ILIAS  release_5-2 Revision v5.2.25-18-g3f80b828510
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(".")."/Services/COPage/syntax_highlight/php";
3 if (!isset ($BEAUT_PATH)) return;
4 require_once("$BEAUT_PATH/Beautifier/HFile.php");
5  class HFile_bibtex extends HFile{
6  function HFile_bibtex(){
7  $this->HFile();
8 /*************************************/
9 // Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
10 // BibTeX
11 /*************************************/
12 // Flags
14 $this->nocase = "0";
15 $this->notrim = "0";
16 $this->perl = "0";
18 // Colours
20 $this->colours = array("blue", "brown", "blue", "gray", "purple");
21 $this->quotecolour = "blue";
22 $this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
23 $this->linecommentcolour = "green";
25 // Indent Strings
27 $this->indent = array();
28 $this->unindent = array();
30 // String characters and delimiters
32 $this->stringchars = array();
33 $this->delimiters = array("/", "D", "e", "l", "i", "m", "i", "t", "e", "r", "s", " ", "=", " ", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", ",", "-", ".", " ", "{", "=", "}", " ", " ", " ", " ", "/", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ":", ";", "<", ">", "[", "]", "^", "_", "|", "~", "`");
34 $this->escchar = "";
36 // Comment settings
38 $this->linecommenton = array("%");
39 $this->blockcommenton = array("");
40 $this->blockcommentoff = array("");
42 // Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
44 $this->keywords = array(
45  "\\!" => "1",
46  "\\\"" => "1",
47  "\\&" => "1",
48  "\\\'" => "1",
49  "\\(" => "1",
50  "\\)" => "1",
51  "\\*" => "1",
52  "\\+" => "1",
53  "\\," => "1",
54  "\\-" => "1",
55  "\\." => "1",
56  "\\/" => "1",
57  "\\:" => "1",
58  "\\;" => "1",
59  "\\=" => "1",
60  "\\>" => "1",
61  "\\@" => "1",
62  "\\[" => "1",
63  "\\\\" => "1",
64  "\\]" => "1",
65  "\\^" => "1",
66  "\\_" => "1",
67  "=" => "8",
68  "{" => "8",
69  "}" => "8",
70  "," => "8",
71  "@article" => "5",
72  "@book" => "5",
73  "@booklet" => "5",
74  "@conference" => "5",
75  "@inbook" => "5",
76  "@incollection" => "5",
77  "@manual" => "5",
78  "@mastersthesis" => "5",
79  "@phdthesis" => "5",
80  "@proceedings" => "5",
81  "@techreport" => "5",
82  "@unpublished" => "5",
83  "@report" => "5",
84  "@thesis" => "5",
85  "@\\acute" => "5",
86  "\\a\'" => "3",
87  "\\a`" => "3",
88  "\\acute" => "3",
89  "\\aleph" => "3",
90  "\\alph" => "3",
91  "\\alpha" => "3",
92  "\\amalg" => "3",
93  "\\and" => "3",
94  "\\angle" => "3",
95  "\\approx" => "3",
96  "\\arabic" => "3",
97  "\\arccos" => "3",
98  "\\arcsin" => "3",
99  "\\arctan" => "3",
100  "\\arg" => "3",
101  "\\arraybackslash" => "3",
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103  "\\ast" => "3",
104  "\\asymp" => "3",
105  "\\Arrowvert" => "3",
106  "\\backslash" => "3",
107  "\\bar" => "3",
108  "\\bf" => "3",
109  "\\bibitem" => "3",
110  "\\bigcap" => "3",
111  "\\bigcirc" => "3",
112  "\\bigcup" => "3",
113  "\\bigodot" => "3",
114  "\\bigoplus" => "3",
115  "\\bigotimes" => "3",
116  "\\bigsqcup" => "3",
117  "\\bigtriangledown" => "3",
118  "\\bigtriangleup" => "3",
119  "\\biguplus" => "3",
120  "\\bigvee" => "3",
121  "\\bigwedge" => "3",
122  "\\boldmath" => "3",
123  "\\boldsymbol" => "3",
124  "\\boolean" => "3",
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132  "\\branch" => "3",
133  "\\breve" => "3",
134  "\\bullet" => "3",
135  "\\Box" => "3",
136  "\\cal" => "3",
137  "\\cap" => "3",
138  "\\caption" => "3",
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154  "\\coth" => "3",
155  "\\csc" => "3",
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159  "\\dagger" => "3",
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161  "\\ddag" => "3",
162  "\\ddagger" => "3",
163  "\\ddot" => "3",
164  "\\ddots" => "3",
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167  "\\det" => "3",
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173  "\\dot" => "3",
174  "\\doteq" => "3",
175  "\\dotfill" => "3",
176  "\\dots" => "3",
177  "\\downarrow" => "3",
178  "\\Delta" => "3",
179  "\\Diamond" => "3",
180  "\\Downarrow" => "3",
181  "\\ell" => "3",
182  "\\em" => "3",
183  "\\emph" => "3",
184  "\\emptyset" => "3",
185  "\\enspace" => "3",
186  "\\epsilon" => "3",
187  "\\eqref" => "3",
188  "\\eta" => "3",
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196  "\\frown" => "3",
197  "\\fussy" => "3",
198  "\\gamma" => "3",
199  "\\ge" => "3",
200  "\\geq" => "3",
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203  "\\grave" => "3",
204  "\\Gamma" => "3",
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207  "\\hom" => "3",
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211  "\\hspace*" => "3",
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214  "\\hyphenchar" => "3",
215  "\\Huge" => "3",
216  "\\idotsint" => "3",
217  "\\ignorespaces" => "3",
218  "\\imath" => "3",
219  "\\in" => "3",
220  "\\include" => "3",
221  "\\indent" => "3",
222  "\\inf" => "3",
223  "\\infty" => "3",
224  "\\input" => "3",
225  "\\int" => "3",
226  "\\iota" => "3",
227  "\\isucaption" => "3",
228  "\\it" => "3",
229  "\\itdefault" => "3",
230  "\\item" => "3",
231  "\\itemindent" => "3",
232  "\\itemsep" => "3",
233  "\\itshape" => "3",
234  "\\Im" => "3",
235  "\\jmath" => "3",
236  "\\jot" => "3",
237  "\\Join" => "3",
238  "\\kappa" => "3",
239  "\\ker" => "3",
240  "\\label" => "3",
241  "\\lambda" => "3",
242  "\\langle" => "3",
243  "\\large" => "3",
244  "\\lceil" => "3",
245  "\\ldots" => "3",
246  "\\le" => "3",
247  "\\leadsto" => "3",
248  "\\left" => "3",
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253  "\\leftmark" => "3",
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256  "\\lfloor" => "3",
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259  "\\lhd" => "3",
260  "\\lhead" => "3",
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263  "\\limits" => "3",
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268  "\\linewidth" => "3",
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274  "\\longleftrightarrow" => "3",
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276  "\\longrightarrow" => "3",
277  "\\LARGE" => "3",
278  "\\Lambda" => "3",
279  "\\Large" => "3",
280  "\\Leftarrow" => "3",
281  "\\Leftrightarrow" => "3",
282  "\\Longleftarrow" => "3",
283  "\\Longleftrightarrow" => "3",
284  "\\Longrightarrow" => "3",
285  "\\mapsto" => "3",
286  "\\mathbf" => "3",
287  "\\mathcal" => "3",
288  "\\mathindent" => "3",
289  "\\mathit" => "3",
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292  "\\mid" => "3",
293  "\\min" => "3",
294  "\\mod" => "3",
295  "\\mp" => "3",
296  "\\mu" => "3",
297  "\\nabla" => "3",
298  "\\ne" => "3",
299  "\\nearrow" => "3",
300  "\\neg" => "3",
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305  "\\normalsize" => "3",
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307  "\\notin" => "3",
308  "\\nu" => "3",
309  "\\nwarrow" => "3",
310  "\\odot" => "3",
311  "\\oint" => "3",
312  "\\omega" => "3",
313  "\\ominus" => "3",
314  "\\oplus" => "3",
315  "\\oslash" => "3",
316  "\\otimes" => "3",
317  "\\oval" => "3",
318  "\\overbrace" => "3",
319  "\\overleftarrow" => "3",
320  "\\overline" => "3",
321  "\\overrightarrow" => "3",
322  "\\Omega" => "3",
323  "\\parallel" => "3",
324  "\\parbox" => "3",
325  "\\part" => "3",
326  "\\part*" => "3",
327  "\\partial" => "3",
328  "\\perp" => "3",
329  "\\phantom" => "3",
330  "\\phi" => "3",
331  "\\pi" => "3",
332  "\\pm" => "3",
333  "\\pmb" => "3",
334  "\\pmod" => "3",
335  "\\pod" => "3",
336  "\\prec" => "3",
337  "\\preceq" => "3",
338  "\\prime" => "3",
339  "\\prod" => "3",
340  "\\propto" => "3",
341  "\\psi" => "3",
342  "\\Phi" => "3",
343  "\\Pi" => "3",
344  "\\Pr" => "3",
345  "\\Psi" => "3",
346  "\\qquad" => "3",
347  "\\quad" => "3",
348  "\\rangle" => "3",
349  "\\rceil" => "3",
350  "\\ref" => "3",
351  "\\rfloor" => "3",
352  "\\rgroup" => "3",
353  "\\rhd" => "3",
354  "\\rho" => "3",
355  "\\right" => "3",
356  "\\rightarrow" => "3",
357  "\\rightharpoondown" => "3",
358  "\\rightharpoonup" => "3",
359  "\\rightmark" => "3",
360  "\\rm" => "3",
361  "\\rmoustache" => "3",
362  "\\roman" => "3",
363  "\\Re" => "3",
364  "\\Rightarrow" => "3",
365  "\\Roman" => "3",
366  "\\scshape" => "3",
367  "\\searrow" => "3",
368  "\\sec" => "3",
369  "\\secdef" => "3",
370  "\\sf" => "3",
371  "\\sharp" => "3",
372  "\\shortstack" => "3",
373  "\\sigma" => "3",
374  "\\sim" => "3",
375  "\\simeq" => "3",
376  "\\sin" => "3",
377  "\\sinh" => "3",
378  "\\sl" => "3",
379  "\\sloppy" => "3",
380  "\\small" => "3",
381  "\\smile" => "3",
382  "\\space" => "3",
383  "\\spadesuit" => "3",
384  "\\spcheck" => "3",
385  "\\sqcap" => "3",
386  "\\sqcup" => "3",
387  "\\sqrt" => "3",
388  "\\sqsubseteq" => "3",
389  "\\sqsupseteq" => "3",
390  "\\ss" => "3",
391  "\\stackrel" => "3",
392  "\\star" => "3",
393  "\\stepcounter" => "3",
394  "\\stretch" => "3",
395  "\\strut" => "3",
396  "\\subset" => "3",
397  "\\subseteq" => "3",
398  "\\subsubsection" => "3",
399  "\\succ" => "3",
400  "\\succeq" => "3",
401  "\\sum" => "3",
402  "\\sup" => "3",
403  "\\supset" => "3",
404  "\\supseteq" => "3",
405  "\\surd" => "3",
406  "\\swarrow" => "3",
407  "\\symbol" => "3",
408  "\\Sigma" => "3",
409  "\\tan" => "3",
410  "\\tanh" => "3",
411  "\\tau" => "3",
412  "\\texlmd" => "3",
413  "\\textbf" => "3",
414  "\\textit" => "3",
415  "\\textnormal" => "3",
416  "\\textrm" => "3",
417  "\\textsc" => "3",
418  "\\textsf" => "3",
419  "\\textsl" => "3",
420  "\\textstyle" => "3",
421  "\\texttt" => "3",
422  "\\textup" => "3",
423  "\\theta" => "3",
424  "\\tilde" => "3",
425  "\\times" => "3",
426  "\\tiny" => "3",
427  "\\top" => "3",
428  "\\triangle" => "3",
429  "\\triangleleft" => "3",
430  "\\triangleright" => "3",
431  "\\tt" => "3",
432  "\\twlrm" => "3",
433  "\\Theta" => "3",
434  "\\unboldmath" => "3",
435  "\\underbrace" => "3",
436  "\\underline" => "3",
437  "\\unlhd" => "3",
438  "\\unrhd" => "3",
439  "\\uparrow" => "3",
440  "\\updownarrow" => "3",
441  "\\uplus" => "3",
442  "\\uproot" => "3",
443  "\\uHFileape" => "3",
444  "\\upsilon" => "3",
445  "\\Uparrow" => "3",
446  "\\Updownarrow" => "3",
447  "\\Upsilon" => "3",
448  "\\vapace" => "3",
449  "\\varepsilon" => "3",
450  "\\varphi" => "3",
451  "\\varpi" => "3",
452  "\\varprojlim" => "3",
453  "\\varrho" => "3",
454  "\\varsigma" => "3",
455  "\\vartheta" => "3",
456  "\\vdash" => "3",
457  "\\vdots" => "3",
458  "\\vec" => "3",
459  "\\vector" => "3",
460  "\\vee" => "3",
461  "\\verb" => "3",
462  "\\vline" => "3",
463  "\\voffset" => "3",
464  "\\vrule" => "3",
465  "\\wedge" => "3",
466  "\\widehat" => "3",
467  "\\widetilde" => "3",
468  "\\wp" => "3",
469  "\\wr" => "3",
470  "\\xi" => "3",
471  "\\Xi" => "3",
472  "\\zeta" => "3",
473  "\\{" => "3",
474  "\\|" => "3",
475  "\\}" => "3",
476  "address" => "2",
477  "author" => "2",
478  "chapter" => "2",
479  "edition" => "2",
480  "editor" => "2",
481  "howpublished" => "2",
482  "journal" => "2",
483  "month" => "2",
484  "note" => "2",
485  "number" => "2",
486  "organization" => "2",
487  "pages" => "2",
488  "publisher" => "2",
489  "series" => "2",
490  "title" => "2",
491  "type" => "2",
492  "volume" => "2",
493  "year" => "2");
495 // Special extensions
497 // Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
498 // version of the keyword.
502 $this->linkscripts = array(
503  "1" => "donothing",
504  "8" => "donothing",
505  "5" => "donothing",
506  "3" => "donothing",
507  "2" => "donothing");
508 }
511 function donothing($keywordin)
512 {
513  return $keywordin;
514 }
516 }?>
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Definition: HFile.php:21
Definition: HFile_bibtex.php:2