Class arMessageList.
| __construct () |
| __construct (ActiveRecord $ar) |
| additionalParams (array $additional_params) |
| where ($where, $operator=null) |
| orderBy ($order_by, $order_direction='ASC') |
| limit ($start, $end) |
| innerjoinAR (ActiveRecord $ar, $on_this, $on_external, $fields=array(' *'), $operator='=', $both_external=false) |
| leftjoin ($tablename, $on_this, $on_external, $fields=array(' *'), $operator='=', $both_external=false) |
| innerjoin ($tablename, $on_this, $on_external, $fields=array(' *'), $operator='=', $both_external=false) |
| concat (array $fields, $as) |
| getArWhereCollection () |
| getArJoinCollection () |
| getArOrderCollection () |
| getArLimitCollection () |
| getArConcatCollection () |
| getArSelectCollection () |
| getArHavingCollection () |
| setArHavingCollection ($arHavingCollection) |
| dateFormat ($date_format='d.m.Y - H:i:s') |
| debug () |
| connector (arConnector $connector) |
| raw ($set_raw=true) |
| hasSets () |
| affectedRows () |
| count () |
| getCollection () |
| setClass ($class) |
| getClass () |
| get () |
| getFirstFromLastQuery () |
| first () |
| last () |
| getArray ($key=null, $values=null) |
| setAR ($ar) |
| getAR () |
| getDebug () |
| setDateFormat ($date_format) |
| getDateFormat () |
| setAddidtionalParameters ($addidtional_parameters) |
| getAddidtionalParameters () |
| setRaw ($raw) |
| getRaw () |
◆ __construct()
arMessageList::__construct |
( |
| ) |
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