Definition at line 7 of file HFile_xsl.php.
◆ donothing()
HFile_xsl::donothing |
( |
$keywordin | ) |
◆ HFile_xsl()
Definition at line 9 of file HFile_xsl.php.
References array.
24 $this->colours =
25 $this->quotecolour =
26 $this->blockcommentcolour =
27 $this->linecommentcolour =
31 $this->indent =
32 $this->unindent =
36 $this->stringchars =
37 $this->delimiters =
" ",
" ",
42 $this->linecommenton =
43 $this->blockcommenton =
44 $this->blockcommentoff =
48 $this->keywords =
73 "<blockquote>" =>
75 "</blockquote>" =>
117 "</fieldset>" =>
125 "</frameset>" =>
181 "</noframes>" =>
183 "</noscript>" =>
191 "</optgroup>" =>
242 "</textarea>" =>
272 "accept-charset" =>
286 "cdata-section-elements" =>
287 "cellpadding" =>
288 "cellspacing" =>
310 "decimal-separator" =>
315 "disable-output-escaping" =>
317 "doctype-public" =>
318 "doctype-system" =>
322 "exclude-result-prefixes" =>
323 "extension-element-prefixes" =>
328 "frameborder" =>
329 "framespacing" =>
331 "grouping-separator" =>
332 "grouping-size" =>
347 "letter-value" =>
353 "marginheight" =>
354 "marginwidth" =>
369 "omit-xml-declaration" =>
379 "onmousedown" =>
380 "onmousemove" =>
382 "onmouseover" =>
389 "pattern-separator" =>
397 "result-prefix" =>
415 "stylesheet-prefix" =>
427 "use-attribute-sets" =>
440 "apply-word-spacing" =>
441 "auto-restore" =>
443 "background-attachment" =>
444 "background-color" =>
445 "background-image" =>
446 "background-position" =>
447 "background-repeat" =>
448 "baseline-shift" =>
450 "block-progression-dimension" =>
451 "border-after-color" =>
452 "border-after-style" =>
453 "border-after-width" =>
454 "border-before-color" =>
455 "border-before-style" =>
456 "border-before-width" =>
457 "border-bottom" =>
458 "border-bottom-color" =>
459 "border-bottom-style" =>
460 "border-bottom-width" =>
461 "border-collapse" =>
462 "border-color" =>
463 "border-end-color" =>
464 "border-end-style" =>
465 "border-end-width" =>
466 "border-left" =>
467 "border-left-color" =>
468 "border-left-style" =>
469 "border-left-width" =>
470 "border-right" =>
471 "border-right-color" =>
472 "border-right-style" =>
473 "border-right-width" =>
474 "border-spacing" =>
475 "border-start-color" =>
476 "border-start-style" =>
477 "border-start-width" =>
478 "border-style" =>
480 "border-top-color" =>
481 "border-top-style" =>
482 "border-top-width" =>
483 "border-width" =>
485 "break-after" =>
486 "break-before" =>
487 "caption-side" =>
492 "column-count" =>
494 "column-number" =>
495 "column-width" =>
500 "destination-placement-offset" =>
504 "empty-cells" =>
508 "external-destination" =>
512 "font-family" =>
513 "font-height-override-after" =>
514 "font-height-override-before" =>
516 "font-size-adjust" =>
517 "font-stretch" =>
519 "font-variant" =>
520 "font-weight" =>
521 "force-page-count" =>
522 "glyph-orientation-horizontal" =>
523 "glyph-orientation-vertical" =>
525 "hyphenation-character" =>
526 "hyphenation-keep" =>
527 "hyphenation-ladder-count" =>
528 "hyphenation-push-character-count" =>
529 "hyphenation-remain-character-count" =>
530 "indicate-destination" =>
531 "inhibit-line-breaks" =>
532 "initial-page-number" =>
533 "inline-progression-dimension" =>
534 "internal-destination" =>
536 "keep-with-next" =>
537 "keep-with-previous" =>
538 "last-line-end-indent" =>
539 "leader-alignment" =>
540 "leader-length" =>
541 "leader-pattern" =>
542 "leader-pattern-width" =>
544 "letter-spacing" =>
545 "linefeed-treatment" =>
546 "line-height" =>
547 "line-height-shift-adjustment" =>
548 "line-stacking-strategy" =>
550 "margin-bottom" =>
551 "margin-left" =>
552 "margin-right" =>
554 "master-name" =>
556 "maximum-block-progression-dimension" =>
557 "maximum-inline-progression-dimension" =>
558 "maximum-repeats" =>
560 "may-break-after-row" =>
561 "may-break-before-row" =>
563 "minimum-block-progression-dimension" =>
564 "minimum-inline-progression-dimension" =>
566 "number-columns-repeated" =>
567 "number-columns-spanned" =>
568 "number-rows-spanned" =>
569 "odd-or-even" =>
573 "padding-after" =>
574 "padding-before" =>
575 "padding-bottom" =>
576 "padding-end" =>
577 "padding-left" =>
578 "padding-right" =>
579 "padding-start" =>
580 "padding-top" =>
581 "page-break-after" =>
582 "page-break-before" =>
583 "page-break-inside" =>
584 "page-height" =>
585 "page-position" =>
588 "pause-after" =>
589 "pause-before" =>
591 "pitch-range" =>
592 "play-during" =>
595 "provisional-distance-between-starts" =>
596 "provisional-label-separation" =>
597 "reference-orientation" =>
599 "region-name" =>
604 "rule-thickness" =>
606 "score-spaces" =>
608 "show-destination" =>
609 "source-document" =>
610 "space-after" =>
611 "space-before" =>
613 "space-start" =>
614 "space-treatment" =>
616 "speak-header" =>
617 "speak-numeral" =>
618 "speak-punctuation" =>
619 "speech-rate" =>
620 "start-indent" =>
621 "starting-state" =>
624 "suppress-at-eol" =>
626 "table-layout" =>
627 "table-omit-footer-at-break" =>
628 "table-omit-header-at-break" =>
630 "text-align-last" =>
631 "text-decoration" =>
632 "text-indent" =>
633 "text-shadow" =>
634 "text-transform" =>
636 "unicode-bidi" =>
637 "vertical-align" =>
639 "voice-family" =>
641 "white-space" =>
642 "white-space-collapse" =>
643 "white-space-treatment" =>
645 "word-spacing" =>
646 "wrap-option" =>
647 "writing-mode" =>
650 "<fo:bidi-override>" =>
651 "<fo:bidi-override" =>
652 "</fo:bidi-override>" =>
655 "</fo:block>" =>
656 "<fo:block-container>" =>
657 "<fo:block-container" =>
658 "</fo:block-container>" =>
659 "<fo:character>" =>
660 "<fo:character" =>
661 "</fo:character>" =>
662 "<fo:conditional-page-master-reference>" =>
663 "<fo:conditional-page-master-reference" =>
664 "</fo:conditional-page-master-reference>" =>
665 "<fo:external-graphic>" =>
666 "<fo:external-graphic" =>
667 "</fo:external-graphic>" =>
670 "</fo:float>" =>
674 "<fo:footnote>" =>
675 "<fo:footnote" =>
676 "</fo:footnote>" =>
677 "<fo:footnote-citation>" =>
678 "<fo:footnote-citation" =>
679 "</fo:footnote-citation>" =>
680 "<fo:initial-property-set>" =>
681 "<fo:initial-property-set" =>
682 "</fo:initial-property-set>" =>
683 "<fo:inline>" =>
685 "</fo:inline>" =>
686 "<fo:inline-container>" =>
687 "<fo:inline-container" =>
688 "</fo:inline-container>" =>
689 "<fo:instream-graphic>" =>
690 "<fo:instream-graphic" =>
691 "</fo:instream-graphic>" =>
692 "<fo:layout-master-set>" =>
693 "<fo:layout-master-set" =>
694 "</fo:layout-master-set>" =>
695 "<fo:leader>" =>
697 "</fo:leader>" =>
698 "<fo:list-block>" =>
699 "<fo:list-block" =>
700 "</fo:list-block>" =>
701 "<fo:list-item>" =>
702 "<fo:list-item" =>
703 "</fo:list-item>" =>
704 "<fo:list-item-body>" =>
705 "<fo:list-item-body" =>
706 "</fo:list-item-body>" =>
707 "<fo:list-item-label>" =>
708 "<fo:list-item-label" =>
709 "</fo:list-item-label>" =>
710 "<fo:multi-case>" =>
711 "<fo:multi-case" =>
712 "</fo:multi-case>" =>
713 "<fo:multi-properties>" =>
714 "<fo:multi-properties" =>
715 "</fo:multi-properties>" =>
716 "<fo:multi-property-set>" =>
717 "<fo:multi-property-set" =>
718 "</fo:multi-property-set>" =>
719 "<fo:multi-switch>" =>
720 "<fo:multi-switch" =>
721 "</fo:multi-switch>" =>
722 "<fo:multi-toggle>" =>
723 "<fo:multi-toggle" =>
724 "</fo:multi-toggle>" =>
725 "<fo:page-number>" =>
726 "<fo:page-number" =>
727 "</fo:page-number>" =>
728 "<fo:page-number-citation>" =>
729 "<fo:page-number-citation" =>
730 "</fo:page-number-citation>" =>
731 "<fo:page-sequence>" =>
732 "<fo:page-sequence" =>
733 "</fo:page-sequence>" =>
734 "<fo:page-sequence-master>" =>
735 "<fo:page-sequence-master" =>
736 "</fo:page-sequence-master>" =>
737 "<fo:region-after>" =>
738 "<fo:region-after" =>
739 "</fo:region-after>" =>
740 "<fo:region-before>" =>
741 "<fo:region-before" =>
742 "</fo:region-before>" =>
743 "<fo:region-body>" =>
744 "<fo:region-body" =>
745 "</fo:region-body>" =>
746 "<fo:region-end>" =>
747 "<fo:region-end" =>
748 "</fo:region-end>" =>
749 "<fo:region-start>" =>
750 "<fo:region-start" =>
751 "</fo:region-start>" =>
752 "<fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives>" =>
753 "<fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives" =>
754 "</fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives>" =>
755 "<fo:repeatable-page-master-reference>" =>
756 "<fo:repeatable-page-master-reference" =>
757 "</fo:repeatable-page-master-reference>" =>
761 "<fo:simple-link>" =>
762 "<fo:simple-link" =>
763 "</fo:simple-link>" =>
764 "<fo:simple-page-master>" =>
765 "<fo:simple-page-master" =>
766 "</fo:simple-page-master>" =>
767 "<fo:single-page-master-reference>" =>
768 "<fo:single-page-master-reference" =>
769 "</fo:single-page-master-reference>" =>
770 "<fo:static-content>" =>
771 "<fo:static-content" =>
772 "</fo:static-content>" =>
775 "</fo:table>" =>
776 "<fo:table-and-caption>" =>
777 "<fo:table-and-caption" =>
778 "</fo:table-and-caption>" =>
779 "<fo:table-body>" =>
780 "<fo:table-body" =>
781 "</fo:table-body>" =>
782 "<fo:table-caption>" =>
783 "<fo:table-caption" =>
784 "</fo:table-caption>" =>
785 "<fo:table-cell>" =>
786 "<fo:table-cell" =>
787 "</fo:table-cell>" =>
788 "<fo:table-column>" =>
789 "<fo:table-column" =>
790 "</fo:table-column>" =>
791 "<fo:table-footer>" =>
792 "<fo:table-footer" =>
793 "</fo:table-footer>" =>
794 "<fo:table-header>" =>
795 "<fo:table-header" =>
796 "</fo:table-header>" =>
797 "<fo:table-row>" =>
798 "<fo:table-row" =>
799 "</fo:table-row>" =>
800 "<fo:wrapper>" =>
801 "<fo:wrapper" =>
802 "</fo:wrapper>" =>
803 "<xsl:apply-imports" =>
804 "<xsl:apply-templates" =>
805 "<xsl:apply-templates/>" =>
806 "</xsl:apply-templates>" =>
807 "<xsl:attribute" =>
808 "</xsl:attribute>" =>
809 "<xsl:attribute-set" =>
810 "</xsl:attribute-set>" =>
811 "<xsl:call-template" =>
812 "</xsl:call-template>" =>
813 "<xsl:choose>" =>
814 "</xsl:choose>" =>
815 "<xsl:comment>" =>
816 "</xsl:comment>" =>
818 "</xsl:copy>" =>
819 "<xsl:copy-of" =>
820 "<xsl:decimal-format" =>
821 "<xsl:element" =>
822 "</xsl:element>" =>
823 "<xsl:fallback>" =>
824 "</xsl:fallback>" =>
825 "<xsl:for-each" =>
826 "</xsl:for-each>" =>
829 "<xsl:import" =>
830 "<xsl:include" =>
832 "<xsl:message" =>
833 "</xsl:message>" =>
834 "<xsl:namespace-alias" =>
835 "<xsl:number" =>
836 "<xsl:otherwise>" =>
837 "</xsl:otherwise>" =>
838 "<xsl:output" =>
840 "</xsl:param>" =>
841 "<xsl:preserve-space" =>
842 "<xsl:processing-instruction" =>
843 "</xsl:processing-instruction>" =>
845 "<xsl:strip-space" =>
846 "<xsl:stylesheet" =>
847 "</xsl:stylesheet>" =>
848 "<xsl:template" =>
849 "</xsl:template>" =>
852 "</xsl:text>" =>
853 "<xsl:transform" =>
854 "</xsl:transform>" =>
855 "<xsl:value-of" =>
856 "<xsl:variable" =>
857 "</xsl:variable>" =>
859 "</xsl:when>" =>
860 "<xsl:with-param" =>
861 "</xsl:with-param>" =>
893 "bidi-override" =>
902 "center-left" =>
903 "center-right" =>
907 "consider-shifts" =>
911 "disregard-shifts" =>
920 "extra-condensed" =>
921 "extra-expanded" =>
929 "font-height" =>
946 "line-through" =>
956 "message-box" =>
980 "reference-area" =>
997 "semi-condensed" =>
998 "semi-expanded" =>
1003 "small-caps" =>
1004 "small-caption" =>
1011 "status-bar" =>
1017 "text-bottom" =>
1019 "traditional" =>
1020 "transparent" =>
1021 "treat-as-space" =>
1023 "ultra-condensed" =>
1024 "ultra-expanded" =>
1027 "use-content" =>
1028 "use-font-metrics" =>
1039 "xsl-following" =>
1040 "xsl-preceding" =>
1041 "xsl-region-after" =>
1042 "xsl-region-before" =>
1043 "xsl-region-body" =>
1044 "xsl-region-end" =>
1045 "xsl-region-start" =>
1055 $this->linkscripts =
1060 "4" =>
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: