2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(
".") .
6 require_once(
24 $this->colours =
25 $this->quotecolour =
26 $this->blockcommentcolour =
27 $this->linecommentcolour =
31 $this->indent =
32 $this->unindent =
36 $this->stringchars =
37 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
42 $this->linecommenton =
43 $this->blockcommenton =
44 $this->blockcommentoff =
48 $this->keywords =
79 "absolute_path" =>
84 "assure_save_dir" =>
85 "assure_user_save_dir" =>
88 "clone_object" =>
89 "creator_file" =>
93 "directory_exists" =>
94 "exclude_array" =>
95 "exclude_element" =>
100 "file_exists" =>
104 "first_inventory" =>
105 "format_string" =>
106 "format_time" =>
108 "get_logdir_logname" =>
109 "get_logfile" =>
111 "get_objects" =>
117 "intl_date_stamp" =>
126 "mudlib_name" =>
127 "mudlib_version" =>
128 "next_inventory" =>
131 "ppossessive" =>
132 "previous_living" =>
133 "process_string" =>
134 "process_value" =>
135 "query_snoop" =>
136 "query_snooping" =>
137 "reduce_to_tilde_path" =>
140 "set_default_fail_msg" =>
141 "set_eval_limit" =>
145 "sorted_inventory" =>
153 "trim_spaces" =>
156 "update_file" =>
157 "user_data_dir" =>
158 "user_data_file" =>
164 "write_log_file" =>
166 "allocate_buffer" =>
171 "allocate_mapping" =>
173 "author_stats" =>
174 "all_inventory" =>
175 "all_previous_objects" =>
189 "cache_stats" =>
196 "call_out_info" =>
197 "check_memory" =>
199 "disable_commands" =>
200 "disable_wizard" =>
201 "debugmalloc" =>
202 "dump_file_descriptors" =>
204 "dump_socket_status" =>
206 "domain_stats" =>
207 "deep_inventory" =>
209 "deep_inherit_list" =>
215 "enable_commands" =>
216 "enable_wizard" =>
217 "environment" =>
221 "external_start" =>
222 "filter_array" =>
223 "file_length" =>
227 "function_owner" =>
228 "fetch_variable" =>
229 "find_player" =>
230 "filter_mapping" =>
233 "find_living" =>
234 "find_object" =>
235 "find_call_out" =>
236 "flush_messages" =>
237 "function_exists" =>
238 "function_profile" =>
240 "generate_source" =>
246 "heart_beat_info" =>
247 "heart_beats" =>
251 "interactive" =>
254 "inherit_list" =>
261 "load_object" =>
266 "member_array" =>
270 "malloc_status" =>
271 "memory_info" =>
274 "map_mapping" =>
278 "move_object" =>
279 "max_eval_cost" =>
280 "memory_summary" =>
282 "notify_fail" =>
283 "named_livings" =>
288 "previous_object" =>
294 "program_info" =>
295 "query_shadowing" =>
296 "query_ed_mode" =>
297 "query_host_name" =>
299 "query_ip_name" =>
300 "query_ip_number" =>
301 "query_ip_port" =>
302 "query_notify_fail" =>
304 "query_load_average" =>
305 "query_privs" =>
306 "query_heart_beat" =>
307 "read_buffer" =>
308 "remove_call_out" =>
309 "remove_shadow" =>
315 "restore_variable" =>
317 "remove_action" =>
318 "remove_interactive" =>
323 "reload_object" =>
324 "restore_object" =>
327 "repeat_string" =>
328 "replace_string" =>
329 "reclaim_objects" =>
330 "replace_program" =>
331 "replaceable" =>
332 "reset_eval_cost" =>
338 "save_variable" =>
340 "store_variable" =>
342 "set_this_player" =>
344 "set_debug_level" =>
345 "set_malloc_mask" =>
350 "set_living_name" =>
353 "save_object" =>
354 "set_heart_beat" =>
356 "socket_accept" =>
357 "socket_acquire" =>
358 "socket_address" =>
359 "socket_bind" =>
360 "socket_close" =>
361 "socket_create" =>
362 "socket_error" =>
363 "socket_listen" =>
364 "socket_release" =>
365 "socket_write" =>
373 "shallow_inherit_list" =>
374 "this_object" =>
380 "this_interactive" =>
381 "this_player" =>
383 "time_expression" =>
385 "traceprefix" =>
386 "tell_object" =>
388 "terminal_colour" =>
391 "unique_array" =>
393 "unique_mapping" =>
400 "write_buffer" =>
401 "write_bytes" =>
421 "add_extra_attack" =>
424 "clear_opponents" =>
426 "evade_attack" =>
430 "hold_attack" =>
433 "load_a_chat" =>
434 "move_living" =>
436 "move_or_destruct" =>
437 "notify_died" =>
438 "notify_killed" =>
439 "notify_softkilled" =>
440 "notify_got_hit" =>
441 "notify_sold" =>
442 "notify_softdied" =>
443 "notify_moved" =>
444 "query_guild_data" =>
445 "query_objective" =>
446 "query_opponents" =>
447 "query_possessive" =>
449 "query_pronoun" =>
450 "query_short" =>
452 "query_fightable" =>
459 "query_no_get" =>
460 "query_no_drop" =>
461 "query_opponent" =>
463 "query_living" =>
465 "query_value" =>
466 "query_light" =>
467 "query_total_boost" =>
468 "query_origin" =>
469 "query_level" =>
476 "query_protection" =>
477 "query_location" =>
478 "remove_object" =>
479 "receive_object" =>
480 "remove_item_boost" =>
482 "remove_boost" =>
483 "remove_extra_short" =>
484 "register_notify" =>
485 "register_prevent" =>
486 "release_object" =>
490 "set_guild_data" =>
504 "set_softkill" =>
505 "set_fightable_msg" =>
507 "set_locations" =>
508 "set_location_prob" =>
509 "spell_player" =>
510 "stop_attack" =>
511 "start_attack" =>
512 "start_attack_allowed" =>
513 "set_immunity" =>
514 "set_humanoid" =>
515 "set_aggressive" =>
516 "second_life" =>
517 "set_property" =>
518 "set_no_drop" =>
520 "unregister_notify" =>
521 "unregister_prevent" =>
530 $this->linkscripts =
Create styles array
The data for the language used.