailAddresses ($a_addresses) | |
getMailParticipantData () | |
setMailParticipantData ($a_data) | |
getSurveyTimes () | |
setStartTime ($finished_id, $first_question) | |
setEndTime ($finished_id) | |
getWorkingtimeForParticipant ($finished_id) | |
setTemplate ($template_id) | |
getTemplate () | |
updateOrder (array $a_order) | |
getPoolUsage () | |
setPoolUsage ($a_value) | |
isPoolActive () | |
Get current pool status. | |
applySettingsTemplate ($template_id) | |
Apply settings template. | |
updateCode ($a_id, $a_email, $a_last_name, $a_first_name, $a_sent) | |
set360Mode ($a_value) | |
get360Mode () | |
set360SelfEvaluation ($a_value) | |
get360SelfEvaluation () | |
set360SelfAppraisee ($a_value) | |
get360SelfAppraisee () | |
set360SelfRaters ($a_value) | |
get360SelfRaters () | |
set360Results ($a_value) | |
get360Results () | |
addAppraisee ($a_user_id) | |
isAppraisee ($a_user_id) | |
isAppraiseeClosed ($a_user_id) | |
deleteAppraisee ($a_user_id) | |
getAppraiseesData () | |
addRater ($a_appraisee_id, $a_user_id, $a_anonymous_id=0) | |
isRater ($a_appraisee_id, $a_user_id, $a_anonymous_id=0) | |
deleteRater ($a_appraisee_id, $a_user_id, $a_anonymous_id=0) | |
getRatersData ($a_appraisee_id) | |
getAppraiseesToRate ($a_user_id, $a_anonymous_id=null) | |
getAnonymousIdByCode ($a_code) | |
is360SurveyStarted ($appr_id, $user_id, $anonymous_code=null) | |
getUserSurveyExecutionStatus ($a_code=null) | |
findCodeForUser ($a_user_id) | |
isUnusedCode ($a_code, $a_user_id) | |
getFinishedIdsForAppraiseeId ($a_appr_id, $a_exclude_appraisee=false) | |
getFinishedIdForAppraiseeIdAndRaterId ($a_appr_id, $a_rat_id) | |
Get finished id for an appraisee and a rater. | |
set360SkillService ($a_val) | |
Set skill service. | |
get360SkillService () | |
Get skill service. | |
set360RaterSent ($a_appraisee_id, $a_user_id, $a_anonymous_id, $a_tstamp=null) | |
closeAppraisee ($a_user_id) | |
openAllAppraisees () | |
getReminderStatus () | |
setReminderStatus ($a_value) | |
getReminderStart () | |
setReminderStart (ilDate $a_value=null) | |
getReminderEnd () | |
setReminderEnd (ilDate $a_value=null) | |
getReminderFrequency () | |
setReminderFrequency ($a_value) | |
getReminderTarget () | |
setReminderTarget ($a_value) | |
getReminderLastSent () | |
setReminderLastSent ($a_value) | |
getTutorNotificationStatus () | |
setTutorNotificationStatus ($a_value) | |
getTutorNotificationRecipients () | |
setTutorNotificationRecipients (array $a_value) | |
getTutorNotificationTarget () | |
setTutorNotificationTarget ($a_value) | |
checkReminder () | |
setActivationStartDate ($starting_time=NULL) | |
setActivationEndDate ($ending_time=NULL) | |
getActivationStartDate () | |
getActivationEndDate () | |
setViewOwnResults ($a_value) | |
hasViewOwnResults () | |
setMailOwnResults ($a_value) | |
hasMailOwnResults () | |
![]() | |
ilObject ($a_id=0, $a_reference=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
withReferences () | |
determines wehter objects are referenced or not (got ref ids or not) | |
getId () | |
get object id public | |
setId ($a_id) | |
set object id public | |
setRefId ($a_id) | |
set reference id public | |
getRefId () | |
get reference id public | |
getType () | |
get object type public | |
setType ($a_type) | |
set object type public | |
getPresentationTitle () | |
get presentation title Normally same as title Overwritten for sessions | |
getTitle () | |
get object title public | |
getUntranslatedTitle () | |
get untranslated object title public | |
setTitle ($a_title) | |
set object title | |
getDescription () | |
get object description | |
setDescription ($a_desc) | |
set object description | |
getLongDescription () | |
get object long description (stored in object_description) | |
getImportId () | |
get import id | |
setImportId ($a_import_id) | |
set import id | |
getOwner () | |
get object owner | |
getOwnerName () | |
_lookupOwnerName ($a_owner_id) | |
lookup owner name for owner id | |
setOwner ($a_owner) | |
set object owner | |
getCreateDate () | |
get create date public | |
getLastUpdateDate () | |
get last update date public | |
getDiskUsage () | |
Gets the disk usage of the object in bytes. | |
setObjDataRecord ($a_record) | |
set object_data record (note: this method should only be called from the ilObjectFactory class) | |
create () | |
create | |
MDUpdateListener ($a_element) | |
Meta data update listener. | |
updateMetaData () | |
update meta data entry | |
deleteMetaData () | |
delete meta data entry | |
updateOwner () | |
update owner of object in db | |
_getIdForImportId ($a_import_id) | |
get current object id for import id (static) | |
_lookupOwner ($a_id) | |
lookup object owner | |
_lookupLastUpdate ($a_id, $a_as_string=false) | |
lookup last update | |
_getLastUpdateOfObjects ($a_objs) | |
Get last update for a set of media objects. | |
_setDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilTree::saveSubTree | |
_resetDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilObjectGUI::insertSavedNodes | |
_lookupDeletedDate ($a_ref_id) | |
only called in ilObjectGUI::insertSavedNodes | |
_writeTitle ($a_obj_id, $a_title) | |
write title to db (static) | |
_writeDescription ($a_obj_id, $a_desc) | |
write description to db (static) | |
_writeImportId ($a_obj_id, $a_import_id) | |
write import id to db (static) | |
_isInTrash ($a_ref_id) | |
checks wether object is in trash | |
_hasUntrashedReference ($a_obj_id) | |
checks wether an object has at least one reference that is not in trash | |
_getObjectsDataForType ($a_type, $a_omit_trash=false) | |
get all objects of a certain type | |
putInTree ($a_parent_ref) | |
maybe this method should be in tree object!? | |
setPermissions ($a_parent_ref) | |
set permissions of object | |
setParentRolePermissions ($a_parent_ref) | |
Initialize the permissions of parent roles (local roles of categories, global roles...) This method is overwritten in e.g courses, groups for building permission intersections with non_member templates. | |
countReferences () | |
count references of object | |
initDefaultRoles () | |
init default roles settings Purpose of this function is to create a local role folder and local roles, that are needed depending on the object type If you want to setup default local roles you MUST overwrite this method in derived object classes (see ilObjForum for an example) public | |
applyDidacticTemplate ($a_tpl_id) | |
Apply template. | |
setRegisterMode ($a_bool) | |
isUserRegistered ($a_user_id=0) | |
requireRegistration () | |
getXMLZip () | |
getHTMLDirectory () | |
cloneObject ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id=0, $a_omit_tree=false) | |
Clone object permissions, put in tree ... | |
appendCopyInfo ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Prepend Copy info if object with same name exists in that container. | |
cloneDependencies ($a_target_id, $a_copy_id) | |
Clone object dependencies. | |
cloneMetaData ($target_obj) | |
Copy meta data. | |
_lookupCreationDate ($a_id) | |
Lookup creation date. |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | validateExternalRaterCode ($a_ref_id, $a_code) |
static | getSurveySkippedValue () |
![]() | |
static | _lookupObjIdByImportId ($a_import_id) |
static | _getAllReferences ($a_id) |
get all reference ids of object | |
static | _lookupTitle ($a_id) |
lookup object title | |
static | _getIdsForTitle ($title, $type= '', $partialmatch=false) |
static | _lookupDescription ($a_id) |
lookup object description | |
static | _lookupObjId ($a_id) |
static | setDeletedDates ($a_ref_ids) |
Set deleted date type $ilDB. | |
static | _lookupType ($a_id, $a_reference=false) |
lookup object type | |
static | _lookupObjectId ($a_ref_id) |
lookup object id | |
static | _exists ($a_id, $a_reference=false, $a_type=null) |
checks if an object exists in object_data | |
static | _getObjectsByType ($a_obj_type="", $a_owner="") |
Get objects by type. | |
static | _prepareCloneSelection ($a_ref_ids, $new_type, $show_path=true) |
Prepare copy wizard object selection. | |
static | _getIcon ($a_obj_id="", $a_size="big", $a_type="", $a_offline=false) |
Get icon for repository item. | |
static | collectDeletionDependencies (&$deps, $a_ref_id, $a_obj_id, $a_type, $a_depth=0) |
Collect deletion dependencies. | |
static | getDeletionDependencies ($a_obj_id) |
Get deletion dependencies. | |
static | getLongDescriptions (array $a_obj_ids) |
Get long description data. | |
static | getAllOwnedRepositoryObjects ($a_user_id) |
Get all ids of objects user owns. | |
static | hasAutoRating ($a_type, $a_ref_id) |
Check if auto rating is active for parent group/course. |
Protected Member Functions | |
getParticipantTextResults ($active_id) | |
checkTutorNotification () | |
getNotificationTargetUserIds ($a_use_invited) | |
sendTutorNotification () | |
sentReminder (array $a_recipient_ids) |
Definition at line 15 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::_addQuestionblock | ( | $title = "" , |
$owner = 0 , |
$show_questiontext = true , |
$show_blocktitle = false |
) |
Adds a questionblock to the database.
string | $title | The questionblock title |
integer | $owner | The database id of the owner |
Definition at line 2189 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, ilObject\$owner, and ilObject\$title.
Referenced by cloneObject().
ilObjSurvey::_getConstraints | ( | $survey_id | ) |
Returns the constraints to a given question or questionblock.
Definition at line 2683 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and $survey_id.
Referenced by cloneObject().
& ilObjSurvey::_getGlobalSurveyData | ( | $obj_id | ) |
Returns an array with data needed in the repository, personal desktop or courses.
Definition at line 575 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $result, and ilObjSurvey().
ilObjSurvey::_getLastAccess | ( | $finished_id | ) |
Definition at line 5259 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
ilObjSurvey::_getNrOfParticipants | ( | $survey_id | ) |
Returns the number of participants for a survey.
integer | $survey_id | The database ID of the survey |
Definition at line 3741 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $survey_id.
Referenced by SurveyQuestion\calculateCumulatedResults(), SurveyTextQuestionGUI\getCumulatedResultsDetails(), SurveyMetricQuestionGUI\getCumulatedResultsDetails(), SurveySingleChoiceQuestionGUI\getCumulatedResultsDetails(), SurveyMultipleChoiceQuestionGUI\getCumulatedResultsDetails(), and SurveyMatrixQuestionGUI\getCumulatedResultsDetails().
ilObjSurvey::_getQuestionblock | ( | $questionblock_id | ) |
Returns the database row for a given question block.
integer | $questionblock_id | The database id of the question block |
Definition at line 2170 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by cloneObject().
ilObjSurvey::_hasDatasets | ( | $survey_id | ) |
Definition at line 3532 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $survey_id.
Referenced by ilSurveySyncTableGUI\importData().
& ilObjSurvey::_instanciateQuestion | ( | $question_id | ) |
Creates an instance of a question with a given question id.
integer | $question_id | The question id |
Definition at line 4108 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References SurveyQuestion\_getQuestionType(), and SurveyQuestion\_includeClass().
Referenced by cloneObject(), ilSurveyEditorGUI\copyQuestionsToPoolObject(), ilSurveyEditorGUI\executeCopyQuestionsToPoolObject(), fillSurveyForUser(), getDetailedParticipantResultsAsText(), getSurveyQuestions(), importObject(), ilSurveyPageGUI\paste(), removeQuestion(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::_isComplete | ( | $obj_id | ) |
Returns 1, if a survey is complete for use.
Definition at line 555 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObjSurvey().
ilObjSurvey::addAppraisee | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
Definition at line 5831 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, getSurveyId(), and isAppraisee().
ilObjSurvey::addConstraint | ( | $if_question_id, | |
$relation, | |||
$value, | |||
$conjunction | |||
) |
Adds a constraint.
integer | $if_question_id | The question id of the question which defines a precondition |
integer | $relation | The database id of the relation |
mixed | $value | The value compared with the relation public |
Definition at line 2732 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB.
ilObjSurvey::addConstraintToQuestion | ( | $to_question_id, | |
$constraint_id | |||
) |
Adds a constraint to a question.
integer | $to_question_id | The question id of the question where to add the constraint |
integer | $constraint_id | The id of the constraint |
Definition at line 2759 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::addMaterialTag | ( | & | $a_xml_writer, |
$a_material, | |||
$close_material_tag = TRUE , |
$add_mobs = TRUE , |
$attribs = NULL |
) |
Creates an XML material tag from a plain text or xhtml text.
object | $a_xml_writer | Reference to the ILIAS XML writer |
string | $a_material | plain text or html text containing the material |
Definition at line 5326 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $mobs, ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilObject\getId(), and isHTML().
Referenced by toXML().
ilObjSurvey::addQuestion | ( | $question_id | ) |
Adds a question to the survey.
integer | $question_id | The question id of the question public |
Definition at line 272 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::addQuestionToBlock | ( | $question_id, | |
$questionblock_id | |||
) |
Definition at line 2069 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, deleteConstraints(), and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::addRater | ( | $a_appraisee_id, | |
$a_user_id, | |||
$a_anonymous_id = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 5922 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, getSurveyId(), isAppraisee(), and isRater().
ilObjSurvey::applySettingsTemplate | ( | $template_id | ) |
Apply settings template.
int | $template_id |
Definition at line 5696 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $template_id, saveToDb(), setAnonymize(), setPoolUsage(), setShowQuestionTitles(), and setTemplate().
ilObjSurvey::bindSurveyCodeToUser | ( | $user_id, | |
$code | |||
) |
Definition at line 4727 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and checkSurveyCode().
ilObjSurvey::canExportSurveyCode | ( | ) |
Checks if the survey code can be exported with the survey evaluation.
In some cases this may be necessary but usually you should prevent it because people who sent the survey codes could connect real people with the survey code in the evaluation and undermine the anonymity
Definition at line 5372 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References getAnonymize().
ilObjSurvey::canStartSurvey | ( | $anonymous_id = NULL , |
$a_no_rbac = false |
) |
Checks if the survey can be started.
Definition at line 1501 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $messages, $result, ilDatePresentation\formatDate(), getEndDate(), getStartDate(), getStatus(), IL_CAL_TIMESTAMP, and STATUS_OFFLINE.
ilObjSurvey::checkConstraint | ( | $constraint_data, | |
$working_data | |||
) |
Checks if a constraint is valid.
array | $constraint_data | The database row containing the constraint data |
array | $working_data | The user input of the related question |
Definition at line 3464 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::checkReminder | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6527 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $row, getEndDate(), ilObject\getId(), ilObjectActivation\getItem(), getNotificationTargetUserIds(), ilObject\getRefId(), getReminderEnd(), getReminderFrequency(), getReminderLastSent(), getReminderStart(), getReminderStatus(), getReminderTarget(), getStartDate(), IL_CAL_DATE, IL_CAL_DAY, isOffline(), saveToDb(), sentReminder(), setReminderLastSent(), and ilObjectActivation\TIMINGS_ACTIVATION.
ilObjSurvey::checkSurveyCode | ( | $code | ) |
Definition at line 4755 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References isAnonymousKey(), and isSurveyStarted().
Referenced by bindSurveyCodeToUser().
protected |
Definition at line 6445 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $row, getNotificationTargetUserIds(), getTutorNotificationStatus(), getTutorNotificationTarget(), and sendTutorNotification().
Referenced by finishSurvey().
ilObjSurvey::cleanupMediaobjectUsage | ( | ) |
Cleans up the media objects for all text fields in a test which are using an RTE field.
Definition at line 722 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilRTE\_cleanupMediaObjectUsage(), getAllRTEContent(), ilObject\getId(), and ilObject\getType().
ilObjSurvey::cloneObject | ( | $a_target_id, | |
$a_copy_id = 0 |
) |
Clone object.
int | ref_id of target container |
int | copy id |
Definition at line 4336 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, _addQuestionblock(), _getConstraints(), ilCopyWizardOptions\_getInstance(), SurveyQuestion\_getOriginalId(), _getQuestionblock(), _instanciateQuestion(), ilObject\cloneMetaData(), get360Mode(), get360Results(), get360SelfAppraisee(), get360SelfEvaluation(), get360SelfRaters(), get360SkillService(), getAnonymize(), getAuthor(), getEndDate(), getEvaluationAccess(), getIntroduction(), getInvitation(), getInvitationMode(), getOutro(), getPoolUsage(), getReminderEnd(), getReminderFrequency(), getReminderStart(), getReminderStatus(), getReminderTarget(), getShowQuestionTitles(), getStartDate(), getSurveyId(), getTemplate(), getTutorNotificationRecipients(), getTutorNotificationStatus(), getTutorNotificationTarget(), hasMailOwnResults(), hasViewOwnResults(), isOnline(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::cloneTextblocks | ( | $mapping | ) |
Clones the textblocks of survey questions.
Definition at line 4532 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObjAdvancedEditing\_getUsedHTMLTagsAsString(), getTextblock(), saveHeading(), and ilUtil\stripSlashes().
ilObjSurvey::closeAppraisee | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
Definition at line 6291 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, get360SkillService(), and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::create | ( | $a_upload = false | ) |
create survey object
Definition at line 208 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObject\create(), and createMetaData().
ilObjSurvey::createExportDirectory | ( | ) |
creates data directory for export files (data_dir/svy_data/svy_<id>/export, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini)
Definition at line 4547 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilUtil\getDataDir(), ilObject\getId(), and ilUtil\makeDir().
ilObjSurvey::createImportDirectory | ( | ) |
creates data directory for import files (data_dir/svy_data/svy_<id>/import, depending on data directory that is set in ILIAS setup/ini)
Definition at line 4626 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilUtil\getDataDir(), ilObject\getId(), and ilUtil\makeDir().
ilObjSurvey::createMetaData | ( | ) |
Create meta data entry.
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 222 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References saveAuthorToMetadata().
Referenced by create().
ilObjSurvey::createNewAccessCode | ( | ) |
Returns a new, unused survey access code.
Definition at line 5192 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References isSurveyCodeUnique().
Referenced by createSurveyCodes(), createSurveyCodesForExternalData(), fillSurveyForUser(), and getUserSurveyExecutionStatus().
ilObjSurvey::createQuestionblock | ( | $title, | |
$show_questiontext, | |||
$show_blocktitle, | |||
$questions | |||
) |
Creates a question block for the survey.
string | $title | The title of the question block |
array | $questions | An array with the database id's of the question block questions public |
Definition at line 2209 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $ilUser, $questions, ilObject\$title, deleteConstraints(), getSurveyId(), and moveQuestions().
Referenced by insertQuestionblock().
ilObjSurvey::createReference | ( | ) |
creates reference for object
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 248 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $result, and saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::createSurveyCodes | ( | $nrOfCodes | ) |
Definition at line 4968 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $res, createNewAccessCode(), and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::createSurveyCodesForExternalData | ( | $data | ) |
Definition at line 5000 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, createNewAccessCode(), and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::delete | ( | ) |
delete object and all related data
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 284 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilUtil\delDir(), ilObject\deleteMetaData(), deleteSurveyRecord(), getImportDirectory(), and removeQuestion().
ilObjSurvey::deleteAllUserData | ( | ) |
Deletes all user data of a survey.
Definition at line 373 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by deleteSurveyRecord().
ilObjSurvey::deleteAppraisee | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
Definition at line 5869 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $row, deleteRater(), and get360SelfEvaluation().
ilObjSurvey::deleteConstraint | ( | $constraint_id | ) |
Deletes a constraint of a question.
integer | $constraint_id | The database id of the constraint |
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question public |
Definition at line 2289 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB.
Referenced by deleteConstraints(), and moveQuestions().
ilObjSurvey::deleteConstraints | ( | $question_id | ) |
Deletes the constraints for a question.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question public |
Definition at line 2264 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, deleteConstraint(), and getSurveyId().
Referenced by addQuestionToBlock(), and createQuestionblock().
ilObjSurvey::deleteRater | ( | $a_appraisee_id, | |
$a_user_id, | |||
$a_anonymous_id = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 5966 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, getFinishedIdForAppraiseeIdAndRaterId(), and removeSelectedSurveyResults().
Referenced by deleteAppraisee().
ilObjSurvey::deleteSurveyCode | ( | $survey_code | ) |
Deletes a given survey access code.
string | $survey_code | The survey code that should be deleted |
Definition at line 5132 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::deleteSurveyRecord | ( | ) |
Deletes the survey from the database.
Definition at line 311 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $mobs, $result, $row, ilObjMediaObject\_getMobsOfObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_removeUsage(), ilUtil\delDir(), deleteAllUserData(), ilUtil\getDataDir(), ilObject\getId(), and getSurveyId().
Referenced by delete().
ilObjSurvey::deleteUserSettings | ( | $id | ) |
Definition at line 748 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObject\$id, and $ilDB.
ilObjSurvey::deleteWorkingData | ( | $question_id, | |
$active_id | |||
) |
Deletes the working data of a question in the database.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
integer | $active_id | The active id of the user who worked through the question public |
Definition at line 2987 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB.
ilObjSurvey::deliverPDFfromFO | ( | $fo | ) |
Delivers a PDF file from a XSL-FO string.
string | $fo | The XSL-FO string public |
Definition at line 5445 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilLog, ilUtil\deliverData(), ilRpcClientFactory\factory(), ilUtil\getASCIIFilename(), and ilUtil\ilTempnam().
ilObjSurvey::disinviteAllUsers | ( | ) |
Disinvite all users.
Definition at line 2843 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, disinviteUser(), and getSurveyId().
Referenced by setInvitation().
ilObjSurvey::disinviteUser | ( | $user_id | ) |
Disinvites a user from a survey.
integer | $user_id | The database id of the disinvited user |
Definition at line 2861 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, ilObjUser\_dropDesktopItem(), ilObject\getRefId(), and getSurveyId().
Referenced by disinviteAllUsers().
ilObjSurvey::duplicateQuestionForSurvey | ( | $question_id, | |
$a_force = false |
) |
Takes a question and creates a copy of the question for use in the survey.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
Definition at line 622 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilUser, ilObject\getId(), getQuestionGUI(), and getQuestionType().
Referenced by insertQuestion(), and insertQuestionblock().
ilObjSurvey::fillSurveyForUser | ( | $user_id = ANONYMOUS_USER_ID | ) |
Fills a survey randomly with data for a given user.
integer | $user_id | The database id of the user. If empty an anonymous user will be taken public |
Definition at line 3033 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, _instanciateQuestion(), createNewAccessCode(), getSurveyId(), getSurveyPages(), and saveUserAccessCode().
ilObjSurvey::findCodeForUser | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
Definition at line 6180 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB.
ilObjSurvey::finishSurvey | ( | $finished_id | ) |
Finishes the survey creating an entry in the database.
integer | $user_id | The database id of the user who finishes the survey public |
Definition at line 3094 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, checkTutorNotification(), and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::get360Mode | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5786 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $mode_360.
Referenced by cloneObject(), getUserDataFromActiveId(), getUserSurveyExecutionStatus(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::get360Results | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5826 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $mode_360_results.
Referenced by cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::get360SelfAppraisee | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5806 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $mode_360_self_appr.
Referenced by cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::get360SelfEvaluation | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5796 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $mode_360_self_eval.
Referenced by cloneObject(), deleteAppraisee(), getAppraiseesToRate(), isRater(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::get360SelfRaters | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5816 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $mode_360_self_rate.
Referenced by cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::get360SkillService | ( | ) |
Get skill service.
Definition at line 6269 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $mode_360_skill_service.
Referenced by cloneObject(), closeAppraisee(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::getActivationEndDate | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6665 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getActivationStartDate | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6660 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getActivationVisibility | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1685 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $activation_visibility.
Referenced by saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getActiveID | ( | $user_id, | |
$anonymize_id, | |||
$appr_id | |||
) |
Checks if a user already started a survey.
integer | $user_id | The database id of the user |
Definition at line 3358 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by sendNotificationMail().
ilObjSurvey::getAllRelations | ( | $short_as_key = false | ) |
Returns all available relations.
Definition at line 2809 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and ilUtil\sortArray().
ilObjSurvey::getAllRTEContent | ( | ) |
Returns the content of all RTE enabled text areas in the test.
Definition at line 709 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $result, getIntroduction(), and getOutro().
Referenced by cleanupMediaobjectUsage().
ilObjSurvey::getAnonymize | ( | ) |
get anonymize status
Definition at line 1058 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by canExportSurveyCode(), cloneObject(), getUserSurveyExecutionStatus(), hasAnonymizedResults(), isAccessibleWithoutCode(), saveToDb(), startSurvey(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::getAnonymousId | ( | $id | ) |
Checks for an anomyous survey id in the database an returns the id.
string | $id | A survey access code |
Definition at line 966 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObject\$id, $ilDB, $result, and $row.
ilObjSurvey::getAnonymousIdByCode | ( | $a_code | ) |
Definition at line 6074 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::getAppraiseesData | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5892 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $res, $row, ilObjUser\_lookupEmail(), ilObjUser\_lookupName(), and getRatersData().
ilObjSurvey::getAppraiseesToRate | ( | $a_user_id, | |
$a_anonymous_id = null |
) |
Definition at line 6039 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $res, $row, get360SelfEvaluation(), getSurveyId(), and isAppraisee().
ilObjSurvey::getAuthor | ( | ) |
Gets the authors name of the ilObjSurvey object.
Definition at line 1240 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $author, ilObject\$id, ilObject\getId(), and ilObject\getType().
Referenced by cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
& ilObjSurvey::getAvailableQuestionpools | ( | $use_obj_id = false , |
$could_be_offline = false , |
$showPath = FALSE , |
$permission = "read" |
) |
Returns the available question pools for the active user.
Definition at line 2618 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObjSurveyQuestionPool\_getAvailableQuestionpools().
Referenced by getQuestionsTable().
ilObjSurvey::getConstraints | ( | $question_id | ) |
Returns the constraints to a given question or questionblock.
Definition at line 2653 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, SurveyQuestion\_getQuestionType(), SurveyQuestion\_includeClass(), and getSurveyId().
Referenced by getSurveyPages(), getSurveyQuestions(), SurveyConstraintsTableGUI\initItems(), and moveQuestions().
ilObjSurvey::getCumulatedResults | ( | & | $question, |
$finished_ids | |||
) |
Calculates the evaluation data for a question.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
integer | $user_id | The database id of the user |
Definition at line 3713 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by getDetailedParticipantResultsAsText().
ilObjSurvey::getDetailedParticipantResultsAsText | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3218 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $questions, _instanciateQuestion(), getCumulatedResults(), and getSurveyQuestions().
ilObjSurvey::getEndDate | ( | ) |
Gets the end date of the survey.
Definition at line 1613 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by canStartSurvey(), checkReminder(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::getEvaluationAccess | ( | ) |
Gets the learners evaluation access.
Definition at line 1663 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
& ilObjSurvey::getEvaluationByUser | ( | $questions, | |
$active_id | |||
) |
Calculates the evaluation data for a given user or anonymous id.
array | $questions | An array containing all relevant information on the survey's questions |
integer | $user_id | The database id of the user |
string | $anonymous_id | The unique anonymous id for an anonymous survey |
Definition at line 3663 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $questions, $result, $row, and getUserDataFromActiveId().
& ilObjSurvey::getExistingQuestions | ( | ) |
Gets the question id's of the questions which are already in the survey.
Definition at line 1730 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by getQuestionsTable().
ilObjSurvey::getExportDirectory | ( | ) |
get export directory of survey
Definition at line 4577 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilUtil\getDataDir().
ilObjSurvey::getExportFiles | ( | $dir | ) |
get export files
Definition at line 4588 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $file.
ilObjSurvey::getExternalCodeRecipients | ( | $a_check_finished = false | ) |
Definition at line 5093 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $res, $result, $row, getSurveyId(), and isSurveyCodeUsed().
Referenced by sendCodes().
ilObjSurvey::getFinishedIdForAppraiseeIdAndRaterId | ( | $a_appr_id, | |
$a_rat_id | |||
) |
Get finished id for an appraisee and a rater.
int | $a_appraisee_id | appraisee id |
int | $a_rater_id | rater id |
Definition at line 6239 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by deleteRater().
ilObjSurvey::getFinishedIdsForAppraiseeId | ( | $a_appr_id, | |
$a_exclude_appraisee = false |
) |
Definition at line 6211 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
& ilObjSurvey::getGroupData | ( | $ids | ) |
Definition at line 5530 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObject\$ref_id, $result, ilObject\_lookupDescription(), ilObject\_lookupObjId(), and ilObject\_lookupTitle().
ilObjSurvey::getImportDirectory | ( | ) |
get import directory of survey
Definition at line 4658 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilUtil\getDataDir(), and ilUtil\makeDirParents().
Referenced by delete(), and importObject().
ilObjSurvey::getIntroduction | ( | ) |
Gets the introduction text.
Definition at line 1707 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), getAllRTEContent(), importObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::getInvitation | ( | ) |
Gets the invitation status.
Definition at line 1397 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), inviteGroup(), inviteRole(), inviteUser(), and saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getInvitationMode | ( | ) |
Gets the invitation mode.
Definition at line 1409 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and setInvitation().
& ilObjSurvey::getInvitedUsers | ( | ) |
Returns a list of all invited users in a survey.
Definition at line 2964 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by getNotificationTargetUserIds().
ilObjSurvey::getLastActivePage | ( | $active_id | ) |
Returns the question id of the last active page a user visited in a survey.
integer | $active_id | The active id of the user |
Definition at line 3438 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::getMailAddresses | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5563 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $mailaddresses.
Referenced by saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getMailNotification | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5553 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $mailnotification.
Referenced by saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getMailParticipantData | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5573 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $mailparticipantdata.
Referenced by saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getNextPage | ( | $active_page_question_id, | |
$direction | |||
) |
Returns the next "page" of a running test.
integer | $active_page_question_id | The database id of one of the questions on that page |
integer | $direction | The direction of the next page (-1 = previous page, 1 = next page) |
Definition at line 2575 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References getSurveyPages().
protected |
Definition at line 6467 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObject\_lookupObjId(), getInvitedUsers(), and ilObject\getRefId().
Referenced by checkReminder(), and checkTutorNotification().
& ilObjSurvey::getObligatoryStates | ( | ) |
Gets specific obligatory states of the survey.
Definition at line 2454 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by getSurveyPages(), getSurveyQuestions(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::getOutro | ( | ) |
Gets the outro text.
Definition at line 1719 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), getAllRTEContent(), importObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
protected |
Definition at line 3192 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $questions, getSurveyQuestions(), getSurveySkippedValue(), and getUserSpecificResults().
Referenced by sendNotificationMail().
ilObjSurvey::getPoolUsage | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5658 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $pool_usage.
Referenced by cloneObject(), isPoolActive(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::getPrecondition | ( | $id | ) |
Returns a precondition with a given id.
Definition at line 2629 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObject\$id, $ilDB, and $result.
ilObjSurvey::getQuestionblock | ( | $questionblock_id | ) |
Returns the database row for a given question block.
integer | $questionblock_id | The database id of the question block |
Definition at line 2153 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
& ilObjSurvey::getQuestionblockQuestionIds | ( | $questionblock_id | ) |
Returns the question id's of all questions of a question block.
Definition at line 2128 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
& ilObjSurvey::getQuestionblockQuestions | ( | $questionblock_id | ) |
Returns the question titles of all questions of a question block.
Definition at line 2090 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and $survey_id.
Referenced by getQuestionblocksTable().
ilObjSurvey::getQuestionblocksTable | ( | $arrFilter | ) |
Calculates the data for the output of the questionblock browser.
Definition at line 3856 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $ilUser, $row, $survey_id, ilUtil\_getObjectsByOperations(), ilObject\_lookupObjId(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), and getQuestionblockQuestions().
ilObjSurvey::getQuestionGUI | ( | $questiontype, | |
$question_id | |||
) |
Returns a question gui object to a given questiontype and question id.
Definition at line 990 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References SurveyQuestionGUI\_getQuestionGUI().
Referenced by duplicateQuestionForSurvey().
& ilObjSurvey::getQuestionpoolTitles | ( | $could_be_offline = FALSE , |
$showPath = FALSE |
) |
Get the titles of all available survey question pools.
Definition at line 1755 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObjSurveyQuestionPool\_getAvailableQuestionpools().
& ilObjSurvey::getQuestions | ( | $question_ids | ) |
Definition at line 3752 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
ilObjSurvey::getQuestionsTable | ( | $arrFilter | ) |
Calculates the data for the output of the question browser.
Definition at line 3772 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $ilUser, $row, ilObjSurveyQuestionPool\_getQuestionTypeTranslations(), getAvailableQuestionpools(), getExistingQuestions(), and isPluginActive().
ilObjSurvey::getQuestionType | ( | $question_id | ) |
Returns the question type of a question with a given id.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
Definition at line 1003 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and $result.
Referenced by duplicateQuestionForSurvey().
ilObjSurvey::getRatersData | ( | $a_appraisee_id | ) |
Definition at line 5983 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $res, $row, ilObjUser\_lookupEmail(), ilObjUser\_lookupName(), getSurveyCodesTableData(), and is360SurveyStarted().
Referenced by getAppraiseesData().
ilObjSurvey::getReminderEnd | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6375 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $reminder_end.
Referenced by checkReminder(), cloneObject(), and saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getReminderFrequency | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6385 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $reminder_frequency.
Referenced by checkReminder(), cloneObject(), and saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getReminderLastSent | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6405 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $reminder_last_sent.
Referenced by checkReminder(), and saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getReminderStart | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6365 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $reminder_start.
Referenced by checkReminder(), cloneObject(), and saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getReminderStatus | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6355 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $reminder_status.
Referenced by checkReminder(), cloneObject(), and saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getReminderTarget | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6395 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $reminder_target.
Referenced by checkReminder(), cloneObject(), and saveToDb().
& ilObjSurvey::getRoleData | ( | $ids | ) |
Definition at line 5542 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $result, ilObject\_lookupDescription(), and ilObject\_lookupTitle().
ilObjSurvey::getShowQuestionTitles | ( | ) |
Gets the status of the display_question_titles attribute.
Definition at line 1272 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::getStartDate | ( | ) |
Gets the start date of the survey.
Definition at line 1490 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by canStartSurvey(), checkReminder(), cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::getStatus | ( | ) |
Gets the survey status.
Definition at line 1431 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by canStartSurvey(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::getSurveyCodesCount | ( | ) |
Returns the number of generated survey codes for the survey.
Definition at line 4780 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::getSurveyCodesForExport | ( | array | $a_codes = null , |
array | $a_ids = null |
) |
Returns a list of survey codes for file export.
array | $a_array | An array of all survey codes that should be exported |
Definition at line 4798 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $ilUser, ilObject\$lng, $result, $row, ilLink\_getLink(), ilObject\getRefId(), getSurveyId(), IL_CAL_DATETIME, IL_CAL_UNIX, and isSurveyCodeUsed().
ilObjSurvey::getSurveyCodesTableData | ( | array | $ids = null , |
$lang = null |
) |
Fetches the data for the survey codes table.
string | $lang | Language for the survey code URL |
Definition at line 4880 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $lang, $result, $row, ilLink\_getLink(), ilObject\getRefId(), getSurveyId(), and isSurveyCodeUsed().
Referenced by getRatersData().
& ilObjSurvey::getSurveyFinishedIds | ( | ) |
Get the finished id's of all survey participants.
Definition at line 3549 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $ilLog, $result, $row, and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::getSurveyId | ( | ) |
Returns the survey database id.
Definition at line 1029 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $survey_id.
Referenced by addAppraisee(), addConstraintToQuestion(), addQuestionToBlock(), addRater(), cloneObject(), closeAppraisee(), createQuestionblock(), createSurveyCodes(), createSurveyCodesForExternalData(), deleteAllUserData(), deleteConstraints(), deleteSurveyCode(), deleteSurveyRecord(), disinviteAllUsers(), disinviteUser(), fillSurveyForUser(), finishSurvey(), getActiveID(), getAppraiseesToRate(), getConstraints(), getCumulatedResults(), getExistingQuestions(), getExternalCodeRecipients(), getInvitedUsers(), getObligatoryStates(), getSurveyCodesCount(), getSurveyCodesForExport(), getSurveyCodesTableData(), getSurveyFinishedIds(), getSurveyPages(), getSurveyParticipants(), getSurveyQuestions(), getUserAccessCode(), getUserSpecificResults(), getUserSurveyCode(), getUserSurveyExecutionStatus(), importSurveyCode(), insertQuestion(), inviteUser(), is360SurveyStarted(), isAnonymizedParticipant(), isAnonymousKey(), isRater(), isSurveyCodeUnique(), isSurveyCodeUsed(), isSurveyStarted(), loadQuestionsFromDb(), openAllAppraisees(), removeConstraintsConcerningQuestion(), removeQuestionFromBlock(), removeQuestions(), saveCompletionStatus(), saveHeading(), saveQuestionsToDb(), saveToDb(), saveUserAccessCode(), sendCodes(), set360RaterSent(), setObligatoryStates(), startSurvey(), toXML(), and unfoldQuestionblocks().
& ilObjSurvey::getSurveyPages | ( | ) |
Returns the survey pages in an array (a page contains one or more questions)
Definition at line 2477 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, getConstraints(), getObligatoryStates(), and getSurveyId().
Referenced by fillSurveyForUser(), getNextPage(), moveDownQuestion(), moveDownQuestionblock(), moveUpQuestion(), moveUpQuestionblock(), and toXML().
& ilObjSurvey::getSurveyParticipants | ( | $finished_ids = null | ) |
Definition at line 439 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, getSurveyId(), and getUserDataFromActiveId().
& ilObjSurvey::getSurveyQuestions | ( | $with_answers = false | ) |
Returns the survey questions and questionblocks in an array.
Definition at line 2307 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, _instanciateQuestion(), getConstraints(), getObligatoryStates(), getSurveyId(), and isPluginActive().
Referenced by getDetailedParticipantResultsAsText(), getParticipantTextResults(), getUserSpecificResults(), SurveyConstraintsTableGUI\initItems(), moveDownQuestion(), moveUpQuestion(), and removeQuestions().
static |
Definition at line 6690 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObject\$lng.
Referenced by ilSurveyEvaluationGUI\evaluationuser(), getParticipantTextResults(), and SurveyQuestion\getSkippedValue().
ilObjSurvey::getSurveyTimes | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5583 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and ilObject\getId().
ilObjSurvey::getTemplate | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5644 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $template_id.
Referenced by cloneObject(), isPoolActive(), and saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getTextblock | ( | $question_id | ) |
Definition at line 4509 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by cloneTextblocks().
ilObjSurvey::getTutorNotificationRecipients | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6425 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $tutor_ntf_recipients.
Referenced by cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and sendTutorNotification().
ilObjSurvey::getTutorNotificationStatus | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6415 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $tutor_ntf_status.
Referenced by checkTutorNotification(), cloneObject(), and saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getTutorNotificationTarget | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6435 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $tutor_ntf_target.
Referenced by checkTutorNotification(), cloneObject(), and saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::getUserAccessCode | ( | $user_id | ) |
Returns a survey access code that was saved for a registered user.
int | $user_id | The database id of the user |
Definition at line 5151 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getSurveyId().
& ilObjSurvey::getUserData | ( | $ids | ) |
Returns a data of all users specified by id list.
$ids | array of user id's |
Definition at line 5515 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::getUserDataFromActiveId | ( | $active_id | ) |
Returns the user information from an active_id (survey_finished.finished_id)
integer | $active_id | The active id of the user |
Definition at line 3600 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $_GET, $ilDB, $result, $row, ilObjUser\_lookupLogin(), get360Mode(), and hasAnonymizedResults().
Referenced by getEvaluationByUser(), and getSurveyParticipants().
ilObjSurvey::getUserSettings | ( | $usr_id, | |
$key | |||
) |
Definition at line 759 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
& ilObjSurvey::getUserSpecificResults | ( | $finished_ids | ) |
Calculates the evaluation data for the user specific results.
Definition at line 3574 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $questions, SurveyQuestion\_getQuestionType(), SurveyQuestion\_includeClass(), getSurveyId(), and getSurveyQuestions().
Referenced by getParticipantTextResults().
ilObjSurvey::getUserSurveyCode | ( | $user_id | ) |
Definition at line 4707 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, getSurveyId(), isAccessibleWithoutCode(), and isAllowedToTakeMultipleSurveys().
ilObjSurvey::getUserSurveyExecutionStatus | ( | $a_code = null | ) |
Definition at line 6112 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $ilUser, $res, $row, createNewAccessCode(), get360Mode(), getAnonymize(), getSurveyId(), isAccessibleWithoutCode(), isRater(), and saveUserAccessCode().
& ilObjSurvey::getVariables | ( | $question_id | ) |
Returns all variables of a question.
Definition at line 2706 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
ilObjSurvey::getWorkingtimeForParticipant | ( | $finished_id | ) |
ilObjSurvey::hasAnonymizedResults | ( | ) |
Checks if the survey results are to be anonymized.
Definition at line 1079 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References getAnonymize().
Referenced by getUserDataFromActiveId(), and sendNotificationMail().
ilObjSurvey::hasMailOwnResults | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6685 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $mail_own_results.
Referenced by cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::hasViewOwnResults | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6675 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $view_own_results.
Referenced by cloneObject(), saveToDb(), and toXML().
ilObjSurvey::hideQuestionTitles | ( | ) |
Sets the question titles hidden during the query.
Definition at line 1305 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::ilObjSurvey | ( | $a_id = 0 , |
$a_call_by_reference = true |
) |
Constructor public.
integer | reference_id or object_id |
boolean | treat the id as reference_id (true) or object_id (false) |
Definition at line 182 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by _getGlobalSurveyData(), and _isComplete().
ilObjSurvey::importObject | ( | $file_info, | |
$svy_qpl_id | |||
) |
Imports a survey from XML into the ILIAS database.
Definition at line 4178 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $_SESSION, $ilLog, $result, _instanciateQuestion(), ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilObjMediaObject\_saveTempFileAsMediaObject(), ilObjMediaObject\_saveUsage(), ilUtil\delDir(), ilObject\getId(), getImportDirectory(), getIntroduction(), getOutro(), locateImportFiles(), ilUtil\moveUploadedFile(), saveToDb(), setIntroduction(), setOutro(), and ilUtil\unzip().
ilObjSurvey::importSurveyCode | ( | $a_anonymize_key, | |
$a_created, | |||
$a_data | |||
) |
Definition at line 4988 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::insertQuestion | ( | $question_id | ) |
Inserts a question in the survey and saves the relation to the database.
Definition at line 644 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, SurveyQuestion\_isComplete(), duplicateQuestionForSurvey(), getSurveyId(), and loadQuestionsFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::insertQuestionblock | ( | $questionblock_id | ) |
Inserts a questionblock in the survey and saves the relation to the database.
Definition at line 678 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $questions, $result, $row, ilObject\$title, createQuestionblock(), and duplicateQuestionForSurvey().
ilObjSurvey::inviteGroup | ( | $group_id | ) |
Invites a group to a survey.
integer | $group_id | The database id of the invited group public |
Definition at line 2909 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObjUser\_addDesktopItem(), ilObject\getId(), getInvitation(), ilObject\getRefId(), INVITATION_ON, and inviteUser().
ilObjSurvey::inviteRole | ( | $role_id | ) |
Invites a role to a survey.
integer | $role_id | The database id of the invited role public |
Definition at line 2937 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObjUser\_addDesktopItem(), ilObject\getId(), getInvitation(), ilObject\getRefId(), INVITATION_ON, and inviteUser().
ilObjSurvey::inviteUser | ( | $user_id | ) |
Invites a user to a survey.
integer | $user_id | The database id of the invited user public |
Definition at line 2879 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, ilObjUser\_addDesktopItem(), getInvitation(), ilObject\getRefId(), getSurveyId(), and INVITATION_ON.
Referenced by inviteGroup(), inviteRole(), and setInvitation().
ilObjSurvey::is360SurveyStarted | ( | $appr_id, | |
$user_id, | |||
$anonymous_code = null |
) |
Definition at line 6085 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by getRatersData().
ilObjSurvey::isAccessibleWithoutCode | ( | ) |
Checks if the survey is accessable without a survey code.
Definition at line 1068 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References getAnonymize().
Referenced by getUserSurveyCode(), and getUserSurveyExecutionStatus().
ilObjSurvey::isActivationLimited | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1690 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::isAllowedToTakeMultipleSurveys | ( | $userid = "" | ) |
Checks if a user is allowed to take multiple survey.
int | $userid | user id of the user |
Definition at line 3239 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getUserSurveyCode().
ilObjSurvey::isAnonymizedParticipant | ( | $key | ) |
Definition at line 4744 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::isAnonymousKey | ( | $key | ) |
Definition at line 4696 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by checkSurveyCode().
ilObjSurvey::isAppraisee | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
Definition at line 5846 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB.
Referenced by addAppraisee(), addRater(), getAppraiseesToRate(), and isRater().
ilObjSurvey::isAppraiseeClosed | ( | $a_user_id | ) |
Definition at line 5857 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::isComplete | ( | ) |
Returns 1, if a survey is complete for use.
Definition at line 537 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObject\getTitle().
Referenced by saveCompletionStatus(), and saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::isHTML | ( | $a_text | ) |
Checks if a given string contains HTML or not.
string | $a_text | Text which should be checked |
Definition at line 5306 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by addMaterialTag().
ilObjSurvey::isOffline | ( | ) |
Gets the survey status.
Definition at line 1455 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by checkReminder().
ilObjSurvey::isOnline | ( | ) |
Gets the survey status.
Definition at line 1443 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by cloneObject().
ilObjSurvey::isPluginActive | ( | $a_pname | ) |
Checks whether or not a question plugin with a given name is active.
string | $a_pname | The plugin name public |
Definition at line 5486 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References IL_COMP_MODULE.
Referenced by getQuestionsTable(), and getSurveyQuestions().
ilObjSurvey::isPoolActive | ( | ) |
Get current pool status.
Definition at line 5673 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References getPoolUsage(), and getTemplate().
ilObjSurvey::isRater | ( | $a_appraisee_id, | |
$a_user_id, | |||
$a_anonymous_id = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 5939 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, get360SelfEvaluation(), getSurveyId(), and isAppraisee().
Referenced by addRater(), and getUserSurveyExecutionStatus().
ilObjSurvey::isSurveyCodeUnique | ( | $code | ) |
Definition at line 4958 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by createNewAccessCode().
ilObjSurvey::isSurveyCodeUsed | ( | $code | ) |
Definition at line 4948 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by getExternalCodeRecipients(), getSurveyCodesForExport(), and getSurveyCodesTableData().
ilObjSurvey::isSurveyStarted | ( | $user_id, | |
$anonymize_id, | |||
$appr_id = 0 |
) |
Checks if a user already started a survey.
integer | $user_id | The database id of the user |
Definition at line 3275 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $_SESSION, $ilDB, $result, $row, ilObject\getId(), and getSurveyId().
Referenced by checkSurveyCode().
ilObjSurvey::isUnusedCode | ( | $a_code, | |
$a_user_id | |||
) |
Definition at line 6194 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB.
ilObjSurvey::loadFromDb | ( | ) |
Loads a survey object from a database.
Definition at line 1090 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), ilObject\getId(), ilObjectActivation\getItem(), IL_CAL_DATE, loadQuestionsFromDb(), set360Mode(), set360Results(), set360SelfAppraisee(), set360SelfEvaluation(), set360SelfRaters(), set360SkillService(), setActivationEndDate(), setActivationLimited(), setActivationStartDate(), setActivationVisibility(), setAnonymize(), setAuthor(), setEndDate(), setEvaluationAccess(), setIntroduction(), setInvitation(), setInvitationMode(), setMailAddresses(), setMailNotification(), setMailOwnResults(), setMailParticipantData(), setOutro(), setPoolUsage(), setReminderEnd(), setReminderFrequency(), setReminderLastSent(), setReminderStart(), setReminderStatus(), setReminderTarget(), setShowQuestionTitles(), setStartDate(), setStatus(), setSurveyId(), setTemplate(), setTutorNotificationRecipients(), setTutorNotificationStatus(), setTutorNotificationTarget(), setViewOwnResults(), and ilObjectActivation\TIMINGS_ACTIVATION.
Referenced by cloneObject(), and read().
ilObjSurvey::loadQuestionsFromDb | ( | ) |
Loads the survey questions from the database.
Definition at line 1175 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by insertQuestion(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::loadWorkingData | ( | $question_id, | |
$active_id | |||
) |
Gets the working data of question from the database.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question |
integer | $active_id | The active id of the user who worked through the question |
Definition at line 3005 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
ilObjSurvey::locateImportFiles | ( | $a_dir | ) |
Locates the import directory and the xml file in a directory with an unzipped import file.
Definition at line 4126 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $file.
Referenced by importObject().
ilObjSurvey::modifyQuestionblock | ( | $questionblock_id, | |
$title, | |||
$show_questiontext, | |||
$show_blocktitle | |||
) |
Modifies a question block.
integer | $questionblock_id | The database id of the question block |
string | $title | The title of the question block public |
Definition at line 2248 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and ilObject\$title.
ilObjSurvey::moveDownQuestion | ( | $question_id | ) |
Moves a question down in the list of survey questions.
integer | $question_id | The question id of the question which has to be moved down |
Definition at line 1801 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $questions, getSurveyPages(), getSurveyQuestions(), and moveQuestions().
ilObjSurvey::moveDownQuestionblock | ( | $questionblock_id | ) |
Moves a questionblock down in the list of survey questions.
integer | $questionblock_id | The questionblock id of the questionblock which has to be moved down public |
Definition at line 1864 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References getSurveyPages(), and moveQuestions().
ilObjSurvey::moveQuestions | ( | $move_questions, | |
$target_index, | |||
$insert_mode | |||
) |
Move questions and/or questionblocks to another position.
array | $move_questions | An array with the question id's of the questions to move |
integer | $target_index | The question id of the target position |
integer | $insert_mode | 0, if insert before the target position, 1 if insert after the target position public |
Definition at line 1894 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References deleteConstraint(), getConstraints(), and saveQuestionsToDb().
Referenced by createQuestionblock(), moveDownQuestion(), moveDownQuestionblock(), moveUpQuestion(), and moveUpQuestionblock().
ilObjSurvey::moveUpQuestion | ( | $question_id | ) |
Moves a question up in the list of survey questions.
integer | $question_id | The question id of the question which has to be moved up public |
Definition at line 1767 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $questions, getSurveyPages(), getSurveyQuestions(), and moveQuestions().
ilObjSurvey::moveUpQuestionblock | ( | $questionblock_id | ) |
Moves a questionblock up in the list of survey questions.
integer | $questionblock_id | The questionblock id of the questionblock which has to be moved up public |
Definition at line 1836 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References getSurveyPages(), and moveQuestions().
ilObjSurvey::notify | ( | $a_event, | |
$a_ref_id, | |||
$a_parent_non_rbac_id, | |||
$a_node_id, | |||
$a_params = 0 |
) |
notifys an object about an event occured Based on the event happend, each object may decide how it reacts.
If you are not required to handle any events related to your module, just delete this method. (For an example how this method is used, look at ilObjGroup)
string | event |
integer | reference id of object where the event occured |
array | passes optional parameters if required |
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 478 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $_GET, and ilObject\getType().
ilObjSurvey::openAllAppraisees | ( | ) |
Definition at line 6312 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::prepareTextareaOutput | ( | $txt_output | ) |
Prepares a string for a text area output in surveys.
string | $txt_output | String which should be prepared for output public |
Definition at line 5293 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
& ilObjSurvey::processCSVRow | ( | $row, | |
$quoteAll = FALSE , |
$separator = ";" |
) |
Processes an array as a CSV row and converts the array values to correct CSV values.
The "converted" array is returned
array | $row | The array containing the values for a CSV row |
string | $quoteAll | Indicates to quote every value (=TRUE) or only values containing quotes and separators (=FALSE, default) |
string | $separator | The value separator in the CSV row (used for quoting) (; = default) |
Definition at line 5222 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $row, and $separator.
ilObjSurvey::processPrintoutput2FO | ( | $print_output | ) |
Convert a print output to XSL-FO.
string | $print_output | The print output |
Definition at line 5391 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $GLOBALS, $ilLog, xslt_create(), xslt_error(), and xslt_free().
ilObjSurvey::read | ( | $a_force_db = false | ) |
read object data from db into object
boolean | public |
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 260 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::removeConstraintsConcerningQuestion | ( | $question_id | ) |
Remove constraints concerning a question with a given question_id.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question public |
Definition at line 1959 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by removeQuestion().
ilObjSurvey::removeQuestion | ( | $question_id | ) |
Remove a question from the survey.
integer | $question_id | The database id of the question public |
Definition at line 1945 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References _instanciateQuestion(), and removeConstraintsConcerningQuestion().
Referenced by delete(), and removeQuestions().
ilObjSurvey::removeQuestionFromBlock | ( | $question_id, | |
$questionblock_id | |||
) |
Definition at line 2059 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::removeQuestions | ( | $remove_questions, | |
$remove_questionblocks | |||
) |
Remove questions from the survey.
array | $remove_questions | An array with the question id's of the questions to remove |
array | $remove_questionblocks | An array with the questionblock id's of the questions blocks to remove public |
Definition at line 1994 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $size, getSurveyId(), getSurveyQuestions(), removeQuestion(), and saveQuestionsToDb().
ilObjSurvey::removeSelectedSurveyResults | ( | $finished_ids | ) |
Deletes the user data of a given array of survey participants.
Definition at line 410 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, and $row.
Referenced by deleteRater().
ilObjSurvey::saveAuthorToMetadata | ( | $a_author = "" | ) |
Saves an authors name into the lifecycle metadata if no lifecycle metadata exists This will only be called for conversion of "old" tests where the author hasn't been stored in the lifecycle metadata.
string | $a_author | A string containing the name of the test author private |
Definition at line 1210 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilUser, ilObject\getId(), and ilObject\getType().
Referenced by createMetaData().
ilObjSurvey::saveCompletionStatus | ( | ) |
Saves the completion status of the survey.
Definition at line 597 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, getSurveyId(), and isComplete().
ilObjSurvey::saveHeading | ( | $heading = "" , |
$insertbefore | |||
) |
Definition at line 4677 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by cloneTextblocks().
ilObjSurvey::saveQuestionsToDb | ( | ) |
Saves the survey questions to the database.
Definition at line 926 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by moveQuestions(), removeQuestions(), and saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::saveToDb | ( | ) |
Saves a survey object to a database.
Definition at line 783 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), get360Mode(), get360Results(), get360SelfAppraisee(), get360SelfEvaluation(), get360SelfRaters(), get360SkillService(), getActivationEndDate(), getActivationStartDate(), getActivationVisibility(), getAnonymize(), getAuthor(), getEndDate(), getEvaluationAccess(), ilObject\getId(), getIntroduction(), getInvitation(), getInvitationMode(), ilObjectActivation\getItem(), getMailAddresses(), getMailNotification(), getMailParticipantData(), getOutro(), getPoolUsage(), getReminderEnd(), getReminderFrequency(), getReminderLastSent(), getReminderStart(), getReminderStatus(), getReminderTarget(), getShowQuestionTitles(), getStartDate(), getStatus(), getSurveyId(), getTemplate(), getTutorNotificationRecipients(), getTutorNotificationStatus(), getTutorNotificationTarget(), hasMailOwnResults(), hasViewOwnResults(), IL_CAL_DATE, isActivationLimited(), isComplete(), saveQuestionsToDb(), setSurveyId(), ilObjectActivation\setTimingType(), ilObjectActivation\TIMINGS_ACTIVATION, and ilObjectActivation\TIMINGS_DEACTIVATED.
Referenced by applySettingsTemplate(), checkReminder(), createReference(), and importObject().
ilObjSurvey::saveUserAccessCode | ( | $user_id, | |
$access_code | |||
) |
Saves a survey access code for a registered user to the database.
int | $user_id | The database id of the user |
string | $access_code | The survey access code |
Definition at line 5173 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and getSurveyId().
Referenced by fillSurveyForUser(), and getUserSurveyExecutionStatus().
ilObjSurvey::saveUserSettings | ( | $usr_id, | |
$key, | |||
$title, | |||
$value | |||
) |
Definition at line 734 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and ilObject\$title.
ilObjSurvey::sendCodes | ( | $not_sent, | |
$subject, | |||
$message, | |||
$lang | |||
) |
Definition at line 5019 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $lang, ilLink\_getLink(), getExternalCodeRecipients(), ilObject\getOwner(), ilObject\getRefId(), and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::sendNotificationMail | ( | $user_id, | |
$anonymize_id, | |||
$appr_id | |||
) |
Definition at line 3124 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $mailparticipantdata, ilObjUser\_getUserData(), getActiveID(), ilUserUtil\getNamePresentation(), getParticipantTextResults(), ilObject\getRefId(), and hasAnonymizedResults().
protected |
Definition at line 6498 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilLanguageFactory\_getLanguageOfUser(), ilLink\_getStaticLink(), ilObjUser\_lookupFullname(), ilObjUser\_lookupLogin(), ilObject\getRefId(), ilObject\getTitle(), and getTutorNotificationRecipients().
Referenced by checkTutorNotification().
protected |
Definition at line 6621 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilLanguageFactory\_getLanguageOfUser(), ilLink\_getStaticLink(), ilObjUser\_lookupFullname(), ilObjUser\_lookupLogin(), ilObject\getRefId(), and ilObject\getTitle().
Referenced by checkReminder().
ilObjSurvey::set360Mode | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 5781 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::set360RaterSent | ( | $a_appraisee_id, | |
$a_user_id, | |||
$a_anonymous_id, | |||
$a_tstamp = null |
) |
Definition at line 6274 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::set360Results | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 5821 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::set360SelfAppraisee | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 5801 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::set360SelfEvaluation | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 5791 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::set360SelfRaters | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 5811 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::set360SkillService | ( | $a_val | ) |
Set skill service.
bool | $a_val | activate skill service |
Definition at line 6259 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setActivationEndDate | ( | $ending_time = NULL | ) |
Definition at line 6655 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setActivationLimited | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 1695 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setActivationStartDate | ( | $starting_time = NULL | ) |
Definition at line 6650 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setActivationVisibility | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 1680 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setAnonymize | ( | $a_anonymize | ) |
set anonymize status
Definition at line 1037 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by applySettingsTemplate(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setAuthor | ( | $author = "" | ) |
Sets the authors name of the ilObjSurvey object.
string | $author | A string containing the name of the test author public |
Definition at line 1196 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $author.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setEndDate | ( | $end_date = "" | ) |
Sets the end date of the survey.
string | $end_date | Survey end date (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) public |
Definition at line 1625 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $end_date.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setEndDateAndTime | ( | $end_date = "" , |
$end_time | |||
) |
Sets the end date of the survey.
string | $end_date | Survey end date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
string | $end_time | Survey end time (HH:MM:SS) public |
Definition at line 1638 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::setEndTime | ( | $finished_id | ) |
Definition at line 5611 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::setEvaluationAccess | ( | $evaluation_access = self::EVALUATION_ACCESS_OFF | ) |
Sets the learners evaluation access.
integer | $evaluation_access | The evaluation access public |
Definition at line 1675 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $evaluation_access.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setIntroduction | ( | $introduction = "" | ) |
Sets the introduction text.
string | $introduction | A string containing the introduction |
Definition at line 1374 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $introduction.
Referenced by importObject(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setInvitation | ( | $invitation = 0 | ) |
Sets the invitation status.
integer | $invitation | The invitation status public |
Definition at line 1317 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $invitation, $result, $row, disinviteAllUsers(), ilObject\getId(), getInvitationMode(), INVITATION_OFF, INVITATION_ON, and inviteUser().
Referenced by loadFromDb(), and setInvitationAndMode().
ilObjSurvey::setInvitationAndMode | ( | $invitation = 0 , |
$invitation_mode = 0 |
) |
Sets the invitation status and mode (a more performant solution if you change both)
integer | $invitation | The invitation status |
integer | $invitation_mode | The invitation mode public |
Definition at line 1362 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $invitation, $invitation_mode, and setInvitation().
ilObjSurvey::setInvitationMode | ( | $invitation_mode = 0 | ) |
Sets the invitation mode.
integer | $invitation_mode | The invitation mode public |
Definition at line 1349 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $invitation_mode.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setMailAddresses | ( | $a_addresses | ) |
Definition at line 5568 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setMailNotification | ( | $a_notification | ) |
Definition at line 5558 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setMailOwnResults | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 6680 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setMailParticipantData | ( | $a_data | ) |
Definition at line 5578 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setObligatoryStates | ( | $obligatory_questions | ) |
Sets the obligatory states for questions in a survey from the questions form.
array | $obligatory_questions | The questions which should be set obligatory from the questions form, the remaining questions should be setted not obligatory public |
Definition at line 2407 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::setOutro | ( | $outro = "" | ) |
Sets the outro text.
string | $outro | A string containing the outro |
Definition at line 1385 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $outro.
Referenced by importObject(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setPage | ( | $finished_id, | |
$page_id | |||
) |
Sets the number of the active survey page.
integer | $finished_id | The database id of the active user |
integer | $page_id | The index of the page public |
Definition at line 3114 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB.
ilObjSurvey::setPoolUsage | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 5663 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by applySettingsTemplate(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setReminderEnd | ( | ilDate | $a_value = null | ) |
Definition at line 6380 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setReminderFrequency | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 6390 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setReminderLastSent | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 6410 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by checkReminder(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setReminderStart | ( | ilDate | $a_value = null | ) |
Definition at line 6370 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setReminderStatus | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 6360 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setReminderTarget | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 6400 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setShowQuestionTitles | ( | $a_show | ) |
Sets the status of the display_question_titles attribute.
integer | $a_show | The status of the display_question_titles attribute |
Definition at line 1283 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by applySettingsTemplate(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setStartDate | ( | $start_date = "" | ) |
Sets the start date of the survey.
string | $start_data | Survey start date (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) public |
Definition at line 1575 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $start_date.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setStartDateAndTime | ( | $start_date = "" , |
$start_time | |||
) |
Sets the start date of the survey.
string | $start_date | Survey start date (YYYY-MM-DD) |
string | $start_time | Survey start time (HH:MM:SS) public |
Definition at line 1588 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $d, and $start_date.
ilObjSurvey::setStartTime | ( | $finished_id, | |
$first_question | |||
) |
Definition at line 5600 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $_SESSION, and $ilDB.
ilObjSurvey::setStatus | ( | $status = self::STATUS_OFFLINE | ) |
Sets the survey status.
integer | $status | Survey status |
Definition at line 1468 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $result, $status, and STATUS_OFFLINE.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setSurveyId | ( | $survey_id | ) |
Sets the survey id.
integer | $survey_id | The survey id |
Definition at line 5504 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $survey_id.
Referenced by loadFromDb(), and saveToDb().
ilObjSurvey::setTemplate | ( | $template_id | ) |
Definition at line 5639 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $template_id.
Referenced by applySettingsTemplate(), and loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setTutorNotificationRecipients | ( | array | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 6430 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setTutorNotificationStatus | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 6420 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setTutorNotificationTarget | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 6440 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::setViewOwnResults | ( | $a_value | ) |
Definition at line 6670 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
ilObjSurvey::showQuestionTitles | ( | ) |
Sets the question titles visible during the query.
Definition at line 1294 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::startSurvey | ( | $user_id, | |
$anonymous_id, | |||
$appraisee_id | |||
) |
Starts the survey creating an entry in the database.
integer | $user_id | The database id of the user who starts the survey public |
Definition at line 3066 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, getAnonymize(), and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::toXML | ( | ) |
Returns a QTI xml representation of the survey.
Definition at line 3913 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References _instanciateQuestion(), addMaterialTag(), get360Mode(), get360Results(), get360SelfAppraisee(), get360SelfEvaluation(), get360SelfRaters(), get360SkillService(), getAnonymize(), getAuthor(), ilObject\getDescription(), getEndDate(), getEvaluationAccess(), ilObject\getId(), getIntroduction(), getObligatoryStates(), getOutro(), getPoolUsage(), getShowQuestionTitles(), getStartDate(), getStatus(), getSurveyId(), getSurveyPages(), ilObject\getTitle(), ilObject\getType(), hasMailOwnResults(), hasViewOwnResults(), and ilXmlWriter\xmlHeader().
ilObjSurvey::unfoldQuestionblocks | ( | $questionblocks | ) |
Unfolds question blocks of a question pool.
array | $questionblocks | An array of question block id's public |
Definition at line 2043 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and getSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::update | ( | ) |
update object data
Reimplemented from ilObject.
Definition at line 234 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References ilObject\updateMetaData().
ilObjSurvey::updateCode | ( | $a_id, | |
$a_email, | |||
$a_last_name, | |||
$a_first_name, | |||
$a_sent | |||
) |
Definition at line 5751 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and ilUtil\is_email().
ilObjSurvey::updateConjunctionForQuestions | ( | $questions, | |
$conjunction | |||
) |
Definition at line 2791 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB, and $questions.
ilObjSurvey::updateConstraint | ( | $precondition_id, | |
$if_question_id, | |||
$relation, | |||
$value, | |||
$conjunction | |||
) |
Updates a precondition.
integer | $precondition_id | The id of the original precondition |
integer | $to_question_id | The question id of the question where to add the constraint |
integer | $if_question_id | The question id of the question which defines a precondition |
integer | $relation | The database id of the relation |
mixed | $value | The value compared with the relation public |
Definition at line 2781 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $ilDB.
ilObjSurvey::updateOrder | ( | array | $a_order | ) |
Definition at line 5649 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
static |
Definition at line 6321 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
References $_SESSION.
Referenced by ilObjSurveyAccess\_checkGoto(), ilObjSurveyGUI\executeCommand(), and ilSurveyExecutionGUI\ilSurveyExecutionGUI().
protected |
Definition at line 144 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
protected |
Definition at line 143 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
protected |
Definition at line 142 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getActivationVisibility().
ilObjSurvey::$anonymize |
Definition at line 121 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::$author |
Definition at line 52 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getAuthor(), and setAuthor().
ilObjSurvey::$display_question_titles |
Definition at line 127 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::$end_date |
Definition at line 94 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by setEndDate(), and setEndDateAndTime().
ilObjSurvey::$evaluation_access |
Definition at line 80 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by setEvaluationAccess().
ilObjSurvey::$introduction |
Definition at line 59 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by setIntroduction().
ilObjSurvey::$invitation |
Definition at line 108 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by setInvitation(), and setInvitationAndMode().
ilObjSurvey::$invitation_mode |
Definition at line 115 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by setInvitationAndMode(), and setInvitationMode().
protected |
Definition at line 170 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by hasMailOwnResults().
ilObjSurvey::$mailaddresses |
Definition at line 137 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getMailAddresses().
ilObjSurvey::$mailnotification |
Definition at line 136 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getMailNotification().
ilObjSurvey::$mailparticipantdata |
Definition at line 138 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getMailParticipantData(), and sendNotificationMail().
protected |
Definition at line 147 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by get360Mode().
protected |
Definition at line 151 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by get360Results().
protected |
Definition at line 149 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by get360SelfAppraisee().
protected |
Definition at line 148 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by get360SelfEvaluation().
protected |
Definition at line 150 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by get360SelfRaters().
protected |
Definition at line 152 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by get360SkillService().
ilObjSurvey::$outro |
Definition at line 66 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by setOutro().
ilObjSurvey::$pool_usage |
Definition at line 140 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getPoolUsage().
ilObjSurvey::$questions |
Definition at line 101 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by createQuestionblock(), getDetailedParticipantResultsAsText(), getEvaluationByUser(), getParticipantTextResults(), getUserSpecificResults(), insertQuestionblock(), moveDownQuestion(), moveUpQuestion(), and updateConjunctionForQuestions().
protected |
Definition at line 161 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getReminderEnd().
protected |
Definition at line 162 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getReminderFrequency().
protected |
Definition at line 164 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getReminderLastSent().
protected |
Definition at line 160 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getReminderStart().
protected |
Definition at line 159 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getReminderStatus().
protected |
Definition at line 163 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getReminderTarget().
ilObjSurvey::$start_date |
Definition at line 87 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by setStartDate(), and setStartDateAndTime().
ilObjSurvey::$status |
Definition at line 73 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by setStatus().
ilObjSurvey::$survey_id |
Definition at line 44 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by _getConstraints(), _getNrOfParticipants(), _hasDatasets(), getQuestionblockQuestions(), getQuestionblocksTable(), getSurveyId(), and setSurveyId().
ilObjSurvey::$surveyCodeSecurity |
Definition at line 134 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
ilObjSurvey::$template_id |
Definition at line 139 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by applySettingsTemplate(), getTemplate(), and setTemplate().
protected |
Definition at line 166 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getTutorNotificationRecipients().
protected |
Definition at line 165 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getTutorNotificationStatus().
protected |
Definition at line 167 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getTutorNotificationTarget().
protected |
Definition at line 169 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by hasViewOwnResults().
const ilObjSurvey::ANONYMIZE_CODE_ALL = 3 |
Definition at line 33 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilObjSurveyGUI\afterSave(), and ilObjSurveyGUI\savePropertiesObject().
const ilObjSurvey::ANONYMIZE_FREEACCESS = 2 |
Definition at line 32 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilObjSurveyGUI\savePropertiesObject().
const ilObjSurvey::ANONYMIZE_OFF = 0 |
Definition at line 30 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilObjSurvey(), ilObjSurveyGUI\savePropertiesObject(), and setAnonymize().
const ilObjSurvey::ANONYMIZE_ON = 1 |
Definition at line 31 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilObjSurveyGUI\savePropertiesObject().
const ilObjSurvey::EVALUATION_ACCESS_ALL = 1 |
Definition at line 21 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilSurveyEvaluationGUI\evaluation(), and ilObjSurveyGUI\initPropertiesForm().
const ilObjSurvey::EVALUATION_ACCESS_OFF = 0 |
Definition at line 20 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilSurveyEvaluationGUI\evaluation(), getEvaluationAccess(), ilObjSurvey(), and ilObjSurveyGUI\initPropertiesForm().
Definition at line 22 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilObjSurveyGUI\afterSave(), ilSurveyEvaluationGUI\evaluation(), and ilObjSurveyGUI\initPropertiesForm().
const ilObjSurvey::INVITATION_OFF = 0 |
Definition at line 24 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getInvitation(), ilObjSurvey(), and ilSurveyParticipantsGUI\saveInvitationStatusObject().
const ilObjSurvey::INVITATION_ON = 1 |
Definition at line 25 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilSurveyParticipantsGUI\saveInvitationStatusObject().
const ilObjSurvey::MODE_PREDEFINED_USERS = 1 |
Definition at line 28 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getInvitationMode(), ilObjSurvey(), and ilSurveyParticipantsGUI\saveInvitationStatusObject().
const ilObjSurvey::MODE_UNLIMITED = 0 |
Definition at line 27 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by getInvitationMode(), and ilSurveyParticipantsGUI\saveInvitationStatusObject().
Definition at line 173 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilObjSurveyGUI\initPropertiesForm().
Definition at line 172 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilObjSurveyGUI\initPropertiesForm().
const ilObjSurvey::QUESTIONTITLES_HIDDEN = 0 |
Definition at line 35 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
const ilObjSurvey::QUESTIONTITLES_VISIBLE = 1 |
Definition at line 36 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilObjSurvey().
const ilObjSurvey::RESULTS_360_ALL = 2 |
Definition at line 156 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilObjSurveyAccess\_hasEvaluationAccess(), ilSurveyEvaluationGUI\addApprSelectionToToolbar(), ilSurveyEvaluationGUI\determineAppraiseeId(), and ilObjSurveyGUI\initPropertiesForm().
const ilObjSurvey::RESULTS_360_NONE = 0 |
Definition at line 154 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilObjSurveyAccess\_hasEvaluationAccess(), and ilObjSurveyGUI\initPropertiesForm().
const ilObjSurvey::RESULTS_360_OWN = 1 |
Definition at line 155 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by ilObjSurveyAccess\_hasEvaluationAccess(), and ilObjSurveyGUI\initPropertiesForm().
const ilObjSurvey::STATUS_OFFLINE = 0 |
Definition at line 17 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.
Referenced by canStartSurvey(), getStatus(), ilObjSurvey(), and setStatus().
const ilObjSurvey::STATUS_ONLINE = 1 |
Definition at line 18 of file class.ilObjSurvey.php.