| buildTestPassQuestionList () |
| populateQuestionOptionalMessage () |
| startTestCmd () |
| updateLearningProgressOnTestStart () |
| showQuestionCmd () |
| editSolutionCmd () |
| submitSolutionAndNextCmd () |
| submitSolutionCmd () |
| discardSolutionCmd () |
| skipQuestionCmd () |
| handleQuestionPostponing ($sequenceElement) |
| nextQuestionCmd () |
| previousQuestionCmd () |
| isFirstQuestionInSequence ($sequenceElement) |
| isLastQuestionInSequence ($sequenceElement) |
| canSaveResult () |
| Returns TRUE if the answers of the current user could be saved. More...
| getCurrentQuestionId () |
| showInstantResponseCmd () |
| handleQuestionActionCmd () |
| performTearsAndAngerBrokenConfessionChecks () |
| generateRandomTestPassForActiveUser () |
| resumePlayerCmd () |
| Resume a test at the last position. More...
| isShowingPostponeStatusReguired ($questionId) |
| adoptUserSolutionsFromPreviousPass () |
| populateQuestionOptionalMessage () |
| isOptionalQuestionAnsweringConfirmationRequired ($sequenceKey) |
| isQuestionSummaryFinishTestButtonRequired () |
| handleTearsAndAngerNoObjectiveOrientedQuestion () |
| handlePrimaryButton (ilTestNavigationToolbarGUI $navigationToolbarGUI, $currentQuestionId) |
| checkReadAccess () |
| checkTestExecutable () |
| checkTestSessionUser (ilTestSession $testSession) |
| ensureExistingTestSession (ilTestSession $testSession) |
| initProcessLocker ($activeId) |
| canSaveResult () |
| determineInlineScoreDisplay () |
| populateTestNavigationToolbar (ilTestNavigationToolbarGUI $toolbarGUI) |
| populateQuestionNavigation ($sequenceElement, $disabled, $primaryNext) |
| populatePreviousButtons ($disabled) |
| populateNextButtons ($disabled, $primaryNext) |
| populateLowerNextButtonBlock ($disabled, $primaryNext) |
| populateUpperNextButtonBlock ($disabled, $primaryNext) |
| populateLowerPreviousButtonBlock ($disabled) |
| populateUpperPreviousButtonBlock ($disabled) |
| populateSpecificFeedbackBlock ($question_gui) |
| populateGenericFeedbackBlock (assQuestionGUI $question_gui, $solutionCorrect) |
| populateScoreBlock ($reachedPoints, $maxPoints) |
| populateSolutionBlock ($solutionoutput) |
| populateSyntaxStyleBlock () |
| populateContentStyleBlock () |
| startPlayerCmd () |
| Start a test for the first time. More...
| resumePlayerCmd () |
| Resume a test at the last position. More...
| initTestCmd () |
| Start a test for the first time after a redirect. More...
| getCurrentQuestionId () |
| detectChangesCmd () |
| Detect changes sent in the background to the server This is called by ajax from ilTestPlayerQuestionEditControl.js It is needed by Java and Flash question and eventually plgin question vtypes. More...
| submitIntermediateSolutionCmd () |
| markQuestionAndSaveIntermediateCmd () |
| markQuestionCmd () |
| Set a question solved. More...
| unmarkQuestionAndSaveIntermediateCmd () |
| unmarkQuestionCmd () |
| Set a question unsolved. More...
| confirmFinishCmd () |
| The final submission of a test was confirmed. More...
| performTestPassFinishedTasks ($finishedPass) |
| afterTestPassFinishedCmd () |
| isTestSignRedirectRequired ($activeId, $lastFinishedPass) |
| archiveParticipantSubmission ($active, $pass) |
| backToInfoScreenCmd () |
| prepareTestPage ($presentationMode, $sequenceElement, $questionId) |
| isOptionalQuestionAnsweringConfirmationRequired ($sequenceElement) |
| isShowingPostponeStatusReguired ($questionId) |
| showQuestionViewable (assQuestionGUI $questionGui, $formAction, $isQuestionWorkedThrough, $instantResponse) |
| showQuestionEditable (assQuestionGUI $questionGui, $formAction, $isQuestionWorkedThrough, $instantResponse) |
| determineSolutionPassIndex (assQuestionGUI $questionGui) |
| showQuestionCmd () |
| editSolutionCmd () |
| submitSolutionCmd () |
| revertChangesCmd () |
| discardSolutionCmd () |
| skipQuestionCmd () |
| startTestCmd () |
| showSideList ($presentationMode, $currentSequenceElement) |
| isQuestionSummaryFinishTestButtonRequired () |
| showRequestedHintListCmd () |
| Go to requested hint list. More...
| confirmHintRequestCmd () |
| Go to hint request confirmation. More...
| isFirstQuestionInSequence ($sequenceElement) |
| isLastQuestionInSequence ($sequenceElement) |
| handleQuestionActionCmd () |
| showInstantResponseCmd () |
| nextQuestionCmd () |
| previousQuestionCmd () |
| prepareSummaryPage () |
| initTestPageTemplate () |
| populateKioskHead () |
| handlePasswordProtectionRedirect () |
| isParticipantsAnswerFixed ($questionId) |
| getIntroductionPageButtonLabel () |
| initAssessmentSettings () |
| handleSkillTriggering (ilTestSession $testSession) |
| buildTestPassQuestionList () |
| showAnswerOptionalQuestionsConfirmation () |
| confirmAnswerOptionalQuestionsCmd () |
| cancelAnswerOptionalQuestionsCmd () |
| populateHelperGuiContent ($helperGui) |
| populateCharSelectorIfRequired () |
| getTestNavigationToolbarGUI () |
| buildReadOnlyStateQuestionNavigationGUI ($questionId) |
| buildEditableStateQuestionNavigationGUI ($questionId, $charSelectorAvailable) |
| getFinishTestCommand () |
| populateInstantResponseModal (assQuestionGUI $questionGui, $navUrl) |
| populateInstantResponseBlocks (assQuestionGUI $questionGui, $authorizedSolution) |
| getCurrentSequenceElement () |
| resetSequenceElementParameter () |
| getSequenceElementParameter () |
| getPresentationModeParameter () |
| getInstantResponseParameter () |
| getNextCommandParameter () |
| getNextSequenceParameter () |
| getNavigationUrlParameter () |
| getAnswerChangedParameter () |
| Get the 'answer changed' status from the current request It may be set by ilTestPlayerNavigationControl.js or by a previousRequest. More...
| setAnswerChangedParameter ($changed=true) |
| Set the 'answer changed' url parameter for generated links. More...
| handleIntermediateSubmit () |
| Check the 'answer changed' parameter when a question form is intermediately submitted. More...
| saveNavigationPreventConfirmation () |
| Save the save the switch to prevent the navigation confirmation. More...
| getQuestionGuiInstance ($questionId, $fromCache=true) |
| getQuestionInstance ($questionId, $fromCache=true) |
| initTestQuestionConfig (assQuestion $questionOBJ) |
| buildQuestionAnswerShuffler ($questionId) |
| handleTearsAndAngerQuestionIsNull ($questionId, $sequenceElement) |
| populateMessageContent ($contentHTML) |
| populateModals () |
| populateDiscardSolutionModal () |
| populateNavWhenChangedModal () |
| getQuestionsDefaultPresentationMode ($isQuestionWorkedThrough) |
| buildFixedShufflerSeed ($questionId) |
| registerForcedFeedbackNavUrl ($forcedFeedbackNavUrl) |
| getRegisteredForcedFeedbackNavUrl () |
| isForcedFeedbackNavUrlRegistered () |
| unregisterForcedFeedbackNavUrl () |
| handleTabs ($activeTabId) |
| isPdfDeliveryRequest () |
| getPassDetailsOverviewTableGUI ($result_array, $active_id, $pass, $targetGUI, $targetCMD, $questionDetailsCMD, $questionAnchorNav, ilTestQuestionRelatedObjectivesList $objectivesList=null, $multipleObjectivesInvolved=true) |
| buildPassDetailsOverviewTableGUI ($targetGUI, $targetCMD) |
| isGradingMessageRequired () |
| getGradingMessageBuilder ($activeId) |
| buildQuestionRelatedObjectivesList (ilLOTestQuestionAdapter $objectivesAdapter, ilTestQuestionSequence $testSequence) |
| getFilteredTestResult ($active_id, $pass, $considerHiddenQuestions, $considerOptionalQuestions) |
| populateContent ($content) |
| buildUserTestResultsToolbarGUI () |
| outCorrectSolutionCmd () |
| outCorrectSolution () |
| Creates an output of the solution of an answer compared to the correct solution. More...
| executeCommand () |
| Execute Command. More...
| saveQuestionSolution ($authorized=true, $force=false) |
| saves the user input of a question More...
| __construct ($a_object) |
| ilTestOutputGUI constructor More...
| saveTagsCmd () |
| Save tags for tagging gui. More...
| updateWorkingTime () |
| updates working time and stores state saveresult to see if question has to be stored or not More...
| removeIntermediateSolution () |
| remove an auto-saved solution of the current question More...
| saveQuestionSolution ($authorized=true, $force=false) |
| saves the user input of a question More...
| suspendTestCmd () |
| isMaxProcessingTimeReached () |
| Checks wheather the maximum processing time is reached or not. More...
| setAnonymousIdCmd () |
| Sets a session variable with the test access code for an anonymous test user. More...
| getLockParameter () |
| displayAccessCodeCmd () |
| accessCodeConfirmedCmd () |
| handleUserSettings () |
| Handles some form parameters on starting and resuming a test. More...
| redirectAfterAutosaveCmd () |
| autosaveCmd () |
| toggleSideListCmd () |
| Toggle side list. More...
| finishTestCmd ($requires_confirmation=true) |
| redirectBackCmd () |
| showFinalStatementCmd () |
| getKioskHead () |
| checkOnlineTestAccess () |
| check access restrictions like client ip, partipating user etc. More...
| isTestAccessible () |
| test accessible returns true if the user can perform the test More...
| isNrOfTriesReached () |
| nr of tries exceeded More...
| endingTimeReached () |
| handle endingTimeReached More...
| maxProcessingTimeReached () |
| Outputs a message when the maximum processing time is reached. More...
| confirmSubmitAnswers () |
| confirm submit results if confirm then results are submitted and the screen will be redirected to the startpage of the test public More...
| outProcessingTime ($active_id) |
| outQuestionSummaryCmd ($fullpage=true, $contextFinishTest=false, $obligationsNotAnswered=false, $obligationsFilter=false) |
| Output of a summary of all test questions for test participants. More...
| outQuestionSummaryWithObligationsInfoCmd () |
| outObligationsOnlySummaryCmd () |
| showMaximumAllowedUsersReachedMessage () |
| backFromFinishingCmd () |
| outCorrectSolution () |
| Creates an output of the solution of an answer compared to the correct solution. More...
| showListOfAnswers ($active_id, $pass=null, $top_data="", $bottom_data="") |
| Creates an output of the list of answers for a test participant during the test (only the actual pass will be shown) More...
| getContentBlockName () |
| Returns the name of the current content block (depends on the kiosk mode setting) More...
| outUserResultsOverviewCmd () |
| isContextResultPresentation () |
| setContextResultPresentation ($contextResultPresentation) |
| __construct (ilObjTest $a_object) |
| The constructor takes the test object reference as parameter. More...
| setParticipantData ($participantData) |
| getParticipantData () |
| getPassOverviewTableData (ilTestSession $testSession, $passes, $withResults) |
| setObjectiveOrientedContainer (ilTestObjectiveOrientedContainer $objectiveOrientedContainer) |
| getObjectiveOrientedContainer () |
| executeCommand () |
| execute command More...
| getCommand ($cmd) |
| Retrieves the ilCtrl command. More...
| buildPassOverviewTableGUI ($targetGUI, $targetCmd='') |
| getPassListOfAnswers (&$result_array, $active_id, $pass, $show_solutions=false, $only_answered_questions=false, $show_question_only=false, $show_reached_points=false, $anchorNav=false, ilTestQuestionRelatedObjectivesList $objectivesList=null, ilTestResultHeaderLabelBuilder $testResultHeaderLabelBuilder=null) |
| Returns the list of answers of a users test pass. More...
| getPassListOfAnswersWithScoring (&$result_array, $active_id, $pass, $show_solutions=false) |
| Returns the list of answers of a users test pass and offers a scoring option. More...
| getResultsSignature () |
| Returns HTML code for a signature field. More...
| getAdditionalUsrDataHtmlAndPopulateWindowTitle ($testSession, $active_id, $overwrite_anonymity=false) |
| Returns the user data for a test results output. More...
| getCorrectSolutionOutput ($question_id, $active_id, $pass, ilTestQuestionRelatedObjectivesList $objectivesList=null) |
| Returns an output of the solution to an answer compared to the correct solution. More...
| getResultsOfUserOutput ($testSession, $active_id, $pass, $targetGUI, $show_pass_details=true, $show_answers=true, $show_question_only=false, $show_reached_points=false) |
| Output of the pass overview for a test called by a test participant. More...
| getResultsHeadUserAndPass ($active_id, $pass) |
| Returns the user and pass data for a test results output. More...
| getQuestionResultForTestUsers ($question_id, $test_id) |
| Creates a HTML representation for the results of a given question in a test. More...
| populatePassFinishDate ($tpl, $passFinishDate) |
const | PRESENTATION_MODE_VIEW = 'view' |
const | PRESENTATION_MODE_EDIT = 'edit' |
| $ref_id |
| $saveResult |
| $sequence |
| $cmdCtrl |
| $maxProcessingTimeReached |
| $endingTimeReached |
| $object = null |
| $service = null |
| $lng |
| $tpl |
| $ctrl |
| $ilias |
| $tree |
| $ref_id |
| $questionRelatedObjectivesList |
| $passwordChecker |
| $processLocker |
| $testSession |
| $assSettings |
| $testSequence = null |
| $db |
| $tabs |
| $objCache |
| $testSessionFactory = null |
| $testSequenceFactory = null |
| $participantData |