Definition at line 5 of file HFile_foxpro6.php.
◆ donothing()
HFile_foxpro6::donothing |
( |
$keywordin | ) |
◆ HFile_foxpro6()
HFile_foxpro6::HFile_foxpro6 |
( |
| ) |
Definition at line 6 of file HFile_foxpro6.php.
References array.
20 $this->colours =
21 $this->quotecolour =
22 $this->blockcommentcolour =
23 $this->linecommentcolour =
27 $this->indent =
28 $this->unindent =
32 $this->stringchars =
33 $this->delimiters =
" ",
38 $this->linecommenton =
39 $this->blockcommenton =
40 $this->blockcommentoff =
44 $this->keywords =
51 "#Itsexpression" =>
52 "#Readclauses" =>
103 "Addrelationtoenv" =>
104 "Addtabletoenv" =>
112 "Agetfileversion" =>
122 "Anetresources" =>
134 "Asynchronous" =>
145 "Avcxclasses" =>
150 "BatchUpdateCount" =>
166 "BrowseRefresh" =>
168 "BuilderLock" =>
170 "COMReturnError" =>
191 "Comclassinfo" =>
192 "CommandTargetQuery" =>
198 "ConnectBusy" =>
199 "ConnectHandle" =>
200 "ConnectName" =>
201 "ConnectString" =>
202 "ConnectTimeOut" =>
203 "ContainerReleaseType" =>
215 "CreateBinary" =>
216 "Createobject" =>
217 "Createobjectex" =>
218 "Createoffline" =>
219 "CrsBuffering" =>
220 "CrsFetchMemo" =>
221 "CrsFetchSize" =>
223 "CrsMethodUsed" =>
224 "CrsNumBatch" =>
225 "CrsShareConnection" =>
226 "CrsUseMemoSize" =>
227 "CrsWhereClause" =>
235 "CursorGetProp" =>
236 "CursorSetProp" =>
241 "DB_BufLockRow" =>
242 "DB_BufLockTable" =>
244 "DB_BufOptRow" =>
245 "DB_BufOptTable" =>
246 "DB_Complette" =>
247 "DB_DeleteInsert" =>
248 "DB_KeyAndModified" =>
249 "DB_KeyAndTimestamp" =>
250 "DB_KeyAndUpdatable" =>
251 "DB_LocalSQL" =>
252 "DB_NoPrompt" =>
254 "DB_RemoteSQL" =>
255 "DB_TransAuto" =>
256 "DB_TransManual" =>
257 "DB_TransNone" =>
267 "Ddeaborttrans" =>
271 "Ddeinitiate" =>
272 "Ddelasterror" =>
275 "Ddesetoption" =>
276 "Ddesetservice" =>
277 "Ddesettopic" =>
278 "Ddeterminate" =>
282 "DefaultValue" =>
285 "DeleteTrigger" =>
287 "Description" =>
294 "DispWarnings" =>
305 "Dropoffline" =>
310 "DynamicInputMask" =>
320 "Eventtracking" =>
352 "FormSetClass" =>
380 "Getfldstate" =>
383 "Getnextmodified" =>
394 "GridShowPos" =>
400 "HighLightRow" =>
404 "IdleTimeOut" =>
418 "InsertTrigger" =>
429 "Isexclusive" =>
445 "KeyFieldList" =>
448 "LastProject" =>
457 "LoadPicture" =>
458 "Loadpicture" =>
506 "OLEDropTextInsertion" =>
510 "Objtoclient" =>
516 "Olereturnerror" =>
539 "Printstatus" =>
543 "ProjectClick" =>
552 "QueryTimeOut" =>
565 "RecentlyUsedFiles" =>
570 "RelatedChild" =>
571 "RelatedTable" =>
588 "Revertoffline" =>
597 "RuleExpression" =>
602 "SQLAsynchronous" =>
603 "SQLBatchMode" =>
607 "SQLConnectTimeOut" =>
608 "SQLDisconnect" =>
609 "SQLDispLogin" =>
610 "SQLDispWarnings" =>
613 "SQLIdleTimeOut" =>
614 "SQLMoreResults" =>
616 "SQLQueryTimeOut" =>
619 "SQLTransactions" =>
620 "SQLWaitTime" =>
622 "SavePicture" =>
623 "Savepicture" =>
632 "SendUpdates" =>
635 "Setfldstate" =>
637 "ShareConnection" =>
638 "ShowOLEControls" =>
639 "ShowOLEInsertable" =>
652 "Sqlrollback" =>
653 "Sqlstringconnect" =>
671 "TabOrdering" =>
673 "TableRefresh" =>
674 "Tablerevert" =>
675 "Tableupdate" =>
682 "Thisformset" =>
684 "Timestampdiff" =>
686 "Transactions" =>
700 "UpdatableFieldList" =>
703 "UpdateNameList" =>
704 "UpdateTrigger" =>
711 "UseMemoSize" =>
718 "VersionLanguage" =>
737 "WizardPrompt" =>
843 "_Mfi_export" =>
844 "_Mfi_import" =>
873 "_Mpr_formwz" =>
880 "_Mpr_suspend" =>
901 "_Msm_format" =>
920 "_Mst_office" =>
966 "_Mwz_foxdoc" =>
967 "_Mwz_import" =>
975 "_Mwz_upsizing" =>
1000 "_Runactivedoc" =>
1005 "_Sqlserver" =>
1011 "_Transport" =>
1012 "_Triggerlevel" =>
1014 "_WebDevOnly" =>
1016 "_WebMsftHomePage" =>
1017 "_WebVFPHomePage" =>
1018 "_WebVfpOnlineSupport" =>
1028 "Alignright" =>
1043 "Attributes" =>
1081 "Compatible" =>
1084 "Connection" =>
1085 "Connections" =>
1086 "Connstring" =>
1095 "Datasource" =>
1103 "Defaultsource" =>
1104 "Deletetables" =>
1106 "Delimiters" =>
1107 "Descending" =>
1109 "Development" =>
1128 "Encryption" =>
1129 "Environment" =>
1136 "Expression" =>
1166 "Halfheight" =>
1170 "Helpfilter" =>
1177 "Information" =>
1187 "Keycolumns" =>
1199 "Lpartition" =>
1201 "Macdesktop" =>
1226 "Multilocks" =>
1244 "Noenvironment" =>
1255 "Nominimize" =>
1259 "Nooptimize" =>
1260 "Nooverwrite" =>
1261 "Noprojecthook" =>
1277 "Novalidate" =>
1290 "Oleobjects" =>
1294 "Orientation" =>
1301 "Paperlength" =>
1303 "Paperwidth" =>
1316 "Preference" =>
1320 "Printquality" =>
1321 "Procedures" =>
1322 "Production" =>
1330 "Readborder" =>
1336 "References" =>
1355 "Scoreboard" =>
1371 "Standalone" =>
1381 "Sysformats" =>
1396 "Transaction" =>
1429 "Yresolution" =>
1432 "ActivateCell" =>
1436 "AddListItem" =>
1438 "AddProperty" =>
1440 "AfterBuild" =>
1441 "AfterCloseTables" =>
1443 "AfterRowColChange" =>
1444 "BeforeBuild" =>
1445 "BeforeDock" =>
1446 "BeforeOpenTables" =>
1447 "BeforeRowColChange" =>
1457 "CloneObject" =>
1458 "CloseEditor" =>
1459 "CloseTables" =>
1461 "CommandTargetExec" =>
1462 "CommandTargetQueryStas" =>
1463 "ContainerRelease" =>
1464 "DataToClip" =>
1466 "Deactivate" =>
1468 "DeleteColumn" =>
1481 "EnterFocus" =>
1483 "ErrorMessage" =>
1486 "FormatChange" =>
1489 "GetLatestVersion" =>
1493 "GridHitTest" =>
1496 "IndexToItemId" =>
1498 "InteractiveChange" =>
1500 "ItemIdToIndex" =>
1506 "MiddleClick" =>
1510 "MouseWheel" =>
1513 "NavigateTo" =>
1515 "OLECompleteDrag" =>
1517 "OLEDragDrop" =>
1518 "OLEDragOver" =>
1519 "OLEGiveFeedback" =>
1520 "OLESetData" =>
1521 "OLEStartDrag" =>
1522 "OpenEditor" =>
1523 "OpenTables" =>
1527 "ProgrammaticChange" =>
1529 "QueryAddFile" =>
1530 "QueryModifyFile" =>
1531 "QueryRemoveFile" =>
1532 "QueryRunFile" =>
1533 "QueryUnload" =>
1536 "ReadActivate" =>
1537 "ReadExpression" =>
1538 "ReadDeactivate" =>
1539 "ReadMethod" =>
1545 "RemoveFromSCC" =>
1546 "RemoveItem" =>
1547 "RemoveListItem" =>
1548 "RemoveObject" =>
1550 "RequestData" =>
1552 "ResetToDefault" =>
1554 "RightClick" =>
1556 "SaveAsClass" =>
1564 "SetViewPort" =>
1566 "ShowWhatsThis" =>
1567 "TextHeight" =>
1572 "UndoCheckOut" =>
1576 "WhatsThisMode" =>
1578 "WriteExpression" =>
1579 "WriteMethod" =>
1581 "ATGetColors" =>
1582 "ATListColors" =>
1583 "Accelerate" =>
1584 "ActiveColumn" =>
1585 "ActiveControl" =>
1586 "ActiveForm" =>
1587 "ActiveObjectId" =>
1588 "ActivePage" =>
1589 "ActiveProject" =>
1591 "AddLineFeeds" =>
1594 "AllowAddNew" =>
1595 "AllowHeaderSizing" =>
1596 "AllowResize" =>
1597 "AllowRowSizing" =>
1599 "AlwaysOnTop" =>
1600 "Application" =>
1601 "AutoActivate" =>
1602 "AutoCenter" =>
1603 "AutoCloseTables" =>
1604 "AutoIncrement" =>
1605 "AutoOpenTables" =>
1606 "AutoRelease" =>
1608 "AutoVerbMenu" =>
1614 "BorderColor" =>
1615 "BorderStyle" =>
1616 "BorderWidth" =>
1618 "BoundColumn" =>
1620 "BrowseAlignment" =>
1621 "BrowseCellMarg" =>
1622 "BrowseDestWidth" =>
1623 "BufferMode" =>
1624 "BufferModeOverride" =>
1625 "BuildDateTime" =>
1626 "ButtonCount" =>
1627 "ButtonIndex" =>
1630 "CanAccelerate" =>
1631 "CanGetFocus" =>
1632 "CanLoseFocus" =>
1635 "ChildAlias" =>
1636 "ChildOrder" =>
1638 "ClassLibrary" =>
1639 "ClipControls" =>
1642 "ColorScheme" =>
1643 "ColorSource" =>
1644 "ColumnCount" =>
1645 "ColumnHeaders" =>
1646 "ColumnLines" =>
1647 "ColumnOrder" =>
1648 "ColumnWidths" =>
1651 "ContinuousScroll" =>
1652 "ControlBox" =>
1653 "ControlCount" =>
1654 "ControlIndex" =>
1655 "ControlSource" =>
1657 "CurrentControl" =>
1660 "CursorSource" =>
1662 "DataSession" =>
1663 "DataSessionId" =>
1664 "DataSourceObj" =>
1667 "DateFormat" =>
1670 "DefButtonOrig" =>
1676 "DefaultFilePath" =>
1677 "DefineWindows" =>
1678 "DeleteMark" =>
1681 "DisabledBackColor" =>
1682 "DisabledByEOF" =>
1683 "DisabledForeColor" =>
1684 "DisabledItemBackColor" =>
1685 "DisabledItemForeColor" =>
1686 "DisabledPicture" =>
1687 "DispPageHeight" =>
1688 "DispPageWidth" =>
1689 "DisplayCount" =>
1690 "DisplayValue" =>
1692 "DockPosition" =>
1694 "DocumentFile" =>
1695 "DownPicture" =>
1702 "DynamicAlignment" =>
1703 "DynamicBackColor" =>
1704 "DynamicCurrentControl" =>
1705 "DynamicFontBold" =>
1706 "DynamicFontItalic" =>
1707 "DynamicFontName" =>
1708 "DynamicFontOutline" =>
1709 "DynamicFontShadow" =>
1710 "DynamicFontSize" =>
1711 "DynamicFontStrikethru" =>
1712 "DynamicFontUnderline" =>
1713 "DynamicForeColor" =>
1716 "EnabledByReadLock" =>
1721 "FileClassLibrary" =>
1725 "FirstElement" =>
1727 "FontItalic" =>
1729 "FontOutline" =>
1730 "FontShadow" =>
1732 "FontStrikethru" =>
1733 "FontUnderline" =>
1734 "ForceFocus" =>
1738 "FormPageCount" =>
1739 "FormPageIndex" =>
1746 "GridLineColor" =>
1747 "GridLineWidth" =>
1751 "HalfHeightCaption" =>
1754 "HeaderHeight" =>
1756 "HelpContextID" =>
1757 "HideSelection" =>
1762 "HscrollSmallChange" =>
1765 "IgnoreInsert" =>
1768 "IncrementalSearch" =>
1769 "InitialSelectedAlias" =>
1771 "Instancing" =>
1772 "IntegralHeight" =>
1774 "ItemBackColor" =>
1776 "ItemForeColor" =>
1777 "ItemIDData" =>
1779 "JustReadLocked" =>
1780 "KeyPreview" =>
1781 "KeyboardHighValue" =>
1782 "KeyboardLowValue" =>
1783 "LastModified" =>
1785 "LeftColumn" =>
1787 "LinkMaster" =>
1792 "ListItemId" =>
1793 "LockDataSource" =>
1794 "LockScreen" =>
1805 "MemoWindow" =>
1810 "MousePointer" =>
1813 "MultiSelect" =>
1818 "NoDataOnLoad" =>
1820 "NotifyContainer" =>
1821 "NullDisplay" =>
1822 "NumberOfElements" =>
1823 "OLEDragMode" =>
1824 "OLEDragPicture" =>
1825 "OLEDropEffects" =>
1826 "OLEDropHasData" =>
1827 "OLEDropMode" =>
1828 "OLERequestPendingTimeOut" =>
1829 "OLEServerBusyRaiseError" =>
1830 "OLEServerBusyTimeOut" =>
1831 "OLETypeAllowed" =>
1833 "OleClassId" =>
1834 "OleControlContainer" =>
1835 "OleIDispInValue" =>
1836 "OleIDispOutValue" =>
1837 "OleIDispatchIncoming" =>
1838 "OleIDispatchOutgoing" =>
1842 "OpenWindow" =>
1844 "PageHeight" =>
1851 "ParentAlias" =>
1852 "ParentClass" =>
1854 "PasswordChar" =>
1858 "ProjectHookClass" =>
1859 "ProjectHookLibrary" =>
1861 "ReadColors" =>
1863 "ReadFiller" =>
1869 "ReadTimeout" =>
1870 "RecordMark" =>
1871 "RecordSource" =>
1872 "RecordSourceType" =>
1874 "RelationalExpr" =>
1875 "RelativeColumn" =>
1876 "RelativeRow" =>
1877 "ReleaseErase" =>
1878 "ReleaseType" =>
1879 "ReleaseWindows" =>
1881 "RightToLeft" =>
1884 "RowSourceType" =>
1885 "SCCProvider" =>
1889 "ScrollBars" =>
1893 "SelectOnEntry" =>
1895 "SelectedBackColor" =>
1896 "SelectedForeColor" =>
1897 "SelectedID" =>
1898 "SelectedItemBackColor" =>
1899 "SelectedItemForeColor" =>
1901 "ServerClass" =>
1902 "ServerClassLibrary" =>
1903 "ServerHelpFile" =>
1904 "ServerName" =>
1905 "ServerProject" =>
1907 "ShowWindow" =>
1909 "Size<height>" =>
1910 "Size<maxlength>" =>
1911 "Size<width>" =>
1915 "SourceType" =>
1917 "SpecialEffect" =>
1918 "SpinnerHighValue" =>
1919 "SpinnerLowValue" =>
1922 "StatusBarText" =>
1924 "StrictDateEntry" =>
1926 "SystemRefCount" =>
1929 "TabStretch" =>
1934 "TerminateRead" =>
1937 "ToolTipText" =>
1941 "TypeLibCLSID" =>
1942 "TypeLibDesc" =>
1943 "TypeLibName" =>
1944 "UnlockDataSource" =>
1946 "ValueDirty" =>
1947 "VersionComments" =>
1948 "VersionCompany" =>
1949 "VersionCopyright" =>
1950 "VersionDescription" =>
1951 "VersionNumber" =>
1952 "VersionProduct" =>
1953 "VersionTrademarks" =>
1955 "ViewPortHeight" =>
1956 "ViewPortLeft" =>
1957 "ViewPortTop" =>
1958 "ViewPortWidth" =>
1960 "VscrollSmallChange" =>
1963 "WhatsThisButton" =>
1964 "WhatsThisHelp" =>
1965 "WhatsThisHelpID" =>
1967 "WindowList" =>
1968 "WindowNTIList" =>
1969 "WindowState" =>
1970 "WindowType" =>
1977 "CommandButton" =>
1978 "CommandGroup" =>
1983 "DataEnvironment" =>
1997 "OleBaseControl" =>
1998 "OleBoundControl" =>
1999 "OleClassIDispOut" =>
2000 "OleControl" =>
2001 "OptionButton" =>
2002 "OptionGroup" =>
2005 "ProjectHook" =>
2021 $this->linkscripts =
2028 "7" =>
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: