ILIAS  release_5-2 Revision v5.2.25-18-g3f80b828510
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(".")."/Services/COPage/syntax_highlight/php";
3 if (!isset ($BEAUT_PATH)) return;
4 require_once("$BEAUT_PATH/Beautifier/HFile.php");
5  class HFile_motivemaps extends HFile{
6  function HFile_motivemaps(){
7  $this->HFile();
8 /*************************************/
9 // Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
10 // Motive Maps
11 /*************************************/
12 // Flags
14 $this->nocase = "0";
15 $this->notrim = "0";
16 $this->perl = "0";
18 // Colours
20 $this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue", "purple", "gray", "brown");
21 $this->quotecolour = "blue";
22 $this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
23 $this->linecommentcolour = "green";
25 // Indent Strings
27 $this->indent = array();
28 $this->unindent = array();
30 // String characters and delimiters
32 $this->stringchars = array("\"", "'");
33 $this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
34 $this->escchar = "";
36 // Comment settings
38 $this->linecommenton = array("//");
39 $this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
40 $this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
42 // Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
44 $this->keywords = array(
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680  "sort" => "3",
681  "sqrt" => "3",
682  "start" => "3",
683  "stop" => "3",
684  "strike" => "3",
685  "sub" => "3",
686  "submit" => "3",
687  "substr" => "3",
688  "substring" => "3",
689  "sup" => "3",
690  "Skip" => "3",
691  "SkipLine" => "3",
692  "tags" => "3",
693  "taintEnabled" => "3",
694  "tan" => "3",
695  "test" => "3",
696  "toArray" => "3",
697  "toGMTString" => "3",
698  "toLocaleString" => "3",
699  "toLowerCase" => "3",
700  "toString" => "3",
701  "toUpperCase" => "3",
702  "toUTCString" => "3",
703  "ubound" => "3",
704  "unescape" => "3",
705  "UTC" => "3",
706  "valueOf" => "3",
707  "Write" => "3",
708  "WriteBlankLines" => "3",
709  "WriteLine" => "3",
710  "write" => "3",
711  "writeln" => "3",
712  "zOrder" => "3",
713  "onabort" => "4",
714  "onafterupdate" => "4",
715  "onbeforeunload" => "4",
716  "onbeforeupdate" => "4",
717  "onblur" => "4",
718  "onbounce" => "4",
719  "onchange" => "4",
720  "onclick" => "4",
721  "ondataavailable" => "4",
722  "ondatasetchanged" => "4",
723  "ondatasetcomplete" => "4",
724  "ondblclick" => "4",
725  "ondragstart" => "4",
726  "onerror" => "4",
727  "onerrorupdate" => "4",
728  "onfilterchange" => "4",
729  "onfinish" => "4",
730  "onfocus" => "4",
731  "onhelp" => "4",
732  "onkeydown" => "4",
733  "onkeypress" => "4",
734  "onkeyup" => "4",
735  "onload" => "4",
736  "onmousedown" => "4",
737  "onmousemove" => "4",
738  "onmouseout" => "4",
739  "onmouseover" => "4",
740  "onmouseup" => "4",
741  "onreadystatechange" => "4",
742  "onreset" => "4",
743  "onresize" => "4",
744  "onrowenter" => "4",
745  "onrowexit" => "4",
746  "onscroll" => "4",
747  "onselect" => "4",
748  "onselectstart" => "4",
749  "onstart" => "4",
750  "onsubmit" => "4",
751  "onunload" => "4",
752  "break" => "5",
753  "Comments" => "5",
754  "continue" => "5",
755  "do" => "5",
756  "else" => "5",
757  "for" => "5",
758  "function" => "5",
759  "if" => "5",
760  "in" => "5",
761  "Labeled" => "5",
762  "return" => "5",
763  "switch" => "5",
764  "this" => "5",
765  "var" => "5",
766  "while" => "5",
767  "with" => "5",
768  "AddAttribute" => "6",
769  "AddAttrubutes" => "6",
770  "AddEntity" => "6",
771  "AddEntry" => "6",
772  "AddKey" => "6",
773  "AddValue" => "6",
774  "Append" => "6",
775  "AttributeEquals" => "6",
776  "AttributeToInt" => "6",
777  "Begin" => "6",
778  "CancelRequest" => "6",
779  "CheckDesktopShortcuts" => "7",
780  "CheckStartMenuLinks" => "7",
781  "CopyFileFromUrl" => "7",
782  "CopyMapFile" => "6",
783  "CreateXMLEntity" => "6",
784  "DebugPrint" => "6",
785  "DeleteAttribute" => "6",
786  "DeleteDirectory" => "6",
787  "DeleteEntities" => "6",
788  "DeleteEntry" => "6",
789  "DeleteKey" => "6",
790  "DeleteValue" => "6",
791  "End" => "6",
792  "FindFile" => "7",
793  "GetAllComponentInfo" => "6",
794  "GetAllComponents" => "6",
795  "GetAllGroupInfo" => "6",
796  "GetAllInfoForAllComponents" => "6",
797  "GetAllKeyValues" => "6",
798  "GetApi" => "6",
799  "GetAppInstallPath" => "6",
800  "GetAppName" => "6",
801  "GetApplicationInstallHistory" => "7",
802  "GetAttribute" => "6",
803  "GetAttributeInfo" => "6",
804  "GetClientForMSNetSettings" => "6",
805  "GetComponentHistory" => "6",
806  "GetComponentIds" => "6",
807  "GetComponentInfo" => "6",
808  "GetDeviceInfo" => "6",
809  "GetDirAttrs" => "6",
810  "GetDirListing" => "6",
811  "GetDriverServicesInfo" => "7",
812  "GetEntities" => "6",
813  "GetEntitiesCompare" => "6",
814  "GetEntity" => "6",
815  "GetEntry" => "6",
816  "GetEnvironmentVariable" => "6",
817  "GetEnvironmentVariables" => "6",
818  "GetEventLogEntries" => "7",
819  "GetFullPath" => "6",
820  "GetGeneralInfo" => "6",
821  "GetGroupInfo" => "6",
822  "GetInstalledApps" => "6",
823  "GetInstalledDrivers" => "7",
824  "GetInstalledFileHistory" => "6",
825  "GetKeyValueName" => "6",
826  "GetKeyboardInfo" => "7",
827  "GetLoadedModules" => "6",
828  "GetLoadedModulesByProcess" => "6",
829  "GetLoadedModulesForProcess" => "6",
830  "GetLocalDriveInfo" => "6",
831  "GetMaxPath" => "6",
832  "GetMetaFrameId" => "6",
833  "GetMotherboardInfo" => "7",
834  "GetMotiveInstallPath" => "6",
835  "GetMouseInfo" => "7",
836  "GetName" => "6",
837  "GetNetConfig" => "6",
838  "GetNetworkAdapters" => "6",
839  "GetNetworkBindings" => "6",
840  "GetNetworkIdentification" => "6",
841  "GetNetworkProtocols" => "6",
842  "GetNetworkServices" => "6",
843  "GetNumAttributes" => "6",
844  "GetNumEntities" => "6",
845  "GetOLEServers" => "7",
846  "GetObject" => "6",
847  "GetObjectProperty" => "6",
848  "GetObjects" => "6",
849  "GetOperatingSystemName" => "6",
850  "GetParent" => "6",
851  "GetParentAttribute" => "6",
852  "GetPrimaryNetworkLogon" => "6",
853  "GetProblemDescription" => "6",
854  "GetProblemSummary" => "6",
855  "GetProperties" => "6",
856  "GetPropertiesAndVersions" => "6",
857  "GetResourceInfo" => "6",
858  "GetReturnCode" => "6",
859  "GetScsiAdapterInfo" => "7",
860  "GetSection" => "6",
861  "GetServicesInfo" => "6",
862  "GetSubFrameId" => "6",
863  "GetSubkey" => "6",
864  "GetSubkeys" => "6",
865  "GetSubtree" => "6",
866  "GetSystemDllChangeHistory" => "7",
867  "GetSystemDllInfo" => "7",
868  "GetTCPIPSettings" => "6",
869  "GetTaskList" => "7",
870  "GetUserName" => "6",
871  "GetValue" => "6",
872  "GetVersions" => "6",
873  "GetVideoAdapterInfo" => "7",
874  "GetWinIniOLEServers" => "6",
875  "HasWBEMSupport" => "6",
876  "Head" => "6",
877  "IsGUIAllowed" => "6",
878  "IsInteresting" => "6",
879  "IsKeyExcluded" => "6",
880  "IsPathExcluded" => "6",
881  "IsProcessRunning" => "6",
882  "IsWindows" => "6",
883  "IsWindows95" => "6",
884  "IsWindows98" => "6",
885  "IsWindowsNT" => "6",
886  "KeyExists" => "6",
887  "LogMessage" => "6",
888  "LogXMLEntities" => "6",
889  "LogXMLEntity" => "6",
890  "MakeDirectory" => "6",
891  "MultiSZToEnum" => "6",
892  "OpenRead" => "6",
893  "OpenWrite" => "6",
894  "Prepend" => "6",
895  "Print" => "6",
896  "ReadAppInstallPath" => "6",
897  "ReadKeyValueName" => "6",
898  "ReadSubkey" => "6",
899  "ReadValue" => "6",
900  "Readln" => "6",
901  "RegisteredWithDmiSP" => "6",
902  "RunMap" => "6",
903  "RunWQLQuery" => "6",
904  "Search" => "6",
905  "SearchReplace" => "6",
906  "SetDirAttrs" => "6",
907  "SetFileAttrs" => "6",
908  "SetInteresting" => "6",
909  "SetName" => "6",
910  "SetUninteresting" => "6",
911  "ShowEditDlg" => "6",
912  "ShowInfoDlg" => "6",
913  "ShowListDlg" => "6",
914  "ShowMultiSelectListDlg" => "6",
915  "ShowOKCancelDlg" => "6",
916  "ShowYesNoDlg" => "6",
917  "StartBrowser" => "6",
918  "StopBrowser" => "6",
919  "Tail" => "6",
920  "Writeln" => "6",
921  "AddIniFileEntry" => "7",
922  "AddRegistryKey" => "7",
923  "AddRegistryValue" => "7",
924  "BeginDisplayGroup" => "7",
925  "CheckDefaultRegistryValue" => "7",
926  "CheckDirectoryAttributes" => "7",
927  "CheckFileExists" => "7",
928  "CheckFileProperties" => "7",
929  "CheckFilePropertiesAndVersions" => "7",
930  "CheckFileVersions" => "7",
931  "CheckIniFileEntry" => "7",
932  "CheckRegistryValue" => "7",
933  "DeleteIniFileEntry" => "7",
934  "DeleteRegistryKey" => "7",
935  "DeleteRegistryValue" => "7",
936  "EndDisplayGroup" => "7",
937  "GetAllRegistryKeyValues" => "7",
938  "GetDefaultRegistryValue" => "7",
939  "GetDiagnosticsReport" => "7",
940  "GetDirectoryAttributes" => "7",
941  "GetDirectoryListing" => "7",
942  "GetEnvironmentVariableInfo" => "7",
943  "GetFileProperties" => "7",
944  "GetFilePropertiesAndVersions" => "7",
945  "GetFileVersions" => "7",
946  "GetGeneralSystemInfo" => "7",
947  "GetHardwareDeviceInfo" => "7",
948  "GetIniFileEntry" => "7",
949  "GetInstalledAppsList" => "7",
950  "GetLoadedModuleInfo" => "7",
951  "GetLoadedModuleInfoForAllProcesses" => "7",
952  "GetLoadedModuleInfoForProcesses" => "7",
953  "GetMapParam" => "7",
954  "GetNetworkAdapterInfo" => "7",
955  "GetNetworkConfigurationInfo" => "7",
956  "GetProcessList" => "7",
957  "GetRegistrySubkeys" => "7",
958  "GetRegistrySubtree" => "7",
959  "GetRegistryValue" => "7",
960  "GetResourceUsageSummary" => "7",
961  "GetScreenSnaHFileot" => "7",
962  "GetWin32ServicesInfo" => "7",
963  "RunProgramAsync" => "7",
964  "RunProgramSync" => "7",
965  "SetDirectoryAttributes" => "7",
966  "SetFileAttributes" => "7",
967  "SetSelfServiceAnswer" => "7",
968  "SetSelfServiceSearchString" => "7",
969  "SetSelfServiceUrl" => "7",
970  "dmiApi" => "8",
971  "DmiApi" => "8",
972  "fileApi" => "8",
973  "FileApi" => "8",
974  "guiApi" => "8",
975  "GuiApi" => "8",
976  "iniApi" => "8",
977  "IniApi" => "8",
978  "ntApi" => "8",
979  "NtApi" => "8",
980  "oleApi" => "8",
981  "OleApi" => "8",
982  "regApi" => "8",
983  "RegApi" => "8",
984  "sysApi" => "8",
985  "SysApi" => "8",
986  "threadApi" => "8",
987  "txtApi" => "8",
988  "ThreadApi" => "8",
989  "TxtApi" => "8",
990  "wbemApi" => "8",
991  "win98Api" => "8",
992  "win9xApi" => "8",
993  "WbemApi" => "8",
994  "Win98Api" => "8",
995  "Win9xApi" => "8");
997 // Special extensions
999 // Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
1000 // version of the keyword.
1004 $this->linkscripts = array(
1005  "1" => "donothing",
1006  "2" => "donothing",
1007  "3" => "donothing",
1008  "4" => "donothing",
1009  "5" => "donothing",
1010  "6" => "donothing",
1011  "7" => "donothing",
1012  "8" => "donothing");
1013 }
1016 function donothing($keywordin)
1017 {
1018  return $keywordin;
1019 }
1021 }?>
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Definition: HFile.php:21