ILIAS  eassessment Revision 61809
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ilUserXMLWriter Class Reference

XML writer class. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for ilUserXMLWriter:
+ Collaboration diagram for ilUserXMLWriter:

Public Member Functions

 ilUserXMLWriter ()
 setAttachRoles ($value)
 setObjects (&$users)
 start ()
 getXML ()
 __buildHeader ()
 __buildFooter ()
 __handleUser ($row)
 __addElement ($tagname, $value, $attrs=null, $settingsname=null, $requiredTag=false)
 setSettings ($settings)
 write access to settings
 setAttachPreferences ($attachPrefs)
 if set to true, all preferences of a user will be set
- Public Member Functions inherited from ilXmlWriter
 ilXmlWriter ($version="1.0", $outEnc="utf-8", $inEnc="utf-8")
 _ilXmlWriter ()
 destructor public
 xmlSetDtdDef ($dtdDef)
 Sets dtd definition.
 xmlSetStSheet ($stSheet)
 Sets stylesheet.
 xmlSetGenCmt ($genCmt)
 Sets generated comment.
 _xmlEscapeData ($data)
 Escapes reserved characters.
 xmlEncodeData ($data)
 Encodes text from input encoding into output encoding.
 xmlFormatData ($data)
 Indents text for better reading.
 xmlFormatElement ($array)
 Callback function for xmlFormatData; do not invoke directly.
 xmlHeader ()
 Writes xml header public.
 xmlStartTag ($tag, $attrs=NULL, $empty=FALSE, $encode=TRUE, $escape=TRUE)
 Writes a starttag.
 xmlEndTag ($tag)
 Writes an endtag.
 xmlComment ($comment)
 Writes a comment.
 xmlData ($data, $encode=TRUE, $escape=TRUE)
 Writes data.
 xmlElement ($tag, $attrs=NULL, $data=Null, $encode=TRUE, $escape=TRUE)
 Writes a basic element (no children, just textual content)
 xmlDumpFile ($file, $format=TRUE)
 Dumps xml document from memory into a file.
 xmlDumpMem ($format=TRUE)
 Returns xml document from memory.
 appendXML ($a_str)
 append xml string to document
 xmlClear ()
 clears xmlStr public

Static Public Member Functions

static getExportablePreferences ()
 return exportable preference keys as found in db
static isPrefExportable ($key)
 returns wether a key from db is exportable or not

Data Fields

 $user_id = 0
 $attachRoles = false
 $attachPreferences = false
- Data Fields inherited from ilXmlWriter
 $dtdDef = ""
 $stSheet = ""
 $genCmt = "Generated by ILIAS XmlWriter"

Private Member Functions

 __handlePreferences ($prefs, $row)
 canExport ($tagname, $settingsname=null)
 getPictureValue ($usr_id)
 return array with baseencoded picture data as key value, encoding type as encoding, and image type as key type.

Private Attributes


Static Private Attributes

static $exportablePrefs

Detailed Description

XML writer class.

Class to simplify manual writing of xml documents. It only supports writing xml sequentially, because the xml document is saved in a string with no additional structure information. The author is responsible for well-formedness and validity of the xml document.

Stefan Meyer
class.ilObjectXMLWriter.php,v 1.3 2005/11/04 12:50:24 smeyer Exp

Definition at line 20 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

Member Function Documentation

ilUserXMLWriter::__addElement (   $tagname,
  $attrs = null,
  $settingsname = null,
  $requiredTag = false 

Definition at line 310 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

References canExport(), and ilXmlWriter\xmlElement().

Referenced by __handleUser().

if ($this->canExport($tagname, $settingsname))
if (strlen($value) > 0 || $requiredTag || (is_array($attrs) && count($attrs) > 0))
$this->xmlElement ($tagname, $attrs, $value);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilUserXMLWriter::__buildFooter ( )

Definition at line 114 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

References ilXmlWriter\xmlEndTag().

Referenced by start().


+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilUserXMLWriter::__buildHeader ( )

Definition at line 103 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

References ilXmlWriter\xmlHeader(), ilXmlWriter\xmlSetDtdDef(), ilXmlWriter\xmlSetGenCmt(), and ilXmlWriter\xmlStartTag().

Referenced by start().

$this->xmlSetDtdDef("<!DOCTYPE Users PUBLIC \"-//ILIAS//DTD UserImport//EN\" \"".ILIAS_HTTP_PATH."/xml/ilias_user_4_0.dtd\">");
$this->xmlSetGenCmt("User of ilias system");
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilUserXMLWriter::__handlePreferences (   $prefs,

Definition at line 289 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

References $row, isPrefExportable(), ilXmlWriter\xmlElement(), ilXmlWriter\xmlEndTag(), and ilXmlWriter\xmlStartTag().

Referenced by __handleUser().

include_once ("Services/Mail/classes/class.ilMailOptions.php");
$mailOptions = new ilMailOptions($row["usr_id"]);
$prefs["mail_incoming_type"] = $mailOptions->getIncomingType();
$prefs["mail_signature"] = $mailOptions->getSignature();
$prefs["mail_linebreak"] = $mailOptions->getLinebreak();
if (count($prefs))
foreach ($prefs as $key => $value)
$this->xmlElement("Pref", array("key" => $key), $value);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilUserXMLWriter::__handleUser (   $row)

only export one password

Definition at line 119 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

References $ilDB, $lng, $query, $row, $type, __addElement(), __handlePreferences(), ilObjUser\_getPreferences(), canExport(), DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC, ilObjUserFolder\getExportSettings(), getPictureValue(), setSettings(), ilXmlWriter\xmlElement(), ilXmlWriter\xmlEndTag(), and ilXmlWriter\xmlStartTag().

Referenced by start().

global $ilDB,$lng;
if (!is_array ($this->settings)) {
include_once ('./Services/User/classes/class.ilObjUserFolder.php');
$prefs = ilObjUser::_getPreferences($row["usr_id"]);
if (strlen($row["language"]) == 0)
$row["language"] = $lng->getDefaultLanguage();
$attrs = array (
'Id' => "il_".IL_INST_ID."_usr_".$row["usr_id"],
'Language' => $row["language"],
'Action' => "Update"
$this->xmlStartTag("User", $attrs);
$this->xmlElement("Login", null, $row["login"]);
if ($this->attachRoles == TRUE)
include_once './Services/AccessControl/classes/class.ilObjRole.php';
$query = sprintf("SELECT object_data.title, object_data.description, rbac_fa.* ".
"FROM object_data, rbac_ua, rbac_fa WHERE rbac_ua.usr_id = %s ".
"AND rbac_ua.rol_id = rbac_fa.rol_id AND object_data.obj_id = rbac_fa.rol_id",
$rbacresult = $ilDB->query($query);
while ($rbacrow = $rbacresult->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC))
if ($rbacrow["assign"] != "y")
$type = "";
if ($rbacrow["parent"] == ROLE_FOLDER_ID)
$type = "Global";
$type = "Local";
if (strlen($type))
array ("Id" =>
"il_".IL_INST_ID."_role_".$rbacrow["rol_id"], "Type" => $type),
$i2passwd = FALSE;
if ($this->canExport("i2passwd","i2passwd") && strlen($row["i2passwd"]) > 0)
$i2passwd = TRUE;
$this->__addElement("Password",$row["i2passwd"], array("Type" => "ILIAS2"),"i2passwd");
if (!$i2passwd && strlen($row["passwd"]) > 0)
$this->__addElement("Password",$row["passwd"], array("Type" => "ILIAS3"),"passwd");
$this->__addElement ("Firstname", $row["firstname"]);
$this->__addElement ("Lastname", $row["lastname"]);
$this->__addElement ("Title", $row["title"]);
if ($this->canExport("PersonalPicture", "upload"))
$imageData = $this->getPictureValue($row["usr_id"]);
if ($imageData)
$value = array_shift($imageData); //$imageData["value"];
$this->__addElement ("PersonalPicture", $value, $imageData, "upload");
$this->__addElement ("Gender", $row["gender"]);
$this->__addElement ("Email", $row["email"]);
$this->__addElement ("Birthday", $row["birthday"]);
$this->__addElement ("Institution", $row["institution"]);
$this->__addElement ("Street", $row["street"]);
$this->__addElement ("City", $row["city"]);
$this->__addElement ("PostalCode", $row["zipcode"], null, "zipcode");
$this->__addElement ("Country", $row["country"]);
$this->__addElement ("PhoneOffice", $row["phone_office"], null, "phone_office");
$this->__addElement ("PhoneHome", $row["phone_home"], null, "phone_home");
$this->__addElement ("PhoneMobile", $row["phone_mobile"], null, "phone_mobile");
$this->__addElement ("Fax", $row["fax"]);
$this->__addElement ("Hobby", $row["hobby"]);
$this->__addElement ("Department", $row["department"]);
$this->__addElement ("Comment", $row["referral_comment"], null, "referral_comment");
$this->__addElement ("Matriculation", $row["matriculation"]);
$this->__addElement ("Active", $row["active"] ? "true":"false" );
$this->__addElement ("ClientIP", $row["client_ip"], null, "client_ip");
$this->__addElement ("TimeLimitOwner", $row["time_limit_owner"], null, "time_limit_owner");
$this->__addElement ("TimeLimitUnlimited", $row["time_limit_unlimited"], null, "time_limit_unlimited");
$this->__addElement ("TimeLimitFrom", $row["time_limit_from"], null, "time_limit_from");
$this->__addElement ("TimeLimitUntil", $row["time_limit_until"], null, "time_limit_until");
$this->__addElement ("TimeLimitMessage", $row["time_limit_message"], null, "time_limit_message");
$this->__addElement ("ApproveDate", $row["approve_date"], null, "approve_date");
$this->__addElement ("AgreeDate", $row["agree_date"], null, "agree_date");
if ((int) $row["ilinc_id"] !=0) {
$this->__addElement ("iLincID", $row["ilinc_id"], "ilinc_id");
$this->__addElement ("iLincUser", $row["ilinc_user"], "ilinc_user");
$this->__addElement ("iLincPasswd", $row["ilinc_passwd"], "ilinc_passwd");
if (strlen($row["auth_mode"])>0)
$this->__addElement ("AuthMode", null, array ("type" => $row["auth_mode"]),"auth_mode", true);
if (strlen($row["ext_account"])>0)
$this->__addElement ("ExternalAccount", $row["ext_account"], null, "ext_account", true);
if ($this->canExport("Look","skin_style"))
$this->__addElement("Look", null, array(
"Skin" => $prefs["skin"], "Style" => $prefs["style"]
), "skin_style", true);
$this->__addElement ("LastUpdate", $row["last_update"], null, "last_update");
$this->__addElement ("LastLogin", $row["last_login"], null, "last_login");
include_once ("./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserDefinedData.php");
$udf_data = new ilUserDefinedData($row['usr_id']);
$udf_data->addToXML($this, $this->settings);
$msgrs = array ("skype" => "im_skype", "yahoo" => "im_yahoo", "msn"=>"im_msn", "aim"=>"im_aim", "icq"=>"im_icq", "delicious" => "delicious", "external" => "ext_account", "jabber" => "im_jabber", "voip" => "im_voip");
foreach ($msgrs as $type => $fieldname) {
$this->__addElement("AccountInfo", $row[$fieldname], array("Type" => $type), "instant_messengers");
$this->__addElement("GMapsInfo", null, array (
"longitude" => $row["longitude"],
"latitude" => $row["latitude"],
"zoom" => $row["loc_zoom"]));
$this->__addElement("Feedhash", $row["feed_hash"]);
if ($this->attachPreferences || $this->canExport("prefs", "preferences"))
$this->__handlePreferences ($prefs, $row);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilUserXMLWriter::canExport (   $tagname,
  $settingsname = null 

Definition at line 318 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

Referenced by __addElement(), and __handleUser().

return !is_array($this->settings) ||
in_array(strtolower($tagname), $this->settings) !== FALSE ||
in_array($settingsname, $this->settings) !== FALSE;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static ilUserXMLWriter::getExportablePreferences ( )

return exportable preference keys as found in db

array of string

Definition at line 392 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

Referenced by isPrefExportable().

return array (

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilUserXMLWriter::getPictureValue (   $usr_id)

return array with baseencoded picture data as key value, encoding type as encoding, and image type as key type.


Definition at line 339 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

References $ilDB, $usr_id, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC, and ilUtil\getWebspaceDir().

Referenced by __handleUser().

global $ilDB;
// personal picture
$q = sprintf("SELECT value FROM usr_pref WHERE usr_id = %s AND keyword = %s",
$ilDB->quote($usr_id, "integer"), $ilDB->quote('profile_image', "text"));
$r = $ilDB->query($q);
if ($ilDB->numRows($r) == 1)
$personal_picture_data = $r->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
$personal_picture = $personal_picture_data["value"];
$webspace_dir = ilUtil::getWebspaceDir();
$image_file = $webspace_dir."/usr_images/".$personal_picture;
if (@is_file($image_file))
$fh = fopen($image_file, "rb");
if ($fh)
$image_data = fread($fh, filesize($image_file));
$base64 = base64_encode($image_data);
$imagetype = "image/jpeg";
if (preg_match("/.*\.(png|gif)$/", $personal_picture, $matches))
$imagetype = "image/".$matches[1];
return array (
"value" => $base64,
"encoding" => "Base64",
"imagetype" => $imagetype
return false;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilUserXMLWriter::getXML ( )

Definition at line 97 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

References ilXmlWriter\xmlDumpMem().

return $this->xmlDumpMem(FALSE);

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ilUserXMLWriter::ilUserXMLWriter ( )


stringxml version
stringoutput encoding
stringinput encoding public

Definition at line 44 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

References $ilias, and ilXmlWriter\ilXmlWriter().

global $ilias,$ilUser;
$this->ilias =& $ilias;
$this->user_id = $ilUser->getId();
$this->attachRoles = false;
/* $this->exportablePrefs = array(
"priv_feed_pass", "language", "style", "skin", 'ilPageEditor_HTMLMode',
'ilPageEditor_JavaScript', 'ilPageEditor_MediaMode', 'tst_javascript',
'tst_lastquestiontype', 'tst_multiline_answers', 'tst_use_previous_answers',
'graphicalAnswerSetting', "weekstart"

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

static ilUserXMLWriter::isPrefExportable (   $key)

returns wether a key from db is exportable or not


Definition at line 428 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

References getExportablePreferences().

Referenced by __handlePreferences(), ilUserImportParser\importEndTag(), and ilUserImportParser\verifyPref().


+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilUserXMLWriter::setAttachPreferences (   $attachPrefs)

if set to true, all preferences of a user will be set


Definition at line 382 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

$this->attachPreferences = $attachPrefs;
ilUserXMLWriter::setAttachRoles (   $value)

Definition at line 62 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

$this->attachRoles = $value == 1? true : false;
ilUserXMLWriter::setObjects ( $users)

Definition at line 67 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

References $users.

$this->users = & $users;
ilUserXMLWriter::setSettings (   $settings)

write access to settings


Definition at line 330 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

References $settings.

Referenced by __handleUser().

$this->settings = $settings;

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ilUserXMLWriter::start ( )

Definition at line 73 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

References __buildFooter(), __buildHeader(), __handleUser(), and ilUserDefinedFields\_getInstance().

if (!is_array($this->users))
return false;
include_once ("./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserDefinedFields.php");
foreach ($this->users as $user)
$this->__handleUser ($user);
return true;

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Field Documentation

ilUserXMLWriter::$attachPreferences = false

Definition at line 27 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

ilUserXMLWriter::$attachRoles = false

Definition at line 26 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.


Definition at line 28 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.


Definition at line 22 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

Referenced by ilUserXMLWriter().


Definition at line 35 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

Referenced by setSettings().

ilUserXMLWriter::$user_id = 0

Definition at line 25 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.


Definition at line 24 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

Referenced by setObjects().


Definition at line 23 of file class.ilUserXMLWriter.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: