2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(
4 require_once(
20 $this->colours =
21 $this->quotecolour =
22 $this->blockcommentcolour =
23 $this->linecommentcolour =
27 $this->indent =
28 $this->unindent =
32 $this->stringchars =
33 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
38 $this->linecommenton =
39 $this->blockcommenton =
40 $this->blockcommentoff =
44 $this->keywords =
47 "<maligngroup/>" =>
48 "<malignmark/>" =>
57 "<mmultiscripts>" =>
58 "</mmultiscripts>" =>
70 "<mprescripts/>" =>
98 "<munderover>" =>
99 "</munderover>" =>
103 "<annotation-xml" =>
104 "</annotation-xml>" =>
105 "<annotation" =>
106 "</annotation>" =>
119 "<condition>" =>
120 "</condition>" =>
121 "<conjugate/>" =>
133 "<determinant>" =>
134 "</determinant>" =>
140 "<factorial/>" =>
150 "<intersect/>" =>
153 "</interval>" =>
168 "</lowlimit>" =>
172 "<matrixrow>" =>
173 "</matrixrow>" =>
188 "<notprsubset/>" =>
189 "<notsubset/>" =>
191 "<partialdiff/>" =>
195 "<prsubset/>" =>
196 "<quotient/>" =>
207 "<semantics>" =>
208 "</semantics>" =>
221 "<transpose>" =>
222 "</transpose>" =>
235 "accentunder=" =>
236 "actiontype=" =>
238 "alignmentscope=" =>
241 "background=" =>
248 "columnalign=" =>
249 "columnlines=" =>
250 "columnspacing=" =>
251 "defintionURL=" =>
253 "displaystyle=" =>
255 "equalcolumns=" =>
257 "fontfamily=" =>
260 "fontweight=" =>
262 "framespacing=" =>
263 "groupalign=" =>
267 "linethickness=" =>
273 "occurrence=" =>
280 "rowspacing=" =>
284 "separators=" =>
286 "subscriptshift=" =>
287 "superscriptshift=" =>
291 "&GoodBreak;" =>
292 "&IndentingNewLine;" =>
293 "​" =>
296 " " =>
297 "​" =>
307 "ⅇ" =>
308 "ⅈ" =>
309 "&NotANumber;" =>
310 "⁡" =>
311 "⁣" =>
312 "⁢" =>
313 " " =>
314 "​" =>
315 "​" =>
316 "​" =>
317 " " =>
320 "  " =>
321 " " =>
375 "϶" =>
376 "‵" =>
378 "⋍" =>
379 "∖" =>
423 "⨂" =>
426 "▽" =>
427 "△" =>
432 "⧫" =>
433 "▪" =>
434 "▴" =>
435 "▾" =>
436 "◂" =>
437 "▸" =>
492 "·" =>
493 "·" =>
497 "✓" =>
503 "↺" =>
504 "↻" =>
505 "⊛" =>
506 "⊚" =>
507 "⊝" =>
508 "⊙" =>
516 "⊖" =>
517 "⊕" =>
518 "⊗" =>
524 "∲" =>
525 "”" =>
526 "’" =>
538 "∁" =>
541 "≡" =>
544 "∮" =>
547 "∐" =>
550 "∳" =>
576 "⋞" =>
577 "⋟" =>
579 "⋏" =>
581 "↶" =>
582 "↷" =>
614 "´" =>
615 "˙" =>
616 "˝" =>
617 "`" =>
618 "&DiacriticalLeftArrow;" =>
619 "&DiacriticalLeftRightArrow;" =>
620 "&DiacriticalLeftRightVector;" =>
621 "&DiacriticalLeftVector;" =>
622 "&DiacriticalRightArrow;" =>
623 "&DiacriticalRightVector;" =>
624 "˜" =>
628 "♦" =>
639 "⋇" =>
653 "⊡" =>
654 "⌆" =>
655 "∯" =>
656 "¨" =>
657 "⇓" =>
658 "⇐" =>
659 "⇔" =>
660 "⟸" =>
661 "⟺" =>
662 "⟹" =>
663 "⇒" =>
664 "⊨" =>
665 "⇑" =>
666 "⇕" =>
667 "∥" =>
668 "↓" =>
669 "⇓" =>
670 "↓" =>
671 "⇵" =>
672 "⇊" =>
673 "⇃" =>
674 "⇂" =>
675 "↽" =>
676 "⇁" =>
724 "⪖" =>
725 "⪕" =>
727 "≂" =>
729 "⇌" =>
744 "≒" =>
817 "≥" =>
818 "⋛" =>
819 "≧" =>
820 "≷" =>
821 "⩾" =>
822 "≳" =>
835 "⪆" =>
838 "⋛" =>
839 "⪌" =>
842 "≩︀" =>
874 "♥" =>
883 "↩" =>
884 "↪" =>
890 "≎" =>
891 "≏" =>
916 "⋂" =>
988 "⟨" =>
989 "←" =>
990 "⇐" =>
991 "←" =>
992 "⇆" =>
993 "↢" =>
994 "⌈" =>
995 "⇃" =>
996 "⌊" =>
997 "↽" =>
998 "↼" =>
999 "⇇" =>
1000 "↔" =>
1001 "⇔" =>
1002 "↔" =>
1003 "⇆" =>
1004 "⇋" =>
1005 "↭" =>
1007 "⋋" =>
1008 "⊲" =>
1009 "⊴" =>
1010 "↿" =>
1011 "↼" =>
1016 "⩽" =>
1021 "⪃" =>
1024 "⪅" =>
1026 "⋚" =>
1027 "⪋" =>
1028 "⋚" =>
1029 "≦" =>
1030 "≶" =>
1033 "⩽" =>
1034 "≲" =>
1049 "⌞" =>
1050 "⇚" =>
1054 "⎰" =>
1056 "⪉" =>
1065 "⟵" =>
1066 "⟸" =>
1067 "⟵" =>
1068 "⟷" =>
1069 "⟺" =>
1070 "⟷" =>
1071 "⟼" =>
1072 "⟶" =>
1073 "⟹" =>
1074 "⟶" =>
1075 "↫" =>
1076 "↬" =>
1083 "↙" =>
1084 "↘" =>
1091 "⌟" =>
1118 "⥊" =>
1120 "≨︀" =>
1133 "∡" =>
1146 "∓" =>
1157 "⊸" =>
1170 "⩭̸" =>
1181 "≫" =>
1182 "≪" =>
1191 "⩾̸" =>
1211 "⇍" =>
1212 "↚" =>
1213 "⇎" =>
1214 "↮" =>
1217 "⩽̸" =>
1231 "≢" =>
1232 "∦" =>
1233 "∉" =>
1234 "≠" =>
1235 "∄" =>
1236 "≯" =>
1237 "≱" =>
1238 "≧̸" =>
1239 "≫̸" =>
1240 "≹" =>
1241 "⩾̸" =>
1242 "≵" =>
1244 "⋵̸" =>
1249 "⋪" =>
1250 "⋬" =>
1252 "≰" =>
1253 "&NotLessFullEqual;" =>
1254 "≸" =>
1255 "≪̸" =>
1256 "⩽̸" =>
1257 "≴" =>
1262 "⊀" =>
1263 "⪯̸" =>
1264 "⋠" =>
1265 "∌" =>
1266 "⋫" =>
1267 "⋭" =>
1268 "⋢" =>
1269 "⋣" =>
1270 "⊂⃒" =>
1271 "⊁" =>
1272 "⪰̸" =>
1273 "⋡" =>
1274 "⊃⃒" =>
1275 "≁" =>
1276 "≄" =>
1277 "≇" =>
1278 "≉" =>
1279 "∤" =>
1281 "∦" =>
1294 "⇏" =>
1295 "↛" =>
1303 "∤" =>
1304 "∦" =>
1316 "⊈" =>
1317 "⫅̸" =>
1324 "⊉" =>
1325 "⫆̸" =>
1328 "⋪" =>
1329 "⋬" =>
1330 "⋫" =>
1331 "⋭" =>
1383 "“" =>
1384 "‘" =>
1405 "⨶" =>
1407 "&OverLine;" =>
1410 "∥" =>
1414 "∂" =>
1428 "⋔" =>
1433 "⨣" =>
1439 "±" =>
1444 "⨕" =>
1454 "⪷" =>
1455 "≼" =>
1456 "≺" =>
1457 "⪯" =>
1458 "≼" =>
1459 "≾" =>
1461 "⪹" =>
1462 "⪵" =>
1463 "⋨" =>
1470 "⌮" =>
1471 "⌒" =>
1472 "⌓" =>
1474 "∷" =>
1475 "∝" =>
1498 "⦳" =>
1542 "∋" =>
1543 "⇋" =>
1544 "⥯" =>
1555 "⟩" =>
1556 "→" =>
1557 "⇒" =>
1558 "→" =>
1559 "⇄" =>
1560 "↣" =>
1561 "⌉" =>
1562 "⇂" =>
1563 "⌋" =>
1564 "⇁" =>
1565 "⇀" =>
1566 "⇄" =>
1567 "⇌" =>
1568 "⇉" =>
1569 "↝" =>
1570 "⊢" =>
1571 "↦" =>
1572 "⋌" =>
1573 "⊳" =>
1574 "⊵" =>
1575 "↾" =>
1576 "⇀" =>
1578 "≓" =>
1582 "⎱" =>
1593 "⨒" =>
1595 "⇛" =>
1608 "⧎" =>
1620 "⨓" =>
1632 "∖" =>
1639 "←" =>
1640 "∣" =>
1641 "∥" =>
1642 "→" =>
1659 "∘" =>
1660 "&smallfrown;" =>
1661 "∖" =>
1662 "&smallsmile;" =>
1664 "⧤" =>
1675 "♠" =>
1684 "⊏" =>
1685 "⊑" =>
1688 "⊐" =>
1689 "⊒" =>
1692 "⊓" =>
1693 "⊏" =>
1694 "⊑" =>
1695 "⊐" =>
1696 "⊒" =>
1697 "⊔" =>
1700 "&squarfbl;" =>
1701 "&squarfbr;" =>
1705 "&squarftl;" =>
1706 "&squarftr;" =>
1717 "ϵ" =>
1718 "ϕ" =>
1733 "⊆" =>
1734 "⫅" =>
1735 "⊆" =>
1736 "⊊" =>
1737 "⫋" =>
1742 "⪸" =>
1743 "≽" =>
1744 "≻" =>
1745 "⪰" =>
1746 "≽" =>
1747 "≿" =>
1749 "⪺" =>
1750 "⪶" =>
1751 "⋩" =>
1753 "∋" =>
1767 "⊃" =>
1768 "⊇" =>
1778 "⊇" =>
1779 "⫆" =>
1780 "⊋" =>
1781 "⫌" =>
1798 "∴" =>
1799 "∴" =>
1803 "≈" =>
1804 "∼" =>
1810 "≃" =>
1811 "≅" =>
1812 "≈" =>
1815 "⨱" =>
1827 "▵" =>
1828 "▿" =>
1829 "◃" =>
1830 "⊴" =>
1831 "≜" =>
1832 "▹" =>
1833 "⊵" =>
1836 "⨺" =>
1837 "⃛" =>
1841 "⏢" =>
1845 "↞" =>
1846 "↠" =>
1850 "⥉" =>
1861 "⌜" =>
1865 "&UnderLine;" =>
1867 "⊎" =>
1872 "⇅" =>
1873 "↕" =>
1874 "⇕" =>
1875 "↕" =>
1876 "⥮" =>
1877 "↿" =>
1878 "↾" =>
1880 "↖" =>
1881 "↗" =>
1887 "⇈" =>
1889 "⌝" =>
1900 "ϵ" =>
1901 "ϰ" =>
1902 "∅" =>
1905 "∝" =>
1909 "ς" =>
1910 "⊊︀" =>
1911 "⫋︀" =>
1912 "⊋︀" =>
1913 "⫌︀" =>
1914 "ϑ" =>
1915 "⊲" =>
1916 "⊳" =>
1934 "∣" =>
1935 "≀" =>
2013 $this->linkscripts =
2020 "8" =>
Create styles array
The data for the language used.