ILIAS  release_5-3 Revision v5.3.23-19-g915713cf615
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
20 require_once 'Services/Object/classes/class.ilObjectGUI.php';
21 require_once 'Modules/IndividualAssessment/classes/class.ilIndividualAssessmentLP.php';
22 require_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilObjUserTracking.php';
26 {
27  const TAB_SETTINGS = 'settings';
28  const TAB_INFO = 'info_short';
29  const TAB_PERMISSION = 'perm_settings';
30  const TAB_MEMBERS = 'members';
31  const TAB_LP = 'learning_progress';
32  const TAB_EXPORT = 'export';
34  public function __construct($a_data, $a_id = 0, $a_call_by_reference = true, $a_prepare_output = true)
35  {
36  global $DIC;
37  $this->ilNavigationHistory = $DIC['ilNavigationHistory'];
38  $this->type = 'iass';
39  $this->tpl = $DIC['tpl'];
40  $this->ctrl = $DIC['ilCtrl'];
41  $this->usr = $DIC['ilUser'];
42  $this->ilias = $DIC['ilias'];
43  $this->lng = $DIC['lng'];
44  $this->ilAccess = $DIC['ilAccess'];
45  $this->lng->loadLanguageModule('iass');
46  $this->tpl->getStandardTemplate();
47  $this->locator = $DIC['ilLocator'];
49  parent::__construct($a_data, $a_id, $a_call_by_reference, $a_prepare_output);
50  }
52  public function addLocatorItems()
53  {
54  if (is_object($this->object)) {
55  $this->locator->addItem($this->object->getTitle(), $this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "view"), "", $this->object->getRefId());
56  }
57  }
59  public function executeCommand()
60  {
61  $next_class = $this->ctrl->getNextClass($this);
62  $cmd = $this->ctrl->getCmd();
63  $this->prepareOutput();
64  $this->addToNavigationHistory();
66  switch ($next_class) {
67  case 'ilpermissiongui':
68  $this->tabs_gui->setTabActive(self::TAB_PERMISSION);
69  require_once 'Services/AccessControl/classes/class.ilPermissionGUI.php';
70  $ilPermissionGUI = new ilPermissionGUI($this);
71  $this->ctrl->forwardCommand($ilPermissionGUI);
72  break;
73  case 'ilindividualassessmentsettingsgui':
74  $this->tabs_gui->setTabActive(self::TAB_SETTINGS);
75  require_once 'Modules/IndividualAssessment/classes/class.ilIndividualAssessmentSettingsGUI.php';
76  $gui = new ilIndividualAssessmentSettingsGUI($this, $this->ref_id);
77  $this->ctrl->forwardCommand($gui);
78  break;
79  case 'ilindividualassessmentmembersgui':
80  $this->membersObject();
81  break;
82  case 'ilinfoscreengui':
83  $this->tabs_gui->setTabActive(self::TAB_INFO);
84  require_once 'Services/InfoScreen/classes/class.ilInfoScreenGUI.php';
85  $info = $this->buildInfoScreen();
86  $this->ctrl->forwardCommand($info);
87  break;
88  case 'illearningprogressgui':
89  if (!$this->object->accessHandler()->mayViewObject()) {
90  $this->handleAccessViolation();
91  }
92  require_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilLearningProgressGUI.php';
93  $this->tabs_gui->setTabActive(self::TAB_LP);
94  $learning_progress = new ilLearningProgressGUI(
96  $this->object->getRefId(),
97  $this->usr->getId()
98  );
99  $this->ctrl->forwardCommand($learning_progress);
100  break;
101  case "ilcommonactiondispatchergui":
102  include_once("Services/Object/classes/class.ilCommonActionDispatcherGUI.php");
104  $this->ctrl->forwardCommand($gui);
105  break;
106  case "ilexportgui":
107  include_once("./Services/Export/classes/class.ilExportGUI.php");
108  $this->tabs_gui->setTabActive(self::TAB_EXPORT);
109  $exp_gui = new ilExportGUI($this); // $this is the ilObj...GUI class of the resource
110  $exp_gui->addFormat("xml");
111  $ret = $this->ctrl->forwardCommand($exp_gui);
112  break;
113  default:
114  if (!$cmd) {
115  $cmd = 'view';
116  if ($this->object->accessHandler()->mayEditMembers()) {
117  $this->ctrl->setCmdClass('ilIndividualassessmentmembersgui');
118  $cmd = 'members';
119  }
120  }
121  $cmd .= 'Object';
122  $this->$cmd();
123  }
124  return true;
125  }
127  public function tabsGUI()
128  {
129  return $this->tabs_gui;
130  }
132  public function viewObject()
133  {
134  $this->tabs_gui->setTabActive(self::TAB_INFO);
135  require_once 'Services/InfoScreen/classes/class.ilInfoScreenGUI.php';
136  $this->ctrl->setCmd('showSummary');
137  $this->ctrl->setCmdClass('ilinfoscreengui');
138  $info = $this->buildInfoScreen();
139  $this->ctrl->forwardCommand($info);
140  }
142  public function membersObject()
143  {
144  $this->tabs_gui->setTabActive(self::TAB_MEMBERS);
145  require_once 'Modules/IndividualAssessment/classes/class.ilIndividualAssessmentMembersGUI.php';
146  $gui = new ilIndividualAssessmentMembersGUI($this, $this->ref_id);
147  $this->ctrl->forwardCommand($gui);
148  }
150  protected function buildInfoScreen()
151  {
152  $info = new ilInfoScreenGUI($this);
153  if ($this->object) {
154  $info = $this->addGeneralDataToInfo($info);
155  if ($this->object->loadMembers()->userAllreadyMember($this->usr)) {
156  $info = $this->addMemberDataToInfo($info);
157  }
158  $info = $this->addContactDataToInfo($info);
159  }
160  return $info;
161  }
164  {
165  $member = $this->object->membersStorage()->loadMember($this->object, $this->usr);
166  $info->addSection($this->lng->txt('grading_info'));
167  if ($member->finalized()) {
168  $info->addProperty($this->lng->txt('grading'), $this->getEntryForStatus($member->LPStatus()));
169  }
170  if ($member->notify() && $member->finalized()) {
171  $info->addProperty($this->lng->txt('grading_record'), nl2br($member->record()));
172  if (($member->viewFile() || $view_self) && $member->fileName() && $member->fileName() != "") {
173  $tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.iass_user_file_download.html", true, true, "Modules/IndividualAssessment");
174  $tpl->setVariable("FILE_NAME", $member->fileName());
175  $tpl->setVariable("HREF", $this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "downloadFile"));
176  $info->addProperty($this->lng->txt('iass_upload_file'), $tpl->get());
177  }
178  }
180  return $info;
181  }
183  protected function downloadFileObject()
184  {
185  $member = $this->object->membersStorage()->loadMember($this->object, $this->usr);
186  $file_storage = $this->object->getFileStorage();
187  $file_storage->setUserId($this->usr->getId());
188  ilUtil::deliverFile($file_storage->getFilePath(), $member->fileName());
189  }
192  {
193  $content = $this->object->getSettings()->content();
194  if ($content !== null && $content !== '') {
195  $info->addSection($this->lng->txt('general'));
196  $info->addProperty($this->lng->txt('content'), $content);
197  }
198  return $info;
199  }
202  {
203  $info_settings = $this->object->getInfoSettings();
204  if ($this->shouldShowContactInfo($info_settings)) {
205  $info->addSection($this->lng->txt('iass_contact_info'));
206  $info->addProperty($this->lng->txt('iass_contact'), $info_settings->contact());
207  $info->addProperty($this->lng->txt('iass_responsibility'), $info_settings->responsibility());
208  $info->addProperty($this->lng->txt('iass_phone'), $info_settings->phone());
209  $info->addProperty($this->lng->txt('iass_mails'), $info_settings->mails());
210  $info->addProperty($this->lng->txt('iass_consultation_hours'), $info_settings->consultationHours());
211  }
212  return $info;
213  }
216  {
217  $val = $info_settings->contact();
218  if ($val !== null && $val !== '') {
219  return true;
220  }
221  $val = $info_settings->responsibility();
222  if ($val !== null && $val !== '') {
223  return true;
224  }
225  $val = $info_settings->phone();
226  if ($val !== null && $val !== '') {
227  return true;
228  }
229  $val = $info_settings->mails();
230  if ($val !== null && $val !== '') {
231  return true;
232  }
233  $val = $info_settings->consultationHours();
234  if ($val !== null && $val !== '') {
235  return true;
236  }
237  return false;
238  }
240  public function getTabs()
241  {
242  if ($this->object->accessHandler()->mayViewObject()) {
243  $this->tabs_gui->addTab(
244  self::TAB_INFO,
245  $this->lng->txt('info_short'),
246  $this->getLinkTarget('info')
247  );
248  }
249  if ($this->object->accessHandler()->mayEditObject()) {
250  $this->tabs_gui->addTab(
251  self::TAB_SETTINGS,
252  $this->lng->txt('settings'),
253  $this->getLinkTarget('settings')
254  );
255  }
256  if ($this->object->accessHandler()->mayEditMembers()
257  || $this->object->accessHandler()->mayGradeUser()
258  || $this->object->accessHandler()->mayAmendGradeUser()
259  || $this->object->accessHandler()->mayViewUser()) {
260  $this->tabs_gui->addTab(
261  self::TAB_MEMBERS,
262  $this->lng->txt('il_iass_members'),
263  $this->getLinkTarget('members')
264  );
265  }
266  if (($this->object->accessHandler()->mayViewUser()
267  || $this->object->accessHandler()->mayGradeUser()
268  || ($this->object->loadMembers()->userAllreadyMember($this->usr)
269  && $this->object->isActiveLP()))
271  $this->tabs_gui->addTab(
272  self::TAB_LP,
273  $this->lng->txt('learning_progress'),
274  $this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass('illearningprogressgui')
275  );
276  }
278  if ($this->object->accessHandler()->mayEditObject()) {
279  $this->tabs_gui->addTarget(
280  self::TAB_EXPORT,
281  $this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass('ilexportgui', ''),
282  'export',
283  'ilexportgui'
284  );
285  }
287  if ($this->object->accessHandler()->mayEditPermissions()) {
288  $this->tabs_gui->addTarget(
289  self::TAB_PERMISSION,
290  $this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass('ilpermissiongui', 'perm'),
291  array(),
292  'ilpermissiongui'
293  );
294  }
295  parent::getTabs();
296  }
298  protected function getLinkTarget($a_cmd)
299  {
300  if ($a_cmd == 'settings') {
301  return $this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass('ilindividualassessmentsettingsgui', 'edit');
302  }
303  if ($a_cmd == 'info') {
304  return $this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, 'view');
305  }
306  if ($a_cmd == 'members') {
307  return $this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass('ilindividualassessmentmembersgui', 'view');
308  }
309  return $this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, $a_cmd);
310  }
312  public function getBaseEditForm()
313  {
314  return $this->initEditForm();
315  }
317  public function handleAccessViolation()
318  {
319  global $DIC;
320  $DIC['ilias']->raiseError($DIC['lng']->txt("msg_no_perm_read"), $DIC['ilias']->error_obj->WARNING);
321  }
323  public static function _goto($a_target, $a_add = '')
324  {
325  global $DIC;
326  if ($DIC['ilAccess']->checkAccess('read', '', $a_target)) {
327  ilObjectGUI::_gotoRepositoryNode($a_target, 'view');
328  }
329  }
331  protected function getEntryForStatus($a_status)
332  {
333  switch ($a_status) {
335  return $this->lng->txt('iass_status_pending');
336  break;
338  return $this->lng->txt('iass_status_completed');
339  break;
341  return $this->lng->txt('iass_status_failed');
342  break;
343  }
344  }
346  protected function afterSave(ilObject $a_new_object)
347  {
348  ilUtil::sendSuccess($this->lng->txt("iass_added"), true);
349  $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, "ref_id", $a_new_object->getRefId());
350  ilUtil::redirect($this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass('ilIndividualassessmentsettingsgui', 'edit', '', false, false));
351  }
353  public function addToNavigationHistory()
354  {
355  if (!$this->getCreationMode()) {
356  if ($this->object->accessHandler()->mayViewObject()) {
357  $link = ilLink::_getLink($_GET["ref_id"], "iass");
358  $this->ilNavigationHistory->addItem($_GET['ref_id'], $link, 'iass');
359  }
360  }
361  }
362 }
static sendSuccess($a_info="", $a_keep=false)
Send Success Message to Screen.
Class ilInfoScreenGUI.
global $DIC
Definition: saml.php:7
__construct($a_data, $a_id=0, $a_call_by_reference=true, $a_prepare_output=true)
For the purpose of streamlining the grading and learning-process status definition outside of tests...
shouldShowContactInfo(ilIndividualAssessmentInfoSettings $info_settings)
add a new section
Class ilAccessHandler.
Export User Interface Class.
prepare output
static _enabledLearningProgress()
check wether learing progress is enabled or not
addItem( $a_ref_id, $a_link, $a_type, $a_title="", $a_sub_obj_id="", $a_goto_link="")
Add an item to the stack.
static _gotoRepositoryNode($a_ref_id, $a_cmd="frameset")
Goto repository root.
Class ilObjectGUI Basic methods of all Output classes.
special template class to simplify handling of ITX/PEAR
redirection script todo: (a better solution should control the processing via a xml file) ...
Init object edit form.
Navigation History of Repository Items.
Create styles array
The data for the language used.
Create new PHPExcel object
addProperty($a_name, $a_value, $a_link="")
add a property to current section
Definition: parser.php:6
get creation mode
get reference id public
New PermissionGUI (extends from old ilPermission2GUI) RBAC related output.
Definition: index.php:5
For the purpose of streamlining the grading and learning-process status definition outside of tests...
static redirect($a_script)
Class ilObjUserTrackingGUI.
static getInstanceFromAjaxCall()
(Re-)Build instance from ajax call
static deliverFile( $a_file, $a_filename, $a_mime='', $isInline=false, $removeAfterDelivery=false, $a_exit_after=true)
deliver file for download via browser.