Definition at line 7 of file HFile_sqlnew.php.
◆ donothing()
HFile_sqlnew::donothing |
( |
$keywordin | ) |
◆ HFile_sqlnew()
HFile_sqlnew::HFile_sqlnew |
( |
| ) |
Definition at line 9 of file HFile_sqlnew.php.
References array.
24 $this->colours =
25 $this->quotecolour =
26 $this->blockcommentcolour =
27 $this->linecommentcolour =
31 $this->indent =
32 $this->unindent =
36 $this->stringchars =
37 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
42 $this->linecommenton =
43 $this->blockcommenton =
44 $this->blockcommentoff =
48 $this->keywords =
56 "authorization" =>
79 "containstable" =>
87 "current_date" =>
88 "current_time" =>
89 "current_timestamp" =>
90 "current_user" =>
102 "distributed" =>
124 "freetexttable" =>
134 "identity_insert" =>
135 "identitycol" =>
158 "nonclustered" =>
169 "opendatasource" =>
189 "processexit" =>
194 "reconfigure" =>
197 "replication" =>
210 "serializable" =>
211 "session_user" =>
218 "system_user" =>
228 "transaction" =>
232 "uncommitted" =>
266 "smalldatetime" =>
272 "uniqueidentifier" =>
275 "sp_abort_xact" =>
276 "sp_add_agent_parameter" =>
277 "sp_add_agent_profile" =>
278 "sp_add_server_sortinfo" =>
279 "sp_addalias" =>
280 "sp_addapprole" =>
281 "sp_addarticle" =>
282 "sp_adddistpublisher" =>
283 "sp_adddistributiondb" =>
284 "sp_adddistributor" =>
285 "sp_addextendedproc" =>
286 "sp_addgroup" =>
287 "sp_addlinkedserver" =>
288 "sp_addlinkedsrvlogin" =>
289 "sp_addlogin" =>
290 "sp_addmergearticle" =>
291 "sp_addmergefilter" =>
292 "sp_addmergepublication" =>
293 "sp_addmergepullsubscription" =>
294 "sp_addmergepullsubscription_agent" =>
295 "sp_addmergesubscription" =>
296 "sp_addmessage" =>
297 "sp_addpublication" =>
298 "sp_addpublication_snaHFileot" =>
299 "sp_addpublisher" =>
300 "sp_addpullsubscription" =>
301 "sp_addpullsubscription_agent" =>
302 "sp_addremotelogin" =>
304 "sp_addrolemember" =>
305 "sp_addserver" =>
306 "sp_addsrvrolemember" =>
307 "sp_addsubscriber" =>
308 "sp_addsubscriber_schedule" =>
309 "sp_addsubscription" =>
310 "sp_addsynctriggers" =>
312 "sp_addumpdevice" =>
314 "sp_altermessage" =>
315 "sp_approlepassword" =>
316 "sp_article_validation" =>
317 "sp_articlecolumn" =>
318 "sp_articlefilter" =>
319 "sp_articlesynctranprocs" =>
320 "sp_articleview" =>
321 "sp_attach_db" =>
322 "sp_attach_single_file_db" =>
323 "sp_autostats" =>
324 "sp_bindefault" =>
325 "sp_bindrule" =>
326 "sp_bindsession" =>
327 "sp_blockcnt" =>
328 "sp_catalogs" =>
329 "sp_catalogs_rowset" =>
330 "sp_certify_removable" =>
331 "sp_change_subscription_properties" =>
332 "sp_change_users_login" =>
333 "sp_changearticle" =>
334 "sp_changedbowner" =>
335 "sp_changedistpublisher" =>
336 "sp_changedistributiondb" =>
337 "sp_changedistributor_password" =>
338 "sp_changedistributor_property" =>
339 "sp_changegroup" =>
340 "sp_changemergearticle" =>
341 "sp_changemergefilter" =>
342 "sp_changemergepublication" =>
343 "sp_changemergepullsubscription" =>
344 "sp_changemergesubscription" =>
345 "sp_changeobjectowner" =>
346 "sp_changepublication" =>
347 "sp_changesubscriber" =>
348 "sp_changesubscriber_schedule" =>
349 "sp_changesubscription" =>
350 "sp_changesubstatus" =>
351 "sp_check_for_sync_trigger" =>
352 "sp_check_removable" =>
353 "sp_check_removable_sysusers" =>
354 "sp_check_sync_trigger" =>
355 "sp_checknames" =>
356 "sp_cleanupwebtask" =>
357 "sp_column_privileges" =>
358 "sp_column_privileges_ex" =>
359 "sp_column_privileges_rowset" =>
361 "sp_columns_ex" =>
362 "sp_columns_rowset" =>
363 "sp_commit_xact" =>
364 "sp_configure" =>
365 "sp_create_removable" =>
366 "sp_createorphan" =>
367 "sp_createstats" =>
369 "sp_cursor_list" =>
370 "sp_cursorclose" =>
371 "sp_cursorexecute" =>
372 "sp_cursorfetch" =>
373 "sp_cursoropen" =>
374 "sp_cursoroption" =>
375 "sp_cursorprepare" =>
376 "sp_cursorunprepare" =>
377 "sp_databases" =>
378 "sp_datatype_info" =>
379 "sp_db_upgrade" =>
380 "sp_dbcmptlevel" =>
381 "sp_dbfixedrolepermission" =>
382 "sp_dboption" =>
383 "sp_dbremove" =>
385 "sp_defaultdb" =>
386 "sp_defaultlanguage" =>
387 "sp_deletemergeconflictrow" =>
388 "sp_denylogin" =>
390 "sp_describe_cursor" =>
391 "sp_describe_cursor_columns" =>
392 "sp_describe_cursor_tables" =>
393 "sp_detach_db" =>
394 "sp_diskdefault" =>
395 "sp_distcounters" =>
396 "sp_drop_agent_parameter" =>
397 "sp_drop_agent_profile" =>
398 "sp_dropalias" =>
399 "sp_dropapprole" =>
400 "sp_droparticle" =>
401 "sp_dropdevice" =>
402 "sp_dropdistpublisher" =>
403 "sp_dropdistributiondb" =>
404 "sp_dropdistributor" =>
405 "sp_dropextendedproc" =>
406 "sp_dropgroup" =>
407 "sp_droplinkedsrvlogin" =>
408 "sp_droplogin" =>
409 "sp_dropmergearticle" =>
410 "sp_dropmergefilter" =>
411 "sp_dropmergepublication" =>
412 "sp_dropmergepullsubscription" =>
413 "sp_dropmergesubscription" =>
414 "sp_dropmessage" =>
415 "sp_droporphans" =>
416 "sp_droppublication" =>
417 "sp_droppublisher" =>
418 "sp_droppullsubscription" =>
419 "sp_dropremotelogin" =>
420 "sp_droprole" =>
421 "sp_droprolemember" =>
422 "sp_dropserver" =>
423 "sp_dropsrvrolemember" =>
424 "sp_dropsubscriber" =>
425 "sp_dropsubscription" =>
426 "sp_droptype" =>
427 "sp_dropuser" =>
428 "sp_dropwebtask" =>
430 "sp_enumcodepages" =>
431 "sp_enumcustomresolvers" =>
433 "sp_enumfullsubscribers" =>
434 "sp_enumoledbdatasources" =>
436 "sp_executesql" =>
437 "sp_fallback_MS_sel_fb_svr" =>
438 "sp_fetchshowcmdsinput" =>
439 "sp_fixindex" =>
441 "sp_foreign_keys_rowset" =>
442 "sp_foreignkeys" =>
443 "sp_fulltext_catalog" =>
444 "sp_fulltext_column" =>
445 "sp_fulltext_database" =>
446 "sp_fulltext_getdata" =>
447 "sp_fulltext_service" =>
448 "sp_fulltext_table" =>
449 "sp_generatefilters" =>
450 "sp_get_distributor" =>
451 "sp_getarticlepkcolbitmap" =>
452 "sp_getbindtoken" =>
453 "sp_GetMBCSCharLen" =>
454 "sp_getmergedeletetype" =>
455 "sp_gettypestring" =>
456 "sp_grant_publication_access" =>
457 "sp_grantdbaccess" =>
458 "sp_grantlogin" =>
460 "sp_help_agent_default" =>
461 "sp_help_agent_parameter" =>
462 "sp_help_agent_profile" =>
463 "sp_help_fulltext_catalogs" =>
464 "sp_help_fulltext_catalogs_cursor" =>
465 "sp_help_fulltext_columns" =>
466 "sp_help_fulltext_columns_cursor" =>
467 "sp_help_fulltext_tables" =>
468 "sp_help_fulltext_tables_cursor" =>
469 "sp_help_publication_access" =>
470 "sp_helpallowmerge_publication" =>
471 "sp_helparticle" =>
472 "sp_helparticlecolumns" =>
473 "sp_helpconstraint" =>
475 "sp_helpdbfixedrole" =>
476 "sp_helpdevice" =>
477 "sp_helpdistpublisher" =>
478 "sp_helpdistributiondb" =>
479 "sp_helpdistributor" =>
480 "sp_helpdistributor_properties" =>
481 "sp_helpextendedproc" =>
482 "sp_helpfile" =>
483 "sp_helpfilegroup" =>
484 "sp_helpgroup" =>
485 "sp_helpindex" =>
486 "sp_helplanguage" =>
488 "sp_helplogins" =>
489 "sp_helpmergearticle" =>
490 "sp_helpmergearticleconflicts" =>
491 "sp_helpmergeconflictrows" =>
492 "sp_helpmergedeleteconflictrows" =>
493 "sp_helpmergefilter" =>
494 "sp_helpmergepublication" =>
495 "sp_helpmergepullsubscription" =>
496 "sp_helpmergesubscription" =>
497 "sp_helpntgroup" =>
498 "sp_helppublication" =>
499 "sp_helppublication_snaHFileot" =>
500 "sp_helppublicationsync" =>
501 "sp_helppullsubscription" =>
502 "sp_helpremotelogin" =>
503 "sp_helpreplicationdb" =>
504 "sp_helpreplicationdboption" =>
505 "sp_helpreplicationoption" =>
506 "sp_helprole" =>
507 "sp_helprolemember" =>
508 "sp_helprotect" =>
509 "sp_helpserver" =>
510 "sp_helpsort" =>
512 "sp_helpsrvrole" =>
513 "sp_helpsrvrolemember" =>
514 "sp_helpstartup" =>
515 "sp_helpsubscriber" =>
516 "sp_helpsubscriberinfo" =>
517 "sp_helpsubscription" =>
518 "sp_helpsubscription_properties" =>
519 "sp_helptext" =>
520 "sp_helptrigger" =>
521 "sp_helpuser" =>
523 "sp_indexes_rowset" =>
524 "sp_indexoption" =>
525 "sp_isarticlecolbitset" =>
526 "sp_IsMBCSLeadByte" =>
527 "sp_link_publication" =>
528 "sp_linkedservers" =>
529 "sp_linkedservers_rowset" =>
531 "sp_lockinfo" =>
532 "sp_logdevice" =>
533 "sp_makestartup" =>
534 "sp_makewebtask" =>
535 "sp_mergedummyupdate" =>
536 "sp_mergesubscription_cleanup" =>
537 "sp_mergesubscriptioncleanup" =>
539 "sp_MS_marksystemobject" =>
540 "sp_MS_replication_installed" =>
541 "sp_MS_upd_sysobj_category" =>
542 "sp_MSactivate_auto_sub" =>
543 "sp_MSadd_distributor_alerts_and_responses" =>
544 "sp_MSadd_mergereplcommand" =>
545 "sp_MSadd_repl_job" =>
546 "sp_MSaddanonymousreplica" =>
547 "sp_MSaddarticletocontents" =>
548 "sp_MSaddexecarticle" =>
549 "sp_MSaddguidcolumn" =>
550 "sp_MSaddguidindex" =>
551 "sp_MSaddinitialarticle" =>
552 "sp_MSaddinitialpublication" =>
553 "sp_MSaddinitialsubscription" =>
554 "sp_MSaddlogin_implicit_ntlogin" =>
555 "sp_MSaddmergepub_snaHFileot" =>
556 "sp_MSaddmergetriggers" =>
557 "sp_MSaddpub_snaHFileot" =>
558 "sp_MSaddpubtocontents" =>
559 "sp_MSaddupdatetrigger" =>
560 "sp_MSadduser_implicit_ntlogin" =>
561 "sp_MSarticlecleanup" =>
562 "sp_MSarticletextcol" =>
563 "sp_MSbelongs" =>
564 "sp_MSchange_priority" =>
565 "sp_MSchangearticleresolver" =>
566 "sp_MScheck_agent_instance" =>
567 "sp_MScheck_uid_owns_anything" =>
568 "sp_MScheckatpublisher" =>
569 "sp_MScheckexistsgeneration" =>
570 "sp_MScheckmetadatamatch" =>
571 "sp_MScleanup_subscription" =>
572 "sp_MScleanuptask" =>
573 "sp_MScontractsubsnb" =>
574 "sp_MScreate_dist_tables" =>
575 "sp_MScreate_distributor_tables" =>
576 "sp_MScreate_mergesystables" =>
577 "sp_MScreate_pub_tables" =>
578 "sp_MScreate_replication_checkup_agent" =>
579 "sp_MScreate_replication_status_table" =>
580 "sp_MScreate_sub_tables" =>
581 "sp_MScreateglobalreplica" =>
582 "sp_MScreateretry" =>
583 "sp_MSdbuseraccess" =>
584 "sp_MSdbuserpriv" =>
585 "sp_MSdeletecontents" =>
586 "sp_MSdeletepushagent" =>
587 "sp_MSdeleteretry" =>
588 "sp_MSdelrow" =>
589 "sp_MSdelsubrows" =>
590 "sp_MSdependencies" =>
591 "sp_MSdoesfilterhaveparent" =>
592 "sp_MSdrop_6x_replication_agent" =>
593 "sp_MSdrop_distributor_alerts_and_responses" =>
594 "sp_MSdrop_mergesystables" =>
595 "sp_MSdrop_object" =>
596 "sp_MSdrop_pub_tables" =>
597 "sp_MSdrop_replcom" =>
598 "sp_MSdrop_repltran" =>
599 "sp_MSdrop_rladmin" =>
600 "sp_MSdrop_rlcore" =>
601 "sp_MSdrop_rlrecon" =>
602 "sp_MSdroparticleprocs" =>
603 "sp_MSdroparticletombstones" =>
604 "sp_MSdroparticletriggers" =>
605 "sp_MSdropconstraints" =>
606 "sp_MSdropmergepub_snaHFileot" =>
607 "sp_MSdropretry" =>
608 "sp_MSdummyupdate" =>
609 "sp_MSenum_replication_agents" =>
610 "sp_MSenum_replication_job" =>
611 "sp_MSenum3rdpartypublications" =>
612 "sp_MSenumallpublications" =>
613 "sp_MSenumchanges" =>
614 "sp_MSenumcolumns" =>
615 "sp_MSenumdeletesmetadata" =>
616 "sp_MSenumgenerations" =>
617 "sp_MSenummergepublications" =>
618 "sp_MSenumpartialchanges" =>
619 "sp_MSenumpartialdeletes" =>
620 "sp_MSenumpubreferences" =>
621 "sp_MSenumreplicas" =>
622 "sp_MSenumretries" =>
623 "sp_MSenumschemachange" =>
624 "sp_MSenumtranpublications" =>
625 "sp_MSexists_file" =>
626 "sp_MSexpandbelongs" =>
627 "sp_MSexpandnotbelongs" =>
628 "sp_MSexpandsubsnb" =>
629 "sp_MSfilterclause" =>
630 "sp_MSflush_access_cache" =>
631 "sp_MSflush_command" =>
632 "sp_MSforeach_worker" =>
633 "sp_MSforeachdb" =>
634 "sp_MSforeachtable" =>
635 "sp_MSgen_sync_tran_procs" =>
636 "sp_MSgenreplnickname" =>
637 "sp_MSgentablenickname" =>
638 "sp_MSget_col_position" =>
639 "sp_MSget_colinfo" =>
640 "sp_MSget_oledbinfo" =>
641 "sp_MSget_publisher_rpc" =>
642 "sp_MSget_qualifed_name" =>
643 "sp_MSget_synctran_commands" =>
644 "sp_MSget_type" =>
645 "sp_MSgetalertinfo" =>
646 "sp_MSgetchangecount" =>
647 "sp_MSgetconflictinsertproc" =>
648 "sp_MSgetlastrecgen" =>
649 "sp_MSgetlastsentgen" =>
650 "sp_MSgetonerow" =>
651 "sp_MSgetreplicainfo" =>
652 "sp_MSgetreplnick" =>
653 "sp_MSgetrowmetadata" =>
654 "sp_MSguidtostr" =>
655 "sp_MShelp_distdb" =>
656 "sp_MShelp_replication_status" =>
657 "sp_MShelpcolumns" =>
658 "sp_MShelpfulltextindex" =>
659 "sp_MShelpindex" =>
660 "sp_MShelpmergearticles" =>
661 "sp_MShelpobjectpublications" =>
662 "sp_MShelptype" =>
663 "sp_MSIfExistsRemoteLogin" =>
664 "sp_MSindexcolfrombin" =>
665 "sp_MSindexspace" =>
666 "sp_MSinit_replication_perfmon" =>
667 "sp_MSinsertcontents" =>
668 "sp_MSinsertdeleteconflict" =>
669 "sp_MSinsertgenhistory" =>
670 "sp_MSinsertschemachange" =>
671 "sp_MSis_col_replicated" =>
672 "sp_MSis_pk_col" =>
673 "sp_MSkilldb" =>
674 "sp_MSload_replication_status" =>
675 "sp_MSlocktable" =>
676 "sp_MSloginmappings" =>
677 "sp_MSmakearticleprocs" =>
678 "sp_MSmakeconflictinsertproc" =>
679 "sp_MSmakeexpandproc" =>
680 "sp_MSmakegeneration" =>
681 "sp_MSmakeinsertproc" =>
682 "sp_MSmakejoinfilter" =>
683 "sp_MSmakeselectproc" =>
684 "sp_MSmakesystableviews" =>
685 "sp_MSmaketempinsertproc" =>
686 "sp_MSmakeupdateproc" =>
687 "sp_MSmakeviewproc" =>
688 "sp_MSmaptype" =>
689 "sp_MSmark_proc_norepl" =>
690 "sp_MSmatchkey" =>
691 "sp_MSmergepublishdb" =>
692 "sp_MSmergesubscribedb" =>
693 "sp_MSobjectprivs" =>
694 "sp_MSpad_command" =>
695 "sp_MSproxiedmetadata" =>
696 "sp_MSpublicationcleanup" =>
697 "sp_MSpublicationview" =>
698 "sp_MSpublishdb" =>
699 "sp_MSrefcnt" =>
700 "sp_MSregistersubscription" =>
701 "sp_MSreinit_failed_subscriptions" =>
702 "sp_MSrepl_addrolemember" =>
703 "sp_MSrepl_dbrole" =>
704 "sp_MSrepl_droprolemember" =>
705 "sp_MSrepl_encrypt" =>
706 "sp_MSrepl_linkedservers_rowset" =>
707 "sp_MSrepl_startup" =>
708 "sp_MSreplcheck_connection" =>
709 "sp_MSreplcheck_publish" =>
710 "sp_MSreplcheck_pull" =>
711 "sp_MSreplcheck_subscribe" =>
712 "sp_MSreplicationcompatlevel" =>
713 "sp_MSreplrole" =>
714 "sp_MSreplsup_table_has_pk" =>
715 "sp_MSscript_beginproc" =>
716 "sp_MSscript_begintrig1" =>
717 "sp_MSscript_begintrig2" =>
718 "sp_MSscript_delete_statement" =>
719 "sp_MSscript_dri" =>
720 "sp_MSscript_endproc" =>
721 "sp_MSscript_endtrig" =>
722 "sp_MSscript_insert_statement" =>
723 "sp_MSscript_multirow_trigger" =>
724 "sp_MSscript_params" =>
725 "sp_MSscript_security" =>
726 "sp_MSscript_singlerow_trigger" =>
727 "sp_MSscript_sync_del_proc" =>
728 "sp_MSscript_sync_del_trig" =>
729 "sp_MSscript_sync_ins_proc" =>
730 "sp_MSscript_sync_ins_trig" =>
731 "sp_MSscript_sync_upd_proc" =>
732 "sp_MSscript_sync_upd_trig" =>
733 "sp_MSscript_trigger_assignment" =>
734 "sp_MSscript_trigger_exec_rpc" =>
735 "sp_MSscript_trigger_fetch_statement" =>
736 "sp_MSscript_trigger_update_checks" =>
737 "sp_MSscript_trigger_updates" =>
738 "sp_MSscript_trigger_variables" =>
739 "sp_MSscript_update_statement" =>
740 "sp_MSscript_where_clause" =>
741 "sp_MSscriptdatabase" =>
742 "sp_MSscriptdb_worker" =>
743 "sp_MSsetaccesslist" =>
744 "sp_MSsetalertinfo" =>
745 "sp_MSsetartprocs" =>
746 "sp_MSsetbit" =>
747 "sp_MSsetconflictscript" =>
748 "sp_MSsetconflicttable" =>
749 "sp_MSsetfilteredstatus" =>
750 "sp_MSsetfilterparent" =>
751 "sp_MSsetlastrecgen" =>
752 "sp_MSsetlastsentgen" =>
753 "sp_MSsetreplicainfo" =>
754 "sp_MSsetreplicastatus" =>
755 "sp_MSsetrowmetadata" =>
756 "sp_MSsettopology" =>
757 "sp_MSsetupbelongs" =>
758 "sp_MSSQLDMO70_version" =>
759 "sp_MSSQLOLE_version" =>
760 "sp_MSSQLOLE65_version" =>
761 "sp_MSsubscribedb" =>
762 "sp_MSsubscriptions" =>
763 "sp_MSsubscriptionvalidated" =>
764 "sp_MSsubsetpublication" =>
765 "sp_MStable_has_unique_index" =>
766 "sp_MStable_not_modifiable" =>
767 "sp_MStablechecks" =>
768 "sp_MStablekeys" =>
769 "sp_MStablenamefromnick" =>
770 "sp_MStablenickname" =>
771 "sp_MStablerefs" =>
772 "sp_MStablespace" =>
773 "sp_MStestbit" =>
774 "sp_MStextcolstatus" =>
775 "sp_MSunc_to_drive" =>
776 "sp_MSuniquecolname" =>
777 "sp_MSuniquename" =>
778 "sp_MSuniqueobjectname" =>
779 "sp_MSuniquetempname" =>
780 "sp_MSunmarkreplinfo" =>
781 "sp_MSunregistersubscription" =>
782 "sp_MSupdate_agenttype_default" =>
783 "sp_MSupdate_replication_status" =>
784 "sp_MSupdatecontents" =>
785 "sp_MSupdategenhistory" =>
786 "sp_MSupdateschemachange" =>
787 "sp_MSupdatesysmergearticles" =>
788 "sp_msupg_createcatalogcomputedcols" =>
789 "sp_msupg_dosystabcatalogupgrades" =>
790 "sp_msupg_dropcatalogcomputedcols" =>
791 "sp_msupg_recreatecatalogfaketables" =>
792 "sp_msupg_recreatesystemviews" =>
793 "sp_msupg_removesystemcomputedcolumns" =>
794 "sp_msupg_upgradecatalog" =>
795 "sp_MSuplineageversion" =>
796 "sp_MSvalidatearticle" =>
797 "sp_OACreate" =>
798 "sp_OADestroy" =>
799 "sp_OAGetErrorInfo" =>
800 "sp_OAGetProperty" =>
801 "sp_OAMethod" =>
802 "sp_OASetProperty" =>
804 "sp_objectfilegroup" =>
805 "sp_oledbinfo" =>
806 "sp_password" =>
809 "sp_primary_keys_rowset" =>
810 "sp_primarykeys" =>
811 "sp_probe_xact" =>
812 "sp_procedure_params_rowset" =>
813 "sp_procedures_rowset" =>
814 "sp_processinfo" =>
815 "sp_processmail" =>
816 "sp_procoption" =>
817 "sp_provider_types_rowset" =>
818 "sp_publication_validation" =>
819 "sp_publishdb" =>
820 "sp_recompile" =>
821 "sp_refreshsubscriptions" =>
822 "sp_refreshview" =>
823 "sp_reinitmergepullsubscription" =>
824 "sp_reinitmergesubscription" =>
825 "sp_reinitpullsubscription" =>
826 "sp_reinitsubscription" =>
827 "sp_remoteoption" =>
828 "sp_remove_tempdb_file" =>
829 "sp_remove_xact" =>
830 "sp_removedbreplication" =>
831 "sp_removesrvreplication" =>
833 "sp_renamedb" =>
834 "sp_replcmds" =>
835 "sp_replcounters" =>
836 "sp_repldone" =>
837 "sp_replflush" =>
839 "sp_replication_agent_checkup" =>
840 "sp_replicationdboption" =>
841 "sp_replicationoption" =>
842 "sp_replincrementlsn" =>
843 "sp_replpostcmd" =>
844 "sp_replsetoriginator" =>
845 "sp_replshowcmds" =>
846 "sp_replsync" =>
847 "sp_repltrans" =>
848 "sp_replupdateschema" =>
849 "sp_reset_connection" =>
850 "sp_revoke_publication_access" =>
851 "sp_revokedbaccess" =>
852 "sp_revokelogin" =>
853 "sp_runwebtask" =>
854 "sp_scan_xact" =>
855 "sp_schemata_rowset" =>
856 "sp_script_synctran_commands" =>
857 "sp_scriptdelproc" =>
858 "sp_scriptinsproc" =>
859 "sp_scriptmappedupdproc" =>
860 "sp_scriptpkwhereclause" =>
861 "sp_scriptupdateparams" =>
862 "sp_scriptupdproc" =>
863 "sp_sdidebug" =>
864 "sp_sem_start_mail" =>
865 "sp_server_info" =>
866 "sp_serveroption" =>
867 "sp_setapprole" =>
868 "sp_setnetname" =>
869 "sp_spaceused" =>
870 "sp_special_columns" =>
871 "sp_sproc_columns" =>
873 "sp_sqlregister" =>
874 "sp_srvrolepermission" =>
875 "sp_start_xact" =>
876 "sp_stat_xact" =>
877 "sp_statistics" =>
878 "sp_statistics_rowset" =>
879 "sp_stored_procedures" =>
880 "sp_subscribe" =>
881 "sp_subscription_cleanup" =>
882 "sp_subscriptioncleanup" =>
883 "sp_table_privileges" =>
884 "sp_table_privileges_ex" =>
885 "sp_table_privileges_rowset" =>
886 "sp_table_validation" =>
887 "sp_tableoption" =>
889 "sp_tables_ex" =>
890 "sp_tables_info_rowset" =>
891 "sp_tables_rowset" =>
892 "sp_tempdbspace" =>
893 "sp_unbindefault" =>
894 "sp_unbindrule" =>
895 "sp_unmakestartup" =>
896 "sp_unprepare" =>
897 "sp_unsubscribe" =>
898 "sp_updatestats" =>
899 "sp_user_counter1" =>
900 "sp_user_counter10" =>
901 "sp_user_counter2" =>
902 "sp_user_counter3" =>
903 "sp_user_counter4" =>
904 "sp_user_counter5" =>
905 "sp_user_counter6" =>
906 "sp_user_counter7" =>
907 "sp_user_counter8" =>
908 "sp_user_counter9" =>
909 "sp_validatelogins" =>
910 "sp_validlang" =>
911 "sp_validname" =>
914 "spt_committab" =>
915 "spt_datatype_info" =>
916 "spt_datatype_info_ext" =>
917 "spt_fallback_db" =>
918 "spt_fallback_dev" =>
919 "spt_fallback_usg" =>
920 "spt_monitor" =>
921 "spt_provider_types" =>
922 "spt_server_info" =>
924 "sysallocations" =>
925 "sysalternates" =>
926 "sysaltfiles" =>
927 "syscacheobjects" =>
928 "syscharsets" =>
930 "syscomments" =>
931 "sysconfigures" =>
932 "sysconstraints" =>
933 "syscurconfigs" =>
934 "syscursorcolumns" =>
935 "syscursorrefs" =>
937 "syscursortables" =>
938 "sysdatabases" =>
941 "sysfilegroups" =>
944 "sysforeignkeys" =>
945 "sysfulltextcatalogs" =>
947 "sysindexkeys" =>
948 "syslanguages" =>
949 "syslockinfo" =>
953 "sysmessages" =>
955 "sysoledbusers" =>
956 "sysperfinfo" =>
957 "syspermissions" =>
958 "sysprocesses" =>
959 "sysprotects" =>
960 "sysreferences" =>
973 "sysremotelogins" =>
974 "syssegments" =>
979 "xp_availablemedia" =>
980 "xp_check_query_results" =>
981 "xp_cleanupwebtask" =>
982 "xp_cmdshell" =>
983 "xp_deletemail" =>
985 "xp_displayparamstmt" =>
986 "xp_dropwebtask" =>
988 "xp_enum_activescriptengines" =>
989 "xp_enum_oledb_providers" =>
990 "xp_enumcodepages" =>
992 "xp_enumerrorlogs" =>
993 "xp_enumgroups" =>
994 "xp_eventlog" =>
995 "xp_execresultset" =>
996 "xp_fileexist" =>
997 "xp_findnextmsg" =>
998 "xp_fixeddrives" =>
999 "xp_get_mapi_default_profile" =>
1000 "xp_get_mapi_profiles" =>
1001 "xp_get_tape_devices" =>
1002 "xp_getfiledetails" =>
1003 "xp_getnetname" =>
1004 "xp_grantlogin" =>
1005 "xp_initcolvs" =>
1006 "xp_intersectbitmaps" =>
1007 "xp_load_dummy_handlers" =>
1008 "xp_logevent" =>
1009 "xp_loginconfig" =>
1010 "xp_logininfo" =>
1011 "xp_makewebtask" =>
1012 "xp_mergexpusage" =>
1014 "xp_msx_enlist" =>
1015 "xp_ntsec_enumdomains" =>
1016 "xp_ntsec_enumgroups" =>
1017 "xp_ntsec_enumusers" =>
1018 "xp_oledbinfo" =>
1019 "xp_param_dump" =>
1020 "xp_perfend" =>
1021 "xp_perfmonitor" =>
1022 "xp_perfsample" =>
1023 "xp_perfstart" =>
1024 "xp_printstatements" =>
1025 "xp_proxiedmetadata" =>
1027 "xp_readerrorlog" =>
1028 "xp_readmail" =>
1029 "xp_regaddmultistring" =>
1030 "xp_regdeletekey" =>
1031 "xp_regdeletevalue" =>
1032 "xp_regenumvalues" =>
1033 "xp_regread" =>
1034 "xp_regremovemultistring" =>
1035 "xp_regwrite" =>
1036 "xp_revokelogin" =>
1037 "xp_runwebtask" =>
1038 "xp_sendmail" =>
1039 "xp_servicecontrol" =>
1040 "xp_showcolv" =>
1041 "xp_showlineage" =>
1042 "xp_snmp_getstate" =>
1043 "xp_snmp_raisetrap" =>
1044 "xp_sprintf" =>
1045 "xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs" =>
1046 "xp_sqlagent_is_starting" =>
1047 "xp_sqlagent_monitor" =>
1048 "xp_sqlagent_notify" =>
1049 "xp_sqlinventory" =>
1050 "xp_sqlmaint" =>
1051 "xp_sqlregister" =>
1052 "xp_sqltrace" =>
1054 "xp_startmail" =>
1055 "xp_stopmail" =>
1056 "xp_subdirs" =>
1057 "xp_terminate_process" =>
1058 "xp_test_mapi_profile" =>
1059 "xp_trace_addnewqueue" =>
1060 "xp_trace_deletequeuedefinition" =>
1061 "xp_trace_destroyqueue" =>
1062 "xp_trace_enumqueuedefname" =>
1063 "xp_trace_enumqueuehandles" =>
1064 "xp_trace_eventclassrequired" =>
1065 "xp_trace_flushqueryhistory" =>
1066 "xp_trace_generate_event" =>
1067 "xp_trace_getappfilter" =>
1068 "xp_trace_getconnectionidfilter" =>
1069 "xp_trace_getcpufilter" =>
1070 "xp_trace_getdbidfilter" =>
1071 "xp_trace_getdurationfilter" =>
1072 "xp_trace_geteventfilter" =>
1073 "xp_trace_geteventnames" =>
1074 "xp_trace_getevents" =>
1075 "xp_trace_gethostfilter" =>
1076 "xp_trace_gethpidfilter" =>
1077 "xp_trace_getindidfilter" =>
1078 "xp_trace_getntdmfilter" =>
1079 "xp_trace_getntnmfilter" =>
1080 "xp_trace_getobjidfilter" =>
1081 "xp_trace_getqueueautostart" =>
1082 "xp_trace_getqueuecreateinfo" =>
1083 "xp_trace_getqueuedestination" =>
1084 "xp_trace_getqueueproperties" =>
1085 "xp_trace_getreadfilter" =>
1086 "xp_trace_getserverfilter" =>
1087 "xp_trace_getseverityfilter" =>
1088 "xp_trace_getspidfilter" =>
1089 "xp_trace_gettextfilter" =>
1090 "xp_trace_getuserfilter" =>
1091 "xp_trace_getwritefilter" =>
1092 "xp_trace_loadqueuedefinition" =>
1093 "xp_trace_opentracefile" =>
1094 "xp_trace_pausequeue" =>
1095 "xp_trace_restartqueue" =>
1096 "xp_trace_savequeuedefinition" =>
1097 "xp_trace_setappfilter" =>
1098 "xp_trace_setconnectionidfilter" =>
1099 "xp_trace_setcpufilter" =>
1100 "xp_trace_setdbidfilter" =>
1101 "xp_trace_setdurationfilter" =>
1102 "xp_trace_seteventclassrequired" =>
1103 "xp_trace_seteventfilter" =>
1104 "xp_trace_sethostfilter" =>
1105 "xp_trace_sethpidfilter" =>
1106 "xp_trace_setindidfilter" =>
1107 "xp_trace_setntdmfilter" =>
1108 "xp_trace_setntnmfilter" =>
1109 "xp_trace_setobjidfilter" =>
1110 "xp_trace_setqueryhistory" =>
1111 "xp_trace_setqueueautostart" =>
1112 "xp_trace_setqueuecreateinfo" =>
1113 "xp_trace_setqueuedestination" =>
1114 "xp_trace_setreadfilter" =>
1115 "xp_trace_setserverfilter" =>
1116 "xp_trace_setseverityfilter" =>
1117 "xp_trace_setspidfilter" =>
1118 "xp_trace_settextfilter" =>
1119 "xp_trace_setuserfilter" =>
1120 "xp_trace_setwritefilter" =>
1121 "xp_trace_startconsumer" =>
1122 "xp_trace_toeventlogconsumer" =>
1123 "xp_trace_tofileconsumer" =>
1124 "xp_unc_to_drive" =>
1125 "xp_unload_dummy_handlers" =>
1126 "xp_updatecolvbm" =>
1127 "xp_updatelineage" =>
1128 "xp_varbintohexstr" =>
1129 "xp_writesqlinfo" =>
1156 $this->linkscripts =
1160 "4" =>
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: