2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(
".") .
6 require_once(
24 $this->colours =
25 $this->quotecolour =
26 $this->blockcommentcolour =
27 $this->linecommentcolour =
31 $this->indent =
32 $this->unindent =
36 $this->stringchars =
37 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
42 $this->linecommenton =
43 $this->blockcommenton =
44 $this->blockcommentoff =
48 $this->keywords =
54 "(MC3150,3120)" =>
111 "addr_table_index" =>
114 "eeprom_memcpy" =>
115 "flush_completes" =>
116 "get_tick_count" =>
119 "io_change_init" =>
121 "io_in_ready" =>
122 "io_in_request" =>
124 "io_out_ready" =>
125 "io_out_request" =>
126 "io_preserve_input" =>
128 "io_set_clock" =>
129 "io_set_direction" =>
130 "io_update_occurs" =>
135 "msg_alloc_priority" =>
137 "msg_completes" =>
140 "msg_receive" =>
142 "msg_succeeds" =>
143 "nv_table_index" =>
148 "resp_arrives" =>
149 "resp_cancel" =>
151 "resp_receive" =>
155 "timer_expires" =>
158 "touch_first" =>
160 "touch_reset" =>
163 "activate_service_led" =>
165 "authenticated" =>
174 "config_data" =>
185 "input_is_new" =>
186 "input_value" =>
200 "leveldetect" =>
204 "max_rate_est" =>
205 "msg_arrives" =>
208 "msg_tag_index" =>
215 "nonpriority" =>
217 "nv_array_index" =>
219 "nv_in_index" =>
234 "read_only_data" =>
235 "read_only_data2" =>
243 "synchronized" =>
248 "triggeredcount" =>
253 "SNVT_address" =>
257 "SNVT_amp_mil" =>
259 "SNVT_angle_deg" =>
260 "SNVT_angle_f" =>
261 "SNVT_angle_vel" =>
262 "SNVT_angle_vel_f" =>
265 "SNVT_btu_kilo" =>
266 "SNVT_btu_mega" =>
267 "SNVT_char_ascii" =>
268 "SNVT_chlr_status" =>
270 "SNVT_config_src" =>
272 "SNVT_count_f" =>
273 "SNVT_count_inc" =>
274 "SNVT_count_inc_f" =>
275 "SNVT_currency" =>
276 "SNVT_date_cal" =>
277 "SNVT_date_day" =>
278 "SNVT_date_time" =>
279 "SNVT_defr_mode" =>
280 "SNVT_defr_state" =>
282 "SNVT_density" =>
283 "SNVT_density_f" =>
284 "SNVT_earth_pos" =>
285 "SNVT_elapsed_tm" =>
286 "SNVT_elec_kwhr" =>
287 "SNVT_elec_whr" =>
288 "SNVT_elec_whr_f" =>
289 "SNVT_evap_state" =>
290 "SNVT_file_pos" =>
291 "SNVT_file_req" =>
292 "SNVT_file_status" =>
293 "SNVT_fire_indcte" =>
294 "SNVT_fire_init" =>
295 "SNVT_fire_test" =>
297 "SNVT_flow_f" =>
298 "SNVT_flow_mil" =>
299 "SNVT_freq_f" =>
300 "SNVT_freq_hz" =>
301 "SNVT_freq_kilohz" =>
302 "SNVT_freq_milhz" =>
303 "SNVT_grammage" =>
304 "SNVT_grammage_f" =>
305 "SNVT_hvac_emerg" =>
306 "SNVT_hvac_mode" =>
307 "SNVT_hvac_overid" =>
308 "SNVT_hvac_status" =>
309 "SNVT_ISO_7811" =>
310 "SNVT_length" =>
311 "SNVT_length_f" =>
312 "SNVT_length_kilo" =>
313 "SNVT_length_micr" =>
314 "SNVT_length_mil" =>
315 "SNVT_lev_cont" =>
316 "SNVT_lev_cont_f" =>
317 "SNVT_lev_disc" =>
318 "SNVT_lev_percent" =>
320 "SNVT_magcard" =>
322 "SNVT_mass_f" =>
323 "SNVT_mass_kilo" =>
324 "SNVT_mass_mega" =>
325 "SNVT_mass_mil" =>
326 "SNVT_muldiv" =>
327 "SNVT_multiplier" =>
328 "SNVT_obj_request" =>
329 "SNVT_obj_status" =>
330 "SNVT_occupancy" =>
331 "SNVT_override" =>
335 "SNVT_power_f" =>
336 "SNVT_power_kilo" =>
339 "SNVT_preset" =>
341 "SNVT_press_f" =>
342 "SNVT_press_p" =>
343 "SNVT_pwr_fact" =>
344 "SNVT_pwr_fact_f" =>
347 "SNVT_res_kilo" =>
350 "SNVT_scene_cfg" =>
351 "SNVT_setting" =>
352 "SNVT_smo_ocscur" =>
353 "SNVT_sound_db" =>
354 "SNVT_sound_db_f" =>
356 "SNVT_speed_f" =>
357 "SNVT_speed_mil" =>
359 "SNVT_str_asc" =>
360 "SNVT_str_int" =>
361 "SNVT_switch" =>
362 "SNVT_telcom" =>
364 "SNVT_temp_f" =>
365 "SNVT_temp_p" =>
366 "SNVT_temp_ror" =>
367 "SNVT_temp_setpt" =>
368 "SNVT_therm_mode" =>
369 "SNVT_time_f" =>
370 "SNVT_time_hour" =>
371 "SNVT_time_min" =>
372 "SNVT_time_passed" =>
373 "SNVT_time_sec" =>
374 "SNVT_time_stamp" =>
375 "SNVT_time_zone" =>
376 "SNVT_tod_event" =>
377 "SNVT_trans_table" =>
380 "SNVT_vol_kilo" =>
381 "SNVT_vol_mil" =>
383 "SNVT_volt_dbmv" =>
384 "SNVT_volt_f" =>
385 "SNVT_volt_kilo" =>
386 "SNVT_volt_mil" =>
387 "SNVT_zerospan" =>
388 "alarm_type_t" =>
389 "calendar_type_t" =>
391 "config_source_t" =>
393 "days_of_week_t" =>
394 "defrost_mode_t" =>
395 "defrost_state_t" =>
396 "defrost_term_t" =>
397 "discrete_levels_t" =>
400 "file_request_t" =>
401 "file_status_t" =>
402 "fire_indicator_t" =>
403 "fire_init_t" =>
404 "fire_test_t" =>
405 "hvac_override_t" =>
408 "learn_mode_t" =>
409 "object_request_t" =>
412 "priority_level_t" =>
413 "scene_config_t" =>
416 "telcom_states_t" =>
417 "therm_mode_t" =>
426 $this->linkscripts =
Create styles array
The data for the language used.