2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(
4 require_once(
20 $this->colours =
21 $this->quotecolour =
22 $this->blockcommentcolour =
23 $this->linecommentcolour =
27 $this->indent =
28 $this->unindent =
"End If",
"End Select",
32 $this->stringchars =
33 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
38 $this->linecommenton =
39 $this->blockcommenton =
40 $this->blockcommentoff =
44 $this->keywords =
47 "BulkRetrieve" =>
82 "cbAbortRetryIgnore" =>
86 "cbCloseChildren" =>
87 "cbCloseMessage" =>
88 "cbDescending" =>
89 "cbDefClosedWindow" =>
91 "cbFirstMessage" =>
94 "cbGreaterorEqual" =>
106 "cbLessOrEqual" =>
108 "cbNoDefault" =>
113 "cbRefreshMessage" =>
114 "cbRetryCancel" =>
115 "cbSaveDiscardCancel" =>
116 "cbSoundsLike" =>
118 "cbYesNoCancel" =>
120 "ebExclamation" =>
121 "ebInformation" =>
123 "ebApplicationModal" =>
124 "ebSystemModal" =>
141 "AllowDuplicates" =>
142 "AppendFilter" =>
144 "AppendSeparator" =>
147 "CancelRecord" =>
148 "ChangeRecord" =>
149 "ChangeToNew" =>
152 "CLTransition" =>
161 "CountByType" =>
162 "CreateColorScheme" =>
163 "DeleteRecord" =>
164 "DeleteRecordById" =>
165 "DisableControls" =>
166 "DisableControlsDeep" =>
170 "EmployeeObjid" =>
173 "EnableControlDeep" =>
174 "EnableControls" =>
179 "ExecuteMenu" =>
180 "ExecuteProc" =>
182 "ExtractList" =>
184 "FindFirstIndex" =>
185 "ForceRedraw" =>
188 "GetContents" =>
190 "GetControlByName" =>
191 "GetCurrentDB" =>
194 "GetFormInstance" =>
195 "GetItemByIndex" =>
197 "GetRecordByIndex" =>
198 "GetRecordList" =>
199 "GetRelatedRecordList" =>
200 "GetSelected" =>
204 "InsertRecord" =>
210 "ItemByIndex" =>
212 "ListByIndex" =>
221 "NotifyByKey" =>
222 "NotifyChild" =>
223 "NotifyParent" =>
225 "NotifyTabParent" =>
229 "RelateRecords" =>
230 "RelateRecordsFromID" =>
231 "RelateRecordsFromToID" =>
232 "RelateRecordsToID" =>
233 "RemoveByIndex" =>
234 "RemoveByItem" =>
236 "RemoveSelected" =>
238 "ReplaceByIndex" =>
239 "ReplaceItem" =>
240 "RetrieveRecords" =>
242 "SelectedIndexes" =>
243 "SelectedList" =>
244 "SetCellColoring" =>
245 "SetColorScheme" =>
248 "SetFunction" =>
251 "SetRootById" =>
252 "SetSelected" =>
256 "ShowAttachments" =>
258 "ShowContact" =>
259 "ShowContract" =>
260 "ShowControls" =>
261 "ShowControlsDeep" =>
263 "ShowDebugWindow" =>
264 "ShowDefaultMenu" =>
265 "ShowEmployee" =>
269 "ShowSubcase" =>
270 "SimpleQuery" =>
274 "TransferPart" =>
275 "TraverseFromParent" =>
276 "TraverseFromRoot" =>
277 "UnrelateRecords" =>
280 "UpdateRecord" =>
294 "ActivateControl" =>
297 "AppActivate" =>
299 "AppFileName" =>
301 "AppGetActive" =>
302 "AppGetPosition" =>
303 "AppGetState" =>
306 "AppMaximize" =>
307 "AppMinimize" =>
310 "AppSetState" =>
314 "Architecture" =>
315 "ArrangeIcons" =>
323 "AskPasssword" =>
326 "BasicScript" =>
331 "ButtonEnabled" =>
332 "ButtonExists" =>
344 "CheckBoxEnabled" =>
345 "CheckBoxExists" =>
354 "ComboBoxEnabled" =>
355 "ComboBoxExists" =>
362 "CreateObject" =>
384 "DDETermiateAll" =>
385 "DDETerminate" =>
398 "DeleteSettings" =>
399 "Description" =>
403 "DlgBaseUnitsX" =>
404 "DlgBaseUnitsY" =>
406 "DlgControlID" =>
409 "DlgListBoxArray" =>
410 "DlgSetPicture" =>
418 "DropListBox" =>
419 "EditEnabled" =>
433 "FileDateTime" =>
444 "FreeResources" =>
447 "GetAllSettings" =>
450 "GetCheckBox" =>
451 "GetComboBoxItem" =>
452 "GetComboBoxItemCount" =>
454 "GetEditText" =>
455 "GetListBoxItem" =>
456 "GetListBoxItemCount" =>
464 "HelpContext" =>
495 "LastDLLError" =>
506 "ListBoxEnabled" =>
507 "ListBoxExists" =>
521 "MenuItemChecked" =>
522 "MenuItemEnabled" =>
523 "MenuItemExists" =>
528 "Miscellaneous" =>
532 "MouseTrails" =>
535 "Msg.SetText" =>
536 "Msg.SetThermometer" =>
547 "OpenFilename" =>
548 "OperatingSystem" =>
549 "OperatingSystemVendor" =>
550 "OperatingSystemVersion" =>
552 "OptionButton" =>
553 "OptionEnabled" =>
554 "OptionExists" =>
555 "OptionGroup" =>
557 "PathSeparator" =>
559 "PictureButton" =>
564 "PrinterGetOrientation" =>
565 "PrinterSetOrientation" =>
570 "ProcessorCount" =>
580 "QueMouseClick" =>
581 "QueMouseDblClick" =>
582 "QueMouseDblDn" =>
584 "QueMouseMove" =>
585 "QueMouseMoveBatch" =>
587 "QueSetRelativeWindow" =>
593 "ReadIniSection" =>
605 "SaveFilename" =>
606 "SaveSetting" =>
611 "SelectButton" =>
612 "SelectComboBoxItem" =>
613 "SelectListBoxItem" =>
616 "SetCheckBox" =>
618 "SetEditText" =>
620 "SetWallpaper" =>
634 "SQLExecQuery" =>
635 "SQLGetSchema" =>
638 "SQLRetrieve" =>
639 "SQLRetrieveToFile" =>
656 "TotalMemory" =>
658 "TwipsPerPixelX" =>
659 "TwipsPerPixelY" =>
670 "ViewportClear" =>
671 "ViewportClose" =>
672 "ViewportOpen" =>
680 "WinActivate" =>
682 "WindowsDirectory" =>
683 "WindowsVersion" =>
686 "WinMaximize" =>
687 "WinMinimize" =>
705 $this->linkscripts =
Create styles array
The data for the language used.