2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(
4 require_once(
20 $this->colours =
21 $this->quotecolour =
22 $this->blockcommentcolour =
23 $this->linecommentcolour =
27 $this->indent =
28 $this->unindent =
32 $this->stringchars =
33 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
38 $this->linecommenton =
39 $this->blockcommenton =
40 $this->blockcommentoff =
44 $this->keywords =
55 "aimConstraint" =>
59 "alignSurface" =>
60 "ambientLight" =>
61 "angleBetween" =>
62 "animCurveEditor" =>
66 "arcLenDimContext" =>
67 "arcLengthDimension" =>
70 "assignCommand" =>
71 "assignInputDevice" =>
73 "attachDeviceAttr" =>
74 "attachSurface" =>
75 "attrColorSliderGrp" =>
76 "attrCompatibility" =>
77 "attrEnumOptionMenu" =>
78 "attrEnumOptionMenuGrp" =>
79 "attrFieldGrp" =>
80 "attrFieldSliderGrp" =>
81 "attrNavigationControlGrp" =>
82 "attributeQuery" =>
83 "autoKeyframe" =>
86 "bakeSimulation" =>
93 "blendShapeEditor" =>
94 "blendShapePanel" =>
95 "blendTwoAttr" =>
100 "buildBookmarkMenu" =>
101 "buildKeyframeMenu" =>
103 "buttonManip" =>
106 "canCreateManip" =>
110 "checkBoxGrp" =>
113 "circularFillet" =>
115 "closeSurface" =>
120 "colorEditor" =>
122 "colorIndexSliderGrp" =>
123 "colorSliderButtonGrp" =>
124 "colorSliderGrp" =>
125 "columnLayout" =>
126 "commandEcho" =>
127 "commandLine" =>
128 "commandPort" =>
129 "commonPaintCtx" =>
132 "confirmDialog" =>
133 "connectAttr" =>
134 "connectControl" =>
135 "connectDynamic" =>
136 "connectJoint" =>
137 "connectionInfo" =>
139 "constructionHistory" =>
140 "contextInfo" =>
142 "convertSolidTx" =>
143 "convertUnit" =>
145 "createDrawCtx" =>
146 "createEditor" =>
149 "ctxCompletion" =>
150 "ctxEditMode" =>
151 "ctxTraverse" =>
153 "currentTime" =>
154 "currentTimeCtx" =>
155 "currentUnit" =>
157 "curveAddPtCtx" =>
160 "curveEditorCtx" =>
161 "curveMoveEPCtx" =>
162 "curveOnSurface" =>
163 "curveSketchCtx" =>
167 "dagObjectHit" =>
168 "defaultNavigation" =>
169 "defineDataServer" =>
170 "defineEditor" =>
171 "defineEditorTemplate" =>
172 "defineVirtualDevice" =>
176 "detachCurve" =>
177 "detachDeviceAttr" =>
178 "detachSurface" =>
179 "devicePanel" =>
181 "directKeyCtx" =>
182 "directionalLight" =>
184 "disconnectAttr" =>
185 "disconnectJoint" =>
186 "displayAffected" =>
187 "displayColor" =>
188 "displayCull" =>
189 "displayLevelOfDetail" =>
190 "displayPref" =>
191 "displayRGBColor" =>
192 "displaySmoothness" =>
193 "displayStats" =>
194 "displaySurface" =>
195 "distanceDimContext" =>
196 "distanceDimension" =>
199 "dopeSheetEditor" =>
200 "doubleProfileBirailSurface" =>
202 "draggerContext" =>
203 "dropoffLocator" =>
205 "duplicateCurve" =>
209 "dynExpression" =>
210 "dynParticleCtx" =>
211 "dynRelEdPanel" =>
212 "dynRelEditor" =>
213 "dynamicLoad" =>
215 "editorTemplate" =>
218 "enableDevice" =>
219 "encodeString" =>
221 "evalDeferred" =>
224 "exclusiveLightCheckBox" =>
226 "expressionEditorListen" =>
227 "extendCurve" =>
228 "extendSurface" =>
231 "fileBrowserDialog" =>
233 "filletCurve" =>
235 "filterExpand" =>
236 "findKeyframe" =>
241 "floatFieldGrp" =>
242 "floatScrollBar" =>
243 "floatSlider" =>
244 "floatSliderButtonGrp" =>
245 "floatSliderGrp" =>
247 "flushThumbnailCache" =>
251 "frameLayout" =>
252 "freeFormFillet" =>
253 "geometryConstraint" =>
255 "getClassification" =>
256 "getInputDeviceRange" =>
258 "getParticleAttr" =>
260 "glRenderEditor" =>
263 "graphDollyCtx" =>
264 "graphSelectContext" =>
265 "graphTrackCtx" =>
270 "handleRotateCtx" =>
271 "hardenPointCurve" =>
273 "hardwareRenderPanel" =>
280 "hotkeyCheck" =>
283 "iconTextButton" =>
284 "iconTextCheckBox" =>
285 "iconTextRadioButton" =>
286 "iconTextRadioCollection" =>
287 "iconTextStaticLabel" =>
289 "ikHandleCtx" =>
290 "ikHandleDisplayScale" =>
292 "ikSplineHandleCtx" =>
293 "ikSplineManipCtx" =>
295 "ikSystemInfo" =>
298 "inheritTransform" =>
299 "insertJoint" =>
300 "insertJointCtx" =>
301 "insertKeyCtx" =>
302 "insertKnotCurve" =>
303 "insertKnotSurface" =>
306 "intFieldGrp" =>
307 "intScrollBar" =>
309 "intSliderGrp" =>
310 "internalVar" =>
313 "isConnected" =>
317 "itemFilterAttr" =>
318 "itemFilterRender" =>
319 "itemFilterType" =>
321 "jointCluster" =>
323 "jointDisplayScale" =>
324 "jointLattice" =>
328 "keyframeOutliner" =>
329 "keyframeRegionCurrentTimeCtx" =>
330 "keyframeRegionDirectKeyCtx" =>
331 "keyframeRegionDollyCtx" =>
332 "keyframeRegionInsertKeyCtx" =>
333 "keyframeRegionMoveKeyCtx" =>
334 "keyframeRegionScaleKeyCtx" =>
335 "keyframeRegionSelectKeyCtx" =>
336 "keyframeRegionSetKeyCtx" =>
337 "keyframeRegionTrackCtx" =>
338 "keyframeStats" =>
339 "lastMenuItem" =>
341 "layeredShaderPort" =>
343 "lightListEditor" =>
344 "lightListPanel" =>
345 "listAnimatable" =>
347 "listCameras" =>
348 "listConnections" =>
349 "listDeviceAttachments" =>
350 "listHistory" =>
351 "listInputDeviceAxes" =>
352 "listInputDeviceButtons" =>
353 "listInputDevices" =>
354 "listNodeTypes" =>
355 "listRelatives" =>
356 "listerEditor" =>
361 "lsThroughFilter" =>
363 "makeIdentity" =>
365 "manipMoveContext" =>
366 "manipMoveLimitsCtx" =>
367 "manipOptions" =>
368 "manipRotateContext" =>
369 "manipRotateLimitsCtx" =>
370 "manipScaleContext" =>
371 "manipScaleLimitsCtx" =>
375 "menuBarLayout" =>
378 "messageLine" =>
379 "minimizeApp" =>
380 "mirrorJoint" =>
381 "modelCurrentTimeCtx" =>
382 "modelEditor" =>
388 "multiProfileBirailSurface" =>
389 "nameCommand" =>
391 "newPanelItems" =>
393 "nodeOutliner" =>
395 "normalConstraint" =>
398 "nurbsToPoly" =>
399 "nurbsToPolygonsPref" =>
401 "objectCenter" =>
403 "objectTypeUI" =>
404 "offsetCurve" =>
405 "offsetCurveOnSurface" =>
406 "openMayaPref" =>
408 "optionMenuGrp" =>
412 "orientConstraint" =>
413 "outlinerEditor" =>
414 "outlinerPanel" =>
415 "overrideModifier" =>
416 "palettePort" =>
419 "panelConfiguration" =>
420 "panelHistory" =>
421 "paramDimContext" =>
422 "paramDimension" =>
423 "paramLocator" =>
426 "particleRenderInfo" =>
429 "pathAnimation" =>
432 "performanceOptions" =>
439 "playbackOptions" =>
442 "pointConstraint" =>
443 "pointCurveConstraint" =>
445 "pointOnCurve" =>
446 "pointOnSurface" =>
447 "poleVectorConstraint" =>
450 "polyChipOff" =>
451 "polyCloseBorder" =>
452 "polyCollapseEdge" =>
453 "polyCollapseFacet" =>
455 "polyCreateFacet" =>
457 "polyCylinder" =>
458 "polyCylindricalProjection" =>
459 "polyDelEdge" =>
460 "polyDelFacet" =>
461 "polyDelVertex" =>
462 "polyEvaluate" =>
463 "polyExtrudeFacet" =>
464 "polyInstallAction" =>
468 "polyMergeEdge" =>
469 "polyMergeFacet" =>
470 "polyMoveEdge" =>
471 "polyMoveFacet" =>
472 "polyMoveFacetUV" =>
474 "polyMoveVertex" =>
476 "polyOptions" =>
477 "polyPlanarProjection" =>
480 "polySelectConstraint" =>
481 "polySelectConstraintMonitor" =>
482 "polySeparate" =>
484 "polySoftEdge" =>
486 "polySphericalProjection" =>
488 "polySubdivideEdge" =>
489 "polySubdivideFacet" =>
490 "polySuperCtx" =>
492 "polyTriangulate" =>
495 "projFileViewer" =>
496 "projectCurve" =>
497 "projectLight" =>
498 "projectLightEditor" =>
499 "projectTangent" =>
500 "projectionContext" =>
501 "projectionManip" =>
502 "promptDialog" =>
508 "radioButton" =>
509 "radioButtonGrp" =>
510 "radioCollection" =>
511 "radioMenuItemCollection" =>
512 "rampColorPort" =>
513 "rangeControl" =>
515 "rebuildCurve" =>
516 "rebuildSurface" =>
518 "recordDevice" =>
521 "reloadImage" =>
522 "removeJoint" =>
523 "removeMultiInstance" =>
527 "renderGlobalsNode" =>
529 "renderManip" =>
530 "renderPartition" =>
531 "renderQualityNode" =>
532 "renderThumbnailUpdate" =>
533 "renderWindowEditor" =>
534 "renderWindowSelectContext" =>
536 "reorderDeformers" =>
540 "resolutionNode" =>
541 "reverseCurve" =>
542 "reverseSurface" =>
545 "rigidSolver" =>
549 "rowColumnLayout" =>
551 "saveAllShelves" =>
553 "saveInitialState" =>
557 "saveToolSettings" =>
559 "scaleConstraint" =>
561 "scaleKeyCtx" =>
562 "sceneUIReplacement" =>
563 "sceneViewer" =>
565 "scriptedPanel" =>
566 "scriptedPanelType" =>
567 "scrollField" =>
568 "scrollLayout" =>
571 "selectContext" =>
573 "selectKeyCtx" =>
575 "selectPaintCtx" =>
577 "selectPriority" =>
579 "selectedLine" =>
580 "selectedNodes" =>
581 "selectionConnection" =>
584 "setAttrMapping" =>
585 "setDefaultShadingGroup" =>
586 "setDrivenKeyframe" =>
590 "setEscapeCtx" =>
592 "setInfinity" =>
593 "setInputDeviceMapping" =>
596 "setKeyframe" =>
598 "setParticleAttr" =>
599 "setStartupMessage" =>
601 "setUITemplate" =>
603 "shadingConnection" =>
604 "shadingGeometryRelCtx" =>
605 "shadingGroupDialogDaemon" =>
606 "shadingLightRelCtx" =>
607 "shadingNode" =>
608 "shelfButton" =>
609 "shelfLayout" =>
610 "shelfTabLayout" =>
613 "showManipCtx" =>
614 "showSelectionInTitle" =>
615 "showShadingGroupAttrEditor" =>
618 "singleProfileBirailSurface" =>
623 "soundControl" =>
624 "spaceLocator" =>
627 "spotLightPreviewPort" =>
628 "spreadSheetEditor" =>
632 "stitchSurface" =>
633 "stitchSurfacePoints" =>
636 "surfacePaintCtx" =>
637 "surfaceShaderList" =>
638 "swatchDisplayPort" =>
639 "symbolButton" =>
640 "symbolCheckBox" =>
642 "tangentConstraint" =>
643 "texManipContext" =>
644 "texSelectContext" =>
645 "texWinToolCtx" =>
649 "textFieldButtonGrp" =>
650 "textFieldGrp" =>
651 "textScrollList" =>
652 "texturePlacementContext" =>
653 "textureWindow" =>
654 "timeControl" =>
658 "toggleWindowVisibility" =>
661 "toolCollection" =>
662 "toolDropped" =>
663 "toolHasOptions" =>
664 "toolPropertyWindow" =>
667 "transformLimits" =>
674 "unassignInputDevice" =>
679 "unloadPlugin" =>
683 "userPaintCtx" =>
684 "valuePaintCtx" =>
685 "view2dToolCtx" =>
687 "viewClipPlane" =>
698 "wireContext" =>
701 "wrinkleContext" =>
707 "-annotation" =>
712 "-columnAttach" =>
713 "-columnWidth" =>
717 "-curveParameterPoint" =>
720 "-dragMenuCommand" =>
729 "-fieldMaxValue" =>
730 "-fieldMinValue" =>
733 "-imagePlane" =>
736 "-jointPivot" =>
739 "-latticePoint" =>
740 "-localRotationAxis" =>
749 "-polymeshEdge" =>
750 "-polymeshVertex" =>
754 "-rotatePivot" =>
755 "-rowSpacing" =>
757 "-scalePivot" =>
758 "-selectHandle" =>
762 "-surfaceEdge" =>
763 "-surfaceParameterPoint" =>
775 $this->linkscripts =
Create styles array
The data for the language used.