2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(
4 require_once(
20 $this->colours =
21 $this->quotecolour =
22 $this->blockcommentcolour =
23 $this->linecommentcolour =
27 $this->indent =
28 $this->unindent =
32 $this->stringchars =
33 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
38 $this->linecommenton =
39 $this->blockcommenton =
40 $this->blockcommentoff =
44 $this->keywords =
81 "synchronized" =>
94 "AbstractAction" =>
95 "AbstractBorder" =>
96 "AbstractButton" =>
97 "AbstractCollection" =>
98 "AbstractDocument" =>
99 "AbstractLayoutCache" =>
100 "AbstractList" =>
101 "AbstractListModel" =>
102 "AbstractMap" =>
103 "AbstractMethodError" =>
104 "AbstractSequentialList" =>
105 "AbstractSet" =>
106 "AbstractTableModel" =>
107 "AbstractUndoableEdit" =>
108 "AbstractWriter" =>
109 "AccessControlContext" =>
110 "AccessControlException" =>
111 "AccessController" =>
112 "AccessException" =>
114 "AccessibleAction" =>
115 "AccessibleBundle" =>
116 "AccessibleComponent" =>
117 "AccessibleContext" =>
118 "AccessibleHyperlink" =>
119 "AccessibleHypertext" =>
120 "AccessibleObject" =>
121 "AccessibleResourceBundle" =>
122 "AccessibleRole" =>
123 "AccessibleSelection" =>
124 "AccessibleState" =>
125 "AccessibleStateSet" =>
126 "AccessibleText" =>
127 "AccessibleValue" =>
130 "AclNotFoundException" =>
132 "ActionEvent" =>
133 "ActionListener" =>
134 "Activatable" =>
135 "ActivateFailedException" =>
136 "ActivationDesc" =>
137 "ActivationException" =>
138 "ActivationGroup" =>
139 "ActivationGroupDesc" =>
140 "ActivationGroupID" =>
141 "ActivationID" =>
142 "ActivationInstantiator" =>
143 "ActivationMonitor" =>
144 "ActivationSystem" =>
146 "ActiveEvent" =>
148 "AdjustmentEvent" =>
149 "AdjustmentListener" =>
151 "AffineTransform" =>
152 "AffineTransformOp" =>
153 "AlgorithmParameterGenerator" =>
154 "AlgorithmParameterGeneratorSpi" =>
155 "AlgorithmParameters" =>
156 "AlgorithmParameterSpec" =>
157 "AlgorithmParametersSpi" =>
159 "AllPermission" =>
160 "AlphaComposite" =>
161 "AlreadyBound" =>
162 "AlreadyBoundException" =>
163 "AlreadyBoundHelper" =>
164 "AlreadyBoundHolder" =>
165 "AncestorEvent" =>
166 "AncestorListener" =>
171 "AppletContext" =>
172 "AppletInitializer" =>
174 "ApplicationException" =>
177 "AreaAveragingScaleFilter" =>
181 "ArithmeticException" =>
184 "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" =>
187 "ArrayStoreException" =>
188 "AttributedCharacterIterator" =>
189 "AttributeDef" =>
190 "AttributeDescription" =>
191 "AttributedString" =>
192 "AttributeMode" =>
194 "AttributeSet" =>
196 "Authenticator" =>
200 "AWTEventMulticaster" =>
201 "AWTException" =>
202 "AWTPermission" =>
203 "BAD_CONTEXT" =>
204 "BAD_INV_ORDER" =>
209 "BadLocationException" =>
210 "BandCombineOp" =>
211 "BandedSampleModel" =>
212 "BasicPermission" =>
213 "BasicStroke" =>
214 "BatchUpdateException" =>
215 "BeanContext" =>
216 "BeanContextAddedEvent" =>
217 "BeanContextChild" =>
218 "BeanContextChildSupport" =>
219 "BeanContextContainer" =>
220 "BeanContextEvent" =>
221 "BeanContextMembershipEvent" =>
222 "BeanContextMembershipListener" =>
223 "BeanContextRemovedEvent" =>
224 "BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent" =>
225 "BeanContextServiceProvider" =>
226 "BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent" =>
227 "BeanContextServiceRevokedListener" =>
228 "BeanContextServices" =>
229 "BeanContextServicesListener" =>
230 "BeanContextServicesSupport" =>
231 "BeanContextSupport" =>
232 "BeanDescriptor" =>
235 "BevelBorder" =>
238 "BindException" =>
240 "BindingHelper" =>
241 "BindingHolder" =>
242 "BindingIterator" =>
243 "BindingIteratorHelper" =>
244 "BindingIteratorHolder" =>
245 "BindingListHelper" =>
246 "BindingListHolder" =>
247 "BindingType" =>
248 "BindingTypeHelper" =>
249 "BindingTypeHolder" =>
255 "BooleanHolder" =>
257 "BorderFactory" =>
258 "BorderLayout" =>
259 "BorderUIResource" =>
260 "BoundedRangeModel" =>
265 "BreakIterator" =>
266 "BufferedImage" =>
267 "BufferedImageFilter" =>
268 "BufferedImageOp" =>
269 "BufferedInputStream" =>
270 "BufferedOutputStream" =>
271 "BufferedReader" =>
272 "BufferedWriter" =>
274 "ButtonGroup" =>
275 "ButtonModel" =>
278 "ByteArrayInputStream" =>
279 "ByteArrayOutputStream" =>
281 "ByteLookupTable" =>
283 "CallableStatement" =>
284 "CannotProceed" =>
285 "CannotProceedHelper" =>
286 "CannotProceedHolder" =>
287 "CannotRedoException" =>
288 "CannotUndoException" =>
293 "CaretListener" =>
295 "CellEditorListener" =>
296 "CellRendererPane" =>
297 "Certificate" =>
298 "CertificateEncodingException" =>
299 "CertificateException" =>
300 "CertificateExpiredException" =>
301 "CertificateFactory" =>
302 "CertificateFactorySpi" =>
303 "CertificateNotYetValidException" =>
304 "CertificateParsingException" =>
305 "ChangeEvent" =>
306 "ChangeListener" =>
308 "CharacterIterator" =>
309 "CharArrayReader" =>
310 "CharArrayWriter" =>
311 "CharConversionException" =>
314 "CheckboxGroup" =>
315 "CheckboxMenuItem" =>
316 "CheckedInputStream" =>
317 "CheckedOutputStream" =>
320 "ChoiceFormat" =>
322 "ClassCastException" =>
323 "ClassCircularityError" =>
324 "ClassFormatError" =>
325 "ClassLoader" =>
326 "ClassNotFoundException" =>
328 "ClipboardOwner" =>
331 "CloneNotSupportedException" =>
332 "CMMException" =>
334 "CollationElementIterator" =>
335 "CollationKey" =>
338 "Collections" =>
340 "ColorChooserUI" =>
341 "ColorConvertOp" =>
344 "ColorUIResource" =>
345 "ComboBoxEditor" =>
346 "ComboBoxModel" =>
352 "CompletionStatus" =>
354 "ComponentAdapter" =>
355 "ComponentColorModel" =>
356 "ComponentEvent" =>
357 "ComponentListener" =>
358 "ComponentOrientation" =>
359 "ComponentSampleModel" =>
360 "ComponentUI" =>
361 "ComponentView" =>
363 "CompositeContext" =>
364 "CompositeView" =>
365 "CompoundBorder" =>
366 "CompoundEdit" =>
367 "ConcurrentModificationException" =>
368 "ConnectException" =>
369 "ConnectIOException" =>
371 "ConstantDef" =>
372 "ConstantDescription" =>
373 "ConstructionPolicy" =>
374 "Constructor" =>
377 "ContainerAdapter" =>
378 "ContainerEvent" =>
379 "ContainerListener" =>
380 "ContentHandler" =>
381 "ContentHandlerFactory" =>
383 "ContextList" =>
384 "ContextualRenderedImageFactory" =>
388 "CRLException" =>
389 "CropImageFilter" =>
392 "CubicCurve2D" =>
397 "DatabaseMetaData" =>
399 "DataBufferByte" =>
400 "DataBufferInt" =>
401 "DataBufferShort" =>
402 "DataBufferUShort" =>
404 "DataFormatException" =>
405 "DatagramPacket" =>
406 "DatagramSocket" =>
407 "DatagramSocketImpl" =>
409 "DataInputStream" =>
411 "DataOutputStream" =>
412 "DataTruncation" =>
415 "DateFormatSymbols" =>
416 "DebugGraphics" =>
417 "DecimalFormat" =>
418 "DecimalFormatSymbols" =>
419 "DefaultBoundedRangeModel" =>
420 "DefaultButtonModel" =>
421 "DefaultCaret" =>
422 "DefaultCellEditor" =>
423 "DefaultComboBoxModel" =>
424 "DefaultDesktopManager" =>
425 "DefaultEditorKit" =>
426 "DefaultFocusManager" =>
427 "DefaultHighlighter" =>
428 "DefaultListCellRenderer" =>
429 "DefaultListModel" =>
430 "DefaultListSelectionModel" =>
431 "DefaultMutableTreeNode" =>
432 "DefaultSingleSelectionModel" =>
433 "DefaultStyledDocument" =>
434 "DefaultTableCellRenderer" =>
435 "DefaultTableColumnModel" =>
436 "DefaultTableModel" =>
437 "DefaultTextUI" =>
438 "DefaultTreeCellEditor" =>
439 "DefaultTreeCellRenderer" =>
440 "DefaultTreeModel" =>
441 "DefaultTreeSelectionModel" =>
442 "DefinitionKind" =>
444 "DeflaterOutputStream" =>
446 "Description" =>
448 "DesktopIconUI" =>
449 "DesktopManager" =>
450 "DesktopPaneUI" =>
454 "DigestException" =>
455 "DigestInputStream" =>
456 "DigestOutputStream" =>
458 "Dimension2D" =>
459 "DimensionUIResource" =>
460 "DirectColorModel" =>
461 "DnDConstants" =>
463 "DocumentEvent" =>
464 "DocumentListener" =>
465 "DomainManager" =>
467 "DoubleHolder" =>
468 "DragGestureEvent" =>
469 "DragGestureListener" =>
470 "DragGestureRecognizer" =>
472 "DragSourceContext" =>
473 "DragSourceDragEvent" =>
474 "DragSourceDropEvent" =>
475 "DragSourceEvent" =>
476 "DragSourceListener" =>
478 "DriverManager" =>
479 "DriverPropertyInfo" =>
481 "DropTargetContext" =>
482 "DropTargetDragEvent" =>
483 "DropTargetDropEvent" =>
484 "DropTargetEvent" =>
485 "DropTargetListener" =>
487 "DSAKeyPairGenerator" =>
488 "DSAParameterSpec" =>
490 "DSAPrivateKey" =>
491 "DSAPrivateKeySpec" =>
492 "DSAPublicKey" =>
493 "DSAPublicKeySpec" =>
494 "DynamicImplementation" =>
499 "DynSequence" =>
505 "ElementIterator" =>
507 "EmptyBorder" =>
508 "EmptyStackException" =>
509 "EncodedKeySpec" =>
511 "Enumeration" =>
512 "Environment" =>
513 "EOFException" =>
515 "EtchedBorder" =>
517 "EventListener" =>
518 "EventListenerList" =>
519 "EventObject" =>
521 "EventQueueListener" =>
522 "EventSetDescriptor" =>
524 "ExceptionDef" =>
525 "ExceptionDescription" =>
526 "ExceptionInInitializerError" =>
527 "ExceptionList" =>
528 "ExpandVetoException" =>
529 "ExportException" =>
530 "Externalizable" =>
531 "FeatureDescriptor" =>
533 "FieldPosition" =>
536 "FileChooserUI" =>
537 "FileDescriptor" =>
540 "FileInputStream" =>
541 "FilenameFilter" =>
542 "FileNameMap" =>
543 "FileNotFoundException" =>
544 "FileOutputStream" =>
545 "FilePermission" =>
548 "FilteredImageSource" =>
549 "FilterInputStream" =>
550 "FilterOutputStream" =>
551 "FilterReader" =>
552 "FilterWriter" =>
553 "FixedHeightLayoutCache" =>
554 "FixedHolder" =>
555 "FlatteningPathIterator" =>
558 "FloatHolder" =>
560 "FocusAdapter" =>
562 "FocusListener" =>
563 "FocusManager" =>
565 "FontMetrics" =>
566 "FontRenderContext" =>
567 "FontUIResource" =>
571 "FullInterfaceDescription" =>
573 "GeneralPath" =>
574 "GeneralSecurityException" =>
575 "GlyphJustificationInfo" =>
576 "GlyphMetrics" =>
577 "GlyphVector" =>
578 "GradientPaint" =>
579 "GraphicAttribute" =>
582 "GraphicsConfigTemplate" =>
583 "GraphicsConfiguration" =>
584 "GraphicsDevice" =>
585 "GraphicsEnvironment" =>
587 "GregorianCalendar" =>
588 "GridBagConstraints" =>
589 "GridBagLayout" =>
593 "GuardedObject" =>
594 "GZIPInputStream" =>
595 "GZIPOutputStream" =>
599 "Highlighter" =>
601 "HTMLDocument" =>
602 "HTMLEditorKit" =>
604 "HttpURLConnection" =>
605 "HyperlinkEvent" =>
606 "HyperlinkListener" =>
607 "ICC_ColorSpace" =>
608 "ICC_Profile" =>
609 "ICC_ProfileGray" =>
610 "ICC_ProfileRGB" =>
612 "IconUIResource" =>
615 "IdentityScope" =>
617 "IllegalAccessError" =>
618 "IllegalAccessException" =>
619 "IllegalArgumentException" =>
620 "IllegalComponentStateException" =>
621 "IllegalMonitorStateException" =>
622 "IllegalPathStateException" =>
623 "IllegalStateException" =>
624 "IllegalThreadStateException" =>
626 "ImageConsumer" =>
627 "ImageFilter" =>
628 "ImageFormatException" =>
629 "ImageGraphicAttribute" =>
631 "ImageObserver" =>
632 "ImageProducer" =>
633 "ImagingOpException" =>
635 "ImplementationDef" =>
636 "IncompatibleClassChangeError" =>
637 "IndexColorModel" =>
638 "IndexedPropertyDescriptor" =>
639 "IndexOutOfBoundsException" =>
640 "InetAddress" =>
642 "InflaterInputStream" =>
643 "InheritableThreadLocal" =>
645 "Initializer" =>
646 "InitializerDef" =>
648 "InputContext" =>
650 "InputMethodEvent" =>
651 "InputMethodHighlight" =>
652 "InputMethodListener" =>
653 "InputMethodRequests" =>
654 "InputStream" =>
655 "InputStreamReader" =>
657 "InsetsUIResource" =>
658 "InstantiationError" =>
659 "InstantiationException" =>
661 "InterfaceDef" =>
662 "InterfaceDescription" =>
664 "InternalError" =>
665 "InternalFrameAdapter" =>
666 "InternalFrameEvent" =>
667 "InternalFrameListener" =>
668 "InternalFrameUI" =>
669 "InterruptedException" =>
670 "InterruptedIOException" =>
673 "IntrospectionException" =>
674 "Introspector" =>
679 "InvalidAlgorithmParameterException" =>
680 "InvalidClassException" =>
681 "InvalidDnDOperationException" =>
682 "InvalidKeyException" =>
683 "InvalidKeySpecException" =>
684 "InvalidName" =>
685 "InvalidNameHelper" =>
686 "InvalidNameHolder" =>
687 "InvalidObjectException" =>
688 "InvalidParameterException" =>
689 "InvalidParameterSpecException" =>
690 "InvocationEvent" =>
691 "InvocationTargetException" =>
692 "InvokeHandler" =>
693 "IOException" =>
695 "IstringHelper" =>
697 "ItemListener" =>
698 "ItemSelectable" =>
702 "JarException" =>
704 "JarInputStream" =>
705 "JarOutputStream" =>
706 "JarURLConnection" =>
709 "JCheckBoxMenuItem" =>
710 "JColorChooser" =>
713 "JDesktopPane" =>
715 "JEditorPane" =>
716 "JFileChooser" =>
718 "JInternalFrame" =>
720 "JLayeredPane" =>
725 "JOptionPane" =>
727 "JPasswordField" =>
729 "JPEGDecodeParam" =>
730 "JPEGEncodeParam" =>
731 "JPEGHuffmanTable" =>
732 "JPEGImageDecoder" =>
733 "JPEGImageEncoder" =>
736 "JProgressBar" =>
737 "JRadioButton" =>
738 "JRadioButtonMenuItem" =>
741 "JScrollPane" =>
745 "JTabbedPane" =>
747 "JTableHeader" =>
749 "JTextComponent" =>
752 "JToggleButton" =>
762 "KeyException" =>
764 "KeyFactorySpi" =>
765 "KeyListener" =>
766 "KeyManagementException" =>
769 "KeyPairGenerator" =>
770 "KeyPairGeneratorSpi" =>
773 "KeyStoreException" =>
774 "KeyStoreSpi" =>
779 "LastOwnerException" =>
780 "LayoutManager" =>
781 "LayoutManager2" =>
785 "LineBreakMeasurer" =>
786 "LineMetrics" =>
787 "LineNumberInputStream" =>
788 "LineNumberReader" =>
789 "LinkageError" =>
792 "ListCellRenderer" =>
793 "ListDataEvent" =>
794 "ListDataListener" =>
795 "ListIterator" =>
797 "ListResourceBundle" =>
798 "ListSelectionEvent" =>
799 "ListSelectionListener" =>
800 "ListSelectionModel" =>
803 "LoaderHandler" =>
805 "LocateRegistry" =>
809 "LookAndFeel" =>
811 "LookupTable" =>
812 "MalformedURLException" =>
816 "MarshalException" =>
817 "MarshalledObject" =>
819 "MatteBorder" =>
820 "MediaTracker" =>
822 "MemoryImageSource" =>
826 "MenuComponent" =>
827 "MenuContainer" =>
828 "MenuDragMouseEvent" =>
829 "MenuDragMouseListener" =>
830 "MenuElement" =>
834 "MenuKeyEvent" =>
835 "MenuKeyListener" =>
836 "MenuListener" =>
837 "MenuSelectionManager" =>
838 "MenuShortcut" =>
839 "MessageDigest" =>
840 "MessageDigestSpi" =>
841 "MessageFormat" =>
843 "MethodDescriptor" =>
845 "MimeTypeParameterList" =>
846 "MimeTypeParseException" =>
847 "MinimalHTMLWriter" =>
848 "MissingResourceException" =>
851 "ModuleDescription" =>
852 "MouseAdapter" =>
853 "MouseDragGestureRecognizer" =>
855 "MouseInputAdapter" =>
856 "MouseInputListener" =>
857 "MouseListener" =>
858 "MouseMotionAdapter" =>
859 "MouseMotionListener" =>
860 "MulticastSocket" =>
861 "MultiPixelPackedSampleModel" =>
862 "MultipleMaster" =>
863 "MutableAttributeSet" =>
864 "MutableComboBoxModel" =>
865 "MutableTreeNode" =>
866 "NameComponent" =>
867 "NameComponentHelper" =>
868 "NameComponentHolder" =>
872 "NameValuePair" =>
874 "NamingContext" =>
875 "NamingContextHelper" =>
876 "NamingContextHolder" =>
877 "NegativeArraySizeException" =>
878 "NetPermission" =>
883 "NO_RESPONSE" =>
884 "NoClassDefFoundError" =>
885 "NoninvertibleTransformException" =>
886 "NoRouteToHostException" =>
887 "NoSuchAlgorithmException" =>
888 "NoSuchElementException" =>
889 "NoSuchFieldError" =>
890 "NoSuchFieldException" =>
891 "NoSuchMethodError" =>
892 "NoSuchMethodException" =>
893 "NoSuchObjectException" =>
894 "NoSuchProviderException" =>
895 "NotActiveException" =>
896 "NotBoundException" =>
898 "NotEmptyHelper" =>
899 "NotEmptyHolder" =>
901 "NotFoundHelper" =>
902 "NotFoundHolder" =>
903 "NotFoundReason" =>
904 "NotFoundReasonHelper" =>
905 "NotFoundReasonHolder" =>
906 "NotOwnerException" =>
907 "NotSerializableException" =>
908 "NullPointerException" =>
910 "NumberFormat" =>
911 "NumberFormatException" =>
913 "OBJ_ADAPTER" =>
916 "ObjectHolder" =>
918 "ObjectInput" =>
919 "ObjectInputStream" =>
920 "ObjectInputValidation" =>
921 "ObjectOutput" =>
922 "ObjectOutputStream" =>
923 "ObjectStreamClass" =>
924 "ObjectStreamConstants" =>
925 "ObjectStreamException" =>
926 "ObjectStreamField" =>
932 "OperationDef" =>
933 "OperationDescription" =>
934 "OperationMode" =>
935 "OptionalDataException" =>
936 "OptionPaneUI" =>
938 "OutOfMemoryError" =>
939 "OutputStream" =>
940 "OutputStreamWriter" =>
941 "OverlayLayout" =>
944 "PackedColorModel" =>
948 "PaintContext" =>
953 "ParagraphView" =>
954 "ParameterBlock" =>
955 "ParameterDescription" =>
956 "ParameterDescriptor" =>
957 "ParameterMode" =>
958 "ParseException" =>
959 "ParsePosition" =>
960 "PasswordAuthentication" =>
961 "PasswordView" =>
962 "PathIterator" =>
964 "PermissionCollection" =>
965 "Permissions" =>
967 "PhantomReference" =>
968 "PipedInputStream" =>
969 "PipedOutputStream" =>
970 "PipedReader" =>
971 "PipedWriter" =>
972 "PixelGrabber" =>
973 "PixelInterleavedSampleModel" =>
974 "PKCS8EncodedKeySpec" =>
975 "PlainDocument" =>
982 "PopupMenuEvent" =>
983 "PopupMenuListener" =>
984 "PopupMenuUI" =>
986 "PreparedStatement" =>
987 "PrimitiveDef" =>
988 "PrimitiveKind" =>
990 "PrincipalHolder" =>
992 "PrinterAbortException" =>
993 "PrinterException" =>
994 "PrinterGraphics" =>
995 "PrinterIOException" =>
997 "PrintGraphics" =>
999 "PrintStream" =>
1000 "PrintWriter" =>
1002 "PrivateKey" =>
1003 "PrivilegedAction" =>
1004 "PrivilegedActionException" =>
1005 "PrivilegedExceptionAction" =>
1007 "ProfileDataException" =>
1008 "ProgressBarUI" =>
1009 "ProgressMonitor" =>
1010 "ProgressMonitorInputStream" =>
1011 "Properties" =>
1012 "PropertyChangeEvent" =>
1013 "PropertyChangeListener" =>
1014 "PropertyChangeSupport" =>
1015 "PropertyDescriptor" =>
1016 "PropertyEditor" =>
1017 "PropertyEditorManager" =>
1018 "PropertyEditorSupport" =>
1019 "PropertyPermission" =>
1020 "PropertyResourceBundle" =>
1021 "PropertyVetoException" =>
1022 "ProtectionDomain" =>
1023 "ProtocolException" =>
1025 "ProviderException" =>
1028 "PushbackInputStream" =>
1029 "PushbackReader" =>
1030 "QuadCurve2D" =>
1032 "RandomAccessFile" =>
1034 "RasterFormatException" =>
1038 "Rectangle2D" =>
1039 "RectangularShape" =>
1042 "ReferenceQueue" =>
1043 "ReflectPermission" =>
1045 "RegistryHandler" =>
1047 "RemoteCall" =>
1048 "RemoteException" =>
1049 "RemoteObject" =>
1051 "RemoteServer" =>
1052 "RemoteStub" =>
1053 "RenderableImage" =>
1054 "RenderableImageOp" =>
1055 "RenderableImageProducer" =>
1056 "RenderContext" =>
1057 "RenderedImage" =>
1058 "RenderedImageFactory" =>
1060 "RenderingHints" =>
1061 "RepaintManager" =>
1062 "ReplicateScaleFilter" =>
1063 "Repository" =>
1066 "ResourceBundle" =>
1067 "ResponseHandler" =>
1069 "ResultSetMetaData" =>
1070 "RGBImageFilter" =>
1071 "RMIClassLoader" =>
1072 "RMIClientSocketFactory" =>
1073 "RMIFailureHandler" =>
1074 "RMISecurityException" =>
1075 "RMISecurityManager" =>
1076 "RMIServerSocketFactory" =>
1077 "RMISocketFactory" =>
1078 "RootPaneContainer" =>
1079 "RoundRectangle2D" =>
1081 "RSAPrivateCrtKey" =>
1082 "RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec" =>
1083 "RSAPrivateKey" =>
1084 "RSAPrivateKeySpec" =>
1085 "RSAPublicKey" =>
1086 "RSAPublicKeySpec" =>
1087 "RTFEditorKit" =>
1088 "RuleBasedCollator" =>
1091 "RuntimeException" =>
1092 "RuntimePermission" =>
1093 "SampleModel" =>
1094 "Scrollable" =>
1096 "ScrollBarUI" =>
1097 "ScrollPane" =>
1098 "ScrollPaneConstants" =>
1099 "ScrollPaneLayout" =>
1100 "ScrollPaneUI" =>
1101 "SecureClassLoader" =>
1102 "SecureRandom" =>
1103 "SecureRandomSpi" =>
1105 "SecurityException" =>
1106 "SecurityManager" =>
1107 "SecurityPermission" =>
1109 "SeparatorUI" =>
1110 "SequenceDef" =>
1111 "SequenceInputStream" =>
1112 "Serializable" =>
1113 "SerializablePermission" =>
1114 "ServantObject" =>
1115 "ServerCloneException" =>
1116 "ServerError" =>
1117 "ServerException" =>
1118 "ServerNotActiveException" =>
1120 "ServerRequest" =>
1121 "ServerRuntimeException" =>
1122 "ServerSocket" =>
1123 "ServiceDetail" =>
1124 "ServiceDetailHelper" =>
1125 "ServiceDetailHolder" =>
1126 "ServiceInformation" =>
1127 "ServiceInformationHelper" =>
1128 "ServiceInformationHolder" =>
1130 "SetOverrideType" =>
1132 "ShapeGraphicAttribute" =>
1134 "ShortHolder" =>
1135 "ShortLookupTable" =>
1137 "SignatureException" =>
1138 "SignatureSpi" =>
1139 "SignedObject" =>
1141 "SimpleAttributeSet" =>
1142 "SimpleBeanInfo" =>
1143 "SimpleDateFormat" =>
1144 "SimpleTimeZone" =>
1145 "SinglePixelPackedSampleModel" =>
1146 "SingleSelectionModel" =>
1147 "SizeRequirements" =>
1149 "SkeletonMismatchException" =>
1150 "SkeletonNotFoundException" =>
1153 "SocketException" =>
1154 "SocketImpl" =>
1155 "SocketImplFactory" =>
1156 "SocketOptions" =>
1157 "SocketPermission" =>
1158 "SocketSecurityException" =>
1159 "SoftBevelBorder" =>
1160 "SoftReference" =>
1163 "SplitPaneUI" =>
1165 "SQLException" =>
1168 "SQLWarning" =>
1170 "StackOverflowError" =>
1172 "StateEditable" =>
1174 "Streamable" =>
1175 "StreamCorruptedException" =>
1176 "StreamTokenizer" =>
1178 "StringBuffer" =>
1179 "StringBufferInputStream" =>
1180 "StringCharacterIterator" =>
1181 "StringContent" =>
1183 "StringHolder" =>
1184 "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException" =>
1185 "StringReader" =>
1186 "StringSelection" =>
1187 "StringTokenizer" =>
1188 "StringWriter" =>
1192 "StructMember" =>
1193 "StubNotFoundException" =>
1195 "StyleConstants" =>
1196 "StyleContext" =>
1197 "StyledDocument" =>
1198 "StyledEditorKit" =>
1199 "StyleSheet" =>
1200 "SwingConstants" =>
1201 "SwingPropertyChangeSupport" =>
1202 "SwingUtilities" =>
1203 "SyncFailedException" =>
1205 "SystemColor" =>
1206 "SystemException" =>
1207 "SystemFlavorMap" =>
1208 "TabableView" =>
1209 "TabbedPaneUI" =>
1210 "TabExpander" =>
1211 "TableCellEditor" =>
1212 "TableCellRenderer" =>
1213 "TableColumn" =>
1214 "TableColumnModel" =>
1215 "TableColumnModelEvent" =>
1216 "TableColumnModelListener" =>
1217 "TableHeaderUI" =>
1218 "TableModel" =>
1219 "TableModelEvent" =>
1220 "TableModelListener" =>
1226 "TextAction" =>
1228 "TextAttribute" =>
1229 "TextComponent" =>
1232 "TextHitInfo" =>
1233 "TextLayout" =>
1234 "TextListener" =>
1236 "TexturePaint" =>
1238 "ThreadDeath" =>
1239 "ThreadGroup" =>
1240 "ThreadLocal" =>
1242 "TileObserver" =>
1247 "TitledBorder" =>
1250 "ToolTipManager" =>
1252 "TooManyListenersException" =>
1255 "Transferable" =>
1256 "TransformAttribute" =>
1258 "Transparency" =>
1259 "TreeCellEditor" =>
1260 "TreeCellRenderer" =>
1261 "TreeExpansionEvent" =>
1262 "TreeExpansionListener" =>
1265 "TreeModelEvent" =>
1266 "TreeModelListener" =>
1269 "TreeSelectionEvent" =>
1270 "TreeSelectionListener" =>
1271 "TreeSelectionModel" =>
1274 "TreeWillExpandListener" =>
1275 "TruncatedFileException" =>
1277 "TypeCodeHolder" =>
1278 "TypedefDef" =>
1279 "TypeDescription" =>
1282 "UIDefaults" =>
1284 "UIResource" =>
1285 "UndoableEdit" =>
1286 "UndoableEditEvent" =>
1287 "UndoableEditListener" =>
1288 "UndoableEditSupport" =>
1289 "UndoManager" =>
1290 "UnexpectedException" =>
1291 "UnicastRemoteObject" =>
1293 "UnionMember" =>
1295 "UnknownError" =>
1296 "UnknownGroupException" =>
1297 "UnknownHostException" =>
1298 "UnknownObjectException" =>
1299 "UnknownServiceException" =>
1300 "UnknownUserException" =>
1301 "UnmarshalException" =>
1302 "UnrecoverableKeyException" =>
1303 "Unreferenced" =>
1304 "UnresolvedPermission" =>
1305 "UnsatisfiedLinkError" =>
1306 "UnsupportedEncodingException" =>
1307 "UnsupportedFlavorException" =>
1308 "UnsupportedLookAndFeelException" =>
1309 "UnsupportedOperationException" =>
1311 "URLClassLoader" =>
1312 "URLConnection" =>
1313 "URLDecoder" =>
1314 "URLEncoder" =>
1315 "URLStreamHandler" =>
1316 "URLStreamHandlerFactory" =>
1317 "UserException" =>
1318 "UTFDataFormatException" =>
1320 "ValueBoxDef" =>
1322 "ValueDescription" =>
1323 "ValueMember" =>
1324 "ValueMemberDef" =>
1325 "VariableHeightLayoutCache" =>
1327 "VerifyError" =>
1328 "VetoableChangeListener" =>
1329 "VetoableChangeSupport" =>
1331 "ViewFactory" =>
1332 "ViewportLayout" =>
1333 "ViewportUI" =>
1334 "VirtualMachineError" =>
1335 "Visibility" =>
1338 "WeakHashMap" =>
1339 "WeakReference" =>
1341 "WindowAdapter" =>
1342 "WindowConstants" =>
1343 "WindowEvent" =>
1344 "WindowListener" =>
1345 "WrappedPlainView" =>
1346 "WritableRaster" =>
1347 "WritableRenderedImage" =>
1348 "WriteAbortedException" =>
1350 "WrongTransaction" =>
1351 "X509Certificate" =>
1353 "X509CRLEntry" =>
1354 "X509EncodedKeySpec" =>
1355 "X509Extension" =>
1357 "ZipException" =>
1359 "ZipInputStream" =>
1360 "ZipOutputStream" =>
1361 "_BindingIteratorImplBase" =>
1362 "_NamingContextImplBase" =>
1364 "AbstractAnyAllFunctor" =>
1365 "AbstractBinaryElementArithmeticFunctor" =>
1366 "AbstractBinaryElementCalendarFunctor" =>
1367 "AbstractBinaryElementCompareFunctor" =>
1368 "AbstractBinaryElementFunctor" =>
1369 "AbstractBinaryElementLogicalFunctor" =>
1370 "AbstractBinaryFunctor" =>
1371 "AbstractBinarySeriesFunctor" =>
1372 "AbstractCompositeFunctor" =>
1373 "AbstractEnumeratedType" =>
1374 "AbstractFunctor" =>
1375 "AbstractMultiElementFunctor" =>
1376 "AbstractMultiFunctor" =>
1377 "AbstractMultiIgnoreFunctor" =>
1378 "AbstractSortFunctor" =>
1379 "AbstractSortInRangeFunctor" =>
1380 "AbstractSortToCaseFunctor" =>
1381 "AbstractUnaryElementFunctor" =>
1382 "AbstractUnaryElementStringFunctor" =>
1383 "AbstractUnaryFunctor" =>
1384 "AbstractUnaryIgnoreFunctor" =>
1385 "AbstractUnarySeriesFunctor" =>
1386 "AbstractUnarySeriesGrowthFunctor" =>
1391 "AliasesNotAccessibleUchkException" =>
1395 "ArrayAdapter" =>
1398 "BadStatusCodeUchkException" =>
1399 "BadValueUchkException" =>
1400 "BooleanList" =>
1402 "CalendarFormatUchkException" =>
1403 "CalendarIterator" =>
1405 "CfmStatusUchkException" =>
1406 "ChartUchkException" =>
1409 "ConnectionChkException" =>
1416 "DataObjectInfo" =>
1417 "DataResource" =>
1418 "DataResourceChkException" =>
1420 "DataStoreChkException" =>
1421 "DataStoreSequence" =>
1422 "DataStoreSequenceChkException" =>
1423 "DataTypeChkException" =>
1424 "DateAlignmentChkException" =>
1425 "DateHelper" =>
1427 "DateOverflowChkException" =>
1428 "DateOverflowUchkException" =>
1430 "DiscreteGrouping" =>
1431 "DiscreteTieBreaker" =>
1433 "DoubleList" =>
1434 "EnumeratedTypeHelper" =>
1437 "FameDbConnection" =>
1438 "FameDbDataObjectInfo" =>
1439 "FameDbDataStore" =>
1440 "FameDbDataStoreChkException" =>
1443 "FunctorCalculationChkException" =>
1444 "FunctorConsistencyChkException" =>
1445 "FunctorHelper" =>
1447 "GetDataStoreChkException" =>
1451 "IfThenElse" =>
1452 "IllegalArgumentUchkException" =>
1453 "IncompatibleObjectChkException" =>
1455 "IndexValueRange" =>
1456 "IndexValues" =>
1457 "InternalErrorUchkException" =>
1459 "InterpMethod" =>
1466 "LicenseExpiredUchkException" =>
1483 "McadbsConnection" =>
1488 "MissingTreatment" =>
1500 "NotFoundChkException" =>
1501 "ObjectChangedChkException" =>
1502 "ObjectClassChkException" =>
1503 "ObjectExistsChkException" =>
1504 "ObjectList" =>
1505 "Observation" =>
1506 "ObservationList" =>
1510 "PeriodsBetween" =>
1511 "PeriodsFrom" =>
1512 "PrimitiveIterator" =>
1514 "RangeTooLargeChkException" =>
1515 "RegularCalendar" =>
1516 "RegularSeries" =>
1522 "ScreeningCriteria" =>
1529 "SimpleCalendar" =>
1532 "SortDataInRange" =>
1533 "SortDirection" =>
1535 "SortIndexInRange" =>
1538 "StringList" =>
1543 "TimeScaling" =>
1545 "TiqCheckedException" =>
1547 "TiqConstants" =>
1549 "TiqFrequency" =>
1552 "TiqObjectChkException" =>
1553 "TiqObserved" =>
1554 "TiqTechnique" =>
1556 "TiqUncheckedException" =>
1559 "TiqViewChangedEvent" =>
1560 "TiqViewChangeListener" =>
1564 "UnsupportedDataTypeUchkException" =>
1565 "UnsupportedOperationUchkException" =>
1569 "WildCardMatchesChkException" =>
1579 $this->linkscripts =
1582 "3" =>
Create styles array
The data for the language used.