release_4-3 Revision
Class ilObjSurveyGUI. More...
Public Member Functions | |
ilObjSurveyGUI () | |
Constructor public. | |
backToRepositoryObject () | |
executeCommand () | |
execute command | |
afterSave (ilObject $a_new_object) | |
save object public | |
cancelPropertiesObject () | |
Cancel actions in the properties form. | |
handleWriteAccess () | |
Checks for write access and returns to the parent object. | |
savePropertiesObject () | |
Save the survey properties. | |
initPropertiesForm () | |
Init survey settings form. | |
propertiesObject (ilPropertyFormGUI $a_form=null) | |
Display and fill the properties form of the test. | |
removeQuestionsObject () | |
Remove questions from the survey. | |
insertQuestionsObject () | |
Insert questions into the survey (from question pool) | |
insertQuestionblocksObject () | |
Insert question blocks into the survey. | |
changeDatatypeObject () | |
Change the object type in the question browser. | |
filterQuestionblockBrowserObject () | |
Filter the questionblock browser. | |
resetfilterQuestionblockBrowserObject () | |
Reset the questionblock browser filter. | |
browseForQuestionblocksObject ($arrFilter=null) | |
list questions of question pool | |
filterQuestionBrowserObject () | |
Filter the question browser. | |
resetfilterQuestionBrowserObject () | |
Reset the question browser filter. | |
browseForQuestionsObject ($arrFilter=null) | |
list questions of question pool | |
removeQuestionsForm ($checked_questionblocks, $checked_questions, $checked_headings) | |
Creates a confirmation form to remove questions from the survey. | |
defineQuestionblock ($questionblock_id="", $question_ids=null) | |
Displays the definition form for a question block. | |
createQuestionObject (ilPropertyFormGUI $a_form=null) | |
Creates a form to select a survey question pool for storage. | |
cancelCreateQuestionObject () | |
Cancel the creation of a new questions in a survey. | |
executeCreateQuestionObject () | |
Execute the creation of a new questions in a survey. | |
addHeadingObject ($checkonly=false, $question_id="") | |
Creates a form to add a heading to a survey. | |
confirmInsertQuestionObject () | |
Insert questions or question blocks into the survey after confirmation. | |
cancelInsertQuestionObject () | |
Cancels insert questions or question blocks into the survey. | |
saveHeadingObject () | |
Saves an edited heading in the survey questions list. | |
cancelHeadingObject () | |
Cancels saving a heading in the survey questions list. | |
confirmRemoveHeadingObject () | |
Remove a survey heading after confirmation. | |
cancelRemoveHeadingObject () | |
Cancels the removal of survey headings. | |
confirmRemoveHeadingForm () | |
Displays a confirmation form to delete a survey heading. | |
confirmRemoveQuestionsObject () | |
Remove questions from survey after confirmation. | |
cancelRemoveQuestionsObject () | |
Cancel remove questions from survey after confirmation. | |
defineQuestionblockObject () | |
Cancel remove questions from survey after confirmation. | |
saveDefineQuestionblockObject () | |
Confirm define a question block. | |
unfoldQuestionblockObject () | |
Unfold a question block. | |
cancelDefineQuestionblockObject () | |
Cancel define a question block. | |
moveQuestionsObject () | |
Move questions. | |
insertQuestions ($insert_mode) | |
Insert questions from move clipboard. | |
insertQuestionsBeforeObject () | |
Insert questions before selection. | |
insertQuestionsAfterObject () | |
Insert questions after selection. | |
saveObligatoryObject () | |
Save obligatory states. | |
questionsObject () | |
Creates the questions form for the survey object. | |
evaluationObject () | |
Redirects the evaluation object call to the ilSurveyEvaluationGUI class. | |
disinviteUserGroupObject () | |
Disinvite users or groups from a survey. | |
inviteUserGroupObject ($a_user_ids=array()) | |
Invite users or groups to a survey. | |
saveInvitationStatusObject () | |
Saves the status of the invitation tab. | |
inviteObject () | |
Creates the output for user/group invitation to a survey. | |
deleteAllUserDataObject () | |
Creates a confirmation form for delete all user data. | |
confirmDeleteAllUserDataObject () | |
Deletes all user data of the survey after confirmation. | |
cancelDeleteAllUserDataObject () | |
Cancels delete of all user data in maintenance. | |
confirmDeleteSelectedUserDataObject () | |
Deletes all user data for the test object. | |
cancelDeleteSelectedUserDataObject () | |
Cancels the deletion of all user data for the test object. | |
deleteSingleUserResultsObject () | |
Asks for a confirmation to delete selected user data of the test object. | |
maintenanceObject () | |
Participants maintenance. | |
importFileObject () | |
form for new survey object import | |
exportObject () | |
createExportFileObject () | |
create export file | |
downloadExportFileObject () | |
download export file | |
confirmDeleteExportFileObject () | |
confirmation screen for export file deletion | |
cancelDeleteExportFileObject () | |
cancel deletion of export files | |
deleteExportFileObject () | |
delete export files | |
setCodeLanguageObject () | |
Change survey language for direct access URL's. | |
codesObject () | |
Display the survey access codes tab. | |
deleteCodesObject () | |
Delete a list of survey codes. | |
exportCodesObject () | |
Exports a list of survey codes. | |
exportAllCodesObject () | |
Exports all survey codes. | |
createSurveyCodesObject () | |
Create access codes for the survey. | |
codesMailObject ($checkonly=false) | |
Sending access codes via email. | |
insertSavedMessageObject () | |
deleteSavedMessageObject () | |
mailCodesObject () | |
sendCodesMailObject () | |
cancelCodesMailObject () | |
deleteInternalMailRecipientObject () | |
importExternalRecipientsFromDatasetObject () | |
importExternalRecipientsFromTextObject () | |
importExternalRecipientsFromFileObject () | |
importExternalMailRecipientsObject ($checkonly=false, $formindex=-1) | |
constraintsAddObject () | |
Add a precondition for a survey question or question block. | |
constraintStep1Object () | |
Handles the first step of the precondition add action. | |
constraintStep2Object () | |
Handles the second step of the precondition add action. | |
constraintStep3Object () | |
Handles the third step of the precondition add action. | |
constraintForm ($step, $postvalues, &$survey_questions, $questions=FALSE) | |
deleteConstraintsObject () | |
Delete constraints of a survey. | |
createConstraintsObject () | |
editPreconditionObject () | |
constraintsObject () | |
Administration page for survey constraints. | |
infoScreenObject () | |
this one is called from the info button in the repository not very nice to set cmdClass/Cmd manually, if everything works through ilCtrl in the future this may be changed | |
infoScreen () | |
show information screen | |
printViewObject () | |
Creates a print view of the survey questions. | |
addLocatorItems () | |
should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded) | |
questionsSubtabs ($a_cmd) | |
Set the subtabs for the questions tab. | |
setCodesSubtabs () | |
Set the tabs for the access codes section. | |
setEvalSubtabs () | |
Set the tabs for the evaluation output. | |
setBrowseForQuestionsSubtabs () | |
getTabs (&$tabs_gui) | |
adds tabs to tab gui object | |
_goto ($a_target, $a_access_code="") | |
redirect script | |
confirmResetTemplateObject () | |
Enable all settings - Confirmation. | |
resetTemplateObject () | |
Enable all settings - remove template. | |
copyQuestionsToPoolObject () | |
Copy questions to pool (form) | |
executeCopyQuestionsToPoolObject () | |
Copy questions to pool (action) | |
![]() | |
ilObjectGUI ($a_data, $a_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=true, $a_prepare_output=true) | |
Constructor public. | |
withReferences () | |
determines wether objects are referenced or not (got ref ids or not) | |
setCreationMode ($a_mode=true) | |
if true, a creation screen is displayed the current $_GET[ref_id] don't belong to the current class! the mode is determined in ilrepositorygui | |
getCreationMode () | |
get creation mode | |
getAdminTabs (&$tabs_gui) | |
administration tabs show only permissions and trash folder | |
getHTML () | |
confirmedDeleteObject () | |
confirmed deletion of object -> objects are moved to trash or deleted immediately, if trash is disabled | |
cancelDeleteObject () | |
cancel deletion of object | |
cancelObject ($in_rep=false) | |
cancel action and go back to previous page public | |
createObject () | |
create new object form | |
cancelCreation () | |
cancel create action and go back to repository parent | |
saveObject () | |
save object | |
editObject () | |
edit object | |
updateObject () | |
updates object entry in object_data | |
getFormAction ($a_cmd, $a_formaction="") | |
get form action for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g. | |
isVisible ($a_ref_id, $a_type) | |
viewObject () | |
list childs of current object | |
deleteObject ($a_error=false) | |
Display deletion confirmation screen. | |
cloneAllObject () | |
Clone single (not container object) Method is overwritten in ilContainerGUI. |
Protected Member Functions | |
addDidacticTemplateOptions (array &$a_options) | |
Add custom templates. | |
gatherSelectedTableItems ($allow_blocks=true, $allow_questions=true, $allow_headings=false, $allow_questions_in_blocks=false) | |
Gather (and filter) selected items from table gui. | |
initImportForm ($a_new_type) | |
Init object import form. | |
![]() | |
assignObject () | |
prepareOutput () | |
prepare output | |
setTitleAndDescription () | |
called by prepare output | |
initHeaderAction ($a_sub_type=null, $a_sub_id=null) | |
Add header action menu. | |
insertHeaderAction ($a_list_gui) | |
Insert header action into main template. | |
addHeaderAction () | |
Add header action menu. | |
redrawHeaderActionObject () | |
Ajax call: redraw action header only. | |
setTabs () | |
set admin tabs public | |
setAdminTabs () | |
set admin tabs public | |
setLocator () | |
set Locator | |
omitLocator ($a_omit=true) | |
addAdminLocatorItems () | |
should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded) | |
initCreationForms ($a_new_type) | |
Init creation froms. | |
getCreationFormsHTML (array $a_forms) | |
Get HTML for creation forms (accordion) | |
initCreateForm ($a_new_type) | |
Init object creation form. | |
initDidacticTemplate (ilPropertyFormGUI $form) | |
Show didactic template types. | |
getDidacticTemplateVar ($a_type) | |
Get didactic template setting from creation screen. | |
putObjectInTree (ilObject $a_obj, $a_parent_node_id=null) | |
Add object to tree at given position. | |
initEditForm () | |
Init object edit form. | |
initEditCustomForm (ilPropertyFormGUI $a_form) | |
Add custom fields to update form. | |
getEditFormValues () | |
Get values for edit form. | |
getEditFormCustomValues (array &$a_values) | |
Add values to custom edit fields. | |
updateCustom (ilPropertyFormGUI $a_form) | |
Insert custom update form values into object. | |
afterUpdate () | |
Post (successful) object update hook. | |
importFileObject ($parent_id=null) | |
Import. | |
afterImport (ilObject $a_new_object) | |
Post (successful) object import hook. | |
setFormAction ($a_cmd, $a_formaction) | |
set specific form action for command | |
getReturnLocation ($a_cmd, $a_location="") | |
get return location for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g. | |
setReturnLocation ($a_cmd, $a_location) | |
set specific return location for command | |
getTargetFrame ($a_cmd, $a_target_frame="") | |
get target frame for command (command is method name without "Object", e.g. | |
setTargetFrame ($a_cmd, $a_target_frame) | |
set specific target frame for command | |
showPossibleSubObjects () | |
show possible subobjects (pulldown menu) | |
getTemplateFile ($a_cmd, $a_type="") | |
get a template blockfile format: tpl. | |
getTitlesByRefId ($a_ref_ids) | |
get Titles of objects this method is used for error messages in methods cut/copy/paste | |
__showButton ($a_cmd, $a_text, $a_target= '') | |
hitsperpageObject () | |
& | __initTableGUI () |
__setTableGUIBasicData (&$tbl, &$result_set, $a_from="") | |
standard implementation for tables use 'from' variable use different initial setting of table | |
__showClipboardTable ($a_result_set, $a_from="") | |
redirectToRefId ($a_ref_id, $a_cmd="") | |
redirects to (repository) view per ref id usually to a container and usually used at the end of a save/import method where the object gui type (of the new object) doesn't match with the type of the current $_GET["ref_id"] value | |
fillCloneTemplate ($a_tpl_varname, $a_type) | |
Fill object clone template This method can be called from any object GUI class that wants to offer object cloning. | |
getCenterColumnHTML () | |
Get center column. | |
getRightColumnHTML () | |
Display right column. | |
setColumnSettings ($column_gui) | |
May be overwritten in subclasses. | |
checkPermission ($a_perm, $a_cmd="", $a_type="", $a_ref_id=null) | |
Check permission and redirect on error. | |
checkPermissionBool ($a_perm, $a_cmd="", $a_type="", $a_ref_id=null) | |
Check permission. |
Private Member Functions | |
createQuestionPool ($name="dummy") | |
Creates a new questionpool and returns the reference id. |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | _gotoRepositoryRoot ($a_raise_error=false) |
Goto repository root. | |
static | _gotoRepositoryNode ($a_ref_id, $a_cmd="frameset") |
Goto repository root. | |
![]() | |
$ilias | |
$objDefinition | |
$tpl | |
$tree | |
$lng | |
$data | |
$object | |
$ref_id | |
$obj_id | |
$maxcount | |
$formaction | |
$return_location | |
$target_frame | |
$tab_target_script | |
$actions | |
$sub_objects | |
$omit_locator = false | |
const | CFORM_NEW = 1 |
const | CFORM_IMPORT = 2 |
const | CFORM_CLONE = 3 |
Class ilObjSurveyGUI.
ilObjSurveyGUI: ilSurveyEvaluationGUI, ilSurveyExecutionGUI ilObjSurveyGUI: ilMDEditorGUI, ilPermissionGUI ilObjSurveyGUI: ilInfoScreenGUI, ilObjectCopyGUI ilObjSurveyGUI: ilRepositorySearchGUI, ilSurveyPageGUI ilObjSurveyGUI: ilCommonActionDispatcherGUI
Definition at line 44 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
ilObjSurveyGUI::_goto | ( | $a_target, | |
$a_access_code = "" |
) |
redirect script
string | $a_target |
Definition at line 4220 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_SESSION, $ilErr, ilObjectGUI\$lng, ilObjectGUI\_gotoRepositoryRoot(), ilObject\_lookupObjId(), ilObject\_lookupTitle(), exit, and ilUtil\sendFailure().
protected |
Add custom templates.
array | $a_options |
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 215 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilSettingsTemplate\getAllSettingsTemplates().
ilObjSurveyGUI::addHeadingObject | ( | $checkonly = false , |
$question_id = "" |
) |
Creates a form to add a heading to a survey.
integer | $question_id | The id of the question directly after the heading. If the id is given, an existing heading will be edited public |
Definition at line 1349 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $errors, ilObjAdvancedEditing\_getUsedHTMLTags(), ilRTE\ILIAS_IMG_MANAGER_PLUGIN, questionsSubtabs(), ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions(), and ilTextAreaInputGUI\setValue().
Referenced by questionsObject(), and saveHeadingObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::addLocatorItems | ( | ) |
should be overwritten to add object specific items (repository items are preloaded)
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 3858 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET.
ilObjSurveyGUI::afterSave | ( | ilObject | $a_new_object | ) |
save object public
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 233 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjectGUI\getDidacticTemplateVar(), ilObject\getRefId(), ilUtil\redirect(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::backToRepositoryObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 62 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $path, ilObjectGUI\getReturnLocation(), and ilUtil\redirect().
ilObjSurveyGUI::browseForQuestionblocksObject | ( | $arrFilter = null | ) |
list questions of question pool
Definition at line 949 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_REQUEST, ilObjectGUI\$data, $ilUser, setBrowseForQuestionsSubtabs(), and ilSurveyQuestionblockbrowserTableGUI\setEditable().
ilObjSurveyGUI::browseForQuestionsObject | ( | $arrFilter = null | ) |
list questions of question pool
Definition at line 1011 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_REQUEST, ilObjectGUI\$data, $ilUser, $row, setBrowseForQuestionsSubtabs(), and ilSurveyQuestionbrowserTableGUI\setEditable().
ilObjSurveyGUI::cancelCodesMailObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2833 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
ilObjSurveyGUI::cancelCreateQuestionObject | ( | ) |
Cancel the creation of a new questions in a survey.
Definition at line 1260 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
ilObjSurveyGUI::cancelDefineQuestionblockObject | ( | ) |
Cancel define a question block.
Definition at line 1725 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjSurveyGUI::cancelDeleteAllUserDataObject | ( | ) |
Cancels delete of all user data in maintenance.
Definition at line 2226 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
ilObjSurveyGUI::cancelDeleteExportFileObject | ( | ) |
cancel deletion of export files
Definition at line 2535 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjSurveyGUI::cancelDeleteSelectedUserDataObject | ( | ) |
Cancels the deletion of all user data for the test object.
Definition at line 2244 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjSurveyGUI::cancelHeadingObject | ( | ) |
Cancels saving a heading in the survey questions list.
Cancels saving a heading in the survey questions list
Definition at line 1484 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
ilObjSurveyGUI::cancelInsertQuestionObject | ( | ) |
Cancels insert questions or question blocks into the survey.
Definition at line 1449 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
ilObjSurveyGUI::cancelPropertiesObject | ( | ) |
Cancel actions in the properties form.
Cancel actions in the properties form
Definition at line 254 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
ilObjSurveyGUI::cancelRemoveHeadingObject | ( | ) |
Cancels the removal of survey headings.
Cancels the removal of survey headings
Definition at line 1509 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
ilObjSurveyGUI::cancelRemoveQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Cancel remove questions from survey after confirmation.
Cancel remove questions from survey after confirmation
Definition at line 1584 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
ilObjSurveyGUI::changeDatatypeObject | ( | ) |
Change the object type in the question browser.
Definition at line 902 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_REQUEST, and $ilUser.
ilObjSurveyGUI::codesMailObject | ( | $checkonly = false | ) |
Sending access codes via email.
Definition at line 2691 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$data, $errors, handleWriteAccess(), and setCodesSubtabs().
ilObjSurveyGUI::codesObject | ( | ) |
Display the survey access codes tab.
Definition at line 2585 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $ilUser, $lang, $si, handleWriteAccess(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and setCodesSubtabs().
ilObjSurveyGUI::confirmDeleteAllUserDataObject | ( | ) |
Deletes all user data of the survey after confirmation.
Definition at line 2216 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::confirmDeleteExportFileObject | ( | ) |
confirmation screen for export file deletion
Definition at line 2496 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilObjectGUI\$data, handleWriteAccess(), IL_CAL_DATETIME, IL_CAL_UNIX, ilUtil\sendFailure(), and ilUtil\sendQuestion().
ilObjSurveyGUI::confirmDeleteSelectedUserDataObject | ( | ) |
Deletes all user data for the test object.
Definition at line 2234 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::confirmInsertQuestionObject | ( | ) |
Insert questions or question blocks into the survey after confirmation.
Definition at line 1424 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::confirmRemoveHeadingForm | ( | ) |
Displays a confirmation form to delete a survey heading.
Displays a confirmation form to delete a survey heading
Definition at line 1521 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, and ilUtil\sendQuestion().
Referenced by questionsObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::confirmRemoveHeadingObject | ( | ) |
Remove a survey heading after confirmation.
Remove a survey heading after confirmation
Definition at line 1496 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST.
ilObjSurveyGUI::confirmRemoveQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Remove questions from survey after confirmation.
Remove questions from survey after confirmation
Definition at line 1540 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::confirmResetTemplateObject | ( | ) |
Enable all settings - Confirmation.
Definition at line 4257 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendQuestion().
ilObjSurveyGUI::constraintForm | ( | $step, | |
$postvalues, | |||
& | $survey_questions, | ||
$questions = FALSE |
) |
Definition at line 3243 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_SESSION, $title, SurveyQuestion\_getQuestionTypeName(), SurveyQuestion\_includeClass(), ilRadioGroupInputGUI\addOption(), and ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions().
Referenced by constraintStep1Object(), constraintStep2Object(), and constraintStep3Object().
ilObjSurveyGUI::constraintsAddObject | ( | ) |
Add a precondition for a survey question or question block.
Definition at line 3137 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, constraintStep3Object(), and ilUtil\sendFailure().
ilObjSurveyGUI::constraintsObject | ( | ) |
Administration page for survey constraints.
Definition at line 3394 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_SESSION, ilObjectGUI\$data, $title, constraintStep1Object(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), handleWriteAccess(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjSurveyGUI::constraintStep1Object | ( | ) |
Handles the first step of the precondition add action.
Definition at line 3177 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, constraintForm(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by constraintsObject(), and createConstraintsObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::constraintStep2Object | ( | ) |
Handles the second step of the precondition add action.
Definition at line 3209 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, and constraintForm().
ilObjSurveyGUI::constraintStep3Object | ( | ) |
Handles the third step of the precondition add action.
Definition at line 3220 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, and constraintForm().
Referenced by constraintsAddObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::copyQuestionsToPoolObject | ( | ) |
Copy questions to pool (form)
Definition at line 4284 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilObjSurvey\_instanciateQuestion(), gatherSelectedTableItems(), questionsSubtabs(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions().
ilObjSurveyGUI::createConstraintsObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3366 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, constraintStep1Object(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjSurveyGUI::createExportFileObject | ( | ) |
create export file
Definition at line 2460 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References handleWriteAccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::createQuestionObject | ( | ilPropertyFormGUI | $a_form = null | ) |
Creates a form to select a survey question pool for storage.
Definition at line 1180 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $_SESSION, $ilUser, executeCreateQuestionObject(), questionsSubtabs(), ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setRequired(), ilTextInputGUI\setSize(), and ilRadioOption\setValue().
private |
Creates a new questionpool and returns the reference id.
Definition at line 1325 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$tree.
Referenced by executeCreateQuestionObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::createSurveyCodesObject | ( | ) |
Create access codes for the survey.
Definition at line 2674 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilUtil\sendFailure(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::defineQuestionblock | ( | $questionblock_id = "" , |
$question_ids = null |
) |
Displays the definition form for a question block.
integer | $questionblock_id | The database id of the questionblock to edit an existing questionblock public |
Definition at line 1114 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $title, questionsSubtabs(), and ilFormPropertyGUI\setInfo().
Referenced by defineQuestionblockObject(), questionsObject(), and saveDefineQuestionblockObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::defineQuestionblockObject | ( | ) |
Cancel remove questions from survey after confirmation.
Cancel remove questions from survey after confirmation
Definition at line 1645 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, defineQuestionblock(), gatherSelectedTableItems(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by saveDefineQuestionblockObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::deleteAllUserDataObject | ( | ) |
Creates a confirmation form for delete all user data.
Definition at line 2202 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
ilObjSurveyGUI::deleteCodesObject | ( | ) |
Delete a list of survey codes.
Definition at line 2628 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::deleteConstraintsObject | ( | ) |
Delete constraints of a survey.
Definition at line 3351 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, and $_SESSION.
ilObjSurveyGUI::deleteExportFileObject | ( | ) |
delete export files
Definition at line 2545 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, $file, ilUtil\delDir(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::deleteInternalMailRecipientObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2838 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::deleteSavedMessageObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2745 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $ilLog, handleWriteAccess(), ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and setCodesSubtabs().
ilObjSurveyGUI::deleteSingleUserResultsObject | ( | ) |
Asks for a confirmation to delete selected user data of the test object.
Definition at line 2253 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilObjectGUI\$data, $total, handleWriteAccess(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendQuestion().
ilObjSurveyGUI::disinviteUserGroupObject | ( | ) |
Disinvite users or groups from a survey.
Definition at line 2043 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::downloadExportFileObject | ( | ) |
download export file
Definition at line 2472 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, $file, ilUtil\deliverFile(), and ilUtil\sendFailure().
ilObjSurveyGUI::editPreconditionObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3383 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
ilObjSurveyGUI::evaluationObject | ( | ) |
Redirects the evaluation object call to the ilSurveyEvaluationGUI class.
Redirects the evaluation object call to the ilSurveyEvaluationGUI class
Definition at line 2032 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
ilObjSurveyGUI::executeCommand | ( | ) |
execute command
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 72 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_REQUEST, $cmd, $ilCtrl, $ilErr, ilObjectGUI\$ilias, $ret, ilObjectGUI\addHeaderAction(), ilMDEditorGUI\addObserver(), ilObjectGUI\getCreationMode(), ilCommonActionDispatcherGUI\getInstanceFromAjaxCall(), ilUtil\getStyleSheetLocation(), infoScreen(), and ilObjectGUI\prepareOutput().
ilObjSurveyGUI::executeCopyQuestionsToPoolObject | ( | ) |
Copy questions to pool (action)
Definition at line 4345 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, SurveyQuestion\_changeOriginalId(), ilObjSurvey\_instanciateQuestion(), ilObject\_lookupObjId(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::executeCreateQuestionObject | ( | ) |
Execute the creation of a new questions in a survey.
Definition at line 1270 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $_SESSION, ilObjectGUI\$ref_id, createQuestionPool(), ilUtil\redirect(), and ilUtil\sendFailure().
Referenced by createQuestionObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::exportAllCodesObject | ( | ) |
Exports all survey codes.
Definition at line 2665 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilUtil\deliverData(), and ilUtil\getASCIIFilename().
ilObjSurveyGUI::exportCodesObject | ( | ) |
Exports a list of survey codes.
Definition at line 2648 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilUtil\deliverData(), ilUtil\getASCIIFilename(), and ilUtil\sendFailure().
ilObjSurveyGUI::exportObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2430 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$data, handleWriteAccess(), IL_CAL_DATETIME, and IL_CAL_UNIX.
ilObjSurveyGUI::filterQuestionblockBrowserObject | ( | ) |
Filter the questionblock browser.
Definition at line 923 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST.
ilObjSurveyGUI::filterQuestionBrowserObject | ( | ) |
Filter the question browser.
Definition at line 985 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST.
protected |
Gather (and filter) selected items from table gui.
bool | $allow_blocks | |
bool | $allow_questions | |
bool | $allow_headings | |
bool | $allow_questions_in_blocks |
Definition at line 1598 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST.
Referenced by copyQuestionsToPoolObject(), defineQuestionblockObject(), insertQuestions(), moveQuestionsObject(), removeQuestionsObject(), and unfoldQuestionblockObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::getTabs | ( | & | $tabs_gui | ) |
adds tabs to tab gui object
object | $tabs_gui | ilTabsGUI object |
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 4044 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $cmd, $ilUser, ilObjSurveyAccess\_hasEvaluationAccess(), and setEvalSubtabs().
ilObjSurveyGUI::handleWriteAccess | ( | ) |
Checks for write access and returns to the parent object.
Checks for write access and returns to the parent object
Definition at line 266 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by codesMailObject(), codesObject(), confirmDeleteExportFileObject(), constraintsObject(), createExportFileObject(), deleteSavedMessageObject(), deleteSingleUserResultsObject(), exportObject(), importExternalMailRecipientsObject(), insertSavedMessageObject(), mailCodesObject(), maintenanceObject(), questionsObject(), and sendCodesMailObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::ilObjSurveyGUI | ( | ) |
Constructor public.
Definition at line 50 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $ilCtrl, ilObjectGUI\$lng, and ilObjectGUI\ilObjectGUI().
ilObjSurveyGUI::importExternalMailRecipientsObject | ( | $checkonly = false , |
$formindex = -1 |
) |
Definition at line 2996 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_SESSION, $errors, handleWriteAccess(), setCodesSubtabs(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setInfo(), and ilTextAreaInputGUI\setValue().
Referenced by importExternalRecipientsFromDatasetObject(), importExternalRecipientsFromFileObject(), and importExternalRecipientsFromTextObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::importExternalRecipientsFromDatasetObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2853 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilObjectGUI\$data, importExternalMailRecipientsObject(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::importExternalRecipientsFromFileObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2937 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$data, $reader, $row, importExternalMailRecipientsObject(), ilUtil\sendFailure(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::importExternalRecipientsFromTextObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2881 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, ilObjectGUI\$data, $row, importExternalMailRecipientsObject(), ilUtil\sendFailure(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::importFileObject | ( | ) |
form for new survey object import
Definition at line 2346 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_REQUEST, $ilErr, ilObjectGUI\$tpl, ilObjectGUI\checkPermissionBool(), ilSettingsTemplate\getAllSettingsTemplates(), initImportForm(), ilObjectGUI\putObjectInTree(), ilUtil\redirect(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::infoScreen | ( | ) |
show information screen
Definition at line 3568 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, $ilUser, ilObjSurveyAccess\_hasEvaluationAccess(), ANONYMIZE_FREEACCESS, ANONYMIZE_OFF, ANONYMIZE_ON, and ilUtil\sendInfo().
Referenced by executeCommand(), and infoScreenObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::infoScreenObject | ( | ) |
this one is called from the info button in the repository not very nice to set cmdClass/Cmd manually, if everything works through ilCtrl in the future this may be changed
Definition at line 3558 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References infoScreen().
protected |
Init object import form.
string | new type |
Reimplemented from ilObjectGUI.
Definition at line 2314 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions(), and ilFileInputGUI\setSuffixes().
Referenced by importFileObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::initPropertiesForm | ( | ) |
Init survey settings form.
Definition at line 428 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $results, $section, $title, ilObject\_getAllReferences(), ilObjAdvancedEditing\_getUsedHTMLTags(), ilSubEnabledFormPropertyGUI\addSubItem(), EVALUATION_ACCESS_ALL, EVALUATION_ACCESS_OFF, EVALUATION_ACCESS_PARTICIPANTS, ilMD\getGeneral(), IL_CAL_TIMESTAMP, IL_CAL_UNIX, ilTextAreaInputGUI\setCols(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setDisabled(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setInfo(), ilDateTimeInputGUI\setShowTime(), ilTextInputGUI\setValue(), ilCheckboxInputGUI\setValue(), ilNonEditableValueGUI\setValue(), ilTextAreaInputGUI\setValue(), ilObjectActivation\TIMINGS_ACTIVATION, and ilObjectActivation\TIMINGS_DEACTIVATED.
Referenced by propertiesObject(), and savePropertiesObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::insertQuestionblocksObject | ( | ) |
Insert question blocks into the survey.
Definition at line 844 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_REQUEST, ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::insertQuestions | ( | $insert_mode | ) |
Insert questions from move clipboard.
Definition at line 1762 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, gatherSelectedTableItems(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
Referenced by insertQuestionsAfterObject(), and insertQuestionsBeforeObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::insertQuestionsAfterObject | ( | ) |
Insert questions after selection.
Definition at line 1824 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References insertQuestions().
ilObjSurveyGUI::insertQuestionsBeforeObject | ( | ) |
Insert questions before selection.
Definition at line 1816 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References insertQuestions().
ilObjSurveyGUI::insertQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Insert questions into the survey (from question pool)
Definition at line 777 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_REQUEST, ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::insertSavedMessageObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2715 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $ilLog, $ilUser, handleWriteAccess(), ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and setCodesSubtabs().
ilObjSurveyGUI::inviteObject | ( | ) |
Creates the output for user/group invitation to a survey.
Definition at line 2114 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$lng, $path, ilRepositorySearchGUI\fillAutoCompleteToolbar(), ilObjectGUI\getReturnLocation(), ilUtil\redirect(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilFormPropertyGUI\setInfo(), and STATUS_OFFLINE.
ilObjSurveyGUI::inviteUserGroupObject | ( | $a_user_ids = array() | ) |
Invite users or groups to a survey.
Definition at line 2060 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendFailure(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::mailCodesObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2775 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, handleWriteAccess(), and setCodesSubtabs().
ilObjSurveyGUI::maintenanceObject | ( | ) |
Participants maintenance.
Definition at line 2288 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, ilObjectGUI\$data, $total, and handleWriteAccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::moveQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Move questions.
Definition at line 1734 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_SESSION, gatherSelectedTableItems(), questionsObject(), and ilUtil\sendInfo().
ilObjSurveyGUI::printViewObject | ( | ) |
Creates a print view of the survey questions.
Definition at line 3777 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, ilObjectGUI\$ilias, ilUtil\getHtmlPath(), ilUtil\getImagePath(), ilRPCServerSettings\getInstance(), questionsSubtabs(), and ilUtil\sendFailure().
ilObjSurveyGUI::propertiesObject | ( | ilPropertyFormGUI | $a_form = null | ) |
Display and fill the properties form of the test.
Definition at line 722 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, initPropertiesForm(), and ilSettingsTemplate\lookupTitle().
Referenced by savePropertiesObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::questionsObject | ( | ) |
Creates the questions form for the survey object.
Definition at line 1879 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_GET, $_SESSION, $cmd, ilObjectGUI\$data, $ilUser, $path, ilObjSurveyQuestionPool\_getQuestiontypes(), addHeadingObject(), confirmRemoveHeadingForm(), defineQuestionblock(), ilObjectGUI\getReturnLocation(), handleWriteAccess(), questionsSubtabs(), ilUtil\redirect(), ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilUtil\sendQuestion(), and ilSelectInputGUI\setOptions().
Referenced by moveQuestionsObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::questionsSubtabs | ( | $a_cmd | ) |
Set the subtabs for the questions tab.
Set the subtabs for the questions tab
Definition at line 3898 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST.
Referenced by addHeadingObject(), copyQuestionsToPoolObject(), createQuestionObject(), defineQuestionblock(), printViewObject(), and questionsObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::removeQuestionsForm | ( | $checked_questionblocks, | |
$checked_questions, | |||
$checked_headings | |||
) |
Creates a confirmation form to remove questions from the survey.
array | $checked_questions | An array containing the id's of the questions to be removed |
array | $checked_questionblocks | An array containing the id's of the question blocks to be removed public |
Definition at line 1062 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$data, and SurveyQuestion\_getQuestionTypeName().
Referenced by removeQuestionsObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::removeQuestionsObject | ( | ) |
Remove questions from the survey.
Remove questions from the survey
Definition at line 758 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References gatherSelectedTableItems(), removeQuestionsForm(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendQuestion().
ilObjSurveyGUI::resetfilterQuestionblockBrowserObject | ( | ) |
Reset the questionblock browser filter.
Definition at line 936 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST.
ilObjSurveyGUI::resetfilterQuestionBrowserObject | ( | ) |
Reset the question browser filter.
Definition at line 998 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST.
ilObjSurveyGUI::resetTemplateObject | ( | ) |
Enable all settings - remove template.
Definition at line 4271 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::saveDefineQuestionblockObject | ( | ) |
Confirm define a question block.
Definition at line 1667 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_REQUEST, defineQuestionblock(), defineQuestionblockObject(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and ilUtil\stripSlashes().
ilObjSurveyGUI::saveHeadingObject | ( | ) |
Saves an edited heading in the survey questions list.
Saves an edited heading in the survey questions list
Definition at line 1461 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, ilObjAdvancedEditing\_getUsedHTMLTagsAsString(), addHeadingObject(), and ilUtil\stripSlashes().
ilObjSurveyGUI::saveInvitationStatusObject | ( | ) |
Saves the status of the invitation tab.
Definition at line 2088 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::saveObligatoryObject | ( | ) |
Save obligatory states.
Definition at line 1832 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::savePropertiesObject | ( | ) |
Save the survey properties.
Save the survey properties
Definition at line 284 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, $_SESSION, ANONYMIZE_CODE_ALL, ANONYMIZE_FREEACCESS, ANONYMIZE_OFF, ANONYMIZE_ON, ilMD\getGeneral(), IL_CAL_DATETIME, IL_CAL_UNIX, initPropertiesForm(), propertiesObject(), ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), ilUtil\stripSlashes(), ilObjectActivation\TIMINGS_ACTIVATION, and ilMDBase\update().
ilObjSurveyGUI::sendCodesMailObject | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2790 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, $ilUser, $lang, $title, handleWriteAccess(), ilUtil\sendFailure(), ilUtil\sendSuccess(), and setCodesSubtabs().
ilObjSurveyGUI::setBrowseForQuestionsSubtabs | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4015 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_REQUEST.
Referenced by browseForQuestionblocksObject(), and browseForQuestionsObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::setCodeLanguageObject | ( | ) |
Change survey language for direct access URL's.
Definition at line 2571 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References $_POST, $ilUser, and ilUtil\sendSuccess().
ilObjSurveyGUI::setCodesSubtabs | ( | ) |
Set the tabs for the access codes section.
Definition at line 3944 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References ilObjectGUI\$data.
Referenced by codesMailObject(), codesObject(), deleteSavedMessageObject(), importExternalMailRecipientsObject(), insertSavedMessageObject(), mailCodesObject(), and sendCodesMailObject().
ilObjSurveyGUI::setEvalSubtabs | ( | ) |
Set the tabs for the evaluation output.
Definition at line 3985 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
Referenced by getTabs().
ilObjSurveyGUI::unfoldQuestionblockObject | ( | ) |
Unfold a question block.
Definition at line 1707 of file class.ilObjSurveyGUI.php.
References gatherSelectedTableItems(), ilUtil\sendInfo(), and ilUtil\sendSuccess().