2 $BEAUT_PATH = realpath(
".") .
6 require_once(
24 $this->colours =
25 $this->quotecolour =
26 $this->blockcommentcolour =
27 $this->linecommentcolour =
31 $this->indent =
32 $this->unindent =
36 $this->stringchars =
37 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
42 $this->linecommenton =
43 $this->blockcommenton =
44 $this->blockcommentoff =
48 $this->keywords =
84 "appwaitclose" =>
86 "askdirectory" =>
98 "binaryclipget" =>
99 "binaryclipput" =>
100 "binarycompare" =>
101 "binaryconvert" =>
103 "binaryeodget" =>
104 "binaryeodset" =>
106 "binaryhashrec" =>
108 "binaryincr2" =>
109 "binaryincr4" =>
110 "binaryincrflt" =>
111 "binaryindex" =>
112 "binaryindexex" =>
113 "binaryindexnc" =>
114 "binaryoletype" =>
117 "binarypeek2" =>
118 "binarypeek4" =>
119 "binarypeekflt" =>
120 "binarypeekstr" =>
122 "binarypoke2" =>
123 "binarypoke4" =>
124 "binarypokeflt" =>
125 "binarypokestr" =>
127 "binaryreadex" =>
129 "binarystrcnt" =>
130 "binarytagextr" =>
131 "binarytagfind" =>
132 "binarytaginit" =>
133 "binarytagrepl" =>
134 "binarywrite" =>
135 "binarywriteex" =>
137 "boxbuttondraw" =>
138 "boxbuttonkill" =>
139 "boxbuttonstat" =>
140 "boxbuttonwait" =>
143 "boxdataclear" =>
146 "boxdrawcircle" =>
147 "boxdrawline" =>
148 "boxdrawrect" =>
149 "boxdrawtext" =>
157 "boxtextcolor" =>
158 "boxtextfont" =>
161 "buttonnames" =>
172 "ddeinitiate" =>
175 "ddeterminate" =>
199 "diskvolinfo" =>
208 "environment" =>
212 "exetypeinfo" =>
216 "fileattrget" =>
217 "fileattrset" =>
219 "filecompare" =>
223 "fileextension" =>
224 "filefullname" =>
225 "fileitemize" =>
227 "filemapname" =>
229 "filenameeval1" =>
230 "filenameeval2" =>
231 "filenamelong" =>
232 "filenameshort" =>
239 "filetimecode" =>
240 "filetimeget" =>
241 "filetimegetex" =>
242 "filetimeset" =>
243 "filetimesetex" =>
244 "filetimetouch" =>
245 "fileverinfo" =>
250 "getexacttime" =>
251 "gettickcount" =>
252 "iconarrange" =>
253 "iconreplace" =>
254 "ignoreinput" =>
256 "inideletepvt" =>
258 "iniitemizepvt" =>
262 "iniwritepvt" =>
263 "installfile" =>
272 "itemextract" =>
279 "keytoggleget" =>
280 "keytoggleset" =>
290 "mouseclickbtn" =>
297 "objectaccess" =>
298 "objectclose" =>
304 "playwaveform" =>
308 "regclosekey" =>
310 "regcreatekey" =>
311 "regdeletekey" =>
312 "regdelvalue" =>
313 "regentrytype" =>
314 "regexistkey" =>
315 "regexistvalue" =>
316 "regloadhive" =>
318 "regquerybin" =>
319 "regquerydword" =>
321 "regqueryexpsz" =>
322 "regqueryitem" =>
323 "regquerykey" =>
324 "regquerykeys" =>
325 "regquerymulsz" =>
326 "regqueryvalue" =>
328 "regsetdword" =>
330 "regsetexpsz" =>
331 "regsetmulsz" =>
332 "regsetvalue" =>
333 "regunloadhive" =>
340 "runhidewait" =>
342 "runiconwait" =>
346 "runzoomwait" =>
348 "sendkeyschild" =>
350 "sendmenusto" =>
351 "sendmenustoex" =>
352 "shellexecute" =>
353 "shortcutdir" =>
354 "shortcutedit" =>
355 "shortcutextra" =>
356 "shortcutinfo" =>
357 "shortcutmake" =>
364 "strcharcount" =>
368 "strfixchars" =>
369 "strfixcharsl" =>
374 "strindexwild" =>
388 "textboxsort" =>
394 "timediffdays" =>
395 "timediffsecs" =>
396 "timejulianday" =>
397 "timejultoymd" =>
398 "timesubtract" =>
405 "webbaseconv" =>
406 "webcloselog" =>
413 "webdumperror" =>
414 "webhashcode" =>
420 "webparamdata" =>
421 "webparambuf" =>
422 "webparamnames" =>
423 "websettimeout" =>
424 "webverifycard" =>
425 "winactivate" =>
426 "winactivchild" =>
429 "winclosenot" =>
433 "winexistchild" =>
434 "wingetactive" =>
440 "winitemchild" =>
442 "winitemizeex" =>
443 "winitemnameid" =>
444 "winitemprocid" =>
450 "winplaceget" =>
451 "winplaceset" =>
452 "winposition" =>
453 "winresources" =>
459 "winwaitchild" =>
460 "winwaitclose" =>
461 "winwaitexist" =>
465 "@aboveicons" =>
466 "@acc_attrib" =>
467 "@acc_chng_nt" =>
468 "@acc_control" =>
469 "@acc_create" =>
470 "@acc_delete" =>
471 "@acc_full_95" =>
472 "@acc_full_nt" =>
474 "@acc_pfull_nt" =>
475 "@acc_pmang_nt" =>
476 "@acc_print_nt" =>
478 "@acc_read_95" =>
479 "@acc_read_nt" =>
505 "@commonformat" =>
511 "@descending" =>
523 "@globalgroup" =>
525 "@goldenratio" =>
526 "@gravitation" =>
535 "@localgroup" =>
538 "@mbokcancel" =>
546 "@ncsaformat" =>
560 "@planckergs" =>
561 "@planckjoules" =>
567 "@regclasses" =>
568 "@regcurrent" =>
569 "@regmachine" =>
574 "@scrolllock" =>
587 "@wholesection" =>
594 "cClickButton" =>
595 "cEnableState" =>
597 "cGetEditText" =>
600 "cPostButton" =>
601 "cPostMessage" =>
602 "cRadioButton" =>
603 "cSendMessage" =>
605 "cSetEditText" =>
607 "cSetTABItem" =>
608 "cWndByClass" =>
613 "dosboxcursorx" =>
614 "dosboxcursory" =>
615 "dosboxgetall" =>
616 "dosboxgetdata" =>
617 "dosboxheight" =>
618 "dosboxscrmode" =>
619 "dosboxversion" =>
620 "dosboxwidth" =>
622 "dunConnectEx" =>
623 "dunDisconnect" =>
625 "edosgetinfo" =>
627 "edoslistvars" =>
628 "edospathadd" =>
629 "edospathchk" =>
630 "edospathdel" =>
634 "envlistvars" =>
642 "ftpFirewall" =>
650 "hCompatible" =>
651 "hGetVarNames" =>
652 "hGetVarValue" =>
654 "httpFirewall" =>
655 "httpGetAnchor" =>
657 "httpGetFile" =>
658 "httpGetPath" =>
659 "httpGetQuery" =>
660 "httpGetServer" =>
661 "httpRecvFile" =>
662 "httpRecvQryF" =>
663 "httpRecvQuery" =>
664 "httpRecvText" =>
665 "httpStripHTML" =>
666 "hVersionInfo" =>
669 "iContentData" =>
670 "iContentFile" =>
672 "iDialHangup" =>
673 "iDialItemize" =>
676 "iFtpDirChange" =>
678 "iFtpDirMake" =>
679 "iFtpDirRemove" =>
680 "iFtpFindInit" =>
681 "iFtpFindNext" =>
686 "iGetConState" =>
687 "iGetLastError" =>
688 "iGetResponse" =>
689 "iHostConnect" =>
690 "iHttpHeaders" =>
693 "iLocFindInit" =>
694 "iLocFindNext" =>
702 "n3captureend" =>
703 "n3captureget" =>
704 "n3captureprt" =>
705 "n3chgpassword" =>
707 "n3dirattrget" =>
708 "n3dirattrset" =>
709 "n3DirTimeGet" =>
710 "n3drivepath" =>
711 "n3drivestatus" =>
712 "n3fileattrget" =>
713 "n3fileattrset" =>
714 "n3FileTimeGet" =>
715 "n3getmapped" =>
716 "n3getnetaddr" =>
718 "n3getuserid" =>
721 "n3mapdelete" =>
724 "n3memberdel" =>
725 "n3memberget" =>
726 "n3memberset" =>
728 "n3msgsendall" =>
729 "n3serverinfo" =>
730 "n3serverlist" =>
731 "n3usergroups" =>
734 "n4captureend" =>
735 "n4captureget" =>
736 "n4captureprt" =>
737 "n4chgpassword" =>
739 "n4dirattrget" =>
740 "n4dirattrset" =>
741 "n4DirTimeGet" =>
742 "n4drivepath" =>
743 "n4drivestatus" =>
744 "n4fileattrget" =>
745 "n4FileTimeGet" =>
746 "n4getcontext" =>
747 "n4getloginid" =>
748 "n4getmapped" =>
749 "n4getnetaddr" =>
751 "n4getuserid" =>
754 "n4logouttree" =>
756 "n4mapdelete" =>
759 "n4memberdel" =>
760 "n4memberget" =>
761 "n4memberset" =>
763 "n4msgsendall" =>
764 "n4nameconvert" =>
765 "n4objectinfo" =>
766 "n4objectlist" =>
767 "n4objectprops" =>
768 "n4serverinfo" =>
769 "n4serverlist" =>
770 "n4SetContext" =>
771 "n4setsrchdrv" =>
772 "n4usergroupex" =>
773 "n4usergroups" =>
775 "netadddrive" =>
776 "netaddprinter" =>
777 "netcancelcon" =>
778 "netdirdialog" =>
781 "netresources" =>
791 "pCaptureLog" =>
792 "pCaptureOff" =>
794 "pCheckBinary" =>
797 "pComControl" =>
803 "pGetLastError" =>
806 "pModemAnsCall" =>
807 "pModemAnsRing" =>
808 "pModemCommand" =>
809 "pModemConnect" =>
810 "pModemControl" =>
812 "pModemHangup" =>
814 "pModemParams" =>
827 "qAllocConnect" =>
833 "qDataSources" =>
834 "qDisconnect" =>
836 "qExecDirect" =>
838 "qFreeConnect" =>
843 "qSetConnOpt" =>
845 "qVersionInfo" =>
847 "sByteOrder16" =>
848 "SByteOrder32" =>
852 "smtpSendFile" =>
853 "smtpSendText" =>
860 "sRecvBinary" =>
863 "sSendBinary" =>
866 "sSendString" =>
867 "textoutbufdel" =>
868 "textoutbuffer" =>
869 "textoutdebug" =>
870 "textoutfree" =>
871 "textoutinfo" =>
872 "textoutreset" =>
873 "textouttrack" =>
874 "textouttrackb" =>
875 "textouttrackp" =>
876 "textoutwait" =>
879 "urlGetScheme" =>
881 "w3cancelcon" =>
882 "w3dirbrowse" =>
885 "w3netdialog" =>
886 "w3netgetuser" =>
887 "w3prtbrowse" =>
889 "w95accessadd" =>
890 "w95accessdel" =>
891 "w95adddrive" =>
892 "w95addprinter" =>
893 "w95cancelcon" =>
894 "w95dirdialog" =>
895 "w95fileclose" =>
898 "w95resources" =>
899 "w95servertype" =>
900 "w95serviceat" =>
901 "w95serviceinf" =>
902 "w95shareadd" =>
903 "w95sharedel" =>
904 "w95shareinfo" =>
905 "w95shareset" =>
907 "w9xaccessadd" =>
908 "w9xaccessdel" =>
909 "w9xaccessget" =>
910 "w9xaccesslist" =>
911 "w9xlistgroups" =>
912 "w9xmemberdel" =>
913 "w9xmemberget" =>
914 "w9xmembergrps" =>
915 "w9xmemberlist" =>
916 "w9xmemberset" =>
917 "w9xserverlist" =>
918 "w9xserviceat" =>
919 "w9xshareadd" =>
920 "w9xsharedel" =>
921 "w9xshareinfo" =>
922 "w9xshareset" =>
923 "w9xuserinfo" =>
924 "w9xuserprops" =>
927 "wncancelcon" =>
928 "wncmptrinfo" =>
930 "wndlgbrowse" =>
935 "wndlgdiscon" =>
936 "wndlgnoshare" =>
945 "wnsharename" =>
946 "wnsharepath" =>
948 "wntaccessadd" =>
949 "wntaccessdel" =>
950 "wntaccessget" =>
951 "wntaccesslist" =>
952 "wntadddrive" =>
953 "wntaddprinter" =>
954 "wntcancelcon" =>
956 "wntdirdialog" =>
957 "wntfileclose" =>
960 "wntgroupinfo" =>
961 "wntlistgroups" =>
962 "wntmemberdel" =>
963 "wntmemberget" =>
964 "wntmembergrps" =>
965 "wntmemberlist" =>
966 "wntmemberset" =>
967 "wntownerget" =>
968 "wntownerset" =>
969 "wntresources" =>
970 "wntresources2" =>
971 "wntserverlist" =>
972 "wntservertype" =>
973 "wntserviceat" =>
974 "wntserviceinf" =>
975 "wntshareadd" =>
976 "wntsharedel" =>
977 "wntshareinfo" =>
978 "wntshareset" =>
979 "wntsvccontrol" =>
980 "wntsvcstart" =>
981 "wntsvcstatus" =>
983 "wntuseradddat" =>
985 "wntusergetdat" =>
986 "wntuserinfo" =>
987 "wntuserprops" =>
988 "wntuserrename" =>
989 "wntusersetdat" =>
992 "wnwrkgroups" =>
993 "wwenvunload" =>
994 "wxAddr2Host" =>
995 "wxGetErrDesc" =>
997 "wxGetLastErr" =>
998 "wxHost2Addr" =>
999 "wxMsgGetBody" =>
1000 "wxMsgGetHdr" =>
1004 "xbaseconvert" =>
1005 "xcursorset" =>
1006 "xdisklabelget" =>
1007 "xdriveready" =>
1008 "xejectmedia" =>
1009 "xextenderinfo" =>
1010 "xgetchildhwnd" =>
1011 "xgetelapsed" =>
1013 "xmemcompact" =>
1014 "xmessagebox" =>
1015 "xsendmessage" =>
1016 "xverifyccard" =>
1025 $this->linkscripts =
1029 "4" =>
Create styles array
The data for the language used.