ILIAS  release_5-2 Revision v5.2.25-18-g3f80b828510
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(".")."/Services/COPage/syntax_highlight/php";
3 if (!isset ($BEAUT_PATH)) return;
4 require_once("$BEAUT_PATH/Beautifier/HFile.php");
5  class HFile_dxl extends HFile{
6  function HFile_dxl(){
7  $this->HFile();
8 /*************************************/
9 // Beautifier Highlighting Configuration File
10 // DXL
11 /*************************************/
12 // Flags
14 $this->nocase = "1";
15 $this->notrim = "0";
16 $this->perl = "0";
18 // Colours
20 $this->colours = array("blue", "purple", "gray", "brown", "blue");
21 $this->quotecolour = "blue";
22 $this->blockcommentcolour = "green";
23 $this->linecommentcolour = "green";
25 // Indent Strings
27 $this->indent = array();
28 $this->unindent = array();
30 // String characters and delimiters
32 $this->stringchars = array();
33 $this->delimiters = array("~", "!", "@", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "|", "\\", "/", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", " ", ",", " ", ".", "?");
34 $this->escchar = "";
36 // Comment settings
38 $this->linecommenton = array("//");
39 $this->blockcommenton = array("/*");
40 $this->blockcommentoff = array("*/");
42 // Keywords (keyword mapping to colour number)
44 $this->keywords = array(
45  "break" => "1",
46  "by" => "1",
47  "change" => "1",
48  "const" => "1",
49  "continue" => "1",
50  "do" => "1",
51  "else" => "1",
52  "for" => "1",
53  "if" => "1",
54  "in" => "1",
55  "return" => "1",
56  "then" => "1",
57  "while" => "1",
58  "AccessRec" => "2",
59  "Array" => "2",
60  "AttrDef" => "2",
61  "AttrType" => "2",
62  "Baseline" => "2",
63  "Bitmap" => "2",
64  "Buffer" => "2",
65  "bool" => "2",
66  "Column" => "2",
67  "char" => "2",
68  "Date" => "2",
69  "DB" => "2",
70  "DBE" => "2",
71  "Filter" => "2",
72  "History" => "2",
73  "HistoryType" => "2",
74  "int" => "2",
75  "InPlaceEditEvent" => "2",
76  "IPC" => "2",
77  "Link" => "2",
78  "Linkset" => "2",
79  "Module" => "2",
80  "Object" => "2",
81  "OleAutoArgs" => "2",
82  "OleAutoObj" => "2",
83  "Permission" => "2",
84  "Project" => "2",
85  "real" => "2",
86  "Regexp" => "2",
87  "ScrollEvent" => "2",
88  "ScrollSide" => "2",
89  "Sensitivity" => "2",
90  "Skip" => "2",
91  "Sort" => "2",
92  "Stat" => "2",
93  "Stream" => "2",
94  "string" => "2",
95  "Template" => "2",
96  "ToolType" => "2",
97  "Trigger" => "2",
98  "void" => "2",
99  "above" => "3",
100  "accept" => "3",
101  "ack" => "3",
102  "activateURL" => "3",
103  "active" => "3",
104  "addToolTip" => "3",
105  "addUser" => "3",
106  "addMenu" => "3",
107  "after" => "3",
108  "all" => "3",
109  "alternative" => "3",
110  "alternatives" => "3",
111  "ancestors" => "3",
112  "append" => "3",
113  "apply" => "3",
114  "arrow" => "3",
115  "attribute" => "3",
116  "attributeValue" => "3",
117  "attributes" => "3",
118  "background" => "3",
119  "before" => "3",
120  "below" => "3",
121  "beside" => "3",
122  "block" => "3",
123  "box" => "3",
124  "button" => "3",
125  "canDelete" => "3",
126  "canRead" => "3",
127  "canvas" => "3",
128  "canWrite" => "3",
129  "centered" => "3",
130  "charOf" => "3",
131  "changeBars" => "3",
132  "checkBox" => "3",
133  "choice" => "3",
134  "clear" => "3",
135  "clearClipboard" => "3",
136  "clearToolTips" => "3",
137  "client" => "3",
138  "clipboardIsEmpty" => "3",
139  "clipboardIsTransient" => "3",
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141  "closeProject" => "3",
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152  "copyFlat" => "3",
153  "copyHier" => "3",
154  "cos" => "3",
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156  "createString" => "3",
157  "current" => "3",
158  "cut" => "3",
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171  "downgrade" => "3",
172  "draw" => "3",
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174  "du" => "3",
175  "dxl" => "3",
176  "edit" => "3",
177  "editor" => "3",
178  "ellipse" => "3",
179  "end" => "3",
180  "eval_" => "3",
181  "exists" => "3",
182  "exit_" => "3",
183  "false" => "3",
184  "field" => "3",
185  "fileExists_" => "3",
186  "fileOverwriteOK_" => "3",
187  "fileReadable_" => "3",
188  "fileWriteable_" => "3",
189  "fileName" => "3",
190  "filtering" => "3",
191  "find" => "3",
192  "first" => "3",
193  "flushDeletions" => "3",
194  "font" => "3",
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198  "getenv" => "3",
199  "getSelection" => "3",
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201  "goodFileName" => "3",
202  "graphics" => "3",
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204  "hardDelete" => "3",
205  "hasInPlace" => "3",
206  "hasScrollbars" => "3",
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219  "inPlacePaste" => "3",
220  "inPlaceReset" => "3",
221  "inPlaceSet" => "3",
222  "inPlaceShow" => "3",
223  "inPlaceTextHeight" => "3",
224  "insert" => "3",
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226  "isAdmin" => "3",
227  "isBatch" => "3",
228  "isDeleted" => "3",
229  "isEdit" => "3",
230  "isLocked" => "3",
231  "isLockedByUser" => "3",
232  "isNull" => "3",
233  "isRead" => "3",
234  "isSelected" => "3",
235  "isShare" => "3",
236  "isValidName" => "3",
237  "isVisible" => "3",
238  "isVisibleAttribute" => "3",
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243  "lastError" => "3",
244  "leaf" => "3",
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247  "length" => "3",
248  "level" => "3",
249  "line" => "3",
250  "linkIndicators" => "3",
251  "list" => "3",
252  "load" => "3",
253  "loadBitmap" => "3",
254  "lock" => "3",
255  "lower" => "3",
256  "main" => "3",
257  "manyToMany" => "3",
258  "manyToOne" => "3",
259  "margins" => "3",
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261  "matches" => "3",
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263  "mkdir" => "3",
264  "modified" => "3",
265  "move" => "3",
266  "multiList" => "3",
267  "name" => "3",
268  "next" => "3",
269  "noElems" => "3",
270  "noError" => "3",
271  "notNull" => "3",
272  "null" => "3",
273  "number" => "3",
274  "of" => "3",
275  "off" => "3",
276  "ok" => "3",
277  "oleCloseAutoObject" => "3",
278  "oleCopy" => "3",
279  "oleCreateAutoObject" => "3",
280  "oleCut" => "3",
281  "oleGet" => "3",
282  "oleInsert" => "3",
283  "oleIsObject" => "3",
284  "oleMethod" => "3",
285  "olePaste" => "3",
286  "olePut" => "3",
287  "on" => "3",
288  "oneToMany" => "3",
289  "oneToOne" => "3",
290  "open" => "3",
291  "openProject" => "3",
292  "opposite" => "3",
293  "outline" => "3",
294  "outlining" => "3",
295  "pageBottomMargin" => "3",
296  "pageBreakLevel" => "3",
297  "pageChangeBars" => "3",
298  "pageColumns" => "3",
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310  "pageTOCLevel" => "3",
311  "pageTopMargin" => "3",
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313  "parent" => "3",
314  "parentOf" => "3",
315  "pasteDown" => "3",
316  "pasteSame" => "3",
317  "pi" => "3",
318  "platform" => "3",
319  "polygon" => "3",
320  "previous" => "3",
321  "print" => "3",
322  "progressCancelled" => "3",
323  "progressMessage" => "3",
324  "progressRange" => "3",
325  "progressStart" => "3",
326  "progressStep" => "3",
327  "progressStop" => "3",
328  "purgeObjects_" => "3",
329  "put" => "3",
330  "query" => "3",
331  "radioBox" => "3",
332  "radioButton" => "3",
333  "raise" => "3",
334  "random" => "3",
335  "read" => "3",
336  "readFile" => "3",
337  "realise" => "3",
338  "realize" => "3",
339  "realOf" => "3",
340  "rectangle" => "3",
341  "recv" => "3",
342  "refresh" => "3",
343  "reject" => "3",
344  "release" => "3",
345  "renameFile" => "3",
346  "return_" => "3",
347  "richText" => "3",
348  "right" => "3",
349  "runLim" => "3",
350  "save" => "3",
351  "scroll" => "3",
352  "scrollSet" => "3",
353  "selected" => "3",
354  "send" => "3",
355  "separator" => "3",
356  "server" => "3",
357  "set" => "3",
358  "setDef" => "3",
359  "setDefaultViewForModule" => "3",
360  "setempty" => "3",
361  "setFocus" => "3",
362  "setPos" => "3",
363  "setSelection" => "3",
364  "setSize" => "3",
365  "setVal" => "3",
366  "share" => "3",
367  "show" => "3",
368  "showDeletedModules" => "3",
369  "showDeletedObjects" => "3",
370  "showDeletedProjects" => "3",
371  "showing" => "3",
372  "sibling" => "3",
373  "sin" => "3",
374  "sizeof" => "3",
375  "slider" => "3",
376  "softDelete" => "3",
377  "sorting" => "3",
378  "source" => "3",
379  "spell" => "3",
380  "stacked" => "3",
381  "start" => "3",
382  "static" => "3",
383  "statusBar" => "3",
384  "stringOf" => "3",
385  "switch" => "3",
386  "sync" => "3",
387  "tan" => "3",
388  "target" => "3",
389  "tempFileName" => "3",
390  "text" => "3",
391  "title" => "3",
392  "today" => "3",
393  "toggle" => "3",
394  "toolBar" => "3",
395  "toolBarComboAdd" => "3",
396  "toolBarComboCount" => "3",
397  "toolBarComboEmpty" => "3",
398  "toolBarComboGetItem" => "3",
399  "toolBarComboGetSelection" => "3",
400  "toolBarComboSelect" => "3",
401  "toolButton" => "3",
402  "toolCombo" => "3",
403  "toolSpacer" => "3",
404  "toolToggle" => "3",
405  "top" => "3",
406  "topMost" => "3",
407  "true" => "3",
408  "type" => "3",
409  "undelete" => "3",
410  "unload" => "3",
411  "unlockSaveSection" => "3",
412  "unlockSaveAll" => "3",
413  "unlockDiscardSection" => "3",
414  "unlockDiscardAll" => "3",
415  "up" => "3",
416  "updateToolBars" => "3",
417  "upper" => "3",
418  "useraccess" => "3",
419  "varchar" => "3",
420  "verticalCheckBox" => "3",
421  "verticalRadioBox" => "3",
422  "view" => "3",
423  "width" => "3",
424  "write" => "3",
425  "attrDate" => "4",
426  "attrEnumeration" => "4",
427  "attrInteger" => "4",
428  "attrReal" => "4",
429  "attrString" => "4",
430  "attrText" => "4",
431  "colorBlack" => "4",
432  "colorBlue" => "4",
433  "colorBrown" => "4",
434  "colorCyan" => "4",
435  "colorDarkTurquoise" => "4",
436  "colorGreen" => "4",
437  "colorGrey" => "4",
438  "colorGrey77" => "4",
439  "colorGrey82" => "4",
440  "colorLightBlue" => "4",
441  "colorMagenta" => "4",
442  "colorMaroon" => "4",
443  "colorMediumLightBlue" => "4",
444  "colorOrange" => "4",
445  "colorPink" => "4",
446  "colorRed" => "4",
447  "colorRedGrey" => "4",
448  "colorWhite" => "4",
449  "colorYellow" => "4",
450  "ddbAvailable" => "4",
451  "ddbChecked" => "4",
452  "ddbNone" => "4",
453  "ddbUnavailable" => "4",
454  "ICD_DECREASE_LEVEL" => "4",
455  "ICD_INCREASE_LEVEL" => "4",
456  "ICD_LEVEL1" => "4",
457  "ICD_LEVEL2" => "4",
458  "ICD_LEVEL3" => "4",
459  "ICD_LEVEL4" => "4",
460  "ICD_LEVEL5" => "4",
461  "ICD_LEVEL6" => "4",
462  "ICD_LEVEL7" => "4",
463  "ICD_LEVEL8" => "4",
464  "ICD_LEVEL10" => "4",
465  "ICD_LEVELALL" => "4",
466  "ICD_OPEN_MODULE" => "4",
467  "ICD_OPEN_PROJ" => "4",
468  "inPlaceChoice" => "4",
469  "inPlaceString" => "4",
470  "inPlaceText" => "4",
471  "inPlaceTextChange" => "4",
472  "inPlaceTextFilled" => "4",
473  "keyDelete" => "4",
474  "keyDown" => "4",
475  "keyEnd" => "4",
476  "keyF1" => "4",
477  "keyF2" => "4",
478  "keyF3" => "4",
479  "keyF4" => "4",
480  "keyF5" => "4",
481  "keyF6" => "4",
482  "keyF7" => "4",
483  "keyF8" => "4",
484  "keyF9" => "4",
485  "keyF10" => "4",
486  "keyF11" => "4",
487  "keyF12" => "4",
488  "keyHelp" => "4",
489  "keyHome" => "4",
490  "keyInsert" => "4",
491  "keyLeft" => "4",
492  "keyPageDown" => "4",
493  "keyPageUp" => "4",
494  "keyRight" => "4",
495  "keyUp" => "4",
496  "logicalDefaultColor" => "4",
497  "logical0IndicatorColor" => "4",
498  "logical11IndicatorColor" => "4",
499  "logical22IndicatorColor" => "4",
500  "logical33IndicatorColor" => "4",
501  "logical44IndicatorColor" => "4",
502  "logical55IndicatorColor" => "4",
503  "logical66IndicatorColor" => "4",
504  "logical77IndicatorColor" => "4",
505  "logical88IndicatorColor" => "4",
506  "logical100IndicatorColor" => "4",
507  "logicalCurrentBackgroundColor" => "4",
508  "logicalDataTextColor" => "4",
509  "logicalDeletedTextColor" => "4",
510  "logicalHighIndicatorColor" => "4",
511  "logicalInPlaceBackgroundColor" => "4",
512  "logicalLinksInIndicatorColor" => "4",
513  "logicalLowIndicatorColor" => "4",
514  "logicalMediumIndicatorColor" => "4",
515  "logicalPageBackgroundColor" => "4",
516  "logicalReadOnlyTextColor" => "4",
517  "logicalSelectedTextColor" => "4",
518  "logicalTextBackgroundColor" => "4",
519  "logicalTitleBackgroundColor" => "4",
520  "logicalTitleTextColor" => "4",
521  "scrollDown" => "4",
522  "scrollPageDown" => "4",
523  "scrollPageUp" => "4",
524  "scrollToEnd" => "4",
525  "scrollToHome" => "4",
526  "scrollToPos" => "4",
527  "scrollUp" => "4",
528  "#include" => "5",
529  "pragma" => "5");
531 // Special extensions
533 // Each category can specify a PHP function that returns an altered
534 // version of the keyword.
538 $this->linkscripts = array(
539  "1" => "donothing",
540  "2" => "donothing",
541  "3" => "donothing",
542  "4" => "donothing",
543  "5" => "donothing");
544 }
547 function donothing($keywordin)
548 {
549  return $keywordin;
550 }
552 }?>
Definition: HFile_dxl.php:6
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Definition: HFile_dxl.php:2
Definition: HFile.php:21
Definition: HFile_dxl.php:547