Release_5_0_x_branch Revision 61816
Class for text questions. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($title="", $comment="", $author="", $owner=-1, $question="") | |
assTextQuestion constructor | |
isComplete () | |
Returns true, if a multiple choice question is complete for use. | |
saveToDb ($original_id="") | |
Saves a assTextQuestion object to a database. | |
loadFromDb ($question_id) | |
Loads a assTextQuestion object from a database. | |
duplicate ($for_test=true, $title="", $author="", $owner="", $testObjId=null) | |
Duplicates an assTextQuestion. | |
copyObject ($target_questionpool_id, $title="") | |
Copies an assTextQuestion object. | |
createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate ($targetParentId, $targetQuestionTitle="") | |
getMaxNumOfChars () | |
Gets the maximum number of characters for the text solution. | |
setMaxNumOfChars ($maxchars=0) | |
Sets the maximum number of characters for the text solution. | |
getMaximumPoints () | |
Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question. | |
getMinimumPoints () | |
setReachedPoints ($active_id, $points, $pass=NULL) | |
Sets the points, a learner has reached answering the question. | |
isKeywordMatching ($answertext, $a_keyword) | |
Checks if one of the keywords matches the answertext. | |
calculateReachedPoints ($active_id, $pass=NULL, $returndetails=FALSE) | |
Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question. | |
saveWorkingData ($active_id, $pass=NULL) | |
Saves the learners input of the question to the database. | |
getSolutionSubmit () | |
createRandomSolution ($test_id, $user_id) | |
getQuestionType () | |
Returns the question type of the question. | |
getTextRating () | |
Returns the rating option for text comparisons. | |
setTextRating ($a_text_rating) | |
Sets the rating option for text comparisons. | |
getAdditionalTableName () | |
Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database. | |
getRTETextWithMediaObjects () | |
Collects all text in the question which could contain media objects which were created with the Rich Text Editor. | |
setExportDetailsXLS (&$worksheet, $startrow, $active_id, $pass, &$format_title, &$format_bold) | |
Creates an Excel worksheet for the detailed cumulated results of this question. | |
toJSON () | |
Returns a JSON representation of the question. | |
getAnswerCount () | |
addAnswer ($answertext="", $points=0.0, $points_unchecked=0.0, $order=0, $answerimage="") | |
Adds a possible answer for a multiple choice question. | |
getAnswers () | |
getAnswer ($index=0) | |
Returns an answer with a given index. | |
deleteAnswer ($index=0) | |
Deletes an answer with a given index. | |
getAnswerTableName () | |
Returns the name of the answer table in the database. | |
flushAnswers () | |
Deletes all answers. | |
setAnswers ($answers) | |
duplicateAnswers ($original_id) | |
getKeywordRelation () | |
setKeywordRelation ($a_relation) | |
This method implements a default behaviour. | |
isAnswered ($active_id, $pass) | |
returns boolean wether the question is answered during test pass or not | |
![]() | |
setProcessLocker ($processLocker) | |
getProcessLocker () | |
fromXML (&$item, &$questionpool_id, &$tst_id, &$tst_object, &$question_counter, &$import_mapping) | |
Receives parameters from a QTI parser and creates a valid ILIAS question object. | |
toXML ($a_include_header=true, $a_include_binary=true, $a_shuffle=false, $test_output=false, $force_image_references=false) | |
Returns a QTI xml representation of the question. | |
questionTitleExists ($questionpool_id, $title) | |
Returns TRUE if the question title exists in the database. | |
setTitle ($title="") | |
Sets the title string of the assQuestion object. | |
setId ($id=-1) | |
Sets the id of the assQuestion object. | |
setTestId ($id=-1) | |
Sets the test id of the assQuestion object. | |
setComment ($comment="") | |
Sets the comment string of the assQuestion object. | |
setOutputType ($outputType=OUTPUT_HTML) | |
Sets the output type. | |
setShuffle ($shuffle=true) | |
Sets the shuffle flag. | |
setEstimatedWorkingTime ($hour=0, $min=0, $sec=0) | |
Sets the estimated working time of a question from given hour, minute and second. | |
setEstimatedWorkingTimeFromDurationString ($durationString) | |
Sets the estimated working time of a question from a given datetime string. | |
keyInArray ($searchkey, $array) | |
returns TRUE if the key occurs in an array | |
setAuthor ($author="") | |
Sets the authors name of the assQuestion object. | |
setOwner ($owner="") | |
Sets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object. | |
getTitle () | |
Gets the title string of the assQuestion object. | |
getId () | |
Gets the id of the assQuestion object. | |
getShuffle () | |
Gets the shuffle flag. | |
getTestId () | |
Gets the test id of the assQuestion object. | |
getComment () | |
Gets the comment string of the assQuestion object. | |
getOutputType () | |
Gets the output type. | |
supportsJavascriptOutput () | |
Returns true if the question type supports JavaScript output. | |
supportsNonJsOutput () | |
requiresJsSwitch () | |
getEstimatedWorkingTime () | |
Gets the estimated working time of a question. | |
getAuthor () | |
Gets the authors name of the assQuestion object. | |
getOwner () | |
Gets the creator/owner ID of the assQuestion object. | |
getObjId () | |
Get the object id of the container object. | |
setObjId ($obj_id=0) | |
Set the object id of the container object. | |
setExternalId ($external_id) | |
getExternalId () | |
_getMaximumPoints ($question_id) | |
Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question. | |
& | _getQuestionInfo ($question_id) |
Returns question information from the database. | |
getSuggestedSolutionOutput () | |
& | _getSuggestedSolution ($question_id, $subquestion_index=0) |
Returns a suggested solution for a given subquestion index. | |
getSuggestedSolutions () | |
Return the suggested solutions. | |
_getReachedPoints ($active_id, $question_id, $pass=NULL) | |
Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question. | |
getReachedPoints ($active_id, $pass=NULL) | |
Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question This is the fast way to get the points directly from the database. | |
getAdjustedReachedPoints ($active_id, $pass=NULL) | |
returns the reached points ... | |
calculateResultsFromSolution ($active_id, $pass=NULL, $obligationsEnabled=false) | |
Calculates the question results from a previously saved question solution. | |
persistWorkingState ($active_id, $pass=NULL, $obligationsEnabled=false) | |
persists the working state for current testactive and testpass | |
persistPreviewState (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession) | |
persists the preview state for current user and question | |
_updateTestResultCache ($active_id, ilAssQuestionProcessLocker $processLocker=null) | |
Move this to a proper place. | |
logAction ($logtext="", $active_id="", $question_id="") | |
Logs an action into the Test&Assessment log. | |
_logAction ($logtext="", $active_id="", $question_id="") | |
Logs an action into the Test&Assessment log. | |
moveUploadedMediaFile ($file, $name) | |
Move an uploaded media file to an public accessible temp dir to present it. | |
getSuggestedSolutionPath () | |
Returns the path for a suggested solution. | |
getJavaPath () | |
Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question. | |
getImagePath ($question_id=null, $object_id=null) | |
Returns the image path for web accessable images of a question. | |
buildImagePath ($questionId, $parentObjectId) | |
getFlashPath () | |
Returns the image path for web accessable flash files of a question. | |
getJavaPathWeb () | |
Returns the web image path for web accessable java applets of a question. | |
getSuggestedSolutionPathWeb () | |
Returns the web path for a suggested solution. | |
getImagePathWeb () | |
Returns the web image path for web accessable images of a question. | |
getFlashPathWeb () | |
Returns the web image path for web accessable flash applications of a question. | |
& | getSolutionValues ($active_id, $pass=NULL) |
Loads solutions of a given user from the database an returns it. | |
isInUse ($question_id="") | |
Checks whether the question is in use or not. | |
isClone ($question_id="") | |
Checks whether the question is a clone of another question or not. | |
pcArrayShuffle ($array) | |
Shuffles the values of a given array. | |
getQuestionTypeFromDb ($question_id) | |
get question type for question id | |
deleteAnswers ($question_id) | |
Deletes datasets from answers tables. | |
deleteAdditionalTableData ($question_id) | |
Deletes datasets from the additional question table in the database. | |
delete ($question_id) | |
Deletes a question and all materials from the database. | |
getTotalAnswers () | |
get total number of answers | |
_getTotalAnswers ($a_q_id) | |
get number of answers for question id (static) note: do not use $this inside this method | |
_getTitle ($a_q_id) | |
Returns the title of a question. | |
_getQuestionText ($a_q_id) | |
Returns question text. | |
copyXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion ($a_q_id) | |
syncXHTMLMediaObjectsOfQuestion () | |
createPageObject () | |
create page object of question | |
copyPageOfQuestion ($a_q_id) | |
getPageOfQuestion () | |
_getQuestionType ($question_id) | |
Returns the question type of a question with a given id. | |
_getQuestionTitle ($question_id) | |
Returns the question title of a question with a given id. | |
setOriginalId ($original_id) | |
getOriginalId () | |
createNewQuestion ($a_create_page=true) | |
Creates a new question without an owner when a new question is created This assures that an ID is given to the question if a file upload or something else occurs. | |
saveQuestionDataToDb ($original_id="") | |
setNewOriginalId ($newId) | |
deleteSuggestedSolutions () | |
Deletes all suggestes solutions in the database. | |
getSuggestedSolution ($subquestion_index=0) | |
Returns a suggested solution for a given subquestion index. | |
getSuggestedSolutionTitle ($subquestion_index=0) | |
Returns the title of a suggested solution at a given subquestion_index. | |
setSuggestedSolution ($solution_id="", $subquestion_index=0, $is_import=false) | |
Sets a suggested solution for the question. | |
_resolveInternalLink ($internal_link) | |
_resolveIntLinks ($question_id) | |
_getInternalLinkHref ($target="") | |
syncWithOriginal () | |
_questionExists ($question_id) | |
Returns true if the question already exists in the database. | |
_questionExistsInPool ($question_id) | |
Returns true if the question already exists in the database and is assigned to a question pool. | |
getPoints () | |
Returns the maximum available points for the question. | |
setPoints ($a_points) | |
Sets the maximum available points for the question. | |
getSolutionMaxPass ($active_id) | |
Returns the maximum pass a users question solution. | |
_getSolutionMaxPass ($question_id, $active_id) | |
Returns the maximum pass a users question solution. | |
_isWriteable ($question_id, $user_id) | |
Returns true if the question is writeable by a certain user. | |
_isUsedInRandomTest ($question_id="") | |
Checks whether the question is used in a random test or not. | |
calculateReachedPointsFromPreviewSession (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession) | |
isPreviewSolutionCorrect (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession) | |
adjustReachedPointsByScoringOptions ($points, $active_id, $pass=NULL) | |
Adjust the given reached points by checks for all special scoring options in the test container. | |
isHTML ($a_text) | |
Checks if a given string contains HTML or not. | |
prepareTextareaOutput ($txt_output, $prepare_for_latex_output=FALSE) | |
Prepares a string for a text area output in tests. | |
QTIMaterialToString ($a_material) | |
Reads an QTI material tag an creates a text string. | |
addQTIMaterial (&$a_xml_writer, $a_material, $close_material_tag=TRUE, $add_mobs=TRUE) | |
Creates a QTI material tag from a plain text or xhtml text. | |
createNewImageFileName ($image_filename, $unique=false) | |
_setReachedPoints ($active_id, $question_id, $points, $maxpoints, $pass, $manualscoring, $obligationsEnabled) | |
Sets the points, a learner has reached answering the question Additionally objective results are updated. | |
getQuestion () | |
Gets the question string of the question object. | |
setQuestion ($question="") | |
Sets the question string of the question object. | |
getQuestionTypeID () | |
Returns the question type of the question. | |
cleanupMediaObjectUsage () | |
synchronises appearances of media objects in the question with media object usage table | |
& | getInstances () |
Gets all instances of the question. | |
_needsManualScoring ($question_id) | |
getActiveUserData ($active_id) | |
Returns the user id and the test id for a given active id. | |
__get ($value) | |
Object getter. | |
__set ($key, $value) | |
Object setter. | |
getNrOfTries () | |
setNrOfTries ($a_nr_of_tries) | |
setExportImagePath ($a_path) | |
_questionExistsInTest ($question_id, $test_id) | |
formatSAQuestion ($a_q) | |
Format self assessment question. | |
setPreventRteUsage ($a_val) | |
Set prevent rte usage. | |
getPreventRteUsage () | |
Get prevent rte usage. | |
setSelfAssessmentEditingMode ($a_selfassessmenteditingmode) | |
Set Self-Assessment Editing Mode. | |
getSelfAssessmentEditingMode () | |
Get Self-Assessment Editing Mode. | |
setDefaultNrOfTries ($a_defaultnroftries) | |
Set Default Nr of Tries. | |
getDefaultNrOfTries () | |
Get Default Nr of Tries. | |
setObligationsToBeConsidered ($obligationsToBeConsidered=true) | |
sets the flag wether obligations are to be considered or not | |
areObligationsToBeConsidered () | |
gets the flag wether obligations are to be considered or not | |
isAutosaveable () | |
getAdditionalContentEditingMode () | |
getter for additional content editing mode for this question | |
setAdditionalContentEditingMode ($additinalContentEditingMode) | |
setter for additional content editing mode for this question | |
isAdditionalContentEditingModePageObject () | |
isser for additional "pageobject" content editing mode | |
isValidAdditionalContentEditingMode ($additionalContentEditingMode) | |
returns the fact wether the passed additional content mode is valid or not | |
getValidAdditionalContentEditingModes () | |
getter for valid additional content editing modes | |
addQuestionChangeListener (ilQuestionChangeListener $listener) | |
getQuestionChangeListeners () | |
getHtmlUserSolutionPurifier () | |
getHtmlQuestionContentPurifier () | |
setLastChange ($lastChange) | |
getLastChange () | |
setStep ($step) | |
getStep () | |
![]() | |
saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb () | |
Saves a record to the question types additional data table. | |
![]() | |
saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb () | |
Saves the answer specific records into a question types answer table. |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | getValidScoringModes () |
static | getScoringModesWithPointsByQuestion () |
static | getScoringModesWithPointsByKeyword () |
static | isObligationPossible ($questionId) |
returns boolean wether it is possible to set this question type as obligatory or not considering the current question configuration | |
![]() | |
static | _getSuggestedSolutionCount ($question_id) |
Returns the number of suggested solutions associated with a question. | |
static | _getSuggestedSolutionOutput ($question_id) |
Returns the output of the suggested solution. | |
static | _getTotalRightAnswers ($a_q_id) |
get number of answers for question id (static) note: do not use $this inside this method | |
static | _getOriginalId ($question_id) |
Returns the original id of a question. | |
static | originalQuestionExists ($questionId) |
static | _instanciateQuestion ($question_id) |
Creates an instance of a question with a given question id. | |
static | _instantiateQuestion ($question_id) |
static | _isWorkedThrough ($active_id, $question_id, $pass=NULL) |
Returns true if the question was worked through in the given pass Worked through means that the user entered at least one value. | |
static | _areAnswered ($a_user_id, $a_question_ids) |
Checks if an array of question ids is answered by an user or not. | |
static | _includeClass ($question_type, $gui=0) |
Include the php class file for a given question type. | |
static | getGuiClassNameByQuestionType ($questionType) |
static | getObjectClassNameByQuestionType ($questionType) |
static | getFeedbackClassNameByQuestionType ($questionType) |
static | isCoreQuestionType ($questionType) |
static | includeCoreClass ($questionType, $withGuiClass) |
static | includePluginClass ($questionType, $withGuiClass) |
static | _getQuestionTypeName ($type_tag) |
Return the translation for a given question type tag. | |
static & | _instanciateQuestionGUI ($question_id) |
Creates an instance of a question gui with a given question id. | |
static | instantiateQuestionGUI ($a_question_id) |
Creates an instance of a question gui with a given question id. | |
static | lookupParentObjId ($questionId) |
ilDB $ilDB | |
static | lookupOriginalParentObjId ($originalQuestionId) |
returns the parent object id for given original question id (should be a qpl id, but theoretically it can be a tst id, too) | |
static | setResultGateway ($resultGateway) |
static | getResultGateway () |
static | sumTimesInISO8601FormatH_i_s_Extended ($time1, $time2) |
static | convertISO8601FormatH_i_s_ExtendedToSeconds ($time) |
Data Fields | |
$maxNumOfChars | |
$keywords | |
$answers | |
$text_rating | |
$keyword_relation = 'any' | |
![]() | |
constant for additional content editing mode "default" | |
constant for additional content editing mode "pageobject" | |
$feedbackOBJ = null | |
$prevent_rte_usage = false | |
$selfassessmenteditingmode = false | |
$defaultnroftries = 0 | |
$questionActionCmd = 'handleQuestionAction' |
Protected Member Functions | |
calculateReachedPointsForSolution ($solution) | |
reworkWorkingData ($active_id, $pass, $obligationsAnswered) | |
Reworks the allready saved working data if neccessary. | |
![]() | |
savePreviewData (ilAssQuestionPreviewSession $previewSession) | |
deletePageOfQuestion ($question_id) | |
Deletes the page object of a question with a given ID. | |
onDuplicate ($originalParentId, $originalQuestionId, $duplicateParentId, $duplicateQuestionId) | |
Will be called when a question is duplicated (inside a question pool or for insertion in a test) | |
beforeSyncWithOriginal ($origQuestionId, $dupQuestionId, $origParentObjId, $dupParentObjId) | |
afterSyncWithOriginal ($origQuestionId, $dupQuestionId, $origParentObjId, $dupParentObjId) | |
onCopy ($sourceParentId, $sourceQuestionId, $targetParentId, $targetQuestionId) | |
Will be called when a question is copied (into another question pool) | |
duplicateSuggestedSolutionFiles ($parent_id, $question_id) | |
Duplicates the files of a suggested solution if the question is duplicated. | |
syncSuggestedSolutionFiles ($original_id) | |
Syncs the files of a suggested solution if the question is synced. | |
copySuggestedSolutionFiles ($source_questionpool_id, $source_question_id) | |
duplicateQuestionHints ($originalQuestionId, $duplicateQuestionId) | |
buildQuestionDataQuery () |
Private Member Functions | |
isValidTextRating ($textRating) |
Private Attributes | |
$matchcondition |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | getNumExistingSolutionRecords ($activeId, $pass, $questionId) |
returns the number of existing solution records for the given test active / pass and given question id | |
![]() | |
$id | |
$title | |
$comment | |
$owner | |
$author | |
$question | |
$points | |
$est_working_time | |
$shuffle | |
$test_id | |
$obj_id | |
$ilias | |
$tpl | |
$lng | |
$db | |
$outputType | |
$suggested_solutions | |
$original_id | |
$page | |
$external_id = '' | |
$questionChangeListeners = array() | |
$processLocker | |
$step = null | |
$lastChange |
Class for text questions.
assTextQuestion is a class for text questions
Definition at line 22 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
assTextQuestion::__construct | ( | $title = "" , |
$comment = "" , |
$author = "" , |
$owner = -1 , |
$question = "" |
) |
assTextQuestion constructor
The constructor takes possible arguments an creates an instance of the assTextQuestion object.
string | $title | A title string to describe the question |
string | $comment | A comment string to describe the question |
string | $author | A string containing the name of the questions author |
integer | $owner | A numerical ID to identify the owner/creator |
string | $question | The question string of the text question |
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 69 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References assQuestion\$author, assQuestion\$comment, assQuestion\$owner, assQuestion\$question, and assQuestion\$title.
assTextQuestion::addAnswer | ( | $answertext = "" , |
$points = 0.0 , |
$points_unchecked = 0.0 , |
$order = 0 , |
$answerimage = "" |
) |
Adds a possible answer for a multiple choice question.
A ASS_AnswerBinaryStateImage object will be created and assigned to the array $this->answers.
string | $answertext | The answer text |
double | $points | The points for selecting the answer (even negative points can be used) |
boolean | $state | Defines the answer as correct (TRUE) or incorrect (FALSE) |
integer | $order | A possible display order of the answer |
double | $points | The points for not selecting the answer (even negative points can be used) public |
Definition at line 908 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References assQuestion\$points.
Referenced by loadFromDb(), and setAnswers().
assTextQuestion::calculateReachedPoints | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass = NULL , |
$returndetails = FALSE |
) |
Returns the points, a learner has reached answering the question.
The points are calculated from the given answers.
integer | $active_id | |
integer | $pass | |
boolean | $returndetails | (deprecated !!) |
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 575 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, assQuestion\$points, $result, $row, calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), assQuestion\getId(), getMinimumPoints(), and assQuestion\getSolutionMaxPass().
protected |
Definition at line 490 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $answers, assQuestion\$points, getAnswers(), getKeywordRelation(), getMaximumPoints(), getMinimumPoints(), and isKeywordMatching().
Referenced by calculateReachedPoints().
assTextQuestion::copyObject | ( | $target_questionpool_id, | |
$title = "" |
) |
Copies an assTextQuestion object.
Definition at line 239 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References assQuestion\$original_id, assQuestion\$title, assQuestion\_getOriginalId(), and assQuestion\getObjId().
assTextQuestion::createNewOriginalFromThisDuplicate | ( | $targetParentId, | |
$targetQuestionTitle = "" |
) |
Definition at line 270 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References assQuestion\$id, and assQuestion\getObjId().
assTextQuestion::createRandomSolution | ( | $test_id, | |
$user_id | |||
) |
assTextQuestion::deleteAnswer | ( | $index = 0 | ) |
Deletes an answer with a given index.
The index of the first answer is 0, the index of the second answer is 1 and so on.
integer | $index | A nonnegative index of the n-th answer public |
Definition at line 954 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
assTextQuestion::duplicate | ( | $for_test = true , |
$title = "" , |
$author = "" , |
$owner = "" , |
$testObjId = null |
) |
Duplicates an assTextQuestion.
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 179 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References assQuestion\$author, assQuestion\$original_id, assQuestion\$owner, assQuestion\$title, assQuestion\_getOriginalId(), assQuestion\getId(), and assQuestion\getObjId().
assTextQuestion::duplicateAnswers | ( | $original_id | ) |
Definition at line 1016 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, assQuestion\$original_id, $result, $row, and assQuestion\getId().
assTextQuestion::flushAnswers | ( | ) |
Deletes all answers.
Definition at line 983 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb(), and setAnswers().
assTextQuestion::getAdditionalTableName | ( | ) |
Returns the name of the additional question data table in the database.
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 831 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
assTextQuestion::getAnswer | ( | $index = 0 | ) |
Returns an answer with a given index.
The index of the first answer is 0, the index of the second answer is 1 and so on.
integer | $index | A nonnegative index of the n-th answer |
Definition at line 937 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
assTextQuestion::getAnswerCount | ( | ) |
Definition at line 890 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
assTextQuestion::getAnswers | ( | ) |
Definition at line 923 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $answers.
Referenced by calculateReachedPointsForSolution().
assTextQuestion::getAnswerTableName | ( | ) |
Returns the name of the answer table in the database.
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 972 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
assTextQuestion::getKeywordRelation | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1039 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $keyword_relation.
Referenced by calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), getMaximumPoints(), and getMinimumPoints().
assTextQuestion::getMaximumPoints | ( | ) |
Returns the maximum points, a learner can reach answering the question.
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 344 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References assQuestion\$points, getKeywordRelation(), and assQuestion\getPoints().
Referenced by calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), and isComplete().
assTextQuestion::getMaxNumOfChars | ( | ) |
Gets the maximum number of characters for the text solution.
Definition at line 314 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $maxNumOfChars.
Referenced by getSolutionSubmit(), and toJSON().
assTextQuestion::getMinimumPoints | ( | ) |
Definition at line 364 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References assQuestion\$points, and getKeywordRelation().
Referenced by calculateReachedPoints(), and calculateReachedPointsForSolution().
assTextQuestion::getQuestionType | ( | ) |
Returns the question type of the question.
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 782 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
Referenced by toJSON().
assTextQuestion::getRTETextWithMediaObjects | ( | ) |
Collects all text in the question which could contain media objects which were created with the Rich Text Editor.
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 840 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
static |
Definition at line 1063 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
Referenced by assTextQuestionGUI\getBestAnswer().
static |
Definition at line 1058 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
assTextQuestion::getSolutionSubmit | ( | ) |
Definition at line 681 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $_POST, getMaxNumOfChars(), assQuestion\isHTML(), ilUtil\stripSlashes(), ilStr\strLen(), and ilStr\subStr().
Referenced by saveWorkingData().
assTextQuestion::getTextRating | ( | ) |
Returns the rating option for text comparisons.
Definition at line 794 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $text_rating.
Referenced by isKeywordMatching().
static |
Definition at line 1053 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
assTextQuestion::isAnswered | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass | |||
) |
returns boolean wether the question is answered during test pass or not
(overwrites method in class assQuestion)
integer | $active_id | |
integer | $pass |
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 1079 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $pass, assQuestion\getId(), and assQuestion\getNumExistingSolutionRecords().
assTextQuestion::isComplete | ( | ) |
Returns true, if a multiple choice question is complete for use.
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 89 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References getMaximumPoints().
assTextQuestion::isKeywordMatching | ( | $answertext, | |
$a_keyword | |||
) |
Checks if one of the keywords matches the answertext.
string | $answertext | The answertext of the user |
string | $a_keyword | The keyword which should be checked |
Definition at line 440 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
Referenced by calculateReachedPointsForSolution().
static |
returns boolean wether it is possible to set this question type as obligatory or not considering the current question configuration
(overwrites method in class assQuestion)
integer | $questionId |
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 1096 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
private |
Definition at line 415 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
assTextQuestion::loadFromDb | ( | $question_id | ) |
Loads a assTextQuestion object from a database.
object | $db | A pear DB object |
integer | $question_id | A unique key which defines the text question in the database public |
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 122 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $result, $row, ilRTE\_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc(), addAnswer(), flushAnswers(), getAdditionalTableName(), assQuestion\getId(), isValidTextRating(), assQuestion\setAdditionalContentEditingMode(), assQuestion\setAuthor(), assQuestion\setComment(), assQuestion\setEstimatedWorkingTime(), assQuestion\setId(), setKeywordRelation(), setMaxNumOfChars(), assQuestion\setNrOfTries(), assQuestion\setObjId(), assQuestion\setOriginalId(), assQuestion\setOwner(), assQuestion\setPoints(), assQuestion\setQuestion(), assQuestion\setShuffle(), setTextRating(), assQuestion\setTitle(), and TEXTGAP_RATING_CASEINSENSITIVE.
protected |
Reworks the allready saved working data if neccessary.
integer | $active_id | |
integer | $pass | |
boolean | $obligationsAnswered |
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 767 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
assTextQuestion::saveToDb | ( | $original_id = "" | ) |
Saves a assTextQuestion object to a database.
string | $original_id |
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 107 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References assQuestion\$original_id, ilObjQuestionScoringAdjustable\saveAdditionalQuestionDataToDb(), ilObjAnswerScoringAdjustable\saveAnswerSpecificDataToDb(), and assQuestion\saveQuestionDataToDb().
assTextQuestion::saveWorkingData | ( | $active_id, | |
$pass = NULL |
) |
Saves the learners input of the question to the database.
integer | $active_id | Active id of the user |
integer | $pass | Test pass |
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 619 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $ilUser, $pass, ilObjAssessmentFolder\_enabledAssessmentLogging(), ilObjAssessmentFolder\_getLogLanguage(), ilObjTest\_getPass(), assQuestion\getId(), assQuestion\getProcessLocker(), getSolutionSubmit(), and assQuestion\logAction().
assTextQuestion::setAnswers | ( | $answers | ) |
Definition at line 988 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $answers, addAnswer(), and flushAnswers().
assTextQuestion::setExportDetailsXLS | ( | & | $worksheet, |
$startrow, | |||
$active_id, | |||
$pass, | |||
& | $format_title, | ||
& | $format_bold | ||
) |
Creates an Excel worksheet for the detailed cumulated results of this question.
object | $worksheet | Reference to the parent excel worksheet |
object | $startrow | Startrow of the output in the excel worksheet |
object | $active_id | Active id of the participant |
object | $pass | Test pass |
object | $format_title | Excel title format |
object | $format_bold | Excel bold format |
array | $eval_data | Cumulated evaluation data public |
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 857 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $pass, ilExcelUtils\_convert_text(), assQuestion\getSolutionValues(), and assQuestion\getTitle().
assTextQuestion::setKeywordRelation | ( | $a_relation | ) |
This method implements a default behaviour.
During the creation of a text question, the record which holds the keyword relation is not existing, so keyword_relation defaults to 'one'.
Definition at line 1048 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
assTextQuestion::setMaxNumOfChars | ( | $maxchars = 0 | ) |
Sets the maximum number of characters for the text solution.
integer | $maxchars | The maximum number of characters for the text solution public |
Definition at line 333 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
assTextQuestion::setReachedPoints | ( | $active_id, | |
$points, | |||
$pass = NULL |
) |
Sets the points, a learner has reached answering the question.
integer | $user_id | The database ID of the learner |
integer | $test_id | The database Id of the test containing the question |
integer | $points | The points the user has reached answering the question |
Definition at line 392 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $ilDB, $pass, assQuestion\$points, assQuestion\getId(), assQuestion\getPoints(), and assQuestion\getSolutionMaxPass().
assTextQuestion::setTextRating | ( | $a_text_rating | ) |
Sets the rating option for text comparisons.
string | $a_textgap_rating | The rating option for text comparisons |
Definition at line 806 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
Referenced by loadFromDb().
assTextQuestion::toJSON | ( | ) |
Returns a JSON representation of the question.
Reimplemented from assQuestion.
Definition at line 876 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
References $result, assQuestion\formatSAQuestion(), assQuestion\getId(), getMaxNumOfChars(), assQuestion\getNrOfTries(), assQuestion\getQuestion(), getQuestionType(), assQuestion\getShuffle(), and assQuestion\getTitle().
assTextQuestion::$answers |
Definition at line 43 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
Referenced by calculateReachedPointsForSolution(), getAnswers(), and setAnswers().
assTextQuestion::$keyword_relation = 'any' |
Definition at line 55 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
Referenced by getKeywordRelation().
assTextQuestion::$keywords |
Definition at line 41 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
private |
Definition at line 53 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
assTextQuestion::$maxNumOfChars |
Definition at line 31 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
Referenced by getMaxNumOfChars().
assTextQuestion::$text_rating |
Definition at line 50 of file class.assTextQuestion.php.
Referenced by getTextRating().