ILIAS  release_5-2 Revision v5.2.25-18-g3f80b828510
Monolog\Handler Namespace Reference



Data Structures

class  AbstractHandler
 Base Handler class providing the Handler structure. More...
class  AbstractHandlerTest
class  AbstractProcessingHandler
 Base Handler class providing the Handler structure. More...
class  AbstractProcessingHandlerTest
class  AbstractSyslogHandler
 Common syslog functionality. More...
class  AmqpHandler
class  AmqpHandlerTest
 Monolog More...
class  BrowserConsoleHandler
 Handler sending logs to browser's javascript console with no browser extension required. More...
class  BrowserConsoleHandlerTest
 Monolog More...
class  BufferHandler
 Buffers all records until closing the handler and then pass them as batch. More...
class  BufferHandlerTest
class  ChromePHPHandler
 Handler sending logs to the ChromePHP extension ( More...
class  ChromePHPHandlerTest
 Monolog More...
class  CouchDBHandler
 CouchDB handler. More...
class  CouchDBHandlerTest
class  CubeHandler
 Logs to Cube. More...
class  DeduplicationHandler
 Simple handler wrapper that deduplicates log records across multiple requests. More...
class  DeduplicationHandlerTest
class  DoctrineCouchDBHandler
 CouchDB handler for Doctrine CouchDB ODM. More...
class  DoctrineCouchDBHandlerTest
class  DynamoDbHandler
 Amazon DynamoDB handler ( More...
class  DynamoDbHandlerTest
class  ElasticSearchHandler
 Elastic Search handler. More...
class  ElasticSearchHandlerTest
class  ErrorLogHandler
 Stores to PHP error_log() handler. More...
class  ErrorLogHandlerTest
class  ExceptionTestHandler
class  FilterHandler
 Simple handler wrapper that filters records based on a list of levels. More...
class  FilterHandlerTest
class  FingersCrossedHandler
 Buffers all records until a certain level is reached. More...
class  FingersCrossedHandlerTest
class  FirePHPHandler
 Simple FirePHP Handler (, which uses the Wildfire protocol. More...
class  FirePHPHandlerTest
 Monolog More...
class  FleepHookHandler
 Sends logs to using Webhook integrations. More...
class  FleepHookHandlerTest
class  FlowdockHandler
 Sends notifications through the Flowdock push API. More...
class  FlowdockHandlerTest
class  GelfHandler
 Handler to send messages to a Graylog2 ( server. More...
class  GelfHandlerLegacyTest
class  GelfHandlerTest
class  GelfMockMessagePublisher
class  GroupHandler
 Forwards records to multiple handlers. More...
class  GroupHandlerTest
interface  HandlerInterface
 Interface that all Monolog Handlers must implement. More...
class  HandlerWrapper
 This simple wrapper class can be used to extend handlers functionality. More...
class  HandlerWrapperTest
class  HipChatHandler
 Sends notifications through the hipchat api to a hipchat room. More...
class  HipChatHandlerTest
class  IFTTTHandler
 IFTTTHandler uses cURL to trigger IFTTT Maker actions. More...
class  LogEntriesHandler
class  LogEntriesHandlerTest
class  LogglyHandler
 Sends errors to Loggly. More...
class  MailHandler
 Base class for all mail handlers. More...
class  MailHandlerTest
class  MandrillHandler
 MandrillHandler uses cURL to send the emails to the Mandrill API. More...
class  MissingExtensionException
 Exception can be thrown if an extension for an handler is missing. More...
class  MockRavenClient
class  MongoDBHandler
 Logs to a MongoDB database. More...
class  MongoDBHandlerTest
class  NativeMailerHandler
 NativeMailerHandler uses the mail() function to send the emails. More...
class  NativeMailerHandlerTest
class  NewRelicHandler
 Class to record a log on a NewRelic application. More...
class  NewRelicHandlerTest
class  NullHandler
 Blackhole. More...
class  NullHandlerTest
 Monolog::handle More...
class  PHPConsoleHandler
 Monolog handler for Google Chrome extension "PHP Console". More...
class  PHPConsoleHandlerTest
 Monolog More...
class  PsrHandler
 Proxies log messages to an existing PSR-3 compliant logger. More...
class  PsrHandlerTest
 Monolog::handle More...
class  PushoverHandler
 Sends notifications through the pushover api to mobile phones. More...
class  PushoverHandlerTest
 Almost all examples (expected header, titles, messages) taken from More...
class  RavenHandler
 Handler to send messages to a Sentry ( server using raven-php ( More...
class  RavenHandlerTest
class  RedisHandler
 Logs to a Redis key using rpush. More...
class  RedisHandlerTest
class  RollbarHandler
 Sends errors to Rollbar. More...
class  RotatingFileHandler
 Stores logs to files that are rotated every day and a limited number of files are kept. More...
class  RotatingFileHandlerTest
 Monolog More...
class  SamplingHandler
 Sampling handler. More...
class  SamplingHandlerTest
 Monolog::handle More...
class  SlackHandler
 Sends notifications through Slack API. More...
class  SlackHandlerTest
class  SocketHandler
 Stores to any socket - uses fsockopen() or pfsockopen(). More...
class  SocketHandlerTest
class  StreamHandler
 Stores to any stream resource. More...
class  StreamHandlerTest
class  StubNewRelicHandler
class  StubNewRelicHandlerWithoutExtension
class  SwiftMailerHandler
 SwiftMailerHandler uses Swift_Mailer to send the emails. More...
class  SwiftMailerHandlerTest
class  SyslogHandler
 Logs to syslog service. More...
class  SyslogHandlerTest
class  SyslogUdpHandler
 A Handler for logging to a remote syslogd server. More...
class  SyslogUdpHandlerTest
 extension sockets More...
class  TestChromePHPHandler
class  TestFirePHPHandler
class  TestHandler
 Used for testing purposes. More...
class  TestHandlerTest
 Monolog More...
class  UdpSocketTest
 extension sockets More...
class  WhatFailureGroupHandler
 Forwards records to multiple handlers suppressing failures of each handler and continuing through to give every handler a chance to succeed. More...
class  WhatFailureGroupHandlerTest
class  ZendMonitorHandler
 Handler sending logs to Zend Monitor. More...
class  ZendMonitorHandlerTest


 error_log ()
 mail ($to, $subject, $message, $additional_headers=null, $additional_parameters=null)
 newrelic_notice_error ()
 newrelic_set_appname ($appname)
 newrelic_name_transaction ($transactionName)
 newrelic_add_custom_parameter ($key, $value)

Function Documentation

◆ error_log()

Monolog\Handler\error_log ( )

◆ mail()

Monolog\Handler\mail (   $to,
  $additional_headers = null,
  $additional_parameters = null 

◆ newrelic_add_custom_parameter()

Monolog\Handler\newrelic_add_custom_parameter (   $key,

Definition at line 195 of file NewRelicHandlerTest.php.

References Monolog\Handler\NewRelicHandlerTest\$customParameters.

Referenced by Monolog\Handler\NewRelicHandler\setNewRelicParameter().

196 {
197  NewRelicHandlerTest::$customParameters[$key] = $value;
199  return true;
200 }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ newrelic_name_transaction()

Monolog\Handler\newrelic_name_transaction (   $transactionName)

Definition at line 190 of file NewRelicHandlerTest.php.

References Monolog\Handler\NewRelicHandlerTest\$transactionName.

Referenced by Monolog\Handler\NewRelicHandler\setNewRelicTransactionName().

191 {
192  return NewRelicHandlerTest::$transactionName = $transactionName;
193 }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ newrelic_notice_error()

Monolog\Handler\newrelic_notice_error ( )

Definition at line 180 of file NewRelicHandlerTest.php.

Referenced by Monolog\Handler\NewRelicHandler\write().

181 {
182  return true;
183 }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ newrelic_set_appname()

Monolog\Handler\newrelic_set_appname (   $appname)

Definition at line 185 of file NewRelicHandlerTest.php.

References Monolog\Handler\NewRelicHandlerTest\$appname.

Referenced by Monolog\Handler\NewRelicHandler\setNewRelicAppName().

186 {
187  return NewRelicHandlerTest::$appname = $appname;
188 }
+ Here is the caller graph for this function: