4 require_once
29 $this->timestamp =
48 if(!is_string($extension) || !strlen($extension))
50 throw new ilException(
'Missing file extension! Please pass a file extension of type string.');
52 else if(substr_count($extension,
'.') > 1 || (strpos($extension,
'.') !==
false && strpos($extension,
'.') !== 0))
54 throw new ilException(
'Please use at most one dot in your file extension.');
56 else if(strpos($extension,
'.') === 0)
58 $extension = substr($extension, 1);
69 throw new ilException(
'The additional file part may not contain __ at the beginning!');
79 return $this->test->getExportDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->
getTimestamp() .
'__' . IL_INST_ID .
'__' . $this->test->getType() .
$additional . $this->test->getId() .
'.' . $extension;
Base class for ILIAS Exception handling.
__construct(ilObjTest $test)
getPathname($extension, $additional='')
Add data(end) time
Method that wraps PHPs time in order to allow simulations with the workflow.