ILIAS  eassessment Revision 61809
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HFile_vb Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for HFile_vb:
+ Collaboration diagram for HFile_vb:

Public Member Functions

 HFile_vb ()
 donothing ($keywordin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from HFile
 HFile ()
 parse_file ($file)
 to_perl ($stub, $tofile=1)
 to_php ($stub, $tofile=1)
 _get_categories ()
 _dump_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_linkscripts ()
 _dump_perl_defaultscripts ()
 _dump_colours ()
 _dump_var ($variable, $name)
 _dump_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_perl_array ($array, $name)
 _dump_hash ($hash, $name)
 _dump_perl_hash ($hash, $name)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 6 of file HFile_vb.php.

Member Function Documentation

HFile_vb::donothing (   $keywordin)

Definition at line 733 of file HFile_vb.php.

return $keywordin;
HFile_vb::HFile_vb ( )

Definition at line 7 of file HFile_vb.php.

References HFile\HFile().

// Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
// Visual Basic
// Flags
$this->nocase = "1";
$this->notrim = "0";
$this->perl = "0";
// Colours
$this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "purple");
$this->quotecolour = "blue";
$this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
$this->linecommentcolour = "green";
// Indent Strings
$this->indent = array("Private Sub", "Public Sub", "With");
$this->unindent = array("End Sub", "End With");
// String characters and delimiters
$this->stringchars = array();
$this->delimiters = array(" ", "(", ")", ".");
$this->escchar = "";
// Comment settings
$this->linecommenton = array("'");
$this->blockcommenton = array("");
$this->blockcommentoff = array("");
// Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
$this->keywords = array(
"Abs" => "1",
"Array" => "1",
"Asc" => "1",
"AscB" => "1",
"AscW" => "1",
"Atn" => "1",
"Avg" => "1",
"CBool" => "1",
"CByte" => "1",
"CCur" => "1",
"CDate" => "1",
"CDbl" => "1",
"Cdec" => "1",
"Choose" => "1",
"Chr" => "1",
"ChrB" => "1",
"ChrW" => "1",
"CInt" => "1",
"CLng" => "1",
"Command" => "1",
"Cos" => "1",
"Count" => "1",
"CreateObject" => "1",
"CSng" => "1",
"CStr" => "1",
"CurDir" => "1",
"CVar" => "1",
"CVDate" => "1",
"CVErr" => "1",
"Date" => "1",
"DateAdd" => "1",
"DateDiff" => "1",
"DatePart" => "1",
"DateSerial" => "1",
"DateValue" => "1",
"Day" => "1",
"DDB" => "1",
"Dir" => "1",
"DoEvents" => "1",
"Environ" => "1",
"EOF" => "1",
"Error" => "1",
"Exp" => "1",
"FileAttr" => "1",
"FileDateTime" => "1",
"FileLen" => "1",
"Fix" => "1",
"Format" => "1",
"FreeFile" => "1",
"FV" => "1",
"GetAllStrings" => "1",
"GetAttr" => "1",
"GetAutoServerSettings" => "1",
"GetObject" => "1",
"GetSetting" => "1",
"Hex" => "1",
"Hour" => "1",
"IIf" => "1",
"IMEStatus" => "1",
"Input" => "1",
"InputB" => "1",
"InputBox" => "1",
"InStr" => "1",
"InstB" => "1",
"Int" => "1",
"IPmt" => "1",
"IsArray" => "1",
"IsDate" => "1",
"IsEmpty" => "1",
"IsError" => "1",
"IsMissing" => "1",
"IsNull" => "1",
"IsNumeric" => "1",
"IsObject" => "1",
"LBound" => "1",
"LCase" => "1",
"Left" => "1",
"LeftB" => "1",
"Len" => "1",
"LenB" => "1",
"LoadPicture" => "1",
"Loc" => "1",
"LOF" => "1",
"Log" => "1",
"LTrim" => "1",
"Max" => "1",
"Mid" => "1",
"MidB" => "1",
"Min" => "1",
"Minute" => "1",
"MIRR" => "1",
"Month" => "1",
"MsgBox" => "1",
"Now" => "1",
"NPer" => "1",
"NPV" => "1",
"Oct" => "1",
"Partition" => "1",
"Pmt" => "1",
"PPmt" => "1",
"PV" => "1",
"QBColor" => "1",
"Rate" => "1",
"RGB" => "1",
"Right" => "1",
"RightB" => "1",
"Rnd" => "1",
"RTrim" => "1",
"Second" => "1",
"Seek" => "1",
"Sgn" => "1",
"Shell" => "1",
"Sin" => "1",
"SLN" => "1",
"Space" => "1",
"Spc" => "1",
"Sqr" => "1",
"StDev" => "1",
"StDevP" => "1",
"Str" => "1",
"StrComp" => "1",
"StrConv" => "1",
"String" => "1",
"Switch" => "1",
"Sum" => "1",
"SYD" => "1",
"Tab" => "1",
"Tan" => "1",
"Time" => "1",
"Timer" => "1",
"TimeSerial" => "1",
"TimeValue" => "1",
"Trim" => "1",
"TypeName" => "1",
"UBound" => "1",
"UCase" => "1",
"Val" => "1",
"Var" => "1",
"VarP" => "1",
"VarType" => "1",
"Weekday" => "1",
"Year" => "1",
"Accept" => "2",
"Activate" => "2",
"Add" => "2",
"AddCustom" => "2",
"AddFile" => "2",
"AddFromFile" => "2",
"AddFromTemplate" => "2",
"AddItem" => "2",
"AddNew" => "2",
"AddToAddInToolbar" => "2",
"AddToolboxProgID" => "2",
"Append" => "2",
"AppendChunk" => "2",
"Arrange" => "2",
"Assert" => "2",
"AsyncRead" => "2",
"BatchUpdate" => "2",
"BeginTrans" => "2",
"Bind" => "2",
"Cancel" => "2",
"CancelAsyncRead" => "2",
"CancelBatch" => "2",
"CancelUpdate" => "2",
"CanPropertyChange" => "2",
"CaptureImage" => "2",
"CellText" => "2",
"CellValue" => "2",
"Circle" => "2",
"Clear" => "2",
"ClearFields" => "2",
"ClearSel" => "2",
"ClearSelCols" => "2",
"Clone" => "2",
"Close" => "2",
"Cls" => "2",
"ColContaining" => "2",
"ColumnSize" => "2",
"CommitTrans" => "2",
"CompactDatabase" => "2",
"Compose" => "2",
"Connect" => "2",
"Copy" => "2",
"CopyQueryDef" => "2",
"CreateDatabase" => "2",
"CreateDragImage" => "2",
"CreateEmbed" => "2",
"CreateField" => "2",
"CreateGroup" => "2",
"CreateIndex" => "2",
"CreateLink" => "2",
"CreatePreparedStatement" => "2",
"CreatePropery" => "2",
"CreateQuery" => "2",
"CreateQueryDef" => "2",
"CreateRelation" => "2",
"CreateTableDef" => "2",
"CreateUser" => "2",
"CreateWorkspace" => "2",
"Customize" => "2",
"Delete" => "2",
"DeleteColumnLabels" => "2",
"DeleteColumns" => "2",
"DeleteRowLabels" => "2",
"DeleteRows" => "2",
"DoVerb" => "2",
"Drag" => "2",
"Draw" => "2",
"Edit" => "2",
"EditCopy" => "2",
"EditPaste" => "2",
"EndDoc" => "2",
"EnsureVisible" => "2",
"EstablishConnection" => "2",
"Execute" => "2",
"ExtractIcon" => "2",
"Fetch" => "2",
"FetchVerbs" => "2",
"Files" => "2",
"FillCache" => "2",
"Find" => "2",
"FindFirst" => "2",
"FindItem" => "2",
"FindLast" => "2",
"FindNext" => "2",
"FindPrevious" => "2",
"Forward" => "2",
"GetBookmark" => "2",
"GetChunk" => "2",
"GetClipString" => "2",
"GetData" => "2",
"GetFirstVisible" => "2",
"GetFormat" => "2",
"GetHeader" => "2",
"GetLineFromChar" => "2",
"GetNumTicks" => "2",
"GetRows" => "2",
"GetSelectedPart" => "2",
"GetText" => "2",
"GetVisibleCount" => "2",
"GoBack" => "2",
"GoForward" => "2",
"Hide" => "2",
"HitTest" => "2",
"HoldFields" => "2",
"Idle" => "2",
"InitializeLabels" => "2",
"InsertColumnLabels" => "2",
"InsertColumns" => "2",
"InsertObjDlg" => "2",
"InsertRowLabels" => "2",
"InsertRows" => "2",
"Item" => "2",
"KillDoc" => "2",
"Layout" => "2",
"Line" => "2",
"LinkExecute" => "2",
"LinkPoke" => "2",
"LinkRequest" => "2",
"LinkSend" => "2",
"Listen" => "2",
"LoadFile" => "2",
"LoadResData" => "2",
"LoadResPicture" => "2",
"LoadResString" => "2",
"LogEvent" => "2",
"MakeCompileFile" => "2",
"MakeReplica" => "2",
"MoreResults" => "2",
"Move" => "2",
"MoveData" => "2",
"MoveFirst" => "2",
"MoveLast" => "2",
"MoveNext" => "2",
"MovePrevious" => "2",
"NavigateTo" => "2",
"NewPage" => "2",
"NewPassword" => "2",
"NextRecordset" => "2",
"OLEDrag" => "2",
"OnAddinsUpdate" => "2",
"OnConnection" => "2",
"OnDisconnection" => "2",
"OnStartupComplete" => "2",
"Open" => "2",
"OpenConnection" => "2",
"OpenDatabase" => "2",
"OpenQueryDef" => "2",
"OpenRecordset" => "2",
"OpenResultset" => "2",
"OpenURL" => "2",
"Overlay" => "2",
"PaintPicture" => "2",
"Paste" => "2",
"PastSpecialDlg" => "2",
"PeekData" => "2",
"Play" => "2",
"Point" => "2",
"PopulatePartial" => "2",
"PopupMenu" => "2",
"Print" => "2",
"PrintForm" => "2",
"PropertyChanged" => "2",
"PSet" => "2",
"Quit" => "2",
"Raise" => "2",
"RandomDataFill" => "2",
"RandomFillColumns" => "2",
"RandomFillRows" => "2",
"rdoCreateEnvironment" => "2",
"rdoRegisterDataSource" => "2",
"ReadFromFile" => "2",
"ReadProperty" => "2",
"Rebind" => "2",
"ReFill" => "2",
"Refresh" => "2",
"RefreshLink" => "2",
"RegisterDatabase" => "2",
"Reload" => "2",
"Remove" => "2",
"RemoveAddInFromToolbar" => "2",
"RemoveItem" => "2",
"Render" => "2",
"RepairDatabase" => "2",
"Reply" => "2",
"ReplyAll" => "2",
"Requery" => "2",
"ResetCustom" => "2",
"ResetCustomLabel" => "2",
"ResolveName" => "2",
"RestoreToolbar" => "2",
"Resync" => "2",
"Rollback" => "2",
"RollbackTrans" => "2",
"RowBookmark" => "2",
"RowContaining" => "2",
"RowTop" => "2",
"Save" => "2",
"SaveAs" => "2",
"SaveFile" => "2",
"SaveToFile" => "2",
"SaveToolbar" => "2",
"SaveToOle1File" => "2",
"Scale" => "2",
"ScaleX" => "2",
"ScaleY" => "2",
"Scroll" => "2",
"Select" => "2",
"SelectAll" => "2",
"SelectPart" => "2",
"SelPrint" => "2",
"Send" => "2",
"SendData" => "2",
"Set" => "2",
"SetAutoServerSettings" => "2",
"SetData" => "2",
"SetFocus" => "2",
"SetOption" => "2",
"SetSize" => "2",
"SetText" => "2",
"SetViewport" => "2",
"Show" => "2",
"ShowColor" => "2",
"ShowFont" => "2",
"ShowHelp" => "2",
"ShowOpen" => "2",
"ShowPrinter" => "2",
"ShowSave" => "2",
"ShowWhatsThis" => "2",
"SignOff" => "2",
"SignOn" => "2",
"Size" => "2",
"Span" => "2",
"SplitContaining" => "2",
"StartLabelEdit" => "2",
"StartLogging" => "2",
"Stop" => "2",
"Synchronize" => "2",
"TextHeight" => "2",
"TextWidth" => "2",
"ToDefaults" => "2",
"TwipsToChartPart" => "2",
"TypeByChartType" => "2",
"Update" => "2",
"UpdateControls" => "2",
"UpdateRecord" => "2",
"UpdateRow" => "2",
"Upto" => "2",
"WhatsThisMode" => "2",
"WriteProperty" => "2",
"ZOrder" => "2",
"AccessKeyPress" => "3",
"AfterAddFile" => "3",
"AfterChangeFileName" => "3",
"AfterCloseFile" => "3",
"AfterColEdit" => "3",
"AfterColUpdate" => "3",
"AfterDelete" => "3",
"AfterInsert" => "3",
"AfterLabelEdit" => "3",
"AfterRemoveFile" => "3",
"AfterUpdate" => "3",
"AfterWriteFile" => "3",
"AmbienChanged" => "3",
"ApplyChanges" => "3",
"Associate" => "3",
"AsyncReadComplete" => "3",
"AxisActivated" => "3",
"AxisLabelActivated" => "3",
"AxisLabelSelected" => "3",
"AxisLabelUpdated" => "3",
"AxisSelected" => "3",
"AxisTitleActivated" => "3",
"AxisTitleSelected" => "3",
"AxisTitleUpdated" => "3",
"AxisUpdated" => "3",
"BeforeClick" => "3",
"BeforeColEdit" => "3",
"BeforeColUpdate" => "3",
"BeforeConnect" => "3",
"BeforeDelete" => "3",
"BeforeInsert" => "3",
"BeforeLabelEdit" => "3",
"BeforeLoadFile" => "3",
"BeforeUpdate" => "3",
"ButtonClick" => "3",
"ButtonCompleted" => "3",
"ButtonGotFocus" => "3",
"ButtonLostFocus" => "3",
"Change" => "3",
"ChartActivated" => "3",
"ChartSelected" => "3",
"ChartUpdated" => "3",
"Click" => "3",
"ColEdit" => "3",
"Collapse" => "3",
"ColResize" => "3",
"ColumnClick" => "3",
"Compare" => "3",
"ConfigChageCancelled" => "3",
"ConfigChanged" => "3",
"ConnectionRequest" => "3",
"DataArrival" => "3",
"DataChanged" => "3",
"DataUpdated" => "3",
"DblClick" => "3",
"Deactivate" => "3",
"DeviceArrival" => "3",
"DeviceOtherEvent" => "3",
"DeviceQueryRemove" => "3",
"DeviceQueryRemoveFailed" => "3",
"DeviceRemoveComplete" => "3",
"DeviceRemovePending" => "3",
"DevModeChange" => "3",
"Disconnect" => "3",
"DisplayChanged" => "3",
"Dissociate" => "3",
"DoGetNewFileName" => "3",
"Done" => "3",
"DonePainting" => "3",
"DownClick" => "3",
"DragDrop" => "3",
"DragOver" => "3",
"DropDown" => "3",
"EditProperty" => "3",
"EnterCell" => "3",
"EnterFocus" => "3",
"Event" => "4",
"ExitFocus" => "3",
"Expand" => "3",
"FootnoteActivated" => "3",
"FootnoteSelected" => "3",
"FootnoteUpdated" => "3",
"GotFocus" => "3",
"HeadClick" => "3",
"InfoMessage" => "3",
"Initialize" => "3",
"IniProperties" => "3",
"ItemActivated" => "3",
"ItemAdded" => "3",
"ItemCheck" => "3",
"ItemClick" => "3",
"ItemReloaded" => "3",
"ItemRemoved" => "3",
"ItemRenamed" => "3",
"ItemSeletected" => "3",
"KeyDown" => "3",
"KeyPress" => "3",
"KeyUp" => "3",
"LeaveCell" => "3",
"LegendActivated" => "3",
"LegendSelected" => "3",
"LegendUpdated" => "3",
"LinkClose" => "3",
"LinkError" => "3",
"LinkNotify" => "3",
"LinkOpen" => "3",
"Load" => "3",
"LostFocus" => "3",
"MouseDown" => "3",
"MouseMove" => "3",
"MouseUp" => "3",
"NodeClick" => "3",
"ObjectMove" => "3",
"OLECompleteDrag" => "3",
"OLEDragDrop" => "3",
"OLEDragOver" => "3",
"OLEGiveFeedback" => "3",
"OLESetData" => "3",
"OLEStartDrag" => "3",
"OnAddNew" => "3",
"OnComm" => "3",
"Paint" => "3",
"PanelClick" => "3",
"PanelDblClick" => "3",
"PathChange" => "3",
"PatternChange" => "3",
"PlotActivated" => "3",
"PlotSelected" => "3",
"PlotUpdated" => "3",
"PointActivated" => "3",
"PointLabelActivated" => "3",
"PointLabelSelected" => "3",
"PointLabelUpdated" => "3",
"PointSelected" => "3",
"PointUpdated" => "3",
"PowerQuerySuspend" => "3",
"PowerResume" => "3",
"PowerStatusChanged" => "3",
"PowerSuspend" => "3",
"QueryChangeConfig" => "3",
"QueryComplete" => "3",
"QueryCompleted" => "3",
"QueryTimeout" => "3",
"QueryUnload" => "3",
"ReadProperties" => "3",
"Reposition" => "3",
"RequestChangeFileName" => "3",
"RequestWriteFile" => "3",
"Resize" => "3",
"ResultsChanged" => "3",
"RowColChange" => "3",
"RowCurrencyChange" => "3",
"RowResize" => "3",
"RowStatusChanged" => "3",
"SelChange" => "3",
"SelectionChanged" => "3",
"SendComplete" => "3",
"SendProgress" => "3",
"SeriesActivated" => "3",
"SeriesSelected" => "3",
"SeriesUpdated" => "3",
"SettingChanged" => "3",
"SplitChange" => "3",
"StateChanged" => "3",
"StatusUpdate" => "3",
"SysColorsChanged" => "3",
"Terminate" => "3",
"TimeChanged" => "3",
"TitleActivated" => "3",
"TitleSelected" => "3",
"UnboundAddData" => "3",
"UnboundDeleteRow" => "3",
"UnboundGetRelativeBookmark" => "3",
"UnboundReadData" => "3",
"UnboundWriteData" => "3",
"Unload" => "3",
"UpClick" => "3",
"Updated" => "3",
"Validate" => "3",
"ValidationError" => "3",
"WillAssociate" => "3",
"WillChangeData" => "3",
"WillDissociate" => "3",
"WillExecute" => "3",
"WillUpdateRows" => "3",
"WithEvents" => "3",
"WriteProperties" => "3",
"AppActivate" => "4",
"Base" => "4",
"Beep" => "4",
"Call" => "4",
"Case" => "4",
"ChDir" => "4",
"ChDrive" => "4",
"Const" => "4",
"Declare" => "4",
"DefBool" => "4",
"DefByte" => "4",
"DefCur" => "4",
"DefDate" => "4",
"DefDbl" => "4",
"DefDec" => "4",
"DefInt" => "4",
"DefLng" => "4",
"DefObj" => "4",
"DefSng" => "4",
"DefStr" => "4",
"Deftype" => "4",
"DefVar" => "4",
"DeleteSetting" => "4",
"Dim" => "4",
"Do" => "4",
"Else" => "4",
"ElseIf" => "4",
"End" => "4",
"Enum" => "4",
"Erase" => "4",
"Exit" => "4",
"Explicit" => "4",
"False" => "4",
"FileCopy" => "4",
"For" => "4",
"ForEach" => "4",
"Friend" => "4",
"Function" => "4",
"Get" => "4",
"GoSub" => "4",
"GoTo" => "4",
"Height" => "4",
"If" => "4",
"Implements" => "4",
"Kill" => "4",
"Left" => "4",
"Let" => "4",
"LineInput" => "4",
"Lock" => "4",
"Loop" => "4",
"LSet" => "4",
"MkDir" => "4",
"Name" => "4",
"Next" => "4",
"Not" => "4",
"OnError" => "4",
"On" => "4",
"Option" => "4",
"Private" => "4",
"Property" => "4",
"Public" => "4",
"Put" => "4",
"RaiseEvent" => "4",
"Randomize" => "4",
"ReDim" => "4",
"Rem" => "4",
"Reset" => "4",
"Resume" => "4",
"Return" => "4",
"RmDir" => "4",
"RSet" => "4",
"SavePicture" => "4",
"SaveSetting" => "4",
"SendKeys" => "4",
"SetAttr" => "4",
"Static" => "4",
"Sub" => "4",
"Then" => "4",
"Top" => "4",
"True" => "4",
"Type" => "4",
"Unlock" => "4",
"Wend" => "4",
"While" => "4",
"Width" => "4",
"With" => "4",
"Write" => "4",
"&" => "5");
// Special extensions
// Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
// version of the keyword.
$this->linkscripts = array(
"1" => "donothing",
"2" => "donothing",
"3" => "donothing",
"4" => "donothing",
"5" => "donothing");

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: