2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(
".") .
6 require_once(
24 $this->colours =
25 $this->quotecolour =
26 $this->blockcommentcolour =
27 $this->linecommentcolour =
31 $this->indent =
"{ if then for");
32 $this->unindent =
"} end");
36 $this->stringchars =
37 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
42 $this->linecommenton =
43 $this->blockcommenton =
44 $this->blockcommentoff =
48 $this->keywords =
81 "AddressStyle" =>
85 "AreaOfInterestDialog" =>
89 "AutoLabelDialog" =>
92 "BandStatistics" =>
101 "ChartDisplay" =>
102 "ChartLegend" =>
104 "ChartSymbol" =>
109 "Classification" =>
115 "ColumnChartSymbol" =>
117 "CompositeArcInfoPen" =>
118 "CompositeFill" =>
119 "CompositeMarker" =>
120 "CompositePen" =>
122 "ControlPanel" =>
130 "DialogEditor" =>
139 "DocumentExtension" =>
144 "EncryptedScript" =>
145 "EnumerationElt" =>
146 "EqualAreaAzimuthal" =>
147 "EqualAreaCylindrical" =>
148 "EquidistantAzimuthal" =>
149 "EquidistantConic" =>
150 "EquidistantCylindrical" =>
151 "EventDialog" =>
153 "ExtensionObject" =>
154 "ExtensionWin" =>
161 "FontManager" =>
166 "GenericPrinter" =>
167 "GeocodeDialog" =>
174 "GraphicControl" =>
175 "GraphicGroup" =>
176 "GraphicLabel" =>
177 "GraphicList" =>
179 "GraphicShape" =>
180 "GraphicText" =>
187 "IdentifyWin" =>
188 "IdentityLookup" =>
189 "ImageLegend" =>
190 "ImageLookup" =>
197 "IntervalLookup" =>
200 "LabelButton" =>
206 "LegendExtension" =>
207 "LegendFrame" =>
211 "LinearLookup" =>
217 "ListDisplay" =>
218 "LocateDialog" =>
227 "MatchPrefDialog" =>
228 "MatchSource" =>
233 "ModalDialog" =>
236 "MultiBandLegend" =>
239 "MultiPointM" =>
240 "MultiPointZ" =>
241 "NameDictionary" =>
245 "NorthArrowMgr" =>
248 "ObliqueMercator" =>
250 "Orthographic" =>
252 "PageDisplay" =>
253 "PageManager" =>
254 "PageSetupDialog" =>
258 "Perspective" =>
259 "PictureFrame" =>
260 "PieChartSymbol" =>
264 "PointTextPositioner" =>
268 "PolygonTextPositioner" =>
272 "PolyLineTextPositioner" =>
279 "ProjectionDialog" =>
282 "RadioButton" =>
287 "ReMatchDialog" =>
292 "ScaleBarFrame" =>
297 "SingleBandLegend" =>
300 "SourceDialog" =>
301 "SourceManager" =>
307 "SrcExtension" =>
310 "StanEditDialog" =>
311 "Stereographic" =>
314 "SummaryDialog" =>
321 "TemplateGraphic" =>
322 "TemplateMgr" =>
324 "TextComposer" =>
328 "TextPositioner" =>
332 "ThemeExtension" =>
333 "ThemeOnThemeDialog" =>
340 "TransverseMercator" =>
346 "VectorPenArrow" =>
347 "VectorPenDiamond" =>
348 "VectorPenDot" =>
349 "VectorPenHash" =>
350 "VectorPenHollow" =>
351 "VectorPenMarker" =>
352 "VectorPenScallop" =>
353 "VectorPenScrub" =>
354 "VectorPenSlant" =>
355 "VectorPenVertexMarker" =>
356 "VectorPenZigZag" =>
369 "AddAnnoFields" =>
372 "AddDefaultOwner" =>
377 "AddListener" =>
378 "AddMissingRules" =>
385 "AdjustGreen" =>
387 "AdjustSaturation" =>
388 "AdjustValue" =>
389 "AlignSelected" =>
390 "AllowIntersections" =>
396 "ArrangeIcons" =>
402 "AsEncrypted" =>
405 "AsHexString" =>
413 "AsMultiPoint" =>
414 "AsMultiPointM" =>
415 "AsMultiPointZ" =>
425 "AsPolyLineM" =>
426 "AsPolyLineZ" =>
430 "AsSecondsOld" =>
437 "AutoComplete" =>
441 "BasicProper" =>
442 "BasicSetFasteners" =>
447 "BeginTransaction" =>
448 "BlinkRecord" =>
450 "BreakExists" =>
451 "BroadcastUpdate" =>
452 "BuildBandStatistics" =>
455 "CalcHorizon" =>
457 "CanAddFields" =>
458 "CanAddRecord" =>
459 "CancelEditing" =>
460 "CanConvertOverlappingLabels" =>
462 "CanDeleteFromView" =>
463 "CanDoCustom" =>
464 "CanDoIntersections" =>
465 "CanDoSpheroid" =>
467 "CanEditText" =>
468 "CanExportToFTab" =>
469 "CanFindByPoint" =>
473 "CanManageDataSet" =>
474 "CanModifyIndex" =>
477 "CanRemoveFields" =>
478 "CanRemoveRecords" =>
479 "CanRestoreGraphic" =>
480 "CanReturnClassCounts" =>
484 "CanSimplify" =>
485 "CanTransform" =>
487 "CanUndoErase" =>
488 "CanUndoZoom" =>
490 "CanUnloadLibrary" =>
491 "CascadeWindows" =>
494 "ChangedListeners" =>
495 "ChoiceAsString" =>
499 "ClearAllBreaks" =>
501 "ClearGlobals" =>
504 "ClearSelected" =>
505 "ClearSelection" =>
506 "ClearStatus" =>
507 "ClearStyles" =>
508 "ClearTransforms" =>
509 "ClearUndoStack" =>
510 "ClearWorkingStatus" =>
512 "ClipSelected" =>
516 "ColumnChart" =>
520 "ConstrainBounds" =>
522 "ContainsCenter" =>
523 "ContainsFile" =>
526 "ConvertArea" =>
527 "ConvertDecimalDegrees" =>
528 "ConvertOverlappingLabels" =>
529 "ConvertRecordToRow" =>
530 "ConvertRowToRecord" =>
532 "CopySelected" =>
538 "CreateIndex" =>
540 "CutSelected" =>
544 "DefineFromDictionary" =>
545 "DefineFromInterval" =>
546 "DefineFromList" =>
547 "DefineFromVTab" =>
548 "DefineUniqueFromVTab" =>
551 "DeleteColumns" =>
553 "DeleteTheme" =>
554 "DeleteUserPoint" =>
556 "DetachFromExtension" =>
558 "DisableRedraw" =>
559 "DisableZoomUndo" =>
560 "DisplayNoDataClass" =>
567 "DrawEllipse" =>
568 "DrawGeoCurve" =>
569 "DrawHandles" =>
571 "DrawLabeledRect" =>
574 "DrawMultiPoint" =>
577 "DrawPolygon" =>
578 "DrawPolyLine" =>
582 "DrawSymbolSample" =>
584 "DrawTextLine" =>
585 "DrawTextPolyLine" =>
588 "EditChartPart" =>
592 "EditProfile" =>
593 "EditProperties" =>
595 "EditSizeAndPos" =>
600 "EnableRedraw" =>
601 "EnableZoomUndo" =>
602 "EncryptScripts" =>
606 "EndTransaction" =>
609 "EraseWithPolygon" =>
614 "ExistsInPaths" =>
618 "ExportClean" =>
620 "ExportProjected" =>
621 "ExportStartFN" =>
622 "ExportStartParams" =>
623 "ExportToBMP" =>
624 "ExportToFile" =>
625 "ExportToFTab" =>
626 "ExportToGeoJPEG" =>
627 "ExportToGIF" =>
628 "ExportToJPEG" =>
629 "ExportUnprojected" =>
634 "FindAllByClass" =>
635 "FindAllByLocation" =>
636 "FindAllByName" =>
637 "FindAllByObjectTag" =>
638 "FindBestStyle" =>
639 "FindByClass" =>
640 "FindByLocation" =>
642 "FindByObjectTag" =>
643 "FindByPoint" =>
644 "FindByScript" =>
645 "FindByValue" =>
650 "FindGUIsFor" =>
657 "FindThemeByClass" =>
668 "FormattedEquals" =>
672 "GetActionScript" =>
673 "GetActionUpdateScript" =>
674 "GetActivate" =>
676 "GetActiveDoc" =>
677 "GetActiveField" =>
678 "GetActiveGUI" =>
679 "GetActiveThemes" =>
680 "GetActiveWin" =>
682 "GetAliasTable" =>
683 "GetAlignment" =>
684 "GetAltitude" =>
687 "GetAnnoAddFieldsPreference" =>
690 "GetAttrUpdateRules" =>
691 "GetAutoLabels" =>
692 "GetAuxIncrement" =>
693 "GetAvailableMemory" =>
695 "GetAVProcessID" =>
696 "GetBackgroundSymbol" =>
698 "GetBaseName" =>
699 "GetBaseTableClass" =>
700 "GetBaseTableFileName" =>
701 "GetBestCand" =>
706 "GetBlueBand" =>
709 "GetBoundsMax" =>
710 "GetBoundsMin" =>
711 "GetBroadcaster" =>
712 "GetButtonBar" =>
714 "GetCanUnloadScript" =>
715 "GetCapStyle" =>
717 "GetCharacter" =>
718 "GetCharSpacing" =>
720 "GetChartDisplay" =>
721 "GetChartLegend" =>
724 "GetClassesFile" =>
725 "GetClassifications" =>
726 "GetClassName" =>
727 "GetClassType" =>
730 "GetCloseScript" =>
731 "GetCodepage" =>
732 "GetCodepageConvert" =>
734 "GetColorLock" =>
735 "GetColumnCount" =>
736 "GetColumnWidth" =>
737 "GetComments" =>
738 "GetComponents" =>
739 "GetConstraint" =>
741 "GetControlPanel" =>
742 "GetControls" =>
743 "GetControlSet" =>
744 "GetCoordinatePrecision" =>
745 "GetCreationDate" =>
747 "GetCrossGroup" =>
748 "GetCrossValue" =>
749 "GetCurrentColumn" =>
750 "GetCurrentField" =>
751 "GetCurrentLocation" =>
752 "GetCurrentRecord" =>
753 "GetCurrentRow" =>
754 "GetCurrentTopic" =>
755 "GetCurrentValue" =>
758 "GetDataSetName" =>
759 "GetDataSource" =>
760 "GetDateFormat" =>
762 "GetDayOfMonth" =>
763 "GetDayOfYear" =>
764 "GetDefAliasTable" =>
766 "GetDefaultButton" =>
767 "GetDefaultSymbol" =>
768 "GetDefBitmap" =>
769 "GetDefFormat" =>
770 "GetDefinition" =>
771 "GetDefOffset" =>
772 "GetDefSqueeze" =>
773 "GetDefStylesODB" =>
775 "GetDependencies" =>
779 "GetDictionary" =>
780 "GetDigitTics" =>
781 "GetDimension" =>
783 "GetDisplayField" =>
784 "GetDisplayQuality" =>
785 "GetDistanceUnits" =>
786 "GetDivisions" =>
787 "GetDocActivate" =>
788 "GetDocBaseName" =>
790 "GetDocsWithGroupGUI" =>
791 "GetDocsWithGUI" =>
792 "GetDocument" =>
793 "GetDotDensity" =>
794 "GetDotSymbol" =>
796 "GetEditableTheme" =>
797 "GetEditString" =>
802 "GetErrorMsg" =>
803 "GetErrorPos" =>
804 "GetErrorReporting" =>
805 "GetErrorTopic" =>
807 "GetEventField" =>
808 "GetEventRouteId" =>
809 "GetEventTable" =>
810 "GetExplicitExtensions" =>
811 "GetExtension" =>
812 "GetExtensions" =>
813 "GetExtensionWin" =>
815 "GetExtVersion" =>
817 "GetFeatureSymbol" =>
818 "GetFeatureWeight" =>
820 "GetFieldLabel" =>
821 "GetFieldNames" =>
822 "GetFieldNamesVisible" =>
825 "GetFileDescriptorLimit" =>
826 "GetFileName" =>
828 "GetFillObject" =>
829 "GetFindString" =>
830 "GetFixedSizeText" =>
832 "GetFlushCount" =>
833 "GetFocusLost" =>
836 "GetFormatUseCount" =>
837 "GetFramedDoc" =>
838 "GetFramedDocClass" =>
839 "GetFrameObjs" =>
840 "GetFromField" =>
842 "GetFullName" =>
843 "GetGraphics" =>
846 "GetGreenBand" =>
847 "GetGroupGap" =>
848 "GetGroupGUI" =>
849 "GetGroupLabel" =>
851 "GetGUINames" =>
856 "GetHelpTopic" =>
858 "GetHotField" =>
859 "GetHotScriptName" =>
863 "GetIncrement" =>
865 "GetIndexPath" =>
866 "GetInstallScript" =>
867 "GetIntensity" =>
868 "GetInteractiveSnapTolerance" =>
869 "GetInterval" =>
870 "GetIntervals" =>
872 "GetJoinField" =>
873 "GetJoinStyle" =>
874 "GetJulianDate" =>
875 "GetJustification" =>
878 "GetLabelField" =>
879 "GetLabelPoint" =>
880 "GetLabelSize" =>
881 "GetLabelTextSym" =>
882 "GetLabelWeight" =>
883 "GetLastAddress" =>
884 "GetLastSelection" =>
885 "GetLastViewDoc" =>
886 "GetLastZone" =>
889 "GetLegendEditorScript" =>
890 "GetLegendLineFlatness" =>
891 "GetLegendType" =>
892 "GetLengthsAtM" =>
894 "GetLibrarianName" =>
895 "GetLicensedSite" =>
896 "GetLicensedUser" =>
897 "GetLineOffset" =>
898 "GetLinePlacement" =>
899 "GetLineSpacing" =>
901 "GetListeners" =>
902 "GetLoadAverage" =>
903 "GetLoadBalance" =>
904 "GetLoadScript" =>
905 "GetLocation" =>
906 "GetLockError" =>
911 "GetMainIncrement" =>
912 "GetMajorGridSpacing" =>
913 "GetMapDisplay" =>
915 "GetMarkLayerX" =>
916 "GetMarkLayerY" =>
917 "GetMatchFields" =>
918 "GetMatchPref" =>
919 "GetMatchSource" =>
920 "GetMatchSourceRec" =>
921 "GetMatchSourceRec2" =>
922 "GetMAtLength" =>
923 "GetMAtPosition" =>
925 "GetMaxScore" =>
927 "GetMaxUndoTransactionSize" =>
928 "GetMaxValue" =>
930 "GetMeasureField" =>
932 "GetMForPoint" =>
933 "GetMilliseconds" =>
936 "GetMinorGridSpacing" =>
939 "GetMinValue" =>
940 "GetMKeyZone" =>
941 "GetModalResult" =>
944 "GetMonthOfYear" =>
945 "GetMouseLoc" =>
947 "GetNewScript" =>
948 "GetNewUpdateScript" =>
950 "GetNextControl" =>
952 "GetNextRecord" =>
954 "GetNormFieldName" =>
955 "GetNormType" =>
957 "GetNthField" =>
959 "GetNullSymbol" =>
960 "GetNullValue" =>
961 "GetNumBands" =>
962 "GetNumberFormat" =>
963 "GetNumCands" =>
964 "GetNumClasses" =>
965 "GetNumColumns" =>
966 "GetNumFields" =>
967 "GetNumGroups" =>
968 "GetNumImages" =>
969 "GetNumRecords" =>
971 "GetNumSelRecords" =>
972 "GetNumSeries" =>
973 "GetNumStdDev" =>
974 "GetNumValues" =>
975 "GetObjectTag" =>
976 "GetODBGUINames" =>
977 "GetODBVersion" =>
979 "GetOffsetField" =>
983 "GetOpenScript" =>
984 "GetOpenUpdateScript" =>
987 "GetOSVariant" =>
988 "GetOutFileName" =>
989 "GetOverlapLabelColor" =>
993 "GetPassword" =>
997 "GetPixelWidth" =>
999 "GetPointsFromDig" =>
1002 "GetPosition" =>
1003 "GetPositionsAtM" =>
1004 "GetPrecision" =>
1005 "GetPredefined" =>
1007 "GetPreferences" =>
1008 "GetPreserveInterval" =>
1009 "GetPrevSet" =>
1011 "GetProject" =>
1012 "GetProjection" =>
1013 "GetProjections" =>
1014 "GetProjectSaveScript" =>
1015 "GetPuckClick" =>
1016 "GetPuckLoc" =>
1017 "GetQuality" =>
1019 "GetRangeApply" =>
1020 "GetRangeSelect" =>
1021 "GetRangeType" =>
1022 "GetRatRouteId" =>
1023 "GetRecordLabelField" =>
1025 "GetRedBand" =>
1026 "GetRedImageLookup" =>
1027 "GetRefresh" =>
1028 "GetRefreshRate" =>
1029 "GetRefScale" =>
1030 "GetRemainActiveState" =>
1031 "GetResolution" =>
1032 "GetResultBitmap" =>
1033 "GetResultField" =>
1034 "GetRgbList" =>
1036 "GetRightToLeft" =>
1037 "GetRmsDigErr" =>
1038 "GetRmsMapErr" =>
1039 "GetRotationFieldName" =>
1040 "GetRouteSys" =>
1041 "GetRowCount" =>
1042 "GetRowHeight" =>
1043 "GetSaveAsUNIX" =>
1046 "GetScripts" =>
1047 "GetSearchPaths" =>
1048 "GetSearchString" =>
1049 "GetSeconds" =>
1050 "GetSelColor" =>
1052 "GetSelected" =>
1053 "GetSelectedDocs" =>
1054 "GetSelectedExtent" =>
1055 "GetSelectedGUI" =>
1056 "GetSelection" =>
1057 "GetSelectionStyle" =>
1058 "GetSelectMode" =>
1059 "GetSerialNumber" =>
1060 "GetSeriesColor" =>
1061 "GetSeriesLabel" =>
1062 "GetSeriesOverlap" =>
1064 "GetServerActivated" =>
1065 "GetServerClosed" =>
1066 "GetServerDeactivated" =>
1067 "GetServerDefinitionChanged" =>
1068 "GetServerOpened" =>
1069 "GetServerRecordsAdded" =>
1070 "GetServerRecordsDeleted" =>
1071 "GetServerSelectionChanged" =>
1073 "GetShapeClass" =>
1074 "GetShortcut" =>
1075 "GetShowStatus" =>
1076 "GetShutDown" =>
1077 "GetSiblingList" =>
1078 "GetSiblings" =>
1081 "GetSizeFieldName" =>
1082 "GetSizeInches" =>
1083 "GetSnapTolerance" =>
1085 "GetSpacing" =>
1086 "GetSpheroid" =>
1087 "GetSpheroidName" =>
1088 "GetSqueeze" =>
1089 "GetSrcName" =>
1090 "GetStandardDeviation" =>
1091 "GetStanRules" =>
1092 "GetStartUp" =>
1094 "GetStipple" =>
1097 "GetSubName" =>
1099 "GetSymbols" =>
1100 "GetSymbolWin" =>
1101 "GetSysDefault" =>
1103 "GetTemplate" =>
1105 "GetTextPositioner" =>
1106 "GetTextRatio" =>
1107 "GetTextType" =>
1109 "GetThreshold" =>
1110 "GetTicDigList" =>
1111 "GetTicMapList" =>
1112 "GetTimeAsSeconds" =>
1113 "GetTimeout" =>
1117 "GetTOCWidth" =>
1118 "GetTocWidthScale" =>
1119 "GetToField" =>
1120 "GetToolBar" =>
1124 "GetUNCFilename" =>
1125 "GetUndoStackSize" =>
1126 "GetUniformScaling" =>
1127 "GetUninstallScript" =>
1128 "GetUnionRule" =>
1130 "GetUnloadScript" =>
1132 "GetUpdateScript" =>
1135 "GetUserDefault" =>
1136 "GetUserField" =>
1137 "GetUserGroup" =>
1138 "GetUserPart" =>
1139 "GetUserRecord" =>
1140 "GetUserRow" =>
1141 "GetUserScale" =>
1142 "GetUserSeries" =>
1145 "GetValueIncrement" =>
1146 "GetValuePercentage" =>
1147 "GetValueString" =>
1148 "GetVersion" =>
1150 "GetViewFrame" =>
1151 "GetVisibleGUIsWidth" =>
1152 "GetVisibleThemes" =>
1154 "GetWeekOfYear" =>
1156 "GetWideness" =>
1159 "GetWorkDir" =>
1162 "GetXDelimiter" =>
1164 "GetXMatchFields" =>
1165 "GetXMaxScore" =>
1166 "GetXOffset" =>
1167 "GetXSeparation" =>
1171 "GetYOffset" =>
1172 "GetYSeparation" =>
1173 "GetZoneField" =>
1174 "GetZoneKey" =>
1179 "GoFirstSelected" =>
1183 "GoNextSelected" =>
1184 "GoPrevious" =>
1186 "GoRecordField" =>
1189 "GoRowColumn" =>
1193 "GroupSelected" =>
1194 "HasAttributes" =>
1195 "HasControlFastener" =>
1198 "HasFastener" =>
1200 "HasHiddenText" =>
1201 "HasHorizontalScroll" =>
1202 "HasInstances" =>
1203 "HasIntersection" =>
1204 "HasIntersections" =>
1207 "HasLockError" =>
1208 "HasOverlappingLabels" =>
1210 "HasSelected" =>
1211 "HasSelection" =>
1213 "HasSiblings" =>
1214 "HasStepButtons" =>
1217 "HasTitleBar" =>
1218 "HasValidIndex" =>
1219 "HasVerticalScroll" =>
1220 "HasVisibleBorder" =>
1223 "HookupSymbol" =>
1226 "ImportAILineSet" =>
1227 "ImportAIShadeSet" =>
1228 "ImportFromFile" =>
1229 "IncrementByDays" =>
1230 "IncrementByHours" =>
1231 "IncrementByMinutes" =>
1232 "IncrementByMonths" =>
1233 "IncrementBySeconds" =>
1234 "IncrementByWeeks" =>
1235 "IncrementByYears" =>
1238 "InitGeoTheme" =>
1241 "InsertColumns" =>
1242 "InsertRows" =>
1243 "InsertText" =>
1245 "Intersects" =>
1246 "IntersectSelected" =>
1247 "IntersectWith" =>
1248 "Invalidate" =>
1249 "InvalidateLegend" =>
1250 "InvalidateRect" =>
1251 "InvalidateTOC" =>
1252 "InvalIndex" =>
1254 "Is32BitDLL" =>
1256 "IsAccessControlled" =>
1258 "IsActiveLocked" =>
1259 "IsADependency" =>
1260 "IsAltKeyDown" =>
1261 "IsAlwaysOnTop" =>
1263 "IsArcStorm" =>
1264 "IsAssumedBestCentury" =>
1266 "IsAvailable" =>
1267 "IsAxisVisible" =>
1269 "IsBeingEditedWithRecovery" =>
1270 "IsBlockDisplayEnabled" =>
1272 "IsBoundsUsed" =>
1273 "IsBtnLeftClick" =>
1274 "IsBtnLeftDblClick" =>
1275 "IsBtnLeftDrag" =>
1276 "IsBtnMiddleClick" =>
1277 "IsBtnMiddleDblClick" =>
1278 "IsBtnMiddleDrag" =>
1279 "IsBtnRightClick" =>
1280 "IsBtnRightDblClick" =>
1281 "IsBtnRightDrag" =>
1282 "IsButtonAssignedForAction" =>
1283 "IsCenterContainedIn" =>
1284 "IsChartScatter" =>
1285 "IsCloseable" =>
1287 "IsCodepageValid" =>
1288 "IsCompiled" =>
1289 "IsConnected" =>
1290 "IsContainedIn" =>
1291 "IsControlKeyDown" =>
1292 "IsCrossValueUsed" =>
1293 "IsCustomizable" =>
1296 "IsDisjoint" =>
1298 "IsDoubleClick" =>
1300 "IsEditable" =>
1303 "IsEscapeEnabled" =>
1304 "IsExtentPreserved" =>
1305 "IsFieldIndexed" =>
1307 "IsFileValid" =>
1309 "IsFilledBy" =>
1310 "IsFixedFont" =>
1311 "IsGeocoded" =>
1312 "IsGeoReferenced" =>
1313 "IsGridActive" =>
1314 "IsGridVisible" =>
1319 "IsHorizontal" =>
1321 "IsInfinity" =>
1323 "IsInteractiveSnapping" =>
1325 "IsJoinedField" =>
1326 "IsLabelVisible" =>
1327 "IsLegendVisible" =>
1330 "IsListening" =>
1331 "IsLiveLinked" =>
1335 "IsMajorGridVisible" =>
1336 "IsMarginVisible" =>
1337 "IsMatchable" =>
1339 "IsMaximumOn" =>
1340 "IsMeasured" =>
1341 "IsMemoryAvailable" =>
1342 "IsMetaKeyDown" =>
1343 "IsMinimumOn" =>
1344 "IsMinorGridVisible" =>
1346 "IsModified" =>
1347 "IsMonoSpaced" =>
1348 "IsMoveable" =>
1350 "IsNoDataClassDisplayed" =>
1351 "IsNowVisible" =>
1357 "IsOutlined" =>
1358 "IsOwnerActive" =>
1359 "IsPlotMarks" =>
1361 "IsPortrait" =>
1363 "IsReadOnly" =>
1365 "IsRedefined" =>
1366 "IsRequired" =>
1367 "IsResizable" =>
1370 "IsScalePreserved" =>
1372 "IsSelected" =>
1373 "IsSelfIntersecting" =>
1374 "IsSeriesFromRecords" =>
1375 "IsSeriesSeparated" =>
1377 "IsShiftKeyDown" =>
1378 "IsSnapping" =>
1379 "IsSubclassOf" =>
1380 "IsSuffixUsed" =>
1381 "IsSymWinClient" =>
1383 "IsTickLabelsVisible" =>
1384 "IsTOCUnResizable" =>
1386 "IsTouchedBy" =>
1387 "IsTracking" =>
1388 "IsTransparent" =>
1389 "IsTypeNumber" =>
1390 "IsTypeShape" =>
1391 "IsTypeString" =>
1392 "IsUnProjectable" =>
1393 "IsUsingPrinterMargins" =>
1394 "IsUsingPrinterPageSize" =>
1396 "IsValidFileName" =>
1397 "IsValueAxis" =>
1399 "IsVisibleLocked" =>
1401 "IsWorldFileEnabled" =>
1402 "IsWritable" =>
1406 "LabelThemes" =>
1409 "LineIntersection" =>
1411 "ListAsString" =>
1415 "LoadFromFile" =>
1417 "LoadLibrary" =>
1423 "MakeBuffer" =>
1424 "MakeClipboard" =>
1425 "MakeColorGray" =>
1426 "MakeColorWheel" =>
1427 "MakeDefault" =>
1428 "MakeDisjoint" =>
1429 "MakeDocName" =>
1431 "MakeExisting" =>
1433 "MakeFileName" =>
1434 "MakeFromFile" =>
1435 "MakeFromNumber" =>
1436 "MakeFromResName" =>
1437 "MakeFromSource" =>
1438 "MakeFromSrc" =>
1439 "MakeFromTwoPoints" =>
1440 "MakeGeoRef" =>
1441 "MakeGrayScale" =>
1442 "MakeGUIName" =>
1445 "MakeNominal" =>
1448 "MakeRandom" =>
1451 "MakeStandard" =>
1452 "MakeSysDefault" =>
1454 "MakeTmpIMS" =>
1455 "MakeUserDefault" =>
1456 "MakeUsingDialog" =>
1457 "MakeWithGUI" =>
1460 "MatchPoints" =>
1461 "MatchRectangles" =>
1467 "MergeSelected" =>
1477 "MoveSelectedToBack" =>
1478 "MoveSelectedToFront" =>
1480 "MoveUserRect" =>
1481 "MultiInput" =>
1490 "OffsetSelected" =>
1492 "OpenAndInstall" =>
1501 "PixelOffset" =>
1503 "PointIntersection" =>
1504 "PointPosition" =>
1508 "PrintDisplay" =>
1509 "PrintMemory" =>
1511 "PrintTopic" =>
1512 "ProcessAllInvals" =>
1513 "ProjectedMove" =>
1515 "ProjectRect" =>
1516 "PromoteSelection" =>
1518 "PurgeObjects" =>
1522 "QueryConnected" =>
1523 "QueryCrossProduct" =>
1524 "QueryDifference" =>
1525 "QueryLocalMachineName" =>
1526 "QueryMinus" =>
1528 "QueryPointDistance" =>
1529 "QueryShape" =>
1532 "RampColors" =>
1533 "RampSavedColors" =>
1535 "RampSubset" =>
1536 "RandomColors" =>
1537 "RandomSymbols" =>
1538 "RangeApply" =>
1539 "RangeSelect" =>
1543 "Recalculate" =>
1546 "RefreshPalette" =>
1547 "RefreshScale" =>
1548 "RefreshWindows" =>
1549 "RegisterExtension" =>
1550 "RegisterFormat" =>
1552 "RegTicsFromList" =>
1553 "RememberSelection" =>
1555 "RemoveDefaultOwner" =>
1556 "RemoveDialog" =>
1558 "RemoveDuplicates" =>
1559 "RemoveExtension" =>
1560 "RemoveFields" =>
1561 "RemoveGraphic" =>
1563 "RemoveIndex" =>
1564 "RemoveListener" =>
1566 "RemovePrivateTmpDir" =>
1567 "RemoveRangeApply" =>
1568 "RemoveRangeSelect" =>
1569 "RemoveRecord" =>
1570 "RemoveRecords" =>
1571 "RemoveScript" =>
1572 "RemovingDuplicates" =>
1576 "ResetClasses" =>
1577 "ResetDocActivate" =>
1583 "RestoreGraphic" =>
1584 "RestoreSymbols" =>
1585 "ReturnActiveLayers" =>
1587 "ReturnArea" =>
1588 "ReturnAxes" =>
1589 "ReturnAzimuth" =>
1590 "ReturnAzimuthOfCentralLine" =>
1591 "ReturnBestDensity" =>
1593 "ReturnBtnClick" =>
1594 "ReturnBuffered" =>
1595 "ReturnCenter" =>
1596 "ReturnCentralLatitude" =>
1597 "ReturnCentralLongitude" =>
1598 "ReturnCentralMeridian" =>
1599 "ReturnClassCounts" =>
1600 "ReturnClassInfo" =>
1601 "ReturnClipExtent" =>
1602 "ReturnClipped" =>
1603 "ReturnCommonFamilyName" =>
1604 "ReturnConnected" =>
1605 "ReturnCurrentSymbol" =>
1606 "ReturnDataSets" =>
1607 "ReturnDefaultLegend" =>
1608 "ReturnDefaultRules" =>
1609 "ReturnDefaultSymbol" =>
1610 "ReturnDensified" =>
1611 "ReturnDescription" =>
1612 "ReturnDialogBox" =>
1613 "ReturnDifference" =>
1615 "ReturnEccentricity" =>
1617 "ReturnExportFormats" =>
1618 "ReturnExtensions" =>
1619 "ReturnExtent" =>
1620 "ReturnFalseEasting" =>
1621 "ReturnFalseNorthing" =>
1622 "ReturnFamilies" =>
1623 "ReturnFieldNames" =>
1624 "ReturnFiles" =>
1625 "ReturnFontName" =>
1626 "ReturnFrameSymbol" =>
1627 "ReturnGeodesicAzimuth" =>
1628 "ReturnIndexSrcNames" =>
1629 "ReturnInnerExtent" =>
1630 "ReturnInsertPos" =>
1631 "ReturnIntersection" =>
1632 "ReturnKeys" =>
1633 "ReturnLabel" =>
1634 "ReturnLatitudeOfTrueScale" =>
1635 "ReturnLayers" =>
1636 "ReturnLegendExt" =>
1637 "ReturnLength" =>
1638 "ReturnLibrarians" =>
1639 "ReturnLocation" =>
1640 "ReturnLowerStandardParallel" =>
1641 "ReturnMapExtent" =>
1642 "ReturnMarginExtent" =>
1643 "ReturnMargins" =>
1644 "ReturnMaximum" =>
1646 "ReturnMerged" =>
1647 "ReturnMinimum" =>
1648 "ReturnNumberPoints" =>
1649 "ReturnOffset" =>
1650 "ReturnOpenFilesAsList" =>
1651 "ReturnOrigin" =>
1652 "ReturnPageExtent" =>
1653 "ReturnPageSize" =>
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1655 "ReturnPhysicalBtnClick" =>
1656 "ReturnPixmap" =>
1657 "ReturnPointAlongGeodesic" =>
1658 "ReturnPrjName" =>
1659 "ReturnProjected" =>
1660 "ReturnProjectedEnd" =>
1661 "ReturnProjectedOrigin" =>
1662 "ReturnProjectedStart" =>
1663 "ReturnProjection" =>
1664 "ReturnQuery" =>
1665 "ReturnRadius" =>
1666 "ReturnRange" =>
1667 "ReturnRangeString" =>
1668 "ReturnReferenceLatitude" =>
1669 "ReturnRelativeLocation" =>
1670 "ReturnRhumbLine" =>
1671 "ReturnRotationAngle" =>
1672 "ReturnRouteMeasure" =>
1673 "ReturnScale" =>
1674 "ReturnScreenSizeInches" =>
1675 "ReturnScreenSizePixels" =>
1676 "ReturnSelectedExtent" =>
1677 "ReturnSelectedLayers" =>
1678 "ReturnShift" =>
1679 "ReturnSize" =>
1680 "ReturnSrcNames" =>
1681 "ReturnStandardParallel" =>
1682 "ReturnStart" =>
1683 "ReturnSymbols" =>
1684 "ReturnSymbolSize" =>
1685 "ReturnText" =>
1686 "ReturnType" =>
1687 "ReturnTypeFromFileExt" =>
1688 "ReturnUnion" =>
1689 "ReturnUniqueName" =>
1690 "ReturnUnprojected" =>
1691 "ReturnUpperStandardParallel" =>
1692 "ReturnUserCircle" =>
1693 "ReturnUserEllipse" =>
1694 "ReturnUserGeoCurve" =>
1695 "ReturnUserLine" =>
1696 "ReturnUserPoint" =>
1697 "ReturnUserPolygon" =>
1698 "ReturnUserPolyLine" =>
1699 "ReturnUserRect" =>
1700 "ReturnValue" =>
1701 "ReturnValueNumber" =>
1702 "ReturnValueString" =>
1703 "ReturnVisExtent" =>
1704 "ReturnWorldFile" =>
1711 "SaveChanges" =>
1712 "SaveEditsAs" =>
1713 "SaveGraphic" =>
1714 "SaveSelectedGraphics" =>
1715 "SaveStyles" =>
1716 "SaveToFile" =>
1718 "ScaleSymbols" =>
1719 "ScoreCandidates" =>
1721 "SearchUsing" =>
1724 "SelectByFTab" =>
1725 "SelectByLine" =>
1726 "SelectByPoint" =>
1727 "SelectByPolygon" =>
1728 "SelectByPolyLine" =>
1729 "SelectByRect" =>
1730 "SelectByShapes" =>
1731 "SelectByTheme" =>
1732 "SelectCurrent" =>
1733 "SelectDefault" =>
1734 "SelectEdit" =>
1735 "SelectFirst" =>
1736 "SelectLabels" =>
1737 "SelectRect" =>
1738 "SelectSymbol" =>
1739 "SelectToEdit" =>
1740 "SelectToEditByPoint" =>
1743 "SetAccessControlled" =>
1744 "SetActionScript" =>
1745 "SetActionUpdateScript" =>
1746 "SetActivate" =>
1748 "SetActiveField" =>
1749 "SetActiveLocked" =>
1751 "SetAliasTable" =>
1752 "SetAlignment" =>
1754 "SetAltitude" =>
1755 "SetAltSize" =>
1756 "SetAlwaysOnTop" =>
1758 "SetAnnoAddFieldsPreference" =>
1761 "SetAssumedBestCentury" =>
1762 "SetAttrUpdateRules" =>
1763 "SetAuxIncrement" =>
1766 "SetAxisVisible" =>
1767 "SetAzimuth" =>
1768 "SetAzimuthOfCentralLine" =>
1769 "SetBackgroundSymbol" =>
1772 "SetBgColor" =>
1774 "SetBlockDisplayEnable" =>
1775 "SetBlueBand" =>
1776 "SetBlueImageLookup" =>
1778 "SetBoundsMax" =>
1779 "SetBoundsMin" =>
1780 "SetBoundsUsed" =>
1781 "SetCanUnloadScript" =>
1782 "SetCapStyle" =>
1784 "SetCentralLatitude" =>
1785 "SetCentralLongitude" =>
1786 "SetCentralMeridian" =>
1787 "SetChanged" =>
1788 "SetCharacter" =>
1789 "SetCharSpacing" =>
1790 "SetChecking" =>
1792 "SetClassesFile" =>
1793 "SetClassInfo" =>
1794 "SetCleanPreference" =>
1796 "SetClipExtent" =>
1798 "SetCloseable" =>
1799 "SetCloseScript" =>
1800 "SetCodepage" =>
1801 "SetCodepageConvert" =>
1803 "SetColorGray" =>
1804 "SetColorLock" =>
1805 "SetColorMap" =>
1806 "SetColorMapSize" =>
1807 "SetColorWheel" =>
1808 "SetColumnWidth" =>
1809 "SetComments" =>
1810 "SetConstraint" =>
1811 "SetControlFasteners" =>
1812 "SetCoordinatePrecision" =>
1813 "SetCoordsVisible" =>
1814 "SetCreator" =>
1815 "SetCrossGroup" =>
1816 "SetCrossValue" =>
1817 "SetCrossValueUsed" =>
1818 "SetCurrentDocWin" =>
1819 "SetCurrentValue" =>
1820 "SetCustomizable" =>
1822 "SetDataSource" =>
1823 "SetDateFormat" =>
1824 "SetDefAliasTable" =>
1825 "SetDefault" =>
1826 "SetDefaultButton" =>
1827 "SetDefaultLegend" =>
1828 "SetDefaultSymbol" =>
1829 "SetDefBitmap" =>
1830 "SetDefFormat" =>
1831 "SetDefinition" =>
1832 "SetDefOffset" =>
1833 "SetDefSqueeze" =>
1834 "SetDensity" =>
1835 "SetDescription" =>
1836 "SetDialogBox" =>
1837 "SetDisplay" =>
1838 "SetDisplayField" =>
1839 "SetDisplayQuality" =>
1840 "SetDistanceUnits" =>
1841 "SetDivisions" =>
1842 "SetDocActivate" =>
1843 "SetDocBaseName" =>
1844 "SetDotDensity" =>
1845 "SetDotSymbol" =>
1847 "SetDynamicBreak" =>
1848 "SetEditable" =>
1849 "SetEditableTheme" =>
1851 "SetEnabled" =>
1853 "SetEolType" =>
1854 "SetErrorReporting" =>
1855 "SetEscapeEnabled" =>
1856 "SetExtension" =>
1857 "SetExtensionChecking" =>
1858 "SetExtensions" =>
1860 "SetExtentPreserved" =>
1861 "SetExtVersion" =>
1862 "SetFalseEasting" =>
1863 "SetFalseNorthing" =>
1864 "SetFastener" =>
1865 "SetFasteners" =>
1866 "SetFeatureWeight" =>
1868 "SetFieldNames" =>
1869 "SetFieldNamesVisible" =>
1871 "SetFileDescriptorLimit" =>
1872 "SetFileName" =>
1873 "SetFillObject" =>
1874 "SetFixedFont" =>
1875 "SetFixedSizeText" =>
1877 "SetFlushCount" =>
1878 "SetFocusLost" =>
1881 "SetFormatPrecision" =>
1882 "SetGrayScale" =>
1883 "SetGreenBand" =>
1884 "SetGreenImageLookup" =>
1885 "SetGridActive" =>
1886 "SetGridMesh" =>
1887 "SetGridVisible" =>
1888 "SetGroupGap" =>
1889 "SetGroupGUI" =>
1890 "SetGroupLabel" =>
1895 "SetHelping" =>
1896 "SetHelpTopic" =>
1897 "SetHiddenText" =>
1898 "SetHorizontal" =>
1899 "SetHorizontalScroll" =>
1900 "SetHotField" =>
1901 "SetHotScriptName" =>
1903 "SetImageLookup" =>
1904 "SetInColor" =>
1905 "SetIncrement" =>
1906 "SetInnerExtent" =>
1907 "SetInsertPos" =>
1908 "SetInstallScript" =>
1909 "SetIntensity" =>
1910 "SetInteractiveSnapping" =>
1911 "SetInteractiveSnappingPersistent" =>
1912 "SetInteractiveSnapTolerance" =>
1913 "SetInterval" =>
1914 "SetIntervals" =>
1915 "SetJobName" =>
1916 "SetJoinField" =>
1917 "SetJoinStyle" =>
1918 "SetJustification" =>
1921 "SetLabelField" =>
1922 "SetLabelSize" =>
1923 "SetLabelTextSym" =>
1924 "SetLabelVisible" =>
1925 "SetLabelWeight" =>
1926 "SetLatitudeOfTrueScale" =>
1928 "SetLegendEditorScript" =>
1929 "SetLegendLineFlatness" =>
1930 "SetLegendType" =>
1931 "SetLegendVisible" =>
1932 "SetLineEvent" =>
1933 "SetLineOffset" =>
1934 "SetLinePlacement" =>
1935 "SetLineSpacing" =>
1936 "SetListeners" =>
1937 "SetLoadScript" =>
1942 "SetLowerStandardParallel" =>
1944 "SetMainIncrement" =>
1945 "SetMajorAndMinorAxes" =>
1946 "SetMajorGridSpacing" =>
1947 "SetMajorGridVisible" =>
1948 "SetMapExtent" =>
1950 "SetMarginVisible" =>
1952 "SetMarkLayer" =>
1953 "SetMatchPref" =>
1954 "SetMatchSource" =>
1955 "SetMAtLength" =>
1956 "SetMAtPosition" =>
1958 "SetMaximum" =>
1959 "SetMaximumOn" =>
1960 "SetMaxSize" =>
1961 "SetMaxUndoTransactionSize" =>
1962 "SetMaxValue" =>
1964 "SetMForPoint" =>
1966 "SetMinimum" =>
1967 "SetMinimumOn" =>
1968 "SetMinorGridSpacing" =>
1969 "SetMinorGridVisible" =>
1970 "SetMinSize" =>
1971 "SetMinValue" =>
1973 "SetModalResult" =>
1975 "SetModified" =>
1978 "SetNewScript" =>
1979 "SetNewUpdateScript" =>
1980 "SetNextControl" =>
1981 "SetNominal" =>
1982 "SetNormFieldName" =>
1983 "SetNormType" =>
1985 "SetNullSymbol" =>
1986 "SetNullValue" =>
1987 "SetNumberFormat" =>
1988 "SetNumberPoints" =>
1989 "SetNumValues" =>
1990 "SetObjectTag" =>
1992 "SetOffsetField" =>
1993 "SetOlColor" =>
1994 "SetOlWidth" =>
1996 "SetOpenScript" =>
1997 "SetOpenUpdateScript" =>
1998 "SetOrderLocked" =>
2000 "SetOutFileName" =>
2001 "SetOutlined" =>
2002 "SetOverlapLabelColor" =>
2003 "SetPageSize" =>
2005 "SetPassword" =>
2006 "SetPattern" =>
2007 "SetPenSize" =>
2008 "SetPixelWidth" =>
2009 "SetPlotMarks" =>
2010 "SetPointEvent" =>
2012 "SetPosition" =>
2013 "SetPrecision" =>
2015 "SetPrefVal" =>
2016 "SetPreserveInterval" =>
2017 "SetPrivateTmpDir" =>
2018 "SetProjection" =>
2019 "SetProjectSaveScript" =>
2020 "SetQuality" =>
2021 "SetRadiusAndFlattening" =>
2025 "SetRangeApply" =>
2026 "SetRangeSelect" =>
2027 "SetRangeType" =>
2028 "SetReadOnly" =>
2029 "SetRedBand" =>
2030 "SetRedImageLookup" =>
2031 "SetRedrawDeferred" =>
2032 "SetReferenceLatitude" =>
2033 "SetRefresh" =>
2034 "SetRefScale" =>
2035 "SetRemainActiveState" =>
2036 "SetResizable" =>
2037 "SetResolution" =>
2038 "SetResultBitmap" =>
2039 "SetResultField" =>
2040 "SetRgbList" =>
2041 "SetRightToLeft" =>
2042 "SetRotationAngle" =>
2043 "SetRotationFieldName" =>
2044 "SetRowHeight" =>
2045 "SetSaveAsUNIX" =>
2047 "SetScalePreserved" =>
2048 "SetScaleSymbols" =>
2049 "SetScaleVisible" =>
2050 "SetScratch" =>
2051 "SetScreenSizeInches" =>
2052 "SetSearchPaths" =>
2053 "SetSelColor" =>
2055 "SetSelected" =>
2056 "SetSelectedControl" =>
2057 "SetSelectedDoc" =>
2058 "SetSelectedExtent" =>
2059 "SetSelectedGUI" =>
2060 "SetSelectedLayers" =>
2061 "SetSelection" =>
2062 "SetSelectionStyle" =>
2063 "SetSelectMode" =>
2064 "SetSeriesColor" =>
2065 "SetSeriesOverlap" =>
2066 "SetSeriesSeparated" =>
2068 "SetServerActivated" =>
2069 "SetServerClosed" =>
2070 "SetServerDeactivated" =>
2071 "SetServerDefinitionChanged" =>
2072 "SetServerOpened" =>
2073 "SetServerRecordsAdded" =>
2074 "SetServerRecordsDeleted" =>
2075 "SetServerSelectionChanged" =>
2078 "SetShowStatus" =>
2079 "SetShutDown" =>
2081 "SetSizeFieldName" =>
2082 "SetSizeInches" =>
2083 "SetSnapping" =>
2084 "SetSnapTolerance" =>
2086 "SetSpacing" =>
2087 "SetSpheroid" =>
2088 "SetSqueeze" =>
2089 "SetStandardDeviation" =>
2090 "SetStandardParallel" =>
2091 "SetStartUp" =>
2093 "SetStipple" =>
2094 "SetStreamTolerance" =>
2096 "SetSubName" =>
2097 "SetSuffixUsed" =>
2098 "SetSwitchButton" =>
2100 "SetSymbols" =>
2102 "SetTemplate" =>
2104 "SetTextRatio" =>
2105 "SetTextType" =>
2106 "SetThreshold" =>
2107 "SetTickLabelsVisible" =>
2108 "SetTimeout" =>
2110 "SetTOCUnResizable" =>
2111 "SetTOCWidth" =>
2112 "SetTocWidthScale" =>
2113 "SetTransparent" =>
2115 "SetUndoStackSize" =>
2116 "SetUniformScaling" =>
2117 "SetUninstallScript" =>
2118 "SetUnionRule" =>
2120 "SetUnloadScript" =>
2123 "SetUpdateScript" =>
2125 "SetUpperStandardParallel" =>
2126 "SetUserScale" =>
2127 "SetUsingPrinterMargins" =>
2128 "SetUsingPrinterPageSize" =>
2130 "SetValueIncrement" =>
2131 "SetValueNumber" =>
2132 "SetValuePercentage" =>
2134 "SetValueString" =>
2135 "SetVerticalScroll" =>
2136 "SetViewFrame" =>
2137 "SetVisible" =>
2138 "SetVisibleBorder" =>
2139 "SetVisibleGUIsWidth" =>
2140 "SetVisibleLocked" =>
2142 "SetWorkDir" =>
2143 "SetWorkingStatus" =>
2144 "SetWorldFile" =>
2145 "SetWorldFileEnable" =>
2147 "SetXDelimiter" =>
2149 "SetXOffset" =>
2150 "SetXSeparation" =>
2152 "SetZoneKey" =>
2155 "ShiftRight" =>
2157 "ShowCandidate" =>
2159 "ShowCodepage" =>
2160 "ShowCurrent" =>
2161 "ShowGallery" =>
2162 "ShowLibraries" =>
2165 "ShowStepButtons" =>
2166 "ShowStopButton" =>
2167 "ShowToleranceCursor" =>
2169 "ShowUsingDefault" =>
2170 "ShowVariables" =>
2171 "ShowWithDefault" =>
2173 "SimplifySelection" =>
2175 "SingleMatch" =>
2176 "SingleSymbol" =>
2180 "SortAscending" =>
2181 "SortDescending" =>
2183 "SplitLines" =>
2186 "StartEditingWithRecovery" =>
2187 "StartListening" =>
2188 "StartNamed" =>
2192 "StopAllDraw" =>
2194 "StopEditing" =>
2195 "StopEditingWithRecovery" =>
2196 "StopListening" =>
2198 "Substitute" =>
2199 "SubtractShape" =>
2201 "SupportsAOI" =>
2202 "SuspendDraw" =>
2205 "TileWindows" =>
2212 "UngroupSelected" =>
2214 "UniformColor" =>
2215 "UnionSelected" =>
2218 "UniqueInPaths" =>
2222 "UnloadLibrary" =>
2224 "UnProjectPt" =>
2225 "UnProjectRect" =>
2227 "UnregisterExtension" =>
2228 "UnregisterFormat" =>
2230 "UnselectAll" =>
2231 "UnselectAllExcept" =>
2233 "UpdateDefBitmap" =>
2234 "UpdateLegend" =>
2235 "UpdateSelection" =>
2236 "UserSnapPoint" =>
2237 "UseTemplate" =>
2238 "UseTitleBar" =>
2239 "UseWaitCursor" =>
2245 "WriteMatch" =>
2247 "WriteUnMatch" =>
2250 "YesNoCancel" =>
2253 "ZoomToActual" =>
2254 "ZoomToPage" =>
2255 "ZoomToRect" =>
2256 "ZoomToScale" =>
2265 $this->linkscripts =
2269 "4" =>
Create styles array
The data for the language used.