55 assert(
56 assert(
'array_key_exists("Attributes", $state)');
65 $identity = substr ($otp, 0, strlen ($otp) - $token_size);
69 SimpleSAML\Logger::info(
'OTP2YubiPrefix: otp: ' . $otp .
' identity: ' . $identity .
' (otp keys: ' . implode(
',', array_keys($otps)) .
A processing filter to replace the 'otp' attribute with an attribute 'yubiPrefix' that contains the s...
if(!array_key_exists('stateid', $_REQUEST)) $state
Handle linkback() response from LinkedIn.
Filter out YubiKey 'otp' attribute and replace it with a 'yubiPrefix' attribute that leaves out the d...
Create styles array
The data for the language used.