Class ilDclTextSelectionRecordFieldModel.
| fillExcelExport (ilExcel $worksheet, &$row, &$col) |
| getValue () |
| setValueFromForm ($form) |
| parseExportValue ($value) |
| getValueFromExcel ($excel, $row, $col) |
| __construct (ilDclBaseRecordModel $record, ilDclBaseFieldModel $field) |
| doCreate () |
| Creates an Id and a database entry. More...
| doUpdate () |
| Update object in database. More...
| delete () |
| Delete record field in database. More...
| getValue () |
| getValueForRepresentation () |
| serializeData ($value) |
| Serialize data before storing to db. More...
| deserializeData ($value) |
| Deserialize data before applying to field. More...
| setValue ($value, $omit_parsing=false) |
| Set value for record field. More...
| setValueFromForm ($form) |
| parseExportValue ($value) |
| Function to parse incoming data from form input value $value. More...
| getValueFromExcel ($excel, $row, $col) |
| parseValue ($value) |
| Function to parse incoming data from form input value $value. More...
| getExportValue () |
| fillExcelExport (ilExcel $worksheet, &$row, &$col) |
| getPlainText () |
| getSortingValue ($link=true) |
| addHiddenItemsToConfirmation (ilConfirmationGUI &$confirmation) |
| parseSortingValue ($value, $link=true) |
| Returns sortable value for the specific field-types. More...
| cloneStructure (ilDclBaseRecordFieldModel $old_record_field) |
| afterClone () |
| getField () |
| getId () |
| getRecord () |
| getRecordRepresentation () |
| setRecordRepresentation ($record_representation) |
| getFieldRepresentation () |
| setFieldRepresentation ($field_representation) |
◆ fillExcelExport()
ilDclTextSelectionRecordFieldModel::fillExcelExport |
( |
ilExcel |
$worksheet, |
& |
$row, |
& |
$col |
) |
| |
const ilDclTextSelectionRecordFieldModel::PROP_SELECTION_OPTIONS = 'text_selection_options' |
const ilDclTextSelectionRecordFieldModel::PROP_SELECTION_TYPE = 'text_selection_type' |
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