2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(
4 require_once(
20 $this->colours =
21 $this->quotecolour =
22 $this->blockcommentcolour =
23 $this->linecommentcolour =
27 $this->indent =
28 $this->unindent =
32 $this->stringchars =
33 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
38 $this->linecommenton =
39 $this->blockcommenton =
40 $this->blockcommentoff =
44 $this->keywords =
67 "FileSystemObject" =>
100 "styleSheets" =>
106 "userProfile" =>
111 "activeElement" =>
118 "appCodeName" =>
119 "appMinorVersion" =>
123 "availHeight" =>
125 "AtEndOfLine" =>
126 "AtEndOfStream" =>
128 "AvailableSpace" =>
130 "backgroundAttachment" =>
131 "backgroundColor" =>
132 "backgroundImage" =>
133 "backgroundPosition" =>
134 "backgroundPositionX" =>
135 "backgroundPositionY" =>
136 "backgroundRepeat" =>
140 "bgProperties" =>
142 "borderBottom" =>
143 "borderBottomColor" =>
144 "borderBottomStyle" =>
145 "borderBottomWidth" =>
146 "borderColor" =>
147 "borderColorDark" =>
148 "borderColorLight" =>
150 "borderLeftColor" =>
151 "borderLeftStyle" =>
152 "borderLeftWidth" =>
153 "borderRight" =>
154 "borderRightColor" =>
155 "borderRightStyle" =>
156 "borderRightWidth" =>
157 "borderStyle" =>
159 "borderTopColor" =>
160 "borderTopStyle" =>
161 "borderTopWidth" =>
162 "borderWidth" =>
163 "bottomMargin" =>
164 "browserLanguage" =>
165 "bufferDepth" =>
168 "cancelBubble" =>
171 "cellPadding" =>
172 "cellSpacing" =>
178 "clientHeight" =>
179 "clientInformation" =>
182 "clientWidth" =>
196 "connectionSpeed" =>
197 "constructorCount" =>
200 "cookieEnabled" =>
207 "CompareMode" =>
210 "dataFormatAs" =>
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213 "defaultCharset" =>
214 "defaultChecked" =>
215 "defaultSelected" =>
216 "defaultStatus" =>
217 "defaultValue" =>
219 "dialogArguments" =>
220 "dialogHeight" =>
223 "dialogWidth" =>
229 "DriveLetter" =>
231 "DateCreated" =>
232 "DateLastAccessed" =>
233 "DateLastModified" =>
239 "fileCreatedDate" =>
240 "fileModifiedDate" =>
242 "fileUpdatedDate" =>
247 "fontSmoothingEnabled" =>
249 "fontVariant" =>
253 "frameBorder" =>
254 "frameSpacing" =>
255 "fromElement" =>
271 "indeterminate" =>
280 "IsRootFolder" =>
288 "lastModified" =>
291 "leftContext" =>
294 "letterSpacing" =>
299 "listStyleImage" =>
300 "listStylePosition" =>
301 "listStyleType" =>
312 "marginBottom" =>
313 "marginHeight" =>
315 "marginRight" =>
317 "marginWidth" =>
335 "offscreenBuffering" =>
336 "offsetHeight" =>
338 "offsetParent" =>
340 "offsetWidth" =>
348 "owningElement" =>
350 "paddingBottom" =>
351 "paddingLeft" =>
352 "paddingRight" =>
354 "pageBreakAfter" =>
355 "pageBreakBefore" =>
358 "parentElement" =>
359 "parentStyleSheet" =>
360 "parentTextEdit" =>
361 "parentWindow" =>
363 "pixelHeight" =>
368 "pluginspage" =>
383 "recordNumber" =>
387 "returnValue" =>
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398 "scrollHeight" =>
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411 "sourceIndex" =>
419 "systemLanguage" =>
420 "SerialNumber" =>
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434 "textDecorationBlink" =>
435 "textDecorationLineThrough" =>
436 "textDecorationNone" =>
437 "textDecorationOverline" =>
438 "textDecorationUnderline" =>
440 "textTransform" =>
451 "updateInterval" =>
455 "userLanguage" =>
459 "verticalAlign" =>
475 "addReadRequest" =>
495 "clearInterval" =>
496 "clearRequest" =>
497 "clearTimeout" =>
500 "compareEndPoints" =>
506 "createCaption" =>
507 "createElement" =>
508 "createRange" =>
509 "createStyleSheet" =>
510 "createTextRange" =>
511 "createTFoot" =>
512 "createTHead" =>
517 "CreateFolder" =>
518 "CreateTextFile" =>
519 "deleteCaption" =>
522 "deleteTFoot" =>
523 "deleteTHead" =>
524 "doReadRequest" =>
528 "DeleteFolder" =>
530 "DriveExists" =>
531 "elementFromPoint" =>
536 "execCommand" =>
548 "fromCharCode" =>
550 "FolderExists" =>
551 "getAttribute" =>
552 "getBookmark" =>
555 "getFullYear" =>
558 "getMilliseconds" =>
563 "getTimezoneOffset" =>
566 "getUTCFullYear" =>
567 "getUTCHours" =>
568 "getUTCMilliseconds" =>
569 "getUTCMinutes" =>
570 "getUTCMonth" =>
571 "getUTCSeconds" =>
575 "GetAbsolutePathName" =>
576 "GetBaseName" =>
578 "GetDriveName" =>
579 "GetExtensionName" =>
581 "GetFileName" =>
583 "GetParentFolderName" =>
584 "GetSpecialFolder" =>
585 "GetTempName" =>
588 "insertAdjacentHTML" =>
589 "insertAdjacentText" =>
595 "isSubscribed" =>
599 "javaEnabled" =>
602 "lastIndexOf" =>
613 "moveToBookmark" =>
614 "moveToElementText" =>
615 "moveToPoint" =>
622 "OpenAsTextStream" =>
623 "OpenTextFile" =>
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631 "queryCommandEnabled" =>
632 "queryCommandIndeterm" =>
633 "queryCommandState" =>
634 "queryCommandSupported" =>
635 "queryCommandValue" =>
639 "removeAttribute" =>
652 "scrollIntoView" =>
655 "setAttribute" =>
657 "setEndPoint" =>
658 "setFullYear" =>
660 "setInterval" =>
661 "setMilliseconds" =>
668 "setUTCFullYear" =>
669 "setUTCHours" =>
670 "setUTCMilliseconds" =>
671 "setUTCMinutes" =>
672 "setUTCMonth" =>
673 "setUTCSeconds" =>
676 "showModalDialog" =>
693 "taintEnabled" =>
697 "toGMTString" =>
698 "toLocaleString" =>
699 "toLowerCase" =>
701 "toUpperCase" =>
702 "toUTCString" =>
708 "WriteBlankLines" =>
714 "onafterupdate" =>
715 "onbeforeunload" =>
716 "onbeforeupdate" =>
721 "ondataavailable" =>
722 "ondatasetchanged" =>
723 "ondatasetcomplete" =>
725 "ondragstart" =>
727 "onerrorupdate" =>
728 "onfilterchange" =>
736 "onmousedown" =>
737 "onmousemove" =>
739 "onmouseover" =>
741 "onreadystatechange" =>
748 "onselectstart" =>
768 "AddAttribute" =>
769 "AddAttrubutes" =>
775 "AttributeEquals" =>
776 "AttributeToInt" =>
778 "CancelRequest" =>
779 "CheckDesktopShortcuts" =>
780 "CheckStartMenuLinks" =>
781 "CopyFileFromUrl" =>
782 "CopyMapFile" =>
783 "CreateXMLEntity" =>
785 "DeleteAttribute" =>
786 "DeleteDirectory" =>
787 "DeleteEntities" =>
788 "DeleteEntry" =>
790 "DeleteValue" =>
793 "GetAllComponentInfo" =>
794 "GetAllComponents" =>
795 "GetAllGroupInfo" =>
796 "GetAllInfoForAllComponents" =>
797 "GetAllKeyValues" =>
799 "GetAppInstallPath" =>
801 "GetApplicationInstallHistory" =>
802 "GetAttribute" =>
803 "GetAttributeInfo" =>
804 "GetClientForMSNetSettings" =>
805 "GetComponentHistory" =>
806 "GetComponentIds" =>
807 "GetComponentInfo" =>
808 "GetDeviceInfo" =>
809 "GetDirAttrs" =>
810 "GetDirListing" =>
811 "GetDriverServicesInfo" =>
812 "GetEntities" =>
813 "GetEntitiesCompare" =>
816 "GetEnvironmentVariable" =>
817 "GetEnvironmentVariables" =>
818 "GetEventLogEntries" =>
819 "GetFullPath" =>
820 "GetGeneralInfo" =>
821 "GetGroupInfo" =>
822 "GetInstalledApps" =>
823 "GetInstalledDrivers" =>
824 "GetInstalledFileHistory" =>
825 "GetKeyValueName" =>
826 "GetKeyboardInfo" =>
827 "GetLoadedModules" =>
828 "GetLoadedModulesByProcess" =>
829 "GetLoadedModulesForProcess" =>
830 "GetLocalDriveInfo" =>
832 "GetMetaFrameId" =>
833 "GetMotherboardInfo" =>
834 "GetMotiveInstallPath" =>
835 "GetMouseInfo" =>
837 "GetNetConfig" =>
838 "GetNetworkAdapters" =>
839 "GetNetworkBindings" =>
840 "GetNetworkIdentification" =>
841 "GetNetworkProtocols" =>
842 "GetNetworkServices" =>
843 "GetNumAttributes" =>
844 "GetNumEntities" =>
845 "GetOLEServers" =>
847 "GetObjectProperty" =>
849 "GetOperatingSystemName" =>
851 "GetParentAttribute" =>
852 "GetPrimaryNetworkLogon" =>
853 "GetProblemDescription" =>
854 "GetProblemSummary" =>
855 "GetProperties" =>
856 "GetPropertiesAndVersions" =>
857 "GetResourceInfo" =>
858 "GetReturnCode" =>
859 "GetScsiAdapterInfo" =>
861 "GetServicesInfo" =>
862 "GetSubFrameId" =>
866 "GetSystemDllChangeHistory" =>
867 "GetSystemDllInfo" =>
868 "GetTCPIPSettings" =>
869 "GetTaskList" =>
870 "GetUserName" =>
872 "GetVersions" =>
873 "GetVideoAdapterInfo" =>
874 "GetWinIniOLEServers" =>
875 "HasWBEMSupport" =>
877 "IsGUIAllowed" =>
878 "IsInteresting" =>
879 "IsKeyExcluded" =>
880 "IsPathExcluded" =>
881 "IsProcessRunning" =>
883 "IsWindows95" =>
884 "IsWindows98" =>
885 "IsWindowsNT" =>
888 "LogXMLEntities" =>
889 "LogXMLEntity" =>
890 "MakeDirectory" =>
891 "MultiSZToEnum" =>
896 "ReadAppInstallPath" =>
897 "ReadKeyValueName" =>
901 "RegisteredWithDmiSP" =>
903 "RunWQLQuery" =>
905 "SearchReplace" =>
906 "SetDirAttrs" =>
907 "SetFileAttrs" =>
908 "SetInteresting" =>
910 "SetUninteresting" =>
911 "ShowEditDlg" =>
912 "ShowInfoDlg" =>
913 "ShowListDlg" =>
914 "ShowMultiSelectListDlg" =>
915 "ShowOKCancelDlg" =>
916 "ShowYesNoDlg" =>
917 "StartBrowser" =>
918 "StopBrowser" =>
921 "AddIniFileEntry" =>
922 "AddRegistryKey" =>
923 "AddRegistryValue" =>
924 "BeginDisplayGroup" =>
925 "CheckDefaultRegistryValue" =>
926 "CheckDirectoryAttributes" =>
927 "CheckFileExists" =>
928 "CheckFileProperties" =>
929 "CheckFilePropertiesAndVersions" =>
930 "CheckFileVersions" =>
931 "CheckIniFileEntry" =>
932 "CheckRegistryValue" =>
933 "DeleteIniFileEntry" =>
934 "DeleteRegistryKey" =>
935 "DeleteRegistryValue" =>
936 "EndDisplayGroup" =>
937 "GetAllRegistryKeyValues" =>
938 "GetDefaultRegistryValue" =>
939 "GetDiagnosticsReport" =>
940 "GetDirectoryAttributes" =>
941 "GetDirectoryListing" =>
942 "GetEnvironmentVariableInfo" =>
943 "GetFileProperties" =>
944 "GetFilePropertiesAndVersions" =>
945 "GetFileVersions" =>
946 "GetGeneralSystemInfo" =>
947 "GetHardwareDeviceInfo" =>
948 "GetIniFileEntry" =>
949 "GetInstalledAppsList" =>
950 "GetLoadedModuleInfo" =>
951 "GetLoadedModuleInfoForAllProcesses" =>
952 "GetLoadedModuleInfoForProcesses" =>
953 "GetMapParam" =>
954 "GetNetworkAdapterInfo" =>
955 "GetNetworkConfigurationInfo" =>
956 "GetProcessList" =>
957 "GetRegistrySubkeys" =>
958 "GetRegistrySubtree" =>
959 "GetRegistryValue" =>
960 "GetResourceUsageSummary" =>
961 "GetScreenSnaHFileot" =>
962 "GetWin32ServicesInfo" =>
963 "RunProgramAsync" =>
964 "RunProgramSync" =>
965 "SetDirectoryAttributes" =>
966 "SetFileAttributes" =>
967 "SetSelfServiceAnswer" =>
968 "SetSelfServiceSearchString" =>
969 "SetSelfServiceUrl" =>
1004 $this->linkscripts =
1012 "8" =>
Create styles array
The data for the language used.