| __construct () |
| _v_ScriptTask_1_script ($context) |
| __construct () |
| Default constructor. More...
| startWorkflow () |
| Starts the workflow, activating the start_node. More...
| stopWorkflow () |
| Stops the workflow, deactivating all nodes. More...
| onStartWorkflow () |
| Method called on start of the workflow, prior to activating the first node. More...
| onStopWorkflow () |
| Method called on stopping of the workflow, after deactivating all nodes. More...
| onWorkflowFinished () |
| Method called after workflow is finished, after detecting no more nodes are active. More...
| isActive () |
| Returns the activation status of the workflow. More...
| handleEvent ($params) |
| Handles an event. More...
| registerDetector (ilDetector $detector) |
| getWorkflowData () |
| Returns the workflow type and content currently set to the workflow. More...
| getWorkflowSubject () |
| Get the workflow subject set to the workflow. More...
| getWorkflowContext () |
| Get the event context set to the workflow. More...
| setDbId ($id) |
| Sets the database id of the detector. More...
| getDbId () |
| Returns the database id of the detector if set. More...
| hasDbId () |
| Returns, if the detector has a database id. More...
| setStartNode (ilNode $node) |
| Sets the start node of the workflow. More...
| addNode (ilNode $node) |
| This method adds a node to the workflow. More...
| setWorkflowClass ($class) |
| Sets the classname of the workflow definition. More...
| getWorkflowClass () |
| Returns the currently set workflow class definition name. More...
| setWorkflowLocation ($path) |
| Sets the location of the workflow definition file as relative path. More...
| getWorkflowLocation () |
| Returns the currently set path to the workflow definition. More...
| getNodes () |
| Returns all nodes attached to the workflow. More...
| isDataPersistenceRequired () |
| resetDataPersistenceRequirement () |
| defineInstanceVar ($id, $name, $reference=false, $reference_target='', $type='mixed', $role='undefined') |
| hasInstanceVarByName ($name) |
| Returns if an instance variable of the given name is set. More...
| hasInstanceVarById ($id) |
| Returns if an instance variable of the given id is set. More...
| getInstanceVarByName ($name) |
| Returns the given instance variables content. More...
| getInstanceVarById ($id) |
| Returns the given instance variables content. More...
| setInstanceVarByName ($name, $value) |
| Sets the given instance var with the given content. More...
| setInstanceVarById ($id, $value) |
| Sets the given instance var with the given content. More...
| setInstanceVarByRole ($role, $value) |
| Sets the given instance var with the given content. More...
| getInstanceVars () |
| Returns an array with all set instance variables. More...
| flushInstanceVars () |
| Empties the instance variables. More...
| defineInputVar ($name) |
| defineOutputVar ($name) |
| readInputVar ($name) |
| hasInputVar ($name) |
| hasOutputVar ($name) |
| writeInputVar ($name, $value) |
| readOutputVar ($name) |
| writeOutputVar ($name, $value) |
| getInputVars () |
| getOutputVars () |
| registerInputVar ($name, $definition) |
| registerOutputVar ($name) |
| defineInstanceVar ($id, $name) |