23 $fp = fopen(
24 while ($line=fgets($fp))
27 if (preg_match(
'/<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>/i', $line)) {
47 while ($line=fgets($fp))
50 if (preg_match(
54 elseif (preg_match(
56 $parent_id=array_pop($parent);
58 elseif (preg_match(
63 $result[$parent_id][$id][
65 elseif (preg_match(
68 array_push($parent,$parent_id);
74 'title'=>strip_tags($name),
77 elseif (preg_match(
'/<DT><A HREF="([^"]*)[^>]*>(.*)<\/A>/i', $line, $match))
86 if (preg_match(
"/ADD_DATE=\"([^\"]*)/i", $line, $match)) $add_date = $match[1];
else $add_date=0;
87 if (preg_match(
"/LAST_VISIT=\"([^\"]*)/i", $line, $match)) $visited = $match[1];
else $visited=0;
88 if (preg_match(
"/LAST_MODIFIED=\"([^\"]*)/i", $line, $match)) $modified = $match[1];
else $modified=0;
91 'target'=>strip_tags(
92 'title'=>strip_tags($name),
93 'add_date'=>$add_date,
95 'modified'=>$modified,
98 elseif (preg_match(
"/<META\s+HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\".+CONTENT=\"([^\"]*)\"/i", $line, $match))
100 preg_match(
"/charset=([^ ]+)/", $match[1], $match);
115 $htmlCont=
'<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>'.
116 $htmlCont.=
'<!-- Created by ilias - www.ilias.de -->'.
117 $htmlCont.=
'<!-- on '.date(
' -->'.
118 $htmlCont.=
'<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">'.
119 $htmlCont.=
120 $htmlCont.=
121 $htmlCont.=
122 foreach ($obj_ids as $obj_id) {
126 $htmlCont.=
140 switch ($object[
143 $result.=str_repeat(
144 $result.=
'<DT><A HREF="'.ilUtil::prepareFormOutput($object[
'" ';
145 $result.=
'" ';
146 $result.=
'" ';
147 $result.=
149 if ($object[
153 $result.=str_repeat(
'<DT><H3 ADD_DATE="0">'.
155 if ($object[
157 $result.=str_repeat(
162 foreach ($sub_objects as $sub_object)
169 $result.=str_repeat(
182 if (function_exists(
184 $string= html_entity_decode($string,ENT_QUOTES,
"ISO-8859-15"); #NOTE: UTF-8 does not work!
188 $trans_table = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_QUOTES));
189 $string = strtr($string, $trans_table );
191 $string= preg_replace_callback(
198 $string= preg_replace_callback(
199 '/&#x([a-f0-9]+);/mi',
201 return chr(hexdec($hit[1]));
217 if (extension_loaded(
222 mb_detect_order(
"ASCII, JIS, UTF-8, EUC-JP, SJIS, ISO-8859-15, Windows-1252");
223 $from_charset=mb_detect_encoding ($string);
225 if (strtoupper($from_charset)!=$to_charset)
227 return @mb_convert_encoding($string,$to_charset,$from_charset);
static prepareFormOutput($a_str, $a_strip=false)
prepares string output for html forms public
static getObject($a_id)
static _convertCharset($string, $from_charset='', $to_charset='UTF-8')
converts charset of given string
static __parseNetscape(&$fp)
parse Netscape bookmark file
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
static _exportBookmark($obj_ids, $recursive=true, $title='')
export bookmarks static method return html string
static _decodeEntities($string)
decode html entities of given string
static __parseExport($object, $depth=1, $recursive=true)
recursive methode generates bookmark output for export
if(!file_exists("$old.txt")) if($old===$new) if(file_exists("$new.txt")) $file
static getObjects($a_id)
static _parseFile($file)
parse Bookmark file static method returns 3 dimensional array of bookmarks and folders ...